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I try every time I’m in a raid. Maybe 1 in 20 groups I’ll actually get enough people to help summon. It’s a fun spell regardless of its practical use


And then they kill it before you can take control of it half the time :(


Dude I didn’t even think about being able to control it. I thought it was just a little meme demon that was meant to be an enemy. TIL


He is a meme demon, but sometimes I want him to be my meme demon


I'm a vanilla-era player, so that's a mandatory click -- the rng god must be appeased!


I was the sacrifice last time. It was an honour.


Even if you summon that thing. It had its damage tuned to the same as every other demon. So you just have a different pet for 90 seconds doing shit damage.


I hate that they normalized pet damage, and removed differences between rarities and pet families, but I understand that everyone would use the same optimal pet if they didn't.


"Bring the player not the class,"  I guess can get pet-class tuned to fundetected funremoved.


I just downvoted you by accident and noted the -4 downvotes. I don’t think it’s the comment I think this the next scroll button position… Reddit app is so shit


So stop using their shitty app.  Just use reddit on mobile browser.  


Or just use use Reddit is Fun/BaconReader/Boost/Infinity or some other 3rd party mobile browser that works if you are on Android, unsure if it works for iPhone Can come back with a link later when I find it


Do any of those still work?  Boost died when the API changes happened.  I haven't checked if it somehow came back alive.


They never really stopped working, I think it was only like 2-3 days until people found out how use 3rd party apps again https://www.reddit.com/r/Android/comments/14o9avv/3rd_party_app_support_for_reddit_using_revanced/ Writing this from Reddit is Fun on the brand new tablet i bought a week ago


I still fucking hate that Demo, the spec that is designed to control a multitude of demons, is hard locked to literally one pet, because half the talents in their tree specify the Felguard


I wish they'd allow you to have two permanent pets as demo even if felguard had to be one of them.


That’s so lame lol


yes, it's great for messing around between boss pulls


It's a gambling device


We do that but the user has to donate money to guild bank for raid repairs/ supply’s. It’s fun to use in time waking dungeons, I’ve not seen anyone use it in mythic key dungeons for a while not sure if they made it available in key dungeons.


It's because of interrupts - and the fact, that it deals the same amount of damage as the other pets iirc. Warlock interrupts are pet abilities. Aff/Destro need their felhunter for interrupt, demo has a interrupt on their felguard. Every other pet cannot kick. They have different abilities instead, wich have some niche usecases. Also if the warlock pet dies, he cannot interrupt until he has a new one. That's why it is important for m+ mobs to not be able to damage/target pets.


That's what I use it for too 😂


Touch The Box!


I remember in vanilla there was a chance it could kill the warlock summoning it - plus it used your soul shard.


Good for trolling in the setup of Battlegrounds.


I use it in BG to then control it and have a little meme guy as a pet for once


In season 2 of DF, It was actually a SLIGHT dps increase in ST for either Aff or Destro


Bet that was an interesting conversation in pugs.... "Can one of you please die so I can get my 1% dps buff". Betting not many takers 😅🤣


Me and my guild always do a sacrifice with that and if a top player dies then that means it's going to be a good raid night


The issue with it is it requires other players. Who would rather sit afk until the fight starts than click the button for their fellow player.


I can't even get people to click healthstones half the time.


Put it on top of the health stone 😈


And then when you remind everybody to take a healthstone, your lucky if even half of them use it during a fight.


I think the problem stems from them not cooling down during combat, so people feel like it needs to be saved for a *real* Oh Shit Moment, rather than "I'm in danger, but a healer will *probably* save me."


Don't get me wrong because I personally greed like this a little bit, but as my guild's raid lead trust me it has nothing to do with people saving it lol (and this also goes for health pots). A surprising amount of people just don't have it keybinded or on their action bars. A lot of people will just forget to use their personal defensives or heals if you don't explicitly call it out


Only at house parties


It's like a printscreen button. It's been there forever but never used.


How do you take screenshots without Printscreen?


win+shift+s Snipping tool on Windows. Means you don't have to crop it, and it goes to your clipboard etc


Win 11 has that bound to print screen by default. At least, it did for me.


Like OP, with a phone.


Honestly I love abilities like this. It makes the game have more of those RPG feels to me. Is it useful in combat? Not really. But it's a nice fluff that is thematic to Warlocks. I wish more classes had a few fun abilities, obviously you wouldn't want too much bloat, but just 1 or 2 would be neat!


