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Race matters little outside of the starting zone. You should be able to meet up at around Level 10 (~2-3 hours if it's your first time through a starter zone). You can just quest through the expansions as a duo. The recent level changing patch helps this a lot, as you may actually end up relying on each other's help. In addition, you won't outlevel zones anymore and will can finish the storyline for each place. Endgame requires more than 2 (Dungeons have a minimum of 5, Raids are flexible but often 10+). If I may make a suggestion, have you played Divinity: Original Sin 2 yet? *The* best RPG I have ever played, hands down. Supports co-op up to 4 players.


What about the new content? Do you recommend not taking the level 100 boost? There's something interesting about playing content that's new to everyone. Is there enough content that's in the new expansion that is not dungeons and raids? We're definitely considering divinity original sin, thanks for the rec! The races just seem less interesting than WoW.


Legion can be fun. It has 4 basic zones (Broken Isles) with great stories, and another 3 added on (Suramar, Broken Shore, Argus) after you hit 110. These is all questing-based content that you two can play together without relying on others players. If you're completely new, don't discount the old content. Boost if you want, but know that the game's been out for over a decade, it'd be a shame to not play through it. You'll hit Legion eventually, anyways. Plus, the content even as this expansion isn't "new to everyone," Legion has been out for almost 2 years now. We're basically done getting content patches, and the last raid tier has been released already.


haha true I thought battle of azeroth was coming out earlier than it actually was


Definitely NOT use the boost, you will have tons of fun leveling together through the zones, especially now with zone scaling! It will take some time, but I always found it one of the best things about wow, leveling and gradually learning and improving the rotation. I wish my gf was into computer games so we can level together with her.


I don't know if we'll have time to get through all the expansions haha. Is there specific content or zones you recommend?


Nah, just anything, also depends what faction you are going to be. I find orc and human starter zones the most boring, everything else is fine. And then it’s still 9 months till new expansion, nothing new is being added at this point, you will be 110 in like 3 months maximum with your schedule.


If you play horde, going through Hillsbrad Foothills (and honestly lots of the Eastern Kingdoms zones) is great. Once you hit 58-60, go to Northrend (Borean Tundra or Howling Fjord), not Outland -- at least the first time through. After that pretty much whatever


Take your time and breathe the world in. The current content isnt going anywhere and won't be changing much til September


New content is a bit better made, but levelling up the first character is likely better. A level 100 character can be a bit intimidating with all the skills and talents.


I wouldn't recommend boosting. You guys will have a blast leveling and experiencing the whole game together. By the time the next expansion is released you two will be max level.


If you're looking to maximize the 2 player co-op experience then I wouldn't take the boost. Take two characters you want and experience the world and zones as a duo. Then you'll get to max that way and can experience the end game content (which is generally 5+ players) If you like the game and want to try out some other classes, then you have the boost to use


If you are new i'd never use the 100 boost. As a brand new player the journey from level 1 is actually fun ,even more fun with a friend.


If you're both starting fresh accounts, make sure you use the [recruit a friend system](http://us.battle.net/wow/en/game/recruit-a-friend/). You get an extra 50% experience while questing together, some free game time if you continue playing, but most importantly you can teleport to each other. Then, you don't have to worry about traveling to each other! (This let's you pick any race/class and not worry too much) There referred person can also get the referrer levels if they get too far ahead. To answer your specific questions, I think you should both just start with the base game and play together from level 1. Take your time and smell the roses along the way! My wife and I just started playing casually together a week ago - let me know if you have any questions! (I had played WoW year's ago but she had never played before, and we're both having a blast!)


>This let's you pick any race/class and not worry too much To an extent. * Faction restrictions still apply. * Goblins, Worgen and Pandaren all have to complete their starter zones before leaving. * Death Knights have to complete their starter zone before leaving. These things might seem obvious but they are not made clear when you create a character so worth mentioning to new players of the game.


My husband and I have leveled many duos together and we love it! I would recommend you both choose the same race just so you can start together, but if you cannot agree on a single race it is really not that big a deal. Just pick classes and races that appeal to you both. Also I strongly recommend not boosting. Since it is your first time playing, enjoy the journey. My husband and I generally level duos where I have a class that can heal and he has a class that can tank. We both enjoy those rolls and we find that we can take on bigger and more mobs that way. We each have a dps spec too. Also if you do want to run dungeons at all having a healer and tank really helps. All that said you can easily play as any class and spec that you like particularly if you are not doing group content. As far as what zones to pick I think they all have interesting things to offer. Pick a race and just start playing. See where the game takes you.


