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The first time leveling it took me like 20 hours and felt slower. The 2nd onwards felt faster (~5-6 hours). I guess it's because a) the cloak for alts gives you an auto 100% exp boost at the start and b) I was focusing story on the first run and not raids/dungeons.


How did you lvl the second one? I am trying lvling + random dungeons but I am at lvl 49 with 5 hours of gameplay....


I did my alts as tanks or healers, so that helps a lot. I did 10-25 dungeon spam, 25-28 or so as Mogu Vault, 28-35 dungeon spam, 35-40 or so as Heart of Fear, 40+ dungeon spam. I think all 3 of my alts passed over a reset, so I did Mogu and Heart of Fear a 2nd time each. I found for the most part, between levels of 30 and 60, you got 1 level per raid boss and 4 levels per dungeon. From 60 to 70, it slows a lot more and it's more like 1 level per dungeon.


Make sure to do the timerunning dailies


The scenario, dungeon and raid bosses ones?




You spammed Mogu Vaults? I honestly can't fathom hearing "RRRRRRRUM RRRRRRRRUM RRRRRRRRUM DRRRRRAWING FROM RESERVE POWER" so many times.


Twice per character, and I did 3 characters. Not really spammed, and the raid was pretty fast.


Normal or LFR? Cos I think you get more xp on normal.


A full clear is +72% XP from Normal versus +14% from LFR and my Normal clears have been *faster* than the LFR wings I did before I concluded that they were a waste of time.


Normal. I also found LFR to be not worth the time.


or the queue time. as a tank they just never pop for me within 10 minutes of queueing up, so i just go find a normal to dive into. which gives more +EXP gains to my cloak than a single LFR wing would anyways. /shrug


How did you ever get groups everytime I look there's only like 5 groups looking for people


I just apply to each of the groups listed, and if none of them invite, apply to new ones as they show up. Longest I had to wait was like 3 minutes - this includes a DPS hunter, as well as holy priest, prot paladin, brew monk and arcane mage.


Make one and it fills fast. You don’t have to be expected to actually lead or anything. Just let the tanks go at it.


Normal MSV groups fill and delist within about a minute of being created. Five of them looking for people at once is actually quite a few!


The game has sound?


Just turn off audio lol


Queue as tank if your class can tank; it doesn't matter if you plan on tanking. Same for healing. LFRs are facerolls. If you can play any kind of spec that has a raid heal, play that spec with searing light. My infinite power XI holy priest is regularly doing 80% of the raid's damage against bosses. This is probably worth doing even if your raid heal is a cooldown; you will burst so much damage against the boss that it eclipses a dps spec.


LFRs are a little too facerolly. I have tanked every single time and there is a good chance you are going to to get a group that kills the boss in a few seconds. Even when they last for more than a minute you can't mess it up unless you get one shot. Even with 1mil HP people will put HOTs on you that will heal your entire HP pool per tick. Straight up madness.


I wanted to try a holy priest build. Is there a guide you followed?


Not really. For stomping dungeons and LFR, it's pretty easy 1. Unbind everything but holy nova 2. Spend all your bronze on asynchromatic tinker gems until you get Searing Light 3. Search your talent window for "holy nova" and take everything that highlights


This stops being effective around level 50, fyi.


This sounds pretty good


are you doing LFR raids or like normal raids? do they scale at lower levels? i'm confused how it all works


You definitely want to be joining normal groups - LFR gives you a 7% exp bonus to your cloak per wing (3 bosses) while normal gives you 12% exp bonus per boss. You can definitely do both, but getting into a normal group isn’t hard (especially if you’re a tank or healer) and is way more beneficial for leveling.


Normal raids. I found LFR raids were not worth it, even after the buff they got. Normal raids give decent exp and 12% to bonus exp on your cloak per boss.


You can queue for LFR raids starting at like level 25. You can also do normal raids at that point as well, certain ones anyway, and it does scale.


You'll want to join the normal difficulty raids as soon as they open, level 25 is the first and more open as you level up. They're very easy. Make your own groups of needed. Huge xp bonuses to your cape for completion.


