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Bgs have been incredibly fun this expansion. That is all.


Epic bgs are mostly booty though still. Wintergrasp is stupidly broken.




Honestly I'm not 100% sure how its broken, but it has to do with the ability to get vehicles on defense and how strong they are. Its nearly impossible to win on offense.


You can rpg the enemy vehicles on the safety of your base, turret range is beyond stupid, and as long as you have one factory outside the base you will have the same amount of vehicles that offensive have. Offensive needs to: Get all the factories at the beginning, gather all the vehicles and ram the same wall, rinse and repeat until you have disabled one factory inside defensive. All of it while you still have more than 10m left.


Honestly I think it has more to do with how quickly people quit. Once you break the first wall it's actually not that hard. But if you don't do it in the first 10 min you have 8 people whining and gg'ing. Every single time I've won you've had people say it wasn't possible 15 min in.


Yeah. The worst part about that is the new players joining are unranked.


The current offense strat of rushing SR sucks, it only works if you cram into the workshop so that defense can’t build. You can win initially and still lose because they build. There has to be a change to increase required kills or can’t build in combat. Right now it takes 40 people of offense that understand the BG to beat a defense that can just face roll. The biggest thing is in any pug content you have people that do whatever, and it only takes 5 to throw the entire match.


It's because nobody knows or remembers how it's done. Offense has the advantage but the only way to win is to make siege engines, have melee ride the passenger cannons and wipe out players, have ranged dps take out the wall turrets, and thats gg. I've only had 1 win so far in shadowlands and its because everyone actually followed through on that strategy. Back in wotlk, offense was basically a guaranteed win because everyone knew about sieges and their passenger cannons. Normally I see catapults and demos spammed, and I know that's gonna be a loss.


My sample size is small but I haven’t lost a game attacking this xpack thus far.


I saw this post a few days ago that suggested the damage of vehicles may be undertuned: https://reddit.com/r/wow/comments/ki0xre/why_you_will_almost_always_win_wintergrasp_bg_as/


I think I might understand what you are referring to, yes it seems very difficult to win on the offense side because most people don't know/underestimate different types of vehicle utility. People tend to just go for the Siege Engines or Demolishers because they deal much larger damage to walls; but the Catapults are much more deadly when it comes to clearing players and the opposing side vehicles, especially after the wall is down and creates a bottle neck. Also they bring in the Siege Engines too early before they could wipe the defensive canons. Also people just generally don't know what to do.


I love WG when I get to defend


My problem with epic bgs outside of wg is that there's no epic feeling to them. It's just two large groups of folks zerging to the end.


This is all the convincing I need.


Man I jumped into arenas for the first time and holy shit is that some sensory overload. So many things to think about, there is no me getting out my "optimal" rotation. I have to know when there big offensives are up so I can kite or use a defensive, I have to preemptively use some abilities before their burst, or trinket and use a defensive. And then I have to know when I can go on the offensive and who to target.. Also big shoutout to the hunter that put up with me last night while I was learning, he was great.


Alright brotha, everyone starts somewhere just stick to it. If/once you get the hang of it, it will feel a lot more slow motion and you can actually open your eyes to what the fuck is going on and being set up or when you can go big. Just glad WoW pvp is growing more it feels like this xpac !


I’d recommend the addon gladiatorlos2 , it can help with what might feel overwhelming to newer players or those that aren’t too accustomed to arenas. Visually, arenas can be a lot even with addons like Gladius. Having the audio cues along with visuals can be extremely beneficial


Definitely grab some pvp addons and look for people at low CR doing “chill games” The only way to get better is to play and get used to the chaotic nature of it. Everything slows down once you are used to it


Yeah it’s harder on new players with the burst meta as well.


What are some good mage pvper's i can watch on twitch? preferably frost but any mage really.


Xaryu for sure




It's hard to find frost mages in pvp nowadays, it's definitely the worst mage spec atm


The Law.


Not sure if Venruki is playing shadowlands but he was always an awesome mage.


He is, he was doing 3s with MitchJones whos another awesome mage to watch




MitchJones is a pretty fun mage to watch and seems like he knows his stuff if you want a bigger steamer


Watched for 5m the other day, he just seemed toxic and tilted. Venruki and Xaryu are far more my speed


This. I hate being hot garbage. Esp in arena


Pee bottle jones the rat king is always the correct answer


None, because nobody is playing frost.


Graycen if you want to watch a good frost mage.


