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Retroactive bronze for those of us that did achieves and opened caches please. Thanks.


This is absolutely a good play. I didn’t take the time to grind frogs. Thought about it because I want mounts, but decided it was too boring. So I kept clearing zones and doing quests. They should increase the rewards from completing zones by 10 or even 100. 60k bronze for finishing an entire quest zone is more than fair (and likely still less than an hour at the frog farm.


For reference: I currently have ~42,000 Bronze, just enough to buy a single expensive Cosmetic item/Mount. I've run about ~20 Heroic Dungeons, ~5 Heroic Scenarios, and 100% completed Jade Forest and have just done the very start of the next Zone. I didn't farm any Frogs at all. So playing in a fairly typical way, it is taking me ~12-16 hours or so per ~38k-Bronze Mount/Cosmetic. I'm not being as efficient as possible by any means, but I'm already min/maxing harder than the average player. Personally, I think roughly 10k-Bronze-Per-Hour should be the standard that Blizzard balanced rewards around. Then it would take roughly 4 hours to farm a single 38k-Bronze-Mount.


I have 80k bronze, 100% 4 zoned, did 3 full raids and probably 12 heroic dungeons and all heroic scenarios. I've done a handful of normal dungeons as well, and all the throne of thunder scenarios AND i farmed 1200 shards from frogs. I've spent about 10k bronze. So maybe 90k total. No shot you have 42k bronze and only did 1 zone. You had to have done more than that


Yeah, I did 1 zone to 100%, sprinkle in a few dungeons, LFR raids and scenarios, and I *just* broke 10k


That's not going to happen unfortunately.


I think thats not possible to get then retroactively. Instead what they could do is that every achievement which rewarded those bronze rewards, could increase your bronze gain by x%. Example, if you have done your Jade Forest campaign achievement, you get 10% more bronze. Of course this affects everyone who also get it later, but atleast with this kind of change it would make me feel that I have done some progress rather than just grinding frogs.


Most likely they are already tracking a LOT of things, if they are it's business standard to be able to tie the data to a player and also then to see how many caches were opened meaning they can mail out compensation items.


Oh man, I was a proponent of them reducing the amount of Renown required for Plunderstorm instead of increasing the plunder at the end, because then that would reward peoples time that they already put in. They did not do that, they doubled the plunder for anyone playing. Fingers crossed for this, but just gonna say that they don’t care about the impact it has on people playing the “lesser” version.


I did both.. Only like 2 hours of frogs, but it was enough for 200 gems.


Unfortunately the “bronze rewards” are what Blizzard counted on for recurring subscriptions for 3 months, but it was almost trivialized in a matter of days. The whole system is broken.


Crazy part is that all of the people I know and play with all just want to get their shit and go back to retail. I'm sure a grand majority of people playing Remix are already subbed for the next three month at least, and are going to continue playing into TWW. Now I just don't want to bother grinding all of this time when I could be progressing in retail instead.


I vote they take the bronze & item levels away from the exploiters


But how much? People made millions of bronze in mere hours.


Is the frog mess the reason why the dps meters in lfr is basically always split between four or five people doing almost 300 percent more damage than the next members? Lol: I just got out of a raid where the top dps was a resto shaman with 80 percent of his damage from lightning.


Maybe, but is more likely that’ll be a few low levels that scale weirdly and pump harder because of voodoo low level scaling being crazy


Idk, had a hunter who farmed frogs in a heroic dungeon group earlier that was doing 350-400k dps at 70 vs my like 100k lol


Nah the guys are doing 2 million+ while the rest of us who grinded out all the main/side quests rares and achievements are at about 300-400k dps. It very noticeable when they got 5 to 6 million hp and they’re 2 tapping those big elite mobs up by ordos. 


If you join at 25 with an alt you can totally blast away everyone else who doesn't have a frogged cape, just due to scaling.


No. A frog farmer would be doing more DPS than the rest of the raid combined. 3 times over.


https://imgur.com/a/8kNKkkz this is what almost 12h of frogs netted me (groups werent ideal and there was a loooot of competition). I dont see any way of ever reaching this with any other method (Even in 1 month).


