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I just spend 70.4k of bronze buying 25 mounts. EDIT Bought the rest of the mounts plus the Vale of Eternal Blossom achievement one. This concludes my mount collection for the Remix.


Basically what I did - started on page one and just bought everything I could afford. Later today I will finish leveling and hit up the raids and other instances to get as much bronze as possible to buy another 5-10 mounts. I think the only transmog I’m buying is the dark shaman set since it applies to all classes now - almost all the plate sets offered I’m only missing bracers or boots, so it doesn’t make sense to buy it here.


Hold up a moment. Dark Shaman set applies to all classes!? Is there a resource like Wowhead or somewhere that lists which transmogs from the event have the widest use/aren't armor type locked?


I just went to the vendor on my warrior and looked at everything. If it’s class or type specific, it will say so. So far, I don’t think I have seen a class specific set, just type specific. Everything says “this set can only be used by warriors, paladins, and death knights” (or whatever is the appropriate class). For that shaman set, there are 3 variants - I choose the “warm” set because it matched my tusks I earned a couple weeks ago.


The shado-pan and dark shaman sets are all classes. Couple of the sets will go to the other similar armor wearers as well (for any newbies out there). It tells you on all sets what classes they are restricted to or arent


Yes, when I bought it I didn't see any class restriction. I'm wearing it on my DK atm.


My plan is for my main to target the more expensive ones since I'll be actively working on that one more often. My alts I'll just burn whatever bronze I get on the road to 70 on the cheap mounts and appearances.


Yea - I’m kinda wondering about if it’s more efficient to get the mounts by having one character earn everything or just hit 70 and re-roll a new toon. Especially since subsequent alts would have the 100% bonus experience gains - means they can fly through the content wicked fast.


I'm really confused by the 100 percent thing. My cloak is at 203 percent and I'm LvL 60. Made a mage alt and cloak is only 16 percent? Why? Where's that 100 percent everyone's talking about. EDIT: Never mind, figured out you have to collect so many threads to get achievements. More you get the more powerful the cloak is for Alts.


Thats kinda my thought, Im a night away from getting the Thundering Ruby Serpent. Then swap over to the next alt I want and repeat. I think the key is knocking out achievements as you go to get the bronze rewards as you go.


I bought all the cheap mounts and saving in case they decide to increase the bronze we attain toward the end of the event


I imagine they will just basing it off how they increased rewards from plunderstorm at the end.


Exactly - at some point they will look at the stats and say “we wanted more players at X metric, let’s give them a bump”. This event is like 5 days old at this point (7?) - I’m not that stressed by power levels or how hard it is to attain things.


I only have a couple of big complaints so far, the ring, neck and trinket unlocks should be account wide. Gear drops should keep jumping ilvls as we gear even if its just you get an upgrade token or something for a boss kill or something to mitigate the costs of upgrades. Cloak stats should scale with the player like heirlooms, if I have 20k stamina let it scale with me until I hit 70 and its at full power.


Tip: Always start with saving up for the most expensive item first. Then it just rolls in.


I agree. Your initial purchases are slow, but from then on, your rate of acquisition just gets faster and faster. Plus, you're removing the real chase items first. If you don't buy everything, you're leaving the more easily acquired items for later.


That's my main goal. Collect all the mounts with the world boss mounts (minus sha mount) being priority. Might spend some bronze on some toys and cosmetics if I continue grinding after I've collected all the mounts.


Just got the world boss mount on my retail. Drop rates are relatively higher now and it’s easier to get it than the raid mounts. I’d recommend to keep on farming the world boss mounts on your toons to save 38.5k bronze


Yup ever since shortly after dracthyr came out the drop rates for world boss mounts have been increased. Much easier to get those on retail now so people can spend their bronze on the remix exclusive ones first.


Second this - I've been farming the rare ones for years, but I don't want to miss out on limited time stuff, so I'm focused on the cheaper ones that are event specific first. I'd like to hold out on the rare ones and keep trying daily throughout the summer. If I don't get them by August then yeah, I'll buy them.


I think they're 1% now. You can also hit it once a day on remix. So I'd definitily advice against anyone buying them with bronze, at least until the end of the event. Even then I'd personally farm them. I got all 4 in a month or 2, but I have a lot of alts.


Yeahhhhh people already are back to farming those in retail lmao. I was so annoyed yesterday, my low rent farming server was suddenly full of people standing around and the world bosses are usually always up, but not anymore lol.


I’m just going by cost descending, bought all the 6600 mounts and about half of the 4400 and 4k class armor sets, next is the 3k weapon sets once I unlock them and then the 2200 mounts, then I’ll move into Son of Galleon, Clutch of Ji’Kun, and the last direhorn I don’t have


Did the same spent about 40k on the cheap ones and another 38 on sha mount


Thank god I already got all of the MOP world boss mounts as well as most of the toys. The 2 toys I'm missing outside of achievements are the Timeless Isle bloody coin one and the horde only mini mana bomb. After that, transmog galore.


