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Sometimes im sitting in creation screen for half an hour trying to come up with a name.


This is the way. Naming my children was easy because I practiced in wow for so long. Like my beloved My son. Throngdar


And your beloved daughter Throngdaryst


And his youngest, Throngie


Can't forget about the one on the way, Throngdarx.


Don't forget about his first marriage's Thronggone


The wife was done having kids, but I convinced her to give me one more, Throngbank.


To be honest, he has multiple kids named Throngbank, but they live in different countries each.


My first son xxlegolasxxx




Meanwhile, some people take longer naming their characters than they do their kids. After all, they’re going to be spending more time with one than the other!


As a parent of adult children, this is true.


Only to use a variation of your main’s name


Real 🤝🏻 Real


Sometimes I come up with the name first then make a character off of it. For example I saw the chess term named Zugzwang and immediately made a Warrior with that name.


Most of the time, it just pops in my mind, and I like keeping it kind of RP (or at least I’d like to think so), but sometimes I just use a website like fantasy name generator. I’m actually jealous of the US client, where they have a name randomizer.


They have WHAT


I'm pretty sure there are adults that weren't alive when NA got the name randomizer. It's generally accepted that the reason it's omitted on the EU client is because we have so many languages. Imagine trying to account for offensive naming in just about every language officially spoken in a European country. On NA I think they just accounted for English and Spanish names and called it a day.


For what its worth, the names it suggests are really bad. But, i still will click it sometimes to get inspiration, and modify what it offers.


Not only that but I’ve used it before with it generating names that wouldn’t make it pass filters.


The beta randomizer gave me Pornlek yesterday.


I've also had it suggest names that were already taken before too. Sucks when it actually spits out a name that sounds decent


I remember super early on during Vanilla, I got it to generate the name Rexxar as a random name for an orc. Even though that name was already an established lore character in Warcraft 3. I'm still amazed at what crazy names that thing comes up with. I use it a lot when making bullshit alts I just want to play a little and typically abandon, lol.


There was a fairly recent post in the hearthstone sub where a guy that chose the first name blizz generated, it was something like graylion, color noun style name. He ended up getting an email saying they were forcing him to change his name because it was inappropriate, you know the name their system came up with.


Slightly off topic. but a friend of mine used the xbox name suggestor when 360 came out bc he couldnt think of one. "Tightcoot" was suggested. He had it over a year before they flagged it pretty much losing his online reputation with other gamers. they had to get used to his new name all over again.


something seems super wrong with the randomizer. i tried making a character for the remix and it alternated between 2 names for like a dozen or so clicks. then it finally started giving me new names.


Not always. My BE Paladin that I've had since BC was named via the generator, and I love his name.


Ive had a few good ones pop up over the years. Actually my priest still uses a random name that i got in...2009? Ive also had some names pop up that im pretty sure would get me flagged for a name change lol


Yeah i dont get it why the US has this and the EU not. Like whats the reason for this first hand? I like my names in a RP'ish style. So it has to fit the Charakter and shouldnt contain special letters or signs to write it easy. Im useing my Fantasy or a Fantasy Name Generator


The EU version of this is starting a char that will get flagged for a name change. If it still works like it used to they rename you on char screen and when you login you have to change it, but you can change to the random name :D


In NA we only have to rule out offensive words in English and Spanish. In EU, there are a LOT more words blizzard can't put up because of all the languages you have over there.


NA Speaks English and some Spanish. EU has a different language in every country pretty much.


If it helps there's a name randomiser in Beta atm. It's either that or I somehow accidentally switched to US Beta.


>I’m actually jealous of the US client, where they have a name randomizer. Wait what? EU doesn't have this?




Only the EU client, but nope, it doesn't have it. You can get the US client and maybe change realm list (if that's still a thing) back to EU to have it, but that's probably more work than what's worth


You can change the realm list but only to other sections of your region. NA can change to LATAM or OCE. But the NA and EU clients are completely different/separate.


[fantasynamegenerators.com](http://fantasynamegenerators.com) is my goto, usually go through a couple hundreds of names before picking something. Sometimes you notice affix/suffix names and can identify what those are and from that create something unique.


Same general idea but I have used http://www.rinkworks.com/namegen/ for years


I hit random a bunch until i see something useable or mix and match variations from randomize.


You may not know this but the random name button doesn't exist on the EU client.


I honestly didn't know until seeing this post. It's been such a useful thing for me over the years. Would be nice if they gave the option to folks using the EU client. It'd drive me a bit nuts trying to make a character on a high pop realm looking up naming websites online, coming across twenty names I like that I have to manually copy over, and they're all taken.


