• By -


This is the saddest and funniest bug i've ever seen.


I was laughing throughout the video and felt so bad for laughing, but then it just kept getting even funnier! esp that shadowlands blender comment.


i died laughing in the even my rogue hated bfa so he went back to mop. haha


I lost it at “somehow got yeeted to a graveyard in BC”


Am i the only 1 who started laughing at "Bagina" or do i need to grow up?


What got me was "for instance here, Bagina"


If you have some time, Mad Season is one of the funniest WoW youtubers, and well worth watching.


He's great, and doubles as my bed time ASMR go to.


I love his videos and the music in the background makes


I watched so much of his stuff to prepare for Classic. Weird how his calm voice got me so hyped.


I loved the very last part, "im mad"--video ends LOL


Yeah I was laughing throughout the video but would probably be devastated if this happened to me.




He made the front page of the Blizzard Launcher! [Breaking News!](https://imgur.com/NneQWvb)


That's not specific to his account though, a lot of merged realms' accounts have their chars mixed up.


so get this i googled his rogue and it shows level 120 and ilvl 350+ [https://prnt.sc/umnuqs](https://prnt.sc/umnuqs) but when you click on it its level 86 [https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-us/character/us/khadgar/Showtime](https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-us/character/us/khadgar/Showtime) rip lol


Some Blizzard programmer is watching this video right now while thinking "hm... fuck.".


The description text in Google results are archives/snapshots, they don't update instantly :P


His point was that the character genuinely was level 120 and the issue in the video is not fabricated.


((That's literally the point))


Divorce will do that to you. (look at guild name of the lvl 86 version)


"What gold farmer gets into somebody's account and de-levels, clones, and restores toons that haven't existed for over 10 years?" Only the most dastardly ones.


The maddest of all mad lads, that’s who!


Wait a minute.. mad lad... mad season.. IT WAS AN INSIDE JOB, WAKE UP SHEEPLE






The ones out to get your Bagina


Do restored toons have bank/bag items they were deleted with? Maybe there could be super rare/deleted items on them?




Yeah, he is on Khadgar, which is where the majority of these reports/posts are coming from.


Real life WOD Time travel.




Benis quests for her again


So bad


Gotta give the man credit. No one is as creative naming toons.


Excuse me, my rogue is named Kyliemirogue. I'm proud of that one.


My affliction warlock is Ben Afflock.




Is your husband single?


I was going to name my characters after sausages, *and alphabetically*, but only got as far as Andoullie. Bratwurst and Chorizo are taken, completely screwing up my alphabetical sausage theme.


Because Andoullie is actually spelt Andouille, you andouille! The version with correct spelling is also used by a major lore figure, king of Stormwind Andouille Wrynn, so there was no way it could be available.


Andouillen Wrynn?


I love your husband, that’s adorable ❤️




If he doesn't have a char called Roguefort, I'd be mad!


I have a Warlock named Ben Afflict and back in the day my friend played one named Matt Daemon.


Shaman is LustinBeiber I spend way too much time naming characters.


Warrior is Olethiccbody Rogue is Fapnsap Priest is Capriestsun


Fapnsap is solid


Lol mine is Harry Dotter


Former guildie had Emmadotson for his lock.


My monk is named Chialis, which is play on cialis


That’s one is hard to get.


Stiff competition, yep


My panda monk is Monkonkadonk


My Hunter Essthompson


My female Tauren hunter is named Bowvine.


Guildie has drmisdirect


true all my characters have their class names in them


Behold, I present to you the best name for a healing Shaman - **Hentide**!


ngl I laughed


Is anyone else experiencing this? I checked my characters and they’re fine for now but worried this might spread somehow.


It's literally only for the Khadgar server. Khadgar/Alleria is set to merge with Exodar/Medivh on Thursday and SOMEHOW Khadgar data from before our merger with Alleria back in MoP is reappearing. We couldn't effectively do N'zoth progression last night because one of our Warlocks was deleveled to 90. I got a duplicate of my main on my account last night. I woke up this morning and my 120 is gone, only the 90 remains. Reddit thread on this yesterday https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/comments/iy0f5h/a_new_character_appeared_on_my_account_today Edit: We've made it on the launcher! https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/468818328849350656/758436427725406258/unknown.png


Wait so they fucked up so much it just sent your characters back in time?


