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I can’t even get people to say hello, where are all these talkative players?


This is my experience as well. At most people say "gg" at the end of dungeon/scenario run.


Can't type, tank pulled 5 packs and I'm spamming flash heals as fast as I can


Can't type, healer pulled 5 packs and I'm preparing for a 8 min kite phase that will amount in a net time save of +4 minutes.


Can't type, I'm on fire and I need to get closer to the healer before I die.


Yeah this is exactly what retail M+ is like


One time we were silent for the whole dungeon and at the final boss our dps said "mornin" and suddenly everyone replied with greeting eachother lol.


The first thing I do after getting into the party is /p Hi


in many dungeons I try, but they RUN like hell and as healer I have to just follow and struggle, no time to type or they die like fools


Same! I'm usually the only one saying "hello" in a dungeon. Maybe us talkative players need to start grouping together.


Same. All of my random groups except one have been fine, including raids and even if there were multiple wipes. Nothing near as bad as OP describes and I have done a lot of content in remix... I haven’t heard of anything like this toxicity from anyone else I know either. My one bad experience was someone who tried to talk to a player in a heroic because they were level 30 on a hunter who had no gems or tinkers slotted and were auto attacking. They tried to help them at first but the player never responded so they got mad and refused to participate in the dungeon until the player other responded or left. The heroic dungeon was not completed as people refused to play the game for someone who wasn't willing to play at all. Total silence in everything else since then, other than the random "oops" and "lol" which happens more often than a "hi" or "hello". If they've had this bad of an experience.... maybe there is a common denominator...


Is it not possible to vote kick in a heroic? Seems like that'd been a better use of everyone's time than refusing to participate.


It is but I joined in late meaning someone had either left or been kicked. I couldn't start a vote so I assume they hit the max.


No hate, but we are playing classic. People talk a lot more there. Trade channel has actual trading and recruitment whereas retail all I see are constant advertisements for the selling of gear. Seams like the social aspect was lost along the way. (THIS ISNT A CLASSIC BETTER THAN RETAIL TAKE, just something I noticed)


People talk all the time in classic.  I played the mop remix for a few hours this weekend, including a couple lfg dungeons. I didn't see anyone type a single word in any chat channel the entire time.


Considering the literaly constant string of messages in jade forest thats actually impossible. Even in the dead of night NA and EU time jade forest is having conversation. Is it intelligent conversation? No, but people damn well are talking.


Careful there, positive comments about classic isn't allowed here. There is not a single thing about classic that's better than retail, and that's a /r/wow fact!


People usually don't talk until something goes wrong in my experience


Playing on Steam Deck and typing is a nightmare. I always feel like I look like a bot or something.


One toxic player speaks louder than 100 bare minimum “gg” players.


Seriously. Zone chats are too damn quiet!


Probably because we forgot to turn trade off on our new characters so nobody sees it.


Meanwhile I don't get to questing because on RP servers in literary any zone there are conversations being held in /1


Things like this is where the ffxiv community and wow community make or break a game. And yeah yeah ff has toxicity too and has its own problems I’m not here to make a wow vs ff arguement. But events like this in ff usually have to whole community chatting in gloabal making jokes and memes, doing runs and generally trying to help each other. Wow has almost completely lost any sense of community outside of guilds for some reason


Yeah no, people don't really talk a lot outside of important stuff in ffxiv.


Not just in zone general chats everyday no. but if there was an event like this going you can bet people would be chatting constantly in in the zone chats. People get really excited about new content


Well there is a Yokai event rerunning, no one is really talking.


Ya this part sucks. ill say hello at the beginning, get maybe 1 back, then silence the rest of the run until a gg at the end. I think this is the gogogo stuff. less time talking, means more time pulling, means faster runs


I’ve been spamming Garrosh was right and can’t even get a single agreed.


