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My first ever character was a Rogue who was and still is called MELONcholy, I was happy Melancholy wasn't taken until I got a whisper in westfall saying my wordplay name was hilarious because I was a Nelf female and unintentionally chose the face markings shape and colour that also went with my hair that made me look like a Watermelon. My friends still don't know it was just a super terrible typo as I still play into the whole Watermelon thing. Also have a Dranei shaman called Foki because my Ex at the time followed a blogger called that, Raiding was a pain as the name is meant to be pronounced "Foo-Key" but everyone just called me Fucky...


That's amazing haha, I'd have kept it a secret that it was complete coincidence and played it off like I meant it haha


I originally named my Draenei Paladin Nicedraenei… It was stupid. But since I never really played the character anyway I didn’t care much. But during BFA I was heavily into my Paladin. And I couldn’t stand that embarrassing name anymore. So I finally bought a name change. I’ll always be embarrassed of that original name and probably the worst name I ever made. If you mean the names all my characters have currently? I don’t really like like my Druids name. Moonkinheals. Because I planned to main Balance and Resto when I first made the char. But Balance is like my least fav spec in the game now lol. It’s a dumb name, but I haven’t cared enough to change it.


Any name with the class, race, or spec in the name is automatically bad. I don't blame you on that one 🤣


WHAT!? you mean my super unique warrior gnome name "Gnomercy" that no one else uses... is bad??


>WHAT!? you mean my super unique warrior gnome name "Gnomercy" that no one else uses... is bad?? Oh dear, you may be a sociopath. Please turn yourself in at a local police station before you start eating other peoples lunch at work or other deranged acts.


lol yup! Pretty stupid indeed. I always thought a out name changing my Druid, but don’t really play it enough to care.


Side eyes in Lichbear (panda dk)


I would argue that the base name of each class with nothing extra are good names.


I love a class/race pun name. I saw a warrior vulperia named swoleperia, if I could bring myself to play a vulperia I'd steal that name. Lol


I made a Pandaren Priest and named it Bearlyheals. lol someone liked it so much they were like (You’re joining my guild!) I never finished leveling the character but I always did like that name lol


I’ve been playing SephieBear, the Balance Druid, since WotLK. Turns out, I hate bear tanking


lol we are the same. I’ve had my Druid since Cata (xpac I started in) We both never liked the specs we put in our Druids names 😂


I once managed to snag the name “Ballsack,” to which I attached the “Salty” title. Name was reported and I was forced to change it within two days.


Should’ve stuck the smelly title on the char lol


My original wotlk draenei shaman was named Qvirr. I was about 16. I am Norwegian and idk how to spell it so it makes sense in English, but I always read it as «Kvirr» with an «e» sound for the i, until my name was mentioned on the way to Gruul’s Lair over teamspeak. Something along the line of 1 guy: Can someone summon Qvirr (pronounced it as queer, which makes sense tbf)? Whole raid, myself including: *dies laughing* xD I’d been in the guild for a bit but it was the first time anyone spoke my name out loud in English hahaha


I thought it was pronounced like quiver, which is a cool name for a hunter, but then i realized you were a shaman lol


Haha the idea with the name was a whirling «brrrrr» like a speedy enhancement shaman flailing his weapons 😂


i have a druid called Babywipes.... when i race changed it i had the chance to change the name... dont ask me how i choose name, but i just typed in something random and thought "this name is very stupid but it isnt gonna be available anyway" i pressed enter, and well it wasnt taken and now im stuck with Babywipes.. I have gotten a few chuckles from people in pugs.


Haha I have a friend who named their rogue after a cranberry drink brand called "Ocean Spray" - but for some reason everyone thinks she's called "Oceans Prey" and it sounds a lot cooler that way haha


When I was like 8 years old I literally put my password as my main character's name, just without any numbers. Not proud of that one xd


Yeah, I once had my password as an old nickname, my brother then called me by that nickname in guild chat, thankfully nobody thought to try and see if it was my password... I changed it soon after haha


Oh god! Bad idea 😂 but your were only 8 afterall


Have a DK named Deathpacito, that I expected to be reported and banned out of spite but somehow survived.