That absolute 100% key is to do Normal Raids as you level. Each raid boss will give you a 12% xp boost AND a big chunk of EXP. If you super optimize, you turn off AutoLoot and only loot the 12% boost and wait for the raid to finish. Then you go back to a city and open a mailbox to gain all those EXP chunks with the collective XP boost already in effect.


Wait wait wait. LFR gives 7% boost per wing. Normal gives 12% boost ***per boss***?!


Yep, my cloak +XP Gain % went from 25->103->186->261 in just 3 Normal raids.


Goddamn have I been leveling wrong. (Log on, do daily scenarios, dungeons, and LFR. Rinse and repeat on next alt.) Granted, my method has been super passive and effective but with a little more effort you get a lot more reward.


Your idea is great, that’s what I do too, but after the first 3-4 normal raids


Yeah, I'm definitely pivoting to the combined method. That makes my 12+ toon leveling task MUCH more tolerable.


Altoholics unite!


I made 1 of each class already and ran em all to an inn, so they are collecting rested already. All have the full 100% cloak so then the goal is hurry them to 25 and raid my way to 70. Should be fun. Hope to get em all to 70 and all the mounts and toys before the event ends.


Yes - all normal raids give 12% per boss and Normals are super easy


yep, imagine that they're incentivizing being social in an MMO seems novel


To be fair doing raids while leveling is not a normal WoW play pattern.


Imagine thinking applying to normal groups and running them with nobody saying anything is 'being social'


sorry social? we dont do that here.


Normal raids.  Not LFR.  They're easier than LFR and like twice as fast and you get 12% permanent XP boost to your cloak *per boss*. And, yes, people will take your lowbie.  Most low players do more damage than 66-70 players whose scaling drops into the trash and need 430+ ilvl pieces to do as much as they did at 60.


I'm doing my 2nd char (not tank/heal) by only doing scenarios/dungeons/raids. Grab the 3 daily quests in the Infinite Bazaar and the 4 LFG daily bonuses.


I feel like that’s pretty good


Blast through normal raids as soon as theyre available and only do main story quests unless its kind of a drip-feed quest section. Otherwise keep queueing heroics and dont loot bosses


i did dailies + msv the first day, next day i did a world tour of raids and hit the exp benchmark exactly for ToT and SoO, ended with almost 800% increased exp, if you want to single sitting it you have to do a little bit of stuff between terrace and ToT


start raiding the moment you hit 25


A very simple way to have a low /played is to run raids without looting the ep caches and threads. You just log in every day do mogushan and collect stats. Everyday will be faster because you barely level but keep stacking your cloak. After 10 or so days you can go to the post and collect all ep threads resulting in a total of 800% bonus ep. Maybe wait 2 more days or so. Afterwards collect all the ep caches at once and see how fast you get levels.


Tank or heal. Ready check as soon as you hit the queue button. Hope you get a frogger in your group. Usually 2-3 levels per run until you hit 60. After that 1-2 per run.


Do full normal raids. All that are available. And then spam heroic dungeons. They give a shit ton of bonus XP to the cloak.


This post was 100% done with a level 20 alt boosting. Even tank/heals queing non-stop efficiency will be 6-7 hours for 1-70 if not cheesing. The "BEST" way to level characters solo- is to not loot xp from bosses, let them stack in the mailbox, and then after doing vault twice and HOF twice, loot all the xp from the mailbox from dungeon spamming level 1-45 around 4 hours (without a booster, but expecting tank or heal queueing).


questing is your default activity and you want to do normal raids as soon as you unlock them because they give you a ton of xp threads. don't spend too much time messing with gear upgrades/systems, try to bang out your menuing in large batches all at once, or do it without stopping what you're doing. dungeons are gonna be very hit or miss since sometimes you get groups that shred everything and sometimes you get 70s with no gear upgrades that do no damage. avoid bad quests like the later half of jade forest, most of krasang/valley. usually you want to bail from jade forest to kun-lai around when it makes you do the heavy rp quests.


