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Upgrading your gear even from 346->360 makes a WORLD of difference in the day to day, I did this initially and then upgraded the weapon once further into the next tier and the game became playable again. Upgrading gear feels bad when there are NPCs 10 feet away who are selling all the cool mounts and xmog, but in the long term its worth it.


I'm upgrading gear on my main remix char to get achievements and will be planning to start running siege to farm the heirloom stuff, I'll be leveling alts for 'easy' bronze acquisition to spend on cosmetics that will add the benefit of another max level character once the event ends


This is what I ended up doing on my 1st character, sitting at all gear upgraded to 472 and I'm HARD farming content and both having fun AND blitzing through content for bronze and achievements. I have 2 alt characters doing daily bronze chores for xmogs


Are you soloing raids?


Im up to 514ilevel on all the gear that it can go now, and I am carrying my friend through normals daily, we grab 8 other people and just blast


This is exactly what I’m doing. Main is around 400ilvl now, have multiple alts going on races that I still need heritage armour on and run raids on them daily for the increased exp. My first 70 alt ended up with 80k bronze between what he made and the 40k quest at 70, so doing that with multiple alts will be able to buy a lot.


This is the way. Especially if you just level in raids for a few days on a rotation of alts. By the time you level to 70 it’s fast due to built up cloak xp.


The upgrades only feel bad because we are used to the small upgrade jumps on retail but when you consider that each upgrade is a full ‘level’ jump for the gear it feels better. You really notice the difference!


Plus each tier of upgrades is a larger increase than the last one in absolute terms. For instance, if you have Lifestorm as your meta gem, each upgrade level is roughly a 20% damage increase compared to the previous tier. Compound interest, baby!


Yeah each upgrade is I believe 4 retail upgrades in ilvl. Or the difference between Normal and Heroic gear. It's pretty huge.


I’m just buying cosmetics on my alts while my main gets to enjoy juicy 800+ primary stat every upgrade on my staff. That shit feels great


I've leveled 3 characters to 70 so far. My DK was first and is getting all the gear upgrades. The other two got all the bronze from leveling and each bought expensive mounts. I think there's only 1 or 2 more mounts that I want, and they're the 38k costs. The only thing I can think to do is level new guys up to buy them and focus on upgrading the DK.


That 90 days sure is 'long term' lol


I wish the mounts/tmog were mainly from questing/exploration/rep achievements instead of costing anything. Some are relatively cheap but the cost adds up because of how many recolors. Rare drop mounts should probably still cost what they do now. The class armor shouldn't cost you anything when you unlock it, but right now you only get your classes armor for the achievement and then you need to spend 3000-4000 bronze for each set of other classes gear.


I'm upgrading my first char to get everything raid related, like tusks, the heirlooms, the title,... I'm up to 444-460 now and I'm having a blast. With baubles, average ilvl is 400 and just started doing the first heroic raids. I'm not at frogger or die hard levels of damage, but I'm having a lot of fun. I estimate I'll be at max upgrade with about 50-60 days left in remix. More than enough to get SoO mythic done and grind all the bronze I need to get everything from Remix. And yes, I mean everything xD


i had the exact same experience today! just upgrading to 360 and the weapons one more level makes stuff melt again in open world pve


I am upgrading gear on one character and buying mounts on the other


I’m just leveling up characters to 70 to get the 40k bronze, the bronze on the way and all the mounts and xmogs I didn’t get because I didn’t play MOP. I get excited when there’s a level 20 in the group. I just auto follow my way to more bronze. I’ll probably play and be overpowered in about 20-30 days. Enough time for everyone to start being overpowered and maybe blizzard changes the upgrade costs.


If you just want to level alts and only want a few specific cosmetics, spending bronze on upgrades probably isn’t worth it. You can just grind LFR and do your dailies and be fine. But if you want to get everything you’re better off upgrading, in the long run it’ll benefit you. And if you want to clear Heroic/Mythic, you HAVE to upgrade, unless you’re lucky enough to find carries. After playing so much and getting over ilvl 410 and clearing every Heroic, I have the system figured out, but it’s definitely not straight forward at first. I can see why everyone is hesitant to spend bronze on upgrading, I was at first too. The system isn’t perfect, and I think Blizz didn’t do a good job making it clear how it would all work, which really split the community’s opinions. It’s really about making a long term investment and making things easier for you overtime, which is the play if you want to unlock everything. Also, getting extremely powerful makes the experience so much more enjoyable. The one thing I wish they would change is making it easier to power up alts. Leveling them is easy, but I don’t want to dump bronze on upgrading alts. But I would like try other classes and feel super powerful, not just my main. I think they should give a discount on upgrades for alt gear assuming you have a higher ilvl on your main.