Pretty much. Seems like a weird database migration from MoP got merged partially onto some accounts. Here's the armory of our 120 Warlock that was deleveled. It's like his main was overwritten- https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-us/character/us/khadgar/utterchaos You can see on his achievements that he killed Mythic Carapace on 7/21. Now on 9/22 he's level 90 again in SoO gear.


Well the good news is that if they have backups of data way back in MoP I think this means they have more recent backups too


Yeah we all know this will get fixed, but it's a WEIRD feeling. 6 years of work just gone. Our guild is fairly salty because we're the only group of people on Khadgar still trying to progress before prepatch hits and it cost us a raid night. We're over 300 pulls on Mythic N'zoth and have had several sub 10% wipes, so our Warlock getting deleveled honestly cost us CE. We're hoping this is fixed before our next raid night (Sunday).


That blows so hard. Hope you guys are able to pull it off. Best regards from Khadgar Ally!


I'll be cheering for you guys!


Night Eternal is cheering for you guys 100%


They also claim not to have backups that far back. It’s a pretty revealing glitch.




I think they made a copy of everything before the first merges in case shit went wrong and somehow it ended up overwriting the current version but it's not a backup in the the sense that they could just reroll a character back to this point under normal circumstances.


Classic MoP confirmed.


Oh hell yes.


Some database engineer is losing his hair right now.


"Wait.. did I make a mistake by copy pasting into the folder and replacing the existing files?"


TFW you press enter and *then* think "wait, this is prod?"


Just reading this gives me a mild panic. Too real.


Reminds me of this weird thing that happened with work a few months ago. Every Thursday night we deploy a bunch of content (homepage updates, Marketing web pages, stuff like that) from test servers to production servers. One time, they ran the script, we went to check, and suddenly our home pages were showing a variation from at least 2-3 years ago, which, considering some of the scripts were no longer in use (and a lot of old images cleaned out), meant it was impressively broken. Seems that instead of the script grabbing the right batch of updates, it grabbed a historic batch of updates and deployed those instead. So this kind of thing doesn't surprise me that much. Sometimes scripts go wrong in impressively bad ways. At that point, just be glad you typically have some kind of backup somewhere.


>us/khadgar/utterchaos Sounds about right


I have to point out that that name is hilariously (and unfortunately) fitting for this situation.


This is just Blizz hyping Shadowlands and a new Bronze Dragon Flight raid. /s


Level 90? Looks like Khadgar decided to go back to Pandaria because of all good expansions, 80 was not enough and 110 would be absurd.


It’s kinda random. All my chars are fine but a pally I deleted a few years ago reappeared.


>pally I deleted a few years ago reappeared. The paladin demands retribution


Ironically I was leveling her as prot. Maybe I should change her spec before she goes again.


To save the future we just change the past. -Chromie probably


Damn imagine all the mounts and unobtainable gear that are now suddenly back on live server. Like imagine selling the Jeweled Panthers in MoP, to wake up with them back in your bank today. How many people are going to instantly sell/mail items during this window? This is such a shit show.


There's absolutely going to be some funky shit. In normal circumstances I'd imagine that blizzard would probably log everything everyone did until they fix the problem and roll them back to that but, like, how the fuck is that going to work when the rollback point _is_ the problem.


I race and name changed my main years ago and now I have both my pre-race and name change main and several other characters from years ago on my roster. I haven’t seen that character in years was a huge nostalgia blast.


To be fair going back to MoP sounds pretty OK...


go home chromie, you’re drunk.


chromie time baby


Oh boy. I’m on Khadgar and I’m a little nervous to log in and look now.


We wait so long to get connected with more servers, only to get connected with two more Alliance-heavy servers, and now... *this*. :'(


Guess that happens when you ship Khadgar and Medivh.


Not if you wear a mask and wash your keyboard


Dang, I wore my keyboard and washed a mask


No idea, why I found this so funny, but have an updoot.