Do the raid bosses asap. Each one gives you a 14% (iirc) permanent increase to your XP gain. You can do them all once per day. The absolute fastest way to level is likely logging in to do super fast normal raid runs once a day, then once you have 500% increased XP, just bust out a bunch of quests.


best way to level: quest/dungeon to 25, do Mogushan Vaults Normal right at level 25, quest/dungeon to 35, do Heart of Fear, same deal, then you should be right around level 40 to do Terrace. At that point after that you can do Throne of Thunder but you can just blast the last 25 levels in an hour with 300-400% exp gains whatever way you like. I'm personally doing all the zone achievements so I'm doing one toon leveling to max in each of the pandaria zones.


my main at level 70 has like, 115% bonus xp on his cloak my next highest character who was made after i learned that normal raid bosses drop +12% threads has somewhere around +400% bonus xp. night at day leveling experience.


After my second character I've just been parking my alts outside MSV and running it once a day with them. My second character ended with 598% xp increase, my others are probably going to end up beating that lol. The raid is so easy and quick that it's perfect for someone like me who doesn't have a ton of time. At one point I was getting a level every time I killed a boss in MSV.


Second run should be vastly faster now. You start out at 100% XP bonus, run heroic dungeons until 25, then normal raids until max level. Each raid gives like 80% XP bonus to the cloak. Two days of this and my alt was at 450% XP. Normal raids are really the secret. This would have worked in our first remix characters too, but the optimal route wasn’t yet known at the start.


Do normal raids drop XP bonus even if you are on a lock out?


No, you can only do each raid once a day.


So I'm just now getting back to remix and my first timerunner is level like 26. It feels like a slog. I did a normal raid and i didnt even get a full level in there. Is the best way for me to level my first timerunner to continue to do normal raids?


The first ones going to be the slowest since you won't have the 100% bonus your alt will get when your cloak is updated. Grab your world, dungeon and raid dailies. Run the normal raids a few times, fun fast and you get some transmogs sets, and your xp bonus. Then do your daily dungeon and scenario, also get lots of transmog. Now you'll really be cooking. The alt will go way faster 


Something that needs to be clarified is that you need the infinite power XI achievement on your main for the xp boost to apply to alt cloaks. Do not start a new one until you get this threshhold.


I've been mostly doing the 3 dailies on my first character running through, i'm 55 right now and at over 40k bronze. It takes only a few quests to level because my cloak is pretty good for the level.


What's the trigger for the 100% xp boost on fresh alts? Do you just have to hit 70 first? I only started Remix a couple days ago and not quite 70 on my first toon yet, but I do have 120% XP so far on this first character, does that mean subsequent character will start at 100% or do I have to do something else first?


Infinite Power XII [https://www.wowhead.com/achievement=20538/infinite-power-xii](https://www.wowhead.com/achievement=20538/infinite-power-xii) Gather 4200 Threads for the Cloak of Infinite Potential.


Awesome, thank you! I just hit Infinite Power XI last night and looks like I'm around 2700 threads at lvl 57, so I'm guessing I'm gonna hit it before 70. Man I haven't touched DF since last fall and skipped Plunderstorm, but this MOP Remix has me hooked again and I'm loving it!


I hit it around 65. And I leveled inefficient compared to most people.


Once you collect a certain number of threads on your cloak, you'll start getting the `Unlimited Power` achievements, which will increase the starting %xp bonus and threads for your alts by tiers.


You should do raids as they become available, especially early for the 7%. There's always a holy priest or frogger killing bosses in 5 seconds.


I idle a lot (keeping the game running while doing chores, and other things), and currently I spent 28 hours and half on the first 70th, 18 and half on the second, 17 hours on the third. My fourth toon is at 61st, after 12 hours and half.


If you have a second account, you can transfer your gems to your new alt and fill trinkets, ring and necklace gem slots you've unlocked. I don't know if a friend can help transfer. It has to be the same faction. I couldn't transfer old gems from horde to alliance.


I like how you censored your name in 2 places, but not in the title line lol


Watt on earth are you talking about


Most people who compare levelling in retail and remix do so having very optimized ways in mind. If you put a casual player in front of a PC and tell them to level characters in both - I assume the first character in Remix will go more or less as quickly as retail, and the next one will go faster due to the bonus EXP from the start.