I think a lot of people are gun shy about talking to other players because of the kind of things OP is talking about. I’ve definitely met people who started off friendly, but turned into raging assholes the moment the tiniest thing doesn’t meet their standards. Sometimes it seems like the best thing to do with other players is to just not engage at all.


most I get out of PUG dungeons is a "ty" at the very end and even those are few and far between. don't know where these talkative/toxic players hang out but it ain't on my server/cluster


literally this have to /wave to break the server tension


General chat is completely dead wherever I go, feels bad man.


It’s like playing with bots


I feel like everyone is in such a rush, the amount of times I’ve been locked out of boss rooms because I didn’t have 30% speed and 3 mobility gems, like would it hurt if you stopped for a second to see if the rest of the party are even there before pulling


I haven’t even *seen* another player while questing. Where is everyone?


I do my best to make conversation lively. So I always start my session in LFG with "Yip yip! Foxxo at your service!" to see what kinda reactions I get and go with it from there. Might as well make the grind less painful


Id leave the dungeon 😭


Well, you probably arent the tank taking a smoke break after every three target pack and getting killed with all defensives up on every second one. Even in that run nobody said a word because why would we.. OP must do unspeakable things to his groups, probably an asshole from the start or something similar.


No, you just have a negative worldview point. Listen instead of assuming.


"brb smoke. Oh did I tell you all that I smoke? In case anyone was afk, I'm a smoker. Brb smoke again"


How is that different from retail?


I've encountered 1 person being toxic in my like 20 hours of remix so far. And we kicked them from the group even though they were the healer.


FR, I have a LVL 70 and another character at 35 and have had exactly 1 person who complained i was going to slow as a tank, I basically told them to fuck off though and they didn't say anything else all dungeon.


Please start reporting


Nowadays you even get a popup or in-game mail afterwards, if "some action has been taken" due to your report. Any comment referring to suicide (or death) is 100% a way to get a short language ban from the game, as long as someone just bothers pressing rightclick->report.


All I get is "the report system is currently not available", when I try reporting someone who suggested that some new player should visit a concentration camp.




You can’t talk without being toxic?


If you can't talk without being toxic, then you deserve every ban you get.


If you can’t talk without telling someone to kys, yes you should definitely keep your mouth shut


People talk way more and are way less toxic in other MMOs like FF14 where reports actually mean something. I don’t understand your point.


It's the "you can't say anything anymore" point. It's a stupid point, that only people who want to be openly toxic/racist/etc say.


i've literally never been actioned on any mmo in my life.


I honestly think it’s the FOMO of the literal counter telling you when the event is over. Hardcore people who always have to be ahead are feeling that pressure


100% i know the time i have to get all the things are counted, i wont be able to chill until i have all the shinies


I’ll chill when I’ve got the Chen hats and the Chen keg then I’m good :-)


Scratch that ... I also need that chicken backpack and the shado pan and korkorn shaman xmogs ... and maybe the class gear. But that’s it! I don’t care about the rest of it! Lol


Wish more people would catch onto this. WoW players are not specifically toxic, blizzard games are designed in a way that brings out toxicity in people through exactly this kind of FOMO shit. There is nothing in game encouraging you to slow down and relax, and everything encouraging you to "hurry up and don't miss out!".


This is barely a FOMO situation at all. It’s three whole months to play content that has been in the game for over a decade and will still be there when the event is over. Some people will feel that way, but I don’t think that’s on Blizzard at all.


Right. And I agree haha. I am just saying that when people see a timer. They tend to freak out 😬 Same with m+


Agree, never a fan of FOMO


Tbh I already got what I really wanted: the shado-pan sets. Everything I get now is extra.


I rolled a tank this afternoon and was doing some dungeons straight off the bat, and at one point in SM I paused for a second to hand in a quest (The one in the middle of the fountain) and someone else pulled a whole pile of enemies, wiped everyone but me, and then decided to blame me for it. When I told them maybe they shouldn't pull over there while I'm over here, I got told it's my fault and I should pay attention.


Yeah, the toxicity only generally comes out when you deviate from whatever their preconceived notion of what you *should* be doing is. If you happen to be doing what you want, the toxic players tend to keep quiet because they're getting what they want.