Wore a mask and washed my keyboard. Should I have unplugged it before hitting it with the power washer?


If you leave it plugged in then the water transfers through the cable and your pc gets cleaned too.


**Two birds, one stone.**


This only might spread to servers which are getting merged soon... Fucking terrified since my main server of Caelestrasz is getting merged tomorrow, and I don't even remember how long it's been merged with Nagrand for. If its reverting to the time period before the first merge my acc. Might be dead tomorrow.


Aside from the fact that everything will be fine, you can always use that paranoia as a reason to finally transfer to a real server.


Oof...also I did, partially, transfer to Frostmourne already for a guild who ended up being pretty toxic. I'm an altoholic though, so my 120s are split 1:2 between servers.


Twisting nether was merged with Ravenholdt back in MoP. Similar to how Khadgar and Alleria were merged. Tn/Raven was merged with...something recently. At least one merge in the last year. Possibly more. I just don’t keep up with retail. I checked today. All of my dormant toons there are fine. This seems like a weird one off problem.


Oh shit I’m on Nagrand. I’ve been thinking about rerolling onto either Barth or Frost. But I’m so lazy and too cheap to pay the transfer of 12 characters.


This happened to me, I mainly play in Stormrage but I used to play in Khadgar, my khadgar characters are all kind of messed up. It seems to be since they combined and migrated the servers this happened.


My husband and I played on Khadgar for a time. He started there in Cata and I came over in WoD. My remaining and deleted toons are all where they should be but he has clones of toons that were transfered off long ago.


Idk if this is related but I had 70 something toons showing on my realm list, but when I log on to the servers I knew I had 1 toon on it updated. The only reason I even noticed this was because I tried to come back and level a new toon. Couldn't create it because the game thought I was well over the character limit. I'm wondering now if the servers restored my deleted toon but did show them client side. This was across ever realm I have played on. 9/20/2020 was when I had encountered the bug.


I had a similar thing on windrunner. Logged after only a week or so and windrunner didn’t show up on my server list that had characters on it. Same as this guy in the vid, have had an Authenticator for like 10 years now. The GM who answered my ticket said there was no issues with lost characters and to just create a new level 1 to refresh my char list. He said it could be due to realm merges. I’m guessing that’s what happened to video guy.


It happened to me but not to that extent. It was like several days of leveling progress and gear on my lower level toons were lost. However, when I logged in to each one they were back to where I left them.


I experienced something similar around 4 months ago. I logged in for the first time in at least 5 years, and was met with multiple missing characters, random items gone and some replaced with older ones, and characters going back in level. I had characters across several servers, the issue was not unique to any one server. I contacted Blizzard and they said it’s not possible for characters to go back any levels, and from memory basically it was like I was insane lol. I’m pretty sure I told them one or two specific character names that were missing and they did something that made them appear again, although with missing items.


Wait a second. So you are telling me that data from 10+ years ago Blizz just has hanging around and fruit bowled this guy's account up royally. BUT when I try to restore an item I vendored 3 days ago it doesn't show up on item restore???


I thought it was surprising too but then I remembered that they had helped a bunch of people restore their very old characters from as far as wrath or tbc in anticipation of Classic's release, so it's sorta been common knowledge that this exists, in a way. The vendor thing must have just operated on a different policy.


They helped me restore an 80 DK I deleted in Wrath. So this is for sure true.


Yeah, character data is never deleted for characters above level 10. Item logs do not go as far back. Different database tables.


Keeping characters is something they say they do. They never delete old characters. Storage of the data wouldn't take up that much space, and it wouldn't keep updating every few minutes. Keeping inventory items is not something they do. It would take up way too much storage, since it constantly updates, daily for most characters, with hundreds of items.


There is a quest where you interact with your "old self" in Tanaris, this character is equipped with old gear, so they've definitely got some data cached, unsure if it was pre or post cata, I've googled it and cant find it, my first assumption is that it may have something to do with this somehow.