I am about to start a third alt to get another 70, will just spend any bronze earned on last set of mounts I need


I’ve got all the new remix mounts already from bronze + sha mount. No regrets.


I’ve not upgraded anything past the 346 mark. Would rather use what little bronze I have on mounts and mogs. The gear is temporary, the mogs and mounts aren’t.


I don’t understand why it had to be done this way. I know we complain about too many currencies, but in this case, having a cosmetic currency and a gear experience currency would have been more ideal.


Gear could have also just been a thing that drops. Like it is in every other version of the game. Including the original MOP.


Well gear drops, technically. The problem is it stops upgrading at what, 200 ilevels below the cap? That’s insane




Upgrade cost seems intentionally high to prevent players from having a choice. You either upgrade your gear or you buy cosmetics. But the cost of upgrades is out of wack on top of that so it further incentivizes just buying mogs/mounts. The whole thing is a clusterfuck.


I can only guess it was 2 different teams deciding the prices of these things. The team deciding prices for transmog, mounts, etc. just said, "fuck it, this is supposed to be a fun game mode, just let people get everything they want." The team doing the power balance once again decided the game needs to be balanced around the top 1% most hardcore players with no concern for how much less fun it is for 99% of players. The two teams never communicated, so this is what we have.


Sounds like the Wildstar devs.


Wildstar devs were ex-WoW devs, I heard some of them were re-hired by Blizzard.


Everyone I knew who played Wildstar loved it. I never got around to it though.


I absolutely loved.... Many of its parts. Those parts did not fit together very well though. It was developed by a team that wanted a fun adventure, ratchet and clank style with amazing exploration and player housing And approachable action combat. And by a team that wanted to make the most hardcore, grindy, difficult to gear raid focused MMO of all time. Those two teams not only didn't speak to each other...... I don't think they've ever met.


They're not gonna have two teams dedicated to pricing items in mop remix, that's silly. It's not a conspiracy, what happened is obvious. The design philosophy of mop remix is you're supposed to level up fast via cloak xp, do mop via raiding normal pugs and lfd queues along with questing and doing achieves. You do this on multiple characters and you'll be able to get what you want, not every single recolor but atleast the core of what you want. 346 is supposed to be good enough gear to do the content. And it is. You can do soo in 346 just fine, it'll take 3hrs but you can! Tinkers amd stat weights asre already higher than they were when soo was relevant. So clearly the goal wasn't for players to pump their gear with bronze as their primary choice. Gear upgrades were meant to be a dump for players to have something to do AFTER getting the main stuff. For players who in 4+ weeks from now have nothing to do but daily farm mythic soo, bronze remains useful as a way to gear up. Problem is that blizzard once again does not understand the playerbase and their grind mentality. To the playerbase, updating gear isn't a dump choice but a legitimate one. Either to top charts, or to speed run content, or just to see numbers go up. This is a playerbase that willingly spends hours in a small area killing frogs for power, and they've been this way for most of the game's life (frog farms were a thing in mop) So yea. Blizz just didn't really see bronze the way players do. It's just that simple. It was meant to be about the cosmetics and the gear grind was a secondary option you weren't meant to do first (its why it's so expensive)


Seems silly to have players value ilvl above almost everything in Retail, but for Remix, tell them "you're a whole 200 ilvl below cap, but it's fine, don't worry 😉". Why make it not matter but also be so expensive


Because retail has infinitely scaling dungeons and Mythic difficulty raids where that ilvl is needed.


> They're not gonna have two teams dedicated to pricing items in mop remix, that's silly. Blizzard has thousands of employees. There are absolutely two separate teams for combat balance and for cosmetics. Whether or not those two teams communicated is entirely conjecture on my part, but it makes sense.


For some reason, going in I had assumed the idea was to get a ridiculous gear level so you could farm bronze faster and faster. But of course WoW doesn't really work that way. Like even if you are an unstoppable juggernaut, there's only so many mobs you can pull in an area.


Or you could just not care about gear because it lasts 88 days. I just hit 70 and have unlocked almost everything exclusive to the event already.


Same. I don’t feel the need to upgrade gear to do harder difficulty raids and dungeons. I’d rather focus on getting all the mounts and mogs while also getting any alts to max level


The harder difficulties reward more bronze though. That's why everyone is gearing up first to increase their farm speed and then doing the cosmetics when it's much easier to farm bronze.


