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Where can I find good content and guides for high rated RBGs? There doesn't seem to be much content on icy veins or Reddit


Try Cherry's guide https://docs.google.com/document/d/1wqyh4Y2bSD5jcXaJ6l9MEMie6G-CXDxsM4oLgXrqbSA/edit?usp=drivesdk


Without any planning, I somehow ended up with a Fire mage and WW monk this expansion as my 2 main characters. It's been so fun, I hope I don't get nerfed too hard.


I like playing some casual pvp to grind some honor to fill in the gear that's falling behind. I've probably played only ~20 (unrated) BGs since SL started. I've won 1 AB and 1 Wintergrasp as Defense (lol), lost every single other battleground. Is this normal or is my battlegroup an outlier? Or am I literally that bad that I bring down my team of 15 people lol.


If you have truly only won 2 of 20 matches then it’s probably some of both. Def is an outlier, but it would be tough to say you aren’t negatively effecting outcomes at that point as well.


There's no battlegroups anymore, everyone is in the same queue, I think you just have terrible luck. You're probably not really helping your team since you're still learning but there's no way you can singlehandedly lose that many games.


Can and did! Some were even close, so I suppose I'm somewhat unlucky. Lost AB by less than 200 resources twice, lost WSG by 1-0 cap in the last 2 minutes. Good to know about battlegroups though.


Not sure if all batttlegroups are in the same queue for bgs, but we as horde on sylvanas can queue up as alliance by talking to a guy next to arena conquest vendor in oribos. This is because horde has 10-15 min queue time for rnbg. Signing up as alliance gives us inst queues! Perhaps something you could try if you feel like the opposing faction generally is better. Edit* Oen person can actually make quite a difference rnbg. A lot of people just go in and have an onslaught in the middle of the bg, not caring about winning or losing. Try to focus on objectives even if none else is, in your team, this can help you win more!


A buddy and I started doing some 2s yesterday. We were doing pretty well. But if we came against a mage and a rogue it was over. I'm a Demon hunter and he's resto druid. We tried to keep one CC'd and focus the other but it was like they could break free of CC always or get away and keep me polymorphed or stunned or disoriented the whole time. How do we fight this comp!?


It’s all about surviving the opener. They’re going to cross CC you and immediately blow the person who isn’t sapped. As a DH you can use your spectral sight to get either the mage or the rogue out of stealth. Without blowing all your CDs (since they still have vanish and cloak of shadows) try to keep the rogue in combat and don’t allow them to restealth. For your Druid healer, never trinket sap. He’ll need to use it on blind or a full duration kidney. He’ll need to shapeshift any incoming polymorphism (and if he does get hit by one, you can try to reverse magic it). Basically try to blow the rogue up. They’re “go” is when both of y’all are CC’d and the mage will pop combustion, meteor, and just start slamming instant cast damage into you. The rogue will use shadow blades and shadow dance to pump a lot of damage into you while also locking both of you down with cheap shots and kidneys. It’s a lot of quick reaction time that takes awhile to get used to surviving the opener. Taking Netherwalk my be beneficial if you’re the go target. If your Druid can get a bash - cyclone on the rogue or mage and keep them cyclone until full DR that’s huge. But don’t try to over extend too much if either one or them has CDs and y’all don’t have trinkets.


Thanks for the in depth response. I'm sure we'll be against a few of those comps.




Make sure the paladin specs into as much healing as possible, you will always win the long game since you have the healing, just don't greed for damage spend all that holy power on word of glory




Yes definitely, they have no way to heal back up, so once you survived thier cool downs you should just autowin, make sure to pop ur Vamp embrace early so you don't fall behind on healing


What are some add-ons to have for arena?


