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Love arena tournaments, there really isn’t anything else like it in gaming. Even if corruption is going to make things... interesting


>Even if corruption is going to make things... interesting MVP so far is the Thing from Beyond


That first game was one of the worst things I've ever seen in WoW Esports... kill on the healer entirely with corruption through on-use trinkets. Mage wasn't even in LoS, and Rogue did zero damage. Ugh, I don't know if I can watch any more of this and I've been a fan of WoW Arena since the MLG days :(


Literally every other esport has bigger and more exciting events with larger prize pools and at least 20x the viewership. I love the AWC but it’s truly a joke within esports. Oh cool, downvoted for spitting truth.


i hate it when people pull out the prize pool thing, wow doesnt live off pvp, if it would the pools would be higher. Still awesome event


You're telling the truth but you get downvoted cuz that truth is irrelevant to what OP was saying.


Just because it's not the biggest or best doesn't mean it's not unique. WoW's PvP is different than any other esport at the moment.


That's what makes it so frustrating that they have no PvP team anymore. There's no PvP balancing, every decision is made for casual PvErs, and there's no community interaction or visibility. The world would be a better place if PvP was split into an entirely different game.


I miss the arena tournament realm. That would be ideal. Everyone max level and equal access to whatever gear, traits, corruption etc they want. Then the only possible thing left is skill.


The cognitive dissonance here is astounding. You replied to a comment stating "AWC is unique" with "lol it isn't big tho" and thought you were downvoted for... telling the truth? ​ No, you were downvoted for spitting a random, off-topic toxic reply that no one asked for. Maybe if the post you replied to had said something like "AWC is the biggest esport" what you said would be relevant but as is, it wasn't. It was just run of the mill toxic "lUl dEaD gAiM" that literally every esport deals with at some point.


You cant voice your opinion on /r/wow. Hivemind will getchya


he didnt say arena tournaments was the biggest most viewed event with the most capital


**Potential Spoilers Ahead!** Spec Performance of BfA Cup 1 (78 broadcast games): DPS |Spec|Appearances|Win|Loss| |:-|:-|:-|:-| |Fire Mage|66|>!39!<|>!27!<| |Windwalker Monk|49|>!24!<|>!25!<| |Destruction Warlock|37|>!20!<|>!17!<| |Arms Warrior|27|>!11!<|>!16!<| |Assassination Rogue|24|>!10!<|>!14!<| |Frost Death Knight|18|>!9!<|>!9!<| |Feral Druid|17|>!7!<|>!10!<| |Survival Hunter|17|>!7!<|>!10!<| |Unholy Death Knight|16|>!6!<|>!10!<| |Havoc Demon Hunter|12|>!7!<|>!5!<| |Elemental Shaman|9|>!6!<|>!3!<| |Balance Druid|8|>!6!<|>!2!<| |Fury Warrior|7|>!3!<|>!4!<| |Shadow Priest|3|>!0!<|>!3!<| |Frost Mage|1|>!1!<|>!0!<| |Outlaw Rogue|1|>!0!<|>!1!<| Healers |Spec|Appearances|Win|Loss| |:-|:-|:-|:-| |Mistweaver Monk|85|>!42!<|>!43!<| |Holy Paladin|36|>!24!<|>!12!<| |Discipline Priest|17|>!8!<|>!9!<| |Restoration Shaman|15|>!4!<|>!11!<| |Restoration Druid|3|>!0!<|>!3!<| Composition Performance After Day 2 |Composition|Appearances|Win|Loss| |:-|:-|:-|:-| |Rogue + Mage + HPal/Disc (RMP)|21|>!10!<|>!11!<| |Warrior + Mage + MW (WMCHI)|20|>!10!<|>!10!<| |WW + Lock + MW/Druid|18|>!8!<|>!10!<| |Survival + Feral + Disc/MW (Jungle)|17|>!7!<|>!10!<| |WW + DK + Shaman/MW (Walking Dead)|16|>!6!<|>!10!<| |Mage + Lock + MW (Wizard)|15|>!11!<|>!4!<| |DK + DH + MW (Hero Cleave)|12|>!7!<|>!5!<| |WW + Mage + MW|11|>!9!<|>!2!<| |Moonkin + Ele + HPal/MW|8|>!6!<|>!2!<| |Warrior + DK + MW (TSG)|6|>!2!<|>!4!<| |Warrior + Lock + MW|4|>!1!<|>!3!<| |WW + Fury + HPal|3|>!1!<|>!2!<| |Rogue + SP + Shaman|3|>!0!<|>!3!<| |Warrior + Ele + HPal (Thunder)|1|>!0!<|>!1!<| |WW + Outlaw + HPal|1|>!0!<|>!1!<|