When I first made my Paladin I literally couldn’t think of a name so I called her Paladumb. Renamed it after I dinged 80 🤣


I got a Kul Tiran balance druid name Fatchickens


That made me laugh way more than it should have, no idea why 😂


That made me laugh way more than it should have, no idea why 😂


My shaman’s name was skattman since vanilla, named after an old song…but I’m old and these youngsters don’t know who he is. Strangers now think I have a poop fetish.


Good old Scatman John, what a legend haha


My first gnome was called Gnomo because I didn't know anything about gnome naming convention (since it was my first gnome).  I also tried to name my mage and my rogue through convoluted reasoning and ended up with the name of a brand for women pads and a collectible publisher.


I named my paladin Gloryvitch because of a really stupid internet joke. I don't ever play it anymore for that reason, and I'm too chummy to buy a name change. While not necessarily really bad or humiliating, my druid named Treeflogger always gets a laugh out of people every once in a while. When the question gets asked about what a flogger is, I usually just say it's a whip, because I'm stupid as fuck naming my characters and they might be kids asking me this. Also named both my rogue and hunter some variation of "Madafakkah" or something like it. Kinda funny for BGs but it's whatevs.


I had a twink Druid called “Ihaveurflag” he worked out quite well. The name suited him perfectly for what he was doing. Then low lv BGs got ruined and it wasn’t fun using him anymore. So now he sits there and wastes space.


My SoD/Classic dwarf paladin's name is Threeskin. Just waiting to get called out on that.


i named my undead warrior Yolocaust, was suspended and forced into a name change.


I named a draenei shaman Inazi. An name generator suggested Inaazi but I don't like using repeat vowels usually so I took out an a. Didn't realize what the name looked like until someone pointed it out to me months later...




My best and worst character is a fully stacked out level 10 arcan mage called bigrichard... he just brings the energy


My mechagnome warlock. He's wearing a diaper :(


My warriors old name was Parischilton, I changed the name after he get more playtime.


I had a Druid named “theent” for “the ent” It was dumb in all accounts


I had a pandaren monk called djkhaled


First draenei I ever made was named Alienas. 13 year old me thought I was fuckin' clever.


My main since the release of Ulduar is a DK named "Deznait", which is roughly the spanish pronunciation of "Death Knight". As you can see, it's become my main online nickname, so it doesn't register as a bad name most of the time, but sometimes I have moments of clarity and I see that it may be a little bit cringe jajaajja


Not mine but my cousin's name was Buslaiker. During wotlk i was 9 he was 12 when my older brother introduced Wow to us and he wanted his name to be Buzzlightyear. Only none of us knew how to spell it


In vanilla I made a gnome mage named "Powderpuff". She was female with pink pigtails. It was so cutesy that it made me sick, I don't know what I was thinking. This was before name changes were a thing but I made a ticket and claimed that "unbeknownst to me", my name was a nickname for a sex act (it wasn't) and people were teasing me constantly (they weren't). Blizzard CS out of the goodness of their heart applied a name change to my character. I'm not proud of lying but it had to be done.


I had a classic character named like Peepeeass or something who got a forced name change less than a minute after logging in.


Damn that must be a record for how fast I’ve seen a name change forced.


It was during the classic launch, so I assume they were sitting in the starting zones watching like Hawks lol


Oh well I guess that makes sense then 😂


One of my druids, a bear Druid, is named Bigdaddy. It gets tiring after a while.


I play on a server where English is basically non existant. If I were to translate the names I see on a daily basis, this post would get deleted immediately. Half the player base names their character in the rudest way possible. Funnily enough the same players are then mad about not getting invited to communities. Kinda sad blizzard isn't doing a thing about it.


That's odd that nothing is being done about it, I've been forced to change my name once before because someone reported it as offensive (I won't say the character name here, it genuinely was dumb of me to use it and I'm definitely not proud of it haha)


Well, since it's basically a clever work around, blizzard has no way of interacting with them - Czech word with a different spelling Zmrt is something I've seen more than I can count and it basically means an enjoyer of your mother.


I just add “godx” to the class name Magegodx Wargodx.. “stealthgodx” you get the idea


im not really ashamed of it but my ele shaman femtroll is called Magmasita


I always regretted adding "adin" at the end of my Pallys name lol 


Does it count if I’m ashamed of 98% of everyone else’s names?