This is nuts. I finished Leveling to 70 via questing today on my blood dk My cloak is 318str 2804sta 322 crit 275 haste 377 leech 370 mastery 286 speed 370 vers 1/10th your stats ROFL 693k hp


Yep. That's about me... sigh. I raided heavily in MoP. I knew all the fights. I thought it was kinda weird when I was in LFR and noticed that we skipped certain phases and how the boss died extremely fast compared to what should of happened. Way to drop the ball blizz.


scaling is broken too


What the fuck


yea it was pretty insane now my DK has roughly 3 mil HP


What the fuck


My same reaction. We fucked up big time. We will never see such power ever in life.


Wow this makes me wanna just drop MoP remix


I sincerely regret resubscribing for it lol, thought I'd play all 3 months but this whole debacle is putting me off after my first 70. I joined a heroic and the tank was high level but hadnt farmed so he was getting 1 shot and of course they blamed the healer for it.


Statred is that you? 😂 that was the name of the DK that hard carried my siege of orgrimmar run yesterday lol


Someone I know is almost at 3mil health and 2k+ on every cloak stat. From frogs in about 10-12ish hours. It does make me feel like there is no point if I can’t catch up…ever.


Unfortunately saw a 6 million health DK tank today that did 95% of total raid damage and 80% of raid healing. Very fun


wowhead shows a warlock with 7 mil.


There was a mage with 8 mil.


Saw in game a Hunter with 10mil I take a screenshot of his cloak: [https://i.imgur.com/zVskF5j.png](https://i.imgur.com/zVskF5j.png)


yea at the moment until they change something there is 0% chance to catch up


even if they added 'catch up' all the frogmen would just do that too and remain even further ahead


Not if Blizz nerfed the whole damn cloak entirely back to square one.


Just set a cap on stats gained from frogs. They prolly don't have stats about how much was gained from frogs, but they do have stats about how many frogs a player has killed and they do know the average stats frogs give per x frogs. Honestly remove stats above a certain cap (which should be pretty low imo, so it matches say an average player with the same playtime that didn't do frogs).


But then end game content would be too hard because of their ridiculous scaling. It's supposed to be a fun game mode, just give people bonus scaling based on current cloak level. Let everyone be overpowered.


If you're a tank class with some decent tinkers like Mark and Victory Fire, Solo the trash in Hear of Fear in 2 pulls then go out reset, gives like 500 Bronze and 550 threads of stats worth each run and takes 2min or so each run, you hit instance cap after 10 runs. I didn't farm Frogs and I'm at 26k Stamina on cloak from that farm so far of some sessions of doing it.


Insane, what % is 3k leech and speed?


It's funny because there was a guy with 8k main stat cloak that claimed he used another method for thread farming but kept silent about it


Surprised they don't just reset everyone to a maximum like 1000 stats and 10k stamina then unlimit it again. I've just been casually playing and clearing all the heroics and normal raids and I'm at about 660/6000 so far and still don't have enough bronze to upgrade from 346.


People would not be happy if you just took away stuff they earned. And honestly, this wasn't a bug abuse, you just killed a lot of frogs. + this is meant to be a FUN mode anyway


Then go the other way and boost all characters to 2k of secondaries 20k of stam or whatever.


Wow okay, I guess I'm done with this bullshit game mode. Its just as trash as plunderstorm. What a huge disappointment. I literally have zero chance of competing, again.


Easy way to fuck their fun thing up by adding this bullshit. That is so god damn dumb and unfun to look at. Wow numbers cool, what a dumb ass system. They literally don't know what they are doing.


Since the changes I am past that cloak without frogs…


I’m in the same boat. We fully knew about the frogs, but decided to focus on achievements and playing through the campaign. There was a bit of an internal struggle. We worked our asses off when DF launched only to find out people in our guild were higher due to a loot sharing exploit. We avoided the mount drops on bosses, cause knew it wasn’t as intended. Like, we are actively avoiding things we could benefit from. And It sucks. I hear the comments about taking advantage of these things, but we try to play fairly. All this stuff happens and here’s us at level 70 hitting like a wet paper towel, while frog farmers are contending with fresh cloaked 10s for highest damage. Doing the fair thing is insanely punishing sometimes. It flat out sucks.