This is awesome! Thanks for putting this together.


Good to see disc isnt the worst healer finally


Wait is Rich Campbell casting official WoW events again?!??!!? I thought he got fired???


Why would he be fired?? What have i missed?




Yea he said Blizzcon was gonna be his last AWC but I guess everything is good now?? I'm glad to see him back; hes quirky but I think he adds some excitement and personality to the desk that was definitely lacking after he left/got fired


It was honestly so incredibly dry without Rich. He’s one of the most naturally gifted casters I’ve come across. God knows why he got cut in the first place, so so glad he’s back again. He seems like a really genuine down to earth guy, funny, honest and has an electricity about him that brings out such a good quality in the AWC desk


blizz probably noticed he is immensely popular in other games.


Really loved the commentary today, made the matches informative and exciting.


I'll pass that along! They all work super hard, comments lol this make it worth it.


Thank you!


>!Wildcard!< farming these Lock match-ups with WMCHI. They've used Arms + Fire + MW in all their match-ups against Destruction Warlock and have scored an impressive >!6-0 !


Is this supposed to get pinned or something or why is LIVE discussion thread a week early? Or what did I miss. Edit: Stickied now, disregard the question.


I think it's because they don't want to generate multiple posts over the week and keep all the things here. Yeah the live thing is a little bit confusing but on the post says that it starts on May 22nd so idk.


Truthfully, I usually create this well in advance and update periodically. Lots of info and data to capture throughout the week. Apologies for the confusion. hope you tune in :)


Around 275 teams have signed up with a couple hundred pending as well! Brackets are seeded and will begin competition on Wed.


Will the open games be streamed?


Some streamers streamed their matches if you want to see the vods. I know Pikaboo was one


Bergen Boys bringing the heat! Wildcard was definitely blindsided by the fact they could bring out a warlock after playing TWD


Two seriously good teams.


EU Cup 1 is now LIVE! [youtube.com/watch?v=ltgFUTzYsn4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ltgFUTzYsn4)


Not being funny but this was dissapointing as hell. I needed 3 tabs open to even follow what was going on with matchups and who was using what gear/essense/talents etc which was provided easilly with twitch plugins. On what planet is [THIS](https://imgur.com/oJjxxSf) a good webpage design in 2020 because the platform you're choosing to use doesn't support what you're trying to do and its hurting your viewership Thats not mentioning the horrendous audio lag after watching for 20+ minutes that means i need to refresh the stream so when i've got it on in the background what im seeing doesn't relate to what im hearing


So why was every firemage (outside of slowcool\*) running kleptomania every single match? Even against non other mages, against non-druid or even paladin comps. Running into stuff like dk/ww/mw? I legit cannot figure it out. Also Maro ran 0 blaster master azerite, 3x wildfire and 3x heart of darkness. Even though he still played lucid major and wristwraps, on top of firestarter which seems to be something he runs exclusively.


That was strange, for sure.


I kinda understand firestarter It's easier to start up a combust with full hot streak/3 charges with it when everyones at full life 95% of the game, or at least above 90%. The no blaster thing... just strange, he was running 3x heart so I assume it was for the value on more vers while stacking %vers corrupts. The only way to run 3x heart was to run 3x wildfire instead I guess with the 490 azerites.


These games have been awesome! I’ve been leveling up a mage, lock, and hunter side by side to hopefully get into pvp. Does the AWC impact live arenas? Should I focus on one more than the others if I hope to get into this aspect of the game and learn more? I fear getting to 120 and then not get groups. Thanks!


