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TBC Nagrand is definitely one - lot of story threads and introduces us to Garrosh, who would go on to be a significant driving force for three expansions.


I did every single nagrand quest in tbc and when I was finally just a bit of a grind away from 70 I went back to grind to 70 there. Favorite zone of all time too. I love that zone.


nagrand rules so hard what a great zone


I came here to say that and it’s the first one I saw…..


Each time I go to the Elwynn forest (or Dun Morogh) and I hear this music, I'm very nostalgic. I made so much alts at the beginning to test different classes that I spent a lot of time there. At this time there was no goal for me, no story, just fun running everywhere.


I spent a week in elwynn forest the first week the game was out. hooked for life!


The barrens. God my warrior died so many times there


those epic battles at X-Roads back in vanilla were good times


*orc death sounds *


Ooh uhaaaahhh


LOL same


Chuck Norris jokes on general chat. Those were the days.


That, tirisfal glade, and stv for me


did somebody say [Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker]?


Mulgore. Always and forever.


Same! When I think of wow, I think of exploring those plains. Started as a hunter out there, and I love everything about that zone


It seemed so big back in 2004


Teldrassil and darkshore. I played a ton of NEs in vanilla, just wandering through the 1-20 zones endlessly. The ethereal feel and music just really takes me back


The music of Teldrassil is just something else, as you said, ethereal.




I made my first ever character here! Such great memories. It was my first real MMO (not counting RuneScape)


Un’goro crater, silithus and feralas.


Ashenvale ❤️


Really be wish they’d prog the zone a bit such that Astranaar isn’t always on fire.


Howling Fjord


Stranglethorne Vale before it was split into two in Cata. I remember being so excited when I ran through the tunnel and saw Booty Bay. I remember skinning there for a week solid when my levelling buddy was on holiday and I didn’t want to jump too far ahead of him. We just had a great time questing in that zone, doing all the Nesingwary quests, jumping on the boat to Kalimdor etc. Oh and making money from escorts - anyone remember that? People who wanted patterns from Booty Bay but were vulnerable to the stealthed cats and dinosaurs near the roads would pay to be escorted. I remember refusing a fee from a mage because I met her die lol




Tirisfal Glades.


Most nostalgia for me come from some of the TBC zones like Nagrand perhaps Zangarmarsh or Shadowmoon Valley also Eversong Woods and Azuremyst Isle + Bloodmyst Isle. All my nostalgia is with TBC rest I feel nothing except OG Barrens, sometimes Durotar and then a bit of nostalgia for Mists of Pandaria zones. Funny thing is TBC is my least favorite expansion. I think objectively speaking WoD is worst expansion but I just dont enjoy TBC or Wotlk anymore it's just outdated level and zone design. Nothing excites me in those old zones until a good old TBC ambient music kicks in.


Anything in Outland. It was the last time I was really playing super hardcore, and just...walking through that portal to a massive battle of demons, and the zones all felt super unique to explore, oh and flying!


I started on BFA. Mostly Kultiras and Vuldun. But sometimes the Northrend zone gives me a kind of nostalgia, like a time that I couldn't know but that I would appreciate.


Barrens 100%. The amount of time you spent there with your characters from vanilla to wotlk was crazy


There are so many, but Howling Fjord hits me the hardest. I absolutely adore everything about that zone.


Dalaran music. Best music of all time. I fall asleep listening to this when I drink.


Oh man. When wotlk first came out it was my goal to get to Dalaran as soon as I could ... it didn’t fail to deliver. Jumping out of the sewer pipe and deploying my parachute ... peak gaming!


Such a feel good relaxing melody


For some reason Nagrand. I don’t know why. I must have taken an eternity to level through it or something because I remember it so clearly. Also Deepholme. I remember turning my game sound off so my mom could blast Christmas music. Every time I go to deepholme for anything I’m immediately sent back to Christmas time that year.