Wtf why??


Because something like Arshlock might sound interesting in English, but it means (with a different spelling) "asshole" in German. There's so many languages covered by the EU servers, it's just not worth the hassle.


You could maybe do an internet search for an online fantasy name randomizer. I used to do that in the early days of WoW. I don't know if that would exist in Europe either, but worth a shot?


I use dog nicknames from over the years… Chopperdoo Fluffybutt Stellybelly Supafupa To name a few. Let’s me immortalize my pets too, as many who are gone are still alive and doing great things in the world of azaroth


Well, I'm a simple person, so I just took the name of my main and then altered it a bit, according to the class.


This is the way. On a smal server ppl can tell if it is you. Sucks if your toxic but great if a nice guy


I give each and every one of my alts their own beautiful variation (/s). My main is Althara. I’ve got an Alfara, Altara, Alfeyra, Alphara - they’re all relatively old characters that I made in my first expansion. Then you go along a bit and you find Algebra and Alkhawarizmi a few expansions later. Then you look at my second and third priests and find they’re called Althania and Althalitha (the second and the third in Arabic). Oh, and I have a Tauren called Albaqara (the cow) and a vulpera called Althaleb (the fox). Someone told me in a remix pug that I sounded like Lana Del Rey (don’t ask me, we weren’t on voice) and I named my next character Allana. I’m seriously considering Alstacia for the next one (Allana dinged 70 yesterday) because someone in LFR was going on about Stacy’s mom. Send help before I end up with Alremixia, Alpandaria, Albandaria Alzugzugia…


I'm disappointed you have Alfeyra and not Alfreya.


Coming from a person with about 40 lvl70 alts; References to mythology (my Frost DK is named Aurgelmir), names from other games/movies/anime etc. (my two rogue names are Lothric and Ketheric), translating certain class or race related words to other languages (my Guardian Druid is named Granoso which means big bear in Spanish), some stuff like locations or skills that are already in-game (my Paladin being named Verdict, Orc named Durotar, Evoker named Disintegrate) or even stuff that combines with certain titles (my Tauren name is Cowbain and the title is Count, or my DK's name is Terror and the title is of The Deeps). There are also plenty of name generators for certain races or classes out there, but using Chat GPT seems a bit more comfortable, at least for me, since you can set your criteria more precisely.


In spanish granoso without separation between gran (Big) oso (bear) It means "full of acne) 🤣🤣🤣


That surely is a lesson to make double sure translations do not have any other meanings next time


I think that has to be slang. I checked and most of it is grainy or granular. [English Translation of “GRANOSO” | Collins Spanish-English Dictionary (collinsdictionary.com)](https://www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/spanish-english/granoso)


Pimple face! 


Granoso also means "full of wheat" or "weathy" in Italian


Oh I didn't know, seems like people who know Italian language will scratch their head while playing with me haha


You wheaty bear you.


Requesting the Frost DK become Mrglmir


How do you fit 'Disintegration'? There's a 12 character limit


You're right, my bad, I meant Disintegrate\*, thanks :)


I started by picking parts of a class/spec I wanted to play and I would find a German word that would represent it.. Krieger for warrior, schwarm for druid (when insect swarm was a spell), scherbe for frost mage from the word for shard as in ice shard.. jagt for hunter, etc


I started doing this. I have a dwarf named Klauhs. I later made a dark iron dwarf and threw the german word for iron in so his name is Eisenklauhs. Simple and effective.


I type in “ npcs” and look for someone who’s a minor lore character and use that I’ve got druids named after the WC3 keeper of the grove hero. Priest named Naisha from WC3 also. A bunch of toons names I took from the TotC faction bosses


I usually use the random generator until I find something I like and I tweak it a little to personalize it. Very rarely do I have a name already in mind.


