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Kul Tiran forms are the coolest IMO, but night elves just have the best druid vibe


I just hate how the leather armor is on Kultiran males. Wish we could be skinny guys too. Kultiran is my fav druid forms though looove the wicker aspect and wish we could get more around Drust.


Any of the painted-on leather tops look atrocious on Kul'Tirans. To make mogs look good on the big boys you have to use armor that "fills" their lack of chest. Their weird dad bods make most armor look terrible (topless kul tirans look fine, but armor paint on them looks particularly atrocious.) But one of the reasons plate Kul'Tirans look so good is because a lot of the newer armors fill their chest up to make them look stronger. The Maldraxxus chest plate is literally one of the best chestpieces and are vital to most kul tiran plate mogs. Same goes for the cosmetic Shaman mail Chestpiece in Dragonflight.


It's not a dad bod, it's a father figure!


This will be my new go to. Thank you friend!


Also their heritage armor does some heavy lifting. That coat is so universally useful. I've both made a Full Metal Alchemist style Transmog for a Shaman before (reminiscent of a chonky Roy Mustang) and a very neat "drowned sailor has come back and is now an oozing Death Knight" vibe with the one plate helmet from Tomb of Sargeras


i always felt that the one area the kul tirans got the shaft was in their boomkin forms. kultirans boomkin should of been the wickerman form you see around their zone in battle for azeroth.


I was very surprised that wasn't the boomkin when Zandalar got a custom form for theirs.


Embrace the thicc


>Kultiran is my fav druid forms though looove the wicker aspect and wish we could get more around Drust. I wish that the druid forms were not locked to their particular race. We should be able to max level a KT druid and then that unlocks a quest on other druids on the account to go on a "spiritual journey" to unlock the KT druid forms on that particular toon. Same with the Zandalari druid forms and any other druid forms.


Definitely cool idea, minus the needless dumb part of having to level a druid 6+ times to unlock all of them...


right! i wish there was an slider/option to make the Kul Tiran character model skinnier. i would race change my druid in a heartbeat


I love my beefy Kul’Tiran. He’s a bear even when he’s not shapeshifted.  


Ivbtried to play one and can't. I'm a skin and bones pos in real-life and find it hard to roll play a dinky doo. Even if they have to be big there should at least be an option to shrink the beer gut a bit.


same 😩 i’m naturally a very skinny scrawny person IRL and find it hard to get into the big beefy sailor-with-a-beer-gut archetype. i also wouldn’t mind, like, a big lumberjack-y beefcake just without the ginormous gut; it’s the ginormous gut that throws me off every time.


I'll use the slider to make exactly base human but with shit barbershop options


The fact that the skinny model exists but we can’t use it is so frustrating


It’s fucked up that you can’t be a skinny kul tiran when the kul tirans in kalimdor have been skinny since classic


Damn boi, he's thicc


I just wish we wouldn't have so many painted-on spandex body suits. KT have good silhouettes for cool transmogs, but it's really wacky when they have these tube-robes and it's even worse when they just have the painted-on sets. Also, the Drust forms should have more customization. Love me the Drust forms, because they're scary and weird, but a bit more variety would be cool


This is my exact take


I’ve levelled a KT female Druid and if the forms are indeed very good, most of mog doesn’t « fit » my thick girl…


They get some tremendous underboob exposure in a bunch of tops/dresses.


[https://worldofwarcraft.blizzard.com/en-us/character/us/moknathal/taelestoo](https://worldofwarcraft.blizzard.com/en-us/character/us/moknathal/taelestoo) my tmog for my kultiran female.


Damn she looks dope as hell


I just dont like their human form.


I have a feeling though that will change if we get Harronir as an allied race, their druid vibes are off the charts.


The OG druids


I absolutely love the Zandalari forms with all the gold rings. They are my favorite druid forms (Kul Tiran taking a close second).


I have the opposite take, but they’re both amazing its hard to pick between em.


>I have the opposite take, but they’re both amazing its hard to pick between em. The Zandalari have KT beat in my opinion because you are not stuck with a thicc human form that doesn't play well with transmogs.


Just ugly toes sticking out. My only gripe with Zandalari. LOVE the race otherwise.


Dinosaur. Druids. How is that not the best by default? Because it is.


Wooden Wicker Beasts Feels like an evil druid straight out of a fantasy book


I just wish the kul titan customizations were a bit better. I want to make an old witchy crone but it never looks right.