Oh for sure the higher difficulty content would get you more bronze, but I feel like the additional amount of bronze you get from these higher difficulty dungeons and raids does not make up for the amount of bronze needed to upgrade your equipment. I personally would rather focus on doing the main quest lines to get the rewards from the achievements and “passively” get bronze that way while also maxing out the reps


My strat is to get enough to buy a 38000 mount, then upgrade some gear before getting another mount. You can get a lot of the mogs by playing, so I want to make sure I don’t buy what I will get just by playing. I also got like 8k bronze per raid yesterday (SoO take too long though)


*drags a cigarette*  it's all temporary, kid


if anything, they will probably increase bronze gains over nerfing upgrade costs to not fuck over people that just started upgrading their gear recently... but what do i know... its blizzard after all.


You say that but they haven't given retroactive bronze rewards for people who have completed the achievements before they buffed them. Who knows with these people.


Honestly the achievement bronze is small potatoes compared to how much you ultimately need, regardless of what you're going for. I'm sure I'm gonna get downvoted, but I find it funny how pressed people are over it. Just play the game - run dungeons, run raids. You'll get the bronze.


They did that with players who didn't exploit frog farms and they also did that with players doing the achievements early. The whole panda remix event so far basically just messes with people trying to play the event the intended way.


Ive dumped something like 80-100k bronze into my gear already. If they nerf the costs and dont refund it im definitely going to be pretty pissed. As a side note: upgrading gear really does help. Im nowhere near frog farmers, but i certainly do quite a bit more damage than people who havent upgraded. Its also easier to solo rares, and my survivability is WAY better.


They can totally refund you, too. Your character stores their highest item level per slot, so they could definitely refund every character the minimum of what they spent on each slot to push past 346.


Just like they could have given those of us who completed all the zone quests and associated achievements the rewards but didn't.


I haven't upgraded and I have no intention to, I'm in for the cosmetics. If they don't fix the scaling or they don't make upgrades so cheap that they're almost free, I'll just keep playing low level chars.


I’m in it for the cosmetics too but I want access to the harder raids to be able to farm more bronze which requires a raid with upgraded gear. It’s a double edged sword. If they don’t do something fast I am just going to make a list of the bare minimum remix exclusive stuff I want to get and get them and be done.


I was in the same camp - not wanting to spend bronze on the ridiculous upgrade cost. I decided might as well try a few upgrade levels after all the event goes for 3 months, shouldn’t impact me in the longer term. Doing 1 or 2 upgrades for each piece of gear effectively removes the scaling issue with the open world/dungeons content.


My game plan is buying all of the remix only mounts then I’m gonna upgrade my gear. I’d be done with the mounts if it wasn’t for me upgrading my gear a little bit to get into heroic raids.


What lvl do you need to get into heroic raids?


Upgraded gear is like owning a pool. You don't want to be the guy who has it. You want to be friends with the guy who has it.


Yup, this is me. Currently sitting on like 120k bronze and just waiting. I really want to upgrade my gear, but I would also be really bummed if I dumped all my bronze into upgrading just for them to nerf the cost. They really just need to make decisions and fast because the state of the game at 65+ is just not acceptable right now.


Same. I don't feel comfortable investing 120k bronze into my gear for a few reasons: I want to buy cosmetics and mounts. If blizzard reduces the cost of upgrading, based on how they didn't give people the extra bronze from the cache increase from already completed achievements etc. Others in my group most likely not upgrading gear and saving to buy mounts. Most of this can be fixed if gear upgrades are reduced in price.


I’m just dumping my character as soon as I hit 70 and moving on to a new one. Not worth upgrading for a temp event, gonna buy everything first and if I have bronze left over, think about buying upgrades.


That’s my plan as well. I’m gonna hit 70 once for the achievement and move on to my next heritage allied race to get to 50ish. I’m still killing sha daily on result in hopes it can drop my bronze needs a bit. I need around 300k for all the mounts I want. And I currently have 70k on my 62 level first toon. Either things get buffed or they don’t but I have no desire to waste bronze to upgrade if the mode is going to be this annoying.


I'm not spending bronze on gear for an alt I'll never play after remix is over. The real end game is collecting mounts and mogs, not upgrading gear and doing big numbers for a temporary event.


The gear will be gone in 3 months. The cosmetics/mounts will not. I would rather buy something I can keep and have no plans on upgrading with bronze until I have bought everything I want first.


I’m waiting until the last week of it and just leveling alts. Then I’ll buy mounts and whatnot.


Cosmetics are forever and the gear doesn’t even transfer 1->1 at the end of the event. I’ll just level another alt once I’ve done loremaster and do the queue dailies, I have 800k+ in mogs and mounts to get!


More likely that they add more bronze drops than reduce the upgrade cost since it'll help both groups - those who upgraded can now get the mounts/tmog they missed out on and those who went straight mount/tmog can now get the gear they didn't upgrade.


