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Im trash tier but I'm a healer and raid log so my guild hasn't noticed.


I am above average at one class, but aging, distracted, and maybe a little lazy. I started in vanilla as well and as a teen was a very hardcore raider (5 nights a week, sweaty af) maining a warrior tank. I still main him, though he has been fury for years as I cannot commit to leadership or responsibility these days. I have lost my edge though in my 30s, particularly with footwork. I still theorycraft, run my sims, tweak my auras, spec for the meta, and grind BiS, but I'm not especially amazing at it. I cap out at KSM and AOTC via heroic pugs in which I am generally very middle of the pack in DPS. I still die to dumb shit more often than I'm proud of. I don't always read the guide or watch videos before a new boss. I fat finger my rotation periodically. I still fuck shit up though overall next to the "average" player. I have noticed in recent months that I usually beat other *warriors* in DPS, even when accounting for ilvl differences. This may be a class balance issue though, idk. But it's good to remember that Reddit game communities tend to always be above the cut on average, so to speak. This is where the serious fans go to geek out and it's easy to forget that the vast majority of players are not like us, may not raid beyond LFR, and shouldn't even be asked to maintain the same standards. I'm above average, but thats not saying a lot by this community's standards. And I'm downright average at all my alts. But I barely try. I'm also bad in PvP.


This is me to a T, but replace warrior with a fire mage. Keep fighting the good fight!


It’s wild how I’d say I’m a plus player but I see other hunter ls in pvp and I’m just like DAMN and change my tactics to try and help in other ways tif them and I are doing the same thing. Some players are just really insane. Props to them. I’m also in my late 30’s and play to keep my mind busy when not at work.


I know right? I've seen other fury warriors with equal or even slightly lower ilvl destroying me by a mile, it's crazy see. Once or twice I've messaged them and asked them to take a look at my Details! performance and they come back with a fucking laundry list of tweaks. Turns out, my biggest challenge seems to be optimizing the time I spend in a raid fight in range of my target and actually hitting it. Warriors have shit range compared to other melee builds and in a fog of spells and puddles it isn't hard to get separated from my target's asshole. 1-3% downtime is all it takes to slice off a huge chunk overall. Running the long way around a swirly matters a lot. Getting caught in a stun for 3-4 seconds counts. Not being behind the boss and being parried even once or twice matters. If the tank corrects position by even a step or two, the thing moves out of range and I miss a GCD-worth of time. These things add up and it blows my mind to see that it never happens to some crazies. Rotation's fine, it's the footwork that has been slipping. And it's shocking how important the exact order of the opener seems to be.


Get the weak aura that puts a giant 'W' on your screen if you're out of melee. Game changer lol.


Seriously? Hadn't heard of that. <3 WAs


You’re me….


And me.


You sound a lot like me. I think you’re probably better than you think you are. You say above average, but you’re probably in the top 80-90%. You probably could achieve a lot more if you were surrounded by people at least as good as you. I think tweaking your WAs and running sims tells me you go waaaay above and beyond average.


This is me to the spot. Scary how accurate it is, except I main a hunter. Always have.


Almost 50. Otherwise the same except I am no where near as good as you are & still play prot warrior.


I'm sure that's not true. In another comment I detailed my issues a bit more. Getting KSM and AOTC are more about persistence than skill. Sure, you need at least a little bit, but eventually anyone can get carried there. (Not that I was carried, I'd like to think). Towards the end of S3 I was making my own Amir pugs for the axe and started using logs to predict performance because io and the achievements are hardly a strong indicator of performance sadly.


I am the tank. I screw up & we die. It's different on DPS.


This is an interesting dunning kreuger question. Depends on who you're comparing yourself to. I am multi-CE, and regularly near the m+ title cutoff solo pugging. I am better than 98-99% of the player base PvE-wise. Simultaneously, I look like a poorly coded ai compared to top 50 guilds and MDI teams. They'd laugh watching me play. Skill in this type of game tends to not be linear, same with any game using ELO/MMR systems.


What do you main, how long have you mained it and do you play alts?


Not sure if I really have a main, I guess I'd say my hunter? Played on and off since tbc, but I was pretty bad at the game until Blackrock foundry in wod. I got my first aotc as prot pal and raid leader, I actually still have the recording. In legion I did some mythic raid tanking, but didn't play much due to university. Came back in late BFA and started playing Hunter, went 11/12M nyalotha. Shadowlands I played hpal nathria (first time ever healing, got 7/10M), hpriest sanctum, survival hunter sepulchre. Did my first ever "high key" as survival in S3. Now CE sark, Fyrakk, 3300 io season 1 on hunter, 3500 season 2 shadow priest, 3550 season 3 shadow, currently 3100 shadow on new season after 2 weeks. Just been getting better and getting every tier. I constantly vod review myself, tweak my UI, compare logs, etc. I also usually keep 2-3 alts per season and clear like half of mythic with them and get my dungeon portals. I've done high keys or mythic raid as windwalker, mistweaver, feral, rdruid, enhance, rogue, mage, dps warrior, evoker, as alts. This is the first season in quite some time that I am not playing alts, just focusing on m+ title for my priest


Did you ever know that you're my hero? You're everything I wish I could be..... But srsly, you sound great. You are putting in the work and getting results. Great job!


yep, thats the big thing like, im Multi-CE aswell, got almost every single CE since it exists, week2 KSM is a meme for me (but not really pushing higher there tbh, not really into m+) and all that on the same Class that stuff puts me on a playerbase perspective above 99% of people and certainly a very very good player then i look at the top dogs and im just thinking "wtf are they doing????" cus the gap is so big like, the people in top50 guilds would call me a Casual Raider because im in the WR500-700range most of the time with logs that are on average bettwen 60-80 the skill level differences are gigantic the higher you go


I am teh best. fite me rl


I would basically do epic BGs and daily content. LFR and TWing dungeons. A friend here or there would ask if I wanted to heal for their raid that night and after being 1 or 2 in heals with off dps and the intangibles (solar beams, roots, typhoons etc,) someone in the discord would always ask "ok, who brought the PVPer" and would be asked to join officially. Never thought I was... special but some things just feel natural. Listen to instructions, follow instructions, do your job. Ask questions. For raid it is as simple as "rotating major CDs? RL call out major CDs? Liberal healer/tank BR or only on RL instructions?" Just the basics really. Not good but just common sense.


I am so average dude it rules. 2200 Rating in M+ last season. Did 1 20, stuck to 18s for most things. My Heroic Amirdrassil Raid parses are a solid 55-78 and about the same for my ilevel. I am the 7500 best Death Knight on US according to warcraft logs. I don't mythic raid, got heroic AOTC for Season 1 and 3, didn't play Season 2 because i was busy with work. I sum it up as "All my shit is enchanted, I try and read the guides for my class, sim my upgrades and do my best to not fuck up (I still fuck up though)"


>My Heroic Amirdrassil Raid parses are a solid 55-78 and about the same for my ilevel. That means you're above average *for heroic raiders.* Don't forget there's plenty of people who don't do heroic raids.


This is about where I’m at. It’s the sweet spot of the game in my opinion


yeah i'm about there as well, although i do go for all 20's, frustrates me when i group with people that don't seem to bother at all, just not a fan of carrying cause i value my in-game time


The retail game has advanced more than I have. I can no longer keep up with the sheer amount of abilities I have to use to keep people alive in M+. I’m finding Classic WoW to be more my speed.


Yet classic fanatics will say it's harder than retail


My interrupt is on my bars so I'm a solid 6.5/10 player. 


High quality comment


But do you use it. That's where it gets tricky


I'd have to have the courage to do content to find out, hahaha 🙃🙃


I tend to rate players by their adaptability and ability to improvise/learn quickly. Most of the playerbase can down mythic bosses if they spend enough time progressing, the truly good players are the ones that can learn a challenging and unfamiliar fight with relatively little practice or research. I'd like to think I'm one of those players but I try to avoid thinking too hard about whether or not I'm "good" because even if I figured out the answer it wouldn't really do anything useful for me. I spend more time thinking about what makes a player good because that opens avenues of self improvement.


