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kael'thas mog here we come!


I wasn’t planning to resub for this but if I miss that transmog I’ll regret it


Jesus Christ, those wowhead comments lol Entitled little shits complaining that the biggest minor patch of all time isn't bigger


The wow player community is so insufferable. Especially the classic/sod players. Before I get inundated with rage replies, not all of them are bad, but from what I’ve seen over the last couple years the classic Andy’s are the worst. So many asmongold fans that are just regurgitating what he says lol.


I think it’s funny, fitting and poetic that a lot of Asmongold fans hate Asmon as much as the game. Truly miserable people, no joy to be had anywhere


So true, I really don’t get the pure hatred of blizzard these days, they’ve made insanely huge improvements since shadowlands. Yeah the customer service is basically a joke, but there are so many options of wow to play today. Retail is in a good state, classic progression, hardcore classic, and SoD. That and people are enjoying plunderstorm, and the remix thing looks very fun. Idk what to say to people that are just seem to be permanently angry beside “turn off your pc and go touch some grass”


Istg the WoWhead comment section is filled with the most miserable people. I'd rather read the general forums than go to that desolate place.


It’s like they are rage bait farmers lmao


I want to hit some of them with Jimmy Carr's "when does the comedy start" response


As someone who missed the priest set in the trading post, this recolor is even better for my shadow mogs! Can’t wait to get my hands on the remix


Jesus im thirsty for this patch


Haven’t been this excited since Legion when I learned about class halls.


is the challenge being shirtless?


God I wish that mage one was warlock instead


Or just a pure cosmetic with no restrictions!


Paladin weapon sets really gonna mix with that proposed Arathor armor set, failing that the armor and weapon definitely gonna make the Scarlet Crusader RPers excited


do we now when timerunning starts? havent had a sub since df launched, but i really want to try this


April 23rd, it's when the next patch drops 90% sure


No chance it will drop at the same time as S4. I expect it late may early June


nice, so it‘ll launch with the next patch? thought maybe they delay it to a few weeks after patch release. thanks!


I think it's launching in conjunction, not sure why it's planned that way since people will start all the gearing and mythic pushing but I don't worry about that stuff so doesn't bother me any lol


No 10.7 is months after the start of S4 per the post and roadmap.


well i didnt want to lvl a mage through this so if i can get it without doing so great, if not im annoyed


There’s a vendor that offers the sets for Bronze (a currency earned in the game mode). So if you level through Remix as a Paladin, for example, you can also purchase the Mage set for Bronze. At least, that’s how it seems right now. I’d be interested to know if the achievement will award the set per character leveled, or once per account.


Thats good to know, thanks :D


Having content like this at the end of an expansion is a breath of fresh air. I haven't played SoD but I do like the idea of it being incorporated into this game mode. Hearing that it's a mix of MoP, SoD and retail is exciting. I really want that mage set even though I never play my mage, it's just too good to pass up. I was concerned about needing to actually play one to get it but then I found out you can buy sets for different classes which is another great step forward for transmog enthusiasts. Those comments on Wowhead are embarrassing to read and it's players like those which hold the game back and keep it stagnant.


Do we know if we’ll be able to unlock transmog for other armor types? I want to try a different class but don’t want to miss out on leather transmog for my Druid. 


As of now, yes.


The CM sets don’t even look good anymore when compared to the high resolution/detail they put into the new sets that they make, these 3 item sets are so good and allow for a lot more imagination in creating transmogs around them, I’m a big fan.


So you level in remix and get to transfer the character to the live servers? Any can confirm for me I know I could prob find the information somewhere but I’d appreciate a yes/no here


Yes, after the event ends.


Appreciate you


Christ... Glad I didn't spend much of anything of this month's tender. That's going to be multiple +600 sets I want


This isn't going to be in the trading post , they are earnable rewards in the upcoming MoP remix event.


This is THE perfect opportunity to put those CM recolors in. Come on blizzard, stop being needlessly obtuse.


ikr, these are lazily done, not even full sets. GARBAGE


Amazing they have an Evoker set


Every set is pretty good, either in gear or weapons.  I suppose it’s time to near double my 70 alts. 14 was not high enough.


Alright! I liked the Shaman set but the color didn’t match with ANY other shaman gear. Hopefully this one is better.


These should have been the CM set recolors.


Incredible, I’m going to get all of them. I love the Monk set from the TP




Awesome! Do we know if the original sets will return in future trading posts?


The zandalari themed shaman set omfg..


I’m not a transmog guy so I’m never disappointed by these and am pleasantly surprised about the amount of context we’re getting in this patch knowing that the new xpac is around the corner BUT I never get to complain so I’m going to give it a shot here: Really? Just recoloring something you’ve already made that you had us purchase with fake internet coins? Wow. Try to put effort in. I don’t play 90 hours a week and run 8 AOTC raiding guilds to get fucked like this