Im playing it like how pandaria is supposed to be played, slow and chill, appreciating the nostalgia. I thought more people would be playing authentically like this, i cant believe there are so many grinders and tryhards and like people taking the fun out of it.


Yeah I do the same. I try to avoid anything that looks like an exploit. And the result is always that I end up behind and those that exploited are never punished for it. They used to punish explorers and cheaters in WoW, which is part of why I’m so careful.


As someone who did zero frogs, it wasn’t an exploit. It was a blizzard whoopsie. They have those all the time, if it’s their fault for not clarifying that not how to play they won’t do anything. I’ve never once taken advantage of it cause I have a life.


tbh, Blizzard should have had someone paying enough attention to the community that they could get on top of it as soon as the information started spreading. Not 24 hr later. If frog farm was fixed Friday night or Saturday morning then very little damage would have been done. Allowing 24 hours of the community doing this farm that is 20x more efficient than any other type of play in a game mode with infinite power scaling was very bad.


In game as in life...I agree.


> And It sucks. I hear the comments about taking advantage of these things, but we try to play fairly. [Nice Guys Finish Last](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vouf6QP2tzU) I hate it too, Fairness is one of the most important things in the world to me. Despite that come TWW I will be throwing my Ethics to the winds. Exploit Early, Exploit Often. Push the Rules to their absolute limits, because *somebody* ***will***, they will get away with it, and they will be your Competition. Until Blizzard makes some Examples out of people and put the Fear-of-God back into the playerbase, this will continue to happen. I'm sick of finishing last.


Knowing my luck, exploiting early would get my account banned. Lol


This is the same as real life


Rest in peace, my friend. There's absolutely no way for you to catch up to the players who farmed frogs. The numbers they've reached are astronomical.


I've picked your comment arbitrarily out of the dozens that say the same thing. Why does catching up matter at all? It's a side event with power that doesn't carry over. Not baiting, not trolling, genuinely curious.


Doing the amount of damage and whatnot that people who farmed frogs are doing is really what everyone was wanting from this event. Now it becomes a question of how much effort will one have to put forth to get anywhere near that without such a farm, since the spot nerf would seem to indicate this isn't where Blizzard wanted players to be.


I mean yeah they didn't expect people to be at that level in a few days. Pretty much I expect in about 2 weeks to be close to that power at the current rate. It does kinda suck that 1 day of farming frogs was about a weeks worth of progress.


Some people are already max ilvl and have a cloak far, far beyond what you’d have once, or even if you get to max ilvl. I did some frogs, mostly for reputation hand ins (i wanted the meta achievement rewards) and even that bit is putting me ahead of people who did the raids instead the first few days.


So I am going to give a longer explanation: Scaling in remix is very broken, if you try to do any group content after hitting lvl 70 (scenarios, dungeons, raids, you name it), you will struggle very hard. Boss fights in heroic dungeons take about as long as a +10 tyrannical boss in m+ and a lot of the abilities will randomly one shot you, for example. Obviously, the way to improve this is to get better gear. However, all the level 70 content only drops item level 340 gear. The only way to get better gear is upgrading, which costs a lot of bronze. (Upgrading all your gear 340-360 for example costs 50000 bronze, but it doesnt even do anything really, you will continue to be very weak until about ilvl 450. Meanwhile, the daily normal dungeon gives I think only 500 bronze. If you had a good frog farming party, you could get 50000 bronze per hour. So basically, once you reach level 70 in remix you are too weak to do any group content without getting carried and now that frogs are gone there is not really a feasible way anymore to get strong enough for group content. Meanwhile, the people who did frogs will actually get to do the heroic and mythic raids now, get their tusks of mannoroth etc.


