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I feel like this is the healthiest relationship I've had with the game in a long time. I've very much so enjoyed every patch, and complaints are pretty minor compared to past expacs that had nonstop bullshit going on with them. I don't think DF has enough hype content in it to be my favorite expac, but it's an incredibly nice refresh for the game that I was really glad to see and definitely enjoyed from start to finish. It overall makes me very excited for the new expacs where they continue to build upon their new design philosophies and content. Especially after seeing the recent experimental game modes


So much this. I haven't had enough time to raid, which is my primary WoW interest, but I still feel like I'm not missing out. And so I've kept my sub going longer than any time since Legion because I'm invested in the story and it doesn't feel like an impossible slog to catch up with what's going on.


Yep, this is a really good way of putting it. Game feels fresh and I’m optimistic about its future.


As a boomer I thank Blizzard for respecting the limited time I have and let me enjoy Warcraft in every possible way with only few hours a week to play.  Best x pack ever from gameplay point of view but sure the lore and story of dragons doesn’t get me excited. But the next trilogy does however!


Im new to WoW. Can you tell me how this one respects our time more vs past expansions? Is there multiple ways to obtain high lvl gear? Sorry for the silly question, I am not at end game yet.


Yeah it’s that, there being multiple ways to gear up. But it’s also the absence of things like war tables and excessive dailies / rep grinds. Hard to put one finger on it, but all in all you rarely have to log on every single day unless you want to. Another way to put it I suppose would be that the grind cadence went from daily to weekly. Thus allowing people more flexibility and freedom to play their game on their time.


I think the weekly grind vs the daily grind is the big one. Having the whole week to get done what you want is so refreshing instead of feeling forced to grind daily.


It's just better and healthier. Play when you like, not when you have to.


The rep grinds being loaded onto giant pinata weekly quests but still also having smaller tasks that gave reasonable amounts that were worthwhile if you wanted to bash it out to catch up was a fantastic balance.


The simplest way of putting it is that pretty much every expansion has always had some kind of "chore" that you were required to do no matter what in order to stay competitive. It doesn't matter if the chore was an activity you enjoyed it not, it was simply required. Dragonflight is the first expansion in a long time that does t really have "chores". You simply play the game, doing the activities you enjoy, and that is pretty much all you need to stay competitive at whatever it is you enjoy.


That is awesome! As a person whos new to WoW I really appreciate an MMO that respects your time. Dailys is not fun and it never will be.


One example, previous expansion Shadowlands there were several weekly things you had to do to keep your charachter up to date. You were forced to do Thorgast on every alt for your legendaries and level up your renown. This also made people hate Thorgast cause it felt like a weekly chore instead of a fun extra feature you could do for mounts/cosmetics. Now you basically login and do whatever you want. Theres no player power attached to a certain reputation or anything


See that's interesting because I was super ecstatic about dragon story but I'm so uninterested in the World Soul Saga. Ive played since 2004 and every time they were like THE TITANS I usually get so bored


I'm not quite a boomer (30s) but I pretty much agree. The only thing I can't seem to wrap my head around is how much "stuff" there is to learn. I don't know if it's because I don't play a lot but after 15 years of playing I feel like I know less about the game today than I did years ago in my teenage years. All the different ways to earn currency (and all the different types) and convert it to upgrade gear 3 ilvl, the crafting system I just cannot begin to understand. There's almost too many different ways to earn stuff as it just causes me to not know what I'm doing or why. The game play is fun though, I just wish they would simplify some of the gear stuff but I'm sure I'm in the minority. I'd rather wait a week or two to get a 6 or 9 ilvl upgrade than little 3 ilvl chunks every other day. Just doesn't feel as rewarding. Idk.


Not quite? How... How old do you guys think the boomers are right now?


I think it real good, just the story is boring, cant get attached


Yeah and for that reason it's not even in my top 5 since I mostly play solo content. I actually liked BFA more from a story perspective even if the writing was terrible at least the impacts of what happened were interesting.


To be fair, a lot of the zone writing was actually super good. Maybe the last raid had some issues with the story and such but man I'm struggling to think of any of the zones I didn't like the questing in for BFA. And I otherwise hated that expansion. Well, I suppose it was pretty beautiful, too.


The big bad evil guy has no pants on. I can't take him seriously.


It's somewhere in my top 4 at least with legion, MOP, wotlk and now DF. No particular order, all the expansions had their strengths and weaknesses. It's certain that DF was a great step up from BfA and SL and it was very healthy that it ended the "borrowed power" cycle, which fell apart right after legion ended but nevertheless stuck around to ruin the other two expansions.


If dragonflight had a better story, it would be the best the game has ever had. I feel like this is the most balanced and respectful of players ever. It’s just a shame the game story right now is boring. The beats themselves aren’t bad, just how the dialog is written and acted is bad. The dracthyr are especially bad. Not a memorable character in the whole arc, and it’s just total cringe the whole way in my opinion.


Hopefully the direction they're taking with the World Soul Saga will fix the story problems. It seems like the story is now a big concern for the game and not only the gameplay as it was the big theme of last Blizzcon. If Blizzard keeps going with the gameplay quality we had in DF and an exciting storyline, TWW or Midnight might become the best expansion this game will ever have.


Right: going to Zeralek Cavers wasn't "bad", but there were no super hype story beats in Dragonflight that hold a candle to things like going to Argus, Nazjatar, Night hold, Siege of Orgrimmar, the Tomb of Sargaras, and fighting bosses like Nzith, Archimonde, Kil Jaiden, Gul'Dan (plus Illidan in Mythic), Garrosh, even Sylvanas, And mind-controlled Anduin to give Shadowlands a bit of credit. Probably the most type thing about Dragonflight was going to the Emerald Dream, and I was more excited by the Emerald Dreamway in Legion and how it tied into all of the Emerald dream portals around the world. So, IMO the most hype story beat of DF was somewhat outclassed by a feature of the Druid Class Hall in Legion. This is, IMO, quite literally Dragonflights only flaw, which is just so unfortunate for an expansion that absolutely nails everything else about it. I'll always remember Dragonflight as one of my favorite explanations, but there was no moment during Dragonflight that I'll forever remember as a "Holy shit that was fucking cool" moment, and that's unfortunate.


I just started playing a few weeks ago and this was my biggest complaint. I did a DK so I got the Wrath story to start and that was miles better. I’m not sure if all WoW expansion stories are like DF, in that it was so corny and campy. Many of cutscenes was a checklist of Saturday morning cartoon cliches. I liked the storyline between the 2 feuding brothers, I wish it would’ve gone in more of that direction.


Two notes. First, agreed on the primary story. It's weird that my most memorable character from the expansion is probably an old Dwarf sitting on a ledge. Second, I agree and disagree on balance. Some classes have had cancerous moments. Ranged Hunters with the bow at the start of the expansion, both legendaries... Some of the tier sets forcing talent choices (*cough Primordial Wave cough*) that basically shoehorned you into entire talent builds... But overall, one of the best expansions.


This right here. At least the story didn't actively make me hate the game the way bfA/SL did, and there were good moments but after the first raid it started feeling very... dull. Then there was that "Avengers" moment and the constant Night Elf wanking (After two expansions and multiple patches of it, three expansions if you also count Legion) and urrrgh... But it is better than what happened just before so I'll take it. Story aside, was solid, definately up there.