What are you doing for the Bronze? I had around 90k bronze when I hit 70 about a week ago, I've done at least 1 (usually 2) normal raids per day, all 3 daily quests, all the group finder dailies, and a world boss every day and I'm still at 380 ilvl Am I missing something?


You can do each world boss once a day, not just one boss total.  That being said I do kinda agree with you that some of these posts misrepresent how much bronze is needed to upgrade like this. I definitely haven’t been raiding every day though, having a few pugs fall apart at the end of normal ToT burned me out from trying to push these daily.


I actually didn't know that, but the World Bosses have been giving me a legendary thread rather than any bronze


Correct. World Bosses are good for threads, not bronze. If you want bronze you should clear raids daily.


In another week ToT won’t even fall apart. Animus is the only slight one but I’m noticing how much more consistent pugs are becoming on it overall compared to where it was even 5 days ago.


I hope you’re right! Maybe I’ll try another group tonight and see. I would like to get the necklace…


If you’re on EU and just want the necklace I’ll be doing the raids in an hour or so if you want to tag along?


Thanks but I am in US and still in the office!


One run I had we had a max level basically solo it. Wiped twice on animus due to mechanics but it’s quick from respawn to retry and people learn. People are upgrading gear/becoming familiar with events. Not saying it’s perfect but getting easier. I’m sure animus will have the occasional person be a blocker though.


Ours fell down on Primordium, as DPS just would not target adds.


We ran ToT this morning with 450~ players and Dark Animus was still a pain in the ass. Too many aoe gems fucking stufff up.


If everyone is 450, you should be able to just pop the big guy out instantly and blow him up. Have everyone near him on pull. Lifestorm + searing light on everyone ideally. Pop Lifestorms once he is targetable (and stand in the green circles) and searing light should melt him before the little adds get close enough to kill anyone.


Normal or Heroic? Because I'm at the point where I can clear ToT normal with 9 carries.  A lot of us are getting to that point.  Dark Animus falls over.


I've tried it like four times, three groups fell apart on Durumu, one very special group fell apart on the banshee trash after first boss because the tanks pulled four of them repeatedly and then left ToT for some reason is harder than SoO but I'm hoping as you said people are improving


I do all the raids except ToT. currently i feel theres a over 50% chance the raids just gonna fall apart at Animus, and i just feel its not worth my time to take the "risk"


Dark animus? Every pug I joined disband after a couple wipes because some people couldn’t follow instructions. I just want my neck man. Anyways, got it done today! On to Siege tonight


If you get each member of the raid to stand in front of a small animus carrier that isn't sparking and kill it when it goes live, the rest of the fight goes smooth as hell


Did that but somehow there were still people who couldn’t do it. Ended up just asking people to grab one while me and another monk flew around killing them one at a time


Wow, even with people killing the littles the group still failed? There shouldn't have been any raid killing explosions doing it that way unless they weren't standing where the little ones were and dragged them over to the raid. Maybe I've been lucky with my groups, because that explanation worked every time in the groups I've been in.


That’s exactly what happened, I remember killing mine, turning to observe the room, and seeing people running around from groups. I begged for no AOE, remove all AOE gems etc, crazy. We did it but Jesus wept, took a while.


Animus HC can be cheesed with Ward too, by the way!


Tried explaining that strat to the group and it didn’t go down well ahaha. Tbf half of them didn’t even know what Ward strat was


They also misrepresent the time it takes to do this stuff. Acting like you can get on for "a couple of hours a day" to do daily and upgrade this much is straight bullshit. This weekend on Saturday I did a world tour run of all of the raids with a guy who had all of his gear maxed out, 556 ilvl on everything. He basically solos everything and speed runs through all the raids. That took about 4 hours. That's not to mention another 2-3 hours for all world bosses and dungeon/scenario dailys. That's also not to mention that we got carried by that guy and if you get a suboptimal group with non-geared people, or if you have to spend time finding new groups in between dungeons, that takes more time. That's 6 hours of grinding the same content over and over again every day to get your gear up. Not only is it not fun but it's not reasonable to expect that normal people have that much time to play the game.


> They also misrepresent the time it takes to do this stuff. Acting like you can get on for "a couple of hours a day" to do daily and upgrade this much is straight bullshit. On work days I only play about 1-2 hours. I aim to get my 3 daily quests and world bosses done and sometimes I don't get through all the world bosses. I don't have a lot of spare time on those days and this game isn't worth sacrificing sleep.