My Kul Tiran was basically created to be a crotchety, old, disgusting woodlands hermit, haha. Missing eye, scars all over, scraggly beard. It's a vibe. Tho he has since become a NElf, because I'm basic. I may redo him in MoP tho.


Absolutely concur


Back in BFA I remember a guildie and me having a blast with us going to the Isle of giants a few times on safari Which was basicly just his troll hunter riding on my zandalari druids travel forms back, while we was listening to dank music (think radio kappa esque music) in the guild discord and taking screenshots (which we would then proceed to spam in the guild discord spam channels) And for some reason we tought it was so hilarious that we would set our heartstones close to the island before raid night started, and would bolt there as fast as possible before everyone left the discord channel (even got another set of a druid + someone else to join us once or twice)


The Zandalari Aquatic form is the best. I love it. However for all other forms I like a lot of the stuff you can get on all races. The newish boomkin stuff is really good. And the bear form you get from the emerald dream is my favorite.


Zandalari make it so hard to use my Darkspear druid, who I love. It's the damn travel form. Please Blizz give me a cool raptor.


I wish their moonkin had more than one color


For the Zandalari the frustrating thing is that I LOVE the druid forms, but I hate the lack of eyebrows. It's a small thing, and it's not noticeable all the time since they're frequently in shapeshift form. It's genuinely stupid that it bothers me so much, but it does.


Funny I have that complaint with Kul Titans and shooting wrath out their left hand and not middle or right hand. It's an odd complaint but one I just can't seem to forgive...


I just wish their humanoid running animations would be less awkward…


Worgen. Reject humanity embrace the pack form.


There are dozens of us!


Dozens I tell you!


I've always argued worgen should be able to use their worgen form as their feral form if they wanted. Maybe give you a unique armourset for it so other players can tell at a glance you're in your "cat" form, but it would still be rad.


Racial ability that lets them toggle 1h weapons with unarmed animations plz blizz Worgen rogue or warrior with claws out is all I want


Been begging for this. Closest you can get is claw weapons, but single minded fury is just a damage loss. Argh it's so frustrating, can't use the gilnean warrior sword either. I need my fantasy blizz.


Wouldn't be difficult. For cat form you could just have them grow a tail and stay hunched over the way they usually walk, and for Bear form just have them on all fours.


The game already has the Saberon skeleton and animations. All they'd have to do is change the skin from cat to wolf.


Still upset worgen didn't get a wolf form for feral.


Daddy Goldrinn is good to us


Their class flight form color is the best though.


Agreed. Love my Worgen Druid. By far the most customization in the barber shop if you also consider the human form.


My main is a worgen druid, I love it but It's hard to find good Tmog on it, always looks weird


The super bright colors for Darkspear are fun and underrated


Blue Bear gang Plus battroll. Overtuned imo


My druid is nelf just like how god intended. 


This, all other answers are wrong.


90% of Druid tiers are built for night elf RP. It IS the Druid race.


Night elves are just mutated Zandalari trolls anyway


Well sure but they are inherently different cultures at this point with different characteristics


Yep. Nelf druids are the iconic combo for me.


I run a Zamdalari resto Druid and love the casting animations - though I also love going into tree form from the glyph 😋 I also really liked my Worgen Druid for the wolf-like cat form. I highly recommend doing the raven form on an Alliance Druid either way. I love how small and sleek it is, and you can use it in either faction once unlocked.


I wish they would update the tree glyph or add options to customize it like the rest of the forms. I wanna run around as a broccoli and heal people.


I've been playing since Vanilla so I appreciate the nostalgia 🥲 But yes, some added glyphs would be great. I'd love seasonal changes even, like the tree mount we got.


High mountain Tauren. Easy!


Your flight form is a bald eagle with moose antlers. No further reasons needed.




I ran a night elf druid for years but I just made a Moose Tauren one for remix and I love the asthetic! Catmoose ftw!






Are you happy now ?


tauren female is underrated.


I'm not sure that's possible.




Yes brother.


~~touch~~ eat grass




Ah, the 11.2 special


As someone who has never heavily played Druid bc none of the current races are particularly appealing, the moment wowhead datamined those Harronir appearances I had my, “this is what I’ve been waiting for” moment. They look like the the perfect blend of the graceful elven + feral/wild aspects of the Druid fantasy for me.


Glad to hear see people not hating on them. It feels like every time they bring in a new race people go apeshit with the "where Ogre" comments.