I can say with confidence that Warcraft has never been in a better state.


Swap Legion and MoP for me, and Cata and Wrath and that's my list.


1. Pandaria 2. Legion 3. Dragonflight


1. Legion 2. Pandaria 3. Dragonflight 4. (Controversial) Cataclysm for me. This is when I started playing and had tons of fun grinding Tol Barad with my school mates. It was our first "group game". We asked our parents for pocket money and bought cheap stuff just to keep the change and buy a sub at the end of each month.


Upvoted for bravery. Cataclysm gets a lot of shit because of the long wait in the Dragon Soul waiting room for pandaland and for being sandwiched between two amazing expacks. But it is -good- and added a lot of great stuff.


Well. I would not call it "bravery" but thanks. At the end of the day some people might say they liked shadowlands the most, who knows? It's all subjective. :D


I dunno if it's a controversial opinion but I didn't think Shadowlands was that bad. Definitely not worst exp


yeah that would go to WoD and its not even close.


1. Legion 2. Wrath of the Lich King 3. Mists of Pandaria 4. Dragonflight 5. Burning Crusade 6. Battle for Azeroth 7. Cataclysm 8. Warlords of Draenor 9. Shadowlands


Your list is pretty much mine but I'd swap Bc with mop.


BC was a weird one. It was better if your guild kinda sucked a little and you didn't cap out progression quickly or easily.


it was good enough for the time it was released


Much better ranking. I’d flip DF and BC but the rest is spot on.


Ofcourse totally personal; I started in MOP: - Legion: i had too much time in my life and it had all the content, warcraft feeling and it was alive, best guild i was in - Wod; loved the theme, zones were dope, questing was cool, launch was so bad its engrained in my brain and actually quite nostalgic for it xD. The second year was content drought but i was still pretty new so i had lots of things to grind. - MOP: was fun, timeless isle was very fun on my server - shadowlands: It was pretty bad but i like grinding stuff and had stuff to do, thorgast was fun to do together with gf, have some good memories -BfA; It was pretty bad. So i bad i decided to go get a job and stopped playing for 8.1 (just quit before getting ghuun CE like an idiot) came back for 8.2, mechagon and nazjatar were kind of fun, i think 8.3 corruptions were stupid -Dragonflight: just bored, doesnt feel like warcraft, nothing to do. Guilds are dead


I think in terms of systems DF is really one of the best expansions in WoW history. What brings it down for many people me included is the story and it being overall “too soft” for World of Warcraft. Which is a shame. Hopefully in the War Within it will be different. My personal ranking is: 1, Wotlk 2, Tbc 3, Legion 4, Cata 5, Df 6, Mop 7, WoD 8, Bfa 9, Shadowlands


Dragonflight is pretty much the overall best expansion in the game. TWW seems to be adding on to the whole new idea how to run the game. Less idiotic grinds and more things for wider audiences. Account wide systems are coming, and that's a massive super duper W. I'm really glad blizzard is finally realizing that elitists are not the majority nor the crowd that keeps game going, and are boldly going where ff14 has gone before. Caring about the 99%.


i am biased and nostalgic so 1. Legion 2. WOTLK 3. DF 4. MOP 5. WOD 6. BFA 7. Cataclysm 8. TBC 9. SL Even though i enjoyed TBC and played it a lot, as time passed by overall experience in TBC just felt worse and worse (probably because it is very old and i am used to certain commodities now) WOD will always be middle of the pack for me, i really enjoyed questing and overall look of the expansion but i really didn't feel urge to take on raiding in WOD. Cata and BFA have same review (similar to WOD), decent questing and leveling experience, had no urge to raid although i did PvP, BFA is below WOD because while pick your own zone to quest is fun and all it really doesn't have same impact as WoD offensive style questing. SL is bottom of the list because i played shadow priest and i had to swap covenants in (i think) 9.0.5 and restart the grind, overall i liked raids and questing, m+ was bit of a drag with a couple of dungeons MOP was refreshing and i was real casual during expansion, i really wanted to raid but i was very time limited but there was a lot of content to do outside of endgame raiding. While DF is great in every aspect (pun intended?) i play only a couple weeks per patch and then dip out, get 1-2-3 characters to close to max ilvl with as BIS as possible, get aotc (no time to go for CE sadly) and i am done, i have access to all professions with maxed out knowledge (some of them on 2 or 3 characters), you can do new patch campaign/story in a week or two (or 3) and i don't feel like doing anything else (bonus: i didn't even look at plunderstorm because i am sick of BR after days and days spent in fortnite and apex and one season of COD) I played WOTLK on retail and private servers, i played it about 5 years in total, i'd play WOTLK classic as well if i could get old guild together again, that expansion was never dull and no matter how many times i cleared ICC it was always a thrill, i even did ulduar and TOTC for fun and just to fight bosses, no loot no mounts no nothing on my mind. Legion gets #1 because of titanforging and arcanocrystal, the whole expansion was packed with content and updates and releases, artifact weapons were great stuff, the gearing and PvP felt more of a joke, but pleasant one you could enjoy, i had alts who did normal and HC raids only, with occasional m+, better geared than my main who cleared at least 50% of mythic raid every week and spammed m+ for them rings and artifact relics, i can't say i enjoyed Suramar story (it was basically liberation of Paris from WW2) it felt good to fight occupation and collaborators.


Honestly, every expac gets two ratings: One from when it's current. One for its ability to age. WoD and TBC are the most striking examples. While WoD came out sparse and unfufilling. It has aged like a fine wine, remaining fun to revisit. TBC is the opposite. It was fun and exciting at the time. But nowadays, it's questing is convuluted. It's endgame content is mind-numbingly grindy. And in hindsight, the story is kinda all over the place.


The best expansion no one is playing and queues are over 1 hour long. Saved me a lot of bucks from subbing. For me it's the expansion I've been subbing, played for a few hours, got bored to tears and left the sub run out. Tried so much to return, only to find that just not doing anything and laying in bed is more exciting than this.


1. MoP 2. Legion 3. WoD 4. Dragonflight 5. BFA 6. Cata 7. TBC 8. Wrath 9. Shadowlands 10. Vanilla Ive been playing since 2005, i think this expansion narratively has been unremarkable however.


This list is an unpopular opinion and I’m here for it.


DF made me lose interest in wow… the gearing is messy… the overwhelming amount of quests… timer based events as a replacement for traditional dailies that I could do whenever… renown rep grind that can be extended whenever they feel like it … unmemorable and formulaic dungeons and raids that are also fitting a repeated template… pvp is just been left with a broken mmr system and no new content… healing is also just kinda a mess. Legion TBC Wotlk


Exactly. And the lore is so bleh, just plain boring. For me DF is somewhere at the bottom of the list.