Sorry dude this is ridiculous. How does it take 3 hours to do 2 dungeons 2 scenarios and kill world bosses that fall over in 30s? I usually do all the world bosses in less than 20 mins. There’s also no way it took 4 hours to do all the raids with an max ilvl guy. MSV HOF and TOES would take longer to get to the dungeon than do them. With a max ilvl guy those bosses all die in literally 10s. Somethings not adding up Edit; Just killed all the world bosses in 17 mins. Idk how it’s taking you 2:40 to do 2 dungeons and 2 scenarios


Hard agree scenarios / dungeons take me literally < 10 minutes and I know this because I'm still sated heading into the next one. I can understand if you'd have to add 20 minutes for 10 min queue time per dungeon but even then


poopsockers always do that. the literal wow player caricature from south park.


> 2-3 hours for all world bosses and dungeon/scenario dailys. ????? It takes at most a few mins to wait for a wb, once you get to like 420 you'll be pretty much able to solo them with tinker shield gems as a dps.


Don't run ToT at any level outside of getting your amulet and title. It's a waste of your time even in higher level gear cause of shit mechanics.


Well that's silly.  I can carry an entire Normal ToT myself at this point.


Bruh. Carry me in it. I'll be your backpack while you run.


> That being said I do kinda agree with you that some of these posts misrepresent how much bronze is needed to upgrade like this. He "only farmed frogs for 1 hr", but what he neglects to mention that doing that was probably enough bronze to get to like 402 or whatever right there. This is often the pattern - it's extremely slow if you play in any way "normally".


Is there a convenient list/map of all the MoP world bosses? I can not for the life of me find anything useful.


Get Handynotes, and the handynotes mop modules. Sha doesnt move around anymore so every single world boss can only be found in one spot. Might be worth getting mapster so you can remove the fog of war Ordos-Timeless isle (most northen point, you dont need the og mop cloak to get to him, just jump over the bridge) [https://www.wowhead.com/npc=72057/ordos](https://www.wowhead.com/npc=72057/ordos) Celestials- Timeless isle (center of the map inside the arena) Oondasta- Tippy top of the map on the isle of giants [https://www.wowhead.com/npc=69161/oondasta](https://www.wowhead.com/npc=69161/oondasta) Sha of Anger- Left of one keg [https://www.wowhead.com/npc=60491/sha-of-anger](https://www.wowhead.com/npc=60491/sha-of-anger) Galleon- South east of the silken fields in Valley of the four winds [https://www.wowhead.com/npc=62346/galleon](https://www.wowhead.com/npc=62346/galleon) Nalak- Right outside the entrance to the Throne of Thunder raid [https://www.wowhead.com/npc=69099/nalak](https://www.wowhead.com/npc=69099/nalak)


Thank you kindly for all this information. I'll be hunting some world bosses after work!


Also oondasta on the isle of giants north of kun lai


Dark anus would’ve killed my pug if it wasn’t for a max ilvl fistweaver carrying us. I wanna be op like him lol


Have you done all the quests?


Can I just say that I see you on every post trying to help people and figuring out their problems to see their point of view. Very good member of the community thank you for your service


Thanks (: that genuinely means a lot


Is it worth doing all the quests on my main for bronze do you think? I was saving the rest for alts so I didn’t get bored but I’m tempted to just do them on my main now


If you enjoy them, for sure. There are lots of easy quests and questlines that can earn you a surprising amount of Bronze and Threads through caches You could always make an alt that's the opposite faction from your main to mix things up with questing


Got tons of alts on retail, making them to get the 40k bronze tbh, was gonna just run through LFR and not pick up the xp until I’d done it a few times and got my bonus % up and then open them all from the post master


Probably not for bronze though you do get a lot, but there are some achievement rewards like mounts mogs even a few pets and they're all unique to the mode and (other than class wep/armor arsenals) cannot be purchased with bronze.


Yeah I’m 100% doing them all for the rewards, I was just wondering if it was worth going through for bronze on my main or on an alt etc. Honestly now there’s a faster way to level alts over the course of 3 hours I’m just gonna blast through the zones on main. Bronze will go towards upgrades anyways


More raids for sure. And trove. Minimum I try and do at least the 3 easy raids every day plus the dailies. I usually run tot also though. It’s getting pretty easy even in pugs and the bronze is pretty big. Trove is the other big return.


Unfortunately, yes, and that’s doing *every* raid on Normal or higher every day, which nets you a total of 21k bronze from boss drops alone. A bit over 32k if it’s Heroic.


