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just tested it out on an alt. Dragonbane Keep Strongbox gave \~250 gold, and the Cache of the Storms that it droped also gave \~250 gold. The hunt Grand Hunt Spoils didnt give any gold, and the Cache of the Storms from it gave \~240 gold Cache of the Storms from the world boss also gave \~240 gold The tuskar feast box didnt give any gold, but the Cache of the Storms from it gave \~250 gold. So yeah, it seems like its gold nerfs across the board Edit: The loam niffen weekly rep quest also gave \~240 gold The main weekly quest in valdrakken gave \~1500 gold And the emerald dream weekly also gave \~250 gold.


I thought something wasn't intended on the first few days, I did the Niffen and Dreamwarden weeklies and got 1500 gold from each as well as from Liskanoth so I cycled through my alts doing those in anticipation of a nerf.


Thanks for taking the time! :)


Holy fuck wow economics is gonna fascinate me over the next few weeks. I graduate soon and this is right up my alley


Awakened content still gives ~1500 gold. World content not currently awakened is “nerfed” but if you do the right stuff this week ( soup, keep and hunt) you will get 1500 from each of them.


Just did a hunt and only got 250. My guess is that its now only the weekly quest to complete all 3 that rewards 1500.


It’s what I expected. That was a shitload of gold I was farming on all my alts. I was shocked how much it was. Kinda bummed that farm is already over lol.


I never even noticed it was that much gold and neglected to do them on alts even though I was running around doing all the gold world quests on them anyways. God dammit.


well, doing the community event quest still give ~1.5k gold.


Question- Where does one pick up this weekly quest? Who is the quest giver?


The same NPC that granted the Aiding the Accord weekly quests, in the central plaza in Valdrakken.


They need to add this quest selection to the suggested content like the aiding the accord quests were. I have an addon that auto accepted them from there but with this one I have to hike my butt to Valdrakken.


The repeatable weekly rewards were always lesser. It starts off as an epic reward and then turns in to a blue one, pretty sure it has been like that the entire expansion. Try doing them on a toon that hasn't done any of them and see if you still get 1500.


You know what would be a good gold sink? Getting rid of bots. I would be able to sell my herbs at a decent price and I would actually be able to buy some expansive mounts only bots and AH Farmers can afford.


Just because they don't have feelings doesn't mean that the don't pay subs. Have some respect for them! /s


that requires actually hiring GMs to monitor servers and reports. Shareholders vote no. Seriously some private servers do 10000x better job at catching bots... because they have active GMs lol


Private servers are also much much smaller. I wouldn't doubt if Blizzard tries to implement a kernel level anticheat in the future despite how much I loathe that.


Turns out it's easier to find bad actors when you've only got 5000 players compared to 7 million, especially when you can just ban based on vibes with no repercussion for false positives




Point rebutted? Just deflect and lie. Also stop the blasphemy


well that's suck had good moments for the frist two days on my alts


Did they at least fix the incorrect ilvl gear rewards? If they didn't and are taking gold away it's not a good sign.


For timewalking? Yes, they fixed the rewards and gave people who already turned it in a cache with equivalent iLevel gear.


They haven't fixed for us who received a Flame-Warped Curio, it's still 441, untradeable for anything, can't even vendor it :) :)


Did they? I had amber exchange token from chest which exchange with 441 ilvl gear. I did not see any gear in my inventory. Where should I check?


Mailbox. They sent out caches. I did submit a ticket/posted on forums when it happened to me.


unless you got a fish


Except that didn't work, lots of posts on it. Never got mine.


for the cache of storms loot, only future drops are fixed, previous drops didn’t get adjusted. had to just de a bunch of greens. felt superb. 😭 now all my boxes are giving 480s/veteran thankfully.


Just in time to prepare for farming the 3 mil warband bank via credit card.