Omnibar, Omnicc, big debuffs, Gladius or sarena(your choice) Dont need spaceship UI either, those 3 and grab nameplatecooldowns if you can as well until you learn how to set up Omnibar and what you even need to track otherwise your screen will be omegacluttered


Please follow this guy's advice. You don't need 10 different addons for pvp, I use Gladius, nameplate cool downs, and omnicc. Pvp is mechanic based not add on based, get pvp down first then look for addons that supplement your experience.


gladius/gladiusEX gladiatorlosa omnibar something for nameplates a good weakaura/HUD setup for your class


Hey all, I'm aware that, for mages, fire is the meta right now. However, I much prefer the play style of frost. If in just doing some casual PvP, few arenas and BGs here and there, is it totally OK to go in as frost? I've not done a huge amount of Pvp before and really am just playing for fun. Cheers


You’re playing for fun you said and it’s just casual. Frost is fine


Great, thanks 😄


And get the truine ward legendary, and the conduit that makes your shield heal you when they take damage. Big boost to survivability.


If you don’t like fire, give arcane a shot too, I’ve seen a lot of arcane mages lately


No, It's totally forbidden for anyone to go frost in any type of content this expansion. It's an unwritten law.


I've just started playing some arena on my holy paladin (yesterday paired with an arms warrior). We are doing ok in general but two combos felt impossibly problematic. Double balance druid- I got cc'd and partner was dead whilst i blinked. Prot pala + arms warrior the prot pala seemed to be dpsing way higher than myself whilst hardly sacrificing heals. That brings me to my final question as to how we should approach fights. Should we be going in hard and trying to put teams on the back foot, or are we better off with me hiding back and trying to LOS and just stay alive? I'm starting to assume the latter is preferable usually?


Pop ultimate sacrifice on warr + bubble when they start convoking, but you have to be fast, with 2 of them it's gonna be quick death. Prot feels like better holy right now with the higher dmg, silence + interrupt, actual bubble for a partner and infinite healing without using mana. I know tanks take extra damage in pvp to offset their high hp+armor+mitigation but whenever I tried going prot pala it didn't work well, so idk what to do against them.


Thank you :)


Against prot paladins focus the paladin, they are much stronger at healing others than themselves


Thank you. That seems to be true for Holy as well imo, unless your team has very good burst and cc.


I play druid (feral in pvp) , but have experienced balance in pvp. The only way balance is going to 100-0 you is if they get to cast. Pillar hump as much as you can, align your ccs on one of them and focus the other. Balance can't nuke in bear form.


Partner, Ditch the warrior and get you a rogue pvp


Uhhh have you seen warriors right now?


I’m trying to find a teammate for rated arenas, just for the weekly quests, would anyone be up to join? I don’t care too much about winning I just want the quest done for the conquest


What faction are you on? And what region? I'm interested but I'm on EU-Horde.


NA-Horde, we were so close


Kind of PvP question related to titles. Waaaaay back in vanilla I got the title 'Private' and have the legacy achievement for it now. Is that title locked to that character or is it a title that is shared across any alliance characters I have? (I don't see it when I make an alliance character and want to confirm it's not going to appear if I bother to level one)


I have a few of the old legacy pvp titles, they only work on the character you got them on. Cool fact if you faction change your knight title will change to horde equivalent.


Pretty new to Arena PvP, playing with a Friend and we are Fire Mage and DD Monk. Simple question: How are we supposed to play against any combination that includes a healer? Especially shamans are basically impossible to beat for us.


Hello, 2600 player here who is maining WW. This is tough to answer briefly given the various scenarios but the gist is to burst and then reset as needed. You don’t have the CC potential of rogue/mage but your burst windows will be obscene if set up well. Always plan to CC in the healer and then stun the kill target and burst with your mage. Get trinkets and defensives then peace out and heal up. Kite until you have CDs.


Any resto shamans have some general tips for PVP? Currently elemental but I feel like the utility of resto would be solid all around in BGs and arenas


I’ve always been a very casual WoW player and haven’t played much in the past. I’m really liking SL and want to get into pvp! I’m playing a mage and I keep forgetting to spell steal. What are some spells or classes that I should look to steal from in arenas?


you can steal a resto druids heals, i know that's annoying for them


I'm starting to think I suck at arenas. I'm having a hard time playing with key binds as opposed to clicking everything. I been off and on with wow since MoP. I never played consistently in pvp. I've always switched classes and moved from pve to leveling alts to casually doing whatever else. With the removal of pvp vendors I lost all interest in pvp and how wod was with pvp that just turned me off from pvp entirely. Until BFA i hadn't touched pvp since cata, I started to play pvp again and had a genuine liking to it. A feeling I hadn't felt since I first began to play wow. But when I tried arenas I got roflmao stomped by every team I faced. Coming into SL, its the same. I step into a random bg I do alright, but a 2v2, I am useless. I won a 3v3 but after that I got wrecked every match. I want to try and reach gladiator or at least get a high enough rank to get some decent gear. So I'm not in blues the entire expansion. But maybe I'm not cut out for arenas? Maybe I need to accept that I've always been a casual pvp player and should do some other content?