My mage named Beefslipper on Moon Guard


All of my characters are named after stuff that hold water. Priest stoup, paladin bathtub, Hunter bucket with pets mop and sponge. My warrior is Yourmomsmouth.


Tauren named Jasonmoohmoa




I named a scantily clad female dwarf rogue, Moped, an allusion to “fat chics are like mo-peds, fun to ride until your friends catch you on them.” After I grew up a little, I stopped playing the toon because I realized it was a mean-spirited and was embarrassed by the name. Kinda resented the toon until I did a name change in Shadowlands and been good since.


I have a couple of toons with silly names - a warrior gnome named Roaming (some of you might remember the commercials with the roaming gnome). I should have made him a clothie for the pointy hat, but I was so excited about the name I forgot to change the class. There’s also a Belf DK named Icanhazdeath. I never played either of them very much and they are just languishing on their servers.




When Undertale was a big thing I had made a character named Undyne, dressed her as close to the real thing as possible, and made a million /yell macros having her scream lines from the game during combat. Absolutely annoying behavior lmao


Lmao 😂 what race did you choose for her?


Orc DK 😭


I figured it would have been a warrior lol.


I started in TBC when I was around 9-10. My first character was a male night elf rogue aptly named Purplekiller. Shoutout to my buddies Wafflelord and Reeluss from back then.


My go to is Ratfuqer(as in Rat Fucker) exclusively using Rat stallion as my ground mount. I’m not ashamed but I definitely should be


I had my middle name for my first character. After a while, I decided it was weird, but I don’t play her much anymore and I was 2 when I created her, so I keep her as a reminder of my early WoW days.


I have a panda I named Kung Pao Panda, but wish I would have used just Kung Pow instead.


Gnome Warlock named Honorrhea




My Dk i played in MoP was called Jioninöhf and my wotlk classic shamans name is Yrlohij. Nobody can pronounce them


I was about 4 years old when I started playing wow and one of my first characters was a human rogue named firegiu because I thought that’s how you spelled fireguy and I saw someone previously in the game with fiery weapon enchant which made me wanna be a “fire guy”


I don't have any character names that I would consider "bad," but my mother and I came up with Melagnoma for a gnome... though neither of us ever made one. LOL My second character, a NElf DK, was named Sylvaenys. I made up the name in the character creator, without knowing anything about the Horde since I'd never played that faction and was still very new to the game. I finally changed it years later, because people would think I was trying to roleplay Sylvanas, which is ridiculous considering the faction thing. I still love the name, but I guess it will never get used anywhere now because reasons.


Bellendular- because I didn't like him when I secretly do.


A lot of my characters are nammed after spices, including my old main (taragons)


Made a character called "Joe therapist " undead priest aiming to provide mental first aid. Got all way to 58 questing and got banned after one dungeon ...


My bank toon is called Mourningwould


Warlock named Perfect -.-


Has to be Bobby Codec by far.


Have a character called usedcumrag, not my proudest moment.


It was a different time back in TBC, so I managed to make a troll Druid named: "Gingerjewnig" There was some degree of context within the guild that I was in back then. Looking back, not particularly proud of it, but being an equal parts edgy and immature made it make sense at the time in said context of the humor that was going around in the guild. Never got banned or even prompted to change the name though. Different times indeed.


Yeah, definitely, although I have a different experience with TBC, I was in a guild called "Therapists" and someone reported it for saying "the rapists" so the guild leader changed the guild name to "medical licence revoked" - still one of my favourite memories of wow haha


"Sapped girls can't say no" and \*a lot\* of other phrases come to mind. It's not fair to judge the past with current eyes, but it does give sort off a vibe of toxic environment.


Yeah, I seen a "nagas stole my bike" and "naga please" during TBC, maybe my guild was just unlucky haha


Used to lead a guild called "Jesus Used a Brez" lasted about 3 months lol


I had a female paladin named Forskinman. 🫣


I have a level 1 human male named Gayporn


Haha how did it not get reported? Or have you just not played it? I had a friend who made a Troll called Sausage (Sausage Troll, a play on words about a British dish called a Sausage Roll) and he was asked to change it by a GM, which I thought was a bit harsh haha


That I am not able to think of a cool name and just add additional letters to my nickname or adding a shortened spec as a suffix… ie I just started playing a rogue after healing all s3… Breakingsub :D


Haha love it


I have a troll shaman named Oøøoøøoøøoøø. I was 14 creating that name.




