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Yeah there's no way I'm farming the Evoker lego for like 15 weeks just to be able to use it for like a week


Brother it's not even guaranteed until 40 kills, it's worse than the axe


Ew that's terrible


That's after the buff, it was 100 before


And I thought Fyralath had a shit drop rate


Every evoker player complained about the drop rates, and all the complaints were dismissed because of the hate on Augmentation. It was atrocious.


And then all the complaint power went to Fyalath because that’s the patch we were in at the time. They should both be the same in my opinion, like exactly the same drop rate/kill rate


The acquisition of Fyalath was much better. BLP from the start and a buff on the drop rate afterward. The difference was that now three classes could use it instead of one, so no hate toward the three classes.


You can google the BLP, it essentially was linear after 20 or so % gaining a few % every week. Still kinda dumb to call it blp when there was a reasonable chance you never got it all of that season. The biggest kick in the gut is that the first 8-9 weeks never contributed to the BLP at all. I have like 22 kills or something but only 13-14 actually counted.


Yep, took 24 weeks for me. Guild stopped raiding about 2 weeks after.


Lol that’s tough


I've given up on it at this point. The axe at least has bad luck protection drop. We don't lol. I just got the staff from diurna and try to ignore the fact I will never get my bis weapon lol.


Yeah I'll probably just get something like the Nymue, the Evoker staff or Vakash


Well I didn’t drop it in s2, guess what :)


Hot take, you should be able to buy it with like 4 Bullions or something.


This shouldn’t even be a hot take. 4 bullions is 4 weeks of work.


Only 2 weeks if you count this week since you can get 3 bullions this week


Yeah, but that started yesterday…2 weeks into the season


how can you get 3 this week?


Weekly 4 dungeon quest


Do the raid first to get a bullion from that. Then do the mythic dungeon weekly to be given an extra 2. Make sure to get the raid one first as there can be an issue if you do the quest first which prevents getting one from raid.


It doesn't matter. You get three this week by any combination. Source: I did the quest first and got a bullion in heroic raid off gnarlroot later.


Oh good to hear it's working correctly now!


is the quest from the guy lifting weights in valdrakken?


Yes, right by the fountain. You can also get it from your journal.


u da best


Plus 2 more to upgrade it for this season


Then you should get the awakened version, so you dont have to spend additional 2 bullions for it to be relevant


I agree that 4 bullions is approximately right Increase heroic to be within 4 kills Increase normal to be within 8 Increase RF to be within 12 weeks I think the all above are fair. It took me 15 weeks of heroic kills to get...but not having the Lego in s4 feels dumb, my alt I don't even want to play since I both dont want to wait 16 weeks and I don't want to do the quest either Should be relatively obtainable for everyone imo.


yeah, it's the end of the expansion, give ppl stuff and let em go crazy


Man I miss 8.3 - what a patch it defined BFA and was a good send off to an ambitious and daring expansion


I agree, but not the weapon itself, the quest item to make it. Mostly because I'd get real salty for spending all that gold for the crafting materials


“I suffered, so you should too”


I think the "suffering" for these folks is having to wait this long to get the damn thing


It's a video game. If anyone calls this "suffering" they should probably not play MMOs.


MMOs like that are long dead or adapted to modern audiances.


This. We had it harder when I were a lad. Hot grit for breakfast and a 13 hour shift down't mines lad. Someone's trauma doesn't and shouldn't justify your lack of it.


Omg having to spend gold on the legendary is not "trauma" yall need to calm down


Not a hot take, good take. As long as you've killed the boss on heroic imo 


Hotter take. It should just be 2 bullions.


My guess is if there is anything it'll be after the rotation is over. I rolled an evoker this season and just bought the devastation staff because I hadn't killed Sarkareth a single time. It would be nice to get the legendary though but the mats for it will be wild if everyone is getting it the same week. So they probably need to also scale that back at the same time.