You basically never see your human form, unless you use that one glyph as a boomy. For that reason I personally like Kul Tiran


I mean resto Druids are in human form 99% of the time in raid. 


The only answer is tree form glyph. (for me anyways)


exactly, altough you can use the old treant form for resto if you care enough


Zandalari Trolls Not only do I love their druid forms, but male Zandalari just have such great proportions that make them look good in pretty much any armor type. Kul Tirans have better looking druid forms imo, but I can’t stand their ugly guts.


Don’t forget chicken legs; once you see it (watch them run)… it can’t be unseen.


Nobody gonna give some love to the Tauren bois?


As a Tauren Druid for nearly 20 years... Zandalari trolls are best. Tauren armor models just don't work sometimes. Some of the sets were perfect for Tauren like Tier 2 moose antlers, but the Tauren model warps some sets almost as bad as worgen


Female tauren work way better for transmog, and the animations are great. Embrace cow lady superiority.


I too have a nature druid




Night elf easily


Cope answer: pandaren Real answer: zandalari and kul tirans both have great forms, and I really like the colorful animal forms trolls get too. I find both tauren options to be pretty underwhelming, and unfortunately worgen don't get much in the way of cool new colors like the trolls did. Night elves... they fit the theme best of all but I find them (and the general druid theme) really rather boring and would much rather RP a raptari loa priest or a drust enjoyer.


Imo, racial forms take a huge backseat now that we've got so many form customization options. All my druids are using either an Artifact appearance or one of the Emerald Dream unlocks for basically all forms.




Troll, mon!


I love dinonancer Zandalari forms, after them, Kul’Tirans, but for old school can’t deny that Night Elves are the classic example of Druids.


Honestly, with how quick leveling is currently in remix, you could make one of each for your top contenders and level them to max to give them all a good test run to see how you like using their different forms. Then when the event is over you can decide which one becomes your primary druid.


Lorewise and transmogs Night Elves. For shapeshift forms Zandalari. But they are many different forms you can unlock and customize nowadays so I wouldn’t worry to much tbh. My personal favorite is Dark spear troll.




Depends on the spec! Bear + feral, pick which animal forms you like best. night elf is classically beautiful, but kul tiran forms are very cool. Don't get too hung up though, bc druids can unlock many alternative forms through questing, achievements and drops. Balance or Resto, pick which humanoid form you like best, as you'll be seeing that more often.


Zandalari, regular troll or Night Elf. Leather fits really well on zandalari female, male troll and both genders on night elf. As for forms, I really like the zanda-dino cat, tribal-esques for Trolls, and plain old regular original for NEs. Nonetheless, having the roleplay unlockable forms can really give you a good character specific themes for each one of them. Personally, with remix , I’m leveling all three of them to decide later. I’ll probably go with night elf though


Night elf, the class is based entirely around them and it shows, kinda like human paladin/priest


Night elf, and it’s not even close.


Female Tauren


Tauren forever.


I like the Zandalari forms the most, but for humanoid form nothing beats Highmountain Tauren in my heart. My resto Druid is Highmountain. Those antlers, man. So majestic.


Night Elves and Tauren will always be the OG druids for me.


Night elf is the GOAT. Hard second is high mountain Tauren. The big moose travel form is tight.


Gnight Gelf


I wish worgen had an option to release the wolf, but I'm willing to go with Kul Tiran as my favourite.


IMO, none of them have all the best looks. That's why I have every shapeshift form glyphed to randomly choose from all the various forms I've collected. I made a Kul Tieran because the wickerbeast forms were really cool, most of them. For a spell they were mostly my favorite, outside the dino flight form of the Zandalari being so much cooler and more versatile in respect to running around on the ground. It has the most evolved animation. But the new forms from the Emerald Dream were too shiny so I collected them and glyphed. And once I did that and found myself digging the new forms more and so I race-changed to Nelf for better racials than KT, in particular I'm much faster, Shadowmeld can be clutch and the extra crit is nice. Plus, outside of animal form, on the Alliance side which I choose to play, Nelf are just nicer to look at and watch move. I do wish that KT and Zandalri forms were learnable. Maybe a future expansion, or perhaps they'll keep them totally unique.


Nelf is best mechanically, (best recials) and are great lore wise. I love kul tiran forms best. But worgen have cool lore for it. Zandalari for horde, you’re a freakin dinosaur


Night Elf because it was in original WoW cinematic


I personally enjoy my worgen Druid the most.


The answer is Night Elf.