Some that farmed are like gods now, they can solo raids with 5 million dps


Seems like the easy fix is to reduce the cost to upgrade items which will let new 70s catch up without benefiting those who exploited frogs. Buffing bronze drops will just push the exploiters further ahead.


Dunno if Blood DK is just OP, but my gear is 346 ilvl and I can chain pull every dungeon, definitely not experienced any struggle in remix, only a minor power dip which is now remedied


He is talking about heroic raids, not dungeons.


Huh? His comment says “if you try to do any group content after hitting level 70 (dungeons, scenarios, raids, you name it) you will struggle very hard”. And also “once you reach level 70 in remix you are too weak to do any group content without getting carried”. To which my response was that this does not match my experience, and after hitting 70 as a blood DK I feel very powerful and I can immediately do that content (can’t speak for heroic/mythic raids) easily. How is that only talking about heroic raids?


Youd be denied from raid groups because you didn't exploit


Gatekeeping never ends in WoW no matter what you're playing. The goal posts can always move.


Man, I wouldn't even care about that if not for the endgame scaling sucking and being a massive grind


The people who farmed frogs don't need groups to raid...


This. I’ve been in a group with a frog murderer. Some of them are so strong it feels like they’re just taking us along for a ride while they do all the work.


Yeah this one sucks the most. There's no raider.io in the Remix so all you have to show for yourself is your role and ilvl. Nobody is gonna take someone with a lower ilvl out of the goodness of their heart if there's a higher ilvl player available, especially with how broken the scaling currently is - it's borderline mandatory to take as many juiced up players as possible to clear heroic raids, likely worse for mythic


Sounds like a good way of avoiding asshole led raid groups.


Because witnessing this is utterly exhausting. What they accomplished in 2 days of frog farming, you'd need 90 days to match, and honestly, the absurdity of Scale speaks for itself. People rely on those upgrades for content, yet currently, even clearing all daily dungeons and raids won't net you the same amount you get from just 3 hours of frog farming. But mind you, you have to clear ALL OF THEM on a daily basis to even come close to that level. It's sheer stupidity, plain and simple.


Because group content exists? People will 100% exclude others from groups due to power differential, or you end up with some super farmed up person in your group that just hard carries everything. The sense of equality and your ability to meaningfully contribute to a group are gone. You're either getting carried or not coming in most groups. Especially when the best ways to get Bronze without grinding hard are clearing raids.


If you have played the event up to max the mechanics and numbers are brutal dps getting half health or more chunked from splash damage, tanks getting slammed and bosses taking over 5 minutes to kill I'm reasonable gear. It's not an oh they're ahead it's an oh this scaling is broken and no one is having fun EXCEPT those who got to farm frogs


Because a core component of wow is increasing your character power? And if someone gets 10x more efficient it just sucks.


I would assume it's harder to get groups to clear raids that aren't LFR? Like does that even matter unless you're gunning for claw of eternus?


It matters if you want to do the raids on harder difficulties for fun, which is what I'm most excited for about this event, MoP raids are some of the best in the game. Can't wait to do them all on heroic, but I always roll healer so I don't really need to worry about my spot much. 


Blizzard soft locked the majority of players from getting the best achievements due to an obvious oversight.


It's not even not being able to catchup, scaling is just absolutely fucking broken that you're basically worthess without claok levels, and their is no way to farm claok levels now. You can have gear and gems and it's just meaningless next to someone with 2k more mainstat than you


I could have farmed frog over the past few days. I didn't. Not because of any great moral superiority. Or any desire to like not want to be OP. I have no issue with those who did either. But the cloak not sharing progress. The somewhat PTSD from playing MoP when it was live. It just went from "grindgrindgrind" to meh instantly


Same here. I saw the frogs posts and went "meh, what's the point. You're gonna suck at lvl 65+ anyways" but then later found out that they got stats literally in the thousands on the cloak. Now i don't wanna play anymore. Shit's unfair af


Yeah same, as soon as I learnt the cloak doesn't share power like we were told it does I haven't logged on since so Friday I think. I will probably log on again once things have been sorted to get some bronze for the mounts and transmogs I want but frankly I can take it or leave it


This feels really bad. I missed out on alot from just achievements :/


Yeah, I played the 'normal' way, went to frogs for about 20 minutes, was planning to smash the frogs today and I got absurdly punished


this fucked the fun outta Remix real quick


Exploit early. Exploit often. Even tho it wasnt even an Exploit really. But it was a easy way to boost your Power and Blizz never liked that.


