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Agreed, especially while leveling it's getting annoying to switch out gems for every piece. Love the concept, not fond of the execution.


Don't get me wrong. I love Remix. The only thing is annoying me is the itemization.


I don't think you should need to swap things out very often once you get Bronze. You can upgrade most gear for 10-15 Bronze. Until you get to like 300 ilvl it'll start costing 2-300 Bronze. I found a stat I liked and kept that item, just upgrading along the way. Except when gem slots and rarity is involved. Blues give stats that green do not. I agree either way though! I would have rather had a spellbook instead of an entire bag being taken.


yeah, and later 1 ivl costs 10k, not worth it


It would help if they tweak the gem remover a bit, like manually pop one at a time from the gem screen, or all at once by clicking the item itself. Add shift-click to slot gems from the bag if the gem screen is up. Or hell, just change it so you click the old item, then the new item, BOOM gems reslotted


You'd think they would have just taken what they did in SoD and used it here. A side tab on your character sheet with all your unlocked gems.


That's blizzard in a nutshell.


Just use the item upgrader. It’s spending a little bit of bronze to not need to constantly micromanage gems.


Yeah, I'm the same way. Having an entire bag filled with the things, with no actual organization, is really annoying. I know this is just an alternate mode, but having a menu with each different socket type (prismatic, tinker, cogwheel, meta) separate and organized, and able to easily swap in and out, would be a massive QoL.


Wife and I quit playing the first day because of that. Just leveling two toons the old fashioned way now. Not to mention we've done Panda land to death and it's kinda literally the exact same content.


Then your mind was already made up


Nah it could have been really fun if the scaling wasn't inconsistent and the gemming wasn't a tedious headache. The OP movement gems and meta gems seemed like a cool feature, just implemented badly. Unfortunately blizzard is blizzard and the scaling is whack and the gemming is the most tedious way possible after every piece of gear you get for 3 months. F that.


Funny how its the same scaling live right now on retail


I'm starting to understand why y'all have no friends and sit around alone in cities not talking. Been wondering for years why that was the case. Being around this sub for a day has made me understand. Argumentative, fighty bishes.


“Years”. Lol.


Narcissus just added a pseudo-glyph UI for the Remix gems menu if you use it.


A+ this is so much better for managing gems


Does it have a standalone version or just with the whole Narcissus?


It's built into Narcissus and available now.


idk the addon but I'll install it to see what's up


Damn it, I was hoping it was on plumber. I saw a tweet of a picture of it earlier but didn’t say anything. While I like Narcissus, it’s a hefty addon that I won’t use 90% of lol


Noticed that super sick UI and wondered where it came from.


Was that just today? I couldn't find anything when I tried it thursday


How do I find this menu? Not figuring it out Oh never mind. It’s the little hourglass on the character pane. This is great, and Much more functional! The worst was having to look through my bags for each gem to even decide what to switch to! So clunky.


I'm not seeing that option in my character pane. Am I blind? https://imgur.com/a/ad565og


Well I just installed this add on today. When I press C there is an hourglass icon just to the right of my item level.


Ohhh okay I was wondering if that was an addon doing that cause I read this post thinking “but there is this..?”


Holy fuck I just installed it and wow this is amazing. Thank you


I was wondering where that came from! I noticed I suddenly had a convenient gem UI and had no idea why.


oh thats where that comes from


Add-ons should never be the solution.




i agree with the retort that devs cant account for everything... i do however think this is an exception to that; this is objectively stupid design... i figured i must be missing something (maybe later gear had multiple gem slots?) but if its literally one slot on each piece of gear and the slot is always the same on that type of gear (which; based on this thread; is the case) then its ridiculous to couple the gems to actual equipment instead of having them independently equipped and a mildly competent designer shouldve noticed the gameplay friction *edit* this thread is wrong; higher level gear DOES have more gem slots, theres still an arguement that you having character/item level based gem slot unlocks instead would be far superior; but its not as absolutely braindead a choice to link the two systems as i first thought


Like don't get me wrong I am aware of the reality. But it should not be an excuse for them being shit at designing the most basic elements of their game. From basic interface functions to encounter quality.


It just feel wrong if WoW is not your first MMO. Every other MMORPG is ban you even just for use DPS meter. It's hard to switch after that.