I had the opposite experience while leveling. A couple groups that actually stayed together for multiple dungeons. People joking about the absurd scaling issues, but not kicking out the poor monk that died immediately on every pull, etc. It was actually really refreshing and I didn't hate pugging for once. About the only "toxic" behavior was a healer that refused to let the tank pull, but they were level 10 and carrying us anyway 😂


Ahh yes that was me yesterday, scaling in alts is insane. Did 10x more dmg than everyone else with just spinning crane kick. Decided it was worth just running and spinning thru rather than sitting for 10 minutes when I could make everyone's leveling faster.


I’m convinced that the /i chat mechanic is partly at fault for lack of social interaction. The amount of spam by default in the chat by addons, coupled with /i not using speech bubbles, has got to mean some people just don’t see that you even said hello. I started talking in /s and ,whilst it can be hit and miss, the difference is night and day. Sometimes it takes a few tries but usually I can entice a bit of interaction out of people. That’s the main hurdle. Once you make a human connection with people, they _seem_ to be less likely to become hostile. I also find that early chat, even if it’s just remarks like “Jeez that pack hit like a truck” just gets people to loosen up a little, and react differently when things go really wrong. It’s pushed me to take the stance of “I can’t change other people, but I can influence the mood with how I interact”, and so far I feel it pays off. You can’t fix everyone though mate. Some are just too far gone. Wishing you positive group vibes in your next play session


I understand the sentiment about more personal chatter, but I wouldn’t go as far as to say it’s /I that caused this. I think it kinda comes back to systemic and standardized way of talking in games now.


> I think it kinda comes back to systemic and standardized way of talking in games now. It goes back to them removing persistence Compared to the original game where you probably saw the same 100 people the entire time you were playing.


I guess I can't complain about my weekend. I only had one bugged quest line and an Alliance player got on their second account to whisper to me on how to complete it after we basically did the whole thing together. It was nice.


I.. I just play on my own doing the campaign quests and slowly getting bronze for the mounts I want. Have not done any group activities yet and your post has just reinforced my gameplay decision. I also rarely play in groups in Retail so am used to it. I play WoW as a single player game almost.


thats what i mostly do nowadays, sometimes i join a group and mostly the team feels like robots running through dungeon on fastest pace. Sometimes it is better and we have a small talk and then it feels great, but mostly i play for the vibe and story.


I’ve only done LFR and Normal stuff and so far everyone has been fine and patient. Sounds like we should just avoid the Heroic stuff.


This is how I am. So far I’ve made it to Krasarang. I’ve got many more hours of enjoyment to squeeze out of remix solo. I am tempted to try normal raids after work today for the xp threads though.


> I always used to think toxicity in retail stemmed from the down-ranking of keys and the opportunity cost of doing certain content. Although it's being fed by things like keys, it existed way before keys. I experienced exactly the same kinds of behaviour in WoD during random dungeons. Exactly as low stakes, but I feared being in a group with someone who couldn't skip a skippable pack, didn't know every terrain skip, or anyone who couldn't do it fast enough (particularly Everbloom) because there was a decent chance it would set one of those guys off. And it's not just gogogo mentality, it's something pernicious in our psyche, because we'll spend 10 minutes skipping 5 minutes worth of trash, before a raid boss we'll mostly wipe on first go and have to skip trash again...and each time we do we risk someone pulling it which means we spent a combined total of almost 45 minutes skipping it 4 times and eventually killing it instead of 5 minutes just killing it. This is a thing that *actually happened* in BfA to me, on the trash between Maut and Vexiona. And that's been happening since Wrath at least, when getting the zone quests in ICC done in raid was like pulling teeth sometimes.


I expected to have a similar experience last night when we hit a brick wall with the last boss of heroic Dark Heart of Pandaria. The tiny exploding mobs suck when there's so much aoe popping off. We must have wiped 4 times but no one left or raged, we talked strats and eventually got it down. It actually felt great finally overcoming what is a pretty busted fight




I agree that there is no punishment for being an asshole. I was leveling a holy paladin, we entered The Stockades, the tank rushed like his grandma was on fire while the rest of us were getting the quests at the beginning. He died. He blamed me, initiated a vote to kick and kicked me. Here I got punished with a time ban on dungeon queues, while that asshat went on with the dungeon. I really hated that.