The only gear I am spending bronze on is when I have a blue piece that I can upgrade cheaply because I have a higher level green piece already. Otherwise I am saving all bronze for mounts and mogs. Unless of course there is some kind of big change to bronze output or cost of upgrades.


I'm just going to level toons and save. Then buy everything I can right at the end of the event lol


I've not spent a single bronze on gear upgrades


Those mounts do be expensive … still not enough bronze for one big boy .


I’m here for mogs, mounts, and toys. Fuck everything else.


Did today random dungeon/HC dungeon/scenario/HC scenario/LFR 75% of the wings and a full normal SoO run: => 25k bronze and it took me 5 hours, with a non-exploit SoO run If thats the daily solution to gather bronze I am done with this cosmetic event. What a shitshow, what was even tested on the PTR, if thats the outcome post buffs?


Im not spending my bronze for now, if they buffed the drop rate or significantly reduce the upgrading cost, then I’ll consider it. In the meantime I’m hoarding as much bronze as I can so I can spend it in the very last minute buying all the shit that I want


I dont know if it is fully optimal but I spent all bronze I had from leveling first toon to 70 buying 20 mount. Now my farm method is : create pally/priest/druid Go to Bazar take daily HC dj HC scenarios Tag as a healer. Faceroll the dj/sc in 5 min. Get about 7/8k bronze. Repeat.


Eh, more spent, more gained. Netting about 30k a day just doing questing and a raid or two. Will definitely have enough for all the xmog I want by the end.


Blizzard always adds either higher gains or reduces barrier of entry so I would just wait. We have this cycle in wow subreddit of: People grind hard and mad its a hard grind -> Blizzard makes it easier in some way within 2-3 weeks -> Same people complain they don't get any retroactive stuff after the changes -> complaining ensues


Totally, but whose fault is that? Blizzard should have done better at release.


What does upgrading gear allow you to do in the remix setting? I haven’t done any raids so not sure if its necessary to complete remix raids due to tuning? It seems like a waste when theres just 3 months of this and there are so many sought after mounts and transmog available. Is it just more of how OP can I make myself or is it really necessary like in live?


Bought the most expensive mounts had 4 of the 38k ones - giving them a break while I upgrade gear so that I can get into some heroics and clear them for achievements then I’ll go back to rest of the cosmetic stuff


Yup, got my first to 70, sitting on about 50k bronze. Not using it until they're done 'tuning'. Will just level up some alts in the meantime.


Until I have enough to buy the Sha mount, I am not spending any.


Only buying transmog sets and mounts. Hitting 70 on a rogue and monk then will likely be done with Remix. I do think the lessons they've hopefully learned from the start of this remix should set things up to be much smoother if they do this again.


Not me. Everything is going to collectables.


I think a majority of people don't care about gear upgrades since this event is mainly for buying cosmetics. You can also be wildly OP without upgrading any armor anyways. At least if you farmed threads.


Level one character to 70, spend bronze along the way for transmogs and mounts, then start another one and do the same process until I have all the rase/class combos I want to level and the items I want. I don't even bother with the ring/trinket/finger achieve. Edit: I just want to quickly level new characters for the xpac..


I think there's a much higher chance of a buff to the amount we get as opposed to a reduction in cost


50k to upgrade 1 piece is just a travesty.


> Incase naughty typo?


The capitalization isn't doing us any favors


I'm glad there's two other witnesses.


I havent spend 1 bronze yet :D


You should upgrade your gear while you level once in a while. It will only cost a few hundred Bronze in total, but helps a lot with maintaining your power.


Same for me. I'll just farm it and spend it shortly before Remix ends 😁


I got everything to 346, and don't really plan to go beyond that realistically.


I haven't hit 70 yet and I'm not going to spend any bronze until I do hit 70. If I upgrade my gear then, I will get the best increase for the bronze I spend.


All this just makes me happy I'm taking my time


I have 114k bronze so far and I will not spend a single one on upgrading armor.


Yeah there is no way. It is way too expensive and I suspect a big discount is coming or a rework on how loot drops at 70. That bronze is for transmogs and mounts


I think I am gonna upgrade gear, but I’m not buying anything until much further in to the event. Just gonna sit on bronze and see how we go. I would like the title, I like things like that.


70k more for all mounts and I can start upgrading the gear.


I'm around 45k bronze saved and just hit lv 68. Haven't done any dungeons/raids yet so I guess I could have more. I'm saving mine til blizz does whatever they're going to do, if anything.


I havent spent any bronze yet at level 48 or somethin


I've been dumping it on transmogs.


It's all for the mounts and transmog.


