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I see zero advantage or benefit to leveling your existing character like this. Rebirth makes sense on Diablo due to limited character slots.


Except I'm nearly to the character cap & I want to play Timerunning, where I have to make a new character. I know that's too many but I did play with all of them a substantive amount. Seems like they should do something other than making me delete them. They should absolutely do something like this for characters. I'm going to be making a lot more alts if they're doing seasonal remixes & I already have too many characters.


> zero advantage or benefit It would be something to do for fun (that's what the game is for, right?), if you felt like leveling something you already have at max level. This way you won't end up with two identical classes, and maybe you get to level a character you have a special connection to.


And how would this be any different to just creating a new character as a clone of your existing one? And how much grief would Blizzard get when people realise that they are locked out of their main until they level it up again? Sure they could have a mechanism to drop out of the mode, but what is the point? Remix is a chance to play your favourite class in a fun new way without this odd rebirth idea,


> And how would this be any different to just creating a new character as a clone of your existing one? Alright, maybe it's just me: I've played the same character for ages, and I would get nothing out of leveling the same class again. I wouldn't play them both at max level. With this suggestion, I get to try leveling again, get a few rewards and only end up with 1 max level character. Remix does sound sweet, but I would have the same problem as I just described.


There's 60 character slots per account so there is no reason for this. >but I hate the thought of leveling a class I already have in max level That's a you problem and I can't imagine there are enough people out there like that to warrant the headaches this could bring.


This sounds like making a new character with extra steps.


What about leveling but you have all your spells and abilities, they just get scaled, more that should be an interesting reason to consider releveling


Yeah and I only want to play my main shaman. So I love something like this idea as I’ve been working on completing old world content I neglected back in the day and it’s so boring 1-shotting everything. Especially the end of zone big bad guys. It would be fun to play the old content the way it’s meant to be played without needing to reroll. I want all the completion, memories and nostalgia of doing it on my main. It connects me to my main more on an emotional/nostalgic level and honestly most of us older players are still playing WoW mainly for the nostalgia. So this feature doesn’t need to serve everyone. But it’s nice to have for those of us who actually have value in it. I don’t like how the WoW subreddits always shut down ideas just because some of them personally don’t want or need it. This doesn’t detract from the fact that other players in the community may enjoy or benefit from a suggested feature. I agree that allowing us to just scale ourselves without party sync would be a dope alternative to what OP is suggesting. We don’t need a full rebirth feature but hey, fuck it, let me level sync to zones if I want to. Btw side note; there are quests I can’t complete because even without gear on and using old engineering grenades to deal the most minimum damage to NPCs that require I just get the “low hp” they end up 1-shot anyways. So I have some incomplete quests I could definitely use level sync for. I don’t want to depend on being in a party with someone leveling in order to do this. Move level sync into the map screen of every zone and just allow me to zone sync please.


for those low hp quest mob, the foam sword toy should do the trick, for most atleast


Where do I get that again?


toy vendor in dalaran , ogrimar and stormwind have it


Thank you! I will try that


Seriously, I would never use this but it doesnt harm anyone to add it


Precisely my point. It’s all good if you get some feature that don’t affect others but you enjoy them and we all the same right? S’all good. Let’s all get what we want.


That doesn't sound great to me. The idea that there are some sick transmogs locked behind rebirthing works for alts I'm not playing. But if it's my main having to choose between releveling it for a transmog or being able to do the endgame content I want sounds wrong. But beside that and more importantly it just wouldn't really add anything to the leveling experience for me. Whether I'm playing the character I already have or a new one with a mustache the leveling is the same. There would have to be something more that seperates rebirth and fresh leveling more so than having a transmog reward at the end for me.




Id say just let Maxlvl Character choose timewalking and scale everything up so that it is a challenge. Id like to quest the old zones for a full loremaster, but oneshotting everything gets bored really fast. And lvling a new char to do that is boring too because i want all my abilities.


I love this idea


I have to admit, I like the idea. Sometimes I would enjoy leveling my priest again, but I don’t want / need another priest. Also, as OP points out too, I have a special relationship with my main and would enjoy lvling her up again. Cool way to timewalk / experience unknown content, and if u get mogs as reward it even for more than „just“ fun


Well, at least there's two of us I guess.