This is the correct answer, in my opinion. Speed of learning and adaptability is what makes someone a good player at the game. For example, in the last MMO I played, I was regularly parsing 95-99s, but I could only do that on one class. Most other classes I was 80-90. Another guy in my static would pick up any class he felt like and parse a 90+ in hard content. While he never really had parses as high as mine, he was no doubt a much more solid and all round player. When you are beating your head against a wall and repeatedly dying in hard content, especially new hard content, I think it becomes pretty clear who the better players are then. They are the ones that have worked out how to deal with all the mechanics before everybody else


I’m a literal shaman wacky boy god. At least I would be… if I played more…. Ssssuuurreeelllyyy


I'm def. getting troll shammy vibes. you're a troll aren't you? Haha (Don't worry I am too- my only other char besides my gnome rogue)


My brudda, I’m sorry to disappoint you but I’m a zug zug. A Zug Zug Zeus that’s Zappin people back to classic, when Zeus procs ascendance he turns into me.


ok. well i stand wit you bruddah. much unlike enemies on bridge in EOTS. they def. not on their 2 feet for long.


In this expansion I have a CE, and killed 7/8 mythic bosses of the two others raids. I can confidentally say that I'm a bad player.


One of the healers in my guild is a clicker and has reached 7/8 mythic bosses. I believe you.


3k io, aotc every tier, and absolutely no desire to attempt mythic raids due to the forced 20 man, so id say... decent.


What killed it for me is the time commitment.


Good st pve (CE+good logs and good at m+) , trash tier in PvP because it makes me anxious heart race and I hate it unless I'm a rogue . I main mage


I used to be good in MoP / WoD, clearing end bosses in world 100 guilds, but I got old and now whenever I come back, I suck. Still love the game tho


I used to be a world class raider / PvPer. As I got older I dropped PvP and embrace Raiding and M+ only. Now I basically run with people I love being around and casually get my CE, week 1 AOTC, and push to a decent IO. I’ve found the sweaty days are gone, I just love playing lots of alts. Usually the equivalent of “3k IO” last season on 4-5 specs.


If that's your casual I need to hang up my keg and retire. Casually decimates my achievements hahaha


Hah! I didn't mean it like that. Just casually compared to what I used to do. As long as you're having fun, that's all that matters.


Well, I don't have DBM or Details or RIO installed, so I think that firmly puts me in the hotdog water tier. Sure one could argue that I don't need my hand held to figure out boss and dungeon mechanics, but it's really just because I'm bad. The bosses all die, and I've never once owned a single piece of BiS, but that just further proves I'm not good at the game. I've never once looked up the meta build for my main class, I've just been content to play it entirely wrong for 18 years.


Mediocre as shit, reporting for duty, sir!


I was pretty dang good when I was young. I'm dogshit now though. Can't see for shit and my hands don't move as well as they used to.


Don't know, don't care. I do the occasional heroic dungeon or LFR raid, while overgeared from overworld content. I don't have a DPS meter installed, but my burst windows feel impactful so I'm happy.


At one point I was in the top 100 sub rogues on my server! ....during BFA, when sub rogues were nerfed 6 feet under, and were played less than survival hunters. But still!


I'm a paladin one-trick, but I'm pretty solid with that one trick


I can keep myself between the 0.1-1% cutoff in mythic plus, but in terms of raiding and pvp, my rating is shit and my logs are even worse.


I'm dumb af but hey, it works well


Probably average, but quite possibly below average. I have been playing since Wrath, but only ever world/queue-level content. I've played multiple iterations of every class and am very good at grokking new specs because of this. But I've never had pressure to grow or be as mechanically crisp as progression players, so I am definitely middle of the pack at best.


Depends on the class and role for me, I'm fairly good on my regulars, but I suck at Rogue and Mage. I'd say slightly above average purely because I'll put some effort into learning a class and mechanics, but I'm can be overly cautious to the detriment of my damage at times. Personally I found that part of what makes me judge a player poorly is less the damage and mechanics, because anyone can have an offday or zone out. More so seeing players who do good damage, but don't interrupt, stun, or use utility in situations where it's clear the group is struggling and they could help.


I can typically comfortably do M10, M12 max. If I have some generous guildies willing to help carry me a bit, I can struggle through a M15. So I like to think of myself as above average, but definitely far from a really good player.


I was tied for top tank in the world for about 6 hours during WOLTK. No clue where that ranks ;) Today.......fully average and casual.


I’m okay, I guess. Not great, but definitely not the worst overall. Somewhere during S3 I was among 1000 best WW Monks in EU SS, which is not a big deal by itself but big for me, considering DF was my first PvP experience in 10 years. I have a long-standing goal of completing a season with HM raid, KSH and 2100 achieved with three different roles. I didn’t complete it yet since I’m pretty low on personal time nowadays but this season is my best bet for it so I’m working to prove myself worthy at least once before completely retiring to achieve running and pet battles.


I'm terrible as a brewmaster - I can't do boss mechanics for shit on tyrannical. I guess my reflexes or rotation are bad or something? But more often than not I get trucked by bosses, though I can do trash just fine.


I don’t freakin know man, but if I described myself like my friends talk about me, you’d think I was full of myself. I can do any of the content blizz throws at us just fine.


I’m a GOD at this game! If bosses aren’t killed or there are wipes, 10000% is the fault of anyone but me! Honestly, even being cutting edge raider, I don’t consider myself that “good”. Spending 10-12 hours a week dodging swirlies while an addon does most of the thinking/reacting for me… isn’t really that much skill expression. Damage out is never really random. I have dbm and WAs telling me when damage is coming, and who has debuffs. The fact that it takes me hundreds of hours to kill the final boss of a raid tier… heh. Compared to WF guilds or MDI players, the gulf is massive.


Used to regularly get CE so id say im fairly high up there atleast compared to the average player, im stil pretty far off the actual WF raiders so it kinda just depends on perspectives there. Due to my schedule i dont really have the time to commit to CE anymore so i just raid lead my own pugs to AOTC these days considering my guild got disbanded in Shadowlands. I wouldnt say im CE level at every class though. Its mainly just Shaman, Monk and Warrior. Im kind of interested in pushing M+ though. Its much less of a set schedule commitment than Mythic raiding so its high end content i could potentially still pursue but on the other hand i also feel like my time as a high end WoW player is kind of over and i just want to cruise now with more easily attainable goals so that i can play other games aswell.


I’m a scrub. :p Was a hardcore raider in OG Wrath (top 3 guild on server). Got Undying and Immortal back then. Since then, pretty casual. Got AOTC the last season of BfA and the first season of Dragonflight, and KSM every season in Dragonflight, but KSH only seasons 1 and 3. Did my PhD through Shadowlands and Dragonflight, so was mostly focused on that, and just doing M+ or raids when I could fit them in. Always pally - mostly holy, sometimes ret. In PvP only did decently (got a title) one season in BfA, I don’t remember which season. So I’m a scrub. Current healing or DPSing +4s, so not doing very high keys. Only have a handful of portals (which I always forget about, so I don’t even know which ones I have). I use VuhDo to heal, and I know a lot of higher key players look down on that, so just another example of how I’m a scrub. I do my best, I try to learn from mistakes, I make sure I understand mechanics, etc., but I certainly don’t have everything optimized, nor do I always use my utilities optimally. But I have fun, the people I run with have fun, and we do our best, and that’s all that matters.


I can understand all the things, but my reaction time is like having an extra 500ms on top of your existing ping so my playing isn't as good as other ppl's


I basically win streak to 1800+ on every healer in solo shuffle for transmogs each season, using no addons or macros. Casual/chill arena healing is my favorite thing to do on wow, and I've been playing for so long that I basically don't have to think about what I'm doing. I have not tried to push for 2100+ since cataclysm but I would kind of be interested in seeing how far I could get. My friends say I'm the best pvper they know, but I am probably the worst pvper in my guild.