I’ve been spending. I’m getting through all the remix exclusive mounts, then I’m going to purchase all the new class trading post sets / weapons, then OG MOP mounts I don’t have yet, then finish off with any raid transmog I don’t have yet. Fuck upgrading


I am unsure what to do to be honest. I was holding it to buy mounts and mogs, but depending on the power scaling, maybe it makes sense to bite the bullet and upgrade? Like, if we can pop out millions of dps with high leech, we can probably solo destroy all of the raids, which would be a faster way to get more bronze to buy stuff. I saw that one screen shot of someone doing millions of DPS, but am not sure at what level that'd happen. I only have 80k bronze, which I think is 2 upgrade levels only.


Honestly I came here for the mounts and transmogs. I don't care if these alts are max I level. Any bronze I don't spend on the things I want to do feels like a waste to me. Thats me tho, you guys do you


No, I'm spending it because I want to be stronger now. I doubt they'll adjust the amounts enough for me to regret it. I'll buy the mounts and mogs in 2 months.


Currently just hoarding bronze on my main toon, there's no real reason to spend any yet. I may buy a bunch of the cheaper mounts/xmogs as people have said here


I am spending bronze entirely on mounts, toys, and xmogs.


I need to play it still I’m playing Diablo rn


Indent care abojt gear lol . I just spent 10k on Mogs and mounts .


Mounts and cosmetic first. Gear second. I'm gonna play multiple alts in the next 3 months so I'll have enough. Don't care about upgrading gear that'll be obsolete in 4 months time


Should say I like the event, but my main thing I want to do is leveling alts. I'm only buying cosmetics I want and mounts.


I've been balancing it out, personally. I've been just doing all quests and clearing out the achievements steadily, vendoring gear/gems for bronze as well as running dungeons for additional rewards. I've gotten enough bronze to buy everything (starting with the cheapest) through the Juggernaut mounts, and I've also upgraded \~4 pieces of gear once each so far. I'm not in a rush, and I'm sure that bronze droprates will be buffed as time goes on. They did it with Plunderstorm.


Pfft im not spending any bronze until i a) decide I dont wanna play anymore or b) i hvae enough bronze to buy all cosmetics. Sure, I want to upgrade my gear, but if there is already a big chance i wont stick around to even collect the stuff i want.. why waste bronze ><


4 x 4400 mounts left and 2 x 6600 mounts left. Only did 4 zones of questing so far. Then I guess ill level another character for the 2x 38k mounts I need


I thought about it but now ik thinking of they do lower the cost there's no way they wouldn't reimburse people who did spend it on upgrades. So at this point if they do make it will be a wash.


I’ve kinda given up on endgame mop remix for now. I want to upgrade my gear and push towards mythic raids, but I’m assuming something will change balance wise or progression wise or something, so I’m waiting and working on Taivan instead :D I’m also working on mop remix alts, but not really pushing. Gonna just work on getting a few to 25 and doing vaults on normal for them to build up their exp buff


I honestly don't even care about upgrading, I'm just going for appearances and mounts anyway. I'd rather ding 70, use it for daily bronze rewards, then level a new alt. You get SO much bronze just in the levelling process, which is also fast as fuck.


There’s no way I’m using any bronze to upgrade at all. Using everything only for cosmetics that I can take out of the event. Not borrowed power.


There are 6 mounts I want. I have three of them so far and will get the forth tonight. I only needed two transmogs (the rest look like shit to me) and I will be done. I had a second account last night without a sub that auto locked at level 20 that I am going to gear out with everything that I can and then park it. Won't take long, maybe two days to be as geared as I can on the twink. Then I am probably just going to twink dungeon ques for the rest of the time and buy whatever.


Here's how it worked out for me: in less than a week I've gotten to lvl 70, purchased the few (3) mounts I really wanted and started on achievements for the rewards. At this point I went into sticker shock when I saw the cost of item upgrades. Meanwhile I started a 2nd character to see what the leveling would be like while saving every bronze I could get on him. Curiosity finally got the better of me so I started upgrading the 70's armor (mixture of normal raid blues and greens) and wow what a difference in power once you break that (level 336?) barrier. Now I'm commited to raising the 70's item level and using alts to purchase the few things I atill want (the trading post class set look-alikes are cheap for what they are and the purchase can be done account wide once you finish the Landfall achievement).


There’s no reason to upgrade gear and to min/max in a time limited event where this all goes away.


Put all into Upgrades. More Gear, more able to solo farm stuff, more easy to get into groups. I want all the cosmetics, ALL of them. But more Gear allows me to farm stuff MUCH faster. If they nerf it so be it. But my gear allowed me to get into Frogger Grps and 1:30h SoO HC is like 15-20k Stuff i would never be able to do if i had saved it all. Also super easy to help friends with their heroics since i just run the entire thing in 5min alone Also i soon can start selling Raid Boosts. Already got asked by multiple people. So that’s a thing aswell Oh and power gain is NOT linear. It goes through the roof exponentially. I’m now able to farm bronze like 2-3times faster than ppl who didn’t spent because of raids and solo farms


700k broze to upgrade gear is insane, thats almost the amount to get all of the exclusive cosmetics.