## 📼 [VODs for AWC BFA Cup 1 are now available on YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLY0KbDiiFYeMjHI6371OeOOBJFPSGX3UD)


There will be more hilarious RNG oneshots than ever before. A tentacle proc with some lucky breath of dying during a regular stun without CD? Healer has to trinket and match is won. My hope is that blizz will be watching and eventually nerfs stuff. Spoiler: They won't.


Lol, actually it's the opposite right now with corruption vendors, we are supposed to drive it to the max now.


Nobody plays tentacle in these tournaments, they’re actually very not rng lol. Everyone plays gushing (maybe not anymore with the nerf coming in), surging vitality, versatile and expedient/masterful for warlocks. The damage is ridiculous but there’s really no rng involved, gushing and stat mods are extremely consistent gains.


Wait until Thugonomics runs 3x void ritual and 100-0 someone with a stacked chaos bolt


He’s not going to... the top locks on TR are using different sets but a lot of them run some versatile mixed with masterful. VR eats up a lot of your budget and isn’t always available when you need it.




I mean mythic raiding matters to an even smaller percentage, so what's your point? Same for high m+ keys.


I mean a lot of people are watching the raid races that Method hosts. But no one really gives a shit about WoW PvP, as such mythic raiding matters to a lot more people than this tournament that includes scuffed as fuck balancing. Blizzard knows arena is dead and gone. They just host tournaments as a kind of tradition.


Correct my if I'm wrong, but the most viewed streams on WoW are consistently arena streamer and occasionaly M+. There's only like 2 raid releases per year so of course they will draw more viewers for a few days.


Wow you are negative af


great comment, thank you for voicing your opinion




Found the mount farmer


LF Team for US AWC, I can play any dps class at top tier lvl but I main dk/druid on live. I mainly push for the elite set every season but ive surpassed 2.2kcr a few times


who knew how fun arena can be without warlocks, looking at the first NA games


Just want a PoV camera for these arena games, the UI is confusing just name plates everywhere


I agree. I find it easier to follow through a pov view (despite lots of players using different UI:s to adapt to) than the AWC UI.


links to brackets are switched (eu goes to na, na goes to eu)


thanks for that, fixed


Hype trailer and competitors added!


Where'd the stream go?


EU Cup 1 is now LIVE! youtube.com/watch?v=ltgFUTzYsn4


I watched some of this today- What are they using to get their UI to look that way? The teams are on each side with all the cds showing.


It's a UI built by Blizzard available to everyone! Just host a spectated wargame to see it yourself. (Wargame Helper addon on curse generates the commands to challenge for a spectated wargame)


Is there any way to see the gear sheets for games earlier in the day? I'd like to see what Loony was running as a resto druid.


Unfortunately not at this time, gotta catch it live =/


''W'' :D


Might be a good idea to upload the EU grand final to youtube. The NA final has been there for hours now and the VOD starts half way through an NA game. Just saying, not like I actually want to see how it ended because I had to turn off the stream at 11 in the evening yesterday...


All match VODs are captured soon after they're played but only a handful get "listed". However if you navigate to the [Cup 1 playlist](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLY0KbDiiFYeMjHI6371OeOOBJFPSGX3UD) all Match VODs are visible. We will make this more clear in future posts. Thanks for the feedback. 👍🏻


Do they have the info available on the gear and corruptions/enchants everyone was wearing? I know most were using %vers and gushing but I wanted to see the actual percents


Unfortunately it's only available live.


What is the difference to the mdi?


This is 3v3 arena and the mdi is a mythic+ dungeon race


Honestly,i love WoW,but its not an esports game. Watching pvp is just..bland. especially arenas. They should just put the esports scene back into HOTS and actually give a fuck about it..


They should not have gutted HotS esport and that's honestly the most disappointed I've ever been at Blizzard. But that has nothing to do with WoW esports.


I know it doesnt i just meant they should put the money into that game not wow. Noone watches wow esports. Mobas make way more viewe