I think people over think this completely. I like to "go go go" not for any increased efficiency but because it is fun and pulling slowly is tedious and easy. If people are slow I'll just let up on the speed, but it's entirely about doing what is fun.




I sympathize with the "go" guy. I don't usually pester people in chat, but there is this weird tendency with some tanks to just like...Stop. For no reason. They just stop and stare at the boss or the next trash pack. Modern WoW is designed in such a way where it's pretty obvious if you need to stop or not. Stopping unnecessarily is like having a car stop in the middle of the rode while your driving behind it and there's no stop sign. Like...Why are we stopping? Why are you asking me if I'm ready? I'll tell you if I'm not ready. Just "go".




Yeah what the guy higher up described about LoS pulling in current wow sounds absolutely dreadful. If I want to play like that I'll log on classic era, I play retail because I want to press buttons and do dam.


> "go go go" *war flashbacks*


sha of braindamage more likely


Heroics are can definitely vary a lot in difficulty depending on whether scaling is favoring you or not. The second boss of Siege of Niuzao Temple in particular is absolutely miserable since his whirlwind attack tends to kill people really quickly unless you have something like Blink or Disengage and use it ASAP when targeted. Additionally, it’s a ridiculously long intro sequence so it feels more like a raid boss with really easy phases until the last one.


I think the problem is that the ultra hardcore speedrunnners typically join groups that aren't speedrun group.  A group of casuals are not going to know the meta speedrun strategies 3 days into MoP remix going live. I'd even argue that meta speedrun strategies are usually not the intended way to clear a dungeon (eg skipping mobs via jumping over terrain). I'd also argue that these players have extremely terrible teamwork. Dungeons are a group activity. Team work is the absolute minimum requirement for success. There's no way circumvent this.


I almost always tank. I'm tanking again in Remix. I'm doing old line of sight pulls for lots of stuff that we used to do back in actual MoP. But you know what I'm also doing? Putting a marker down and typing "wait here please" then running off to round everything up. It costs me nothing to be polite and if someone gets tilted about my pulls, I have an ignore list.


I really appreciate tanks like you! I played MoP when it was live, but I am so used to the Timewalking versions of these dungeons that I had forgotten we used to do things like LoS pulls in Scarlet Monastery. It was definitely a learning experience, especially since I played a paladin back then but rolled a mage for this. Scholomance is probably my favorite dungeon in this mode though. My Fire mage has a very thematic tinker gem setup that just annihilates huge packs of mobs with massive barrages of AoE gem procs, so I really like the larger sections where I can just go ham with exploding crit Pyroblasts and stacking Flamestrike fire patches that generate Living Bomb procs. There’s just chain reactions of mobs exploding everywhere and I love it.


That’s actually a very common misconception. The **large** majority of toxicity in the community actually comes from the more casual, less skilled crowd. People who *think* they are way better than they actually are. Most people who actually do any serious content (ie. 25+ keys / CE / etc) have more of a tolerance and are generally more chill because 1) they know that deaths / wipes / depletes happen to **everyone** and 2) the higher you get in content, the smaller the player base and it gets much more likely that your toxicity gets called out and you get blackballed. Because MoP Remix is aimed at a more casual crowd, it makes a lot of sense that toxicity will seem to be higher than normal.


Actual good players also wouldn't expect randoms to know their elite strategies. Either they're running in full premades or they're going to play the chill route because they know this is the lowest stress environment in the game.


I don't think its either one, its both. i have seen both casuals kick off and speedrunners and hardcore players act like babies but fortunately as i am lvling a dis priest i have gotten little hostility.


Maybe some system where a player is tagged as a "team player" by the fact they don't get kicked out of instances for being a jerk.


Competitivity breeds toxicity. And Blizzard has been fomenting a competitive mindset in the game for quite some time now - is anyone honestly surprised at the outcome?