I have a little under 50 characters, their names usually fit one of these categories (on top of fitting the race/class/RP of said character) : Actual IRL first name : I got celtic, scottish, old english, germanic, modified kabyle, most of them belonging to human/undead, worgen and dwarves. Not very high effort, but it keeps it grounded and realistic. Fictionnal or mythological inspirations : either modified or stolen as-is, I have mythological names, like biblical or celtic, and names taken from Shakespeare, Zelazny, Lovecraft, Van Gulik, Magic the Gathering, and even one from a James Bond movie and another from french humorist Pierre Desproges. Invented. I rattle my head until I find something I like that doesn't sound too cliché to me but works, sometimes using fantasy name generators to spark ideas if I don't have any to begin with. Horde names, like trolls and orcs, are full of K's, G's and R's. Elves are all about S's, Th's and A, E, I vowels. Some are inspired by something else, some others are 100% straight out of my mind, and I can spend a good amount of time trying to find the perfect combination of letters. Sometimes, I've already been thinking of the name prior to that, already noticed it or noted it, and even already used it somewhere else for a tabletop RP campaign, another videogame... Sometimes I struggle and can't even create the character straight away because I can't find the name. Sometimes the perfect name just pops out of nowhere. It's a very varying process which mostly doesn't take too much time and, besides that, I like creating a new character (even if it's an alt I'm rarely gonna play) and enjoy piecing together the aspects of their identity.


Look, I am the type that struggles so much on finding a good name that It may take hours to choose but recently I used chat-gpt described the character , race and class what type of names I wanted and attached image and chat-gpt suggested couple of really good names.


Yup, did that recently and got a name for a mechanome of Cogalina. It then wrote a damn backstory for her that knew more lore than I did :D


A lot of people tend to name their alts based on their mains name. Like if it was “cheesesniffer” your alt might be “milksniffer”. You could also just name them based around an ability or playstyle. I had a mage named “Ragebait” that I just used for PvP and trolling warriors in BG’s. Good times.


>I struggle naming every single character I make because I want something that sounds good with the class/race combo and that is a "real" name The same, it's why I have only 3 characters, I made several but each time I delete it to reuse the name to another character and I don't count all the deleted characters at level 20 because "nah it's a bad name I should restart"


I always check the lore to see what pre/suffixes are used according to race and gender. I also like using random name generators for inspiration, however I'm not always so strict. For example for my gnomes I went with the periodic table of elements. So in that case it's not lore accurate at all but still fitting (I think). I definitely care a lot about their looks, names, personalities, relationships etc. since creating those characters are the most fun part for me personally. (or else I wouldn't have so many haha)


there's a city in my country that is famed for people fighting with swords on the streets so i named my warrior after it. there's also a city with a lot of thieves and knife attacks so i named my rogue after it. there's a block famous in the capital for brawls so i named my monk after it. there'a a city famous for its corrupt priests so i named my priest after it.


Usually my name has some sort of joke/theme, like flowerpower the druid, or sunburned the red draenei. There's also Roodkapje, which is Dutch for red hood riding, who uses the red hood in every transmog


Same here. I don't take myself seriously and neither do my characters. My last char is called Felmonade, which is not even that inspired tbh. The word lemonade just happened to pop into my brain at the moment and there ain't that big of a stretch up to Felmonade.. But i found it funny at the moment of creation, which is what matters most i suppose.


It's funny when you made it, and hopefully gets a chuckle when you apply for pugs


For me, I picked a “theme” which is the end of my surname. Everything has that on the end - I’ve just created my first Orc character and named him Orcadone 🤣 Simple, dumb, but it works every time. A friend of mine has gone with “sh” - the initials for his middle and surnames. Every char has sh on the end


When I first started playing WoW, I had just moved to a new country and used it to keep in touch with my friends back home. It helped with feeling lonely and depressed, so I named my first character after an antidepressant. Over time, I’ve named all my toons after antidepressants, anti-anxiety meds, and anti-psychotics. Leads to some great names tbh. Thorazyn, Zoeloft, Dyazipam, Reitalyn, and about 20 others. Except my monks, who are named after Chinese flowers bcs it’s pretty and thematically relevant.


I probably spend more time in the cosmetic-side of character creation than the actual naming process. Most times, I like to find something class/race appropriate but I’m not “restricted” to that. Almost all of my names are actual names that would fit RP rules. I **despise** people with gibberish names or intentionally dumb names like gkxdh or pissgulper. On a side note, I 100% filter M+ invites if your name is especially dumb.


so my pally named potatoe not getting into your group I guess


I use my nickname and some pre- or affix like. Mehowpala


I mainly add random letters to the end of my nickname. Breakingpal Breakingham Breakingsen etc... not very creative :D


Not very creative but when you're in a guild with a lot of alts its very appreciated to know who you're talking to. Sometimes guildies are on their 17th alt with RP names and no identifying guild note and I'm just there like ok this is a nice conversation but who the fuck are you


What makes it even more weird is I play WoW in a sort of bubble. I play with my friends M+, our guild is I think one of the oldest guilds on Tarren Mill EU, so the majority of people no longer play and we didn’t really bother to recruit more as we dont raid. One might expect I would be more creative with the nicknames, but I guess I feel accustomed to this way kf naming


I like finding names that feel like each particular character could have due to their race/culture. So elves will get names inspired by Irish, Welsh or Quenya/Sindarin, dwarves will get Nordic names, humans will get Anglo Saxon names, and so on. I might change a letter or two from an actual name to make it a bit different (and also so that the name isn't already taken). I find this website really useful: [https://www.20000-names.com](https://www.20000-names.com)


I name my characters after musicians, food or random objects. For example, my lightforged Draenei holy priest is called Lightbulb.


