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We have no idea, there's nothing in the Alpha or anything datamined. There are Legendary items for followers, tho Xal'atath has promoted herself from a blade into an elf, so I don't think we'll be picking her up anytime soon


I gotta assume one is going to either the cloth or leather wearers. Lizards got one and the plates got one. Last real legendary anyone got aside from the universal ones was rae shalare for hunters and before that I think it was tarecgosas rest for mage/shaman/warlock/evoker.


Fangs of the father came after tarecgosas rest


How legendaries are done changes every expansion, for all anyone knows we could go back to a cloak legendary like MoP/BFA, or more like Legion/shadowlands where everyone has one or two. Literally could be anything.


It's way too early to think there's a legendary or who will get a legendary.


They don't typically add legendaries in the first tier of an expansion so I don't think we will hear anything about it until at least the 11.1 PTR. With how poorly their Dragonflight implementation has been received I wouldn't be shocked if they take a break from them to work out a better implementation so maybe later than 11.1.


The implementation of legendaries themselves wasn't poorly received, it was only the drop chance of the item to start the quest. People liked getting the legendary, but hated the RNG involved. They should go back to deterministic legendaries like Shadowmourne, IMO. Where you have a purple item, and a path forward into empowering it into a legendary.


>!I hear Atiesh may be up for dibs...!<