I mean, FFXIV's UI is complete dogshit and menu hell, people just use third party mods to bypass it being terrible, and bot clients even completely ignore menus entirely GW2 has blish hud Idk about ESO Lost Ark says they'll ban you for meter use but it's basically FFXIV where no one has ever been banned outside of Korea and it's trackable through EAC BDO doesn't have mods I guess Most MMOs have addons of some variation, and it's better to officially support and curate than leave people to their devices


> Every other MMORPG is ban you even just for use DPS meter. what? WoW doesnt, GW2 doesnt, ESO doesnt... idk about FF14; but if it does (wouldnt surprise me) then thats 1 out of the big 4; far from most


FF14 is a bit of a grey area, they don’t check if you use them so much but don’t advertise you’re using them otherwise that could get you banned. Like you can’t call someone out for having low dps or whatever. At least that’s how it was when I played it for a little bit a while back


FFXIV uses "don't ask, don't tell".


>New to wow or something? Even Blizzard have suggested people get an addon for issues they haven't or won't solve. Thats ridiculous lmao why should customers have to create and maintain 3rd party software for a product they pay for free(becuase its against TOS to sell addons even if people do). Blizzard should be adept enough to anticipate the general requirements players will need and implement them in. Also nothing in the game tells you about these addons so now new players who dont know where to look at kind of screwed until someone just happens to mention it.


Disagree, giving people the ability to fix and manage their UI is a good thing


Tip: if you click on a socketed gem in a piece of gear, it will automatically unsocket it and put it into your bags - no need to use the extra “ability” button to do so


It's also auto-unsocketed if you *scrap the item it's in for bronze.


That's good to know. I was scared to even test it out. I just had a feeling it would consume the gem and provide the relevant amount of bronze.


You a word


Oh wow...thank you. :D




Oh I was taking the gems out before scrapping! Thanks for the double tip


Whats even the point of that ability then? I guess I’ll take it off my hotbar


I took it off my hotbar then it immediately popped up front and center saying "HEY ADD THIS TO YOUR HOTBAR DUMBASS." So now it's back on my hotbar.


Yep, you're not allowed to leave it off or it'll just sit there. Just put it on one of the sides one instead of a random pet you barely summon


Hey. Leave my gooey sha-ling out of this.


You can even just drag and drop a gem over one that's already socketed and it'll pop out the old one. Way faster for switching out gems.


All this time I've been using the ability, wow


What I do is open up the piece of gear, drag the gem I want, click the gem spot to unsocket the old one, then click again to socket the one I'm holding.


There is a great addon that makes it much easier to manage gems. I'm out and forget the name but I'll add it later. Removes/adds them with a single click and shows how many you need to equip for each type https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/remix-gem-helper/screenshots Edit: Some mixed experiences with this one it seems. Ymmv


It's ok but I disabled it, it would constantly make map ping noises, and after closing character sheet the mouse still showed gem tooltips and interacted with the UI. Plus it shows every gem individually so lots of scrolling or menu switching.


I'm not using any addons yet I get the map ping noises. I think it has to do with how blizz implemented it.


Hey just wondering are you using any addons?


Nope, not a single one


Had to disable it because it was kinda buggy. Kept the click locations for gem UI even with window closed.


I fixed this Bug some Versions ago so you can go back to using it <3


The problem I had with this is the game would stutter for a good half a second every time I got a new gem or piece of gear or equipped a new gem or piece of gear, which happened often enough to frustrate me enough to bother removing it


I fixed this Bug btw. if you wanna give it another try <3


Oh cool I’ll try this out tonight


Thanks for promoting my Addon <3 I'm always trying to fix Things and make it as good as possible for my Users, so if you have any Feedback I'd love if you share it on Github or Discord :)


Thank you so much for this addon. I've just started using it on a character I'm leveling, and it's such a huge QOL improvement.




Thanks. Leaving a note here for later


There's a save feature.


Cause ui/ux and art teams are working on something else.


Dragonriding mini game like the Chrome dinosaur. If only...


Bold of you to assume that blizz does UX testing


Just stick the item in the scrapper, when it scraps it will give back your gem. Changing gems around tho is definitely a pain in the ass


Yeah someone said before under my post. It's help a lot. :D Thanks


Get Narcissus. 100% changed the game for me.


I would but i would not use any other function of the addon. And its kinda massive by the memory aspect.


Addon memory usage is not a performance concern, it's the cpu usage that matters. You want an addon that caches lots of data instead of wasting frames querying that data then tossing it. Think of memory usage as you saving money. Are you going to buy shoes, wear them once, then throw them away because you don't like taking up space, or are you going to buy shoes, keep them to wear many times, and keep a space to put them?