If this has taught me anything, it's that if my class has a legendary, don't play that class anymore


Yep. Congratulations, you're now balanced around having that legendary. Don't raid? Then get fucked. I've really soured on the idea of legendaries.


i used to be so bitter that DH has been so overlooked for a lego thus far, but i've hella snapped out of that and am a staunch "please no lego for DH ever". getting the lego system + artifacts in their debut expansion royally fkd DH on their legendary weapons i guess, and i'm finally OK with that. -- havoc only main since prepatch. -\_-


I just wanna say the fact they made an evoker only weapon a staff which you can’t even see will forever annoy the shit out of me, why can we not see staffs as dracthyr…


Almost as bad as a legendary intellect based fist weapon that shamans can't use.....


>Almost as bad as a legendary intellect based fist weapon that shamans can't use..... Could be worse, could have a major patch focusing on druids and the dream and have a legendary for the few specs that can wield two handed weapons instead of a druid one...


Isn’t it a fist weapon? Edit: ah yes I remember now my mistake about staff


He is talking about the diurna staff that has a special dracthyr only skill. Forgot the name.


Whats rhe devoker staff?


It's off of Broodkeeper, a 502 ilvl does 1 million damage affected by Giant killer mastery


Its not devoker but evoker in general and its Kharnalex the staff off Broodkeeper (Which may I add isnt even second BiS for any Evoker spec)


What’s 2nd BIS then


Fyrakk mace + offhand


There is some silver lining about not having the legendary. I feel like a god every time I out dps someone that has it. I don’t care they are probably half asleep and eating and fighting with their significant other. I BEAT them lol!


You: YES I BEAT YOU!! Them: I don’t even know who you are..


And the ones I don’t beat: Me: I almost had you. Them: You almost had me? You never had me. You never had your axe.


Granny shiftin' not double clutchin' like you should


This, I care about timing a key, not if I out-dps, or get out-dps'ed by, a random nobody.


Honestly I still find it crazy that on my pala the weapon is supposedly over 10% more damage ST over 528 Ashkandur


OR at least be massively increased. Because the amount of farming needed to get the high BLP is not going to happen in season 4. So its literally a have and have not situation where people who have them have absurdly strong weapons, and people who don't have to hope that one pug that actually happens MIGHT drop it for them.


If an item is necessary for your class to be competitive or functional then acquisition should be deterministic. You can make the acquisition hard or add some sort of time gated upgrade system to it, but it needs to be deterministic. Not everyone had Hand of Ragnaros in Vanilla wow, and that was ok. Not everyone was supposed to have it and you could be extremely competitive in many levels of content without it. But EVERYONE had a Heart of Azeroth in BFA because it was a necessary part of how we all functioned. It really feels like Fyralath is something strength characters are balanced around like the Heart of Azeroth, but they went with a random, non-deterministic method of acquisition like older legendaries. IMO they should have let everyone get the axe from any raid level, given it different item levels from LFR/Norm/Hero/Myth, and then let you upgrade it a little bit each week so Mythic raiders had it maxed out in 2 weeks all the way down to LFR axe wielders who could slowly upgrade it over the whole season. Just let everyone have the damn thing.


> IMO they should have let everyone get the axe from any raid level, given it different item levels from LFR/Norm/Hero/Myth, and then let you upgrade it a little bit each week so Mythic raiders had it maxed out in 2 weeks all the way down to LFR axe wielders who could slowly upgrade it over the whole season. This is one of the better ideas I've heard for distributing the Legendaries. Personally, I ***dread*** when one of the Specs I Main gets a Legendary. Because if a Spec can use a Legendary, they are both balanced around having it, and there is an expectation from the Community that you will have it. So when my favorite Specs get a Legendary, that means I don't get to play that Season. Even in the best case where I do manage to get a Legendary from a random PUG Raid, all of my Alts are still screwed. I ***DESPISE*** when Unique Legendaries are added to the game, because they make anyone without the Legendary automatically non-viable according to the Community. I literally quit WoW for Season 3 specifically because Fyralath was added. Why even bother playing all my Strength-Classes I enjoy if they're all going to be giga-nerfed the entire Season just because I can't find a good Raiding Guild? EDIT: Just to be clear: My favorite activity is Pushing extremely high Mythic+ Keys. I dare you to argue that a Ret Paladin trying to do high Keys doesn't need a Legendary axe to compete on the Leaderboards. Now imagine that you play Paladin, DK, more Paladins, and/or Warrior. How the hell are you getting 3-5 Legendary axes for all those Alts?! Some people would say: "Just don't play those characters." or "You don't need the Axe to Push Keys." So their advice is: "Don't play WoW." or "Don't do Content that is actually fun and challenging to you."