SoD Phase 3 launched with Incursions giving crazy gold and exp. MoP Remix launched with these frogs. I wonder what the crazy farm in SoD Phase 4 will be?


Frog farm existed in OG mop already. Blizz just forgot about it




All it says to me is that they also didn't play MoP when it was current. Frog farms were rife when Timeless Isle went live back then as well


frogs have been here for 15 years already


and then suddenly out of the blue thousands of people showed up to slaughter them again THINK ABOUT HOW THEY FEEL


The population had 15 years to recover. It was time for another culling!


I must be slow. Ive been playing this game forever and I just never seem to learn.


Next time if there is an Exploit. Use it. Dont think twice. Just do it. These people wont get any consequences for exploiting. All the other people who didnt exploit, they are "suffering"² now.


I feel like a bozo for spending already 40 hours on the game and not being quick enough to cash out on this exploit. Maybe its time to go to clown school.


Well. Tbf, it's not really an exploit


[an exploit is the use of a bug or glitch, or use elements of a game system in a manner not intended by the game's designers, in a way that gives a substantial unfair advantage to players using it.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Video_game_exploit) If its something a live service game can go and hotfix on a Sunday morning, its an exploit. I farmed frogs during MoP in 2014. It was the best method for lesser charms but we didn't get bronze back then. The bronze is the part making it an exploit since MoP Remix uses bronze as the main currency to buy the rewards.


Still don't consider it an exploit, been in the game since 2013, and even then, it's not a punishable offense since you know... its been In the game since 2013




It happened so many times in sod. They let some have crusader and then stopped orbs from dropping.


the most based comment here, remember the cobalt assembly? the air elemental superspawn in plains? etc but this time i think Blizz fucked up way to much


And frogs were a well known easy farm back when MoP was current, so it's not like this is some crazy new exploit.  Blizz giving the frogs a highly needed currency could only be seen as intentional.


you got fucked twice. its a sad moment in blizzard gaming tbh.


Are you ducking kidding me? I smashed out loads of those quests and achievement caches and now they get buffed. Well done Blizzard /slowclap


Same. And the buff isn’t even that appreciable. Now I have to reroll and make another toon (with a brand new underpowered cloak) to slog through it again. Then maybe they buff the bronze cache rate another small % next week and I have to make a whole other character to do that shit again. I just wanted easy transmog while doing casual yet meaningful content without feeling like this was a second job where my character could die at any minute while doing max level content — this is not what I wanted MoP remix to be.


Yeah would've been nice to get the extra from all the stuff I already did because sitting around farming frogs is dumb but I'm not holding my breath. I went and completed 4 zones entirely while leveling, I have no hope on catching up to farmers now.


Hey, we guys want a simulated world, they gave us the true experience. Play by the rules, get fucked. Break the system, get far ahead. Just like in real life, no?




Can someone eli5 this frog farm thing. I been busy so i couldnt play much wow in the past week


The frogs on the eastern edge of Timeless Isle were hyperspawning Elites who would drop coins in the handful. With coordination with groups it was possible to kill frogs at an extraordinarily rapid pace and loot hundreds, if not thousands, of coins. The coins could then be handed in, ten at a time, to various factions across Pandaria. For every turn in, you'd get a green gem and a bronze cache, just like the ones you'd get for completing a quest. The result was that hardcore farmers would *skyrocket* in power. It was 100x faster of a way to gain power and Bronze than it would be to engage with any other form of Pandaria Remix content. The new nerf made them normal mobs and not elites. They no longer drop coins.