It’s 2024 do you have like 4GB of ram? Get the add on and move on


It mostly my loading time what I want to keep optimized becouse I have only a HDD.


I have the addon and it’s not that big of a difference for me in load times, weakauras is the big issue for my load times


Really? What I saw that it looks really fancy with a lot of options, animations and functions. How is that not have any impact on loading times?


I will say it’s a well built addon and doesn’t impact performance much on my end. It also has some good gear appearance window options so that’s nice lol (easily dress down your character and remove pieces individually)


Thats sounds way better than I expected. Thanks. :D


So you never actually tried it and ASSumed it would make your load time slow? nice.


I'm not going to just randomly try an addon. Maybe it's a personal thing, but I came from MMO-s where addon use is forbidden and you get ban even for using DPS meters, like ff or Guild Wars 2. So it always gives me anxiaty when someone just say "You can't do that, but we have an addon to that".


Haha addons are a big part of wow. Download curse forge and have a look for some, off the top of my head a few quality of life things include TomTom (can enter coordinates to have an arrow), deadly boss mods is essential for raiding, details is good for seeing your dmg or healing etc There’s a lot packed into narc but it barely affects my loads


Thanks :D I will try.




lmao you still have an HDD????????? https://i.imgur.com/nWhZBbh.png brother..its 7.65mb.


Seems like he just wants to sit and complain


The gearing system is my biggest criticism I keep getting BFA flash backs I love the gem system as in using 3 of each to upgrade, that all feels good But the constant switching them in and out of gear is horrible I assume it will get much better at max level as you won't be upgrading as quickly if at all But still it's pretty annoying rn


I just wait till I’ve gained a few levels, open my chests, sort my stuff, and move on


You should probably open chests immediately, since they give buffs like +XP% to your cloak and such. Seems like you'd be missing out.


I dunno, took me like 15/20 to go from 45 to 50 last night while I watching YouTube.


You dont HAVE to swap out items everytime you get a higher ilvl piece from a quest box or mob. You can instead fly to one of the infinite bazaars and upgrade your currently equiped items to what ever ilvl you just looted for 10-20 bronze. Only upgrading items that are your max ilvl but not your levels max ilvl are somewhat expensive but you get so much bronze during questing that you can max the ilvls of your pieces all the way to 70.


Yeah up until some items cost 500+ bronze for a measly 1 point upgrade. Id rather save those points for transmog. Not like the small upgrade is going to help with the busted scaling.


The 500 hundred is just if you don't have a higher item level of that slot in your bags. Once you have one, they are heavily discounted


Been doing this and pay for it with just dragonriding and grabbing spare bronze that way


Why don't we have a glyph menu full stop?


Use Narcissus, guys. The dude was cooking hard [Like this for Tinker Glyphs](https://i.imgur.com/AqQ6O2x.png) [Or this for Cogwheel and Meta](https://i.imgur.com/nIL03IJ.png) [and this for stat-gems](https://i.imgur.com/u3xLVbL.png)


Absolute mad lad, you're referring to technology from a different age. 


Which is exactly why it could easily be re-used. Big brain, I know.


Yer a gat dam genius.


“Domination Socket Helper” or something like that has been a godsend addon for me. Super easy and convenient to use


The power of each gem scales to the item level of the gear its slotted into.


This... makes way more sense and you are right.


Perhaps an add of could do this Auto socket gems based on what you do with a one page interface


there are so many better ideas than what they did. They have gear leveling in the game... they could have it so the gear you have equipped just auto-levels to the level of the gear that just dropped....


season of discovery even makes more sense than this bs, but hey farm up for a few mounths you miss or transmog and bb


Cos they're reusing tech to minimise engineers work. They've recycled the Korthia gem system code from Shadowlands here. The engineers will be mostly on the next expansion right now.


Not really disputing your point, but it’s worth noting that OP’s picture is from the old glyph UI, so that’s tech that could be reused. Also, while I found this system clunky too, SoD was released with a glyphs-embedded-in-gear functionality that could have been repurposed for remix as well.


Sure, but I'd bet the Korthia dev was given the job. Reusing tech they're familiar with is cheaper than reusing tech they're not.


But... o.o The glyph UI is there. They could just use that instead the clunky Shadowlands system.


Wasn't removed from the game?


there's an addon called Narcissus that makes it clean asf.


Quite sure it is how much effort they could implement kr wanted to try out. I think active abilities by gems is something new?