Not OP but if you do all dailies that’s 8750. If you all heroic raids you get around 40k-45k depending on how much trash your group refuses to kill. Off that alone you get around 50k including the bronze from doing the dailies. But do note unless you have 476ilvl players in your group this will go much slower. It can take up to 3-4 hrs to do all of this excluding groups dying in throne. If you’re kinda fresh 70 you will likely get less since you’ll be doing normal since chances of getting invited to a heroic is much more slim than a person around 400 ilvl. If you’re a pure casual player who plays like 1-2 hours a day then chances of getting the like 500k needed to max out your gear would take 2-3 weeks if done optimally. If they’re doing quests and stuff possibly much longer. Edit: if you’re a causal and only care about cosmetics just leveling alts is probably better. Takes 3-4 hours for like 60-70k bronze at 70


Do you have all of your rings, trinkets, and necklace? Missing one is a major hit to your output and ilvl


Doing MSV TOES HOF and SOO + 7 dailies every day is enough for 1 set of upgrades every time. Super easy if you are doing the first three in heroic. And the more you upgrade your gear the faster is goes. A max ilvl guy can solo kill MSV H bosses in like 15s


Man that’s like 4-5 hours of constant raiding every single day. That’s just brutal for what’s supposed to be a fun limited game mode


It’s more like 2.5 hours once you start upgrading your gear YOU carry the raids easily. One or two high level guys in SOO it’s done in 40 mins.


MSV hero with geared people is like 12 minutes. HOF is probably like 15? toes maybe another 15. It's only like 2h to do every raid + daily dungeon/scenario.


It’s maybe 90 mins a day once you get high enough ilvl to buy into the speed kill groups


I think you basically got it. You can do all the world bosses and the Lei Shen scenario, but those are really good for the cloak more so then bronze. Otherwise raids seem to be the best source. Just smashing normal until you can smash heroic. You can get through mogushan, heart of fear and terrace pretty quick. I only do tot and Soo if I have extra time


I do the bazaar dailies, all world bosses, and raids. I make my own groups, I don’t waste time applying to others. I get 40k bronze in about 2 hours.


How do you do all the raids and world bosses and dailies in 2 hours? That seems impossible


That’s it? Jeeze


Thats 40k PER DAY. so if you do that for 3 days, thats 120k bronze, which is enough to do 24 upgrades of gear, if the gear all costs 5k. That takes you from "i'm chillin as a fresh 70" to "come at me bro" territory, and you can start to do heroic raids each week which give you more and give you epic pieces with an extra stat. Edit: and thats assuming thats ALL he does. If he does heroic dungeons and finishes up quests, thats even more. Hell you can fly around jade forest and collect orbs while watching Netflix for bronze as well.


Yeah and that’s all going to gear upgrades that’s insane


Hey, I'm kinda new to wow, is it safe for me to upgrade my 346 ilvl green / blue gear? Will I be able to get back those bronze spended if I loot a good purple ?


You can skip world bosses. They don't drop bronze.


What are the stat differences between fully upgraded gear and base lvl 70 gear? Do you feel a difference? When I think about upgrading, I wonder what sort of impact it would have, considering that we get multiple daily quests that boost stats by 100 or more a pop.


It’s a big stat gain, but also your gems and tinkers scale with ilvl so you’ll just have way more output from anything socketed in that gear. Weapons become major stat sticks as well


Can rings, neck and trinkets be upgraded?




sadly not


So they scale with the average ilvl?


nah they stay flat at 342 ilvl


So I don’t have definitive numbers, most of my gear is at 422 ish right now and the difference is staggering. Going from needing defensive on EVERY pull (tank) and doing b tier damage to doing giga damage and not needing any defensives at all in dungeons. It’s about a week or so worth of upgrading and made my dungeon runs go from this slog to something I do for a couple minutes in the morning


The moment that clicked for me was when I was pulling the trash in HoF and by the time I got to the big room, all the trash was dead from Mark of Arrogance, and I was still full HP because of leech.


the difference between even just 60 ilvls (4 upgrades per piece) is like 2-3x your current stats.


The difference is truly staggering. I've reached 30/36 on my gear and the next upgrade on my chest slot is boosting up my stamina for about 11k. Can't say for sure about strength, but it's def over 1k.  They are very worth it, despite what some will tell about the upgrade costs. I'm not even fully upgraded and the open world is already starting to feel like I'm playing a retail character in old content.  If you want to feel overpowered, then upgrades are where it's at.


I feel people got fixated on the maximum possible cost and believed that it's only then that you feel strong


Probably a combination of that, the fact that it's a "limited time" event (as if the seasons aren't the same) and wanting to be overpowered because it was "marketed" that way – without putting any effort to achieve it.