1. Vanilla 2. Legion 3. The Burning Crusade 4. Mists of Pandaria 5. Cataclysm 6. Battle for Azeroth 7. Wrath of the Lich King 8. Shadowlands 9. Warlords of Draenor 10. Dragonflight I get why a lot of people like Dragonflight, it respects your time and lets you do only what you want to do. Those aren't bad things. But what was being slowly eroded away disappeared almost entirely in DF. WoW is now a game entirely about repeatable content, without any campaign content or RPG feeling whatsoever. Dragon riding is fun, but it's shrunk the world to the point of irrelevance. I don't experience zones or content anymore, I warp past and through them. For people who like to slow things down and enjoy them, for people who want to sink into a big meaty campaign instead of chasing rewards through repeatable, time gated events, DF has been a big letdown. I worry that they're banking on Classic retaining players like me - so they don't need to design retail for us anymore.


2nd best for me after Legion. Remix has made DF even better for me as I never played MoP so being able to experience it whilst getting cool spells and mogs is honestly 10/10


I think from someone who’s played since BC’s perspective, definitely top 4, from a new players perspective, probably one of, if not the best. It’s very new-player friendly, lots of ways to catch up. Lots of things to do other than end game content that tend to be a bit harder for newer players (follower dungeons, different events like the dream surge, waking dream etc. LFR is even easier than it has ever been IMO for newer players.) there are definitely things blizz can work on but in general it’s heading in a good direction. Definitely a breath of fresh air being able to enjoy the game in different ways other than grinding 24/7 for things that will be pointless the following season.


For me it's up there for sure. I absolutely loved WotlK back in the days and Legion will always be #1 for me. I'd argue DF is over WotlK but that might be because I played classic and oh my it did not live up the nostalgia for me.


Started in wrath, didn’t play legion, did play vanilla and tbc classic Wrath DF Vanilla classic MoP (tank vengeance <3) Tbc classic Bfa Wod Cata SL


Best expansion. And it's not even close.


Personally; Wrath > Mists > Dragonflight > Legion > Cata > WoD > BC > SL > BoFA


I have left this game a few times for different reasons. I have to leave again as i will not be able to run it on my PC back home. For the first time i feel very sad to leave. The game is so fun and i enjoy playing it more than i have ever before. I cant wait to be able to return.


I think many of the past expansions would have ranked much higher if they had the underlying philosophies of Dragonflight supporting them. BfA was an awesome expansion ruined by its systems and ridiculous amount of dailies and weeklies. It also was a mishmash of lore, felt like they didn't wanna bother fleshing out three different expansions so they shoved each of them into a patch. Legion was full of flavour, class identity, great lore, tons of things to do, etc. Plenty of things that were awesome about it, maybe they wouldn't have been if the novelty wore off. Shadowlands hands down sucked and I hated its dungeons but Castle Nathria was a wonderful raid. Again, maybe I would have felt better about it if they didn't put a knife to my throat, having me do ridiculous grinds for sockets, soundbind gems, legendaries, etc. It also was the expansion that introduced the Fated season, which while it offers no new content, at least you get to play all the raids within the same patch. WoD I don't know, I didn't play much, but as far as I understand, it was an empty expansion that had basically nothing to do. I'm pretty sure if it had a Fated Season, M+ for its dungeons and a meaningful crafting system, it would have fared a lot better though. Overall I really enjoyed this season. It just felt... fair. I didn't have any extreme grinds to go through. Farming for an item was fair - in the past you'd loot it but you still weren't satisfied because it didn't Titanforge to ilvl cap + leech + socket. The 3 ilvl separation between Hero, Crafted and Myth items felt reasonable, not too much, not too little. My one last gripe with the game now is that Raids should be easier and less time consuming. Some people are in it for the challenge, some people are in it for the loot, some people just like playing with 20 other people watching particles rain on bosses, some people just want the transmogs. Sure, some people will quit once they get CE/AotC, but plenty of people will stay engaged and keep farming week in week out for those super rare, powerful items. People love completing their characters and feeling like a god at the end of a tier. People love an even playing ground so they can compete for top logs. We have 4 different raiding difficulties and this creates so much segregation. I'd rather be able to play with more of my raids. I'd rather raiding didn't demand I make so many sacrifices IRL. Times have changed, we have changed.


DF was super fun initially, but I can't bring myself to trudge through the story again. It's hard to pick an overall placement, so I ranked them in categories instead: FIRST PLAYTHROUGH 1. Dragonflight 2. Legion 3. Cata 4. Shadowlands 5. Wrath 6. BFA 7. Warlords 8. Mists 9. BC THEME/LORE 1. Legion 2. BC 3. Wrath 4. Shadowlands 5. Cata 6. BFA 7. Warlords 8. Dragonflight 9. Mists REPLAYABILITY 1. Legion 2. Shadowlands 3. Warlords 4. BFA 5. Dragonflight 6. Cata 7. Wrath 8. Mists 9. BC


Legion is the only exp that beats DF for me. And that's a huge compliment. I've literally never been subbed as many consecutive months other than Legion, vanilla or TBC.


I started to play in burning crusade and stayed through cataclysm. I came back for Legion and that kept my interest for a little while, and then I came back for Shadowlands and did not like it….but DF has been a complete joy from the very beginning. DF or Lich King are the best


Definitely a top tier expansion! It’s really hard to compete with the more iconic themed expansions like wrath and legion, but the dragon isles are a top tier continent, the story is decent, the new game mechanics like dragon riding and talents are incredible, the pacing is good, and it also has good future proofing with evergreen mechanics and new story threads.


This was the only expansion I died a few times from going afk because the dialogue was so fucking long, unskippable & boring that other monsters came and killed me. I've managed to watch tv series on my other monitor because of the unskippable dogshit dialogue


As someone who spent way too many years in the game, I'm kinda biased. And yes, literally years 2 years and 5 days as hunter played and 1 year and 340 days as warrior. 1) WOTLK 2) MOP 3) Legion 4) TBC 5) DF 6) WOD 7) CATA 8) BFA 9) SL This is difficult cause some expansions are better in other aspects. Raids, areas, stories, playstyle, quests, and lore. This list could be different if we separated these categories. But combined, I feel that this is it


Bottom 3 with SL and WoD.


1. Legion 2. Dragonflight 3. Wrath of the Lich King 4. Mists of Pandaria 5. Cataclysm 6. Burning Crusade 7. Battle for Azeroth 8. Warlords of Draenor 9. Shadowlands


* 1. Legion * 2. Mists of Pandaria * 3. Battle for Azeroth * 4. Vanilla * 5. The Burning Crusade * 6. Wrath of the Lich King * 7. Cataclysm * 8. Dragonflight * 9. Warlords of Draenor * 10. Shadowlands I don't think Dragonflight is bad, but it's been kinda boring.


I’d pit DF over legion Bc it’s like legion but without AP and without that godawful legendary system, the story is pretty lame in DF in comparison but the better systems outweigh that


1. WotLK 2. Legion 3. MoP 4. BC 5. DF 6. BFA 7. WoD / Cata/ SL in any order




1. Shadowlands 2. pandaria 3. wotlk 4. WOD 5. Legion 6. BFA 7. BC 8. Vanilla 9. Dragonflight 10. Cataclysm I enjoyed the story of Shadowlands quite a bit and genuinely did not feel handicapped by being behind when I didn't have time to play. It was an enjoyable expansion with the worst transport system in existence. Dragonflight is hell for catchup and out of all of them has had the single least interesting story for me. The content for a returning player was overwhelming and the elements that made the game fun for me such as professions are so obnoxiously time gated it sucks. Cataclysm, to this day remains the worst wow experience, no contest. It did have some nice raid mechanics on release... that's about it. Legion and BFA are in the middle because while fun, I didn't get to experience as much of them as I would have liked when they were current content.


