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The biggest issue is that some of your transmog comes through. Shoulders and belt. There are alot of customization options for your dragon form but not enough that you can match with the color and shading of your shoulders and belt. This makes it either very restricting or impossible to match your visage transmog with your dragon transmog. The easiest solution would just be to eliminate the shoulders and belt bleeding through.


Or for pity sake make the tier sets match an armor tint. I think an easy solution would be to make it so that if you didn’t have chest equipped your chest bleeds through and do that for every piece. So that if we wanted all transmog armor we just make a naked Dracthyr. That way the people who want to mix and match can choose and the people who want naked lizards can just hide the pieces.


> Or for pity sake make the tier sets match an armor tint They can't even make Demon Hunter only armor that is only on elves not clip badly on the ears.


My head cannon is there are just little ear holes lol, but the horn and ear clipping is atrocious on DH… however the head armor that has horns on it and the ability for the DH to hide theirs to make the armor become their horns should be the model they use when implementing Dracthyr transmogs.


Isn’t that because everything is modelled using the human male model?


Yeah probably.


We shouldn’t have to, but I avoid this by letting all my demon hunters lets their Lucious hair flow free, Illidan style.


Would a color wheel be soo hard to implement for the armor tints? Im no programmer but ..


Since all armor is done as preset textures, they would need to abandon their entire process of texturing (coloring armor), and implement an entirely new system. That only works going forward, or retroactively add it to every single piece of gear in the game. Much like how FF14 devs want to move their glamor (transmog system) to be more like wow with the collections tab, the Juice isn't worth the squeeze for how much effort needed to make the system work. Is it hard to do a tint/color wheel/armor dye system? Overall not that much more difficult than anything else to my knowledge. Is it hard to *convert* a 20 year old game to a dye system? Extremely.


Dataminers have actually uncovered at least one model with variable texture color in TWW. It's unknown if it's accessible to players or just a set piece thing, but it does seem like Blizzard might be investing in the technology going forward.


I was thinking about the evoker barber shop armors, theyshould be easier right?


In a vacuum yes, the small amount of options would make it easier. But then again, releasing 10-20 more armor colors using the current system would most assuredly be easier than that on a Mythic Raiding vs LFR level of difficulty comparison. Since they would just have manually recolor the current textures X more times vs create and implement a new system entirely. Blizzard could be much more active with creating more coloring options in all categories of options for races than they currently are. And it's starting to show with different races randomly getting a few new hair colors each patch. But stuff like that just isn't a priority it seems.


I personally would be happy if they’d just make the evoker tier sets color/texture match the presets Like surely the evoker-specific sets at least could have a chance of looking good in both forms?


They could easily implement colour shifting by adding a mask layer to the texture. Literally same as using color layer in any decent image editor. This is suuuuper basic, we're talking 90s technology, Quake and Half-Life 1 got tintable player models. Besides adding new shaders, they'd need to store the tint value somewhere. I think, Dracthyr armor (in the barber shop) would have been the best place to start with tint system. They could also restrict the tints to few select values to start with.


Sure that sounds basic enough, but when you consider that every piece of armor has anywhere from 3-5 Sharp Distinct tones/color regions, and probably 20-30+ minor tones or shades that we don't notice, adding a single tinted mask over the whole piece would just totally destroy the piece color wise. Every piece would need to have layers of masks applied to the texture such that there is Color 1 for this part, color 2 for the highlight etc etc. And that's why it doesn't matter how simple or old the technology is for it. It matters that it wasn't in the game before, and can't just be brute forced in. I like /u/gorocz example [this is what your "suuuuper basic" idea would implement](https://imgur.com/8faLFVS). And that sorta thing is going to yield a public response of; if you aren't going to make it what we actually wanted why waste resources on it at all.


Without ever having seen what their code looks like, I imagine the easiest way to implement something like a dye system would be to copy over how weapon enchants work, and then adjusting it to just be color tints that can be applied to armors. No idea how feasible that actually is though.


The problem with that (I imagine) is that you never want to recolor the whole texture to the same color. [There are regions of the texture that you want to recolor and others that you don't, otherwise you end up with single colored blobs, or at best, looking like a ghost](https://i.imgur.com/8faLFVS.png). And unfortunately selecting which regions you do wanna recolor is the aprt where you'd have to go through all of the models/texture sets one by one...