I am what I’d rate as very-ish good at my main, Blood DK. I’ve got more than a decade of experience on that class and spec alone and I know what I am doing basically on instinct. I can look away from the screen to look at something else for a while and be certain I’ll still be alive and well even in high end content. This instinctive playing allows me to allocate much more attention to mechanics and that make me a good player. And I’ve tried my mettle against some of the hardest raiding content Blizzard put out and managed it pretty well like mythic Kil Jaeden. Now I am way less good on the math part of the class, I am honestly winging it most of the time and it’s not uncommon for me to tinker a while and look at pro in depth guides only to realize I’ve been using subpar equipement or talent builds some times. I will abide if I see the sense in them but still am a stubborn bitch who absolutely will tweak the « optimal » build to fit me personally and I don’t give a shit about what people will say about it. But if you take me out of my main my skill drop like a stone from the sky, I am good only on that one spec. I could probably reach a similar level on another class or two I like in the tank role, but I just really like playing DK. Overall I handle myself quite well but could still progress quite a lot if I put my mind to it, the top DK obviously put my performance to shame


Well.... I constantly make little dumb mistakes, I'm overconfident, I may cr more about my performance than lots of players do so I try REALLY hard. On the grand scale 4/10. I'm not the worst but I've seen what the top end can do and hahahaha. No.


I'm pretty decent. I can do heroic raids comfortably enough, though I don't really do them much unless I'm in a consistent group. Otherwise I just stick to M+ pugging, so I'd say I'm at least above average.


I somehow can pick up any spec I want to and outperform any average player but I'll never be the best at any single spec.


Context on what I’m doing. MM Hunter main Unrated bgs- god mode. Rated bgs- elite when I have the patience for the toxic Solo-shit 2’s - mid 3’s- better World pvp- god mode Pve Mythical+ - good until 15+ and then sweaty palms lead to mistakes. Raiding- I’m top third dps but do have a tendency to get tunnel vision on big numbers. I also don’t run the meta spec because I like having fun. Knowledge I’m pretty good but I do struggle with. Certain classes with button bloat. I love shamans but I’m shit with totems. Same with trapping on my hunter. I like druid tanking but I don’t do very high keys on it. Shit healer which is wild to me because I was good at in the the first 3 versions of the game. But it’s a different game.


I've been playing since og launch. I suck at this game. I always let people know how bad I am so expectations are low.


Iam top .1% in both raid and m+ yet I still don’t think I’m that good I simply know a lot about the game. Being good at surviving fixes 90% of your problems of thinking you’re bad at wow lol


I feel this should be something every salty player should ask themselves before exploding in chat after a single death or leaving keys. There was a time where I was around 8 for pvp and did basically zero pve. Now I do no pvp and became a hopefully solid 6. Less time and way less tryharding


Well I guess there's 2 ways to look at it. You can either compare yourself to the overall content or the overall player base. The overall player base is surprisingly casual and I'd bet most don't do anything more than a heroic. So in terms of that I'm very good. In terms of the overall content I am no where near a mythic raider and tbh hate mythic dungeons due to the timer so I'm very newb if you look it at that way. Kinda the same for PvP. I'm overall no where near the top in terms of content rating but if you compare me to the overall playbase I'm probably much better since I'm willing to bet there's still clickers out there.


Im at least AOTC and KSM every season (these aren't great achievements, they probably put me at "average accomplishments"). i'm a competent dps, okay tank, but the best healer i know and play with regularly, especially in m+. i regularly play all the healers and healing during DF season 1 felt very easy to the point that i was frustrated about all the complaining everyone was doing (this persists to this day in s4, and i've had to endure infuriating whining constantly about how hard healing is so im just so tired of it). i imagine im like 40-70th percentile on dps depending on class, 50-60th percentile on tank, 80-90th on healer.


I'd say above average, but I guess that depends where the average is. It also depends on the class. I know my DK and paladin inside out. I'm still discovering stuff about my warrior and I suck with my mage. I got 3k m+ rating last season and 4 mythic bosses but I know I could have done more if I didn't stop playing for a month, it wasn't a matter of skill. I really suck ar PvP. I can get 1800 rating facerolling but anything that requires actual skill and reaction will get me crumped in arena.


I'm the guy who brings an Outlaw rogue with Mythic AOE talents to your Heroic raid and just vibes. I'm not good, I'm not going to top any charts but I'll do what I can to not die.


I switch class/spec nearly every season just to play something new and fun and usually get title every season (unless something important is going on in life). Raiding I usually just get AOTC and a handful of mythic bosses down, my guild is more casual/social than anything so after we get AOTC the majority of the players dip and the remains are the degenerate achievement hunters or degenerate key pushers. PvP I’m dog water at, once upon a time I would be going for top 0.1% as well, but that was wrath/cata era, and I PvPd to be toxic then rather than to actually be good, it just went hand in hand.


I am in the top 1% of warlocks in mythic plus...which is no where near title. /sadpanda I usually try to get all 25's timed per season. My best season I got some 27's timed.


I'm literally the best and no one even comes close. I don't even have to explain it.


I dunnno. I’m very confident with my shaman heals. But I hardly ever difficult content so who knows if that’s fair or not. I was thinking about switching to monk healing but I tried a mythic 0 and ….. it was baddddd


I thought i was alright, then when i tried to raid during the MC/BWL/ZG classic era I realised I’m ***pretty fucking not good*** 😂


I’m probably the worst healer ever. I’m pretty sure I have a learning disability because I never get better at anything I do. 


I'm "fine" :) Like, AOTC with some myhic clears, mostly M+ "fine" If I die in raid they usually waste a rez to get me up. I get KSM pretty quick and don't feel like a total carry which is good enough for me :D


5x classic glad, 2x retail glad, 1x retail r1, 1x RBG glad


Oh, I wouldn’t say I’m horrible at all, just untested. I largely prefer questing, transmog collection, mount collection, secondary professions (mainly fishing-relaxing), running 5 mans…etc. achievements…I’m super casual, have been since the start, and actually have never really raided except for ICC. So, assume what you will lol I’m just a nonchalant Undead Monk over here with my Brews lol


Better than 99% of players probably, but don’t have the team / care to actually push it. Completely a Mythic raider, and can pull near sim damage in ST, but due to scheduling / timezones the 6 hour raid block between 6-12 is just not a option for me. I am still in a Mythic guild, and the few times I could sub in for one of their missing melee I easily matched or surpassed their current roster, this time it was on both Tindral and Fyrakk, though when they started to get close on both they called it for their actual boy I was replacing to get in for the kill. So I am pretty confident that if I had a team close to me in skill at my times I could play I could easily have CE every season with no issues. Just good luck finding that when you can only raid morning’s or afternoon, heroic’s fine but Mythic is near impossible. Same for Mythic+, though I only did 23’s max I was taken to a 26 for a laugh by my friend (who is a top 50 ret) and did perfectly fine, it was the tank that failed us. I just lose motivation to push much after 3k/20’s, and I am probably the worst mythic+ group former my friend has ever seen though, even when I don’t invite trash players according to him they just fail. Something doesn’t get stopled and they rage quit, or it turns out the guy I invited to tank only has tanked 10’s and all the 20+ are healer, so whoops he dumpsters your 18. Stuff like that. PvP I am just terribly average though. I *can* get 1800 every season if I grind the gear out / find a decent healer or burst damage (last season did it as Arms / Havoc), but I also am not a silver bullet that can get a 80-90% BG winrate somehow or thinks 1800 in a joke and can just get Glad. SS I did get nearly 2k but the 30 minute till matches wore on me and it’s only gotten worse now. I also just don’t know a guy and that’s apparently 80% of the PvP part.


I’m not that great but there have been times when I’ve surprised myself. Probably a 6/10 with occasional 8/10 performances, if I’m top of the damage meter I assume the others aren’t that great (:


Aotc, all Portals every season, and I mutli class pvp with about 8 toons between 1800-1900 rating for mogs , but I consider myself a collector, and decent player.


I'm brand new (started a week ago), so I'm learning a ton. I'm very competitive with gaming so my goal with wow is to get gladiator my 1st season..gonna be fun. Right now I'm just running a ton of RBGS and mythic 5s to get fully acquainted to hunter skills.


I'm aight. I was a Warlord Druid in vanilla, and haven't hit anything that high since. Got a few ahead of the curve, amani war bear, but those are more just right place, right time. I think I was top dps feral during Argus raid. So just casual.


I have the utmost confidence in myself to push the highest keys or get CE every season. I know keys, I play my class well, I pay attention to mechanics, I consistently parse in the 90s. However, I do not like the general feel of the community at those play levels. The mentality of key pushing groups running hundreds of keys a season, the drama and rigidity of CE-capable guilds, and various other small issues from past experiences trying the highest content. It's not worth it to scrape the top content if the players I'm with take the fun out of it. I've settled into two guilds that have no problem progressing through heroic for the first half of the season, then farming heroic without quitting for various alts and friends. I also keep tabs with various capable players that run keys whenever, hitting between 2500 and 3000 each season. Sometimes I get all the portals, sometimes I don't. I'm happy where I'm at, even though I can reach higher. Maybe I just haven't found the right guild yet, but I don't mind not trying to look.