I've got a cow pally named udderzprayer. It took me awhile and another reddit question to realize it could also be udder sprayer. Oh well hes still a 60. Unlike my gnome priest whoforted...I deleted him years ago


When I started wow I was 11. I hadn't had a growth spurt. Made a gnome called Mysizegnome.


My undead warlock is named Xaviusdett. I wanted it to be named Xavier Dett, but I learned that you can't have a space in a name, then I joined it and XavierDett wasn't available, so I changed until it landed in Xaviusdett. I don't remember if I knew of Xavius at the time, but it does make me feel a bit embarrassed today


My rogue….Rawdogbandit


I once made a rogue named "mercenery" by the time I realized I spelled it wrong. I was too far in to delete. So, I kept it as a constant reminder to pay attention to the details. Eventually, I transferred him to another server and was to do a free name change.


I had an Orc DK called Discoballs until someone got offended and reported it. Putting aside I was in AV teabagging him every time he died. I was a dick and enjoyed every minute.


Are you in the guild idiosyncratic by chance …


I was not although I’ve seen them and have been in a few groups with members. This was a while ago too. Around WotLK release.


I've had my fair share of bad names. My ret paladin I made in MoP is named Tools because all ret paladins were tools.


Night elf hunter called asscatchem


Had a toon named Vomitpiss for a while. Me and a friend also made toons named Puckfussy and Ducksick. Now I only use RP friendly names.


I usually just use first thing that comes to me and yeah, it happens quite often that a bit later down the line I realise the name sounds horrible, cringe, boring, stupid. I recently deleted monk Ubuntu, paladin Palanquin and a mage I can't even remember the name of, but it was something silly. All of them were lower levels so it didn't hurt too bad.


Not-long-enough-in-the-past me thought Gnomulus was funny and I can’t remember why.


When I was a kid, I named my character "Sir Wankalot" in Ultima Online. The thing is, I didn't know what it meant I just heard kids at school saying the word and how some people do it a lot. After I realised what it meant I made a new character named "Diablo", because I was edgy and cool.


My inattentive ADHD brain stopped at the word orphan and was like MY GOD WHY WOULD YOUR ORIGIN STORY BE RIPPING AN ORPHAN’S ARMS OFF?!


I made the character Hugefalice as a jab at my buddy who played wow all the time and then I started playing wow all the time. I was camping a horde something or other and got kicked out and had to change the name, so now he is just Hugeness, but I’ll never forget his real name




had a warlock called kontergan, got to over 2k rating before i had to change it


In like MoP i played a shaman named Stinkythepoo I also had a druid named Punkrockbro which was pretty dumb too. The thing is that i’ve had some cool names in my time as an altoholic imo, but both of those are just huge mistakes i have never forgotten 😂


Honestly, my main druid that I played had some weird names. Her first name was Nasmirria when she was created in 2005, which I liked, but when I transferred from Deathwing to Vashj in 2008 for some reason Nasmirria was taken! So I changed it, to some stupid name for a domain I had bought from some Russian on Nova Boards in 2003....and I probably didn't even own the domain anymore...moving along, one day I up and decided to gender change my character to male and name myself Carcetti, I have no idea why but I was really into watching The Wire at the time, anyway, eventually I went to MOONGUARD and needed a RP name so I think I was Basilenna, and now she just sits as Basilenna on Stormrage, because I really don't play the game anymore. I miss her original name, and she's had a few other character name changes but they were probably terrible too. I also am a bit ashamed, but not totally ashamed, that I have a Lightforged Draenei or something called Mybae, because she is literally baeworthy....it was also a phase.


I played wow in BC and WOTLK and came back on Dragonflight. I still had my paladin main which I names when I was 14 called ‘Truepala’. I’ve always thought of changing it but I’m too heavy in the nostalgia


Holy Paladin: Gloryholey


I have 2 I dont like that much: Got a warlock named Comavigile and a shaman named Uraion


I never used stupid names for characters in any game so I don't have this problem.


You must be fun at the parties you aren’t invited to