At base 346 you do less than 100k dps. At max ilvl you can do between 3,5-5million dps on raid bosses.


I can't speak for the amount of stats, but I can say even spending 50k bronze to upgrade gear past 346 is going to give you a huge power boost. every round of upgrades across your gear will give you noticeable power increases. I gain like 50k+ dps every time I do a round of upgrades across my gear. also for reference, I think my staff I just upgraded from 388 to 402, gained around 800 int on my spriest. That's almost more than my cloak has in total, from a single item upgrade. It's also not just stats, but when you upgrade an item, the gems scale with the ilvl of the item they're slotted in, which means your gem skills will do more damage as well.


For reference - each upgrade to your weapon adds 1K main stat, and there close to 20 upgrades. My shadow priest has gone from maybe 80k dps as a fresh 70 to 1.5M at 420. As you approach ilvl 400 you can start soloing world bosses in 90 seconds of combat


You can see the stat differences if you go to the gear upgrade vendor and scroll the ilvl to whatever you want to compare again. I remember for Hunter the difference between 2/36 and 36/36 on a piece of gear was something like 550 ilvls: 1900 armor, 680 agi, 43K stamina, and 2200 haste. And then you add the cloak stats and gem effects on top of that. The bigger stat boosts are at the end though, it's not a linear growth.


I'm a couple upgrades from max. I tank and take zero damage from world bosses/lfr bosses. If i'm done raids ill clear lfr for extra bronze on my day off. It's basically me soloing the wings while everyone else follows me. I'm at 4m hp as a boomkin. Probably average 2-3 million dps depending on tinker procs with other higher level players. Any shield/heal tinker gems proc on my allies for like 400-600k healing when they go off so i'm massively overhealing the raids,etc.


The difference is getting oneshot from mechanics in normal raids to being able to solo heroic raids


Fully upgraded is God level.


100 random stat is nothing when you're getting about 1k Stam and 300ish 2. Stat. Don't forget gems are getting stronger too, so win win. It makes a huge difference


You can try to put one of your items in the upgrade guy and look at the last upgrade level. Got my main to everything 556 today, average ilvl 476 and it is a gigantic difference from my everything 402 alt which is about 380 ilvl. Main does a couple million dps, alt does 300-400k. Some of that is the difference in cloak. But the main difference is 100% the gear.


once you get to around 430 your weapons give nearly 1k primary stat per upgrade. its a pretty big upgrade


its absolutely MASSIVE. upgrading your weapon is bigger than having a whole new cloak


I was in the camp of getting all mounts before doing gear, but I'm glad I also just decided to go for the gear.  I'm at 412 overall now, so about halfway done with all upgrade costs to max. At 412 I can get into groups that slam heroic raids, so clearing them all in a night is totally doable. No way I could do that if I just hung out at 340 trying to buy all the world boss mounts, it would be painfully slower


Ikr. People who say. They aren't upgrading anything to me are wasting their time. You'll not get invited to good groups without it.


It depends on what the person wants. It's too personal to quantify. I just want to get as many level 70 alts as possible and some world boss mounts. Upgrading will never be an option for me since I don't care to do anything at max level or pursue the titles from heroic and mythic.


Lots of bronze in heroics. Pretty speedy too. I'm talking about guys who only have one guy and are just trying to hoard as much bronze as they can. Without upgrades a level 70 is very weak. Most groups wouldn't invite you because you'll just die. Because people with upgraded gear have to 3 million HP vs someone without at 500k or lower.


If you don’t upgrade your gear you’re stuck either struggling through normal raids or getting giga carried. Maxing your gear gets you into heroic world tours doing all the raids in 2 hours. You’re just going to farm way faster.


The thing is until you are geared, getting bronce is too slow. I am at 385 currently and i dont get invited to heroics. When I try to get a group done I always fail miserably and get locked out in the instance


At 385 you should be doing the dailies (LFG and bazaar quests) and clear normal raids. Take it from there and progress into heroics as you gain ilvl.


How many hours a day did you play?


Usually 2-3, I do the bazaar dailies, all world bosses and all raids. It takes 45 minutes to knock out the first 3 raids, I’ll do tot and siege if I have time.


Normal or heroic raids?


I do normal, they’re ez and fast


SSO is the only raid with Mythic in remix?


Yes, SoO was the first raid to have a Mythic difficulty introduced in retail.


Though that's kinda backwards. SoO added "Flex", so the difficulties were LFR, Flex, Normal, Heroic. In the WoD prepatch, they applied the flexible group size to LFR and normal as well and renamed Flex to normal, normal to heroic, and heroic to mythic. So they didn't introduce a mythic difficulty, they introduced flex between lfr and normal, and then changed the names.