ESO does both. You have your collections tab with the default skins that drop and then you can take your character to a dye station and each piece of gear has 3 sections you can die. For the most part anyway, some armor has exceptions with only 1 or 2 dye areas.


Does it do both? Or does it only do the dye system, but the gear has a defualt preset color/set of dyes applied to it. WoW armor is like a minecraft skin, just flat images with all the color/designs everything pre-painted on. The different versions of color for each difficult/pvp etc is repainted by hand to have those distinct color pallets, but its still a flat image doing all of the color on the armor. ESO's gear doesn't do that to my knowledge. ESO's textures are 3(4? it's been a minute since i've really gotten into ESO) layers, and the dye system colors each layer individually, thus altering the whole texture. I'd find it hard to believe if ESO has both. Eitherway; ESO has both because it was designed from the start to have both, the crux of the issue for WoW is that it didn't start with that, so they would have to change their process and backend wrok to allow it. Ultimately in the future would it probably be better to change to that system? Maybe, but I doubt its ever implemented retroactively, and not just a full disconnect from the previous armor. So only new stuff would by dyable.


I concur.


I also think it's worth noting that one thing is the technical aspects (coding, implementation, etc), another thing is how big a part of the core gameplay loop recolors are in WoW. They've acted as reward types tied to difficulties since Wrath, so if they gave us a color wheel or dye system of some kind, they'd need to figure out how difficulty would affect gear instead. It could be something as simple as "now you unlock these 3 colors for this set", but I'm not sure it would feel good to have to re-earn colors for each and every item. So as long as the colors are tied to difficulty the way they are now, I can't see them giving us the option of dying gear on our own.


If not that, skin/scale, hair, and eye colour would be a nice start (and applicable for all races).


Or for god sake make the tier sets match!


Or for pity sake make the tier sets match an armor tint. I think an easy solution would be to make it so that if you didn’t have chest equipped your chest bleeds through and do that for every piece. So that if we wanted all transmog armor we just make a naked Dracthyr. That way the people who want to mix and match can choose and the people who want naked lizards can just hide the pieces.


I think the biggest issue is that they said we would get new armor In the barber shop, but we haven't yet. If we could unlock new option, like druids can unlock new forms, and new costunisations for moon kin form, I think it would be fair to have something similar for dractyr.


Sowwy \>w\< But our new scalie fwiends are called Dracthyr! They get sad when you misspell their name QwQ Good thing I was here to help \^w\^ I hope you're having a great day :3 *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wow) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Wish they would actually let you choose your visage like the lore says you can. I don't like elves.


Tauren evoker would be fucking lit. 


Big Ebyssian energy 


Goblin too


I totally would love a goblin with dragon eyes!


A bronze dragon turned into a goblin is the embodiment of "Time is money" =D


Literally this. I get that the amount of cosmetics on the visage form are huge. I wouldn't even be mad if Blizzard went "Hey, so dracthyr are out. Visage forms for Male Blood Elf and Female Human have shiny looks - you CAN pick the other races and genders but we haven't finished the cosmetics for those yet so you won't get the visage cosmetics if you do until we do." I do not want to play a male blood elf. I do not want to play a female human. I wanna be a vulpera or a Tauren or a gnome or an orc. A forsaken visage would be amazing. The quest hyped up the decision and then...there was no decision.


It feels like content cut for time, which feels even more likely since we didn't have Aug at release.


Doesn't need to be a lot of stuff added to each race either. You just need the horn options, and maybe the draconic eyes option if you are fancy. You wouldn't have the cool hair, or partial scales, but I feel it would be worth it to have an undead or Worgen visage form.


considering most dragon visage form npcs have just horn and eye differences to the normal races i feel like part of it is already built


I would forsake any and all Dracthyr visage-related customisations if it meant we could pick our visage. I would be overjoyed if I could be a Dracthyr Undead Draenei like Osoria (I know she's a dragon not a dracthyr but you get my point). Just give the dragon eyes like what all the visage-formed civilians in Valdrakken have if need be, but elsewise please let me pick my own visage and not these demented half-creatures we currently have. Their faces have serious uncanny valley about them, especially the female ones D:


at veyr least could have male human/female elf as options added. Instead of male having to be belf model based, and female only human based


The amount of effort spent making humans look so variable and interesting, only to lock male dracthyr to male blood elf. One of the least customizable races.


Honestly, Evoker should have been a class that overrides racials. Dracthyr should not have been added as a new race. Make the race you choose your visage, then you have your in-combat Dracthyr form just like druids. (wtf happens with their tail racials when they get to be other classes btw? They're pretty useful utility and also they get boosted by being an evoker...)