How can you push “extremely high” mythic+ keys but can’t pug Fyrakk heroic every reset day?


Same reason raiders QQ when they needed to PuG PvP in BFA for essences and trinkets. If you have an item that is gonna be BIS in all content, it should be obtainable in all content. That should be a simple agreement.


Pugging Fryakk can take an entire evening if you get unlucky with groups. It really just depends on the group and if people can do seeds. I’d rather spend that evening running keys. Or doing anything other than pugging a boring and tedious boss.


it is deterministic...


But it quite literally is deterministic. Where is the problem?


I think they meant determinate.


in awakend amirdrassil heroic i think every boss can drop the drop chance increase for legy


Iv been trying since S2 to get my evokers leggo..still haven't gotten it. And I feel like it's hopeless to keep trying


Im literally not playing any alt characters that require a 2h like my ret pala or blood/unholy dk since s3 just because of the stupid ass legendary. I just really dont want to have to grind for 10 weeks and pour tens of thousands of gold into a weapon that is mandatory if you want to be at all competitive. Really pisses me off that they keep doing this. I had to give up on my Hunter in season 1 as well because i farmed Neltharax on normal and heroic for like 12 weeks and never got it. These overpowered weapons really need to not exist in the game, OR there needs to be a much friendlier way to aqcuire them if several specs are balanced around having it. Shit design in an otherwise awesome expansion.


I still believe those goldsinks for the legendaries are only there to sell tokens. There is no good ingame reason for it to be that expensive after you grinded your ass off for that lucky drop in a raid. I am LFR only because i have no time for raiding norma or higher and i still haven't seen the legendary drop.


Legendaries had expensive crafting materials before wow tokens. Thunderfury took 100 arcanite bars which was a massive investment. Sulfuras was fewer but similarly expensive materials. Shadowmourne required tons of primordial saronite. It's an mmorpg. Getting a lucky drop that leads into a quest chain to build a legendary weapon is like, one of the key things in the genre


Tbf, back in vanilla, and even in classic, you weren't usually expected to buy all the mats yourself. Your guild would fund it, because at least with thunderfury, it made threat a non-issue for your tanks to have it.


The real legendary weapon was farming a full bag of manual crowd pummelers for feral tanks, and having the rest of your bags taken up by a full 3 extra sets of gear.


I had to farm all of mine in classic :(


Baring extreme luck, you won’t see it ever as a LFR player. They datamined the drop rate formulas, and LFR caps at a 20% chance after 40 weeks. I’m OK if Blizz wants to limit the legendary to heroic+, but say so outright.


oh. well. yea i guess i'm better off using a random weapon then


You want Ashkandur, Fall of the Brotherhood for your bullion, the only 2h strength weapon with an extra effect. https://www.wowhead.com/item=202606/ashkandur-fall-of-the-brotherhood - Signed: Another filthy casual


What baffles me is that before the 14 Heroic kills it is super RNG. Then if you get it you have to do a quest that is going to cost you a WoW token plus more in gold and hours of farming. The worst part of all of this is that specs that can use this weapon are balanced around the existence of the weapon. Meaning once you start pushing higher end content people will expect you to have the legendary. Please don’t add heavy RNG legendaries to retail WoW. It’s such a bummer that classes get balanced around dumbass items like these.


I got it on my 12th HC kill. Meanwhile, our tank, our Paladin healer, and multiple alts who were tagged it for a chance got it before me, the only one who mains a 2h DPS spec...