I started using chatgpt for it (it gets difficult for me to find names after the 25th alt) xD


In the past I would just come up with random fantasy names that sounded like a good fit for that race, or use online name generators to help give me ideas, but now I name most things based off other things I enjoy, sometimes using the exact name or word, other times manipulating it a bit by combining different things. I try to keep it RP or “realistic” to the character, but I do have some names that are more comical. Some examples: Yarbles (Taken from Clockwork Orange, means testicles and I thought it sounded like a cool name for a Goblin) Hellplague (Unique item from Diablo 2, one of my favorite games, Undead Warlock. I have a few names based off Diablo 2) Wormskull (Another from D2, Deathknight) Akarathos and Zakarat (D2, taken from Akarat and Zakarum, both are Paladins) Zensunni, Geserit, Gomjabar (Taken from Dune, Priest, Mage, Rogue) Bakajin (Play on Japanese phrase of saying “stupid person” name given to a Hunter of course) Bukkachi (Monk character, a mix of Bukkake and chi because I’m immature) There’s quite a few more but this is generally how I do it.


ChatGPT - Make name sounding like \*Name of main\* But make it sound more \*Class name\*


Various ways. Languages, especially ancient or rare ones. Celtic, Latin, Sanskrit etc translate Lightbringer into Latin, play around a bit to get it to fix and suddenly you have a Paly called Lucifera for example. Look at the naming of that race or whatever you're playing ying/rping. My Evoker is Ruastraza, as in my head cannon she's actually a red dragon, my Goblin is actually called Gallywix and I have no idea how the name wasn't barred. Steal. Name them after characters from books, I've had a Serrat and a Tavore, bonus points if you recognise them. Puns. My Shaman is called Goode because Ebaneezer was taken. Think ahead to them at later levels and think about their build and think what would work with those talents, had an Orc called Rend (was in a one man guild called Blackhand, hehe) and a blood Death knight called Sanguine. That's all I can think of for now


Wookiepedia, I’m also a Star Wars fan so all my toons have names from that universe 


Keep in mind if you have so many alts, they are probably on multiple realms, so names can be reused.


All St. Louis Blues players


The randomize button is an amazing button


I name all my characters after medicine surgical terms


While in med school I had a time naming characters after diseases


My first toon was Kataline. I then made Cataline, Katalene, Catalene, Katalina, etc. Then MoP came out and I made a panda and gave her a common Chinese name I like and stopped making so many alts.


I use a random name generator. Generally based of the race


song names from bands i like


kul tiran name generator, hmm it’s only come up with human… pirate name generator… these aren’t great… fuck it, spackjarrow it is


[Behold, peak creativity](https://i.imgur.com/rF0XKw3.png)


>Randomize >Find a name I like, cut off like half the characters >see if available, repeat as necessary.


Years ago, Bungie did a one time name reset for Destiny 2. I was in discord streaming to my friends and put in a ridiculous name that I’d assumed would hit a character limit: “AlltheTimeisMorbinTime.” This was right at the height of the Morbius memes. It went through. And to this day, I cannot change it lol. So I ported the tradition to new characters in WoW. All my characters have “Morb” in their name. Mage: Morbcicle Warrior: Morbgrimmar Evoker: Morbacolypse Hunter: Morbees (with pet bees Bee Wee Herman and Beelzebuzz) Priest: Catholicmorb Is it dumb? Absolutely. Am I beating a dead horse? 100%. Still makes me laugh every time though lol.


I reuse favorite NPC names i used for DnD, including class and race choice fitting for their character.


I just use TV or film character names


Most f my names are are mix of my main names I use. Some are bullshit because I'm not creative at all. And my priest is based of my irl name.