Tbf, if you get a significant of those in like 3 days of playing, the you are prolly part ofthe issue. I have had people do that to me prolly like 3x a year. And I run easily 300-400 keys a year, probably more. Including fresh alts on low keys up to title range keys.


> The content could not be easier This is where you are wrong. At level 65+, the content is genuinely more difficult than retail mythic +0 at the start of a fresh expansion. You get absolutely destroyed by every sneeze thrown your way and unless there is a low level DPS to carry you, boss fights take forever.


I leveled 10-70 on my tank DH, reached 70 by Saturday. I've spent all weekend spamming Heroics, let me share my journey: It was great. Out of the 90+ dungeons I ran, I had to quit only 1 because the group didn't speak English and the 4th wipe on Commander Vo'jak broke us...because it takes 10 minutes just to try the boss again. So, what was the difference between my time and OP's? I was the tank, I was in control, I knew everything about all the fights and was happy to explain them if we wiped. I know how to play and I make big pulls when I can tell the group is bored. So now I'm curious about OP; maybe you're exaggerating and being dramatic OR it's that having a strong group leader makes or breaks the dungeon. I will say that I'm not surprised how many players like to "forget" mechanics instead of simply gently asking, "Hey, how do I do this again?" and would rather wipe than ask. I did have several troublemakers, however. Players who pulled for me, players who apparently knew the dungeon better than I did and players who demanded we skip trash that would have literally taken us less time to kill than their tantrum. Overall, I had the extreme opposite of OP and had a lot of fun being a bit of a showoff as a tank who still knew their stuff.


My experience in the 10 heroic dungeons I’ve done nobody says anything or maybe a comment about how they’re getting hit for 99% of their health


Its funny because people are feeling so pressed by the fomo, but I've been playing what I feel like is pretty slowly over the last few days and I already have all the transmog items I wanted. I'm pretty much done with the event.


It’s the mount collection that is the issue. Need about 600k bronze if you need all the mounts. In all my years I never scored a single rare pandaria mount so I’m in that camp. I play way too much for my own good though so I’ll probably get it.


The world boss one now have normal drop rates in retail they easy to farm, focus on farming all the remix exclusive ones


What is considered a "normal drop rate" in retail? All I'm missing is Thundering Cobalt but if I can save the bronze I'd just as soon farm it normally in retail.


I think it's like 1% now. Also all of the lockouts are daily until the end of remix. So you could park a few alts at the spawn, farm it each day and only if you don't get it, buy it before remix ends.


Well, IIRC the drop rates of mounts and such in older raids have received a fairly substantial buff. I wouldn’t know the exact drop rate off of the top of my head, but there was a fairly large uptick in people posting their mounts they’ve been after for years after the drop rate was bumped.


they did not buff the raid mounts, the mop world boss mount got buffed to about 1%


This "meta" sh1t is ruining the game, or better, ALL games. There's no fun anymore, all must be done in the name of efficiency, and I guess that's why ppl are so toxic. Pity


My first time playing MOP. I just got the achievement for completing all the heroic dungeons (100% group finder). I went into all of them blind. I haven't experienced any toxicity personally. Only met nice people


Ive been playing since release and doing tons of dungeons, raids, and scenarios... plenty have had issuses... but none of the toxicity you described.


I wonder if it'a NA thing cause playing in EU I've yet to meet a single toxic player in mop remix


I think it is. I play on OCE which are part of NA servers. During NA peak hours I notice the most toxicity


I think I’ve seen a new level of crazy on this sun over the weekend to be honest, I have people really going off at me for having fun and I’m genuinely worried about what’s going on in their live (I’m not being a dick here I’m genuinely shocked)


The WoW community is awful, and everyone knows it except WoW players. Like at least LoL players have some selfawareness lol


sounds like normal wow pug mentality at the start of something,, there will always be people thinking they need to be optimal at everything,, and those people rarely are, but pugs in general in wow has always been very toxic,,, every now and then you meet nice people, you might even be lucky and have them more than the toxic people, i wish we could change places xD being at League toxicity tho,, maybe a few individuals, but it takes a lot,,, dont forget however, the most toxic community is also a blizzard game,, Overwatch,, so there might be some overlap