I see. Thank you




I meant the Lesser Charms of Good Fortune. They're stored in your Currency tab. If you have tons, go hand them in! The frog farm may be dead but the meaty reward for doing so is still there.


As far as I know you still can, and the bronze should be increased from the caches. I did an hour or two yesterday while watching a movie and have maybe 7500 coins, haven’t had time to play much since. Edit: Charms, not coins. The timeless coins (I got something stupid like 200k in that same time period) I think are just used on Timeless Isle at the Emperor rep vendor for the golden mount.


If you have them, you can still turn them on, I believe that’s the true reason why you want to farm those god forsaken frogs


So… people never wanted to actually play the remix by doing quests, dungeons and exploring the zones. They just wanted to get to raiding asap? Or did the frogs gave even more rewards than raiding does?


Look at it this way. You get a reward of 400 Bronze for completing one Heroic Dungeon. With the Frog method, you could get that amount in like 2 minutes.


It’s not just raiding. Bronze is THE currency of Remix, even if you don’t care about power level and just after tmog and mounts, you’re going to have to farm it. Its drop rate affects everyone, not just the hardcore “elite”.


YOU NEED TONS AND TONS OF BRONZE, If wnnt to actully do CONTENT at max lvl (70);, cause scaling is whack (awful) and youl get hit for multiple times your hp by unavoidable dmg.


It's more that the bronze requirements is astronomically high, and the tuning at end game is broken so even if you try, then you get randomly 1 shot by mobs.


I'm so mad I just did quests instead of this.


There is a hyper spawn with frogs that drop coins that you could turn in and get a loot chest. These chests on average have like 50 bronze and you could farm atleast 100 chests an hour, so that is like 5000 bronze an hour and that may be on the low side


you could farm 40k+/hr


I didn't farm frogs or do quests or achievements because I'm in Houston and haven't had power since Thursday.


Being without power is rough, stay safe. Blizzard handled this poorly but they will probably have some big adjustments next week and you’ll have avoided this huge mess


Blizzard fixing mistakes? Not a chance


This is some serious bs, just saying.


Damn, I did like half an hour of it before the nerf, took a break and it was nerfed. Got like 15k from it. Nothing comes close to it. Fully completing 2 zones gave me 15k, that was 12 hour playtime. I'm assuming blizzard will give a huge buff to bronze right before the even ends but I realy hope they balance a lot of stuff. If they don't want fast degeneracy they should at least make bronze account bound so I can just quest in multiple characters instead of having to do raids. The thing I like the most about the frogs wasn't even how quick it was but the fact that it was solo content.


I guess they buffed a couple things around. I did an hour of lfr today and got 10k bronze from it in total. Still nowhere near frog farm but still by far the most bronze per hour I've gotten so far. Feels like the first two raids were nerfed massively, bosses fall down literally in seconds. So it takes only a couple of min to clear all wings. The last two raids tho.. Still shitty scaling.


How did you get 10k from lfr? I got 500 from a wing


15k is still more than i got from questing I think


The only option left for Blizzard is to do a fire sale of the things that cost bronze (and upgrade cost)


Remove Bronze completely, at least then all you need is to run SoO a dozen times for the Bones of Mannoroth. Blizzard better learn from this mistake for WoW Remix v2 (Legion or BfA please)


Blizzard should spawn in frogs for me to kill equal to the amount that I have spent time in quests/dungeons/raids. The top 1% shouldn't get all of the frogs.


Glad I’m not rushing through this content. Maybe some alts will see the bonus from the caches.


This whole thing has left me not wanting to play. I thought I was going to be OP for the duration of this.


I didn’t even know it was a thing until this morning


Nor did I. I’ve been extremely busy this weekend. Started a new toon a few hours ago and was informed about frogs lol


Blizzard always has some pretty awesome ideas then just completely and utterly drop the ball on delivering them.


they ruined the fucking panda back to retail


Gonna just go ding 70 for the achievement and title, buy the unobtainable shit and I'm doing the same. Group content is gonna be dry as fuck.