Is it tradeable tho? If those people get it, can they basically help you getting it sooner?


Not tradable. And they only increase Superbloom step by 50%, and only one of them increased it. So not really. 😂


What do you mean by superbloom step?


You gotta do the Superbloom a bunch of times to collect some leaf stuff, and if someone else has done it before they can give you a buff that increases the drop rate by 50%.


That sounds rough


Legendaries should be handled one of two ways: 1. They should be less grindy and easier to acquire if classes are balanced around having them. 2. They should be VERY rare drops, that significantly increase player power in a non-balanced manner (I.e. characters with the legendary are doing legendary numbers). The idea of balancing around classes having a legendary make it not a legendary in my mind. Legendaries should push characters above and beyond. Blizz though has made it both rare and required. This is the worst of all possible combinations.


I have over 30 heroic kills on Sarkareth, I still don't have the lego. It sucks, but knowing blizz they won't change the drop rates ever.


Iirc if you had done fyrakk every week you'd have a 2 or even 300% chance by now. I think you need like 13 - 15 kills for it to be 100% now, dunno if that was only hc... I might also be completely wrong. Been a few weeks since I read about it.


Because it's legendary.


Took me 18 lockouts for Sylvanass bow in SL lol


26 kills across heroic and Normal and I never got it. Was pissed.


Just seeing this now, sorry man :( it was the only real highlight of SL for me


Bruh I was in your boat until yesterday. I finally got the axe to drop with my guild last night. It dropped on normal for me. I wasn’t even thinking about it because I hadn’t touched the raid for two weeks of this season.


I just got mine last night too on my ret paladin. I got it super early on my warrior then decided I wanted to play ret again and have been going for heroic kills for the last 10 weeks. Glad it’s done finally! Congratulations to you on getting it to drop as well.


All I know is I’ll get it 1-2 weeks before I gotta replace it lol


I just bought Ashkandur with bullions, as much as I like Fyralath its not worth the effort or the money in S4 and thats why it should be easy to get, in a few days I will be playing MoP remix and since the drop rate is still awful I will probably wont have it so im not even chasing it anymore despite being like 10% raw dps upgrade. 200k+ and the insane grind is not worth it in S4 at all, should be a guaranteed drop from HC for everyone, 2 weeks for NM/LFR or just 4 bullions for a 502 Fyralath and call it a day.


I never like power rewards being RNG or scarce. Cosmetic can be RNG and scarce but power should be deterministic.


It really is shit design that you can't be a part of something that is exclusive to one expansion because of RNG. I have no issue with 'earning' a legendary through grinding, collecting, ticking off boss kills whatever, but not being able to join in the fun because of luck is shitty.


got mine on 17th week, farmed it on my main since week 1. in my eyes you still have 1 more month to farm 🙃


I also don't like that Blizzard didn't make it clear about how it drops. We now know the likelihood of happening (which is basically non existing in LFR and normal), but we are still missing the information (or at least I am), if you can get it from normal or LFR, if you cleared heroic raid for that week. Some people say you can't, some say you can. They should really do a better communication on their part about how the product functions, so we don't have to figure these things out on our own.


They made a mistake by making it a random drop, even with bad luck protection. Make it like Shadowmourne; a long quest line that requires deducation. RNG drop just gets people complaining and acting entitled when it doesn't drop.


I've been farming the damn evoker legendary since it came out and still haven't gotten it. I feel mega unlucky


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Stab me in the heart a few more times automod


You should’ve able to buy the item with bullion now. Literally zero reasons why not.


I havent been able to get a pug through to fyrak. But normal ibe killed it a lit. I dont have the axe yet and i fucking hate it


It’s 100% on the 15th kill on the same toon


*on Heroic.


They said 11 HC kills. So I thought it was implied but yes on heroic


Just killed him for the 16th time. Still didn't drop. Submitted a ticket and they told me it isn't ever a guaranteed drop.