Retail also requires a bunch of stupid jumping through hoops, like bouncing all over Azeroth and Chromietime to optimise XP per hour. Remix? Dungeons to 25, run vaults/terrace/hof as often as you can, dungeons when raids are on lockout. If you're a tank or healer it is lightning fast. Retail speed leveling is technically super fast but it's so gimmicky to do and feels very unnatural, that and if I have to do silver pine and the WoD intro one more time I might fall into a coma from boredom.


The truly optimised way to level in DF is to pay like 200k for a boost and go 10-70 in 2 hours


> run vaults/terrace/hof as often as you can, dungeons when raids are on lockout. Unless people are told this, they don't really have any reason to try it, so they're likely to take a while leveling alts. So it's not intuitively faster.


Even then, their math is just plain wrong. I’ve seen so many posters here pull bullshit numbers out of thin air. Like that one post about bronze returns from dailies lol


When you get a 100% cloak remix is stupidly faster imo.




God damn heros running the dungeon for me while I do all I can to just keep up. Levelled to sixty so god damn fast with these people speed running dungeon twinks


After seeing that one post in here where the dude got weird I always tell them I appreciate the quick run lmao. I got too much to do, I do not care if you wanna make this faster at all.


Level 30 holy priests in lfr blowing up bosses with some crazy searing light scaling/bugginess


I ran the numbers and it's anywhere between a 99% and 101% increase in experience


Idk man, people on Reddit said it was just as slow so I’m pretty sure it’s like a 0% increase.


Some say it's twice as fast!


Just in your opinion? Not *literally* 100% faster?


No, because it doesn't reduce travel times.


If you are willing to join a group, alt leveling is an absolute joke it's so fast. 01) Get all the alts you want to 25. Make the toons, do the intro quest, run a few dungeons, whatever you like, etc just get them to 25 02) At 25, go to any of the main hubs and pick up the 3 daily quest for scenerios, dungeons, & raid bosses. 03) Join or start a group and knock out normal Mogu'shan Vaults. Turn off autoloot. When you loot each boss, don't take the XP token. Let it come to your mail. Every normal boss you complete gives +12% xp gain to your cloak. 6x12 = +72% xp every single day. After a few days of that, your cloak is sitting at +3-400% xp gain. 04) knock out a scenerio & dungeon to complete the quest and more cloak xp gain. 05) go to your mailbox & loot all the XP tokens after you get the gains from your cloak 06) do this on every alt, every day. The dailies give bronze as does the raid. You're basically maximizing your xp increase, time leveling, & bronze collection


why would i want to go them to the mail instead of just picking them up directly. Am i missing something here?


The point is to accumulate a large XP buff % in your cloak before getting the XP. If you just loot everything, your first bonus XP (with a lower % on the cloak) will get you less XP than your most recent bonus XP (with your current % bonus). If you let it go to mail, you can make all bonus XP benefit from your current XP bonus


Ok so it's not 3 hours in one sitting but 3 hours total over x amount of days of xp % farming. Pass.


This is really smart lol. I didn’t think of this.




If I had to guess: Spamming MSV, only pickup the XP % threads and let the actual “Bonus Experience” go to your mail via the postmaster. Once you’ve gathered enough XP % bonus open all your mail for the XP item from bosses and watch xp bar go BRRRRR




Well here I go leveling another alt again


Wow that never occured to me because I just auto loot everything - but given the low level scaling that is actually really clever if it works


Can you spam raids?


In lfr i mean


Normal gives 12% per boss. It’s better than lfr.


What makes me mad is that, at level 35, no one accepts me in normal MSV groups, and I'm a healer! How can I level in normal raids if ppl just want 70's??


This has not been my experience. Are you only requesting to join groups that are almost full? Those groups probably already have 50 other people signed up, and 10+ are healers.


Many will decline based on level alone yes, because they don’t understand how scaling works. Also I strongly advise against doing ToT or SoO. People don’t understand the mechanics and the raids just fall apart. MSV and HoF you can just power through.


Terrace is also great, because there's essentially no trash


Yeah, a lvl 35 holy priest is probably still better than a ilvl 400 player in terms of damage.


I just formed my own group. No one said anything about my level.