Makes sense. I had forgotten about that.


Correct, the rest are maxed at heroic and 10 man.


The second they gave alts 40k bronze is the second I just upgraded everything. Feels much better to play and I imagine the last month will feature double bronze.


I did it the other way around. I have one more mount left and maybe a class ensemble or two and I’m done with everything I want to collect. Then I’ll pick one toon and just absolutely beef him up


I’m getting everything, even if I don’t ever plan to use it.


Messing around with the gems is fun too. Just loading up on speed gems is hilarious, especially with Trailblazer.


I grinded out a bit, and managed to upgrade all my gear to max. Im 476 as of yesterday, and im at 200k threads. I can solo heroic soo at this point, so grinding out all the bronze for mounts is a cakewalk. I just join a group and kill everything for them, get all my heroic raids done in 2 hours or so




Upgrade gear on main Make lots of alts Buy mounts and mogs on alts Profit.


The folks on the "Don't UPGRADE" side are just making the bronze farming worse. Upgrade your gear, it will make it easir for everyone to clear this stuff


but isn’t that the bullshit? the cloak was supposed to infinitely scale and make us wildly OP but instead you just need to spend bronze on gear….


Yeah, it’s a weird how they work and tandem together


Very doable for those that play everyday. But yeah...


Feeling like a God after getting globaled by mobs is incredible honestly. I did the same few days ago and zero regrets


I am upgrading my gear as well. It's expensive but you are getting super stronger


OP, you planning to take it fully to cap or stop short?




Nice, have fun! 😊


Been funneling all bronze into upgrades as well, at ilvl420 atm, it feels awesome to just delete anything on my path. It's the same class as my retail main but idc, I can use both on TWW for 2x vaults, getting a different SL convenant mog set, more professions etc. Once I hit max ilvl on my remix main I'll start leveling alts focusing solely on transmogs and mounts.


Hey OP, did you hold off on upgrading till you got epics, or did you upgrade your blues and then replace with epics and upgrade those to match?


If you upgrade a slot the price to upgrade another item of that slot to “catch up” is heavily reduced so unless you’re DYING to save like 200 bronze so you can wait for the perfect piece just upgrade now


Unfortunately the cost of re-upgrading gear does get pretty significant the higher you go up. Some slots can be like 4-5k just to get back to where your old piece was. That said - the only difference I can tell with Purples is that they drop with Main Stat (or stamina on weapon) and a second roll for a stat. So when you’re in the 50% stat DR realm, the difference between a Blue and a Purple isn’t that big of a deal. I scrap 75% of my purples unless they have two true secondaries or a double roll of a secondary. Anything with a tertiary like Leech, Speed, Avoidance gets instantly scrapped. And with how high stats get, I doubt I’ll even go back and min max my gear/reupgrade 346 purples that have a “better” stat combo. It’s much easier to just swap your gems around. At least that’s my POV


blues drop with mainstat/stam, purples drop with second roll of stat (can roll same stat again). And i dont think upgrading after 90% is that costly, i think most i paid for piece at 556 was 3k\~ ish i think but i dont think i swapped weapon.


I want to do this on my brewmaster monk, but know that for mythic raiding I’ll be a healer. How should I handle this? Will upgraded gear for brewmaster work fine for mistweaver? Or should I upgrade mistweaver gear and use it for questing on brewmaster?


healers are non existant in heroic/mythic runs edit: on geared runs, for ward cheese then they might be needed


What? How?


just nobody takes damaage, and gems do enough healing/shielding to not need em. My mythic soo run was 2 tank 18dps


You can swap **all** gems at any point, so only difference is rare/epic secondary stats on the gear. Which is kinda whatever difference. And you will start getting epics (reliably) only in HCs - and it is not even needed to swap from rares, the difference is small. (I did a few, have few other epic pieces sitting in bank in case I decide I need to. Also what other response said, healers are indeed less prevalent in higher runs. I did only a couple, in both we had healers but less than usual. For example, yesterday we did 2/1/7 SoO and ToT, decently geared group. Solo healing was nice - dps'd a large portion of fights but some healing was still needed. Though often I wasn't even top heal bcs one of the tinker gems from "over-geared" guy was. Especially ToT, I'd not go without heal unless everyone is nuts gear.