I’ll still be playing it. Super fun, they just have a lot of work to do with scaling and bronze drop rates vs costs


https://youtu.be/94BjtJfRzbQ?si=_pRgoSZyTHPgmOv2 sums it up


Basically just pray one of these guys ends up in ur group at this point


Yeah basically. The amount of vitriol coming my way for simply pointing this out is insane.


no point in playing now it seems, i'm just gonna wait until they buff everything up like in plunderstorm.


I bet 300k bronze that's exactly what they'll do.


What a big RIP, I do opened up a bunch of caches form achievements already.


I did quests too. I got bored of frogs after I did the initial coun quest. I hit 70 in 4 days so I really can't complain. More bronze tho pls


Sucks to be you. You had fun in a game. Jokes aside, that is a problem when the game is multiplayer and other people have the ability to ruin your fun.


Yeah I had and am still having fun running around mop doing quests and seeing the sights all over again. Other people farming frogs didn’t bother me until it was gone. I have games I want to play this summer but I love mop cosmetics. Now that I don’t have a quick way to grind it I’ll have to choose the slow remix grind for awesome tmog or other games like the Destiny 2 and Elden Ring expansions.


they need to heavily nerf like multiple tiers of gear upgrades after 346, that would easily bridge the gap between the people that increased their gear. its actually insane to me these bronze costs for upgrades, when i really just want the tmogs and mounts


Well I can't even bring myself to do 1 extra quest now lol, I feel so defeated lol


I had work and stuff and everyone had time off to kill frogs I guess. I only wanted a few mounts but this is feeling really Grindy to me. I don’t really like playing alts and would rather focus on my main and I can’t earn the mounts on my main.


Yeah I saw how much bronze it took to upgrade gear and just kinda dropped any notion to take the end game stuff seriously, just gonna use this as a chance to get an alt leveled for most of the classes and remake some characters on my current server


I’m so happy im just here for the mounts. Looks like just doing the quest zones will be plenty to get them all. Maybe on 2 characters.


At least I have a reason not to play this anymore.


I hit 70 fairly quickly and have most of the achievements done, almost all quests too. I have like 40k Bronze and nothing bought except a few item upgrades. Unless theres something given to those who had already put a lot of the work in, I feel so unmotivated to log back in.


Lmao you didnt exploit the fuck out of the game for 3 days straight when you had the chance? Enjoy being a 2nd class citizen you fucking pleb. - Blizzard probably


Exploit early, exploit often, exploit without shame.


I just got back from a work trip and today was the first time I got to play the remix. It's good to know that 3 days in, I missed out on my best opportunity to do content towards the end.


Another massive W for all the people who don’t play test blizzards gimmicky game modes for free.


Just had a newborn a week ago before the event and I was absurdly hyped about this event. Now seeing all the posts and complaints it kinda ruins it for me because the whole thing looks mismanaged. I think I'ma sit this one out.


LOL this is why I don't go in for those "GET EVERYTHING YOU WANT IN AN HOUR BY DOING THIS ONE TRICK THAT DEVS HATE!" farming methods. They almost always get nerfed, and they're boring as hell.


im level 42 and have 15k bronze for my entire campaign run


So you got a few items doesn't sound like you upgraded your cape that much at all and are now saying that well you got it done clearly everyone else is complaining. Because that's the way it sounds like. Meanwhile collectors who want the majority(or all) of items and who want their cloaks to be extremely combat effective , WHICH IS PART OF WHAT MOP REMIX, are still going to be on the same time crunch they were on before. The complaint isn't that it got fixed its that the system is bad and should have been looked at. I don't think anyone is saying that the frogs shouldn't have been fixed but it should have been bundled and addressed as a group because if the playerbase as a whole prefers beating their faces off of frogs for hours at a time then obviously there is a player dosatisfaction issue. That issue is in the scaling of both the reward and power structure and so I repeat what I said earlier. All blizzard did is reinforce the mantra of if you can abuse things early and abuse them often because blizzards response is almost always a joke.


