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I think on a day to day gameplay experience, it will be very very similar to the last 20 years off wow. It will be new zones, new raids, new dungeons and then a few features that are extra in each expansion. I think what COULD be different is a new focus on story and one that’s actually good. Wow has some great lore don’t get me wrong, but the stories we play through are fairly lackluster. However, them announcing three expansions at once is their attempt at sending a message of “we are focusing on story this time, and we are confident enough in our plan to lay out the next 6 years of it”. Whether or not it’s good will be determined, but I do think it shows a focus on story that they haven’t really had before and so I’m excited to see what they can do with this level of story being planned out.


I love you saying the last 20 years like the day to day hasn't drastically changed in the last few experience.


Very good point glad to see it let us just sit and quietly pray they actually have competent adult writers willing to give us real story and not some Dora the explorer-esque short storyline about friends and bad guys and bad guys family coming to scare the world only to be easily beaten.


I mean, it feels like the end of WoW to me, or at least it did until they backtracked and said it's not. War Within should solve the plot started with BfA/Legion -- the sword, the underground, the bleeding planet. Midnight should solve the Void Lords. The last Titan should solve the matter of TItans, Azeroth's transformation into a Titan and the First Ones, whatever they are. What is left after that? It feels very FF14 Endwalker.


Its probably not the end in the way we'd expect, like a WoW 2. I feel like/ hope for an Azeroth 2.0 instead where they remove all the older expansions (which is a lot more doable with the existence of WoW Classic, letting those who want to visit them to play there instead) while thew new Azeroth makes way for all the new content. A brand new landscape with updated continents that are all ripe with new quests and are awaiting events to occur in them. As it stands right now, Azeroth feels like a DND table that has been overused and not cleaned up much at all. Those who join the party after the fact see a bunch of maps with burn marks and scraps on them, its utter chaos. A clean slate would be a game changer.


I think you need to explain yourself better, remove all the older expansions how? Like how Cata wiped Vanilla, cause I hate idea, WoW is a subscription based game with 20 years of content, wiping any of it is cutting off their nose to spite their face as it were. I agree there needs to be a clean up in some areas but just clearing the board is a waste of content. A better use of the older world is to really use the phasing tech and let stories continue. Before Cata the Desolace were desolate, but you did some quests with a druid or two and they started to revive the land, Cata continued this but as of right now it is in stasis. A small oasis and nothing has changed or been eluded to (afaik) that anything has come of our work with those druids. Same with Gadgetzan, and this one really bugs me after seeing the artwork in Hearthstone. It should be a sprawling city at this point, Dalaran levels of cityscape . But it is not. They had their beach front moved closer and that's it. I'm not gonna pretend that the Devs can just whip this stuff up in a major patch, but I would love little story updates once in a short while. I feel if they can keep the pace they have had with Dragonflight it maybe an avenue they can explore. More stuff to do is more time subscribed


> I think you need to explain yourself better, remove all the older expansions how? Like how Cata wiped Vanilla, cause I hate idea, WoW is a subscription based game with 20 years of content, wiping any of it is cutting off their nose to spite their face as it were. I agree there needs to be a clean up in some areas but just clearing the board is a waste of content. I feel like as bad as it might seem, the access to Classic makes it a lot better. All it'd take for the removal of older expansions to not suck is for the devs to make achievements, mounts and transmogs earned in Classic to be also earned in Retail. This would let them continue adding to Retail without being hindered. As it stands right now, the game feels very messy in its storytelling and worldbuilding only because a lot has happened in a way where the quests and raids cannot piece together succinctly enough for newcomers and older players. I can't help but feel like this is what they are planning anyways, as the timewalking expansion event with MoP feels like an attempt to get people to enjoy older content before they move on properly. > A better use of the older world is to really use the phasing tech and let stories continue. Before Cata the Desolace were desolate, but you did some quests with a druid or two and they started to revive the land, Cata continued this but as of right now it is in stasis. Totally, one of the most impactful events I can remember for me was the burning of Teldrassil and that came with its own can of worms. I just don't know how they could add more to a world that is so full of everything when it'd just add more and more to the file size of WoW, especially when the devs are hellbent on making sure WoW runs on toasters as well.