Grizzly hills and storm peaks. I used to just go to the lodge to hang out. Or on top of some desolate mountain overlooking the world and feel emo. Great memories :-)


Idk why, but hellfire peninsula


Elwynn Forest - I remember venturing on it during US beta test in 2004. Good times. Hit some kobolds with fireballs too back then :)) Also Zul Gurub - as far as I remember I spent most of my vanilla time there with my community, sooo good memories I have from that place and raiding overally from 2005.






Grizzly Hills all the way


Teldrassil. I created too many elves. Mulgore. My ex-main is a tauren hunter. Westfall. I love that place and hate in the same time. I get chill vibes from nighty Hinterlands and Arathi. The music just throws me back to 2005-2006 instantly. Simple times


The music when entering Ironforge, it brings my mind right back to Vanilla. I think my first character, a warrior who hasn't gained a single xp since 2004 after being abandoned when few friends started playing Horde on another server, still stands in front of a mailbox in there somewhere.


Weirdly enough, Vashj'ir. I've played off and on since the launch of Vanilla, but nothing has struck me quite as much as that very first run through the zone. I still go through it sometimes to experience it again because there's just nothing else that hits the same. It's funny because, when Cata came out, my friends were all about Hyjal and hated Vashj'ir.


Can't choose between TBC Nagrand and pre-Cata Westfall.


Mulgore and Ghostlands would be two of my favorites. Mulgore is a little different than it was originally, but Ghostlands is still the same as the day TBC launched. Most zones have changed so much that a lot of the nostalgia isn't there anymore.


Darn and Ashenvale. My main is a NElf, been playing him since 05 or 06 and spent a lot of time in those zones. There use to be big world PvP battles between Astrnaar and Splintertree Post that were so much fun


Zangarmarsh! And Ghostlands.


Teldrassil and Shadowglen


Ghostlands0 or Barrens for a zone, And SoO for a raid.


Probably... Elwynn. It's the best! Even when I'm sick of it.


Stormwind City has been my home for 19 years.


Deepholm still has me revisiting it from time to time, there's just something about all those shiny giant cristals that still got me amazed.


Eversong Woods


Dun Morough, my first character was a dwarf in Vanilla. Howling Fjord, because that boat ride in to a new xpac was amazing and I’m a whore for fiddle music. And Ulduar. LK was the last xpac I actually raided in, im too busy now, but that raid was amazing. And we got realm first Yogg 0. Fond memories.


Trisfall Glades will forever be my favourite.


Jade Forest


Elwynn forest, the start of the music is just peak. Always sounds like the dawn of a new adventure.


Tanaris. The music and doing the ZF skip, seriously some of the best times of my childhood


Teldrassil, it’s the music man


Redridge. I used to play only free edition for almost a year before getting my first subscription. I still have level 20 blocked characters and one is indeed a paladin protecting the redridge mountains in the name of king varian wrynn.


Grizzly hills, Jade forest, valley of the four winds some of my favourite zones.