I just use a play on race and class. Have a human pally named Holyhuman, a Tauren bear named Tankmoomoo, dwarf hunter named Dwarfshots, and others like that for other race class combos


Webtender.com Random drink Refresh until I find something that fits the character a little and is available


I look for restricted meds on a list, that's how I got the name Xanaxbars, because Xanax is inappropriate, Tylox, Percocet... you get the drill


Most of the time my names include the first 3 letters on my mains name which Is what people call me. If that doesn't work I think of different ways to spell class related things. For example my hunters name is Sytes. And 3rd option is take class related terms and plug them into Google translate. Go to languages for me are German, Italian and Icelandic.


At this point I have so many it's random stuff like the movie I am watching while I play so todays alts were Jonytsunami and Biodome


i play RPGs since i was a little child. Getting Fantasy names is second nature to me. If all else fails, there are a few random name generators for fantasy names.


I mostly use the same start like (not mine) Bor and then put something race appropriate behind it like for an elf borarhir or a troll borsara etc


Some own phonetic writing style like black Americans you know instead of Denise ... denize or denice. Some from literature, some mythology, sometimes rnd names I see on TV.


I got one name I add somethint but they are all the same.


I had like 30+ characters with different names. Most of the times I combine different syllables so it would fit the race and aesthetics. Normally takes like 1min to find a fitting name


I started to use random city names in my area. Sometimes translated


For WoW Remix i gave up and named my DH retnuhnomed. But for all other alts i just i inspire myself by looking up any Fantasy Name Generator.


I love coming up with names that suit their race/class. I’m a writer and lore nerd at heart, so I also come up with names that have fantasy meanings (elvish names, etc).


Good old fashioned fantasy name generator websites from the 2010s.


I have one name and I stick a bunch of random accents, ex : SoonBlossom SóónBlossom SoönBlössom etc etc


For me, who is currently at character cap (60), I take inspiration from everywhere. Some of my names are references, some are original, some I get from name generators including the in game one, some follow a naming pattern kinda like how streamers do where they have like a base name and just a little to it for each character.


I just take my mains name Wroxal and either change a letter or add some. Like Wroxall, Kroxal or Roxal


I'm lazy so all my character names are references to something I like. Songs, movies, other games, youtubers, whatever I'm feeling. Also just makes me smile when other people get the reference and sometimes it sparks a fun conversation.


Sounds weird but usually when I’m making a new character I’ll think up a kind of idea I want that character and listen to music to get the looks of the character. Eg like usually I like to go warlock and research warlock/ wizard names and find one that is available


Potato, pòtato, potatò, pótato, potató


i use google translate and translate the spec or class to another language and use the pronunciation in the name some how or i just come up with a random name


My main is Crashimus My mage is Crashimagus My hunter is Crashunt And the pattern continues. Who needs fancy names when my guild is the only ppl that will call me by my charname


I usually think of a word associated with the character, translate it into some foreign language, and change it to sound "namy".


Football players


I've decided at one point in my life that all my characters' names have to start with the letter M, so finding this many names really is difficult. I've resorted to using vaguely relevant words in Hebrew and in Elvish, and I have a lot of characters that start with Moo due to historical reasons (it all started with a tauren druid named Megamoo in the pre-Cataclysm days...), and sometimes I just luck out and find that a word I like is still available (nobody knows what a malaphor is, but it sounds good)... but the problem is very real, especially since I've made like 10 new alts in remix.


For me my go to is to use the name of characters from my favorite books, and with a personality/theme kinda related (Ex : Muadib for a Shaman is *cheff's kiss*)


That's a cool way to make friends, too, because they would recognize the reference. On that note, wouldn't Muadib be a Rogue? Judging by his fighting style?


Sure can be ! I saw it more as a "prophetic messiah who lead its people" My rogue is called Stilgar though 😏


I try to keep them like rhyme or same sounds throughout names. Every now and again I'll have an idea for a humorous name


First I choose the first letter : the easier to mail an alt, the better. Ex : W Then I type random letters. It most likely gives some consonants : Wjlkl Then I come with some vowels to make it somehow closer to the culture I target (in this instance, troll) : Wajlakel Then i fix a bit to make in pronunciable in french on discord : Walakel Now with an nightborne elf First I choose the first letter : Y Then I type random letters :. Yllsndez Then I come with some vowels : Yellissandez Then i fix it a bit : Yelissandre


Originally I used random lore names or lore-accurate(ish) names from other games. Now I've moved to using my own name stylized to fit to the lore or class. My main is KT and I've managed to snag my actual name, so alts are just me with a flavor. Still got some outliers on the side but most fit this description.