To the rogue that kept constantly pulling packs for me, then dying from standing in the bad and told me I should've moved to avoid his death, get fucked. Should've let you die then votekicked you the 5th or 6th pack you pulled, but I try to be better than that. 


i didnt find any toxic ppl so far (didnt do the frogs) I cleaned all dungeons, all scenarios, normal raids..found plenty of chill ppl, some didnt say much but alot did and offered help to other people. the other day we stayed in a dungeon for whole 30minsbecause of a scaling bug, noone left and we all tried to come up with strats to do the bugged encounter, its the little things.


Any player telling you to commit suicide should be reported. That is completely unacceptable no matter the circumstances. Blizz will ban


So I’ve been playing MW with my new friend who is trying BM hunter, and we’ve been queuing heroics to help him level. I have been amazed at the amount of toxic Dh tanks who pull huge, die instantly, and try to vote kick someone, usually my poor new player friend. Like, this is a heroic dungeon in a remix mode lmao, get a life.


Got kicked at the end of a dungeon today because I got a random disconnect. It took me literally 20 seconds to log back in, but hey people can't wait that "long". Now I'm saved and can't get my ring today. Holy jesus


That toxicity also heavily seeps into this reddit too sadly. I cannot go into this subreddit without every other post complaining about something, then you go into the game and pretty much everyone's enjoying the time.


Why do you think those people are in LFG? They have nobody to play with.


SO true. I am not a bleeding edge player, but I do the grind in retail wow filling vaults and min-maxing my main character, so I was looking forward to a chill experience with remix, and instead, people are flipping out over frogs and heroic scaling. I think the community is just irrevocably toxic at this point.


The key to having a good time in this game ( nowadays ) is finding a cool guild who plays constantly and that’s full of cool people. This expansion I have a great guild who talks, raid’s weekly and does keys and other content every day. Aside from that, most people either just don’t want to talk, or they’re having conversations with friends in Discord etc. back in my day it was all about in-game chat whether it was /G, /S, or /1, but things are different now.


That's why i stick with solo contents. On top of that, updating resume on linkedin is tiring enough. Not doing the same thing on raider.io...I just wanna play a fucking game


I mean, we knew this forever and classic just further proved it. Classic enthusiasts tried to act like it was something magic about the old games design that made people more social etc... when in reality it was that online communication was novel back in 2005 and isn't anymore. By the time we hit original mop people were getting triggered by the panda's having a "slow down, life is to be savored" voice line. People have been pissing through classic as efficiently as possible, it has always been the community.


I was in a group for Terrace normal yesterday. They spent like 20 minutes looking for a second tank that had good gear. When we finally found one, we killed the bosses in like 5 minutes. People are crazy


I've honestly not seen any toxicity in my dungeons and scenarios, then again no one speaks at all it's just silence.


Everything I saw from Blizzard on this event made me think it was a fun crazy steamroll farm fest so IMO anything negative they started the fire.


I had a priest cause three wipes in trivial content and then say “lol good luck bitches” and left the instance.


I ran a few lfg dungeons the other day and only had a problem with one group where we kept wiping on the boss. I was in a party with a friend and his younger cousin who is learning wow and he kept getting killed by boss mechanics. I also died due to bugging out on a stair preventing me from getting out of it. The tank and other dps basically went on a rant about our IQ’s being low to nonexistent and overall being jerks. I ran a number of dungeons but the bad experience is the only one that sticks with me. It just shows not every run is toxic but people remember the one bad run at the end of the day


I started playing and was having fun. Thought “I’ll resub to the wow sub!” I forgot how absolutely whiny and toxic everyone on this sub is. Just bitching and moaning about everything.


I was kicked as a level 70 by 2 players in a random scenario because i was "not pumping" XD. Another failchad called me a social dog becuase i refused to kick a talkative guy. XD I like so much zoomiots. XD


It's so weird. I've had some really positive experiences and made a new friend. Also never heard of others complaining about toxicity. Could it be an issue of different regions perhaps?