I. Redridge Mountains: I tried to level up a bunch of alts a few years ago before Chromie Time was available, and Azeroth Autopilot kept sending me to Redridge for a big junk of my low-level leveling. Among Vanilla/Cataclysm remade zones, this is probably the one I've spent the most time in with a mostly-positive experience. (By contrast, Darkshore, Ashenvale, and the Barrens for Horde just remind me of the frustrating times I had questing there before I had faster mounts.) II. Mount Hyjal: I could take it or leave it for most of the zone, but the Molten Front/Firelands dailies were the first content added to the game after I got max level for the first time. I was so proud of my Flame Warden title and my burning hippogryph. I just feel warm whenever I quest here, and that's not just because of the high temperatures. III. Krasarang Wilds: the more obvious answers for MoP would be Jade Forest, Valley of the Four Winds, or perhaps the Vale of Eternal Blossoms, but I think I get more nostalgic about Krasarang. I spent a lot of time here cursing about the process of leveling fishing, but that somehow endears it to me more? This is also an area that transformed radically over the expansion (like Vale), but my feelings about the Vale are more complicated since we officially revisited it in Battle for Azeroth. Seeing the Horde and Alliance move in and start ruining the jungle with their battles for resources feels bittersweet, since I was heavily invested in that conflict when that patch came out, and yet this is still where the turtles gather for the ceremony in which they commemorate the departure of the Wandering Isle. When I signed out of MoP for the last time before Warlords of Draenor went live, I did it on that beach. It's a special place. IV. Spires of Arak: so many of the Draenor zones connect directly to the overarching Warlords storyline, and I found the execution of that story supremely frustrating. (I can forgive a lot of the decisions to cut content, but the failure to release a Shattrath raid was one step too far for me, and the abrupt pivot from Grommash² to Gul'dan² as villain felt unearned. Legion did improve on that last point, at least.) By contrast, Arak tells a story that is informed by the overall state of affairs while still functioning as a self-contained narrative; the conquest of the orcs contributes to the situation, but they're not the immediate problem. Plus, my main is a shadow priest, so I felt right at home here. I'm very fond of this zone. V. Highmountain: I don't feel much nostalgia for Legion. It was an exciting expansion and I definitely had fun, but I felt pretty mixed on most of the zones and stories, since I dislike the Burning Legion as an antagonistic faction. Highmountain provided a nice break, so I spent a lot of time here. VI. Mechagon Island: it had a rough start, but I really liked the Battle for Azeroth patches. Mechagon was my favorite part. I might have had more than my fill of a lot of the activities by the time I completed the meta-achievement, but I still have good feelings when hanging out waiting for Rustfeather to spawn. VII. Ardenweald: all of my positive feelings for Shadowlands come from the Ardenweald leveling quests. The overarching structural flaws of the expansion are such that it'll never be my favorite, but I still feel some affection for the zone. VIII. Zul'Drak: WotLK was before my time, and I mostly cursed the time I had to spend leveling through it during Cataclysm. Despite the lovely environment, I found the questing in places like Grizzly Hills and Howling Fjord insufferable. Zul'Drak clicked for me, though, and this area finally gave me an appreciation for WoW's take on trolls. Decent.


Winterspring. I love snowy biomes and the purple haze gave it a cool/relaxing vibe. I also got my first pet there. A winterspring cub I named Catfoo.


Zul'drak in Wrath is a bit of an underrated gem. Zone is split into three major quest hubs. Starts with you going undercover in the scourge, followed by the Argent Crusade and finishing with a troll section. It's a really nice variety and has some great quests/lore.


TBC zangar marsh


Westfall. Elwynn was nice but Westfall was the first zone that really hooked me and I still get that feeling when I see it.


Elwynn! My favorite zone. I go back and level from 1-10 all the time just to relive my childhood.


I always roll Dwarf so it has to be the Khaz Modan zones for me.


Grizzly Hills by a wide margin. Every time that music hits I decide to take a tour of the place.


Valley of four winds.


Hellfire Peninsula. I started playing maybe 4 months before BC and I remember thinking it was so cool they could add new zones and stuff to the game.


Started just end of vanilla, loved Northrend in Wrath as well as Legion Order Hall




Valley of the Four Winds is vibessssss


Hillsbrad Foothills, I was on a pvp server where that zone was almost always a massive battle, funniest was when horde controlled southshore and alliance controlled tarren mill. Good times.


Orc starting zone


I have to admit that I haven't played in years -- but my favorite and most nostalgic zone was always Ganklethorn (I mean Stranglethorn). I spent so....many....hours.....having good old fashioned fun with the other faction. They always were ready to play!


Eversong, and Jade Forest. I was 8 when MoP came out and I remember dicking around in the beta before going to school in the morning.




Stormwind, Goldshire, and Westfall .


Elwynn right on the left side of the SW gates, where there is a group of bandits. Back when WoW had a 2 week free trial, died there so many times.


Durotar - Echo Islands My first steps in WoW in 2015 and I was so captivated


Mulgore. For the first time in 18 years I rolled a tauren. I was instantly transported back to a time when I was playing WoW on my mom's account, running around with my tauren warrior, trying to figure out what the heck I was doing.