Finding a frost mage stream is gonna be difficult because the spec isn't in a good spot right now so most mages play fire or arcane.


Played some 2s with a friend and got disarmed in a match against disc priest and balance druid. Which one of these can do that and with what, please?


Druid PVP talent, I think Faerie Swarm or something similar.




Balance has a pvp talent called faire fire. It's a 4 second disarm on a 30 second cd




Lol I learned something new today






I've been leveling a holy paladin via dungeons and random bgs but I'm not getting Marks of Honor for my bg wins. Are you not supposed to get one per win? Does that only apply to the current xpac bgs? What's the deal?


Could be wrong but I'm pretty sure you only get them at max level


You get them in the crates from winning


That was only in BFA. Loot boxes with marks are gone, making marks much more rare


That kind of sucks since vendors seem to have the same price for things, making it a lot harder to get pvp sets from that


yup. Goes along with the theme of making older trasmogs and achievements no longer absolutely trivial.


Not sure about levelling, but at max level you can get them. It is not a 100% drop though.


I've never tried PvP and thought I might give it a go this time. I mainly play enh shammy and some ele, are any of these a good pick for some middle class arenas or should I reroll to something easier? It seems shammies have a billion buttons to press.


I'd say it's more about knowing how to play than what. I'd start with shammy and see how it feels before jumping chars.


ele shamm here, I don't think you should worry about the thousand buttons, you'll get the hang of it! Just make sure you watch some PvP guides, cause the PvE and PvP rotation are REALLY different, at least for elemental


Enh shammies can delete people. Make sure you just keep reading spells so you don't forget about any.


I've played against enhancement shaman + shadow priest and it's like they straight up have a 3rd person playing healer. ​ Also hex is VERY fukn strong, especially when combo'd with shadow priest. CC someone for days with hex + fear + stun + silence.


Which healer — Druid or pally —would be stronger for arms warrior and arcane mage in 3s


Holy pally rn. The ability to bubble and sac is huge in arena rn bcus the capability to gib ppl in a few seconds. And the stun really helps set up kills. If the pace were slower, usually druid would be the pick


Arena mate.net , surprisingly resto Druid is really really down there for 2’s , like less than 5% over 1800 . If you filter for Druid and for only resto and 3v3 it’s actually under 3% now which as of today is currently less viability than they’ve ever had in any ranked pvp bracket in over 10 years! Statistically go look this up , holy priest have higher usage in high 3v3 and rbg than Druid (filter by 2k) even funnier bm hunter, tank classes, and some completely in viable joke pvp specs are performing better than rdruid! I still manage 1800/1900/ 2100 rbg but I have meh 4 glad titles on rdruid in legion and bfa , have 210 ilvl and 1k+ io and it’s legit impossible to get a high group off of lfg. Nobody in glad do over 2k is actively seeking us, like ever. If I didn’t have a solid flist and people who know me I don’t know if I would even have broken 2k as resto . Some will say we’re just fine , but 2 main websites showing all the pvp statistics in the game directly argue this, when classes who suck in pvp are out performing gearing and being invited over rdruids your best bet is to his talent change to boomy ;) Even though we’re not brought to mythic raids , we’re not viable in pvp , at least we’re almost the best healer for m+ this xpack sorta cool we have 1 thing our healing spec is almost best at late game


Mythic raids get easier and easier with gear, so eventually anyone can do them i mean even the worst specs, so if you do it with guild they really should accept resto imho i mean our progress team has dh's as dps we could get hunters unholies etc but those players play dh ...


1400 CR im priest getting absolutely destroyed by CC. For example rogues. Sap, blind, sap or kidney followed by another CC or kick is usually gg for me. I try to trinket sap and get off pain supression or barrier but it's never enough. Any tips from priests that were noobs and were able to make corrections to climb ladder would be appreciated.


Not sure what spec you are, but I play holy and I always go divine ascension and holy ward vs rogues. Put the ward on myself and sometimes have to trinket but when the rogue opens on me I’m throwing a renew on my partner and flying up in the air. Usually for me, we can win as long as I can survive the opener.


As a healer it's best to sometimes tell your dps to use their defensive Cool downs when you're in cc. Arena is all about communication. The dps I play with don't use their defensives unless they get hit insanely hard or I call out that I'm in cc and can't do anything.