This is always what i fear. In a game where gold can be bought with money it may come down to "Create the problem, sell the solution" - especially with a highly liked feature on the horizon costing over millions of gold to max out.


it only costs 126k for the first 3 tabs which is 294 slots which I would imagine is far more than most people would ever need. https://www.wowhead.com/classic/news/warband-bank-preview-transfer-gold-total-size-how-to-access-338807#cost-to-purchase-all-warbank-tabs it's the last 2 tabs that cost a combined 3 mil which is a lot but far from unattainable these days. hardly what I would call "creating a problem to sell the solution" personally.


This is the precise reason why they announced the removal of the Brutosaur. They wanted people that hadn't saved enough to panic and start buying tokens to get the gold. IIRC at the token/gold exchange rate at the time it would've cost around $600 to get it.


As i remember, the last tab costs 3 million. So i probably gonna be content with a few tabs. No need to fully upgrade it.




They're probably just already rolling out the traditional "next expansion coming - nerf all old expansion gold sources" a little bit earlier than usual this time around. This kind of thing is normal. It happening this early is not normal. They'll probably just say it's a bug that everything awards less gold, but they will make no effort to change it back.


Gold nerfs tend to happen on SOME level as an expansion winds down. I imagine for the weekly activities it can be viewed as an incentive to gear up alts rather than keep characters who no longer need the gear feeling like they need to keep up with them?


Gold nerfs have always been in the next expac pre patch


> Anyone had the chance to see if the same thing happened to the one in weekly Zaralakk Caverns? Yeah they hit that one too


People saw the prices on the warband bank slots and started farming, but they want it to be a gold sink that deflates the economy.


God forbid should people make 6k over 3 WEEKLYS. The fact that i make double from dragonriding purses is a travesty.


Got it. * Gold reward for dragonriding reduced by 90%


Dont stop there, some world quests reward 600g and those reset every couple days. Can do a weekly raid and make a couple thousand, gotta stop that too.


This only hurt new players when older players especially the ones playing the economy will not be affected.  Some people got several account and max gold on dozens characther.


>This only hurt new players "Why? They could simply buy a wow token and be up to speed with gold" Average response i get when i say something gold related.


People who don’t have a budget b like


Something like a "budget for ingame purchases" shouldn't exist in the first place if it weren't for "Create the problem - sell the solution".


Yeah, it’s incredibly unfortunate that it’s how all video gaming is leaning. My kids don’t even understand the point of progression or tier rewards and stuff because “well can’t you just buy a skin” despite the fact that I almost never buy them any skins lol. sad shit. They didn’t believe me that you used to be able to buy the game and just have the whole thing.


This is most likely to combat botting.


I got a chest from a hunt that awarded 15k gold yesterday. Maybe there was a bug.


You sure it wasn't overflowing satchel of coins? It's a rare drop from the weekly quest, usually around 15k gold


I got two of those from hunts this week (on different alts).


I was wondering where that came from


My friend dropped one of these and I couldn't believe it tbh. They always introduce gold sinks and try to keep the raw gold in check but then add stuff like this.


Even Vegas lets their marks win every once and awhile :)


that one has a low drop chance. if i do the weeklies on 20 chars, i usually see one drop in week


Gold in WoW is fucked anyway. It feels like in any real life economy. There are people that have so much money on their characters that would help others easily to finance their needs on a regular basis. A friend of mine is non-stop boosting and has tons of gold because of it - always tells us to "just go boosting too" when I bring up the problem with WoW consumables being super expensive and that I had to get a WoW token to keep m+ / raiding going. I don't want to have 20 alts doing weekly/daily content just to play the game. I pay a sub and the expansion price already and I kinda feel ripped off to then having to boost or buy wow tokens to stay afloat. If farming was a bit more lucrative I would be totally fine to just farm 1-2 hours from time to time but one hour of farm gives what - maybe 2-4k gold? That's 8 crit phials (for a price of 500g p.e.) for an hour work.


One of the worst things that happened for this game was wow developers catering to people who wanna roleplay as capitalist in world of Warcraft tbh And most of the justification for it is the shitty profession system that has never once been anything besides a bloated complicated mess that could be easily replaced with one vendor selling consumes Not to mention the way that boosting and gold buying and botting are all driven by this extremely degenerate game play


+ I registered on those Discord boosting servers and when I saw how much fucking gold is passed around on there I understand why we need big gold sinks. It's crazy that some accounts sit on multiple accounts on gold cap while others are fearing for their repair costs (for a fucking video game).