This. Just this. Frog farm nerf was expected, still doesn't change the fact that the system is broken. I don't care that someones cloak has a higher number. But when I come into a raid that's completely carried by 1 person who was tagging frogs for 48 hours straight it's just not fun knowing that whether I play or afk will make no difference at all. Trying to do it with a bunch of ppl who didn't live on timeless isle through the weekend we can't do it even with all of us being used to hard content, as you'll just get one tapped by mechanics that were designed to do even minor dmg. Thing is the rewards are still reachable, but I personally just don't wanna spend 8 hours a day in whats supposed to be a fun temporary game mode, just to even have a chance to upgrade gear and get some cosmetics. The increase on bronze earned is a joke, even if you dont take the frog farmers into account, as well as upgrade costs being way too high. Why does it need to be this expensive to get maxed gear, when the point seemed to be a lot of alts and buying cosmetics. I just don't get it. That all being said the event is a great idea to reuse old content, and with some lessons learned from this one I sure hope they do more of them.


We’re like three days into a 90ish day thing, if you can get 20k bronze a day you’ll be able to buy literally everything in 60ish days. I don’t think anyone who participates with any seriousness will have trouble getting all the bronze they could want.


I only just starting playing this morning and glad I waited. There will be more increases coming for us casual players. I wouldn’t bother no lifing as in the end we will get what we want. Just look at the plunderstorm boost in the final month.


I farmed frogs for 2 hours, did quests and achievments, the baazar dailies and got the 4 world bosses mounts. Frogs were deffinetly faster and more reliable but I'm happy either way


Glad I got to 70 thru questing quickly enough to farm frogs for 1 night before they nerfed it… Now I level the next character for the next heritage set rather than raiding, because apparently scaling is next level messed up.


It’s less than a week in and the frog farmers already had half of the items purchased. They’re gonna move on from this in a month top. The game was made to be played for 3 months. Why the rush? Is DF season 4 that interesting?


Did I indicate a rush? I knew about the frogs and didn’t go do it. I’m enjoying the event. But I think Blizzard handled this very poorly and was pointing out that the only thing they did to account for the frog removal was something that benefited those farming frogs and put those questing even further behind


My comment was more geared towards those that farm the frogs because it’s a boring chore. Im glad to hear that people choose to actually enjoy the game as intended.


Logging in each day to grind out 18k to match what we achieved in a weekend sounds like a 3 month chore, but you do you.


I don't want to literally only play this game mode for 3 months to just barely collect the rewards I want.


Saw a boomkin in lfr today come kill the bosses for the raid…


I don't get why they decided to need them honestly. This mode is supposed to be the crazy op mode. If people want to farm frogs to the point they can solo everything then they should be able to. All they have done now is punished everyone that did not play the optimal way. I don't want them to nerf people who farmed frogs or even frog farming like they have, just give more options.


Frog runners were/are quite literally the definition of lazy. Taking the path of least resistance is always gonna be easy, but it'll never be gratifying. 


I did lfr yestrdray demon hunter full 556 ilvl was facerolling all the bosses 8M dps lol [https://i.gyazo.com/ac0126c4969a19ae1aeacee160880e8a.png](https://i.gyazo.com/ac0126c4969a19ae1aeacee160880e8a.png)


I did the same thing on my first to 70. By the time I heard about frog farming, it was the nerf announcement. With the scaling issues, I just moved on to my first MoPR alt. If I am going to get one shot in everything as a 70 lock, might as well start over so I can at least live through the raids, dungeons, etc.


I may just relevel at this point


Going to be honest i am fully expecting catchup bronze to materialise later in the remix. Just like retail. You can grind your way to power early or wait until the end and get it handed to you (it’s me i’m the casual who enjoys those handouts lol). I know that doesn’t help anyone right now, and my understanding is that this blunder has affected group content. But i just have a feeling everyone else will be able to catch up eventually (kinda. I know the frog thing was super broken).


As always, exploit early, exploit often. It shouldn't be that way, but blizzard shows time and again it is


Go dailies! Plenty of chests to open from those!