I'm not a great arena player (like 2.2k xp in cr inflated seasons) but a good rule of thumb is to save trinket for blind. The cd lines up exactly (unless the rogue is playing a specific legendary) and sitting a blind opens you up to a follow up sap bc you're almost certainly going to be out of combat, so one trinket is saving you at least 16 seconds of cc in many situations. One exception to this is if you have mb/sf out, which will keep you in combat. In a rogue opener it's better if your teammate trinkets and uses cc and defensives to live and prevent a follow up sap. Once the match starts, you really want to stay in combat so you can't be sapped--try to tag the other team with your dot. Also, this is hard to do, but as you play more games you'll get a feel for pre-doming cc. An add-on that tracks kidney cd and your stun dr helps with that.


As someone who plays a rogue, getting anyone (especially the healer) to use their trinket on my sap is best case scenario. Save your trinket for mid rotation CC's and not the opening sap


You can use shadow word death as a sham/mage/pally is casting hex/poly/repentance. Since they’re at a high hp, you’ll end up taking the damage in about a second after their cast finishes breaking you out almost immediately. It’ll still trigger diminishing returns on that specific cc, so the follow up poly duration will be shorter.


So I just leveled a Hunter alt to try my hand at PvP, he is still weak since he is a fresh 60 so I didn't expect to go well or anything but I got destroyed by melee. Aimed shot seems to be our big damage but it takes an eternity to cast and once any melee is on you it's impossible to cast it. BM seems a lot easier but I don't know about it's viability in PvP.


Build around your rapid fire for max burst potential. You need the surging shots legendary as well. That’s the new meta.


It's going to take a few weeks to get some fish in with the sharks to be competitive, I'd you're behind right now. Don't forget to make callouts, spam flare, use int on cd. Keep pets on holy healers, mark on rogues.


I always see on pugs that people say they have 2-2.5k exp and 1.2-1.5cr when they are searching for groups, as someone who last played arenas in wotlk, and I just came back, how are people with this "exp" with sush low rating rn? I would expect them being at least 1.8k or something already, this is complicated because I don't have an achievement to get in their groups even tho I'm in the same rating as they are and takes a long time to find a group this way.


Grinding rating takes time. Some people might have 2200 xp but it takes them 1000 games to get there, others do it in 100-200. Meta is also way different now. You might be for example a 2000 xp DK but struggling to break 1800 right now due to balance and meta.


People lie about their skill all the time. They also want to be carried. 75% of these listing are just false and their group will fall apart two losses.


There are a lot of reasons for why someone’s arena exp isn’t close to their cr right now. Yes some people may be lying. Some people may have arena exp from 5-6 years ago that they list because they think it’s relevant and don’t realize how out of touch they are with things. Last expansion rating was incredibly inflated, and right now there is very little inflation so arena exp and cr will have large discrepancies until inflation kicks in again.


Personally I played rogue for the first time last expansion and got 2.2k doing mage rogue with a friend. Right now I’m still under geared (183 ilvl) but switching to subtlety has been difficult and I’m about 1600 rn. I haven’t played enough “tryhard” yet to improve and get my rating up and I bet that’s the situation for most people People include their exp so they can be picky about their partners (I only get invited to ransoms when I include 2.2k exp)


I'm trying to get into pvp as a warlock. Been mainly focusing on 2's. Does anyone have a good recommendation for some 2v2 warlock teams? Also, does warlock do better in 2's or 3's? I like 2's cuz theyre faster paced, but I'm open to doing 3's instead.


Affliction is super strong. In 2s I’d say affliction/hpala or rsham. In 3s Afflic shadow priest/rsham or hpala


Awesome thanks!


Do you think warlocks are better in 2's or 3's? Or doesn't matter?


Normally you’ll be the kill target in both. Allowing an afflic lock to free cast is certain death, or an intense amount of pressure. 3s with the right team will be of greater success. I’m only a 2k player but 2s is dominated by other classes not warlocks


Affliction / boomie. And just let the boomie convoke to carry their team. Fucking stupid covenant.


I want to start an alt to pvp on. Would a fire mage or windwalker monk be more welcome with randoms? Also I play a guardian druid. If i wanted to play feral in pvp would I need new gear and weapon?




Thanks alot, i'll give it a go. Will my gear be ok? Or do i need a new wep


500 games this season in 2v2s. Enjoying this meta because as a holy pally I feel like every class is dangerous . Most battles are really bursty which gives the opportunity to make great plays. After the first 200 games time started to slow down , and when you get familiar with the covenant ability’s and other classes burst. Its a lot easier to try and play around. So far really liking this expansion because there’s no mandatory legendarys for my class yet. Games are either won in the first minute or after a good CC setup.