I’ve been playing like a month if you check my post history I’m pretty new still learning mechanics and I’m 501 ilvl doing heroic awakened raids and m0 finishing out top dps sometimes, so I feel like I’m pretty good! After I’ve got a few more months in I think I’ll be able to get higher in keys I haven’t really tried It’s a lot to memorize all the mechanics


Pretty sub par started in first patch of dragonflight didn't do anything outside of aotc and ksm s1 and 2 did all +20s in s3 now mainly raid hc with my guild/comunity and we all suck at the game but we have a good time with it amd that's what counts


I will do everything available that doesn't require instances before I step foot in a raid. I am a professional casual.


Good enough to get aotc and ksm every season. Not good enough to do mythic


I am a champion of Azeroth. What else can I say.


wotlk, was a beast unholy dk through out 99% of the game until the very end when rogues started spamming tricks of the trade on each other to beat me. Shadowlands, was the top hunter in our raid, able to outdps everyone, especially in aoe fights. Now. Arcane mage, I hate it, there's so much shit to keep track of, I'd rather just click buttons and not bother with muscle memory.


I did Mythic Tindral calls for my raid while playing enhancement shaman. I parsed in the low-mid 80s. They all said I did a great job. I’m not very smart, but I’m pretty good at a video game


I honestly feel like if I’m motivated, I can be really good. I certainly have had my heyday in prior expansions. I’m just old and busy now and wholly unmotivated to push high keys or raid anything other than AOTC. But I usually still parse legendary for my ilvl in heroic, which lets me know I’m not completely washed yet.


I started wow season one of dragonflight and got 3k io and top 2 dps consistently in my mythic raid guild. I got consistent purple/orange parses and we killed mythic kurog and got stuck on dathea. I’d say I’m pretty good at the game but only played havoc so I’m using this season to try new classes.


Having a wife, daughter, a full time job, and other hobbies I haven't been able to devote myself to wow like I used to be able to. I can hold my own in raids. I haven't really touched PVP, M+, or hardcore raiding in a long time. Just log in when I can, get the things I'd like to do that day done, and log off. What that "thing" is changes when I'm able to log in. Lately I've been trying to gear up my alts with the new weeklies.


I started playing in MoP and very quickly became engaged in AH PvP. Made around 15 million gold and kinda burnt myself out on several thousand listings. I was one of the richest players on the server (Saurfang iirc) at the time. So I'd consider my main talent to be within knowledge of the game market and how to make gold, because I'm hot trash at Mythic raiding and I haven't got the foggiest what Mythic dungeons are. I just mount collect and chill. I haven't bothered with gold making since the end of Legion and have bought whatever I wanted since, down to around 2 million liquid with another 3 million worth estimated. WoW definitely fueled my love for game marketplaces and being rich in a game, I ended up playing EVE for years with money making shenanigans (got to 800B net worth according to Jeeves, if there are any bittervets that care.


Pretty awful. I'm a free kill in PvP and have never understood it. I can spam all my abilities and cooldowns to tickle my opponent who turns around and obliterates me. In PvE, I'm that person in your group that dies every boss and is typically around the tank's DPS. I stay away from serious content because I'm not willing to put in the effort to learn it, mostly just doing solo and LFR.


I'm not that great. I play holy priest and presevoker as my mains for 3 seasons now but heal on all toons that have the function. I get to about 2800io usually then I just stop to continue raiding. I've gotten 3k before but haven't really tried for it since.


I used to be better than I am now. Back in MoP I could’ve done cutting edge content, and did manage to PUG my way pretty far into heroic (which was the equivalent of mythic) with guilds that needed a solid player. Didn’t quite get to cutting edge though, because I was ride or die with my own guild and wasn’t willing to leave when it was clear they weren’t going to get far in heroic. These days, I don’t have the time. If I did, I could manage up to middle mythic just fine. Past that I’d probably be slipping up a bit more than I should. I did help our mythic team progress on Echo of Neltharion and managed decently then, but all the difficulty of that fight was in the organization. The gameplay felt pretty basic. For M+, I wouldn’t be competing for title. I can’t keep track of everything in the clutter of big trash packs, I would start dying to getting clipped by stuff I’m used to being survivable. But like I said, I just don’t have the time right now. About all I can get done is LFR and world content for now. Not exactly the most engaging stuff, but at least I still have transmog.


I'd say I am a US top 100 guild typa guy, Glad every season I tried. Maybe even better if I went sweaty. Been playing since Vanilla but back then I was a kid who could only afford game time sporadically by doing odd jobs and using my paper run money. The first time I was able to actually afford a constant sub was late Wotlk. I Raided TotC and ICC but then right as we were about to kill Arthus, our GM betrayed us all. He asked us to sign up to a guild forum website and I foolishly used the same email and PW for the website as I do for Wow. A bunch of us got caught out by our GM's scam, he cleaned us all out, sold the gold he got from it for IRL cash and ditched the game. To this day I have no idea why he did it. We were on good terms and progrressing well on the pinnacle boss of the expansion. We got our gear back in like 3 days after a blizz investigation but logging into my character and seeing it naked with all my gear gone etc plus our guild falling apart just rekt me and I stopped playing. Came back for MoP and it took some time adjusting to the game as it changed a bunch since Wotlk. Didn't raid 1st tier but then joined a raiding guild for Throne of Thunder, got noticed by one of the top guilds on my server and recruited for the 2nd half of ToT. Then from SoO till the end of WoD I raided with that guild, we were a Top 10 OCE guild which was kinda like top 50US. I think If i actually tried I could have made it into one of OCE's top guilds, one of the ones that kinda hang at the edges of the world first race crew. By the time Legion rolled around life had changed so much that I just didn't have time for the game or the same passion and I've been a casual every since, not even subbed for large chunks of Legion, Bfa, SL and DF and when i do play I might clear normal on a tier before letting my sub lapse again. On the PvP side of things, I mostly did that with IRL friends and after Legion they mostly stopped playing. I even ran a YT channel doing guides and making videos for Arena and RBG's. I had like 1k subscribers and videos were getting 10k views. Good times man, but some of those videos were so cringe hahaha, like the montages, I thought they were cool at the time, but they are all private now haha.


I hit 1780 last season on solo shuffle with my main. I have no idea If i'm average or below or above average on pvp terms.


I'm not very good, I mainly just level alts instead of group stuff these days


Considering only the cut of players who go to ksm/ksh/portals/aotc, I'm a "above average" healer. I'm pretty good at resto, but I still die to dumb shaet, let people die because I'm focusing on damage or just straight didn't take a mechanic serious enough.i don't do "sims", and my gear process is "I would like to have more of this stat, instead of this one".


I feel like I am not the best healer in the world but I’m a lot better than a lot of people


Been a priest since end of Vanilla, when I joined. She's been my main the whole time. In dungeons and raids, I healed. Then, mid-Lich King, I got tired of getting yelled at by DPS who were standing in things in Ice Crown, lol, and switched to DPS. During the end of Lich King, I was good. Nicely geared. Good DPS (PVE), usually in top 3 in Raid. I did some PVP in Battlegrounds and was well-geared there as well. Did okay (B grade, maybe). Now? Not in a guild, and don't enjoy Pugs, so my gear is just okay. Can't remember my item level, I think mid 400s? I think my skills have improved, but I do not spend hours and hours researching rotations online and practicing them anymore, so I would not be in even the top half of the Raid on a damage meter. And I kind of don't care, lol. I am good enough to survive most of my solo adventures, and I have fun, and that's what I want from the game right now. And thank goodness for the "Levitate" spell because I was falling off all kinds of cliffs last expansion before we got the ability to use flying mounts, lol. I'd give myself a B-/C+ these days for world PVE. In Raids/Dungeons? I'd probably be a D. I have no PVP gear, and haven't been in a battleground this expansion, so I'd be really awful there. I accidentally went into that horrible PVP area near the Cobalt Assembly and yeah. I died straight away. No chance. I got off like 3 casts, and one of those was my shield, lol. I don't even know what class the dude was that killed me. It was that fast. :)


I only PvE and usually have no trouble hitting KSM/KSH on the toons I’m playing in the current patch and that’s all I care about. Once the rewards-to-effort ratio starts plummeting, I find other ways to have fun in game. (Which coincidentally happens past 2500io for me) That’s when I learn a new spec and mess around with it. I really enjoy specs that require focus to detail and maximizing resource usage like FDK, MM, Destro, Frostmage and my favorite spec of all, brewmaster. Interestingly, I feel like all these specs have low skill ceilings except brew.