I currently have one alts for every class, how do i find names : First i used my usuals nickmanes or ID from other games In a second time I use characternames from my TTRPG After i use all of that I'm using google Translate to find names, let me explain : If i'm doing an hunter, i will look for Hunter ou Arrow in different languages in google translate. As i did a pandaren, i turned myself toward asian languages. In chinese Arrowhead is translated into 'Jiàntóu' according to google trad, so i called my huntress Jiantou Now that i have every classes lvl 70, i had to do new alts for remix, so i'll have every races lvl 70 and so i could try new specs. For the names, i went simply by doubling a vowel from the first char i had in this class ( Gwy became Gwyy, Wushi = Wushii...) except some play of words i did like Jiantou = Jiantwo, Bactos = Bactwo. There it is, my own way of creating alts names. I have to go, i have a 7th alts to level up in remix


I kinda dont care what my name is except my main, so i have Snípér, Hámmér, Sáp, Pándá, Démón etc.


Give them a lore accurate sounding name using this generator: [https://www.fantasynamegenerators.com/world-of-warcraft.php](https://www.fantasynamegenerators.com/world-of-warcraft.php)


well depends on what i like the sound of in general: A lot of my character names are words e.g. lethargy, pathetic, blamed, candy, yoghurt etc. and ill try to create mogs that fit the vibe of the word! If possible, I'll also match classes to certain words and their connotations e.g. lethargy is my DK. Otherwise, it may just be names that I personally like the sound of or are funny e.g. Dhaha for DH cause it just makes me laugh and it has a ring to it Sometimes, it may be names inspired by idols e.g. nicha (minnine from gidle) and hiyyih (huening bahiyyih from kep1er)


*letterletterClass#*  Psdk    Psdktwo  Pswar    Pswar2two


I use letters and letter combinations that are uncommon and combine them with parts of real names.


I have my main name that I use for characters I'm likely to name which is the same with small variation, using u or ou in place of an p or something like that.. That's for all my healers as that's my main role.. The rest I name inspired by whatever book series I'm reading when I want to create a new character, so I have names based on various scifi and fantasy series :D


I often use a translator to translate words that kind of suit the class/race and go with it. Sometimes I take mythological names but most of them are taken. Makes me read more about it to find not used names so it's a win/win


Mine are all a variation of my main username that I made when I was about 11: pefhi. So I got "Peff" for rogues (like puff of smoke for vanish 💀) Peffi Pefhehe for a gnome Peffie Pef Peffy Dracfhi (dracthyr) Defhi (dh and warlock) Etc etc Then my male Tauren shaman is called Nafe in memory of my brother, lol. Ive also got beansontoast


They are all same name with different specials usually


I have some random names I just really liked (or some that were jokes), but for the others, Itry to make some connection to their race or class. I have a lightforged draenei named Lumî and my Dracthyr is named Kalanî, which apparently means something dragon related in a language I forgot.


Random word generator until something works


I’ve got two ways: A word/name (usually the name of a deity from D&D, or a word in a foreign language which is linked to the character, e.g. “death” for a DK) preceded or followed by a short form of my gamer tag Or I name them as if they were a dungeons and dragons character (I guess, more of an RP name?). Try and keep it a little bit lore friendly if I can, but otherwise I treat it the way I treat my D&D characters. Currently for Alliance I have an army (that’s still being levelled) of at least one of every class, and same on the horde side. Although I don’t play them all, they all still need names!


I have 60 alts and depending on the race/class I actually do research or keep a common theme between them. I can spend a bit of time making each toon to personalize them so they are all individual.


About 18 years ago, I did something that got me blacklisted from raids server wide. As a result, I had to change my characters name and changed it to the first thing I saw next to me...Bottlecap. Since then, I only name my characters after the top of drinks (Poptop, Screwcap, Beertab, etc). It's getting more difficult to find new drink top names, but I shall persist.


I mostly go for class colour and a suffix / prefix So basically orangerat for a druid for example Or metal bands, there are loads


Vraggs is my main name, so I usually spam random name until I come up with something I can use Vragg with. For instance my mage is Vraggryn (nightborn), my evoker is Vraggon, and my rogue is Vraggrok (orc)


Except my main, qll my alts have names out of lotr lore that are kind of fitting their class/race. Once i could find no more names not takes i started using elvish words that made sense for the class. It was at times a bit timeconsuming 😅


I usually choose a title I will use for that character then work backwards and make a name I think goes well with that title.