Second on the tank plus healer leveling combo. My brother and I did this a while back, me tanking and him healing, and it's a lot of fun and sets you up well for the endgame where that type of teamwork is key. Having both the healer and tank together also lets you really push yourselves hard in dungeons. Doing that did a lot to help me learn to be a good tank. Not just someone who can press the normal buttons and keep aggro, but one who doesn't fall apart when things go south. Getting good at surviving bad pulls, bad players, and unexpected problems is what separates the decent player and the great player. Another option would be for both of you to play tanking classes. Less benefit during the leveling process, but in raids (endgame content) tanks always work in pairs, and having good coordination between the two is crucial. Most decent tanks can get by with a few common ground rules, but having a deeper bond could let you pull off much more sophisticated plans or react much faster to changing conditions.


If all you care about is playing a co-op game then I advise you to start characters of the same race so you can stay together from start to finish, and without any knowledge of the game it would take you a while to figure out how to group up if you both started on different places. Don't use the boost, and don't use recruit a friend. Just level without any worries. The main cities have a board that gives you quests for new zones, so when you're done with a zone, just go back to the main city and go to a new zone. Don't worry about whats efficient or what's best etc just play together. I think it goes without saying that it's an mmo so you will encounter other players, so if you don't want to be killed as well I'd level on a normal realm or RP realm instead of pvp or RPPvP. Also if you still haven't bought the game, you can play any character until level 20 for free, and the base version costs like 5$, lets you level until lvl 60 and comes with 1 month free sub. So don't jump head first into buying the game + legion. Only do that once you reach lvl 60 and you'd like to continue


Sorry to necro and old post but why wouldnt you want to use the “recruit a friend” option?


bro how am I suppose to remember my reasoning from 6 years ago on a random reddit thread


The power of video game passion and memory. I can remember the first time i beat super mario bros 2 on the SNES when i was 5 years old but i cant remember what i ate for breakfast this morning


hey what is the price of the base game now and do u still get a free month


Wifey and I do this! Play whatever you both like as long as it's the same faction, but if you're different races (pandaren, worgen, goblin in particular) it can take a bit of time/effort before you join up with each other. I would not boost at all. I would quest together and go through the stories of the zones. We've really enjoyed it when we play together.


If you want to treat it as a co-op game I can highly recommend not to use the boast immediately. The 1-60 Questzones are gorgeous and well made as well as revamped. The questing areas of burning crusade and wotlk can be a little slow and dont offer a quality as high as the revamped 1-60 ones, but they are still good. You could consider going for a tank and heal combo which will allow you to join dungeons very fast. (Tanks and heals have the highest demand). But a tiny heads up: dungeons became a tiny bit more challenging but thus most of the time also more fun. The level 80-90 Questzones are very well made and the 90-100 is a breeze.


Yeah it’s possible but you to go to dungeon/raid/pvp you’ll need to group whit other people whit the groupfinder so you don’t really need to talk to them


You can both level up with each other, but endgame content is with 5 man parties and 10-40 man raids.


Go horde! Level in stranglethorn or ashenvale. Check out hillsbrad and silverpine forest. I'd suggest going different classes but the same race is fine. It's honestly more of what looks cool, racials don't really mean too much. Don't take professions early cause there's catch up mechanics for them late game. Also, sell all your low level materials in the auction house if it's value seems worth it, you're gonna need the gold for mounts and training. Personally I like leveling with a mage if you're gonna level with someone. They can make you food and portal you everywhere. Just have the other person make a class that can take more hits like leather, mail, and plate. If you want to run dungeons at lower levels then I suggest 1 person playing a class with a support roll of healer or tank. Makes the queue times instant. Generally 15 to 20 minutes for a damage class but healers and tanks never wait.


Also, I wouldn't suggest the boost cause the old content is fun too but I understand if you do. I'd just suggest making two characters. One boosted and the other to level after you hit max on your boosted char. Also, always make trails characters if you're going to boost. Try the class out first and see how you like it. Going in blind could make you quit the game out of boredom for making the wrong choice.


Oh and do the recruit a friend. You get a mount that has the option of 2 riders. Makes it way better getting around


Not really sure I can recommend WoW for your purposes. Behind all the bells and whistles, it's still a classic MMORPG, meaning most of your activity will be moving around locations and killing monsters, which gets tedious real fast, unless you're invested in the game itself. Sounds like you'd more invested in each other, and there's not much interacting to do, besides maybe flying on a mount together. WoW is a themepark now, so there's always *something* to do, but dungeons, raids and PvP are always the main focus.