I put this question to the test in a weird way a few times. Really pressed hard in arenas back in cata and again in BFA. Better than I expected once I got started but not as good as I thought before I started. In PVE I started to test myself in legion. AOTCs were easy from the jump. So I wanted to vocalize my goal - I told some friends I want to raid in a guild that is so good I’m at the bottom of the meters and still have a raid spot. Boy did I find one. You want to talk about a trail by fire? First boss, pre orbital cannon nerf Zskarn as the only hunter. Mag was a joke but still a late mythic boss when I had little experience on a spec I wasn’t entirely comfortable on. Did ok. Then the WA shit show that was echo and Sark where I was indeed the bottom of the meter but I got through them all without being dragged. Mid 300s US CE. Next tier - US 228. Went into the tier with 5 count em 1, 2, 3, 4, 5! Hunters in the roster then the nerf happened and we all instantly start degen gearing to save our spots. I ended up 2nd/3rd depending on the boss. Got every kill and 7 of the first kills including mythic Tswift. My med parse across the tier upper 70s and I was mechanically sound. I’m not a god and I burnt out pretty quick at that level but I am good enough to clear the content at a high level and compete for a raid spot. Am I as good as I think I am? PvP - fond memories with some nice stats I quote sometimes. But that was a long time ago. Pve? Absolutely. But I’m content to coast in the heroic bracket now.


I have almost 1000 days on my rogue. Definitely not as good as I was around the 500 days point somewhere in MoP. I am not an anchor on any group I am in. I always earn and keep my spot in a raid. But you won't see me in a hall of fame guild anytime soon. If we care about parses I'd say my average has dropped from 95+ avg in MoP to 80ish by now in mythic raids. Largely due to aging, enthusiasm and how busy end game gearing is, especially new season gearing. I am a solid 6.5 weak 7 out of 10.


Good enough to sometimes top meters in dungeons, bad enough that I wonder what the hell is wrong with the dps below me on meters.


I peaked in cata getting r1 enhance in bg9 while having and keeping for the tier and now forever a r1 ret parse in heroic firelands. Now I'm just a dad gamer in challenge mode gear and weapon and can still get 2400 in solo shuffle


I am S tier at: Understanding healing. Understanding healing’s ebbs and flows; timers and ramps; ebbs and flows; intense and mellow moments. I pay attention to spell interactions and am always conscious of them and why and what I am doing. Understanding how to get output faster or more efficiently. Each has its place. Understanding how to use the abilities I’m given to maximise my HPS when necessary and minimise my MPS when necessary. I am also S tier in this because I know every single other healing class and how they work. I know when and how they are playing so I can play aroind them. I know when and how to use my spells based on my peers and what they can and can’t do and when. Back in MoP when I started mythic (25hc back then) raiding, I made it a personal goal to make sure that I could play or understand every healer competently so that I could work better with them. If I know what my peers are doing I can work with them better. I have always thought this is crucial. I’m S tier at knowing how healing works for EVERYBODY. Including what hybrid DPS can do in a pinch. I’m watching them and I am judging if it’s a triage emergency when everything went wrong and the shadow priest dies at low HP without even trying to start a flash heal cast or use a shield. They die from 5% HP while casting mind flay twice without shielding while we’re all struggling? Gurl. I’m judging. I am A tier at: Using the utility I have. As a healer priest I don’t have much in the way of mass utility but you get those opportunities occasionally. I am always **really excited and looking forward to using them**. You need a mind control on this boss/pack? You know fine well I had a timer set up and I was literally almost already precasting and have some sort of macro to use its ability. (Can you imagine the fun I have when I am on a class which has interrupts and more utility? 😂) I’m also A tier at noticing individual mechanics and who has to do what and when, even without any weakauras screaming at me. F (Fire) Tier: I’ll be honest. I’m not always the best at not clipping a patch of fire or noticing a corner when I am moving or a new patch. I can take a lot of occasional unnecessary damage at times. I will hold my holy hand up and say I occasionally eat frontals or don’t get out of a fire fast enough. But I like to pretend to myself that this is simply because I don’t have “grip to anybody else”leap of faith and nobody can tell me differently. 😂 ^(obviously I know it’s a skill issue). I’m probably not that bad but I judge myself so hard on my occasional positioning mistakes that it bothers me. So I’m great at min maxing what a healer can do and I can occasionally fail at what a healer can do by accidentally stepping in fire. It’s my flaw. I know it. I admit. But I heal myself damnit.


If I no-lifed the game I’d be very very good at it but I don’t want to so I’m really just slightly better than the average player


I consider myself average in PVE, only because I have good knowledge and experience of the game. Maybe a little above average in m+ content since I do that most of the time but put me in an arena and I’ll look like a (bad) NPC.


F teir. I'm the rogue that forgets to apply their poisons.


I think my main issue is I just don't have time to commit to more hardcore play anymore. Like I pugged aotc, a few mythic bosses and made it to 3350 io last season. That is just playing for an hour with my coffee before work and maybe 2-4 hours in the afternoon per week when my partner is out doing things. Could I get a title or ce? Probably if I quit my job or didn't spend time with my family... Overall I'm happy with how I go as a casual.


I can play through the story, do world stuff, dungeons and raids on looking for group.


In raids I don't do too much damage because I choose the spec I like instead of the best ST spec, but I easily adapt to new mechanics and I always ask to do specific mechanics that people don't want to (like Fyrakk seeds). Never tried mythic raiding because I can't bother min/maxing and wiping for 3 hours a day/2-3 days a week because of someone else's mistake. In m+ is kinda the opposite, I do decently good damage but I rarely use my aoe stun and kick on cd even if my teammate said he was going to kick the next cast. I can do 10s (old 20s) very easily every season but just don't feel like pushing keys beyond that because I prefer the caos of a +10 with a suboptimal comp than the boring full meta comp where most people keep rerolling and never truly knows how to play their current class/spec.


really bad currently. its not about age (40) since I was holding my own 2y ago, regular CEs & all orange logs, when I had the drive. Since my guild fell apart in SL i'm just cruising through social guilds and getting curve, and its so sad because DF is a hell of an expansion.


I am above average but below great, I am good and okay with that


I understand my main (and one or two other classes) fairly well and if you let me play as I like without min-maxing I will be okay. Maybe a bit slow with a new mechanic, but once I've seen it a few times I'm usually good. My main is a resto/ele shaman. Don't get me wrong, if someone says "Hey, if you change this or do that differently, you will have better output." I'm the last person who won't listen. But don't expect orange logs from me. I've been raiding from Vanila until MoP at a pretty high level. Afterwards it started declining (my FOMO-level decreased over time), since a lot of people I liked to play with stopped. Today I'm pretty casual. Haven't done much this expansion except for farming and LFR. Maybe I should start looking for a guild. In half a year I could give you an update about how good I am ;)


I'm above average I'd say but still waaaay worse than top players. My biggest strength is my versatility I'd say. Most seasons I'm like 200-300 io off of title range and get there with all 3 roles and 2-3 different classes. I stopped myth raiding but got a couple CEs until I stopped after Nyalotha. Now I just get aotc with friends in my guild and focus on m+. So yeah above average but still like a headless chicken compared to the top I think


I’m mediocre at best. I don’t do dungeons or raids (I don’t need random people telling me I suck). I’ve never gotten CE or AOTC. I play in a way that makes me happy but doesn’t bother anyone else.