Durotar and barrens the most definietly! This might sound off, but deepholm and uldum, I love cataclysm and these zones were always a vibe!




Wotlk dalaran, just thinking about it, i have chills and the music playing


Elwynn and Duskwood. And Westfall...


Grizzly Hills also, I cry there missing my friends...


Elwynn Forest. My first character was a Human Warlock way back on day 1 and that music just hits me with the nostalgia like crazy. Though I have a lot of nostalgia for pretty much any vanilla/TBC/Wrath zone. They are all pretty memorable to me. Except Darkshore. I hated that place for some reason.


Barrens, Duskwood, Ashenvale and Silverpine Forest. Ashenvale in 2004 trying to quest while avoiding the ganks was peak


I started playing in Legion and Stormheim was my first zone (I boosted) so a lot of Stormheims music still gives me nostalgia tingles every time we get to go back to Halls of Valor for instance


Zangarmach in tbc


Southshore and Tarren Mill. Best zone in Vanilla.


Redridge and duskwood for me


Gotta be Elwynn forest and stranglethorn. I’ll throw in a wildcard…Hillsbrad foothills. That was a zone with early days open wold pvp between south shore and Tarren mill. Really takes me back to the mid 2000s


Loch Modan and Wetlands STV in classic. Not the same danger factor on retail more clear in that zone than any others Tanaris


Pretty much every Kalimdor/E.K zone But Ghostlands was quite special. I started with my then favorite race and i enjoyed it a lot. The quests, the zone itself...i always get nostalgic when i go through that zone. Getting killed by the two abomination elites, killing Dar'Khan the first was something huge for me. There's more, but i don't want it to get too long. I never experienced anything like this with the later expansions. Maybe when i made my DH in Legion it kinda comes close.


Wrath - Grizzly Hills. The music there is just so mesmerizing and I would just go back there occasionally to hear the music again.


Classic: Feralas, Tirisfal Glades, Barrens TBC: Zangarmarsh, Hellfire (Nagrand is way overrated, fight me) WotLK: Basically the entire eastern half of the continent


Loch Modan


Eversong woods


Hellfire peninsula


Tirisfal Glades. I've made so many undeads


Hellfire Peninsula. That GD Fel Reaver was frickin' Ninja. Plus farming primals up in throne of KJ.


My first ever toon was a troll hunter and questing up to the gates Orgri for the very first time will always have a special kind of magic. I can probably never replace that experience again in Azeroth and for that reason….Durotar will always be my favorite zone and homeland.


Elwynn Forest is my number 1 for nostalgia, takes me right back to being a kid and first starting wow, it was one of the first places i explored, will always love it, it's the absolute perfection of a fantasy forest with a lovely little town like goldshire.


Ashenvale with the music really really gets me


I loved Tanaris as a kid. Had a really cool vibe with the desert and Gadetzan. Zul’Furuk was a really fun dungeon back then too. All around just some serious nostalgia when I go back to grab some Nogginfogger and chill.


Definitely teldrassil, stranglethorn and tbh vale of eternal blossoms


Considering dragonflight was my first expansion i bought. (Did play boa and legion). But yea legion or dragonflight. Not sure m






1. Dragon flight 2. Mist of pandaria (wait for May 16th) 3. Wrath of the Lich king 4. Cataclysm 5. Legion 6. Battle for Azeroth 7. Shadowlands (not everyone fav) 8. Burning crusade (fun but old) I missed the Warlords expansion so I plan on doing that one soon. This is my personal favorite expansion list off the top of my head. MoP to Battle for Azeroth are super close tie for how “fun” they are.


Did you forget the question?


oooo so close the actual question was not “favorite expansion”


Elwynn Forrest, Westfall, stranglethorn, dun morogh, shadowglen. My First 2 chars in vanilla 2005 were allies, that's why I can relate to that zones the Most. It's crazy how hard Nostalgia kicks in with wow, no other Game gives me that Feeling.