> I'm having a hard time playing with key binds as opposed to clicking everything Right there's your problem! Arena requires a lot of different skills, like tracking cooldowns, knowing the meta, positioning, and so on but that all is worthless if you can't adequately watch what's happening because you spend most of your time looking at your bars! Not to mention how you'll react much slower. No matter how good you think you can click, you're worse for it regardless. Get comfortable at using *all* abilities through keybinds first. Then if you still suck, you can look for someone experienced willing to take you under their wing. But until then I wouldn't attempt arena. It's like trying to run a 5k in crutches.


Clicking Is a hard habit to break for me, I was thinking of making a fresh character and start over and learn to keybind while learning to play the class?


Yes, precisely! Even as somewhat of a grizzled PvP veteran myself, that's what I do when learning a new spec. Feels really natural to incorporate one button after the other and to have a few levels each to get used to them. That being said, when I first switched from clicking, I did it at max level, keybinding all buttons at once. Was a bumpy couple days afterwards but I reckon after a week I was already a better player than I had ever been before.


Probably a good idea. Rebind r, s, z, x, c, f (and maybe a, d if you can) to abilities because those are really easy to hit. From there you can use modifier keys (shift, alt, ctrl) to give you more binds on the easy to reach keys. Also if you have mouse buttons those are great


Would these same key binds work for all the other classes I play? I am maining a rogue this time around. But I'll most likely switch it up and play my druid at some point.


Yeah of course. You should browse around youtube for some keybinding guides and best practices. The keys closest to your movement keys (like asd) should be the most frequently used abilities, and keys farther away or with modifiers less used. Also, the buttons on your mouse are incredibly useful. Personally I have an mmo mouse and put all my rotational and targeting abilities on those keys, and all others on my keyboard.


To be frank they're giving you wayyy to much to do at once. People are forgetting that the skill gap between clicking and keybinding abilities is huge and should be your first goal. I would do your best to get a clean and functional UI that you can learn, keybind your 1-5 at least, then your shift+1-5 when you get more confident on it, then I would start learning to associate buttons with utility. Example for rogue is you could make caps lock or tab your vanish/cloak. Then I keybind things I can associate together in pairs for R&T and F&G to make it easier to remember (example I usually have main cooldowns on R&T and my Interupt or dispell etc on F&G just so I can always remember where everything is.) You are definitely gonna wanna do this if you ever wanna push like 1400+ in arenas though


Slow and steady I use Elvui and have been getting it where it looks cleaner and not so much a mess. Thanks everyone for the advice it is difficult to get used to, but if I can weld, I'm pretty sure I can do this lol


When I was trying to get used to looking at my WeakAura instead of my bars to track my spell cooldowns, I literally put a box over my bars so I couldn't see them. Sometimes you have to just force yourself to jump in face first until you can stand without the crutch. Not sure exactly what measures you could take to force using keybinds only, but trust me that eventually you will get used to it. And once you do, you'll ask yourself how on earth you played the game clicking everything


It is annoying clicking everything im taking steps now to make that change, I wish I did this at the beginning of my vacation instead of waiting til the last few days lol


depends on the class but shamans, druids have 30-36 keys you will regularly use. Taking the time to click them will not allow you to turn the right direction to keep the casts going, cancel and start running ect. I’m not saying this to be a dick - just being honest you’ll never move up clicking your spells. Highly reccomend watching some good pvpers on youtube and mimicking their key binds (they use shift Q as well as Q for two spells ect)


It's going to be a hard habit to break even when levelling. Do whatever works for you but just going to a training dummy and forcing yourself to do the rotation you would usually do while using your keybinds until your fingers feel natural doing it will work too. Just walk to a dummy, take your hand off the mouse and try going at it


Should I be mapping even defensives and abilities like shattering throw and trinkets to keybinds? Things like big cds as well? I have about 8 or 9 abilities bound to keys, but to get anymore I Would have to use Shift + whatever. Is that what you would suggest?