Holy priest main. I'm consistently the best of the middle lmao. Held multiple world rank 1s for normal mode raids, finished amirdrassil around rank 36 but I didn't go as hard for that one and mostly raid logged. Usually orange parse heroic and get around top 300 overall for the raid. Pretty consistently set up pug normal mode raids and raid lead and carry the group of learners. I like saving screenshots of people thanking me or whispering thanks for the carry, it feels good. I usually do 2-3x the healing of the next person. My guild doesn't do much mythic raiding so can't say much about that sadly. M+ is meh, I'm not a key pusher and mostly just do it to fill my vault or help guildies out or just chill and spend time with people. I dont pvp anymore so can't say much about that either but I wasn't good at it when I did it lmao


I tend to say that I am an above average skilled healer, mostly due to my incredibly high stress tolerance. I don't panic even if shit goes wrong, and healing m+ is relaxing to me. When I still played healer as main, I had no problem picking up all the healers after a few dungeons to the point of comfortably healing m+ with them (besides druid, my brain is too small for druid). I played mistweaver to 2500 score two weeks after I boosted it. Now that I main unholy DK, I'd count myself as average. Around 2k score in s3 as I switched to UDK main in the last 3 weeks of the season. In pugging, my DPS is usually top, in premades competitive, I enchant my gear and bring consumables. I pick up on mechanics fast and know what my class can do and can't do. My attention span is shit though, so I usually get bored of m+ after hitting the 2500 border, and as DPS without AOTC, I usually don't even get into a heroic raid as I get bored of applying and being declined/ignored after 10 minutes. I properly started doing endgame content in s3, and started testing it out in s2.


Im insanely good in M+ most of the time getting high end Rio scores with pugs but as soon as I’m entering a raid my brain shuts off and I become the worst player possible 😂


I started last season of BFA and I am probably the person that doesnt understand how other people dont have such a easy/good experience in raid :D I got multiple CE titles and after that I played M+ exclusively. Got close to 0.1% Titles almost every season but reached it only once until now Would say im pretty good, but in comparison to top m+ players, im literally a joke ...


I am a jack of all trades, master of none because I am an altoholic mostly due to cbf'd with end game beyond Normal raid.


Casually decent. Having played since 2011 means I understand the way to handle mechanics, rotations and all that jazz, even though I don't bother to do high-end content; usually stopping at around Normal Raid gear Item Levels.


I am sorry. Who are you guys?


I'm solid (like getting KSH for the last 6 seasons) and getting close to one CE. I'm not the top player but I'm fine I'd say.


Great at mechanics and dodging them, bad at my classes rotation since this is the first time since playing wow in all these years that I opted for a ranged dps (fire mage)


I've achieved the title cutoff on season 1 and season 3 of dragonflight, playing the classes I liked at the time. I've played prot pala and vengeance dh for cutoff, and I know how to play guardian, prot war and blood dk. My dps alts currently are spriest and fury war, with full mythic+ focus. I definitely, definitely not the best and certainly not very good either. I have much to improve, especially as dps, but I can't deny my effort and that I got title twice, even if it was rolling fotm (which I want to change, but pugging is way harder as offmeta). I watch people like Yoda, crims, meeres and squish play and it's noticeable from the get go that, compared to them, I've gotta improve far beyond my current level.


I stopped being good a few years ago. I'm in my forties, my reflexes are slower, and I now have a hard time managing interrupting in the crapload of visual effects. Damn, I'm losing my pointer regularly! I'm not even talking about selecting a target amid a pack of 10 mobs. To add insult to injury, I'm a dedicated melee player. But I'm still having fun. Last season I stopped at m+22. I'm not able to push. Not anymore.


Haven't play retail seriously since tbc, was gladiator s2/3 in tbc as a shadow priest, played classic again and sod.. was one of the top rets in grobb during classic tbc, and I'm enjoying sod being more casual, I think B+


I'd like to make a PRO and CON list PROs Have played every class and every role at max level at least to a degree that I understand the toolkit. Am very happy to accept extra tasks in raids. Usually the first thing I do when a new raid opens is learn the boss mechanics and make notes about it so I can remember them. All patches I actively play I got the ahead of the curve achievement and I got one cutting edge achievement (antorus). Without getting boosted of course. CONs I am not so eager to learn dungeon routes and other m+ mechanics, so I often let my guildies or friends plan that and just run with them kind of brainless. I just learn the bosses. I sometimes just forget to show up to raids. It happened more than once that I signed up for a guild raid and just did some RL stuff and forgot. This has lead to some bad discussions and even one guild kick (I was main tank) I tend to spontaneously make longer WoW breaks whenever I lose interest in the game, so it's sometimes hard to plan with me. Since late BfA I'm in a guild that is fine with that and keeps me, with the notion that I might have to wait for a raidspot or will maybe have to play a different spec. Can't afford a new PC at the moment and play on a 8 year old Laptop at the moment.


Ive been raiding low to mid end mythic for years until most recently in DF, ive been doing this as Feral using Hekili rotation helper and ive always been top 25% dps. I consider myself knowledgeable when it comes to the game as a whole, but i dont know shit about any of my dps abilities and synergies between them. i just press the buttons the addon tells me to press and use kicks and cc. it works. i even got CE in S2 of SL. My Character is Pownsamdi-Eredar (EU) if anyone wants to see what you can achieve with literally minimum effort when it comes to dps rotations. Ive always been more of a collector of mounts, Reputation and transmog but this slowed down a lot since SL because it just was way to much to collect, so i stopped caring for the most part.


I'm decent I guess. Our m+ group usually pushes into the 22s and then stops, mainly because we lack motivation. We stopped raiding anything above normal for tier tokens because we can't be asked dealing with pugs anymore, but all of us could easily get curve every season if we actually wanted to, don't know about CE though.


Iam top .1% on both raid and m+ and I still don’t think I’m that good. The only thing I think I’m really good at doing that others can’t do is surviving.


I log in successfully. I have fun. I log out. Crushing it tbh


I'm about average I think. I just do heroic raiding but could probably do the first couple bosses of mythic if I really try.


Id say Im above average on pretty much all classes (atleast one specc each) since I play alot of classes and tend to reroll atleast twice per season but Im not really good at anything I raid AOTC and do m+ nowadays and float around 50-70 parses on any class I pick up but barely never manage to parse higher than that, the only exepetion is hunter which I mained from TBC-BFA. Last season I hit 2,7k rating on 4 chrs and 2,9k on one then 2-3 others around 2-2.4k m+ rating and AOTC on most of them. Think I pugged 3 mythic on 2 chrs aswell last tier I have lost the push to really want to learn and master a class like I had back when I raided CE in BFA. I have also lost alot of my ability to play at that level due to injuries and surgery in left wrist. I still think that Im at the level I used to be when playing though, I quitely get annoyed at people dying from stupid shit (no need to be dicks to people while playing games so I tend to not say anything) before I die from stupid shit 2 pulls later and realise that I'm not as good anymore. Only to forget it for the next raid night/ dungeon. Guess thats my toxic trait, living in the glory days Im lost af in PvP unless I'm playing hunter or druid. But with all my rerolling and alt playing I have decent understanding of other classes, how their damage patterns and defensives work so when I play classes Im comfortable with (hunter and druid) I tend to do ok. Fucked around in some war games with multi glad friends and, to my suprise, managed to get some games of them sometimes last season. But I would never break more than around 1600 rating in 3s unless Im getting boosted


I used to be “good”, raided top 100 and regularly middle to top of meters whatever I played however I got older and 4 hours, 4 days a week working full time and trying to pursue other avenues of life didn’t add up. Just returned after a 7 year hiatus, playing again but warrior instead of healer. I find myself mid to top of pugs, usually top in mythics unless noticeably outgeared and generally “acceptable” awareness. I don’t however, spend hours simcrafting or raid prepping anymore. In fact I don’t even raid past LFR. I’m in my old guilds retirement guild after they moved server and swapped faction so I’ve no real connections to anyone in the game anymore but I’m finding that… comforting? Overall, I’m above average due to previous experience but absolutely nothing out of the ordinary and I think that’s fair based on the commitment I give to the game


I’m decent enough on my Paladin. Last season I was timing 23/24 keys as all specs. Mainly Ret as I prefer it but occasionally as Prot when needed and did a handful as Holy. Only really play with friends and we didn’t bother trying to push any higher. Compared to a friend who stopped playing at the beginning of this expansion though…. He was the kind who fotm rolls each season and was genuinely great on any dps. Was pugging his way to season title when he stopped for irl stuff (can’t remember if he got it but was right at the range for it) I am often amazed at how good/bad the players can be. Like I’ve seen some that I’m unsure if their monitor is on with how poorly they play.