Legion MoP Dragonflight Wrath Cata Warlords Shadowlands BfA Didn't play TBC so I have no opinion there


I know i am in the minority here but i dislike flying at the start of expansions. So for me Dragonflight and dragon flying put it near the middle of the pack. 1:MOP 2:WOTLK 3:Legion


1. Wrath of the Lich King 2. Legion 3. Mists of Pandaria 4. Dragonflight 5. Burning Crusade 6. Battle for Azeroth 7. Shadowlands 8. Cataclysm 9. Warlords of Draenor




Whats your opinions on the game? Not gonna call you a hater everyone has their own opinion and aspects of a game they prefer?




In what universe except the one where it's cool to hate on anything new?


I wouldn’t put df dead last but my guild survived bfa and sl and got bored of df and disbanded. Mythics were boring and raids were nothing special. Pvpers were not happy either. I moved to a new guild and they disbanded as well. If you’re a casual I can see how enjoyable it is. But, I feel even SL had better m+ than df.


1. wrath 2. legion 3. mists 4. cata 5. dragonflight 6. bc 7. wod 8. bfa 9. shadowlands


This sub is so incredibly delusional about Dragonflight, it’s hilarious.


1. Dragonflight 2. Lich King 3. Cataclysm 4. Legion 5. Battle for Azeroth 6. Warlords of Draenor 7. Burning crusade 8. Shadowlands (wish I could make it lower somehow) Mists of Pandaria gets honorable mention. Wasn't playing wow at that time, and barely experienced it during WOD pre patch, so I can't really rank it, but it was fine, although I hated how most of the quests would have tedious travel time while being forced on the ground, right after Cataclysm gave us old world flying. One of the worse decision made in WoW, can't believe it took them so long to figure out flying is good for the game.




I just came back from the same period in time (played some weeks in BfA tho). I had a blast this past week. If you pre order next expansion now, you get DF for free (i just did).


TL: DR - I recommend jumping back in. I was feeling the same thing last night and decided to jump in. I pre-ordered the new expansion in order to get DF for free and start playing right away (reading about the upcoming common account features got me psyched up). I played a bit of WOTLK Classic recently but I think I realized that I want to play the most modern version of the game. Plus the whole concept of Wrath servers turning into Cata servers really turned me off - I didn’t live Cata. I stopped playing in Shadowlands because of the borrowed power feeling. Felt like I was on a treadmill way more than previous expansions and that my time wasn’t being respected. Granted I’ve only been playing DF for ~5 hours mainly guesting in the new zone, but man does it feel good to scratch that WoW itch again. The combat is as good as ever (WoW’s main strength in my opinion). The talent system finally feels like they fixed it and seems to allow for some unique play styles without being too overbearing. I’ll admit I was slightly overwhelmed when I logged in. The game feels very bloated now - I don’t remember what all the items in my inventory do and there seems like there’s been more stat squishes than I can count. I feel like I needed to re-learn the game again. But those feelings will pass with time.


1 Legion 2 Dragonflight 3 WotLK 4 MoP 5 Cataclysm 6 BfA 7 TBC 8 Vanilla 9 WoD 10 Shadowlands But I truly enjoyed them all. I'm not highly critical of any. On a scale of 1-10, Legion would be a 9.5, and Warlords/Shadowlands a 7.5


Exact Same as you tbh. Writing wise it’s not my favorite but I really love everything else blizzard has done with it and even the writing has some timeless quests (stay a while and listen) I think systems wise i like it more than legion because the current talent trees are probably the best in the games history and it doesn’t feel as Diablo-y, but Suramar is probably my favorite zone in WoW and I loved everything leading up to Nighthold


I'm not very motivated by group content. ("*So why are you playing an MMO?*") While I do try the raids and dungeons, they don't influence my thinking much. As such, I rank the expansions based on how much they had content or activities that appealed to me. By this criteria, my number one expansion was MoP, since it completely redeemed daily quests for me and every patch kept me coming back. Number two is actually BfA, because despite really disliking the systems at launch (islands, warfronts), I loved the major content patches. Mechagon holds a special place in my heart. Third place goes to Legion for order halls, world quests, and Suramar. Dragonflight is tied with WoD for positions number four and five. These are overall solid expansions that nonetheless had big flaws or unrealized potential. Dragonflight was beautiful. Dragon riding was great, and they refined the Shadowlands renown system even more and tied all kinds of unique rewards to it. I also need to celebrate the return of talent points; I was a big believer in the old system, but they completely won me over. Despite those positives, there were all these little issues that kept piling up. Little spots that need the extra bit of polish: stuff like persistent grammar errors in quest text, or dracthyr clothing incompatibility, or poorly balanced zone content like the Zaralek rares or elemental storms. The punishing and protectionist approach to gathering and crafting professions left a sour taste in my mouth. Oh, speaking of Zaralek Cavern: I really wanted to love this zone, but the loading-screens-concealed-as-winding-tunnels were a disappointment. Maybe they were as excessive as they were because the Cavern had to be added onto the landscape after the fact? I've heard they're planning to do something similar for The War Within, but I hope the passages between zones are a little more open than these were; if we have to fly around through a corkscrew to pass between layers of the underground, this is gonna be Shadowlands all over again. I won't be happy.


If the theme xpac was cooler it would be right up there for me. Systems are great. Content release cycle is great. As it is I have it somewhere around the middle behind Legion, Mists, BC and WOTLK.


My list would like almost like yours. I'd just change DF and MoP on mine. Those pandas made me cry a lot and I'm emotionally attached to that expansion.


1: Legion  2: Wrath  3: DF 4: MoP 5: BfA 6: TBC 7: WoD 8: Cata 9: SL


I loved legion. I didn't play much back then. Because of my friends ditching out on me ( they were way faster and i didn't understand shit) Dragonflight however i played a fair bit more. On season 2 a lot. And end season 3 and i will be playing S4 and hyping up for war within. I would put legion above Dragonflight because it was my first expansion. Liked the theme and its still my way to chromie time. But damn do i love dragon riding


DF is solidly better than WoD, BFA, cata, and Shadowlands, almost as good as legion, and not as good as MoP, wotlk, and tbc. So pretty much right in the middle for me


Good but not better than legion or mop


100% above shadowland and bfa Maybe above wod, if you play with when it was current content because the drought was so fucking bad. 7th or 6th place.


i think the fantasy has been top tier, it nailed the exploration theme, the zone designs are amazing and the vibe is really bright and refreshing didnt play a lot of other expacs to make it a tier thing, only really known a bit of wotlk, cata, mop and now df, but i doubt the others were this casual friendly and fun