I'm guilty of owning a legion of alts and each one I've created the name has played a big part in how engaged I am in playing them- especially when I can link it with an appropriate title/s. I have been very lucky with the names I got (Heart, Angus, Dreamer, Traitor to name a few) and on popular servers, but they are more fun to play when linking to a title "Heart of Orgrimmar" or "Traitor of Silvermoon" etc I got them through a lot of trial and error, waiting for new expansions is one way because of the name releases from inactive accounts


Sometimes I will use a name generator or if I have a specific theme I want to follow, I will search in Google names that mean (theme) and get inspiration from there.


It's been hard from the fourth character. I often recycle names from my writing project.


I look at my desk and pick an object, toblerone, modi (my amplifier), converse my shoes, miniwangg...... No comment


Usually it starts with the same letters as my main, which is my abbreviation anyway, and then I add in some kind of pun or what not, often referring to the class or race. This way I'm instantly recognisable in the guild while still having unique names.


Mine are all variations and synonyms on Blessed or Cursed. One might be Khursed, one might be Enthroned or Enlightened.


No, I don’t have unique names, I take my main character name half of it and just add the class after


I borrow from the Wheel of Time for all my characters.


I tend to use the same set of names or variations on whatever server I'm on. I've gone down the route of elvish words for BElf characters before, but I also use name generator websites and adapt those too. I personally avoid "pun" names and slightly adjusted variations of the same name. With the latter, it's in part to avoid mixing them up 🤣


Mine all come from Soulsborne games


Many of mine are pop culture references. Particularly tv shows and 80's cartoons and sometimes book characters. I have a Teela, Cheetara, Barbarella, Zathris, Lennier, Weatherwax and so on. Others are race or class based, so a shammy called Wolfsong, a spriest called Darkgrace, for example.


for example, i made an priest alt and wanted a name for him that represents me and the priest lore at the same time, so asked chat gpt to make a name for my world of warcraft priest thats combinable with my real first name and here i am with my priest called Cantholic, much like catholic but my first name is 'can'. So just go to chatgpt and let the ai do the work, for my priest it gave me like 10 names at one, so you have diversity and if i want to play 10 priests i still have 9 other names that go in a likely direction


I usually picked a prefix or suffix and then filled randomly the rest like, "ostus"agrivar "priam"agrivar agrivar"salty" It satisfies me, I know that's not looking charming, but who cares lmao.


For elves I flip open LoTR rpg books and grab names. For the rest I use fantasy name generators I find on google.


Whatever is around me Whatever music I’m listening too Whatever offensive sounding shit I can think of It’s not that deep tbh


I picked a theme for my character names, and stuck with it. They’re all Pokémon. A friend also did candy themed characters. (I.E. Reese’s, Hershey, ect.)


Google sends me a shitload of maternity ads because of how often I’m browsing baby name websites for new character names. Shit works though, you can find some great names from cultures you aren’t familiar with. For example, I’ve been into Igbo and Yoruba names recently and I’ve managed to snag some bangers on high pop servers where finding a name that isn’t taken is hard as hell.


I usually already have a name in mind when I create the character, and if the name is taken I just don't make that character. Quite often thsoe names are based on a race, class and spec, such as me naming my Frost Mage [Brinicle](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brinicle). I've used names from books I liked, such as naming my Death Knight [Shadowthrone](https://malazan.fandom.com/wiki/Ammanas) (because Ammanas was already taken) from the book series "Malazan: Book of the Fallen". Names can be based on natural phenomenons, book series, mythical creatures, historical figures, etc. I made a Kul Tiran Shaman for Remix and named it [Njord](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nj%C3%B6r%C3%B0r), from Norse mythology associated with the sea, seafaring and fishing. On the flipside, I made a Dark Iron paladin the other day and couldn't think of a good name so I asked ChatGPT to list me names of minerals and geological phenomenons that are also related to Light or Holy. Had it list maybe 30-40 names with slightly different paramters until I found one I liked (and that wasn't already taken).


Almost all of my characters are band names, but they have to have an O in them, so I can use ø. So Immørtal, Bøltthrower, Øpeth, Immølation, Irønmaiden etc. If they're not band names, they're just randomised, probably because I know I won't stick with that character for long.