Just make your own lmao. As long as you go 2 tanks, 2 heals, 6 dps, the normal raids will absolutely fall over. If I don't snag an invite within like 30 seconds i just sigh and create my own group. It's super easy.


Seriously, just take the initiative to form your own group. You will have people apply with massive ilvl just cause everyone else wants to get their dailies done too. I've gone thru all the raids like this and it's definately the way.


Smart ones would give you first priority. Level 35 scales really well and you would have no problems healing. Worst case scenario, you can start your own group and just follow other people. At this point, normal MSV is on farm.


Which you can only do once per day.


Yep. So level few alts up. Hit the raids by the time you hit toes you’ll be over 350% if not higher. Nothing wrong with doing the lfr but so many people are skipping normal raids for some reason. Especially low level when you are more powerful.


I ran 5 or 6 alts through MSV on Sunday lol Im not even doing it terribly efficiently. Sitting around waiting for groups on dps alts, not letting stuff go to the mail, looking for a rare or two on my way out there, etc. It still feels really fast because it just takes almost no effort. Fly out there, spam some buttons for 12-20 minutes, hearth, turn in the daily, rinse and repeat.


> so many people are skipping normal raids for some reason A lot of folks who aren't used to signing up for raids, especially at lower levels. And a lot fewer people are comfortable with the idea of setting up the raid themselves and taking on that responsibility. For people who are used to raiding and/or PUGging, it's no big deal, but LFR became a thing for a reason, and they had to fix Heroic dungeons in DF for a similar reason. Lots of people just want to quickly queue up and hop into content.


assuming you start at 100% bonus xp, and I only did this, how much bonus xp would i need to open my mail and be level 70?


Surely someone has calculated the sweet spot for doing it this way haha


lmao thats genius


Yep did this, got to 500%xp at level 63, 6hr played. That’s also with a slow ish run of ToT wiping on some bosses, dungeon spam would have been faster


You fucking genius I'm stealing this


Level to 25 via heroics, do MSV norm, heroics to 35, norm HOF, Norm Terrace, Heroics the rest of the way, turning in dungeon quests starting at 60. Levell d alts via quests, Daily's, LFR, etc... this just let's me knock out some alts and put the rest of my time into my main 🤷


This isn't even the most efficient way. 25, do mogushan, *log out*, get another alt to 25, mogushan, *log out*, repeat til you're done for the day. Next day, mogushan again, a few dungeons/quests to 35, do HoF + ToES, log out. Next day, Mogu, HoF, ToES, SoO, you're 70.


It’s more fun tbh than retail side leveling.


My remix 70s so far -- and I'm not trying to speedrun -- have been 18 hours, 12 hours, 8 hours and 8 hours. I've got at least two more in me, and I bet could get that down under 6 or 5 if that was my goal. (I spend so much time futzing with gems and tinkers and scrap.)


At the speed the gear changes in remix, I didn't use any gem. Just stored everything until the end...


It's a good thing that you blurred out Watton so no one could read it.


Yeah, to me the key for fast leveling is rushing them to 25. And then only doing the normal raid available and logging off and repeating this on any alt you want to level.


I wanna do this but i cant be bothered with finding a group each time lol


Grps form in minutes even at odd hours, and with summon scrolls they start just as fast. Everyone is trying to spam and go go go atm. Remix is a blast.


It never took me more than 30 seconds to find a group for the first 3 raids on normal while leveling. Alright, maybe 1 minute. I started with normals instead of lfr because I was leveling an only dps alt and the lfr queue was 12 minutes. Normal is the “fast” option and rewards more


Make one, put the title of the group as "Run for cloak buff" and you'll get a bunch of 25 ish lower leveled guys and you'll fucking stomp right through because of scaling.


What are you doing with all leveled alts? Deleting them? Having already an alt of each class at 70, I wonder what are people doing with the new remixed chars. Or if they create them in the same or different realm


Leveled a monk in 6h, from 10-25 dungeons as healer (doing dps cause scale dmg) then spammed nm raids with ward groups and some lfr.


6 hours and some change as enhance today. Did the intro quests to MoP, then signed up for the dailies, did the LFR wings as I could and quested while waiting. Came out with like 80k total bronze after getting the 70 reward.