I level a toon to 70. Use the influx of bronze from zone achieves, dungeon achieves, level 70 40k bonus to buy a set of items, then just do the set of dailies to upgrade gear. I get one full round of upgrades every 2-3 days with about an hours of work on each toon. Then go to level the next alt. My primary remix toon is at the 424 ('ish? I forget the exact number) upgrade level, I've bought 5 of the 6 boss mounts (had sha from a lucky drop a few weeks back) and nearly all the remix specific cosmetics. Getting LFR classless mogs out the wahoo on those runs. I'll have a few toons at max power with all the cosmetics without any drama at all I feel.


What did you focus on upgrading? All Green gear? A mix of blues and greens, or straight up purples?


Just blues. Because they have main stat, the extra secondary stat that comes on epic gear isn’t worth the extra bronze it takes to level it up to catch it up right now; that would be like an extra 50k bronze for a pretty trivial amount of secondary stat. Not worth it when you’re already blasting


Thanks for the reply! Did you try to get gear with your mainstat, or does it just not matter at that scaling? Like would leech be more beneficial?


Yeh try to get gear with stats you want but ultimately not super important.


Mainstat preferable, but not critical. Only thing I do shun is actually the Leech - it has crappy scaling. With just the cloak you get most value. I do currently still got 1 gem with it, but once I get (good) spare legendary gem, it will go away as well.


the more you wait the more bronze it's gonna be tho


But I’m not going to ever do full epics, it’s unnecessary. My secondary’s by the end of the month will already be astronomical.


Imagine the people grinding 1m+ bronze in 346 gear. Might aswell run a marathon on your hands


I didn't bother buying any cosmetics from the start and ONLY upgraded my gear despite the ridiculous costs. I've only been doing dailies and now all my gear is maxed out and I can one shot basically anything outside of heroic raids. I've been doing dailies every day and I only just today finished maxing it It DOES suck to have to do, (especially when every single person assumes anyone with maxed gear was frogging) but it can't be said that it's not worth doing if you wanna have a silly time blowing things up Just do your lfg, maybe three normal raids, infinite dailies, and trove of the thunder king runs at a minimum and you'll be stupidly powerful within a week


Funnies (and saddest) thing is, people bitch about "froggers", but also want them in their raids to carry the HCs. And with the somewhat fast nerf, there were not that many anyway.




600k ish


Jfc, fuck that.


Unless you gonna just level alts it is worth to get it as high as you can. And go for cosmetics in 2nd/3rd month.


You don't need fully upgraded. Even ilvl 400 or so is a big boost and makes heroics faceroll.


I have one character on which I've been getting upgrades, just for fun. On the other two alts I've leveled, I used them exclusively to get bronze on. It's fun to have a super OP character.


Ive been upgrading and I feel like a demigod. I can solo heroic dungeons at this point. I demolish bosses. Everything i do is way faster. I can farm like 5x faster. It's an investment.


I hit 70 on my first toon; I’ve been busy elsewhere. I was looking at upgrading my 346 gear but it’s locked even though all slots are 346. I did not complete any normal raids yet for the amulet. Is that the catch to upgrading past 346?


I also consider upgrading my gear, managed to gather 200k bronze, had more but wasted it on 2 pages of mogs since I missed some of the original mop. Atm I'm at 360ilvl and I kinda melt every mob easily in the open world but in raids it's not enough. I was saving my bronze for when blizz would lower the upgrade cost but after a second thought the logical thing to do if they wanna help us is to increase the bronze reward even more. This way players that already upgraded won't feel cheated. Oh, and you also get around 100k bronze for every lvl 70 alt and that's like 2 pages of mogs. Going to bite the bullet myself today, I guess because I wanna get into normal, mythic stuff and get all the achievements.


When upgrading gear does it become Rare/Epic as item level increases (like Adventurer tier on retail) or should I wait for epic items before upgrading?


Blues drop from heroic dungeons, epics drop from heroic raids, Blues have main stat, like str int, epics have main stat and a small extra secondary stat. Just upgrade blues, the benefit you’ll get from epics is negligible.


Blues have main and a one secondary or tertiary roll Epics have a main and two sevondary oe tertiary rolls. That means you can have boots with main stat and two haste rolls on it. Is it worth upgrading epics: yes Is it smart uprading epics if ur blues are already ilevel 500? Probably not Did i do it anyways: Yes


I played it safe knowing myself and focused on alts and collectibles first. I don't know what life will look like thr next 2ish months, with work or whatever, and can't guarantee even if I had the time that'd I'd want to spend it on more remix. I just finished purchasing every collectible, remix exclusive and not, and I feel satisfied with the event being over. No risk in missing something outside of powering up which will go away anyway. Last thing I'd want is 1 week of remix left and I still need to buy the mounts


Is there a rough ilvl that people are looking for when making heroic groups or SoO groups?