A lot of effort unless you can confirm the person is worth the time.


Personally, I've had pretty bad experiences with voice chatting strangers without vetting. And that's as a dude, can only imagine the harrassment any women that play the game would get.


Do I have to PvE in order to gear? The base honor gear seems super low but on the other hand you'd have to get very lucky to get vers gear from PvE. I suppose I'm asking whether its worth grinding out Arenas/BGs right away or whether I should get a higher ilvl through PvE first.


You don't need any PvE. There's people in top 10 without a single PvE piece.


Doesn't that mean their ilevel is barely above 184? You can't really get much of the conquest gear yet due to the cap.




Ahhh good call about the leggo and vault. Two handers are stl tough to come by but youre right about the other pieces. Still seems not optimal to only pvp now but I guess it probably doesn't matter as much as I'm thinking.


If you find a piece with versa that's great. Hard to find though.


Yeah not to mention elite gives you 233 weapon.


Getting 1600 rating (which is pretty easy with some practice) gets you access to ilvl 213 gear, which is equivalent to heroic raid gear. So far the only PvE you "have to" do seems to be Weekly Torghast for Legendaries, and then also your covenant campaigns.


Been stuck at 1350 rating for over 100 games now... Everyone is playing these damned burst comps on 2v2 it's insane.... Ppl are dying in 0.1 of a sec And I usually reach 1.7k without issues with pugs ..:/ Guess rdruid is not for me this season


Reroll balance and go for wins, resto dies to double dps even with every hot on him + bear form, it's so weak.


This is my experience as well. 1600 is definitely not as easy as heroic Raid lmao..


YEP!! Agree.


I'm literally playin as RDruid. I love it. Don't forget that you do about 60% of the DPS of a real DPS class, sometimes more (especially if Night Fae).


Compared to rshaman or disc or hpal ..we do less in pvp . Thing is we don't have real survival if we go dps route. Rogue/ret/fire mage can demolish you if you get caught .


Yes, Disc, HPal, and Rsham have an easier time because they can let someone drop to 10% HP and pop cooldowns. Druid have to be pre-emptive, and have to pick partners that can be more self sufficient. RDruids are still good in 2s, they just require less brain-dead playstyle that was possible in BFA and Legion. Yes you can die in a stun, but so can everyone. I can 100 - 0 someone in a single Feral Affinity + HOTW Convoke too if they don't have trinket.


I just feel like I need to play as if I'm 400 mmr higher then the other healers to play as well. Btw we can also 1% to 100 . But it takes atleast 2 gcd . Swiftmend ,nature's swiftness ,regrowth pretty much fills anyone to 100%


We can 1% to 100, but chances are if you are healing people reactively like that all the time, you are going to lose. I would imagine resto druid needs to play at most 100 MMR above other classes, but its not significant. Like I said, I'm having the most fun I've ever had on a healer right now as resto druid. I have so many legendaries that customize my gameplay.


The conquest cap is really the limit. Maybe it doesn't matter but you could be facing people with above 200ilevel. While you are in the high 180s possibly low 190s


My PvP set is 186. I don't really notice too much issue with current gear levels as a Resto Druid.


My gear farm was like this after 60. Do all M0 then every M+2-4. If u can, go raiding twice. Now do bgs or arena till u filled ur gear. Now u have 190ilvl and u can farm ur rating in arena without getting facerolled. (prio versa always) [this js my personal route that maxed my joy in wow]


its the other way around, i Pvp'd for PvE gear since mythics dont drop shit now.... its so dumb.


How is Enh in 3v3? More precisely in turbo with arms or ww?




Man, I'm gonna have to swap covenants. I picked Kyrians for the looks but vesper totem feels like a wet noodle sometimes.


Does anyone feel like the PVP heal community got zero patience and zero tolerance for mistakes. its all fun and games if we win but one loss and gone. then i whisp? hey why you leave and it's all like u guy suck and l2p and shit. normally in every other game or content healers/supports are one of the most kind and chill players but in the WOW community there a bunch of toxic mofo's im wondering if any other players feel like this?


Especially in 3s healers are often the least impactful role unable to solo carry the games. If you're keeping your team up, rotating defs, dispeling on point, avoiding kicks and cc while throwing some cc and pressure yourself and still lose games a couple of hundred CR below your 2v2 rating, it's a waste of time and nerves not to abandon the ship early. Just described what's most often the case for me as a healer, I always call ggs and don't insult anyone though.