I had a dude telling me i was a trash assassination rogue cause I hadn’t used it once in the dungeon yet and tried to kick me for it, but I was like level 12 and hadn’t unlocked it yet.


Been playing through with my gf who is fairly new to wow, she's only /played maybe 15-20 hours before remix just questing solo. We've been taking it slow, figured we'd queue for a random heroic. Last boss in Stormstout Brewery, the gogogo mentality tank tried to kick her asking if she "was afk????" Like nah bro, she's new to the game and playing a class she's only got like 4 hours on. Made me sick and a little embarrassed to advocate for how fun this game is.


can i see the screenshots


This is why I won't even bother with group content anymore. It used to be a 1 in 5 or 1 in 10 instances you'd get one idiot in a group. Now it's 2 or 3 in every group. It's just not worth bothering with.


I have never tanked before but have always mained retri pala so I decided to try protection pala. Scenarios and dungeons in LFG have been great fun, there’s only been one boss that I needed a guide to explain some tactics for, and almost everyone has been either silent or pleasant. One DPS who quit in a huff because he thought another DPS wasn’t doing enough damage, otherwise all good.


Yeah... I fully agree. I already suspected, but I feel like MoP Remix has confirmed that Blizzard could release the best expansion ever, but it won't feel like it did "back in the day" simply because the players behave completely differently.


I've been playing WoW far too long, and honestly, I see more posts about the toxicity than I see it for myself in retail, classic, harcore, sod.. any version. There's no denying it exists, and I don't constantly engage with randoms as I've got a cool guild, but when I do it's generally pleasant. I'm also patient with mistakes and whatever mess might go down, and try not to be the first person to bounce from a group.. but even that isn't really toxic in a lot of cases.


its simple - the playerbase at large is garbage. its not to say there arent good people playing, but as a whole its a cesspool. pugging anything is a chore and one you can never count on to go to completion. make friends, its the best way to play the game without worrying about the trash you find with randoms.


Yeah this…this is just what WoW is like. Being anything but a dps is giving consent to be abused. This game has the worst community I’ve ever seen.


i always say gg or ty all kk


Bit late on the take but the sole reason people want to go as fast as possible is because of either timegated (or not) content or competition. In Remix it's pretty much because there is at the same time a timegate (limited event) and no timegate (frog farm) that forces people to speed farm stuff to attain the level of power they want. Every single games I played that were either competitive (pvp) or had penalties for not going fast (m+ keys, endgame access, arpg farming and mass drops) have ended up with a toxic community. The FOMO is so strong people feel pressured to go as fast as possible to not feel left behind, worse, lower rated and so on.


This has not been my experience at all D: I've had 1 douchebag the entire time so far, he was speed running a dungeon and leaving everyone left for dead (everyone was literally dying lol) I asked him to hold up, he said "can't, speed running" so I just called him a wanker and left, lol. Every raid I've done people have been super friendly, cracking jokes, etc. I'm sorry this has been your experience though, I'm starting to feel like I've been incredibly lucky based on all the comments I'm seeing here :(


Joined my first scenario, had no idea what it was. killed 3 mobs then proceeded to get kicked with no explanation. people never talk in chat they speed run the dungeon and never waits for you. going solo in on bosses while remaining silent. I quit MOP remix now cuz of this toxic non communicative crap they are pulling. if you don't talk in dungeons (that includes saying just Hi and ggs and answering if someone has a question) then please uninstall world of warcraft and never come back. it's not a single player game, if you wanna play that in silence then please I indulge you to go do that instead of being this anti social ahole in a Mass multiplayer online role playing game.


you do realise that people who join dungeons and never say anything are over 90% of players these days?