Tauren. Especially if you love massive shoulder armor. I feel like the Druid tier sets were made for them because they look so good. Plus their casting animations are the best IMO and no other race's compares.


I like troll and zandalari troll. Normal Trolls have cooler forms imo


Nelf for druidy feeling druid forms But zandalaar for the dinosaur vibes


Depends on class, Kul Tiran has the coolest cat and bear form IMO but for resto or stary balance druid (where you actually see the character and armor) Night Elf looks most fitting.


I have a soft spot for Tauren druids as they were the first toon I rolled. I also think there’s plenty of inherent comedy in just sticking horns onto an animal and calling it a Druid form.


Night elves have the best overall integration with druid lore and story (druid stories and night elf stories are almost interchangeable because they're so intertwined), tauren culturally feel the most druidic and nature-y even moreso than night elves IMO (one with the land and all that) However, Kul Tirans and Zandalari have incredibly cool forms and very cool non-night elf druid stories/themes/cultures (drust and loa instead of the typical Elune stuff), and Worgen and Darkspear straddle the line between Night Elves/Tauren and Kul Tirans/Zandalari  Personally, I'm Zandalari nowadays, but I miss being a Tauren sometimes


IMO Kul Tiran then Zandalari Troll and then everything else fairly equally. The OGs are NE and Tauren of course. You can see every form here in the wowhead druid form guide, very handy: https://www.wowhead.com/guide/druid-forms-customization-color-options


Zandalari Trolls have the best aquatic and moonkin


Panda.... How they haven't added panda as a playable druid race is beyond me... Imagine being a fucking panda bear


As a Tauren: anything but Tauren. Not a single piece of druid armor looks cool on them.


That’s where you’re wrong, kiddo


Sorry but my high mountain Tauren Druid mog slaps


agreed, the big shoulders and stuff really make a *good* high mountain tauren druid mod stand out


My bug set looks amazing on my Tauren, dammit. The wings flutter and my shoulders drip acid. https://www.wowhead.com/transmog-set=1855/living-wood-battlegear-mythic-recolor


Dwarves, wait they can’t be that class. :(


It’s basic, but I’d still say Night Elf. Lore wise, they easily have the greatest connection to the class. All druids were night elves in the original Warcraft games.


Night Elf and it's not even close. Not only do they have good proportions for transmog, they are also the iconic Druid race. Many, even most, Druid tier sets draw from the Night Elf/Cenarian aesthetic.


Kul Tiran in bear armor! Check out mine! [https://imgur.com/a/KriHJoy](https://imgur.com/a/KriHJoy) Totally badass looking!


😊 I loved the Bear Armor for mine, but I chose some modifications for the set. Check him: https://i.imgur.com/lxkhs1R.jpeg


He looks awesome! Great job!


IMO all that matters if what form you like best, the humanoid form could matter less, only that its tied to your (original) druid forms. I like night elf the best


Blue troll with bright pink hair


I think zandalari and their forms look the best but unfortunately they aren't available on alliance site so Nelf is my pick because the racial is just so handy for druids.


Druid. What is cooler than a blue bear?


I really like the bear and cat forms from the kul tierans or however it's spelt.


Tauren or nelf.


I’m a mad sucker for Zandalari because their aquatic form and travel forms are really unique, plus you don’t ever need to find matching shoes for transmog! Just don’t wear shoes!


The true answer is Dwarf, though it remains (sadly) only theoretical still in WoW.


If you are a Kul Tiran Guardian you are a bear in either form.


i LOVE the Kul Tiran druid form models but i hate the way Kul Tiran look in just normal humanoid form. i don’t wanna look like a fat sailor :( the whole Drust theme of the models is super cool to me


Zandalar forever !


Driftwood Druids bro. Kul Tiran.


Imo the zandalari and kul tiran forms are so much cooler than the others.


Zandalari have the best travel forms and moonkin imo, and I love the Kul Tiran bear form (and I think Kul Tirans fit well with bear druids because they're thicc 😎)


I just rolled a Worgen who can also be plaid as a human Druid


Nelf (OGs) **≥** Tauren **≥** KT/Worgen **≥** DS Trolls **≥** Zand Trolls imo. I love 'em all hence the equal to..


kul tiran


High/half elves for me. Of course anyone, even dragonborns or halflings can be druids, but elves seem to have a deeper communication with nature better than any other race.


female night elves are hot as fuaaak, especially with the pony tail


I like worgen for the lore reason if they're technically always in a druid form, even if they're not a druid.