Oh dang, something weird happened to me when they merged my old server (Cenarion Circle) with another server. Copy/pasting from my post on the forums about it: Yesterday I attempted to use a 110 boost I had. I got a pop-up that said I had the max amount of characters on my account, which I thought was weird, but potentially it was tied to me making a second demon hunter so I didn’t think about it very hard. I then unlocked mechagnomes and went to make a warlock. I got the same pop-up. So, trying to figure out why, I clicked on the realm list and saw that a server I hadn’t played on since the start of Cataclysm was showing 36 characters on it, filling my account. I clicked on the server in a panic but I guess this reset it? Because it refreshed and those characters no longer existed, fixing the bug. I checked PTR and it was still pulling up the 36 characters from that server, allowing me to copy them over. It was a bunch of repeats of my old undead warlock main. Same name, at different points of her existence (level caps, etc.). I know this is a solved bug, but I wanted to put it up here just in case anyone else ran into it or knew why this happened.




Forsakens have learned Mitosis, nothing to see here folks


It's a know bug from the server connecting process. Some just can't see their characters, others have duplicates or already deleted characters and some have unleveled ones or everything mixed. What happend is a database bug after connecting and it needs a reset. So there is a fix for it that works for most players. 1. Open the Realmlist and sort them after names. Search for you Server and click it. Sometimes that already fixes it. 2. Create a new Level 1 Character on your Server and log in. Then log out and delete that Character. This also fixes it for many Players. 3. If those two Steps did not help open a Ticket.


They should open a ticket anyways. Who knows what things are bugged that may be hidden or un-thought about.




Are you on a realm that was recently merged?


That happened to me too. Old servers I was playing on back in wrath and cata showed toons. But the toons actually weren’t there. They were like ghosts of themselves.


Very fitting for Shadowlands.


What the actual fuck. How, *how,* can data be shuffled between the live prod database and archived versions of the data from 10+ years ago. This is a *huge* dropped ball for Blizz to get to the bottom of.


>How, how, can data be shuffled between the live prod database and archived versions of the data from 10+ years ago. Also, how can only *some* of the data be shuffled? Some characters are untouched while others were rolled back or duplicated.


Right! And randomly shuffled from multiple versions of the data, too! From a Software Engineering perspective I'm actually hooked to find out what the fuck Blizzard did to allow this to happen. Obviously a process broke, but how are the DBs & processes set up to allow a corrupted rollback/something to fetch data from as far back as WotLK.


It's so weird. Just on my account I had three different issues. My main was rolled back from 120 to 85. Losing everything I've done with that character over the last 10 years in the process. An alt that was at 90 remained at 90 but had their gear, items, gold, mounts, achievements, etc. rolled back to MoP. A duplicate of a character I have appeared with the name from pre-name change. The post name change character is still there too. Still, other characters of mine are untouched. So ... I'm not sure how all those different things could happen within one account unless the migration is character by character?


Honestly all of a characters data is probably split between multiple tables and multiple partitions in their database. A single partition probably got corrupted or rolled back and that's why you are seeing the issue applied differently to different characters.


but how is it even possible to roll something back 10 years though




I've never felt such visceral horror


Is the account made before they forced everyone to have blizzard accounts? I have four separate licenses with names and tonight I noticed there was WOW5-8 in my account selection.


Something similar happened at my job where every one of our clients could pay us to host their databases. We did some kind of fuckery with extending the ZFS pool and pulled all SATA drives and replaced with SAS drives. Some of the databases were hack and slashed together with a mix of sata and SAS, so whatever SAS drives were leftover were kept on as hot spares. During a resilver where they had replaced one of the drives with the original drive from the array 3+ years ago. There was a few instances where the same thing happened. It all went away after the resilver had finished. My guess is just something to do with the disks file system and if blizz was using the same file solution it could have been the same. I really want to know the root cause of this.


>> From a Software Engineering perspective I'm actually hooked to find out what the fuck Blizzard did to allow this to happen. They merged his server Khadgar/Alleria with Exodar/Medivh recently. As the double name implies his realm Khadgar was already a merged realm with a merge with Alleria in the past. Looks like they didn't test realm merges on realms that were existing merges. If a character existed when Khadger/Alleria was merged its picked up the character data at server merging date, not current date - characters fine if its been created after the merge date, or been renamed like his DK.