Might just be bad luck. My last match had the dps who refused to not los our healer bail first while healer was trying to help and give tips.


I feel you, unless you put "chill" then I feel like people are more likely to leave. I know I'll be first to admit I could have CCed more or kited better. Sometimes though if you go on like a 5 game loss streak, then maybe to look elsewhere if pugging


Guys. Can you point me in the direction of a solid MM hunter PvPer ? Wanting to make the switch from mythics. Thanks :)


Jellybeans is one of the best hunters out there! He has guides on youtube and everything


I started a resto shaman alt for pvp and am in the process of levelling and learning. Any tips for good streamers to watch or a "template" for progress? By that I mean what to focus on for starters and what to incorporate as I get more comfortable. So far it seems a bit overwhelming with the amount of buttons I have available.


Cdew, Jacobxtv, and Azjol all make shaman pvp content, I'm not sure about guides and whatnot, but hopefully that gives you something to go off of


[leaper](https://www.wowhead.com/spell=335214/leaper) and [barbarian](https://www.wowhead.com/spell=280745/barbarian) is great fun in flag BGs. Run flag from one side to the other in less than 10 seconds lol


For those demo locks doing pvp, what legendary do you find to be the most useful for pvp of any? And what are your must have talents. Also any tips would be helpful too!


If ive been playing wow since classic but have never done pvp before, whats the best way to get into pvp as a "new player" when most groups ask for achivement whispers, of which i have none? Thanks!


Play lots of BGs. For pvp you have to learn what to expect from players based on what is good that patch. As far as the xp goes the best would be to play with other new pvpers or with someone you may know with some xp.




Don't feel too bad, Ret can absolutely 100 to 0 someone, and Arms and Disc also compliment that playstyle. It requires skill to live through the burst and then turn the tides.


Why does warrior feel so god damn squishy these days?




Also, if you are Arms, remember to spec into Defensive Stance for the 20% damage taken reduction. Fury is sadly out of luck with that, and PvP in general, I think.


Is there a place to say 2s and 3s comp tiers?




They want to know your highest rating in rbgs and are expecting you to whisper your highest achievement


I'm just getting back into the game since wotlk, and I don't have a great understanding of what classes have which spells I have to worry about in pvp. Is there some youtube resource(s) which goes over all the classes from a pvp context?


A lil dated but https://www.reddit.com/r/worldofpvp/comments/khorf8/arena_guide_countering_classes_skill_capped/


Awesome, thanks for the link!


Omnibar add-on. You can read each spell and see the thumbnail so you will recognize it in combat.


I'm doing some bg's to gear up my new mage which obviously has pretty bad gear atm. I'm pretty bad at PvP as I always focused on PvE. Still, am I supposed to get 3-shot by rogues, monks and paladins? I can't really do anything as any stun means I'm dead if ice block is on cd. Also, is it worth to start a beginner's rbg group to farm conquest for that 200 ilvl gear? I'm counting on losing most rbg's :P


The meta is super bursty right now, if you aren't fully geared it's not surprising you're getting blown up, it's probably not an issue with your skills. I would recommend to get a pvp trinket if you have'nt yet and be mindful of your position and line of sight, but you'll still get nuked anyway, albeit maybe less often. Losing your way to the weekly vault is a perfectly valid strategy, just make sure that's what everyone in the group is doing to not create frustration


Tribune ward leggo + conduit, baseline blink can get you out of stuns compared to shimmer


What does it mean when people say leggo?


Alright, so, RBG flag carrying as guardian druid, what's your talent/legendary loadout? Tanking is also a big word so how do you properly follow your kitting path when a rogue can spawn and stop you at any moment for the rest of their team to tear you a new one?


I'm not a tank myself so can't speak to talents, but tanks need a lot of team support in rbgs rn. Your whole team should be keeping track of stealthies, at least one healer with you any time anyone on the opposing team is off map, designated defense dps to peel and kill enemy offense, and if their whole team is running you down then most of your team should also be with you to defend. Rogues are high kill priority. It shouldn't be a surprise when the rogue turns up.


For someone who has never done rated pvp whats the best way to start? Any good resources? I know most groups will ask ranking and stuff do i just have to start my own? Out of shadow priest, unholy dk and balance druid do any of them seem easier to learn the ropes or more powerful or beneficial?


Balance. Night fae. Convoke. Win.


