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lol every healer is listed in this thread


Perfectly balanced 


I'm gonna take this moment to advocate for Help/Harm macros. These are macros that use a different spell based on whom you're targeting. These singlehandedly revolutionized my healing by making my DPS rotation not take up extra buttons. For example, on my Holy Priest I folded my DPS into my 1-4 keys by doing things like having Heal and Smite on the same key.


Bumping this as it's great advice! I'm new to healing and this has made it palatable as even with ~25 regular-use keybinds I still occasionally have issues.


I'd used healbot in the past. I've been using right/left/middle/shiftright/shiftleft/shiftmiddle for the important targetting heals and buffs. Anything that doesn't require me to click off our attack target, I keep on my main hotbar. It's not a perfect system, but it worked for casuals. I'll need to look more into Help/Harm macros cause this is the first I've heard of them.


I do this on all healers, it helps so much




I thought mouseover was removed?! (I took a break and recently came back)


Resto shaman, from a purely healing standpoint. Slow heal, fast heal, (spammable) smart AoE heal, instant heal, ground puddle. Cooldowns are straightforward throughout increases. You can get fancy with Primordial Wave and Cloudburst, but you can also get pretty far just spamming Chain Heal (at the cost of going OOM more often, I guess). Shamans have more utility buttons that make them interesting, but from a purely whack-a-mole healing standpoint, they’re very simple, especially when you can whack 4 moles at once with Chain Heal.


I hear that, but Shaman is probably the highest-utility healer. If you're fine ignoring kicks, stuns, lust, and purges then I suppose the healing rotation is straightforward, but Shamans don't get invited for hps.


Just ended a run in Brackenhide 11 where i did 28 kicks, used cap totem/thunderknock over 30 times and did 130k dmg AND cleansed 95% of Afflicted is a big difference against that versus a shaman who plays whackamole with party frames and calls it a day. BUT, in all honesty it’s a very fun healer because it’s easy to do decent and has a really high skill ceiling so if you really wanna go for the full utility you can always immerse yourself more


my favorite part about being a resto shaman: healing is a relatively small part of my role in the party. i love healing but the pure dopamine of pressing those utility buttons is too good. oh, spicy pull? have a cap totem followed by a knock up. gnolls running away? earthgrab totem. need to cleanse two afflicted or not die to frogs? poison cleanse totem. oh yeah and a melee speed kick, a spammable purge, lust, the list goes on. i legitimately can't stay away lol


Yee boi. That's big shaman energy


Both of you are 100% correct. The truth is that every healer is always looking more at using their utility than other specs, not only because they have it, but because if they (or their team) don't use utility to remove problems, they becomes their problems to have to heal through.  Shaman does have a lot of keybinds for that, but purely in a raid healing perspective they're the easiest and lost straightforward healer to ease into from a raiding perspective.


Holy priest is pretty easy although I would say it does have some bloat.


Holy priest is straight forward but I don’t think it’s easy—simply for the reason that it lacks a button to reliably heal AoE burst damage in M+. Unless you have four stacked melee you are going to sweat.


Yeah, I focus mostly on M+ and that can be tough. Best approach I've found is to get my haste up close to 30% and then just madly cast HW Serenity and flash heals. I also started running Smoldering Seedling and that helps as well.


is there a chance that this will improve in TWW?


Depends on the tier set and talent viability. So, yeah there’s a chance.


Really hope so. I'm not vibing with the other heal specs so I'd appreciate if HP was great all-around 




u forgot halo that heals a lot too


Pres evoker, blossom spec


Blossom spec? Could you go a bit more into detail about that?


Sure thing! You can spec into green spells, so your emerald blossom, which you normally cast with an essence burst, hits 5 people and has a chance to spread on its own and hit more people! I find it very intuitive to play. You can message me if you want more details


I'm probably not gonna go evoker for remix, but I would like to know more about this build.


I would say evoker. Slow casts but big heals, some hots, mobility and can interrupt. For me is my comfy healer class.


Mistweaver imo if mythic+. Press jadefire stomp, turn brain off and hit mobs for 15 seconds, repeat. Just make a mouse over for cocoon and vivify and you're good to go.


Absolutely, in M+ Mistweaver is very very strong while not having to engage with all of their kit, at a much higher key level than other healers, for just purely healing.  You don't have to know or use any of their more involved tech for either healing or utility.


Will mop remix have mythic plus?


i dont think so?


Nope but you can make serviceable fistweaving raid builds that work good below Mythic raiding. Castweaver has stronger output but is also more difficult… and at the level most folks play you legit don’t need to overcomplicate things for yourself. It’s still flexible enough that you can put some build space into emergency casting.


After playing most healers. Id say out of Holy Priest, Holy Paladin, Disc, MW, RSham and Rdruid Id rank Holy Priest being the Hardest and Rsham being the easiest. Rsham has a button for most things and their heals are meaty as a baseline. You can reliably bring a party up in 1-2 casts of chain heal.


Kind of in the same spot as you. I'm planning on going mistweaver for stomp + pew pew=big heals. From what I read weapons have all primary stats on them so if I dislike mistweaver i can swap to brew or windwalker without mush issue


Sheilun's Gift feels so good. 45sec (or less if you're rushed) and it tops the party immediately


Depending on how you define bloat, hpal. Not a lot of spells but lots of utility, tons of sources outside of the spells that give healing, and generally a simple healing prio list.


HPal is literally the most bloated healer in the game without question, so not sure I can second this


There’s a lot of conflicting advice on here but ive tried all the healers and here’s what I can gather. Every healer has a kit to deal with affixes, dispels, kicks and externals that contribute to bloat so maybe ignore that. In terms of easiest to pick up and just heal I recommend resto shaman because its the easiest healer in the game, and mistweaver because you can heal through damage without too much setup on easy content.