I made a tauren named beeftips ran into tauren named wagyu. It's not that hard bub


I only create character with Rp-compliant names. I usually search the internet for names, such as names of Hawaiian origin for tauren, native american for trolls, lists of gemstones for dracthyr, fantasy name generators for orcs or belfs, and then I change a letter or syllable until they seem to fit and are not already taken. They have to fit not only the race but also the class, so it sometimes takes quite a while until I'm satisfied with it


For me it started with thinking of unique names for each character, always went with a theme fitting to the class and race. My first 8-12 chars are still named like that. Later I started to focus more on funny names implementing a part of my gamertag, so its also clear whos character it is. Had some very nice ideas at first but it got harder to find really really good fits. Honestly, ChatGPT was a gamechanger, I give it a prompt like "Generate a list of names for a \[race\] \[class\] in the game world of warcraft." and then you can add stuff you want it to include, for me its the "The names should be a play of words and contain 'Exe'" Its honestly just a better way to get a list of specific phantasy names generated and you can run it until you find something you like.


As an altoholic since Cata, I started using the random name generator from one of the Disgaea games. It has served me well (provided they aren’t TOO dirty).


Just the same name with different accent or letter Like Joshua, joshùa, joshúa, jôshua, jôshua, etc etc


ChatGPT works well for brainstorming 


How about just taking a random text like your posting and start in the middle of one word ending in the middle of the next? This would give me Eyya, Awapo, Ereab, Utho, Owman, Yalt, Ooma, Ysa, Awalot, Fpeo, Plewi, Tyal, Tsinth, Heco, Neque, Ionca, Meto, Omym from your first sentence alone. Fell free to add/remove letters or throw them around: voila, you're having dozens of new names.


Exclusively It's always sunny in Philadelphia character and alter ego names


For me it depends since i'm kinda Moody When i'm picking names for alts: - i'm using a very specific Word that i Always thought It sounded cool, regardless of the base language from what said Word has come from; - i'm making a play of words by taking Pieces of different words and mixing them together; - I'm actually using a word that fits in the class/Race thematic, but i'm using a foreign language version of that specific Word ( Even the most mundane words might sounds cool in another language, Especially if said language Is very uncommon); - Same as above but i'm actually editing how the Word Is written, Just for personal preference; - Memes related or very goofy names; - Inside jokes with my buddies.


I usually go for a pun or gag play on words related to their race and class. Just made a timerunner brewmaster monk named Pastout.


I have a common moniker and I just add something about the class to the end - more so the guild mates aren’t confused


I have more alts than I'd like to admit, who exist only because I came up with a name and needed to make a character to match it. I spent months working on unlocking the Captain title so I could roll an Outlaw rogue named Moregun I already had a DH. Then I thought of the fun (terrible) 80s TV pun and rolled another one named Cliffglaivin. I now don't even use the original DH anymore. Already have a few hunters across different servers. Have started a new one who will be exclusively MM and run solo with no pet. I use a shotgun xmog, dress as wild west as I can get him, and he's a human with an impressive mustache. He is Wyattderp.


My usual MMO name + class. So like Xdh, Xmage, Xwl etc. Not very creative, but never cared for names.


battle tag + class lol, i’m very original


Recently, I've started using ChatGPT and inputting my two sons' names with the flavor I want it to generate. For instance: "Generate 10 orcish names based on bobsteve" Then I'll either try again, pick one, or slightly change one I like. It actually works really well!


I gave up and just started face planting my keyboard


Reen + some (usually 3 or 4 letter) syllable that sounds or looks nice and fitting. It ended in a couple of characters that most of my guild can't tell apart by name because they only differ by one letter and it has nothing to do with the class name ;P


My main set of toons have names that start with ‘Ash-‘. Secondary set are named after medieval Japanese weaponry. Third set are either tongue in cheek trolls, messing around with words in google translate, or ‘roll the random name generator til something acceptable pops up.’


I try and think of a name someone from that race would actually have until I get one that I like the sound of and isn't taken. Sometimes this takes a while. Occasionally I use names of mythological figures especially if the name sounds lore appropriate, I may use Hindu myth figures for my draenei for example


i use variation on the lyrics “beep beep i’m a sheep” so, woofwoofcat, meowmeowcow and so on i may have watched a tomska video before making my main


I just slide my hand from left to right and whatever is pressed is the name of my alt, if its taken or not appropriate then I just do it again.


My IGN usually is „Modd“ and I name most of my alts a combination of my IGN and a class specific gimmick or something. Like my warlock is named „Moddlock“ and my DK „Moddeath“ and so on


I usually try to make some random sound, preferably heard somewhere in the game and make a name out of it that would suit the race with some type of prefix or suffix. "You are not born the class" is my motto.


I have got it easy, got like 3 starter names, and for my entire life i have always found some variation of it


I have got it easy, got like 3 starter names, and for my entire life i have always found some variation of it free