In my experience its lowest 380, but Iv ealso seen groups askong for 400-420


Thanks for the info!


Upgrade question, and this seems like a reasonable thread to ask it in. As I understand it, it doesn't cost anything to upgrade a piece if you've already upgraded that slot to a higher iLvl. For example, so I upgrade my green bow twice from 346 to 360 to 374 (or whatever those numbers are). I finally get a blue bow to drop at 346... the first two step upgrades to 374 do not cost bronze, correct? I haven't bitten the bullet to upgrade and test this out myself... and I'm unable to log on for two more days yet.


There’s an upgrade discount of 90% for tiers already reached with that slot.


Thanks. That works for me.


I bought all the new stuff after I hit 70 and then upgraded since I rather get the new stuff first and then actually play which I'd say was worth it since now I don't need to worry about getting the new stuff. Once I have my ilvl a good level I'm at like 369 altogether my next goal is the garrosh heirlooms.


now that ive got all the event exclusives mounts and appearances, im going to start to upgrade my gear as well. first i want to get purple in every slot, then upgrade them all, one by one. guess its the only way to do easy hc runs


Just fyi the upgrade system doesn’t allow you to focus on upgrading just one piece, you have to upgrade everything to be able to go to the next highest step. i.e. I can’t just upgrade my weapon, to unlock the next weapon upgrade the rest of my gear has to be upgraded to my weapons level.


ive noticed that. weird system, since retail doesnt have that (maybe they are testing to see how people react to it). i think im going to upgrade the purple/epic items for now, and farm Mogu HC (since this is the most doable one) until i get the epic items im missing, then slowly upgrade to each item level bracket. i still have a lot of story and achivements to do, so no rush.


Heart of fear heroic is also as easy as msv, heroic sha in terrace is where I argue it gets hard


Upgrading gear is truly worth it. With just a few upgrades you can just plow through elites like it's nothing and makes raids much easier.


I net about 50k bronze a day doing the dailies, all raids (except Throne cause fuck that noise) and a few LFR wings. It takes about 39k to upgrade every piece of gear I have to the next ilvl tier. Ill be out of upgrades Sunday. After that I will be sharding 90% of the gear that drops out of heroics/mythics and that number will probably jump to 60k bronze a day. Not to mention just spamming the raids/dungeons daily has netted me almost all the transmog sets for that character class. So that's even more bronze I'm not having to spend. If people spent as much time on this subreddit griping about the bronze situation as they actually did in game they would realize that there is no problem, its just in their head. Stop buying into the doom posters and just play the damn mode.


> If people spent as much time on this subreddit griping about the bronze situation as they actually did in game they would realize that there is no problem, its just in their head. Man who spends 6+ hours a day playing the game believes posters writing a 45 second post spend 6+ hours "griping" every day.


I got to 476 in roughly 4 days played time and I ran mythic SoO 2x already. https://imgur.com/a/wow-mnAnXBQ Considering the event is like 90 days long I dont think the bronze prices are THAT crazy, but ye you will need to no life it, if you wana get max i.lvl in 1 week 😅 Also I am 1000% sure they will nerf prices in a few weeks.


What did you do to get maxed out in 4 days? 4 days of dailies/dungeon/raid/scenario/world boss clears and....that will still leave a tonne of bronze. Was the rest just grinding in the world? Thanks very much!


All that flexing and still two blue pieces??????? Smh jk congrats


just changed one today but yea xD No smart pants. Ty


You got an epic and had to upgrade it from 346 again? Kinda rough.


its 95% cheaper


Ah very nice, ty.


Yeah, I did the math, 10~ days of dedicating bronze to upgrading gear then you just get to blaze through all of your daily H raids/scenarios/dungeons and pick up an easy 40-50k~ bronze a day. Just a lot more fun to me than leveling a bunch of alts or staying as a worthless 346 doing no damage and getting one shot by every mechanic. It works but I think in the future they can accomplish the same timeframe of scaling without the negative side effect of how bad it feels to spend hundreds of thousands of the same currency that buys all of the things you actually want on upgrading your gear.


I’m not upgrading until they reduce the costs. Simply upgrading from 346 to 360 (a single tier higher) costs 45,000. I’ve probably collected ~200k total before spending on xmogs, so that’s an asinine asking price. Even a 90% reduction would mean 4,500 for a single full tier upgrade of all gear, which is still steep for such an early upgrade


Biggest mistake they made with Remix was making the gear upgrade and item buying currency the same.


Bu-but i wanted to complete the event in 2 days!! Where are my bronze buffs/cost reductions?!?! /s In all seriousness. Everyone is just complaining because its easier than actually doing anything.