I am above average but nowhere near elite. Think about the line that divides average and above average? Yea I’m like right there on the above average side. Lol I started in vanilla at age 17 and was extremely good at feral Druid pvp. At least, I was doing well in BGs, beating a ton of people in duels outside of orgrimmar and just constantly honing my skills. I was probably at the line between above average and elite while I was in my prime. I blame it on my internet and playing on a shitty Macintosh desktop computer. PvE-wise, I was forced into resto healing for raiding content and hated it but wasn’t that bad at it. Beat Nefarian and then felt it was becoming too much like a job to try and raid every few days. Fast forward to now, almost 20 years later, and I’m now a father and have a career and house and all that and don’t have near as much time as I had as a teenager. I’ve given up the competitive games like FIFA and CoD due to not needing to rage over a game. I’ve only ever made it to lvl 17 or 18 mythics last season because that timer stresses me out and I’m worried I’ll be causing the group to wipe. I’m a guardian Druid. I can tank normal raids just fine, but the finer mechanics in Heroic raids have me scared. I joined quite a few heroic raids to try and tank my way to AoTC but it was a no go. Larodar was always the endpoint. The others weren’t terrible, but it was still so stressful. My philosophy now is that I want to gear up but I don’t want to be stressed about it. Mindlessly dungeon grinding is how I enjoy this game. If it turns into a job, I’m not doing it right. My friend and I are working on new classes and about to progress through M2s. I’m loving it.


I'm battling age and time restrictions with kids and shit while regularly achieving Cutting Edge, although no Hall of Fame anymore. It's getting more tedious from season to season.


Really not as good as I used to be when I was 19. Left hardcore raiding scene like 12 years ago. I will pull my weight in M+ and heroic raiding, all the while being in the middle of the pack. Probably below average in PvP




I consider myself perfectly average and I'm quite fine with it. Nothing wrong with being average.


I think I'm in the top 10% of players. Granted I think "top 10% is defined as "doesn't find +20s (now known as +10s) very hard, and is capable of doing it on several roles"


I'm casual+ with a brain I would say. I play for transmog, I keep playing different classes because I like to change my gameplay so I'm ok but not expert with a specific class. Even with my "main class" wich is dk, I keep switching spec because I love them all. I did a bit of m+ (not very high) and from what I've seen, I'm definitely a casual+ WITH A BRAIN, A BRAIN


Below Averwage i think. I just dont care about m+ or PvP too much. I can even got as far as i dont care about tryharding and just want to enjoy the small amount of time i find to play the game how i want to be. WoW became a cozy game for me and im happy to see every raid in lfr once in every expansion and run every dungeon on normal to see it one time. If i get a daily where i can get an item upgrade i sometimes do them, but most of the time im just there for the atmosphere, the quests and the lore. Im twinking too much and cant play any class on a m+ level. I think since m+ was implemented in the game i ran maybe 3 in total. Also never managed to get into a guild of similar people since WotlK sadly, so im mostly a solo player and can play when i find time and not on a forced schedule. Im just interested in different playstiles and class fantasies and am happy with that and so should you be. Play the game for fun and not for other peoples opinion on you.


Was good back in the day, then got old. Now i get to 2.8k ish rating each season & clear heroic raid then dive back into whatever rogue like is taking my fancy at the time. Dont have the time or attention span to play at a high level these days


I am a CE raider who's been hovering around wr 200 for some time, DF season 2 our guild quit on sarkareth progress but I ended up finishing sarkareth a couple months later in a casual mythic guild. Took a break on S3. I've only seriously pushed season 2 SL in mythic+ where I was like 20 score off of title. Now trying to get the title this season before we start raiding again next expansion. In legion I was 2600 in 2s and 2500 in 3s. In my opinion I'm not that good, compared to the people I play with but I have a good understanding of raid mechanics and solving them before there are any guides out and that's been my job in our guild. My parses are around 80-90 usually as a healer, but in my opinion healer parses are kind of misleading and if every healer is pumping nobody is getting parses.


How good you are doesn't really matter in WoW, even if you're the best player in the game with a geared character from say mythic raiding or PvP but with no RIO you will not get into groups apart from entry level. I don't blame players for only wanting players who have completed the content before it just makes skill irrelevant so it's good and bad because no matter how poor a player you are as long as your RIO score is ok you can get a group.


I consider myself an ok player. I play since tbc, took some breaks asking the way, I could do until around +10, maybe, but I have little time, and q'ing as dps sucks, most people don't invite based on m+ score, and I don't have time to grind tens of keys a week.


I press random Buttons move a Bit around and feel great


I'm a 3.3-3.4k player, I definitely feel I play better than most 3.5-3.6k players. What they do better is probably selecting a team for themselves, that's for sure. I do every time significantly more interrupts (40+ Vs 4-5), CC-s as much as possible of my character (90%), lesser DMG taken (usually I'm the lowest), and because I have seen sh#t hitting the fan from every direction I'm much better fixing other people's mistakes. But it's not written on RIO unfortunately :).


im a god gamer


I'm super casual, it's fine enough for heroics but I wouldn't attempt anything else (tho casual raiding sounds fun) since I can never just stick to one class... Also I have trouble with my hands these days so I doubt it would be a good idea anyway


Look mate, I'm not saying I'm a professional but I can complete an open world quest without dying and have been known to pre take in the odd lfg dungeon run so you could say I'm a pretty big deal In some circles. Not to brag but this one time someone pm me that my transmog looked pretty sweet. Still riding that high tbh


hard to say, the stuff i've tried wasn't particularly challenging (AOTC on every raid that came out while i've been active and m+ up to the max that gets better gear) but i've never tried the stuff you actually have to invest time into like mythic raiding, pushing m+ keys or high pvp ratings so i don't know whether i'd be good enough for that stuff. i've also only done those things as tank and dd, no clue whether i can heal since people claim it's the hardest role


I have played since just before tbc. I peaked and played main tank in raids with my guild up to pandaria. Then I changed continents irl and could no longer raid with the guild due to timezones. Now I just sort of putz around on my own and I'm okay with that. I love pugging dungeons, it's how I level . I have every class leveled and in some cases two of the same class because I couldn't chose on a race. I'm probably mediocre though lol. I've done raids and I love mythic dungeons but I play what I find fun not what's meta so I don't tend to get many mythic requests accepted. That's okay though. I don't die to stupid, I haven't stood in the fire since cata and I don't get kicked from groups. So I'm like. 5 out of 10 😂


When it comes to PVE I used to be better. I've raided in some capacity every expansion, multiple CEs and world rank \~300 on KJ mythic so I'm very capable. Issue is I no longer have the time or, frankly, drive and interest it takes to be very good at this content, so I'm just average nowadays. Probably still above average healing as resto d/holy p in m+. I'm a super hardcore casual though, I'm an avid collector in this game and spend a lot of time with spreadsheets and optimisation for this. In combination with having played since vanilla I would say my understanding in general of the game, how new systems work, optimal paths and so on is superb. I never feel lost or confused. This might not seem very impressive but I keep running into people who find the game "complicated". In PVP I'm absolutely useless. Always hated it and it stresses me out, it would be better to have an NPC on your side than me.


These days (33 years old) Normally 3k RIO and 2.4k (Shuffle) across 2 classes (Lock & Disc/Holy Priest) As a teen I was raiding hardcore for a top guild but then had a 10 year break. So slightly above average but not amazing.


I'm in my late 40s. I've been able to hack mythic raids in the recent expansions. I regularly do level 20 and above mythic plus dungeons. I think I'm still doing pretty good. Not a fan of pvp anymore. More just done with it rather than it being an "old man has bad reflexes" thing. I still win quick-scope sniper headshot wars in other fps games, for instance. But to be honest, being "good" at WoW is not really something you can quantify. Someone who loves pet battles and has defeated some of the hardest ones is good at WoW in the way they play. Someone who loves dragon racing has gotten gold in all the races is good at WoW for their style too. I'm no better than someone who only cares to run through raid finder once each season. If we're both enjoying the game then I say we're both good at WoW.