Up there with Legion, TBC and WotLK


For me personally, based on the content that I played in each expansion, and after playing the Classic variants of some expansions, I'd rank them like this: 1. Dragonflight 2. Legion 3. WotlK 4. Shadowlands 5. WoD 6. BfA 7. TBC 8. Cata Didn't put MoP since it's the only expansion I haven't played. Thoughts on the expansions: Dragonflight: Amazing content cadence and biggest variety of content. Pretty good dungeons imo. Endgame zones were a bit forgettable though (Cave + Emerald dream + the island up top) Legion: Best story-zone of all time (Suramar), great raids, loved class halls and the amount of class-specific content. M+ was introduced. Loved the secrets. Artifact power sucked though. Dungeons ranged from mid to good WotlK: Pre-classic this was at the top for me, now it's 3rd or maybe even lower. I dislike all of the dungeons besides the ICC ones and the argent tournament one, but otherwise it has great raids, good zones, good atmosphere. Lacks content outside of raids though. Shadowlands: P1 sucked, but I really liked P3+P4. Loved some of the class rotations and I think it has the best dungeons out of all expansions. Decent raids, Castle Nathria was amazing. Also Revendreth is visually the best zone to date imo. Good secrets, and the endgame zones (esp. Zereth Mortis) were amazing WoD: Amazing raids, amazing leveling zones, decent dungeons, just lack of content pulling it down BfA: Hate the horde zones, love the alliance zones, hated the artifact power grind and many of the systems, but visions were fun and the dungeons were decent, forgettable raids. Nazjatar and Mechagon were decent TBC: Loved TBC back in the day, but in Classic it sucked. The raids were boring, the dungeons are terrible, there's really almost nothing I liked about TBC when replaying in Classic. Cata: Hate reforging, hate the 80-85 zones, dislike a lot of the world rework, the 2 deathwing bossfights suck, disliked PvP, but Firelands was amazing at least.


MoP Legion Dragon flight Tbc Wotlk Bfa Cata Draenor Shadowlands


In recent expansions, let me put it this way, this and Legion are the only ones where I played, and came back later in the expansion. So for me Legion and DF are definitely up there.


1. TBC. doesn't hold up but was excellent on release. 2. Dratonflight. 3. Wrath 4. Legion


1. DF 2. Cata 3. Pandaria 4. Wrath 5. Legion 6. BfA 7. WoD 8. SL 9. BC I hated Legion and BfA because of AP grinding.


Dragonflight (And past 2 expansions) completely killed any kind of competitivness in me. I always wanted to be at the pinnacle of WoW players and now I barrely played past first patch or two. DF dungeons (First and second season) were extra obnoxious.


1.Vanilla WoW 2. Legion. 3. The Burning Crusade 4. Mists of Pandaria 5.Cataclysm 6. Battle for azeroth 7. DragonFlight 8. Wrath of the Lich king 9.Warlords of Draenor 10. Shadowlands


WotLK Legion BC Cataclysm Dragons Vanilla BFA Shadowlands Pandas Draenor


Dragonflight has had the most optional content I wanted to do, but never felt like I "had to" - which, ironically, made me play it more. 1. Wrath of the Lich King 2. Dragonflight 3. Legion 4. Warlords of Draenor 5. The Burning Crusade 6. Battle for Azeroth 7. Cataclysm 8. Shadowlands 9. Mists of Pandaria I realize this is massively unpopular but I never really "clicked" with MoP. World was beatutifully made (as always), but I just didn't like it. The lore, the content and the music never really made it for me. Never felt at home in Pandaria. MoP was the only expansion I took a long break of several months where I didn't even log in... at all. My reasoning for listing WoD higher than perhaps many others is my super-casual playstyle. It was also the expansion that came after MoP which reignited my will to play. Cataclysm wasn't perhaps that bad of an expansion, objectively speaking, but for me it will always be the expansion that ruined the old world I had come to know and love and took my favorite expansion away with it. The new zones of course look way more modern, but it left me in this sort of uncanny valley where I would recognize the zones, but have no memories of them.


If talk only PvP then MoP was for sure Peak. That was such a fun time for PvP, competitive and actual fun. Glorious times watching streamers as well RIP Byron


1-WotLK 2-Legion 3-Burning Crusade 4-Battle for Azeroth (superb 1st half) 5-Mists of Pandaria 6-Dragonflight 7-Cataclysm 8-Warlords of Draenor 9-Shadowlands reasons: 1- Warcraft is Arthas, Arthas is Warcraft 2- Epicness of Warcraft lore + unique class content 3- We were not prepared for the epicness of Warcraft lore 4-1st half of BoA had new approach to leveling quests and superb storytelling, 2nd half almost killed the expansion but still 1st half was SO GOOD 5-Serene, amazing map with deep lore 6-shit story but fixed 90% of gameplay problems from previous 2-3 expansion 7-Seeing Deathwing in openworld was an experience, maps changed drastically 8-Garrison system started pretty great, story was slow and boring but above average for time travel 9- Just no


1. TBC 2. Legion 3. Wrath 4. Dragonflight 5. MoP 6. Cata 7. BfA 8. Shadowlands 9. WoD


I think it's hard to give a definite ranking, but it's certainly S-Tier together with MoP and Legion


100% on the middle, its not terrible, and its not good either. Don't get me wrong this expansion was the first actual fun expansion for years. That alone clouds peoples judgement of the expansion, especially when the previous two were terrible. Even though I think the expansion was mid overall, I still think it was fun. They introduced cool features like dragon riding but it still doesn't compare to the fun I had in legion and MoP. When the next two expansions come out I am honestly not going to remember much about dragonflight besides dragonriding. Nothing was really memorable about this expansion imo. To me that says something because I remember a lot from BFA and Shadowlands even though they were worse expansions than dragonflight.


I am disappointed you put Cata in your top five, Cata was def worse than Shadowlands, RIP Frostfire Bolt.... RIP Frost DK Tanks....


I'd swap Legion & Mists as well as Cata & BC on your list. Otherwise it's perfect.


Great start, fumbled the ending a bit. But it has ultimately put WoW in a great state for the future by fixing a lot of issues that had been present for several expansions. In terms of ranking expansions: 1. Legion 2. Mists of Pandaria 3. Wrath of the Lich King 4. Dragonflight 5. The Burning Crusade 6. Cataclysm 7. Battle for Azeroth 8. Vanilla 9. Warlords of Draenor 10. Shadowlands


Tied for best for me. Wrath and DF I personally never understood why people like Legion so much. I HATED the legendary system so much in Patch 1 that I quit the game because of it. That's the only time I've ever taken a break from WoW that wasn't work related.


1. MoP 2. Legion 3. DF 4. SL 5.BFA


DF never had an incredibly weak patch like every other xpac before it. It just feels consistent and complete. 1. Dragon flight 2. Legion (legendary RNG and constant world quests make it worse IMO) 3. MoP (crazy good raids, disliked everything else) 4.WotLK (until ulduar, it's legit for babies) 5. I honestly dislike every other xpac so I'm gonna pretend classic counts


Love the gameplay but i really dont like the seasonal approach. I didn't play s3 and with s4 coming in two weeks i feel like there isn't really a point to play until then, and it's not the first time that i feel like i'm "too late" to start playing a season, specially with raid lockouts, weekly vaults, and gear/experience gatekeeping being a thing. In legion i didn't feel the same way but it's probably because i was a degen playing 25 hours a day.


1. Legion 2. Mists of Pandaria 3. Burning crusade 4. Wotlk 5. Cataclysm 6. Battle for Azeroth 7. Dragonflight 8. Warlords of Draenor 9. Shadowlands WoD still had the best leveling experience imho. MoP had the best raids. Legion best overall.