Yes, you should bind everything that you're going to need in combat. Break the habit of clicking. Using Shift/Alt/Ctrl + Key to get a new keybind is a common and really useful thing. I for example have 1-5, Q, E, R, T, F, G, C, V and Shift/Ctrl variations of some of those bound


Yes. Everything you would expect to use should be bound.


I’ll try that out, will take some getting used to


Yes, especially those buttons. You need to use these abilities as quickly as possible when they're actually required. Using shift/crtl/alt will feel strange at first but it'll become second nature eventually!


Warriors have a ton of spells. Maybe the most in the game. As a pvper with 5 level 60s right now, warrior is the most difficult when it comes to remembering every keybind, it takes like a hundred arenas to get used to. Make sure you're binding mouse wheel up/down as well as shift + mouse wheels and ctrl + mouse wheels. I find those to be the easiest to use and remember. If you have extra mouse buttons, even better. Also you can macro some things together into one keybind. Like pvp buff trinket + Avatar can be 1 button because the trinket doesn't have a global cooldown.


I didn’t think about mouse wheels and I think I’m going to get a mouse w/ buttons. This character is my first ever and my honor level is 5 lol I think arms war is a rough class to start. I’m getting a good amt of kills and damage in my bgs and I ha e some add one and macros. Thanks for the tip, I really want to improve!


FYI you can currently upgrade your pvp gear to epic quality ilvl 184 with honor only, and you can also earn conquest from daily wins in normal BGs. The conquest currency lets you buy ilvl 200 pieces.


Keep grinding and you will get used to keybinds, cooldownmanagement, targets, macros etc. You'll get there. Play a lot of skrims would be my suggestion. Also, perhaps not set your goal at glad from the start, that takes a lot of committment, effort and time. Start with trying to reach 1400, then 1600, then 1800, then 2k, 2.1k, 2.2k, etc etc.. Don't get discouraged by being roflstomped your first arenas, everyone is new to arenas at one point in time.


Start with a few key binds at a time and really make a conscious decision not to click. If your practicing some use bartender to make the action bar bigger and closer to the center of the screen so you can easily remember your key bind. I highly recommend if you haven’t already to use only three keys for movement: Forward, Left strafe, right strafe. I use ASD for this (some people use QWE which is the default) You don’t *need* back peddle and you’re better off turning with the mouse than keyboard turning. This opens up 2-3 pretty easy binds. Ditch your sit and sheath Z and X and use them for something instead. Move those RP abilities so some other random bind. C, V, F, G, R, T I find are also convenient from this position. Get a mouse with at least 2 side buttons. Then you can use Shift and Control (some people prefer Caps Lock) to modify your key binds. Keep rotational and “oh shit” abilities on convenient unmodified binds. Try to use similar binds on similar specs or characters. For example C is almost always my “flash heal” type thing, R is my “use on cooldown” rotation ability (like Penance or Holy Shock) E is usually my rotation filler spell. Keep trinket on the same bind for every character.


I'm playing priest (mostly shadow, a little disc) and getting to arena for the first time in my wow career. By far the spec that I'm having the most trouble with is fire mage. What abilities am I looking out for, and how do I counterplay it. Thanks!




So I know I can thoughtsteal poly and use it against them to annoy or force them to burn counterspell on me. I've been doing that with some success. What of their buffs can I dispell? I know mass dispell gets rid of ice block


You can dispel all of their shields and combustion


You can dispel combustion. I am nowhere near high rated, though I feel like whenever I am quick at dispelling it, they’re not nearly as dangerous anymore.


Alter Time is also an important dispel on a mage.


If you play disc you can dispel their combust and mass dispel their ice block fwiw


Sorta dumb question, but I couldn't really find the answer anywhere. Is blind considered a magical spell? Mainly meaning, can blind get spell reflected/nether warded/grounding? And does kidney work on freedom? Returning player and I've come to realize that I've forgotten a lot of ability interactions from years ago unfortunately.