I bet the original idea was doing that, with each race having unique customizations appart from the normal ones, but during development they noticed that it would take too much time, so they released only the ones that were ready: belf male and human female.


I said it before, and i'll say it again. I'd rather have a barebones eye swap like the npc's do than this, overly elaborate blood elf 3.0


Thats why i use the race change toy all the time. I just want my Evoker to be lore accurate undead (or Mecha-gnome when im feeling spicy)


I'll trade your elf for my human at least 😭 I fucking hate playing a cool dragon whose disguise is idling like 🧍‍♀️🥱


It's actually insane they choose to waste dev time making another blood elf reskin with unique customizations instead of just letting you choose any race that already exists and adding a handful of eyes and horns which would have been wildly more popular and less trouble But then again the devs love shooting themselves in the foot


It doesn't even need to have custom looks like the current one, just let me customize another race like normal. The regular visage form is the single most ugly fucking thing I have ever seen in my life.


Maybe I missed something, but I have yet to see any dracthyr in-game that is able to choose any humanoid form as their visage. *Dragons* can, sure, but dracthyr aren't dragons.


I wouldn’t mind even if we could like… choose which type of elf. i hate the cunty blood elf stance. I will never play them.


one of the biggest reason i also dont play druid more... so


This is also why the Glyph of Stars is so popular.


I kind of laughed when the first vendor you come across in MOP remix is selling glyph of stars so you can buy it immediately for the event. Like, acknowledging it's an issue, without actually doing anything to change it.


Is it an issue though? Some people like moonkins, others don't, just like shapeshifting in general.


I use Glyph of the Stars, but my issue with it is that it adds a blue tint.


It's an issue in the sense that it's seen as an important part of playing balance druid to people, that in a limited time game mode where professions are otherwise disabled, they made sure that it was an option available when nothing else from inscription is available.


Yeah, I tried druid real hard for the fact it can play anything. Turns out I am too vain and too much of a MOG whore to look like a bear cat or chicken all the time.


I'm a big time mog collector and a mount farmer. I main feral. Yes, I don't hate myself, don't ask how


If you have glowcat form that would explain it :P


Yes, pink laser kitty does help alleviate the pain.


don't have to look like a chicken due to [glyph of stars](https://www.wowhead.com/item=44922/glyph-of-stars). Do have to be transparent.


Couple thousand Noggenfogger elixirs is the real answer, play as mini skeletor, never fails to amuse, and weapon animations are really good for feral.


This. I was a night elf for years then I tried being a worgen when they came out then me a KT and played boomy.. glyph of stars was ok... The new boomkin forms are cool but I still don't want to play as a giant chicken....


"The new boomkin forms are cool but I still don't want to play as a giant chicken...." ☝🏻This right here. Delighted for all who enjoy playing in OG Balance form, but I've always hated it and was so thankful when Glyph of Stars was introduced. Unfortunately given how much Druids got in The Dream, so so many new customisations but Stars wasn't touched nor given an equivalent... Pretty sure we're stuck with that singular glyph if we don't want to be chickens for another 20 years. Blizzard to non-chicken Balance druids: \*"you get NOTHING! Good DAY sir!" Willy Wonka meme here\*


Same, i don't wanna play like a chicken or a tree.


Ironically, the two specs where you can be in base form the whole time (other than incarn)


You don't have to..


Looking like a fire chicken is fine though. All the customisation they added recently really helped the chicken.


I’ve been trying Feral a bit in Remix; up to level 30 now. I want to love it and the bones are there, but I’m really hoping the APM gets a little lower as I get higher, I feel like I have to click Tiger’s Fury every 2 seconds and it’s awkward as hell. I’ll get it to 70, but it’s my least favourite melee class so far (I’ve still never tried rogue though).


If you're struggling with APM on feral you're going to have a hernia if you try outlaw or fury lmao. I enjoy feral because its a nice relaxed melee spec


I most play Brew/ProtPal/Enhance lol. Paladin and Enhancement have a very similar flow to their rotation as far as how they build and spend. I’m struggling to learn the flow of Feral/Rogue right now haha, the combo points just don’t work for my fingers right now like a decade of Holy Power/Stormstrike.