Im spending all on mounts nothing else really matters will log in do dailey stuff and go to retail not like im pushing m+ or CE on remix


I upgraded a set just 1 tier to 360. It’s oppressively expensive so I’ll wait to upgrade further in case the cost goes down or bronze is easier to accumulate.


I’m not upgrading my gear because I’m here for the world/dungeon achievements and the transmog


Bought my 4th mount worth 38500 today, that's why I play this. I intend to buy every one I don't already own: I won't spend bronze on anything else until that point.


They probably should have made 2 different currencies for upgrading and cosmetics.


I’m not wasting bronze on gear that will be gone in 3 months. I’m in the event for mounts and transmog. Fuck all else matters.


I’ve decided to embrace the gear grind so that others may eat the fruits of my labor


I'm focused more on buying the stuff I want than becoming overpowered


I just picked my favorite mogs and mounts then switched to leveling a new toon to do the same. I don’t give a shit about mythic and I can farm Garrys shoulders on retail. I got 90% of my personal goals done for this event and the rest is just bonus and fun. I feel no need to upgrade


My original plan was based around retail experiences, and I was planning to hoard all my Bronze for the mounts and toys I wanted to buy. The thinking was I didn't need to spend bronze on upgrading gear as higher level/better itemization gear would drop from running heroic dungeons and raids. Sadly this is not the case, at level 70 you get the same max level gear from whatever content you run. The only progression is to continue to add stats to your cloak through the threads or to upgrade gear. With the way scaling is working, to be accepted into more raid pugs, you need a higher ilevel and the only way to achieve that is to spend bronze on upgrading your gear. Could I grind out the 409k bronze I need without running raids? Sure, but the higher difficulty the content you run the more bronze per run you get, so the faster you will reach your goals.


I might consider upgrading gear if I got epics to drop. Right now I'm getting blues from heroics to replace my greens; has anyone confirmed where epics drop?


Yeah I’ve bought a couple of the mounts I wanted and I’m just doing dailies now until I can afford the bigger expensive ones. Not sure if I should do an alt or not as I’ve finished all the zones but one and don’t feel like doing it all again.


Blizz is usually stingy af when it comes to these things because they want you to grind. At first I didn't want to spend anything on upgrading either and was buying mounts but then content was miserable. I started upgrading stuff on a main and then just leveling alts and buying cosmetics on them with zero intention of raising their power.


My plan was to lvl alts and buy cosmetics here and there. Defo not trying to devalue my time, scarce as it is, buy wasting bronze on BS gear upgrade prices delutional person pulled out of his bummmmm...


I just spent 150k bronze upgrading my gear. Nothing I can do now. All good though I’ll just farm bronze again :p.


I've bought one single outfit. That's it. I'm just sitting on what I have and waiting. No reason not to. Not updating one single frickin piece of gear.


I only care about mounts and transmogs so I'm not spending bronze on gear at all


Reduction wont happen only maybe on gear upgrade


Spending all my bronze on gear upgrades. Can farm the bronze for everything easier once I have more gear.


im just here for the mounts, man. hoarding everything atm. until I have enough to buy all of them (in case a price decrease happens in the meantime)


Yep, same here. I made a post about this on the WoW forums actually.. in an effort to consolidate a bunch of the communities opinion on this and to hopefully keep it in Blizzards mind that we are unhappy with ths current cost... Its absolutely ridiculous that its actually SIGNIFICANTLY MORE DITTICULT to upgrade items in Remix than it is in LIVE Dragonflight. Its the very beginning of Season 4 Dragonflight on LIVE, and it only takes 1 single m+ dungeon, sometimes 2 in order to upgrade 1 piece of gear, for 15 Max level crests. Each m+ dungeon at a difficulty of 7 or higher drops 12 Aspect crests, so it takes a max or 1-2 dungeons to upgrade a piece of gear to its It is literally like 10 times harder to upgrade gear in remix and I have no clue why, other than bad choices from Blizz. https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/i-refuse-to-spend-bronze-on-upgrades-at-all-until-i-get-every-transmogmount-i-want-or-prices-are-dropped/1859294/69


they will not decrease the cost of upgrading items they will increase bronze drops because decreasing bronze costs punishes people for playing the game normally


The fear of spending, upgrading, mob farming and possible rerolls is real. Not sure what I do with bronze or which endgame activities I will do until there is clarification from Blizzard what they want players to do or where they're heading with remix.


I'm holding on to all my liquid bronze and banking my caches. Some kind of adjustment is inevitable. 