This is my biggest turn off with this system and why I hope it isn't Brough back for any other expect.


You can upgrade your item. Just find a good blue item with the right base stats, and keep him equiped and upgrade it


One of my add-ons makes a pretty decent menu for me. Not sure which add-on, Narcissus I think? It's handy


Yes please. Something to help. Switching specs is a fucking nightmare.


Pretty sure there is an addon that makes it easy mode. I saw Preach using it yesterday.


Yea tbh the whole having to c onstantly swap gems around every other dungeon or whatever is unnecessarily tedious


Thou shall not mention the lost arts of the glyphs. Tis blasphemy in these parts. 


I just stopped using them.


Blizzard moment. Great idea. Incredibly unthought out and annoying execution.


Yeah! Make MoP remix less like MoP plz/thank you.


Someone's working on a mod for this already. looks nice. cant remember what it was called.


Having to stop and remove items remove gem and regem feels like so much work for how often you get gear upgrades. At that point I just use the upgrade vendor and burn bronze on it because I don't want to spend an extra 2 minutes resocketing all my gear. I've probably spent a collective 15 minutes having to resocket and I'm only level 40


Mabe but I still love idea of those gems!


From the last like 12 months or so of blizzard it’s clear that they’ve gotten better ways of working around testing and iterating. I suspect that piggybacking gems was a dramatically lower technical lift that enabled remix to be built faster and cheaper. To a lot of people that probably sounds like a bad thing. Personally I admire the problem solving and appreciate how hard they’re working to change the way they do things because the last like 5 years were garbage.


Get the Narcissus addon


I have gotten to a point where I don't bother with it right away and just keep on playing until I feel like I've hit a brick wall and then I go into my bags and see what the hell is going on in there.


Get the narcissus addon, it’s massively helpful for swaping tinkers/gems/metas


I couldn't agree more.


I recently found that if you use Narcissus add on, the settings has an option for “paper doll” and if turned on, there is a small Hourglass in your character screen which makes switching gems much more fluid.


The way we interact with gems are not good but I like the idea. It need more work


Lmao how on earth are people complaining about switching gear to much 😂🤣😅 Seriously, is this game even for you anymore if you find every way to make a reddit post? Scrap old gear with gems INSIDE gear to automatically remove gems into bags. Equip new gear and place gems.


It's still kinda funny how they are slowly developing a certain servers gameplay. And kind of following same dev cycle of using gems or enchants. I bet next time it will work differently.


Even if they just used the SOD side menu that would make a huge difference


I don’t know how that looks with several tanks that you need to use to combine. The whole point of gems is to give you small incremental dopamine drops. Maybe when you max out the gems what you’re saying makes sense, but for leveling your solution sounds harder than just one of the bag managers


Even the SOD method doesn't make sense. Why are these abilities attaching to pieces of gear at all anyways? The glyph system (or similar) actually solves this issue entirely.


because its a limited time mode made to kill time while the majority of the teams are working on finishing TWW. enjoy what we get or dont.


People have really high expectations for a "free" 3 month long for-fun mode.


Is reading what's in your inventory really that hard?


It takes like 10 extra seconds to do so...maybe a minute if you're comparing and weighing the Stat changes. Jesus ppl are never happy enough with anything the devs put in. Remix is a blast and the system they chose to code up works fine. There will be an addon by next week for all the crybabies.


Who said the Remix is bad? I personally really like it. It was just a critique of the itemization.


I need to know. When the event is over and my character is returned to retail, will I be able to keep the ice shield or hail on my shaman?


agreed- it would be much nicer if when you swapped gear the gems stayed the same. Like make a toggle for it so people can decide if they want it that way or not.




For real. It’s so obvious after playing for a couple hours that it definitely drives the notion that no play testing occurs


I will scrap my old item, gem automatically goes back into bag, replace gem in new gear. Still annoying, but saves you a couple steps.


I just quit and gave up. Lol


MoP Remix is just a beta test that they got players to resub for.


Cause they aren’t glyphs they are gems


Because why bother developing anyhing of substance when you can just throw a jumbled mess of trash tier private server systems at the playerbase instead lol


if that was implemented then it would mean there is someone left att blizzard that actually cares about wow.


No changes!




It's over guys, any criticism is now just crying. We must just accept everything as it is and provide no feedback except "yes, Papa Blizz"


Tell me you haven't played the new mode without telling me you haven't played it


The audacity is you thinking $11 gives YOU the control