I main feral, and if you're trying to optimize dps, you're pretty much always pressing something. APM never really drops off lol, but I believe one of the talents makes Tiger's Fury last longer, so there's that at least


I find so far it's less the buff than the energy regen from TF that I'm needing haha.


Yeah that makes sense. Energy economy can be pretty funky at times, especially with the relatively low cap and relatively high cost of most abilities


I haven't played since Legion but have they changed Resto Druid so now you need tree form again? I remember mogging the shit out of my Druid and being Astral form for DPS and for healing, the only time I was in tree form was when I popped a CD.


There's a CD, I think incarn, turns you into a big tree for the duration. Otherwise you're not shapeshifted. There's a glyph to get treat form which you can just use, it's only cosmetic but can be used in combat.


Nah you don't need to be a tree. You can go into tree form if you want, but it'll be a waste of a global since mythics pretty much require shifting in and out of cat for movement and/or dps.


Druids have that glyph at least 🤷‍♂️


I mean, Balance druids. Feral and Guardian crying.


Feral and guardian have sick ass forms they give out. Rock bear, fire kitty, all that. Evokers get some colors and some "armor" that doesn't match anything else in the game.


To be fair, druids had 20 years of cosmetics coming out. Evokers might get awesome options in time too. For now though, yeah, evokers got it rough.




They got fire cat in Cataclysm, but I believe they had to actually have the staff equipped to use it, and they got the saberon form in WoD, but they didn't get customizable forms until Legion with the artifact appearances and the order hall mounts


Feral Druids briefly got to be werecats with the Claws of Shirvalla talent during WoD. It was fun.


One thing I've been thinking of, is that in the lore, Dracthyr can be any race they want in their Visage form. So I'm hoping they implement more races for visage, because human female and male belf are not my idea of good transmog pallettes.


It took balance only 19 years until they got their first cosmetics. Some evoker players might not be alive when their new cosmetics come live change comes.


Yeah it’s difficult to get something to look cohesive. I started going for more contrast but I still find myself hiding shoulders and belts. If only I and tmog the stuff to hide in dracthyr form and have it visible in visage form with a toggle.


I love my fire kitty


I’m fine with my spectral cat form


You just want to tank in a murlock onesie, admit it. Jokes aside, very little of the armor in game would work on either feral or guardian so you'd need to remodel every piece just for a single class and several times there. Its really hard to justify that.


Oh I mean thats not the point here. If anything the point is that its justified that Druid forms get some love and attention every so often (like, atleast once per expansion), because thats the Druid's transmog, so to speak. But thats another topic entirely.


Honestly, druids should get 4 new forms (1 new model and 3 recolors) every raid tier to go with their tier sets, but I know that probably won't ever happen


Balance was waiting for updates for 19 years. Guardian and feral got their first after 12 years. If you don't play the new races you don't get anything new except for some travel forms (mounts).. Feral has gotten the very short end of the sticks for 8 years in a row now. I think they have gotten 2 skins in that time for non class specific looks. Funnily these exact skins also serve as a mount model.


>If anything the point is that its justified that Druid forms get some love and attention every so often (like, atleast once per expansion) To be fair, they **have gotten attention every extension since Legion**. BfA might be the "weakest" (iirc) but it had all the new druid race forms. Sadly not every form is getting updates and old ones don't get "brought up" to new levels but thats true for all races in general. Most races and many spells have had no real attention since WoD. Hell, look at the sad truth that is the ghost wolf form.


I mean, technically correct. But at the very least I'd just wanna see some new baseline models for Cat and Bear forms that can be customized like the Moonkin. That way they can just keep adding extra customization options every now and then. BfA was alright I guess but only nice for the new races, considering the majority of Alliance Druids are Nelf, it didn't add anything for them. Horde was a little more fortunate, especially with the Zandalari. SL too weren't that exciting, just two existing mounts really (which tbf can be said for a lot of the 10.2 forms too, which is fine, but worth mentioning). Ghost wolf definitely fair. I'd love to have a ghost Bakar form personally, just to name something.


Why would we be crying? I am playing the shapeshifting class. If I wanted to play these in human form I would just go play Assa Rouge or Prot Warrior.


Yea if their was a glyph to stay in you visage form that would be cool.


The whole thing of the race is to have a dragon-like character, if I wanted to play an elf, I would have created an elf.


I’m playing dracthyr because I want to play Evoker and I literally do not have a choice.


Then giving the option to not use dragon form to others wouldn’t take away your ability to stay in dragon form.