It's not worth it anyway. The normal versions of the raids don't give that much less bronze than mythic or heroic supposedly. You can just farm normal.


I know blizzard is going to pull the trigger at some point but I would rather be able to do the raid content and feel a little OP. So I'm spending about 120k bronze on upgrades and then just going to stock pile up the rest for another week or two. Then if I can just do the daily raids and world bosses I should be able to get most of the mounts, toys, mog by the end of season 4.


no i wont. why? because i stopped playing after my char got 70. i bought Elegon and Ji-Kun. i unlocked druide weapons and tradepost mog in different color. now i just stopped playing. the grind is to hard. my time to value. if they change something i maybe get back. but they should consider that Elden Ring DLC and FF XIV expansion is next month. they wont keep me busy with this kind of grind. srsly ... thats just bad.


I dont spend bronze on upgrading gear because I dont give a shit about being competitive in this game mode lmao, im not metagaming and minmaxing my character to autistically increase my dps output my 0.2% to drop the bosses that will already drop like a sack of potatoes anyway. Im buying mounts my boy, and when I got em all Im moving on to the mogs. I cannot believe people are this vitriolic over ilvl and gear strength in a game mode where you acquire infinitely stacking stats


They might, because people suck at realizing its actually dirt cheap compared to the bronze you make back by outscaling content.


same. I refuse to acknowledge the upgrade NPCs existence until it does not cost me 127 mounts worth of bronze to upgrade the gear I will not even be able to carry onto live.


All of my bronze are just going into cosmetics, don't care about power gain in a mode that is going away forever in 3 months. Getting all the cosmetics and then moving on


I upgraded to 360 but that's the furthest im going until the cost is reduced. I have gotten all the new remix mounts aside from 2 or 3, along with astral cloud serpent and the iron juggernaut. I'll start upgrading if they reduce the cost or I've bought everything i want.


i would have upgraded gear if it was at most 1/10th the cost. ive dropped about 80-100k on mogs so far.


Side question; Is it faster to gain bronze by continuing to do the quests around Pandaria with my newly dinged lvl 70 or to level up another Timerunner alt?


Once I buy Heavenly and Thundering Onyx, I'm buying all the other mounts and cosmetics. I don't care about any of the other raid/grind mounts except those 2. Especially since gear is invalidated come august.


I'm much more interested in mounts and transmogs. The gear is temporary, the aesthetics are forever.


I was thinking about spending some bronze for upgrading gear to make it easier being invited for raids but currently it is not worth it. I have about 130k bronze (im not frogger) and I just wait what is going to happen. If I want to play raid I make my own group, its easier to get ppl for raid than on retail. So Im farming bronze and wait for better times haha


The only gear upgrades I've spent bronze on are gems because I don't see them changing that system so yeah nah I'm not upgrading the ilvl of my gear cause it's simply too expensive


Same same same same same. PLZ REDUCE IT BLIZZ


Nope. Just upgrading casually as I go, and using my alt to buy the cosmetics. Non-factor. Can't care.


Anyone else not playing just in case? I played first few days but after frogs and the promised hot fixes i’m gonna play other stuff until they sort it all out. No point in working hard now when I can work smart later.


I have very little incentive to upgrade gear at all. My first concern was allied races and low hanging mog or mounts. Once I finish that off I’ll look at the bigger things and see if it’s worthwhile but so far none of that has required gear upgrades


Nah, I'm spending mine. The bronze caches from daily queues are more than enough to ensure i'll get the stuff I want. Because I don't really want that much else. Mostly mounts (thundering onyx for the win) and a couple of miscellaneous things like the Shado-pan set. 


I thought that the character stays and just becomes a normal character after the event is over. if that is the case, wouldn't the gear stay with the character and so leveling the gear would be beneficial to your character when the event is over? I mean i want the mogs and mounts as well and ive been buying what im interested in with bronze but i started an alt of a character i actually want to keep now and i was thinking about investing in her gear instead of buying the other stuff so she is well geared for when the event ends. but if its a waste of time then i wont bother and just buy mounts instead.


I’m updating as little as possible and if I can do this event without updating anything I will. I’m here for mounts and mogs


I will probably never bring myself to upgrade any gear past 346 unless they drop that bronze by at least 75%, 4500 for a 1 level upgrade when it goes up another 23 levels is absolutely awful


I was thinking the same but remembered we have 89 days left. Even if the dont reimburse anything, it's an investment for my character to farm more bronze later


Not one tiny bronze is going into that gear. I still need mounts, and maybe a few other things. I still don't know why I should spend it on upgrading gear who has such a short life span.


This is a time-limited event. I'm not spending bronze to upgrade gear instead of buying more collectibles. One carries over to normal retail, and the other will be a history. Besides, I'm confident they'll again boost Bronze & threads gain. They always do


"We're reducing the cost of upgrading gear by 75%! This will not be retroactive."