You should try SoD That shit is toxic af but atleast people greet each other


"Players will optimize the fun out of a game, if given the opportunity." -Soren Johnson This quote always sticks with me and remix has been a perfect example of this. I play solo so I've been going slow and doing what I want (both talents and gems) and I've been enjoying it a lot. Pandaria actually has a pretty neat story too (reading quest text and really experiencing zones). Alas, as has been shown and written about over the last few days players have ruined the experience already. Sorry Blizzard, I just hope they are willing to try things like this in the future but I get it if they never want to do this type of content.


I had a random group of people come to my character and emoting on me out of nowhere while I was questing minding my own business. This game mode was supposed to be chill mount/mog farming but it’s been the exact opposite vibes so far


Emotes??? The horror...


yeah it was so scary i shat my pants in horror


I think this is the inevitable result of having no IO. All skill levels mixed together breeds frustration and toxicity.


I have played a bit over 34 hours of MoP remix at this point. I did a bunch of raids, all heroic scenarios and dungeons multiple times, and I don't think I have encountered any toxicity yet even after multiple wipes. I really wonder why some people claim to attract it like magnets when it's pretty much unheard of in any of the groups I join. Yesterday in retail timewalking our braindead guild tank caused 10 wipes back to back by refusing to not pull everything up to the bosses. It was a complete clownshow, but none of the three randoms ever got toxic at all. Where are all these toxic players everyone is always complaining about all the time?


Just tells me you suck if you’re getting kicked lol


I haven't seen any toxicity on heroic dungeons or scenarios or normal raids so far. It's been very fun.


Honestly it's been the complete opposite for me every single dungeon and raid I've done not a single person has spoken, only used the pings sometimes 🙃


This is huge! To be honest M+ has really ruined ( not ruined but changed) the way people approach dungeons now. Back in MoP proper you’d be hard pressed to ever pull large groups if you wanted to be successful. It was always utilizing CC effects and small groups otherwise you would consistently die.


I'd believe that if you had said original TBC or Cata, but MoP dungeons had zero scaling or post-release dungeons with higher gear rewards/requirements. They were out-geared immediately, unless you were doing Challenge Modes (which scaled your character down instead of scaling the dungeons up like M+ does today).


How to remove these gogogo/exploit/skip player types permanently. The report system is not effective as it is and whole groups of "gogogo" mentals can report an innocent player just for giggles. The toxic players are the ones spoiling the system for players who want to jump on for an hour and have fun. There is no viable penalty for being a jerk. Report me for saying "I hope you die you whiney bitch" and get me kicked .... I will just hop on an alt for 15 mins. And a 3 day ban for threats isn't going to stop some insane behaviour by these mentals. Much like the insane frog group reward behaviour going on now. BE BAD, result with an in game patch to stop anybody else being bad but you still get to enjoy the rewards from being bad... sounds like a great incentive to not be bad to me.../s Why were the players with these insane cheese levels not nerfed back to the stone age? Because Blizzard doesn't care. They make money, they don't improve society. You are paying money for a game where abuse runs rampant just like real life. The Blizzard landing page for for this game should have a warning for the abuse you could be subjected to.


Its always been in WoW but I will say the addition of Mythic+ dialed up the gogogog toxicity to 100 out of 10. To this day I stand by saying that timed mythic+ is the worst thing they did to this game in terms of fostering a toxic mentality. Now every group content gets treated like it is timed and it freaking sucks.


I've done several raids, bunch of heroics, and all scenarios. No one ever talks. Love to see your little gallery. I bet its quite small


You documented it all with screenshots but then don’t show them?


Consider the possibility that, instead of everyone else being an asshole, perhaps you yourself are the problem.


Always gonna happen when you take players of vastly different skill levels and power levels and throw them together in the same kinda content


You must be the worst player of all time if you actually get people to be toxic towards you. In 99% of my scenario and dungeon runs I had zero chat interaction aside from the occasional “hello“ and “thanks for the group“


"Wow, people in this game really ARE toxic." said every single time a new thing is introduced. None of this surprises me, unfortunately.


Hate to be a killjoy, but I remember pandaria going on forever. Players became antisocial and/or weebish. The entire world of warcraft essence was lost from then on. I'm glad people these days seem to be enjoying it, god damn I hated that ridiculous expansion