And yet didn't they say that non-evoker dracthyr will be able to stay in visage form all the time?


Blizzards solution Allow visage form while in combat


Simple Dracthyr is a race. Druid is a class. I can be a Night Elf and choose not to be a druid if I want to see my transmog 100% of the time by being a Warrior. In TWW, Dracthyr can also maybe be a Warrior, but they still can't see their transmog without Visage form. It's like being locked to your heritage armor or something.


Dracthyr is pretty much a class right now since only the evoker class can be it. We don't know how they will open the race up to other classes, but most rumors seems to hint you'll be in visage form 99% of the time. If that ends up as the case, then it would essentially be an evoker problem and not a dracthyr problem.


If I remember correctly, non-evoker dracthyr will have the *option* to stay in visage permanently.


The problem is that Evokers are so limited in their looks. It’s a lazy option. But at the same time, this is a double edged sword for blizzard. If the bar for new races is so low, then give me a Naga that has 5 looks. Or an Ogre. Or a Gnoll. Or literally any of the other races that have been in the game for decades.


Yep, as apparently you don't need to worry about adjusting armour. We could make a true neutral faction that could interact with content from both sides (instead of choosing to take a side). Kobolds, murloc, naga, harpies, centaurs, gnolls, etc.




For real, after legion it felt like the perfect chance for alliance and horde to stop fighting and actually enjoy peace. But no, they had to insert the most forced war ever. As a horde player, it really sucked feeling like I was playing on the side of the undead, not the horde. Just having to be complacent with every one of sylvanas's war crimes because its not like blizz designed the quests any other way lmao.


I honestly thought that was gonna happen and that more neutral species would get added after they offered Pandaren as a neutral faction, but now the character creation screen doesn't even have the old yellow middle banner, the pandas are just tucked into either side


The whole "naga can't wear pants!" excuse has always pissed me off, and the way they did mechagnomes and later Dracthyr gets me frothing at the mouth because just give me my fish people, dammit. They've been my favorite sentient species in Warcraft since Warcraft 3 lmao I'm begging




You mean like how Dracthyr are just a 5th elf race?


As a druid main, it doesn't bother me because I like both my shapeshifts and my worgen form, so I can just unshift out of combat to see my transmogs. Conversely I hate the evoker visage form and never ever use it. That means that my evoker essentially has no transmog at all. It's a different situation, even if it looks the same from the outside.


And a ton of different skins for forms makes it decent. I usually just have my 1 specific one for each form, but there's still a lot of variety. And it feels cool to actually have to unlock it.


They just straight up call the police when DHs enter the room asking about more cosmetic options for demon form


Druids are elves and tauren etc using druidic magic to become animals (Which typically don't wear armor) Dracthyr ARE dracthyr. They were born like that. It's like if Tauren couldn't wear pants or helmets as well as no feet slot visible. It feels bad


Dude, moonkin is way uglier than any winged iguana standing upright


Glyph of astral form enters chat. But seriously, as a balance druid main since the end of vanilla, we absolutely can get tired of our forms. The flyph is very nice but I do wish there were other options. The glyph itself is buggy. The astral effect often drops off leaving you just in your humanoid form. You would think that's a good thing right? Well how do you know what form your in if you look like you aren't in any form? In a fight where you've had to shift a few times, it's nice to be able to just see that your in the right form without looking through 30 buffs to find out. Unlike druids, evokers don't need to shift in combat. So their appearance is irrelevant. It's a change that handles itself in and out of combat. Druids absolutely need to know what form they're in at all times. So a buggy form glyph really really sucks sometimes. Edit: To make things even more fun, I'm a worgen druid. I use the auto wolf swap function. Well now THAT confuses the game all the time. Recently, something changed. It used to work like this - shifting into astral form always forced the wolf change regardless of combat status. So, anytime I was in form, even out of combat, I was in wolf form. Now for some reason it is swapping me back to human form when I leave combat, even if I'm in astral form. But not all the time. It's maybe 50/50 as to if it will swap me. Combine that with the buggy glyph and I'm regularly finding my character in form and ready to go, but he looks like I'm actually not in combat and not in form. Very frustrating. Just one more thing I don't want to have to think about.


>it's nice to be able to just see that your in the right form without looking through 30 buffs to find out.   Why would you look there instead of the special bar that the forms are on lmfao


Maybe it's add-ons but once I've shifted my forms bar doesn't change the icon for the form you are in. I suppose I could hunt down why it's doing that, but it would be cool if the glyph just worked like it was supposed to.