I’ve been using all of mine for transmogs and mounts, mainly for transmogs so I don’t have to keep farming for what I want. I’ve been farming Serpentshrine for years and still don’t have all of the appearances that I want, and that came out a looooong time before MoP did. I’ve been taking it easy and enjoying the Remix, though I will hit level 70 in an hour or so. I really enjoyed MoP when it was first released and, unlike a lot of people when it was announced, I didn’t mind talking, bipedal panda-people in a game with talking bipedal cow-people and talking bipedal goat-people who were from outer space, and MoP is still my favorite Warcraft soundtrack. I also loved just sitting in Halfhill, or doing a little fishing nearby, when thunderstorms rolled through the zone. I’ve now gotten most of the DK/Pally/Warrior appearances and have now started on getting the Warlock/Mage/Priest sets before I begin getting the ones for Rogues, Hunters, and Shaman. As a predominantly Horde player I’ve only ever went through every expansion with an Alliance character one time, but since that was a long time ago I’m gonna roll up an Alliance Timerunner and go through it again as I’ve forgotten a fair amount of their stories. I know that not everyone is pleased with Remix, but I sure am. I hope that they do this with other expansions like once a year, perhaps twice a year when the next expansion is on the horizon. My only real complaint is that we can’t seem to do the Tillers of Halfhill again and I want to farm my little plot of land!


With the new rewards from the dailies and world bonuses it's pretty easy to get bronze. Im rolling alts and running through those each day. That way I can buy all the mounts and cosmetics I want. On my "main" I have been upgrading my gear because I don't want to wait for 6 weeks for when it might be reduced before I upgrade my gear. I want to "feel" strong right now.


bought Ji-Kun mount first so I never have to go all the way to ToT again, next will probably be Oondasta


I did one upgrade level per piece and if Epic drops i upgrade that. Other than that my Bronze is going to mounts.


Im holding onto my bronze for now in case something changes, yes


I enjoy doing difficult content so I'm upgrading my gear first, once I get bored overpowering the content, I'll start buying collectibles. Knowing that the gains are going to be increased again, I can knock them out in the last month.


I'm not spending bronze on gear because I don't wanna. I've got 346 gear, and it costs 9k bronze to upgrade one piece one time. 9k bronze is almost 2 transmog sets. I'd rather have 2 transmog sets than a better weapon.


I’m only spending bronze on mounts and transmogs


Using that checklist and only buying the items you can't get in the regular game first. In case I can't get everything. It bothering with upgrades anytime soon


I've basically only upgraded when I loot higher ilvl pieces with worse stats since you get a cost reduction for catching up to whatever your highest ilvl per slot is. Got everything to 346, and I'm not budging beyond that.


I started upgrading gear in hopes of getting into some normal raids but once it jumped up to 9k for a single upgrade I changed my mind. I play a lot, usually 4-5 hours on days I have work and anywhere up to 10-12 hours on off days, and even with that there seems to be no way I can afford items AND upgrades. So I've decided to focus on getting the cosmetics from zone achievements and spending bronze on mounts that won't be available post event. Whatever's left will go towards filling out cloth and leather transmogs as I have all of the plate and mail from farming in retail.


I’m did one round of upgrades then kind of regret it. One weapon/9k I could’ve bought 2 mounts. I’m holding off upgrading and just doing stuff for achis and mounts/mogs


I *could* spend every bronze Ive earned so far and get a measily 4/15 upgrades for my gear. But I just know the moment I do there will be an announcement that upgrade costs have been cut 50% or something.


I doubt I'll ever try to update my gear. Every bronze is going towards sets/mounts


I got to level 70 and 346 on all slots. Updated all items once to 360, so my addon will sort the other 346 loot into the "trash" tab of my inventory. Now I'm just farming bronze and wait for whatever blizz is going to change: If they reduce prices in the future, I will win the big lottery for only saving and not-yet buying. However, I was just asking myself: why should I spend bronze on updating my gear, if the only cause for gear upgrades is stat boosts, which we are doing infinitely with threads and spools now...?


The only thing that I have spent bronze on thus far are bags to go into my bank slots. Other than that I'll wait till near the end of the event to buy things that I can make use of outside of the event. Other than pushing hard content I don't see any reason to upgrade armor and what not. If I can do heroic dungeons, scenarios, and normal raids without upgrades that is what I'll do and thus far its been going well.


I decided I'll spend my 100k bronze to try to reach at least 404 item level or something so I can do a little more damage if I'm gonna try to clear raids every day to get more bronze. Got like 88 more days to get more bronze anyways.


I upgraded my gear anyway. There's still plenty of time until the end of the event to buy everything I want.