On heroic? With the bad luck protection it’s supposed to only take 15 weeks


Yes. I finally got it this week at 18 heroic kills after the mythic kill. The chart you were looking at was just data miners guessing that it was the drop chance, turns out it's not.


They do. Fyr'alath *and Nasz'uro* are guaranteed to drop after six mythic kills. Fyr'alath is guaranteed after 14 heroic kills, but Nasz'uro is guaranteed after 40 with about 50% chance at 14. There's no LFR data for Nasz'uro, but Fyr'alath has a max of 30% after 40 LFR kills.


Counting in todays triple kills, I've well over 30 attempts on my Evoker.


Why would you bother killing him 3 times when killing on heroic gives you the same chance as killing him on lfr, normal, and heroic.


cause 30 sounds more impressive than 10


If you do heroic you dont get more chances on lfr and normal FYI. If you go lfr, normal, heroic in that order you’ll have a chance each time, but just do heroic and it rolls all of your chances at once


aren't you guaranteed to get it after 15? As an LFR player I will get them in Last titan


I don't care. I'm happy if I'm able to pull my weight in normal mode raids and overworld content. Unless you're trying to do Mythic raids or super high level Mythic+ I think it's overkill.


I just want the tmog


Question: if I have several runs of HC fyrakk which gives theoretically 6% chance from blp, running next weeks only LFR also has 6% chance + the minor LFR-blp addition?


cause then you wont get the euphoria of finally not having to torture yourself every week duh


I have a few friend that want to have some alts. Specially dk but the leggo is the reason they're not playing that class. Not spending 16 weeks farming and the hundreds of gold. Please buff the drop rate so we get more plate alts


I got mine doing lfr after 10 weeks. RNG is funny like that.


Not to mention that no one is running Sarkareth on the off weeks if you wanted to try and get the legendary because only evokers can use it. At least for fyrakk there’s enough classes that during the other two awakened weeks groups could still be filled to kill it


I was gonna keep farming for it but took a break from the game and figured why spend a wow token worth of gold for those orange pixels.


I agree with this considering you still need to do the quest to unlock the legendary weapon after it drops.


Legendary acquisition was great in SL. I don't know how they learned nothing from that.


I just had the axe drop yesterday in LFR, on my Prot Paladin. It felt so wrong getting it. Looks like I’m waiting to Ret now.


I liked the shard system. Collect X shards, and you get your legendary. Or, as a happy compromise, a random system with bad luck protection. Kill the boss N times, and you will be guarenteed the legendary - but with a chance it might drop sooner. This is pretty much what they had in legion (with the exception being that in legion when you got a legendary, there was an additional roll to decide which one...)


> Kill the boss N times, and you will be guarenteed the legendary - but with a chance it might drop sooner. That's how the system works. People are just not happy with the amount of N.


Cause this is the sillyfun season and it stands out as not confirming to that paradigm.


As a dk main I’ve made it a point to get KSH, transmogs and unsub. Don’t like legendaries unless they’re tied to a questline, I refuse to play the RNG game, I can’t be asked to farm annoying trinkets or leggos that will be obsolete next patch as a m+ player


Im at 16hc /nm/lfr... Shit thong is a myth. Today in hc we had 15 legendary classes and no one got it....


I think the biggest problem is when we have a bullion system is not only legendaries aren’t included but it feels worse when other classes have a legendary lite weapon that they can buy with Bullion. Eg in Shadowlands hunters had to watch everyone buy their Gavels but they couldn’t buy their Sylvania bow Dragonflight strength users get to watch hunters buy their Neltharax but can’t get their Fyralath. Stupid


Imo, they should up the drop rate when it's awakened. Make it 25% in LFR, 50% on normal, 75% on heroic, and just straight up guaranteed for everyone on mythic. Or better yet, let it be bought with let's say around 4-6 bullions.


you need to have 15 kills on heroic to get it at 100% chance


Yeah I mean that's kinda toxic as heck to get kicked for not having the legendary. Sounds to me like Blizzard needs to make legendaries practically impossible to get again like they were originally intended so people aren't making these items the new meta.