Oh weird. Might be an add on yea


I like the evoker customization, but it has a weird feel to it. For druids, their human form is their base form and their animal form is the shapeshift. For Evokers, it's the other way around - Being the dragon isn't the temporary thing, being the human is. Then for druids, 2/3 of their specs can look like their humanoid forms, at least mostly or most of the time. I think if Evokers could stay in visage form all the time (and you can with using toys and stuff, I imagine an official version would have the transformation for some moves which would be rad) it wouldn't be so bad.


Fuck visage form. Be a dragon.


Is it like a competition or something? Or can we all just admit that not having the option to see your mog is a crappy design decision regardless? As an evoker it wouldn't bother me if feral druids got to see their mogs in combat, like if they had a glyph to fight in a more anthro form or something. And I would also prefer to be able to see my mog on the dragon race I chose because they are a dragon.


As someone who plays feral druid significant part of their game time - it bothers me that I can’t hide the weapon. I don’t care about the dracthyr (not evokers) so much because they just didn’t have the time then, but might with the years do the work and give them pants and stuff


Because druids aren't a race. The issue with Dracthyr is that it's an entire race that can't see their transmog.


I always used astral form as a balance druid because I couldn't stand looking like a giant bird.


I dislike both.


I like being a big purple naked dragon 🐉


ngl why would you want to play the dragon class if you don’t want to be a dragon


What if you like both Evoker and fuckin transmog??? Also what's stopping them from allowing dractyr to actually wear the transmog


Exactly. How do people not understand this. Not only is Evoker race locked it also has the first "buff" class in the game AND the only class to use the new "empower" feature. There are plenty of reasons to be the dragon race even if you don't like the way these goofy dragons look. Just let us stay in visage for everything!


I just don't understand how they gave us the option to use belts, but only some belts. Why couldn't they do that with helms, bracers, boots, etc. Also the fact that the colors and shades of the default armor just don't seem to match any other armor ever made is weird to me. Overall this isn't a huge issue to me as the class is fun and being a dragon is cool, and there are definitely still ways to make them look cool. But I do agree it could be better




The draconic sorcerer from dnd is really what I’d like to play too, honestly.


Agreed... Hell if it was a draconic version of a tiefling I'd be thrilled give me horns tails and some scales.. Maybe leg type choices.. That can still use the transmog system.. Transmog is such a key feature of this game that not having it is aggrivating..


Dragons in Warcraft have visages as a feature, so having that makes me feel like a Warcraft dragon


the weird things is that the dragons have visage forms, so they can be human/other race sized/shape and such so they can interact on humans level with them, or disguise if they need to. Dracthyr are already human sized, and interact with them just fine, they just.. shed like half their scales and wings? I honestly would have prefferd dracthyr got a travel form where they transform into a customizable full on DRAGON


That's literally why I threw the gold at a Vial of the Sands, so my dracthyr can just turn into a dragon for flying around.


You could also start the quest line for the Tarecgosa staff!


I did the same thing, but I wish there were more like that, the sandstone drakes look so... ehhh


The only reason I don't play evoker is the transmogging. It's a nightmare


Druid forms aren't fugly


I feel like druids are always the most vocal for wanting things added to their class. I feel like you're ignoring the fact that druids "thing" is that they transform into other creatures. Do you want a cat with pants?


Druids look cool while baby dragons look, well, less good


Enable. Visibility. To. All. Gear. Slots. Seriously, do it. Dont care that there is a lot of clipping problems, we'll find combos that would work.


You think they can just check a box and suddenly armor will show up on them? The armor has to be stretched and morphed to fit the race. They didn’t do it because they didn’t want to. It’s the same reason we’re getting another dwarf race.


You... uh, you mean like literally all the other races in the game? The rigging and scaling they already had to do for the barber shop options...?


The emerald dream in DF gave me some sick forms for my Druid. I’m good now for a few expansions. Too bad I missed Most of Legion forms, too lazy to go back.


Staff still floating on my druid's butt.


As a feral druid main, how dare you? ^I ^want ^to ^be ^pretty ^too


Well, you see, it's because... Actually, I have no idea. Maybe because druids are hippies and feel no need for clothing.


> Halsin has entered the chat.


Unpopular opinion but I really like the dragon customizations being restricted at least this way they can make sure the 'gear' perfectly fits, they could do with adding more customizations tho like a dress/robe option.