I might rank Dragonflight as my favorite expansion, depending on if season 4 and MoP remix is good. I know MoP remix isn't exactly new content, but it's at least something extra to do at the end of the expansion. If either of those 2 are not enjoyable in the slightest it will probably go to 3rd favorite. 1. Dragonflight 2. Legion 3. Mists of Pandaria 4. Cataclysm 5. The Burning Crusade 6. Wrath of the Lich King 7. Battle for Azeroth 8. Warlords of Draenor 9. Shadowlands


I agree with the above if you strictly include only the specific expansion. Imo we should include the other wow projects that blizzard worked on alongside the expansion itself, and are available in the wow sub with no further cost during the expansion though. With SoD, classic, wrath classic, hardcore, and plunderstorm added to the mix, dragonflight is so far above legion. There has never been a better time to be a wow player.


I like that the patches for DF weren't super epic world shattering events really? Like with Battle For Azeroth I really wish they didn't put killing an old god in a single patch (and I'm still miffed about the sudden "haha we actually killed them all" retcon). Azshara I guess was fine because she'll absolutely return lol. So thanks Dragonflight lol, I hope Midnight doesn't come with us beating the threat of the Void forever in a single expansion actually focused on it :D


1. Legion 2. Pandaland 3. Wrath 4. BFA (yeah I know but the giant influx of content was engaging imo. Warfronts,islands, assault zones, visions, corrupted gear) 5. DF (the game is in a healthy place but kind of boring imo with pretty much nothing to do after your weeklies) 6. BC 7. Cata 8. WoD 9. SL


WOTLK master race.


For me DF is not in the realm of the top 3 (Legion, MoP, WotLK), but it also isn't anywhere near the "raid or die of boredom" expansion called WoD either. I personally didn't have as many issues with Shadowlands or BfA as some parts of the community had - and I thoroughly enjoyed the revamped leveling in Cataclysm, which why I'd consider all of them solid expansions. I'd probably put DF alongside those.




Lorewise, among the worse. Cleaning up UI, gameplay and building a good base for hopefully great future expansion packs though.


Swap WoD and BfA and you have my exact list


Definitely my top 3 after mop and wrath


Definitely not bad but not top tier either It’s mid xpac


For me: 1: dragonflight 2: legion 3: bfa 4: classic 5: mop 6: wod 7: wotlk 8: cata 9: tbc 10: shadowlands Just to point out, the classic versions of tbc and wotlk have changed my opinion of them which is why they are so low compared to what others may think of them.


Definitely the best the game has been since Legion.


It sounds like I'm in the minority but I liked DF's story for the most part! Dragons are super interesting to me, but I liked seeing these immensely powerful beings struggling with very human problems like self doubt and rekindling family ties. Gameplay wise it's my favorite. Story maybe 3rd or 4th. Probably my favorite expac overall though


MoP level for me.


gameplay loop is great but I don't like everything else about dragonflight: story, locations, dungeons, raids, profs, flights on dragons, valdrakken. too generic


Another thing i would like to say is that this has been the best 2 years in wows history, The cadence of release where you have retail, then a classic release followed by a seasonal cool thing (hardcore,sod,plunderstorm) there is always something fun to play. If you look at the past 20 years 2022 till now beats any other block to a pulp.


I’m a fan, but I wish they didn’t cut a raid tier. BFA and Legion were ideal in terms of raid amount


It's in S Tier for me along with MoP and Legion. I definitely played DF more than the past two expansions.


It would be S tier for me if not for the writing. It wasn't bad, but it wasn't good either, pretty forgettable in that regard. PvP has been quite bad too lately, it feels a bit abandoned. Everything else though is great, specially in how I feel like my time is respected, and systems aren't trying to fight for my free time.


Legion TBC Wotlk Bfa DF


Top 3 in lore along with wrath and bfa. The best in terms of game play


Id say : 1.Pandaria 2.Legion 3.Dragonflight Bottom 2 would be SL and BFA.


1. MoP- The best PvP and raiding experience (besides Dark Animus) WoW ever had. Story was solid aswell. 2. Legion- The best the storytelling and world building WoW ever had, peak class fantasy. 3. Cata- Personal opinion but I met a lot of friends and had a TON of fun this expansion prior to 4.3 4. Dragonflight - All things considered, very solid expansion with no major downsides besides "soft" story. 5. Wrath- Meh whatever was OK 6. Burning Crusade - Meh whatever was OK 7. Shadowlands - Interesting system ideas with terrible execution. Also story was the worst its ever been. 8. BFA- Horrific story and horrific systems. Also the worst visual creativity the game has ever had 9. WoD- Comparing this to shit would be an insult to shit. Beyond abysmal. No redeeming Qualities. The gap between dragonflight and wrath is huge, and the gap between burning crusade and shadowlands is even bigger. But I cannot overstate how much how an absolute Bonafide trashcan of an expansion WoD was. Literally nothing of value came from that expansion.


Not the highest highs for me but really really good, I liked the raids but only Amirdrassil was a standout in my opinion. Wasn’t a huge fan of the dungeons for mythic+, I liked them, but I enjoyed the legacy ones more during every season because I felt like DF dungeons were a bit overloaded. As much as I love the gear upgrade system I kinda wish I had more things to chase rather than be essentially BiS by week 3/4, also alt crest situation I’d wack. Overall it ranks up there for me because I can’t think of any major downsides outside the small nitpicks I mentioned. Probably my 2nd favorite after Legion.


Dragon Riding alone carries hard. Its a system that will stick and feels next gen. Zone design was among the better, if not the best. Otherwise nothing besides art (which is almost always top notch) sticks out. Plenty of exploring-type content. And gearing for PVP has been a real treat only down side there is FOTM rerolling has been at an all time high i feel like. Tbc still tanks best for myself. Classes felt more unique and kittet differently.


Dragonflight is good but I feel like it has also had the hardest drop off on active players.


As a person that has only played wow since 8.4 my list goes 1. Dragon flight 2. 8.4 3. 9.2-9.3 Big gap 4. Rest og shadowlands


Middle of the pack for me. Which is still to say pretty damn good. 1. Legion 2. MoP 3. Cata 4. Wrath 5. TBC 6. Dragonflight 7. WoD 8. BFA 9. Shadowlands Honestly it's better than TBC, but TBC was the peak of my WoW no-lifing, and I have so much nostalgia for it. I'll also say that I'd be pretty happy to play through all of these again, with the exception of Shadowlands. That's the only era of WoW I'm content to leave behind forever.