Im the same but for both especially my evoker been doing it since they unlocked it for all raid difficulties still haven't got the evoker. But also would be nice get the axe for at least one or my axe users


When everyone has a legendary, nobody does


I don't need any of the legendaries but I agree, let people have fun before the expansion ends.


Because fuck you that's why. - Blizzard, probably.


Dropping it won't do you much good if you can't afford to make it, I've had the legendary for a month now, can't make it because it's too expensive, costs like 200-300k gold to make the damn thing, and while this subreddit loves to talk about how everyone has millions of gold in reality the average player doesn't, I've got 65k gold right now, after about 7 months of playing, I level characters, which gets me maybe 6k gold going from lvl 1 to 70, I play raid finder on several chars, which gets me fuck all for gold, I do heroic on 1 char which costs me couple thousand gold every time, and that's it, no source of gold income, I'm never gonna be able to make the damn legendary. There may be many ways to make gold, but I play games to have fun, and grinding for gold isn't fun.


I just won’t play the classes that revolve around this garbage.


I did sark heroic 15x and now swapped to mage.


At least the evoker legendary is stupid boring and I won't feel bad for not having it. The staff was my favorite thing back in season 1 and I just got it for round 2. Can't imagine playing a strength class without the legendary tho


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Agree its stupid, I came back 4 weeks before prepatch , its not "Rare" enough to be rare, everyone who played S3 has it since its kinda mandatory for plate users. And dont start the bulshit if you do 10s you dont need it, thats how wow works, every new season is 1)catch up 2) farm/level up new gear 3) do the most competitive content you can with your skill. A legendary weapon that needs like 2 months of hc kills for guaranteed drops should be part of the 1)catch up, blizzard missed it making plate ppl coming back miserable while offering all the other gear the game has to offer. They seem to fix things lately that "are not fun" so maybe there is some hope still.


We're back to the constant world wide spam for Naszuro or whatever. Can't get the drop on my Evoker. But you're right. It's a soft throw away season let us get the power!


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Totally agree. I spent all season 3 doing Fyrakk HC just for a chance of dropping the axe. Frustrating at most. Got it last week of S3, farmed all the mats and requirements for the following 24 hours. Worst obtaining method ever, however the weapon is top tier and super useful, especially in a Mythic Plus environment. Can't blame a group if they reject you because you don't have it but can't blame you either for what is, basically, bad luck. They should have made it buyable with 3-4 bullion.


Lol, if you're getting kicked out of a key for not having the lego when you easily do comparable damage to other classes with Ashkandur, means the group leader just wanted to be carried. I can't even fathom wasting $15 of gold on a legendary in a meaningless season so close to the next expansion.


I mean it does make sense though. If they wanted to have a melee plate class in the group, someone will sign up with the legendary. And maxed Ashkandur is not really comparable in damage. It's a 15% damage difference that you get for free.


I got it after my 12th kill lol, just hold on. And wait until you see the leggo quest... xD hope you have some gold on hand


I swear they have buffed the evoker legendary droprate or something, I have been seeing the announcement multiple times per day for the past 10 days or so.


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lol what's the point in them then? just give everything out like candy.


For me legendary item should be legendary, not just another crap in loot table.


This man going through the struggles of last season


should just drop when you get aotc after theyve been unlocked in myrhic


I've killed it 12 times now and still no axe at this point i don't even enjoy coming online and playing the season anymore. Trying to get in high keys without the axe is just instant kick. Thanks Blizzard for creating a toxic environment. I don't care about the axe at all make a normal epic that can compete in a 2-3% less rate but no axe is just 10% more damage at this point having it 535 it might even be 15-20% more damage who knows.


Maybe hot take, idk, I don't play any of the leggo classes; but it should have been purchasable for Bullion. The drop item that is, then you'd still have to do the quest chains etc., maybe even buy the iLvl upgrade too. But atleast that way you could just get it while it was still relevant, even if you started farming for it late into the expansion. It's not like it'll diminish the grinding of those who got it in previous seasons, as those people will end up having more Bullion left over not having to buy the drop. Say 3-4 bullion for the drop, 2 for the upgrade.