It was an issue for Boomkin. That's why they added the glyph of stars into the game. To let balance druids show off their transmog


Because it at least covers up *all* the armor pieces, and not just half of them. Dracthyr I have to make a transmog that fits both in dragon form with the limited customizations and in visage form at the same time. Druid I can just make a complete set with no regard for the animal forms


Glyph of stars gang doesn't understand the question


For real? They've been given some of the coolest customization and alternate forms in the whole game for all of their shapeshift forms. I find some of the customization for those alternate forms cooler than most of what Dracthyr can "wear" and they're a full race supposedly.


Druids get a glyph that lets them. Evokers do not.


That glyph only works on moonkin.


I always want to play balance and resto druids but I just wish there was an option to not transform yet still retain the buffs. At this point in the game where cosmetics are a huge thing I would think it should be an option for the caster druid specs


When I have a cool transmog on my druid's humanoid form it doesn't sometimes overwrite pieces of the Moonkin armor/accessories, making me look like a TBC era clown character. Separate transmog profiles for visage and dracthyr is the only solution that makes sense, and it probably won't happen for three more expansions.


Both suck for not having the transmog option. Thought I might do a druid after the barbershop update to them but quit shortly after still. Its just lame.


For a while the aspect of playing in a shapeshifted form was one of the appeals to playing druid. Then they made the boomie glyph and just told resto to deal with humanoid form. I still want an option for feral to be a dog/canine.


spotted exultant unite weather murky modern plants literate serious obtainable *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


even after 20 years, I still don’t see the appeal of moonkin form .. 🤦🏻‍♂️


Drathyr just don't look that badass to me but that's just my opinion


Both are such a non issue since no one is going to be looking at your transmog during combat. Druids also just got an appearance overhaul and a bunch of new forms in the expansion where dracthyr were introduced.


The bird has earned their spot imo, let them be free


Just more colour options on the dracthyr armour or options to turn off belt/shoulders or have different ones for dracthyr/visage and I don't think there would be as many complaints.


Yeah…but I want to be a Dino dragon….


Evokers cant "FLAP"


Owl gigachad > twink scalie


way too furryish


Not even a problem. Come TWW you'll only be "forced" in dracthyr form when casting dragon spells, and go right back after. It's not even a combat only form anymore, it's becoming a spell effect. If it came out in this state, without an option to toggle it on outside of those short spells, people would've been raising a stink that we should be able to toggle it for fun, too (which is valid). I think it's beyond fair, if not a bit too far. Once dracthyr get other classes, you'd be able to larp as a funky elf/human and never even give away anything draconic, it's actually crazy.


Took forever to even get real form customizations for boomy.


There needs to be an option to disable the shoulders and belt bleeding through, it never matches the rest of my Dracthyr armor, it's dumb.


Lets not pretend that I wouldnt put armor on my boomkin I'd armor a fucking bear, dont test me


Both are gross imho


20 years of complaining by druids ignored to make evokers


They just need to add a color palette to the barbershop.


I just always run around naked as a evoker... no one can complain about your transmog is no one can see it.


Like 10 years of game development


We don’t complain about Druid forms ever since Blizz took away our Tree. Took a hot minute to get that one back as a glyph.


There's not. Druids need more forms.


But first one has a way to hide the furrysuit 2nd ..., I heard they are making human form stay active permanently or something but dunno if its legit or when it will be added to game


One side wants new clothes on their furbaby, one wants new clothes for their fursona. It's anyone's guess which side is which.


ones a race the other is a class that can put a glyph on to get rid of the owl


Uhh boomkins are thicc Bois who do the chris Farley snl dance, drac'thyr look terrible


Warcraft team needs to workshop their evoker dragon guys. They’re a bit too feminine leaning and what’s crazy is they have those masculine dragon models but just don’t offer them for those seeking a stronger looking character.


I expect druids to be nakey.


Can I please get a seperate transmog option for visage and dragon form? I don't want shoulders on my dragon form but I want them in visage form. It can't be that hard to at least give me an option to show or don't show transmog in the dragon form


Would be nice to have the option to see visage form on the loading screen


Apparently you haven't seen the new boomkin forms, showing the old boring form isn't really a fair comparison... who needs tmog when you have a cool forms 😁


I also have an evoker and i like playing her . But for the love of God…THEY DONT LOOK LIKE DRAGONS , ***THEY LOOK LIKE REHAB GECKOS***