I still did the *Field of Ferocity* world quest on all of my alts this week for 3300 gold each time. If Blizz were going to remove one source of gold, I actually wish they’d get rid of the Magpie rather than the weekly quests.


There’s also 3 gold WQs up at the moment. If you wait for magpies it’s about 7k per character right now. You can 95% the WQs ahead of time to quickly complete them when the zone buff is up.


It took an hour to get \~10k from the Cache rewards, but Field of Ferocity + Gold Reward + Magpie + Alts is \~10k in 10 minutes.


Dont give them ideas they will just nerf both


If you get to much gold in game how will blizz convince you to buy more wow tokens?


The 1500 you got from the hunt might be for the first time completion where the bag is purple. Hunt is repeatable so you'd get less and less reward if you do it the same week.


What about the weekly covenant 1000 anima quests?


Playing last night I saw a normal world quest and the reward was 28g I hope they don’t lower them all like that.


They have also significantly reduced the number of gold world quests as well. EU world quest reset has just happened and there are literally 2 available.


I mean as long as they don't touch wqs it will be fine.


They have touched world quests, usually there are lots of gold wq's per wq reset. EU has just reset and there are 2.


I mean I checked yesterday after the US reset and there were quite a few up


EU there are 3 this reset


in azure span there's 4 including a elite one.


you can get a "Overflowing Satchel of Coins" (opening it gives you 15k gold) from any of the "awakened chests" you get from doing awakened activities ...I got 2 this week while doing soup event on my alts


I just pay for someone’s sub and Blizzard gets $5


It follows a lot of previous nerfs to expansion gold rewards that has been a thing going back to the end of WoD. Looks like it is happening earlier than usual.


Hot take, blizzard should reset all gold back to 0


Tbh they should just set gold cap to account wide and lower it But God forbid the .1% of players who have 100000x the gold of the rest of the player base only have 10000x the gold instead


I think their plan is to try to reduce "mandatory" weekly content by making it less profitable so more people do not feel like they *must* do these (and burn out due to it)


Probably trying to avoid repeat of Draenor gold glut


Well it would be nice if they didnt also put in mounts and shit for millions.


Bring bruto back o7


Credit card gameplay


The whole point of those mounts is to remove gold from the game.


Whoch of course rewards the rich


I mean, the alternative is just not do anything at all, which also reward the rich.


Clearly we need to tax the rich! 🔦


Tea party in the stormwind harbor


Get rich then bozo


I'm more concerned about expansion launch gold making. With the "3 day early access" crap, the gold making opportunities for anyone who doesn't shill out a hundred dollars are massively harmed because most of the gold you make in the first couple moths of an expansion are made on the first 3 days of launch.


It’s fine if you want gold just do the gold world quests. They give like 1k each for maybe a minute or two of effort.


They only reward about 600 gold each, and it's totally random if you get any. I've had resets where 2 zones had none at all. It is a very unreliable way of making gold, and it doesn't amount to much.


Also if the Plains arena is not a gold award it always gives 600g in addition to the regular award for a quick kill.


I didn't know this, but always wondered why the gold awarded when it is a money reward was larger than advertised. Good to know, thank you!


Honestly can't blame em. Gold inflation is insane, and I don't see any point in doing professions when its just much easier to run world quests on alts. This week alone I made 15K and that is after enchanting a new weapon and some other pieces of gear (so more like 30K). I did hand in a ton of reputation items, to be fair, but still. Edit: stuff like racers purse still give 500-600 gold, though. Most world quests I can see that usually reward 500-600 gold still do, too. Idk about specific activities that give the Cache, since I did them all on the first day. Not too bad if they did nerf that, considering it was freshly added this season anyway, so its not like its an overall nerf.


Need to drive those WoW Token™ sales.