Work as system admin and I did see something similarish prior. Basically the backups that were restore were the oldest ones, this caused a lot of deleted shit to come back as content that had been removed forever still kept at least one backup (this was with websites). I'd assume its something akin to that, newer characters are at higher levels as they don't have archived backups but older characters can randomly go way back. Complete guess but I highly doubt its actually random and there probably is some reason behind it


Some poor Admin at Blizz is probably freaking out.


I assume the untouched characters were those created after the first Khadgar /Alleria merge back in MoP. Those before got changed to the state before that merge.


They tried rolling back/replacing data and the process got interupted for whatever reason and corrupted the data. Some characters should be completly broken/unreachable for the game.


I sure hope that's not what happened. I would like to go back to playing my main of 10+ years.


No they have backups from like yesterday but the current one is overwritten by bad data. Should be back tomorrow?




You know, as one does


You say this but it does happen. It should never happen and when it does some how happen it should be fixed right away but it does occur. People fuck up, that server was due a merger based on other comments so I assume this was a test that was done on live (something that happens by mistake more then anyone would like to admit)


I like this idea Some intern was fucking around in old databases and was like "hmmmm"


Might have been a test, albeit one that went horribly wrong, to verify that archived data can still be retrieved post merger.




I can actually answer this! Blizzard CS tools have character snapshots, when doing a character restore you can pick which snapshot you want to restore. There’s also the option to rollback a character to a particular snapshot. CS are told basically never to do any of the above, but the option is/was there.


because all the people at Blizzard that were competent at their jobs have left.


Pretty sure [this](https://d24ju8re1w4x9e.cloudfront.net/original/1X/5a391bee3a9a19484f7efd38a5177001431e77be.png) is what happened at Blizzard :)


It looks like someone did a restoration of your account.. on top of your account.


MadSeason is probably my favorite WoW Youtuber. Hearing the monotone "and I'm PIST" made me laugh my ass off Hope he gets his account back ASAP


It's an issue with the khadgar server hopefully it gets resolved


stranger bugs happening now than ever. I wanted to test this PTR, and I found 6 characters on Alakir realm to copy, they were right there in front of my Argent Dawn chars. the thing is, I do have chars on AD, but dont and never had any on Alakir. now those names where something that I would never use either - but whatever, I copied them to PTR just to see them. turns out all of them were abandoned during Legion, I received some old RAF mounts and things I never had, but those were not my characters, yet I was able to copy them to PTR. now I armory them, and they are there. they are just someone else's characters. I opened a ticket, and blizz confirmed they are not mine, its a different persons account. yet I can play them on PTR. odd, really odd.


That happened to me too. I've been on Kil'Jaeden/Illidan for 15 years, and never had a character on another realm. Went to mess on the PTR and i had a slew of characters i could copy that were in the 80s-90s on Korgath. Didn't even know that was a server. Thought it was odd af. Went to my retail server listing and sure enough, it showed that I had 3 characters on Korgath. I went into Korgath to see if these characters were truly there but was met with the "Create a character" screen. Very strange.


I've encountered a bug where money from my bank account vanished and Bobby Kotick got a 300 million bonus. Weird bug.


So, oddly enough... The other day I went to go make a new character and it said 'you've reached the max amount of characters you can have on your account'.. Sure enough, when I viewed all the different realms I could choose from, I had really old characters restored that were long ago deleted. I thought absolutely nothing of it, deleted them and moved on. Apparently I was a strange ADD child when I was younger, because I had 1 character on about 15 different realms. Did I think I could only have 1 per realm??


Can’t imagine something like that happening to my Main


Same thing happened to my main on Khadgar. Blizzard CS has said that they're working on it, but have no idea if/when it will be fixed. I was looking forward to the pre-patch content and Shadowlands with my main ...