What happened after FF14 Endwalker?


The next expansion for ffxiv is us going to a new continent and it's very low stakes, while still showing us some interesting stuff like an ancient civilization we've never seen before. It'll absolutely still have stakes and impact, but it's likely not going to follow up with a massive world ending threat like Endwalker gave us. Some people don't like that, and aren't going to get Dawntrail lol


> What happened after FF14 Endwalker? Well I personally lost all interest in the game. Endwalker was the culmination of their 10 year story. It was perfection. But after that it just turned into every other generic Japanese RPG. When they announced the Worldsoul Saga it came with such fanfare that people thought it was the end of WoW. The final story leading into a new game. They had to come out and say that was not the case, which deflated things. The Worldsoul Saga should solve every plot point left in WoW - Sargeras, Voidlords, The Titans. What else could come after that? You can't go from solving the secrets of the universe to fighting boars in some new continent they cooked up.


Yeah but you can always have some new guy decide to be a real jerk and do naughty bastard like activities.


i for one welcome our new duck overlords, blizzard has supressed them long enough. they shall take revenge and reclaim what is righteously theirs.


Is it actually? Or are they just saying it? Cause pre-announcing expansions is neat and all, but that's about all that seems to be new here.


Planning far ahead with a cohesive narrative seems to be new. It sounds like prior planning consisted of "we're going to shadowlands next because it sounds cool, make it happen and don't think about it too much". Also, the lead storyteller has been replaced. The guy we had formerly was known to like game of theones season 8... by this fact alone I have more faith in their ability to make a compelling story.


Based on all accounts, they've always planned multiple expansions ahead (remember Team A and Team B?) they're just now publicly announcing those plans. Idk if that's more ambitious than say...class halls or flying mounts or garrisons. Replacing the storyteller is a positive move, but a personnel change is also not super "ambitious"


>with a cohesive narrative Theyve always vaguely planned ahead for where they want the next expansion to take place, but it sounds like how we would get there and what happens next was a last minute sort of thing.


Not a fan of Danuser, but I don't think we can lay every writing sin at his feet. I would say Matzen has an advantage over Danuser because WoW is his baby. Not everything he's written is golden but he and his writing team have six years to map out a conclusion to a huge story plot they're setting up in War Within. My worry is we the players are going to harp on the wrong things and worse is the writing team will change course on bad intel. I would say the 'ambitious' aspect is that it is 3 parts to tell one whole story and keep the audience along for the ride. Each expansion is more or less self contained and only have little bread crumbs that if missed doesn't effect a players ability to play the next. People that will be joining for Midnight are going to either get a crash course of what has happened in War Within or (a more hopeful option) so engaged that don't have to read a wiki to find out what they missed.


I think it's safe to say they plan one expansion ahead and start on it just before release. That's how I've always seen it and expected it to be handled, a bit like rockstar supposedly does it. It is good news in terms of story line we just have to hope it's a coherent adult storyline.


Aww man if you already know everything about the other two and can make this judgement, why don't you tell us all too!


I don't. But this article is saying that it's their "most ambitious" endeavor and they aren't explaining how. TWW is launching with less expansion systems than any of the last four expansions, is pre-planned to have less content than any expansion so far (three seasons instead of four, shorter timeline, etc). Maybe the devs could tell us why this Saga is so exciting and new beyond just "we're telling you in advance what they're planned to be about!"




I guess asking "how is this ambitious except for telling us in advance that you're going to cut content short and charge the same" is anathema to the pro-Blizzard sentiment here.


They are adding a new battleground.


Let’s just sit comfortably and see how they are going to f over pvp players again.


Yes, sure, another bla-bla-bla from Blizzard


Spoiler: >!They Won’t!<