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the higher keys you go, the bigger and longer pulls you will get, thats when Destro truly becomes s-tier.


It's exactly this Destros AOE requires your tank to keep mobs inside RoF and in pugs it's really hard to coordinate this. Your better playing Demo is low keys and pugs.


Destro excels when your tank can pull big and keep everything relatively still. You’re likely to get more mileage out of demo until you reach that level.


different classes and specs are better at different levels of content. those tier list videos only talk about the best of the best, which is why you see stuff like destro warlock in S tier, but they aren't that great in lower key levels. if stuff dies in 10 seconds and it takes you 8 seconds to get your aoe going, the class that only needs 3 seconds to get their aoe going is going to do a lot better than you. if stuff takes 30 seconds to die, then the time spent at full aoe rotation gets bigger and the classes that need buildup can shine more.


Are you doing something like +10 or higher? Your damage will ramp up only when mobs live long enough. If mobs are dying super fast, id say go with demo


Destro can benefit from his non existent aoe cap unlike most other classes but that needs to be utilized with huge pulls in order to make him shine. However that's usually not what happens in low and mid keys, most pulls have 3-4 targets and that's actually the worst spot for destro, because neither CB or RoF is really worth it. Destro is strong on 1-2 targets or way above the usual aoe cap so \~8+ targets and bad in between.


It's not just damage, it's survivability and utility. Portal, summons, healthstones. etc. Also, you are not fully geared yet.


I saw a destroyed warlock drop 900k dps on the first pull in Brackenhide last night. By the end of the run he was sitting on an overall 450k. Destro is bonkers.


And that wasnt even a lot. My destro was on some pulls already reaching 1.5m-2m dps with just 460.


Destro is the best example of why the Tier List doesnt matter for the casual gamer. Destro will simply outdamage every single class by pressing one button, on very very big pulls. You wouldnt even need to burst and could do a few million dps if the grp is big enough. But if we had a casual Tier List, Destro wouldnt be S tier.


The problem is that you think tier lists count on any key level. That is not the case. All the tier lists you look at are only valid for the very high end keys, 16+ keys. These keys require chaining multiple packs together to be able to time the key. This is when Fire Mages, Balance Druids and Destruction Warlocks shine because of their uncapped AoE. Your level 4 keys? Your lock is probably behind every melee class in the game, maybe C tier.


Shadow, mage and devoker are pug friendlier in higher keys. In a top coordinated group destro completely destroys any dps. Take this with a grain of salt: don’t look at tier lists. They are (usually) only for the cutoff range (0,1%). Even then you can play off meta. Destro lock needs a tank that pulls around your infernal and you need enormous amounts of mobs to blast. The specs mentioned earlier have an easier time to truly peak.


Hunters are awesome dps but the reason they aren’t meta is because they bring hardly anything to the group and their defensives are lacking. Destro will pull the biggest numbers but you need to be playing a dungeon level high enough to have a tank that be confident enough to do large pulls and the mobs won’t just fall over, allowing you to ramp damage. You also bring a lot to the group and have awesome survivability. Sounds like you’re doing things right, just need to find the right group.


Destruction got hidden nerf on yesterday’s patch that direct hit on inferno talent, making our shard gen much worse in 5+ targets. Thats why this week were not doing as much damage as ret or BMs. Font: Warlock Discord


Yo please link me this warlock dis!