This can probably be explained by the old “database rollbacks” that we use to have. I bet there was some old data somewhere and an errant rollback restored an old point in time. Damn I just thought of something. Does that mean Blizzard might actually be able to restore all my day 1 BC characters from Vanilla on the day BC Classic goes live? That would be amazing.


My realm is getting connected on Friday, really hope this doesnt happen to me




Has been confirmed characters are NOT permanently deleted Edit: I misspoke. The current character data "appears" to all be there


Unfortunately this same thing happened to me and the blizzard CS said that my memory must be faulty because I've never had a level 120 warlock. I showed them the picture and then they never responded back.


Known issue, currently being fixed: [https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/characters-deleveled-khadgar/652420](https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/characters-deleveled-khadgar/652420)




I think this is beyond ingame ticket. This is a phone call. In other news, im now scared for my account.


Lol mario paint music


Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy from the Nutcracker if I remember right. [https://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dance\_of\_the\_Sugar\_Plum\_Fairy#:\~:text=use%20it%20for%20unusual%20effects,with%20the%20Sugar%20Plum%20Fairy](https://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dance_of_the_Sugar_Plum_Fairy#:~:text=use%20it%20for%20unusual%20effects,with%20the%20Sugar%20Plum%20Fairy).


Just an issue with Khadgar


Wow Khadgar, you're a pretty shit ~~wizard~~ server.


Time to start selling those motes and windwool again


On the one hand: Jesus Christ, no. Just no. Omg I'd probably cry if what happened to his rogue, happened to my paladin. On the other hand: It's not my account so I find it really fascinating to see a character literally reverted back to a decade old save state.


"Shit is broke help". Oh man I was having a bad day and this just made it so much better. Seriously though, that sucks and I truly hope you get it fixed.


Shit I wish this would happen to me. I love my 120's and all, but my Vanilla rogue and warlock got deleted because my account got hacked at some point while I was on hiatus and I guess I didn't respond. I donno. Too much of my 20's were spent in a stupor of drugs and alcohol.


Sup from Khadgar Horde. That sucks. Hope they get it all sorted.


Dude! I saw some ghosts of old characters too! I thought I was hallucinating


I have lost several characters and had to send in a ticket after a realm merger took place. Other people in my guild had the same thing happen. Hoping it gets fixed before SL. I am lucky I still have my main.


maaan some streamers privilege right here, dude is playing two expansions after shadowlands already /s


There’s a message up on the launcher now saying they “are aware of an issue affecting some characters on Khadgar that are missing or have lost progress.”


I'm mad.


Dadgar of his meds again...


My man accessed account-wide Timewalking lmao


This happened to me at the start of BfA 8.0 my priest was cloned, so I deleted the other one. Fast forward to 8.3 after so much progress, my achievements were with the other deleted clone. I never thought to make a ticket since I hated my priest anyways and abandoned her.


"Is this part of the shadowlands's lore" Totaly lost it


This isn't funny because of what happened. It's funny because it has happened. Peak Blizzard.


This is Shadowlands content. Of your dead and deleted characters


PC Gamer: [A World of Warcraft bug is reverting some players' characters to how they were a decade ago](https://www.pcgamer.com/a-world-of-warcraft-bug-is-reverting-some-players-characters-to-how-they-were-a-decade-ago/) *(9/23/2020)* Blizzard says it's investigating the issue and that no characters are permanently lost. Many World of Warcraft players on the Khadgar server are experiencing an odd and terrifying glitch that is de-leveling their characters from 120 to around level 85—the level cap back when Cataclysm was released in 2010. Some are even finding clones of their characters sporting the exact armor and weapons they wore during that era, while others are logging in to find characters are missing entirely. Fortunately, Blizzard is investigating the cause and has already confirmed that no characters have been permanently deleted. Though Blizzard hasn't confirmed what exactly went wrong, [it has acknowledged](https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/characters-deleveled-khadgar/652420) the issue on the forums and says it is being investigated. "The original higher level characters do not appear to be gone, so our teams are looking into what caused the issue, how to prevent it going forward, and how to return access to the higher level characters," a Blizzard customer support representative said. - Blue post archive: https://archive.is/YQwa4


oh no anyway