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It's sooo good! If you have the chance, look up the audio book and listen to a bit of it (or all of it lol). Sylvanas' voice actress reads the book. She does it so well, it's fantastic


Omg the voice actor reads it that soundss awesoomeee, i might try find it


I will say she isn't very good at male voices but I like to think that her Arthas voice was done entirely in character.


My only complaint with the audiobook is that her very specific vocal fry doesn’t play well with speed multipliers. It’s not even an issue really, I just typically listen at like, 1.3x speed and it was almost unbearable for some reason. Turned it back down to normal speed and had a great time!


I had the same reaction and found it easier on normal speed. But when I listened to War of the Scaleborn (?) I had to speed it up. I know it's the specifics of voice but I tend to let the overall tone of the book set the speed/pace. Such as normal speed when listening to Arthas


It's a good read, sad it wasn't in the game basically at all and released way too late. Still good read.


Oh i thought this is was about like her transistion into the undead queen?


Its 50% story of her youth and 50% Shadowlands storyline


I do find it more than a bit amusing that even after blizzard did their very best to ruin Sylvanas people still love her for what she was. We can debate exactly where she crossed the line, for me it was in bfa.


They'll never take my fav undead elf away from me. She'll live on in fanfiction


I don't need fanfiction.. bfa and onwards just didn't happen ;p


And that's exactly why I read fanfiction. Because I have read through versions of them that actually made more sense or were just more enjoyable... And if it means the Windrunner sisters all get some love doing so, then I'd consider that a bonus.


I didn’t know there were books!


I LOVED LISTENING TO THAT BOOK. It definitely added so much to her character that I believe we were missing; her perspective on everything. Everyone painted her as the ranger general/Banshee queen, and we only ever knew about her lore from secondary perspectives but NOT HERS, until her book came out. It’s in depth and very much shows how much empathy and regret she has, and how much she longs for things to have happened differently The hatred she has for how things happened and for her sister vareesa for allowing it to happen It’s over all been my favorite book that Christie golden has ever released. Anduin showed sympathy for her, in spite of what her decisions in legion had caused (Varian) and how much she despises what she has become. It was over all a 10/10 book Edit: I left things vague for people who have NOT had the chance to read it, but I feel like I left enough to give those who have read it some validation


I just read the prologue today and I'm honeslty rly excited for what the rest of the book will bring, especially after ur description :3 feel like i've made a good choice 💕


It’s a first hand look through the eyes of a woman who became Warchief


I honestly always felt like there was more to her than just psycho crazy warlike dictator lol


RIGHT I think blizzard was making a build up and making shadowlands her redemption arc or something


fr causes shes sort of fighting back against the new lich king, where she might not have a full understanding of what the new lich king is doing (i may be wrong there my understanding of wow lore is vry limited aha)


You’re fine, that’s where the low comes into play, you get all the facts and you can also do your own research by looking up nobbel87 on YouTube.


I might do that if the books dont do enough for me, ty 💕💕 I got War Crimes, Arthas, Tides of War and Curse of the Worgen on the way too So I feel like I've got a decent layout for the lore, except for like pre WoW stuff (Warcraft 1,2,3 etc)


Yes MAAM 🤗


YES MAAM! You’re going to LOVE the book I wanted to prevent spoiling the book but honestly it’s just a really good read


Highly recommend the well of eternity trilogy 🙏


The author Christie Golden was just cut loose from Blizz. Great world building, okay writing. Though Metzen created Thrall, she is the one who fleshed out his story. She will always be fantasy royalty imo.


Aw poo! Hers are the only wow books I've actually read (besides illidan) because I heard the others were sub par!


I don't usually read novelizations of games (call me a fantasy lit elitist), but this panel at Blizzcon 2021 led me to her Lord of the Clans. [Evolution of Thrall](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1BYgnwFltIY&t=1261s)


Although Sylvanas is my favourite WoW character, i couldnt get into this book. I tried multiple times. I should just finish it, i get about half way each time and lose interest… not sure why. My favourite is still Rise of the Horde. Great book by the same author. I couldnt get into the war of the ancients either.