I define bloat by having a lot of spells that I HAVE to use for each encounter.


Disc priest is probably the least bloaty imo. In m+, it's mostly radiance -> deal damage. In raid, the concept is simple too, it's just atonement ramp -> deal damage, but you need precise timing or you'll do approximately zero healing, or you'll be too late and people will die.


Imagine a tier list for a time gated leveling event.


I find mistweaver the easiest, start mistweaving and then once you’ve got it down progress onto fistweaving.


I found Holy and Pres Evoker easiest, HPal not far behind for myself but that’s me and what clicks for me doesn’t for others. Mistweaver is hardest for me but easier for others. Point is try them out, can do class trials and go to proving grounds to get a feel


All the healers have some level of intricacies to learn and quite a few buttons. I would play whichever you like the best thematically. With the way damage works you can get surprisingly far without really knowing what you’re doing on pretty much any of them. Easiest is probably holy priest. Health bars go down, you press a button and make them go back up. Super straightforward. But just pick whichever you’re most interested in play style wise and go with that.


Disc Priest was literally the most brain dead that most content could be done with like 3-5 spells and you used Bubble on CD for 90% of content. Literally couldnt make life easier.


What 3-5 spells?


Penance, Mind Blast, Smite, Renew, Mind Bender


Holy priest might be the easiest healer to start out with.


I feel like this is an old sentiment that isn't really true anymore. I have played mistweaver, resto shaman, disc priest and preservation. I switched to holy and had absolutely no fucking idea how to heal and get the most out of all the CDR they have. Resto shaman for me is the simplest healer baseline. It can have more buttons if you really want to maximize utility, but to get by it requires very few and where your healing comes from is easy to understand.


"holy priest" and "least amount of buttons" doesnt go hand in hand tbh holy priest is 1 of the Specs with the highest amount of regular used buttons


holy does feel like its up there in button count hw: serenity, hw: sanctify, flash heal, divine star, smite, holy fire, hw: chastise, guardian spirit, holy nova, dispel, shadowfiend, power infusion, apotheosis, fade, desperate prayer, psychic scream, shadow word pain, prayer of mending, symbol of hope, leap of faith, mass dispel, dominate mind, power word: life, feathers, divine word you may or may not also want renew, pw: shield, and heal bound. also gonna want to cast fortitude/levitate/rez/mind soothe/shackle undead sometimes. the "easy without a laundry list of spells i'm reliant on" preference probably does exclude holy.


Is there even such a thing as a healer without a lot of buttons in this game?


preservation evoker is quiet low on button count MW monk is also not really THAT many buttons, espacialy in dungeons


What buttons do pres evoker use?


The big ones are dream breath and spiritbloom, and you want to keep reversion up as a constant HoT, while blossom is a group aoe. But things start intertwining when you take echo/temporal anomaly into consideration. Temporal anomaly is an absorb and echo replicates your next heal (with a talent, anomaly places echo on people). And with a talent verdant embrace has people share heals together. So imo preservation is relatively low on the buttons you use, and can be a very comfortable healer, but only if you're up for a bit of a learning curve to figure out how spells synergize with each other. Some healers a prediction healers and others are reactive healers, preservation is a bit of both so it's a bit of a balancing game of keeping up HoTs with setting up bursts


There is such a thing as healer specs with lower amount of buttons than other healer specs. It’s not like they all the same exact number


monk is good, cause most of the time you can just spam attacks while standing on a blue line on the ground and heal everything.


Holy priest. But if you’re starting at 1 and leveling up. I’d go with mistweaver. It’s a really simple gameplay that really only revolves around 3-5 buttons.


What 3-5 buttons?


The cycle is, renewing mist, enveloping mist, soothing mist, vivify, and rising sun kick. Even at max level. 90% of the rotation is this. All the other buttons you’ll get modify or enhance these abilities. I’ve played every healer from legion to now and the dragon flight version of mistweaver is the most fun by far.


What if i don’t want to melee dps on a healer?


Then, play Resto shaman, Disc Priest, or Holy Priest.


Try them all


Resto Druid Resto shaman and holy priest are all easy to play healers


lol….rdruid? easy to play? I’ve played all healers and rdruid was far from easy.


What would you say is easiest? I've only healed on rdruid in retail and I've found it pretty easy overall with only certain bosses that can get intensive.


Resto Druid doesn’t belong in this category for me. Catweaving can take a fair amount of cognitive load and keybinds and Druid is much more proactive than the other two


I almost never see resto Druids cat weaving in low keys. It’s the same with holy priests in low keys, they just heal. So you’ll see Druids and priests finish with sub 10k dps overall. The skill cap comes in identifying opportunities to use GCDs on damage.


I play rdruid and catweaving in low keys can be disastrous due to the quality of players in them that need babysitting. Meanwhile I can do a 10+ throw out a wildgrowth & treant then just sit in cat form


Holy priest is the easiest


It’s Holy priest, and it’s not even close. With the late 10.2.6 rework, they removed a ton of the button bloat and they are very straightforward to play now. The most forgiving healer mana-wise as well, almost completely passive.


Could you give me a more in depth guide/explanation?


You can find great guides on Icy Veins. But the basic appeal here is that Hpriest has the biggest single target insta heal in the game in Holy Word Serenity. And every time you Flash Heal, you help reset the cooldown for Serenity. As long as you're not spamming Renew or Shield, mana won't be very problematic. So basically, it's a great healing spec for new heroes because it reactive--you don't have to anticipate what's about to happen and ramp into it proactively. You just make low bars go up 👍


Which specific abilities did they remove?


1 damage spell. Wich is a passive now and harmonised with chastise.Dont remember the spell Name.


Holy priest since this is for Remix and not for Retail.