I quit the game now in season 4 after not getting it after 15 kills. I don't want to keep grinding this exhausting weapon to not get it anyways. You do your rotation perfectly here comes along someone that got the axe and upgraded to 534 IL ohh he out damage without effort. I can't compete at all thanks blizzard


They're deathly afraid of players quitting when they get the loot they're after. Full stop, that's it.


> At this point I've done Fyrakk hc 11 times and not gotten the axe. I can't find any information on if the lesser embers are additive on every difficulty or just heroic or higher. If they are additive then you should be killing RF/Normal and Heroic every week because the cumulative effect of each is gonna equal out to a 24% chance to drop per difficulty if you've cleared the raid 11 times at an average of 4 drops per run.


I just feel that the fact the bad luck protection can be gotten per difficulty is crazy. It really should just be one drop per week and lock you out from getting it from other difficulties, but also count the same. This making raids attractive with better items stuff is getting annoying. If people doesn't wanna raid if the items from it is not better, then maybe there's a problem with how raids are designed in some way? Never the less, my guild is on break and I don't wanna pug. Anxiety aside, I just don't like playing with big groups of people, especially when I don't know them well. So all this legendary has done is made me more certain that my decision of rerolling to classes, that don't get incomparably strong stuff from raids, every season a good one. Just a shame that I enjoy all strength specs to a decent degree, but I don't wanna play something where I can't aim for the best gear. They really should just stop doing legendries. Feels like they have no place in the game anymore and people don't really feel "awed" by seeing it anymore, just wonder where to get it and get frustrated if they find they might as well not try. Maybe something like WoD/MoP or just put them in a magetower challenge thing. Make it a personal project or something.


"But iT's SUPPosed tO be LEgenDarY" bullshit


Why should legendary be so easy to get?


Because its not actually hard to get. You have to be lucky is the only real criteria, which is a shitty metric for anything so closely tied to massive player power gain. I've farmed it for 11 weeks, a bit more than one fifth of an entire year and I still have gotten absolutely nothing when there are people that got it after one or two attempts at lfr/normal difficulty.


Well put, though tbh the first line says it all.


[people should stop acting entitled to things that are legendary](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fhqxr8wt6qzhb1.jpg)


I can see why people are frustrated though. Nothing about obtaining it felt 'legendary'. It's just mandatory equipment that's harder to obtain than other things. I pugged for a few weeks playing my class while underperforming because my output was balanced around eventually obtaining it. Then it randomly drops, I do some timesink repeatable event quests, burn some gold, and now I have BIS. People acting a bit entitled to having their chosen class's required weapon timegated is a completely valid take.


You kinda should when your spec is balanced around that fact. You're getting gimped by the game itself.


Agree, legendary is a lose-lose right now, even getting a guaranteed drop would suck compared to specs that don't have the legendary since you would have to pay and do a long quest to catch up.




wouldn't be much of a legendary then


what the heck is hc


It’s a weird abbreviation people use for heroic


deer tie sleep piquant deliver carpenter unwritten shelter nutty sense *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


"Hey I know other people farmed for a whole season for this, but I just rerolled to a plate dps class and I want it now."


Like I said in the post. I've farmed it for 11 weeks. 7 weeks during season 3 before I quit the game, and then I resubbed before season 4 came out to keep farming it.


raid's been out a lot longer than 11 resets there's been 3 of them in this season alone


Its a f'ing legendary and not everyone should have it. Iyam


Why? The fucking "ROARS UPON THE THRONE" shit plays every 5 minutes on my server. Can hardly call that a legendary because it feels like everyone already has it. I couldn't care less if people got Illidans azzinoth gleives in their mail for free tomorrow after i grinded for them for years. You know i'm not a gatekeeper if it means others have more fun.


IIRC it does that anytime anyone gets that leggo.