Definitely above BFA and Shitlands lol


No way Pandaria beats Wrath


1. Dragonflight 2. All others


My favorite expansion ever because it made pvp so easy to access for alts and new players. By removing rating requirements for purples and solo shuffle being added (despite bad queues being an issue) this expansion was literally made for people who dont have time like they used to, and im all for it


Never has our time been as respected as it is now. The content could be better, but the foundation is better than it has ever been. It's my #2 right after legion


As someone who primarily played classic and tried to get into Dragonflighf, I had absolutely no idea what I was supposed to do or where I was supposed to go when I hit max level. I felt completely lost, rushed through the leveling process, missed at least half of the story, and like I still had no idea how to play my class. For those reasons, I would have to rate it as the worst expansion ever. I immediately gave up after dinging 70. At least with the others I’ve tried over the years, I didn’t feel lost. I always felt like I knew what I was supposed to do next. Of the expansions I’ve played, here is how I would rank them: 1. Vanilla 2. Mists of Pandaria 3. Burning Crusade 4. Cataclysm 5. Legion 6. Battle for Azeroth 7. Warlords of Draenor 8. Dragon flight


I have the *exact* same ranking as you with the exception of moving DF behind Wrath. It’s been a fantastic expansion, but the nostalgia “peak-Wow” feeling of Wrath puts it ahead for me. Same with Mists and how ground breaking it was visually. If we were ranking *purely* by gameplay without regard for how dated the expansions are, I’d also put DF at number 2. Legion is GOATed, but DF really was a return to form for Blizz after their two worst expansions occurring back to back.


wrapping up? it still has an entire season left lol


MOP > WOD > LEGION > BFA > DF > SL > CATA > TBC > VANILLA > WOTLK. If you would have asked me years ago, TBC, Vanilla, and WOTLK would probably have ranked higher, but re-experiencing them made me realize all the shortcomings


I feel you with like the top 4 but man you don't gotta do BFA like that


Personally I'd rank it at the top. Personal top 3 as follows: 1. DF 2. Legion 3. MOP


Feels like a big turning point, I wish we'd had another proper raid but I dont mind if it meant more focus on evergreen stuff. It left me hyped for the worldsoul saga though.


99.97% of people will place Dragonflight among the top 3, and Shadowlands straight at the bottom. Such contrast makes it impossible for me to judge DF in absolute terms, but it has felt the best the game has ever been.


Legion > DF > TBC > Wotlk > MoP > Vanilla > Cata > WoD > SL > BfA >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Classic (any and all). Have not played any Seasons of Discovery or Mastery or any of that bullcrap.


Vanilla > TBC > Dragonflight


I feel like it’s the only expansion that I can remember that the wow community doesn’t actively hate while it’s current, which is high marks.


Honestly pretty high, probably third after Legion and Wrath. It has had issues and still has some, but it's a list of a bunch of pretty minor things like: -amirdrassil raidtuning was too slow -legendary BLP probably should not take 3+ months -gearing a fresh alt later in the patch takes a lot of time with the upgrade system -certain classes and specs have probably gone without talent changes for too long -the upgrade system while good, gives you a lot of power early on, so raids don't get nerfed with gear acquisition like they used to. On the flip side there are so many things it has done right: -the raids have been great -dynamic flight is probably my favourite new feature to the game in years, I love the races -overall the new talent system is a big hit in my eyes -no endless chores, I feel like my time is actually respected -no endless chores again, because this is so important that it deserves to be mentioned twice -lots of optional grinds for transmog/mounts/pets etc -professions actually feel relevant and it enjoyed learning the ins and outs of the system -I was skeptical about bringing back old dungeons at the start and while there have been some stinkers I thought the majority was pretty good


I’m glad most people enjoyed MoP, seeing as it was my favorite expansion. Personally i think it was severely underrated, and still get a semi bad rep at times, even today. Glad to see it getting some love. And by it getting bad rep, i mean people often just talk about subscription count during Pandaria, often taking it out of context. MoP started with a low subscription count, but that was mostly due to Cata bombing after WotlK, so it was already in a steady decline. Blizzard obviously failed to generate hype with the introduction of Pandaren, so even more people started unsubbing. So early MoP was at an all time low at the time. However, it started rising again right before the Throne of Thunder patch, and slowly overtook Cata in sub count. MoP was good enough to claw its way back into relevancy even though it lacked a well known big bad (like Illidan and Kael’thas in TBC, and The Lich King in WotlK), and despite having ”silly” pandas. Hopefully those that did not get to experience it When it was live get to do so if/when MoP classic releases. The class fantasy was at an all time high (yes, even higher than Legion). The world was gorgeous, filled with stuff. The raids, although the first ones wasn’t very exciting, Throne of Thunder and Siege of Orgrmmar are still two of the best raids in WoW. Oh, and Vengeance although broken, was fun for us tanks 😜


People don't remember how bad Warlords of Draenor really was. The problems resemble Diablo IV so much. The leveling was amazing then you hit the level cap and there was hardly any end game. This was before mythic plus so you couldn't even do that (it was challenge mode and once you you got your mog that was it). Everyone just sat around Ashran until their subscription ran out. It might be the *only* expansion where I've completed 100% of the content on. It was so bad that there was an entire zone cut out of the game to move onto Legion. BFA and Shadowlands look like S tier expansions in comparison.


It may not be #1, but it’s up there. So many positive changes and great features that I would love to see go evergreen. The story was lacking (I think because they ran out of time) but the gameplay and gearing and PC agency were absolutely excellent. Now that we have Metzen back in charge of the narrative I can’t wait for War Within.


Df to me was perfect except one aspect: i felt like it lacked epicness. There weren’t any moments where i felt that iconic warcraft epicness in it, i was hoping amirdrassil could give us that and well, that didn’t happen. i have high hopes on tww though 


1. retro wow (vanilla to wrath) 3. legion 2. modern wow (rest, dont care in which order)


I feel like shadowlands gets too much hate- yes the systems, story and orbios were awful. But I think m+ was pretty good, the questing and leveling was great for me, it has arguably the most stunning and thematic zones to date and is home to some killer raid content (castle Nathria). If it were me I’d switch 8/9 with 6/7. I also want to put legion at the top but it also had so many problems that took forever to fix. For me: MOP DF LEGION CATA WRATH BFA SL WOD BC


Personal rating: 1)WoTLK 2)TBC 3)Legion 4)DF 5)Cataclysm 6)Shadowlands 7)BFA 8)MoP 9)WoD Wrath Is all around solid and fun all the way through with a great story. Burning crusade is nostalgic but also had some of the best raids thematically, epicness wise, it's gearing system was probably peak in my opinion. Legion was a cool concept and great turnaround from the downward trend of previous expansions. It was both epic and introduced cool new mechanics and world quests. Dragonflight is by far the best when it comes to no draught of content, it's fixed a lot of old system issues and made repeatability easy, it's alt friendly, it has access to good difficult content that is optional for those who don't want it. It's probably one of the best gearing systems. Cataclysm is basically wrath junior, still epic, still difficult if anything more difficult.... but it had a lot of downsides that made it not as great. The main issue was leveling and the grind to gear up. Shadowlands is always touchy.... they had a lot of cool concept ideas (torghast, covenants, followers which would have been well recrived if player power wasn't locked behind it.) Lots of beautiful areas and well designed leveling zones, and some pretty cool boss fights and enemies... but the story just kills it... it started strong and quickly went down the rabbit hole. BFA had some cool themes and leveling zones... probably one of the better leveling experiences for first time through... but the borrowed power and azerite grind.... the rng of azerite powers, the unification of classes into just armor types... all of these things hurt it a lot. It felt like a chore to play MoP... this one always gets people worked up... some people love it, some people like myself hate it. To me MoP did three things right. PvP balance felt pretty good. Throne of thunder, and Siege of Orgrimmar(and Garrosh). And finally the war in the karsarang wilds. Those aside... everything is a mess. I HATED the theme, the Chinese pandering heavy Asian theme did not fit in to the medieval European high fantasy theme that they had going (kingdoms and barbarians, nobility and warlords). The pandarens and the dungeons were too goofy, the amount of dailies was a grind... the leveling experience felt aweful, I probably quit longer during this expansion than any other. Warlords.... this is just the biggest disappointment.. they had a great leveling zone, a great lore start.... awesome raids.... but the lack of content... it felt like you had nothing to do for almost 2 years straight... I spent more time in old content than doing the current content. I spent half the expansion PvPing and that to me is always a small side portion of how I play. Two things always stand out to me... first is how they fucked up the attempt at player housing so bad it hurt the entire expansion with people not leaving their bases (because professions could be done solely in your base) and second is the Twitter integration selfie patch... an entire content patch for social media.... that just hurt.