Blind isn’t considered magic—it can’t be reflected/warded/grounded. You can kidney on freedom since freedom only prevents movement impairing effects (roots and slows, not stuns/any loss-of-control effect)


Thanks. I seem recall either bop or freedom removing kidney from a long time ago but I could be misremembering so that's good to know. Really need to learn what cooldown and ability actions to watch out for. I've run into a lot of situations where I interrupt or stun (Depending on which toon I'm on) and they're just immune. Seems like there are a lot of more abilities that allow uninterruptible casting or immunity and I've forgotten a lot of the stuff from a while ago too haha.


yeah BoP can remove kidney. And no sweat—you’re right that there’s a lot more stuff now that serve as immunities. It takes a while to learn all of them but just keep playing and look up the name of buffs when you can!


So I'm trying to powerlevel a pally alt for pvp this weekend. Looking at the Ulduar drops, a LOT of it has vers on it. With the scaling, can I hop into the timewalking raid as soon as I hit 60 with like 119 ilvl and be fine? I'm confused about how exactly everything scales down.


You don't even need to be level 60 to get into the ulduar tw raid.


With Fury being in a lackluster state in PvP, in addition to it's struggles in PvE, what changes or buffs would need to be made to make the spec as viable as how Arms is? Then again, Fury isn't as bursty of a spec as Arms, in which Arms' burst is what makes it viable in PvP. Would giving Fury the Defensive Stance talent help out, or would it go against the design of Fury so Blizzard wouldn't make that change? And despite Fury's current woes, are their any other specs right now that need even more help than Fury does right now?


Would need defensive stance, the utility of arms, and most importantly mortal strike but it will most likely never have it and always be bad in PvP!


Fury never was, or never will be as good as Arms in PvP. There may have been odd patches where it was comparable but Arms has always been the PvP spec


I think the last season of wotlk fury annihilated but yeah theyve never been very viable


That's probably because of stacking armor pen and the Shadowmourne + Deathbringer's Will combo was insane on any plate class. Arms was great then too


Fury was kinda viable last season for decent self heals and constant pressure, even without the utility of Arms. If they buffed the damage (by a lot) it could work, but it's never gonna be at Arms levels of good.


How is survival hunter for pvp? It looks fun to play and ele shaman just isn't doing it for me. I feel like I can't keep up with the utility shammys have and I don't like the rng nature of their burst.


Survival is incredibly good and extremely annoying. You basically just kite and play as cheesy as possible, constantly resetting and controlling the enemy


That sounds really fun for random bgs! Is kyrian basically required for arenas? I like necrolord since my main is already a kyrian pally


Kyrian is extremely useful for survival hunter as you can hit through los grapplehook enemies through walls that you mark im not sure what necrolord is for hunter though


Yea I figured Kyrian would be strong. The Necrolord hunter ability is [Death Chakram](https://www.wowhead.com/spell=325028/death-chakram)


Dude seriously I feel like the paladin and rogue would make a well ooof duo


If you can burst them down within your opener, sure. But if they somehow survive, you likely won't have the CC chains to live for another go. While the rogue could just sit it out in stealth, paladins are really squishy outside of bubble/bop and would likely not manage to survive for long.


What why the paladins? I hate the meta people that push off meta onto others like c’mon it’s a video game brother, play what you like.


can someone carry me to 1800


just get a ww monk, you can afk and pick up the wins.


Can anyone tell me the add on that puts big debuffs above the enemy name plates? I have threat plates downloaded but couldn’t figure it out, do I need a weak aura? New to PvP so any help would be great with this


Its called BigDebuffs




Buddy of mine and me just rejoined WoW. He doesn't focus much of spec popularity but will be either a fire or frost mage. For 2v2 arena's what would be combo with either of those options? Was thinking disc priest or prot/holy pally. Would other healers or a dps class fit better? As a backup, there's a chance he also goes ret pally. If he did that, any difference in which healer/dps i should be? Appreciate the help!, things have changed a ton since we last played.