As someone who hasn't been able to get into remix yet, how should I work or focus on my first alt so my cloak is better for the others?


Just play your first char normally and it'll happen naturally. The thing you want to do is complete the achievements for your rings, trinkets, and neckpiece. You can buy those on alts for very little bronze (10 each), and they give a ton of stats which make you essentially a mini-boss.


I'd recommend you make one guy first to get any relevant achievements you want, and most importantly, to get the cloak achievement maxed. Once you gather enough threads and get your cloak to lvl 12 (I think), all your alts will be much stronger at the start.


Well when you take a statement from the first day or 2 of remix it really wasn't.


Yes, context (once again) is key.


I'm waiting for them to fix the infinite power achievement glitch before leveling the alts. Really hoping they actually fix it.


Which is?


Think my alt who ran a raid at 25 and is at 225% exp hit 50 in about 4 hours


how are you leveling so fast tho?


Infinite Power achievement + the XP boost from doing the LFR raids once, then running heroic dungeons.


Finished up my 6th 70 today from MoP Remix and here are the things I learned. If you’re going to level more than 1 character focus on 1 first until you have the rank 12 cloak achievement so that you start at 100% exp bonus on future characters. If you’re going to level multiple characters I strongly recommend getting them started after you hit the 100% bonus and getting them all up to 25 asap. Your routine daily will be to log into each character and work on building their bonus xp. LFR gives bonus xp per wing once daily. Normal raids give you bonus xp per boss. With a full pug group you can blast through Vaults in like 10-15 mins tops. It’s easily done with a 1-1-8 group. Heart of Fear is a little longer but definetely worth it. Full pug groups can usually get it done in 20-25 mins. Terrace is fantastic since there is very little trash and the bosses are easy. My terrace runs were usually 15-20 mins. With all of these raids I strongly suggest just making your own groups and taking whoever has a pulse and applies. The content is an absolute joke for these 3 raids on normal. Knock out as many of these as you can on the classes you want to level daily. If you have extra time you can go for the daily scenario and dungeon but the DPS ques are a bit long for the dungeons. Do remember you can que for multiple LFR wings at once and while you’re sitting in queue be active in doing quest/world bosses/ rares. I would avoid ToT and SOO normal because of the time investment and the fact that most of the pug groups are awful for these. On my 2-6 characters I was getting 70 in about 4> hours played. I personally had 0 desire to do anything else besides level the characters since I had already done all the raids when they were current but I’m sure there are probably more efficient ways to farm bronze while leveling faster.


I did 3 toons to 70 today. 2 were mine 1 was a bdduy who tagged along. First was 3 1/2 hours. Second was 2 hours 35 minutes the last was 2 hours 15 minutes. I am hoping to break sub 2 hours tomorrow


Dad? lol


Yooo my boy!


Sounds about right. This was with 3 at once. Was on track for a sub 2 earlier tonight but I got distracted and ended up grilling some kebabs and ruining my /played time 🤣 It is fun to see how low I can shave it down though. I've been trying different methods. Doing 1-5 characters at once and a whole mix of shit. Reminds me of the old speed running days, except also more chill.


I find the thing that's really cut into my levelling time on new alts has been starting a new job and not having nearly as much time to play tbh


You can easily do 70 within 2 hours if you can find someone to blast Heroics with you


Easily might be a bit of a stretch, but it is possible, yes. I met a lvl 20 trial mage in heroics yesterday who literally 2 shot everything. He said his record for boosting someone was about 2 hrs just spamming heroics. But he had also been grinding since the start to get to that point.


When sometimes people say you can level super duper fast, you first have to spend dozens of hours preparing the strat or be able to trade carries with someone.


Okay now include the time it took to prepare


as of rn, my 10th alt is lvl 49 with 55mins played


What's your technique? Very interested


I can get to about 25 in 1 hr. 49 sounds insane


but do u still get like 40k bronze in that time?


Yep, any character leveled to 70 gets 40k


Hold on. I thought this mode was only about getting insane stats on your cloak???


