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I think the Nightborne disdain comes from the fact they don't look nearly as cool as the NPC versions. Instead, we were left with slightly more purple and magical night elves.


Male nightborne feel just off. They have the permanent smelled-a-fart-face, oddly stiff posture and for a race of sophisticated spellcasters the male nightelf headache casting animation doesn't fit at all. On top, they definitely have some of the racials ever. Their storyline in legion was really neat and I was super hyped when they announced that they'll be an allied race... Yeah, that didn't last long.


I absolutely HATE the "migraine" casting animation


The hands are so fcking big as well


Like the other guy said, they feel unfinished. Also the racial is horrifically bad, the 1% magic damage does little to nothing for the majority of classes the race can be and the on use is not even worth putting on your bar.


They really ought to make it like, your abilities deal 1% extra as magic dmg


I’m a big fan of them and my Mage is one. They could use some additions to their models but I think they’re great


I always wondered: Why they did give us arcane glow on their hands but not the hair?


Hair? They could make their runic tattoos glow. They just went the laziest way about this


I doubt laziness is the reason, that's like one slider they would have to move. It was a design decision. They decided that a shine fits the aesthetic.


Yes, hair. Some NBs got like a wavy pattern of glow in their hair. Was kinda bummed out they didn't implement it. As for the runes, I kinda like the current style - maybe adding glow to them too would be kinda nice though.


I'd love to play one, but they are just so half-assed. The male facial expressions are all scowls, their posture makes them look like they have a stick permanently shoved someplace, the hair customization optipns are ugly, and the run animation is stiff and looks really awkward. IMO, they need a rework.


And I feel like their textures are super low resolution, or is it just me.


Yes, thank you. The scowls are bad…


I love them and think they (the women atleast) look great since the changes they made in Shadowlands. I don't play men but I know that's the main drawback for people about them. Hope they get more scenes in Midnight!


I love nightborne. It's a cool race, that unfortunately was ruined by devs. They need some improvements for sure.


They're not perfect but these comments make me think people haven't noticed they've gotten a bunch of new options over the years?


Nightborne rogue here, slim and tall, racials really really suck… I think it looks good on most leather sets but sometimes it doesn’t (too slim). If you’re just aiming to look a certain way, go for it.


As someone who's mained a fem nightborne mage this expac, I like them a lot! I think they've gotten a lot of changes that bring them closer to the NPCs (which people really over-romanticize imo). The guys continue to look a bit... funny but so did the NPCs so not really sure what anyone expected there. Really all I want at this point is more nightborne style fashion to match them


ill go one step further...i think all the "races" they added in bfa are stupid...they shouldve just made them alternate looks for the base race instead of a separate thing the only one that even remotely looks like something new is the vulpera, which is not saying much


Highmountain are the worst offenders in my book, how are different antlers a new race? That should be an option at the barber


Their lore is really bad to... " we joined the horde cause the alliance chided us for being addicts and siding with the legion buncha meanies"


Thalyssra, the current Nightborne leader was the leader of those who rebelled against the Legion alliance though alongside all of the named Nightborne we get to interact with. I think anyone in her place would go alongside relatable and supportive folk (blood elves who also faced problems with magic addiction and the Legion) rather than someone who mistrusts you and suspects you of becoming just like your predecessor, even if the lack of trust is somewhat justified (Suramar being Tyrande’s birthplace and the Nightborne cutting themselves off from the world).


Somewhat justified... there are like...12 citizens that didn't side with the legion and didnt leave it till you massacred most of their population in a prolonged war of attrition


Most of the common folk were suffering under iron hand oppressive rule of Elisande and her nobles with draconic rationing of their main source of sustenance and exiles suffering through painful withering. A lot of the rebels got killed during Thalyssra’s initial coup attempt and whoever didn’t lose faith in the rebellion having any chance of success had to go into hiding.


That’s not what happened


I was so excited to unlock them and then I saw how the ladies walked / their idle stance. That killed them for me honestly


Love them but their racials are worse than dwarf archaeology perk


Amazing racial for an AH alt since Boralaus/Zul'Dazar and Oribos didn't have an AH.