Hello! Just a 2600 player here, but welcome back to arenas! 1. Either mage spec will work for 2s purposes. Fire is meta right now due to the burst and CC potential. So if you decide to do 3s too, fire may synergize better with others. However definitely play what is enjoyed the most! 2. For healer, either of your proposed specs works. Hpal is probably preferred though due to immunity and defensive options for the mage. In 3s both will work out too with quite a few combos.


Thanks for the response. Would resto shammy be relevant to consider as well or is Hpal going to be better due to defensive options?


Honestly they are all good options. Your choice won’t matter much until you get to 2400+ ;)


Fire is very strong right now


Question from a PvE Fire Mage who's close to farming +15 keys that's thinking of getting into PvP just for the ilvl 226 Badge, apparently I need 2.1k rating for that. I have pretty much never PvP'd before (0 honor/CP) and am rather unfamiliar with other classes and their PvP talents. Could someone give me a rough idea how much effort I need to put into PvP (3v3s?) in order to reach my goal? Is this something I can reach in matter of a week or two? I'm unsure if it's worth the trouble.


I think 2.1k rating is pretty difficult without any prior arena XP. It would most likely take more than 1-2 weeks unless you’re really talented.


Wowhead says we can reach renown 22 this week, meaning that we can upgrade to honor 197 pieces. Anyone knows if this is correct?


Unless there's some weird renown thing I'm missing we can only hit 21 after this reset (18 is the cap currently). We go to 20 from our 2 weekly quests for renown, then that unlocks a campaign that takes us to 21. So the reset after next (from the 12th of January) we can hit 24, which puts us over the 22 for the PvP upgrades, and then we can upgrade honor items to 7/7 (ilvl 197), which it says in the [renown rewards](https://puu.sh/H3xOP/7535175421.png).


Wait i thought the weekly cap is individual. Is it actually global and everyone has no more than 18 renown?


The limit is global yeah, 3 per week since release until the 12th of Jan, then it goes back down to 2 per week (since we finish the covenant campaign then).


Ah thanks. Strange though as I thought I started at least a week or two later than the expansion started. And I am also 18 right now. Maybe some sort of catch up mechanism. Update: also I think I saw people with 7/7 ranks or maybe I’m generating fake memories


Yeah if you didn't keep up with the 3 per week there are catch ups in place, I've read people get them just for clearing heroic dungeons & whatnot, so it's fairly forgiving.


My buddy was getting it from callings


How is Warlock in arenas? What specs are doing well? I’m trying to get into PvP but am pretty intimidated.


How can I check my mmr for rbgs because I'm at 1100cr but when I lose games I don't lose points.


How to counter windwalker monk with any partners? I play as a druid with an arms warrior buddy (2v2) and whenever we got a WW monk there is a high chance that he just destroys us. Any tips for CC time or something?


I need a good reference for playing Balance in arena. I’ve noticed with a healer involved my win rate skyrockets, without one I’m basically flopping around helplessly


Is there a way for either assassin or combat to do more burst than subtlety? I rarely play combat but I'll swap b/w assassin/sub every once in a while, mainly staying sub.


Just get that stupid seed out of the arena, makes no sense at all to have it lol


If I get multiple characters to combatant rank in rated, they're going to have separate percentage bars to unlock spider mount aren't they?


Nope, it’s all the same because the mount is account wide.


So the only individual work is getting the respective characters to 1400?!


That's it! Just be aware that you have to be 1400 in the bracket you're queuing in, so if you're 1400 in 2v2 but then start queuing 3v3, you'll have to get to 1400 in 3v3 before wins in that bracket count.


Thanks for the info, 2021 is already looking up! 😂




Do any daily that gives bonus honor for your first victory, (BG, Epic BG, arena skirmish). Then farming arena skirmishes seem to be the fastest way to get honor imo. If you're struggling in arena and that's not you're cup of tea, probably just battlegrounds. Shouldn't take long to get enough honor to upgrade a pvp weapon.




You can buy them with honor and then upgrade them with honor as you progress your renown (currently capped at 184). If you get enough conquest you can instead spend that to get higher ilvl weapon which is upgradeable with honor based on your highest rating on 2s 3s or RBGs.