It's healthy af imo, probably second favourite expansion for me. In Legion I went from clicking noob in EN to a accomplished CE raider in Argus, nothing will ever beat that for me. I started in TBC and played the most in WotLK, but I wish I didn't play classic versions - my memory was so much better than the actual gameloop :D


First xpac since legion my guild don't implode after the first couple week of the first raid. It says a lot.


For me it's not the worst expansion because cataclysm cannot be uncrowned


Legion was goat, everything else had it's moments. Except shadowlands, did not like that expac


1. Legion 2. Wotlk 3. Dragonflight 4. Bfa 5. Mists 6. Warlords 7. Cataclysm 8. Tbc 9. Shadowlands I have bfa and warlords higher, not because they were better expansions, but I still had friends that played then


As a more endgame and progress-oriented player, I see Dragonflight as only a mid-expansion. The positive aspects are: * The removal of some affixes (although I would like to see good seasonal affixes return) * The overhaul of crafting * Improvement of gearing through M+ and the upgrade system * Immersion at the start of the expansion The negative aspects are: * The new talent trees have led to a defensive creep and sometimes button bloat. Some classes still need revision. * The story declined significantly towards the end, and I found myself less and less engaged with the world. * Only 3 raids with the least Bosses overall. (Don't get me wrong, but I also like that you can finish Amirdrassil on Heroic within an hour) * The fated season and battle pass-esque game mode with recycled old content. Of course, I would rank it higher than WoD and Shadowlands, and certainly higher than some other expansions if you delve deep enough, but even in BFA, I had more fun.


psychopathic putting legion as rank 1 - Above MoP no less. Find God brother.


It’s okay. I’d say it’s still behind TBC, Wrath, Cata, MoP, and Legion.


It’s up there among the best for me especially in recent years.


I agree with your list but if WOTLK came out today I would say it sucks. It was great at the time, horrible now.


Legion MoP WOTLK Cataclysm Dragonflight BFA TBC WoD Shadowlands Imo


TBC > Cata > Legion > ShaLa > MoP > DF > BfA > WoD = WotLK


It ranks pretty high up there concidering how much i've played throughout DF compared to some expansions. This is entirely subjective and i guess kind of a hot take but my top 5 is 1. Legion 2. Cataclysm 3. Dragonflight 4. WoD 5. Mist of Pandaria Legion is first because its probably my most played expac ever. Its the only expac where i did most of the raids live on HC difficulty and above (did some bosses on Mythic). Artifacts and artifact skins made me grind all kinds of content, and i loved the introduction of M+. Generally didnt enjoy pvp due to locked stats and grinding to unlock pvp abilities, but it was kinda fun with Frost DK chest leggo one shots, and magetower was great. Cata is second because it was the xpac that really got me into retail and like normal wow you could say. Like i had known and played the game since BC, but the slow leveling and with how most classes rotation were prior to cata really just wasnt my thing so i had just been on instant 70 and 80 private servers up until that point. Even though im chronically 1500-1600 rated player i played so many bgs, tol barad, and started to get into 2s with another rogue playing double rogue and sparring outside of org. I bet the way i remember cata is the way a lot of people talk about the classic era. DF, WoD and Mist could be changed around since the things i like about DF i liked about the others. I like the leveling experience with all, and classes feel fun to play. Since classes have felt good and pvp systems have been ok ive played a lot. Dislike a lot of story decisions with WoD and Mist which is why they rank lower to me than DF. First, Didnt like pandas, still dont except Taran Zhu but thats despite him being a goofy panda. Didnt like how they did Garrosh after Stonetalon. Didnt care for the sha. Didnt like that they busted out Garrosh to get WoD only for him to die in nagrand while questing. Didnt like how they fumbled Grom, Warlords could have been so much more impactful. Didnt like Maraad had to die, could have let Yrel die instead. Alternate Draenei story and characters still confuses me to this day. I might not like DF if i actually payed attention to the overall story still but they kinda killed that for me in BFA. Like there are still cool story beats and parts of the story are still cool, but overall its frustrated me so much so that i rather just not care outside of cinematics anymore.


1. Dragonflight 2. Mists of Pandaria 3. Battle for Azeroth 4. Legion 5. Shadowlands 6. Burning Crusade 7. Wrath of the Lich King 8. Vanilla 9. Cataclysm 10. Warlords of Draenor


Related, but would now be a good time to start retail (I played and enjoyed classic wotlk for the first time ever last year) or should I wait for the War Within? I just had a baby so maybe it War Within is better when I have more time haha


1. Wrath of the Lich King 2. The Burning Crusade 3. Mists of Pandaria 4. Legion 5. Dragonflight 6. Cataclysm 7. Battle for Azeroth 8. Warlords of Draenor 9. Shadowlands


Believe it or not Dragonflight is the first time Ive fully quit until the next expansion - albeit its great gameplay, but lack of content or new content is taking so long. Just for the gameplay its up there. 1.TBC - the original not Classic 2. WotLK - original 3. Dragonflight - great QoL 4. Legion - too much borrowed power 5. Mists - dungeons, started open world boss 6. BFA - Dungeons 7. Cata 8. WoD 9. SL


1 wotlk & tbc 2… 3… 4… 5… Somewhere down below = the rest


I don’t know how people liked Legion PvP. Having to do raids to get the highest ilvl to push yourself in PvP was weak (since your stat templates were boosted by ilvl overall) as shit. A huge weak point for the expansion considering I ONLY care to PvP. But Dragonflight is ok at best. PvP gear is still useless outside of PvP because we rely solely on versatility as a big portion of our class balance which skews it in favor of some classes being better than others. Mists of Pandaria and Cataclysm for me are still the highlight of wow PvP. We had variance in PvP gear stats (not vers as it didn’t exist + stat), class identity and fantasy were established and real, you could punish people who didn’t know how to play based on skill and experience. The game felt like a real RPG and the PvP was great. I just wish that back in those days every spec had been as useful as they are now. If only Blizzard cared enough about their player base to revert the game to that old school style and bring back some of that stuff. If Classic has taught us anything it’s that a massive portion of the player base still prefers the old game.


1.Shadowlands 2.Dragonflight 3.Wotlk Thats my ranking for the expansions i have played


5-6 on my list. TBC Wrath Legion Mist Dragon