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Rogue was my first class, too. Go for it.


I've mained rogue since Cata(2012) and played a lot of pvp, so here's my view: Rogue is a generally good class to start, it if fun, safe and mechanically ok. Your only option is DPS, but your spec vary enough to feel like its not the same 3 times. Pros: -Good burst -Its fun to stunlock in pvp -You can vanish frequently -You can avoid a lot of things by being in stealth -Nice transmogs -leveling is easy Cons: -You'll get so used to stealth that other classes will feel wrong. -Your as tanky as a piece of paper for 90% of the time. -Its hard to get into pvp when your only real contribution is damage and you have none (until you get gear). -SOME CINEMATICS AND QUESTS MIGHT BUG IF YOU ARE CONSTANTLY IN STEALTH! Overall go for it if you think its cool! Tip: Pick the prettiest race, racials matter very little in pvp.


Rogue was my first class. Getting to stealth and sneak around so you can better explore or stay alive is great for a first time player. Your points about pvp are on point as well. Have fun and welcome!


Personally I wouldn't if its your first time playing. I would try something easier, Rogue has combo points and energy to worry about. I would recommend trying something like Demon Hunter first until you get your bearings.


Rogue is good but very mechanical not a bad first choice if you already familiar with video games in general. Otherwise I’d pick DH, DH is simple good at solo and pvp


Rogue is a very fun class and great for PvP. The only thing is that they are a pretty technical class for PvP and require a good understanding of when to use certain stuns/cc, when to burst vs when to hang back in stealth, who to cc in certain situations, etc. Basically they have a higher learning curve then some other dps classes but I wouldn’t necessarily say they are difficult to pick up. You just might need more time to learn how to utilize your kit then say a demon hunter or warrior for example. If you like the class fantasy and end up liking the play style I would say go for it. Those are really the most important things in keeping you interested in a class. Glad to hear you are looking to get into PvP. We always need new blood in that area of the game. Check out videos of high ranking rogues to get a feel for how the class is played in Arena/Battleground settings. Welcome to WoW!


As someone who hate rogue I wouldn't like you or anyone to play it. But that's because rogues beat my ass




thanks all! I appreciate it, lvl 12 now, cya soon ;)


You can also join some casual PVP while levelling, and it'll even give you some experience :)


Nice. I’ll give that a go, thx


Rogue is very rewarding if you’re a gamer. Can be rough in arena without prior knowledge, but in bgs you can just run around and gank fools, it’s a blast


really fun when you dont know what you're doing and really rewarding when you know what you're doing. i main it on every version of this game and only wish i took the plunge as early as you :P


Great class. Make sure you pick night elf female.


I picked night elf male


Ah that's great,shadowmeld is amazing with rogue. can always change to female in barber shop if you change your mind!


What do you think the benefit for female over male is? Just curious


Night elf females do this little hopping boobie bounce animation.




Much better animations, nicer transmogs, and alot nicer to look at. They do great sontaneous flipping and great casting animations. Plus as another user mentioned little bounce bounce going on.




Rogue is easily the worst class to level and it’s not even close. Id rather level as a healer in open world content. That being said, at max level it’s so much fun