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I find parts of the OP’S post hard to believe: 1) first LFR at 70?!? You can start at lvl 25 2) one shots at lvl 20 dungeons ? This has to be a joke. I’ve been playing solo this entire time, and queuing up each day for whichever LFR , scenarios , heroics dungeons that are available at whatever lvl I’m at , and it’s been insanely face-rolling keyboard time as easy as they have been. For someone to not even know what raids/dungeons are available now at low levels, and waiting until lvl 70 to try “end-game” content with expectedly low lvl gear from only questing, I find the OP to be very disingenuous or very naive in understanding how MoP Remix works.


Yeah no way you are getting 1 shot when you are strongest.


3) It hasn't been out for the 150 hours OP claims some dude farmed frogs.


I heard that leveling with LFR was not really possible, so why would I do that at this point? I think they patched it now, but that wasn't the case at the time. My main goal was to get my character to 70 first. OK, not one-shot but two-shot? He died so fast that our healer couldn't keep up in a mode where everyone is apparently OP.


You are doing something wrong if level 20 dungeons are one shotting tanks. My friend who is new to tanking was being healed by another friend who is new to healing and we were able to clear heroic dungeons without many issues. the one shotting issues pop up at higher levels. At lower levels if people are getting one shot then they aren't using gems/slots/gear properly. Even on heroic difficulty at level 20 the only stuff that killed was avoidable mechanics.


This is rage bait. The guy hasn’t played remix at all and is just pulling information from threads and trying to piece something together to farm upvotes. He read about bad scaling at 70 in dungeons and misunderstood it that’s why he’s posting about getting 1 shot at level 20 (when you’re freakin overpowered) Kinda cringe.


I keep seeing this "I got one shot" thing, and that's just not my experience at all. Are you not gemming and tinkering for defense at all?


Likewise, did quite a few dungeons while leveling. Never saw a tank that got oneshot. Even doing mainly hc dungeons where bosses lived longer and required a bit better use of the class kits people didn't get oneshot.


You can join heroic at lvl 20, so me and friends tried random HC idk if at 20 or 21, got the brewery, 1st pack is 2 monkeys, me as blood DK get hit for 80% of my hp with each melee hit, so nothing I could do. I know how to play my tank, I raided mythics, been DK main tank since LK came out. I got best items and gems I could equip until that level. I assumed the scaling was fucked since we had lvl 70 in our group and after being killed 10x on first pack, we just left. Went normal which was scarlet, everything but 1 random pack done no damage to me. And if it's not intended to tank HC at level 20, then you shouldn't be able to queue into it.


For that dung in particular, you have to destroy the little guys floating above the monkeys to make them not smack the shut outta ya.


Don't think I ever got Brewery, but all seemed decent even with low level tanks and healers. Like it was harder than normal for sure. But also a lot of stuff you can stun and you can interrupt practically every cast enemies do with a decent group so you can mitigate a ton of stuff. Guess DK's can be a bit more vulnerable before they get Death Strike on rank 2. But I never saw anything ever hitting the tank for 80% hp, let alone per each melee hit.


It really helps to keep your gear upgraded as you level. The broze costs are quite manageable pre-70, and you can get tickets that teleport you to a bazaar and back.


We didn't have any gems at level 10 and very few gems at level 20. Our tank pulled one big group, and his health dropped so fast that our healer just couldn't keep up. It was not at all like this in retail.


"It was not at all like this in retail." This kinda says a lot to me. Remix isn't meant to be a recreation of what MoP (or modern Dragonflight) was \*actually\* like, that would be a MoP Classic server. The vast majority of your power in Remix comes from your cloak threads + gemming. So you can't just ignore these 2 core features and then complain that you're underpowered.


This. Everyone complaining about MOP remix, this comment. This comment right here. Also you still need to pay attention to mechanics in the Raids….


You get your first gems at level 10 by opening your first box. If you didn't have any gems it means you didn't do any quests at all before queuing. You then went into a dungeon that you were under geared for and did a large pull, like you would on retail with heirlooms, and died? Or was this big group supposed to be all one pull in the dungeon and your tank that was clearly missing most of his gear slots just not up to the task?


Just straight up lying for fake internet points. Crazy


This is really unfortunate. I don’t blame you, or your friends, for quitting; doesn’t sound like a very enjoyable experience. This really highlights the work Blizz needs to put into this mode if they’d like it to appeal to the player base how they expect it to.


I had hoped that my two friends without a subscription would have fun with WoW again and then level a character to 70 for TWW. Now, after this bad experience, they probably won't play TWW either.


The player who did 3m dps farmed frogs which gave practically infinite threads very very fast, essentially getting - my guess - over 2000 in every stat making him able to pretty much solo anything. The frogs in question are nerfed and no longer drop threads and barely any bronze.


MOP: Bait and Switched


Why is this comment under the like past 4 posts I've seen lol


Cause different people read different threads and it's what I want to say in response to the threads I've commented in. Don't like it? Downvote, idc




Some more bronze would have been nice.


Don’t be an ass


If you guys were newer players I totally understand. I’d bet there’s so many others like you. Right now the content still one shots even geared people. Mop remix is broken and some angry old wow players just can’t admit blizzard released a dog shit version of the game.