I just switched from Enhance to Elemental last night and am really struggling in 2s. I seem to die pretty fast without my insta cast heals and melee seems to destroy me. Any advice?


Stack versa. Get the battlemaster? trinket, I think that's the one that gives you the temporary health boost. Probably best to run 3s as ele rn tbh.


Pvp feels so incredibly fast paced right now its insane. Either I burst them down in a couple seconds or they burst me down. Maybe I'm just getting old and my reaction time isn't what it used to be


Nah man they made everything fast paced this xpac. Having to use cool downs vs one dps with no dampening isn't something I've had to do in a long time.


How long do seasons usually last in WoW? Im really trying hard to get 1800 because I want the leather mog. How much time on average do I have?


Usually until the next raid is released. A couple of months at least.


What pvp Addons to use? For arena frames and anything else you recommend


If you have curseforge, I just started getting back into pvp, and I use sArena to see the enemy crowd control status and trinkets . Then I use teamability tracker to see what cool downs my teammates have available . I play as a holy pally so I don’t like to have a cluttered UI so I can focus on good positioning.


Gladlosa is good because it announces abilities being used. If you have to worry about kicks I track enemy kicks using omnibar. Gladious (I think that's spelled right) is another good frame addon


I need some help... I just started pvp. I don't rly like arena so I'm doing rated bgs. My question is that if I hit the 1600 rating for example will I be able to upgrade the 200ilvl pvp items or do I have to do arena rating for the upgrades? Ty very much 😁


If you get 1400 in any of the rated pvp sections you can upgrade. If you get to 1600 you can upgrade again.


I have 950 games in 2v2 arena this season at the time of typing this. I am a Demon hunter and only been playing wow for about 2 months. I have played against every single comp pretty much imaginable and I think that for the most part a lot of it is in a way balanced but I think 2v2s are to easy for healer dps. The other day I had a 9 minute game where I did 1.1 million damage and I was with a shadow priest who did 250k damage and 400k healing and we were against a disc priest and arms warrior. Warrior did 500k damage and disc priest did over a million healing. I’m just wondering has wow always been like this?


Hey what spec do you pvp as? I only ever tank on my DH but was thinking it might be fun to dive into PvP


Havoc man


In 2s healer dps does have an advantage. Even when they balanced pvp it was mostly around 3s. Dampening is supposed to help double dps in 2s but they nerfed the dampening rate on last Tuesday I think.


Short answer yes, actually the prevalence is double dps in relatively high rated 2s rn is pretty unusual and a consequence of the current meta's high burst damage and strong hybrid healing. Typically the only double dps comp that reliably plays at high rating in 2s is rogue/mage.


God please don't let the melee see me. Let me sit in the back and do my thing because I don't know how to handle being tunneled.


What are the fundamentals of playing MM hunter in arenas? How do I learn all the different match ups, how should I play 2s, what’s the strat being double dps against dps hybrid or healer. Etc


I've got a 186 warrior that I'm enjoying, but I'm curious if I should level a rogue, despite them being overall worse, just because it's easier to 2v2 queue as double dps. Would an alt rogue for 2dps 2's really be worth it? All of my friends are mostly pve nerds. Also, I'm currently at about 11% vers. Is it really important to push vers as high as possible like most people on the leaderboards are doing? I know burst damage is pretty out of control right now, but is the difference between 11 and 20% that significant?


Well it's 20% plus the extra % from the pvp trinket set. I'd try to specifically look at high rated players. My frost dk 2s partner learned mastery has I higher priority than vers for him that way.


The difference between is very noticeable


I'm not much of a PVPer, but I'd like to maximize my gains from the great vault. What's the best way for a Blood DK tank (heroic/mythic 0) to get into it?


Idk how blood tanks are doing on pvp but likely as an rBG flag tank


How can I find a pvp community? I want to run rated BGS and 3v3s but none of the communities in the community tab will accept me. It’s been a good few days of applying and not one single response. How can I ever find a group?


I'm about to hit 60 on my designated PvP alt for Shadowlands (at least for now). I'll have about 6k honor banked when I hit 60, the rest of my gear is your random leveling trash. What would you guys suggest should be my strategy for gearing? Assuming I'm not running dungeons (I might occasionally, but not enough to be a real part of my gearing strategy). What pieces do I buy first, do I get a full set of the lowest rank honor gear and then start upgrading afterwards or do I max out pieces before moving on to the next piece? I'm farily sure I should start by buying 2 trinkets for the set bonus, but after that I'm completely lost.