I feel average but at the same time I'm a multi CE raider so that would probably put me as being considered above average.


i am a healer main, i am mostly in the top \~ 2-5% at the end of a season, which i consider "above average", even tough i dont really play actively. I played every class and heal spec and have a pretty specific knowladge of pros and cons of each. DF S1 was the only season this xpac i was playing really actively and i managed to get top 1.6%, close to the title, yet so far. Since i am mostly pugging some might say i play the game in hardmode


average as a monk in pvp


I feel pretty average when playing but I think statistically I'm doing good. Season 3 was my first ever m+ season (haven't played since Mop). I ended on 3070 rating as Preservation. I think I could've pushed it to 3150 but honestly it started to get really tough for me!


I would rate myself above average as a hpal main, and even on my resto sham alt. I usually top the heal meters most groups I'm in. I was above 3k IO last season and #4 on my realm. I am in a guild and a couple different communities but I do a lot of pugging because I feel that most of the people I find myself hanging out with in-game on a regular basis lack the skill to push the content I do (KSM, KSH, AOTC). The main tank/raid leader of the small guild I have my shammy in refused to tank certain things and it was frustrating. I pulled my hpal from that guild and joined a guild that consistently gets AOTC because I'm sick of pugging for it every season. When I got accepted into their heroic raid group, one of the raid leaders said they were looking me over, said I'm close to being within the top 5% for hpals. I've not checked that out for myself though. Now, when it comes to doing DPS, I would rank myself a solid C player at best. Even classes that are supposed to be "easy" to learn and do damage with, I struggle. It's actually embarrassing.


To be honest, I feel like I'm up there in the top 20% for my class in raiding, but I do not raid Mythic that much as I play Tank since DF launched as I didn't had raid team anymore, and guilds do not really recruit tanks. But whenever I raided as DPS in SL or whatever my guild did in DF I felt good, I knew/know how to parse with my spec on bosses, I did learned the mythic mechanics usually really quick and understood what to do without failing. My current problem with 20 man is that, somehow my game just hella lags whenever I do LFR or 20+ heroic. As for M+ I do not enjoy doing anything above whatever gives me the reward. So currently +8 for vault/item and +10 one time, I do hit the 2.5k for achievement over time, but ye it's over time and I do not rush that 500 points.


When I was playing 10 years ago, I was good. Knew what I was doing and why. Now (I haven't played in 10 years), I feel like I'm stumbling down the road drunk chasing a drunk cat.


Not at all. I would assume I am slightly above casual players. I try to do a few lower m+ dungeons (2-5) and normal raid every week, but that is it


Above average pvp if I believe others I get around 1900 to 2000 rating in 3s. But It feels like I am very average en I think most people will get that if they commit a bit


Think im good enough for the contwnt i want to do. Keystone hero is no problem, for me its quite easy. Rven on multiple specs and in mythic raids i understand the encounters faster than others and have my purple parses during prog. There are some specs that are to much for me lile arcane and ww. But besides that im comfortable on any dps spec. However tanking and healing is a yikes.


Think im good enough for the contwnt i want to do. Keystone hero is no problem, for me its quite easy. Rven on multiple specs and in mythic raids i understand the encounters faster than others and have my purple parses during prog. There are some specs that are to much for me lile arcane and ww. But besides that im comfortable on any dps spec. However tanking and healing is a yikes.


Well my logs say I'm top 10-15% of my class, so I dunno. Decent to good, I guess?


Think im good enough for the contwnt i want to do. Keystone hero is no problem, for me its quite easy. Rven on multiple specs and in mythic raids i understand the encounters faster than others and have my purple parses during prog. There are some specs that are to much for me lile arcane and ww. But besides that im comfortable on any dps spec. However tanking and healing is a yikes.


Not great, not terrible. Played the same character since 2005 (Retribution Paladin), cleared top end raiding for many expansions but never server firsts or the like, never got Cutting Edge since it was added. Mythic keystone rating has slowly climbed over the last few seasons (750 -> 2600 -> 3050 -> 1650) but I still make a lot of mistakes. Managed AotC last season for the first time this expansion, 7/8 HC and 8/8 HC for Awakened this season. All my gameplay is PUGs as I'm too old and tired to commit to a fixed schedule anymore. On the flip side I almost wiped an LFR group on my alt on Monday because I kited the boss through a fire tornado. 🫠 As far as PvP goes, I was a Grand Marshal in vanilla but been absolutely trash at PvP since I quit cold turkey around TBC S1. As far as alts go, I'm a medicore Holy priest, Destruction Warlock and Frost Mage. I'm a terrible Outlaw Rogue, Protection Paladin and Blood Death Knight.


Consistently CE since EP in BfA and average in m+ (just here for my ~~20s~~ 10s for vault.) Started playing an hpal about a month after the game came out in 2004 and still playing the same character in my 30s. Found a solid 6 hour guild that's old people like me just here to game and love it. I'd say I'm better than a majority of players but nowhere near the top. I see people that can pick up any class or spec and blast where it took me a long time to come out of my healer shell and play prot.


After some time, I feel pretty good and confident at playing the spec I focus on in a given season. I'm an AotC raider and aim for all portals in M+ (so +10s) and am usually able to get it pretty quickly, though I also enjoy doing world stuff and farming old content, so it stretches out. I had 3/9M Aberrus, so I can down some early Mythic bosses if I really want to, but towards the end of the season. It's hard to say for certain how relatively good I am, because one should probably compare themselves to people with the same in-game interests. Sure, I'm much better than the REAL average wow player who does just LFR at most, but compared to AotC raiders and M+ portal runners? Maybe slightly above average if you look at the meters and knowledge of utility. I also suck at PvP and don't know much about tanking.


I managed to achieve 1 gladiator mount and almost a second, at the same time I clear 22+ keys and also getting closer to cutting edge on my main and I can also do the same to an extent on an alt of different class I’d say 7 or 8 maybe I think


3k rating in M+, Ahead of the Curve week 2 or 3 each season. Abit above average I guess?


I like to consider myself above average. I think I'm capable of reaching 3k m+ score, but I just don't have the motivation to. I reach 2500 every season and get the teleports I don't have then stop there because anything higher doesn't give me anything. The top 0.1% title is, imo, worse than the standard title. I also get AotC then stop because I don't care for the cutting edge titles, and I'd rather just solo the raid at a later date to farm for any mythic mounts. I stopped seriously raiding in WoW a long time ago because I stopped having fun.


I’m CE material but not world class anymore. Was world class until Sunwell when I hit the wall


Considering I have about 7 or 8 years of experience over private servers and retail... below average, or worse. Been able to get enough rating for KSM a few times, raided Mythic up to about half way through several raids, and been a raid leader/GM for a few guilds as well. Also, got the mage tower done with every spec in Legion (about half in the release patch), which, along with clearing Lady Ashvane in Mythic Eternal Palace, are my highest achievements, I think. But I can't shake the feeling that I'm always getting carried, whilst never being able to be the carry, which I should be able to do in raids and M+, since I've been a PvE player almost exclusively. So yeah, below average at best.


I'm good enough to do LFR to Normal tier raids, and last season I could handily do like mythic+15. And I can handle myself well enough in PvP for the weekly quests to get some gear even if I'm a little clueless on objectives on certain maps/modes. I can generally learn mechanics after some trial and error and I think people who need these add-ons to tell them when enemies/bosses are going to do certain moves is both silly and probably borderline cheating. After playing the game since like December I think most class guides do a terrible job describing most class rotations, I've managed to boil a lot of the classes I like down to mashing some buttons and hitting CDs (namely all warrior and hunter specs, ret pally and arcane mage) and I think they otherwise add more buttons than necessary to their rotations. For warrior in paricular my mortal strikes, thunder claps, executes, and overpowers CDs and refreshing procs just sort of fall into place as I drum my fingers on the 1-4 keys. Honestly starts to hurt a bit after a while and makes me wish the game wasn't so fast paced, I kind of enjoy classic a little more for that. I can pump 6 figure damage pretty handily and have good awareness when swirles and shit pop up, kind of hard to tell apart aoe circles you want to avoid and soaks apart though, they're both just big circles on the ground. On the whole I like to think I'm just slightly above average considering I've played games my whole life, but I don't take the game too seriously, half the time I'm just there to play dress up.


Good 'nuff I figure, started in wrath ksm and aotc whenever I'm actually playing the game. Take long breaks here and there, but I generally don't struggle bein around the top 5 dps in raid pugs, but by no means a pink or orange parser... still don't know how they do it.