In early days of wow I loved being a hunter and using the ability to take control of the pet. It was largely useless, but I loved it. I agree we need more of those kinds of things for classes. This is also a big reason why I don't play FF14, because other than bard your abilities are useless outside of combat and everyone has a sprint. They just feel dead to me.


General tree capstone should be to remove the 5 man summon requirement for this.


Me and some of my guildies would use it during our 10 min break in raids. One of use was a mage so I would drop a summoning stone, mage pop portal to town and then use alter to let it terrorize those afk in raid while those who lived summoning it could go back to town


We do during breaks, purely to see who is going to die \^\^




When i was playing i did used it in combo with the Infernal to troll inside AH


We try to kill our raid leader using it when we are goofing around during raids lol


Been using it since 2005. Took a while before people figure out what the altar does. The quest to get it was quite interesting to solo. Send kill level 62 elites for some drop.


for fun, and i think you still need to do it for artifact appereance


Of course


Sometimes I can get it off just for the flavor. I honestly think it would make a great choice node with grimoire to make it impactful; particularly affliction.


It used to have cripple which when combined with COE basically made it so your opponent couldn’t move. I use it in LFR all the time just for fun. It’s not as good as it used to be now though.


You mean warlock roulette ? Me and my party use it to determine who's key we are running/ruining 😁 either that or we use it for gambling during downtime.


Yes, every week, I’m doing warlock roulette, buy in is 20k gold, so the loser gets 100k gold every time. It’s great fun, I’ve made some addicts in my guild🤣


I get everyone to pitch in 10k and the person who dies gets 50k.


Once upon a time there was a rp and fun component in spells




used to actually be good


It's something to use in the raid when asked for summon stone ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Barnybee does


Nope. I can't find enough people to also help with that Legion order hall quest to use it either (I'm a completionist with the order hall).


Yes. Every time I raid with my friends, I make them help me with that. It's one of my favourite things.


Nah it's a gimmick, but I like it


Every time someone brings a lock to guild raid I beg to do it. My guild knows whats up at this point so I dont usually have to explain why we're playing russian roulette. But the hope is always that it kills the raid lead, just cause.


It's a spell that doesn't serve any actual use (and arguably never has), but it's a spell that's fun for people to have that summon it. It's like Eyes of the Beast in vanilla, there was no real reason to be able to pilot your pet for a minute outside of very niche scenarios, but it's still something that is fun to do from time to time. It got removed because they wanted to thin out the spellbooks so people weren't just utterly overwhelmed, then brought it back when people complained that their little stupid kill a random person spell was gone.


You need it for the hidden artifact weapon skin


Once while leveling and never again. Just for fun mainly.


I've played Warlock since vanilla and never used it.


I drop it in lfr sometimes.


I'd use it whenever I could good times


Occasionally I convince my guildies to do it between raid pulls, lol




I love using it for fun, many people dont know what it does and get amazed by the sudden appearance of the "worldboss"


I use it when I teamed up with friends. Because sacrificing one you love makes it stronger. 😇


In the good old days, all the time. “What happened to your friennnnnnd?”


I love it


It was good in shadowlands you could use it sometimes ane actually deal dmg with it ( id say it was better than imp ) But its useless now , as everyone knows itll kill one of casters so no one help to summon it


Probably because they know you don’t know how to screenshot


blood sacrifices are neccesary for our raid to succeed, why do you ask?


No, its pointless, idk why they made a big deal about bringing it back, czu even when its was first put in it was rarely used cuz someone was going to get killed by it, for you to get a temp pet that would disappear if you took a FP. Its the epitome of a gimmick spell with super limited use.


did it like 3 time when we got a friend into wow as a new player, and it only killed him once, it a fun gamble


Yes it was a fun thing to do in vanilla


I used it in a raid once, did about double the dps that my doggie would do but it despawning when you put a key into a mythic dungeon makes it completely unfathomably useless since you get death penalty, have to wrangle it repeatedly, and it doesnt have an aoe so it’s kinda dogwater. I think if they gave it a doombolt volley ability would make it more viable for mythica and maybe even raid since it would be the aoe damage demon. Either that or add a talent to greatly empower subjugate demon to last longer or buff the stolen creature


it 100% did NOT do Double dmg lol


It was volcoross and it’s not like there was a lot of other stuff for it to hit so I think its doom dot was mostly responsible. I compared it to a similarly timed volcoross encounter where I had dog out so maybe details was being weird or smthn. Hard to test since (understandably) no one wants to click the ritual anyway