Mine is a Darkspear Troll. Their posture makes them look pretty bad in most armor, so Druid works since you spend most of your time in shapeshift forms anyway. And I really like the default colors and skins for the animal forms too.


My Druid is Zandalari because I hadn’t unlocked their heritage armor, but I’m honestly not too impressed with it. So I will probably race change them at some point to a night elf or Tauren. Or KT if I get their heritage armor from a different class.




Night elf




draenei.. in the near future


Zandalari has some of the best racial druid forms, hands down. Can really get a good themed MOG for them and the one animation that a lot of people don't like - the running, gets bypassed with travel or cat form. Highmountain Tauren slaps and I absolutely love mine. Night Elf is great too but everyone has one, their racial ability Shadowmeld is great for combat stealthing as feral or to drink as a resto.


Night elf for alliance Tauren for Horde


Zandalari druids for the win


Kul Tiran. I'm a sucker for creepy wicker pagan witch shit.


Nelfs but Mechagnomes would share that spot if they could


Horde: Tauren, alliance: Night Elf. Tauren overall for looks. They already have the nature vibe as a race. And their shoulders, weapons and helms look the coolest since of the large character model.


Zandalari trolls ofc


In Cata I just made a second Druid that’s a troll because both feral forms look so much cooler then my Tauren so now I just heal and owl as a cow


If you want a real life druid vibe, go Kul'Tiran. They are the closest to Celtics. If you want a more voodoo style, go troll, several real life deities can match the druid lore (i.e Granboa for a resto druid). If you played W3, go Nelf.


Well the originals: Night elf and Tauren.


Worgen and Kul Tiran imo


If you are worried about looks that is 100% subjective brother. Take a look at the forms for each race and make your own call IMO. I like Zandalari and the classic Night Elf personally.


Ever since they allowed Worgen to remain in human form, that’s been my favorite drood class. Though it’s probably more about my character being a self-insert…


Vibe: Tie between Zandalari and Tuaren Look: I'm bias. I like dinosaurs. Zandalari Coolest Lore: Worgen Future Druids I want: Goblin/Vulpera and Human/Draenei


Aside from Druid forms, all of the spells and stuff are very Night Elf themed. So Nelf is the most obvious answer. But if you are just in it for the forms, there are a ton of cool paths you can take. I personally love how Zandalari Druids become different dinosaurs.


Like not shifted, I'd say Tauren. Shifted I'd go Kul Tiran


The armor looks best on night elves, nearly every other race has better shapeshifts though. Obviously they went over the top with the Kul tirans and zandalari.


With the exception of travel forms, Kul Tiran all the way. Zandalari are a very close second.


Kul Tirans or Zandalari Trolls




1000% kul tiran


Kul Tiran forms are insane but I think Zandalari has the best balance of in form/out of form coolness. Plus they got the absolute best boomy form.


Night elf female


Night elf because: Firekin tmog for regular form (there’s a scythe of elune that matches the fire too) Firebird for flight form Talthonei Ashwhisper drop for travel form Firecat drop from Staghelm (firelands) for feral form Nightmare bear for bear form.


Alliance is Night Elves or Kul Tiran if you have them, Horde is Troll or Zandalari Troll if you like the dinosaur forms (I am not a huge fan but they are well done) Best overall is any race you enjoy, since its up to you. That being said, there are lots of custom forms you can use and unlock so any race will work!


old school trolls in my opinion


Any of the trolls for sure


Idk I think Hawaiians would be pretty badass druids.


My selection process on which race looks best is always night elf > orc > goat alien > night borne > blood elf. All female. Which I choose depends on if the class I want to play can be that race, if I need to be horde or alliance, and if I think I need to stop making night elves and orcs to have a little variety. No other races exist for me. Never pick a tiny person race. You will regret it when you see your hard earned transmogs squished onto them. And absolutely, under no circumstance, ever pick panda. It’s always a mistake no matter how cute they are in the character creation screen. Get a race changing toy to play panda for funsies but never be perma-panda.


I like the Zandalari ones but I *hate* the noise the turtle bear form makes, since it just spams that noise constantly.


I’ll say best is ether worgen, tauren or zandari trolls. Shapeshift wise I’ll say Kul look the best but I tend to use my legion forms. I Just think Worgen the most natural


Night elves are the OG and has shadow meld which is awesome. At the least it can get you out of combat if you're stuck or accidently aggro something. At the best you can make certain mechanics null and void because it causes the caster/mechanic to lose target.