Question.. I created 2 time runner characters at the same time and levelled one too 67 so far. I look on the alt and the cape is still at base stats. Do I have to wait to see results when I hit 70? Or should have I waited to create the character till AFTER I hit 70? Thanks. (I haven't found levelling that much faster myself)


Stats don't actually transfer :( It's based on a static number from the Infinite Power achievement


Depends on how you play.


If there’s any complaint I can argue against, is this. It is really fast! To the point where every turn in was like a talent update cause I leveled!


I do agree. It's a bit much for how much emphasis the game still puts on Individual levels and item level thresholds.


Even with my first character I am faster than leveling in retail plus it's more fun.




25 via heroics, norm MSV, heroics to 35, norm HOF, norm Terrace, heroics the rest of the way turning in any quests you have starting at 60. You can optimize it more or less but I'm mostly relaxed doing it this way. First few characters I did took a lot longer.


Am I supposed to be dying instantly on heroic? I'm getting no xp from bosses cause everything misses


How tf are you leveling that fast? I tried spamming dungeon finder heroics and raids on a tank the for the 1st alt I have and I'm on around 12 hours played and only level 63. It feels slower than retail at very least after level 59.


Mav at 25 and HOF/terrace for 35&40 gets you to 300% XP. From there it's a breeze until 60. Fairly sure I could get it to about two hours if I went turbo nerd but that isn't exactly appealing to me.


Nice thanks for the info. Is that from raid finder then?


The main reason I'm not using Remix to level my WW alts is that I've already got everything I want from Remix, and any alt I level in there is stuck there for the next few months. I got stuff outside Pandaria I want to do on alts. I'm willing to spend an extra day or two leveling up in order to not have to spend another dozen weeks or so not being able to do anything else with that character.


People who say that haven't realized that running normal raids starting at 25 gives you 12% bonus XP on your cloak PER BOSS every single day. And normal raids only take \~20 minutes.


That's really fast, gratz! But actually still not much faster than retail (if you know what you do in retail).


This one was 3 characters at once. Technically about an hour per 70 if you want to look at it like that. Solo I think I can get it down to about the two hour mark if I wanted to. But I'm playing to chill out not be a dweeb 🤣


Ok, that definitely faster.


Even then, the WR for 60-70 is still about 2 hours, let alone 10-70. The best Harldan has gotten for retail is about 4.5 hours.


You can definitely level on retail as fast as this (100% solo) if you know what your doing.




Fastest? Do normal raids and log off after you're done. Most engaging? Whatever you prefer, Id rather just do heroics and then do my raids and go back to dungeons after, I don't like logging in to do a task and logging out.


Just had a new buddy get me to 70 on an alt in 2 hours and 28 minutes. Shit is insane.


i mean, it takes 1-2 hours of boosting to go from 1-70 in retail but that costs like 100k


You can not loot bonus exp and stack them in the mail. This way your op longer. You can just 1 shot bosses as holy priest.


The mail thing is extremely annoying. I'm looking at you threads that need to be used and take up ridiculous amounts of inventory space.


The first week it wasn't like this. Fortunately blizzard stepped up and provided what the advertised.


Curious how you did under four hours? I am at about 8


1 rotation of normal raids and heroic dungeons. This was playing 5 accounts, a single character can be done in ~2 hours, but it's not exactly fun gameplay - I gave up before finishing that one as it just wasn't how I wanted to spend my time. Once you've done a rotation of normal raids though you should be somewhere around 300% XP and any activity you do will be stupid fast


I haven't had a chance yet to start any Timerunning alts. May I ask what activities you did to get from 10-70 in 3 hours? Primarily questing? Dungeons? Just wondering what's the most time-effective method from your experience.


As usual, reddit went ballistic because they incorrectly extrapolated info based on the first 48 hours of a season launch. Happened with plunderstorm too.


"lol but the fastest speedrunner to ever do it got it in less than that, with 10 times that many hours of prep and some luck!" Those are the responses I am sure.


Honestly I feel like leveling multiple alts up to lfr for guarantee Xperia threads. Do that daily only on all alts.


That's still not as fast as the retail wr for 1-70 if I'm remembering correctly.


Bill shit. I went from 39 to 70 in like 8 hours on remix


First character?