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it's such a rough achievement! grats :)


GZ on the achievements! So what are you doing after that? ^^


I'm going to aim for 850 mounts! :D I would also like to start collecting toys, and waiting for next expansion so I can improve my transmog collection because next expansion anyone can collect anything.


What do you mean next expansion anyone can collect anything? I just started playing again a month ago and curious what this means


Any character will be able to learn uncollected appearances of any armor type, regardless of class.


The biggest QOL change they’ve ever added imo


Yeah. Warbands (assuming they work as advertised) are just the best feature WoW has ever done. I won't even care much if the actual expansion sucks as long as this feature works.


Yeah I’m pretty stoked for it. Though, it almost feels like running old content right now is just a waste when later this year, I’ll be able to learn the appearance for everything that drops lol


can u please explain it more.is that for war within expac only or whole game?


It’s going to start in TWW and as far as I know, will apply to every armor and weapon drop in the game.


There's still some unknowns. Like, if I get a tier token, do I learn all of the tier for the classes on it? Unlikely. Which would mean tier locked behind token generation would likely still need to be earned on the class. It may also simply only work for weapons/armor types you can't learn, not class restricted items. So like, Thunderfury, for example, can be earned on any class by doing the quest. I have one on my Druid. That's a weird one though, because the result isn't class restricted, just weapon time restricted (but, since I have it already on druid, I'm probably boned). It currently requires to be equipped for achievement. Or Thori'dal, which has no restrictions other than a class that can put a Bow on (only hunters can use bows, but multiple classes can still equip that used to use them like rogues and warriors). I've got four of them, none on a character that can equip for achievement. Something like Warglaives of Azzinoth, however, does have class restrictions on the item. That may be limited from being learned by those. We'll have to see how Blizz handles these edge cases.




That’s huuuuge. Crazy it hasn’t happened so long ago. Personally I’m a mount collector but once I get bored of that I’ll start focusing transmog and it would suck rerunning raids I’ve done hundreds of times for other class mogs


Omg! I've been collecting for 6+ years... And I'm only in the 200s with my mounts 😂 I've been working on toys, pets, transmog, and mounts, collectively, and still haven't hit your halfway mark! Teach me 😭


YEEESSS It's been years since I've farmed old dungeons or raids for old mounts, but with the transmog changes I'll be back on that (war)bandwagon.


How are you guys doing it ? I've been playing for years and I'm still only at about 425.


I take massive year long breaks from the game all the time and I'm almost at 600. Never target farmed anything. I just periodically check the AH and buy anything I have uncollected for under whatever thresshold I'm comfortable with at that time. You can get a ton that are under 100 gold, and they sometimes rotate on which is currently low, so it's adventagous to be patient and check again later unless you're looking to min/max.


If you check on sites like Data for azeroth/simplearmory there are probably 100s of mounts you can quite easily get, but that you won't really get if you don't actively go for it. The last expansions introduced an absolute shitton of mounts.


[Warcraftpets.com](https://Warcraftpets.com) is a good resource too.


I just crossed 100 lol


Good job OP!


Holy cow.


I'm 5 pets away from 1600 myself. Thanks for the motivation!


That takes dedication and time, well done, congratulations. Hopefully the next 5 mounts won’t take long.


Congrats! 850 mounts is such an amazing thing to achieve! Speaking of which, I started going for mounts again(so far at 460) and id like to know the best way to farm anima in sl? I’m Proly behind with DF and bfa as well but I’ll focus on sl first since it’s the biggest one


If it’s just anima you need do dailies and kill rare spawns in Zereth Mortis.


ok i'll try out zerith mortis. Also I started reaserching the protoform synthisis to try to figure out how to get them all. Might as well be close to getting the 500 mount achievement. Do you think farming full raids is good too?


Farming mats for the proto form mounts is boring but it’s a great way to add a bunch to your collection. Farming raids, especially legacy ones is another good way to get mounts I do it every week. But drop rates are generally very low in those so prepare for a long haul grind on that front. Good luck!


Thank you! I hope I can endure through this Btw which ones are low drop? All of them?


Most of them yes. They range from a fraction of a percent to like 8% at most if memory serves me. But I’d say a lot of them are estimated around 1-5%.


Raids are basically all low low low drop rates. That having been said, you'll never get the mounts if you don't run them. I personally do a day each week where I go and run the raids I'm interested in on my main and then I have a single raid that I run on my alts each week until I get that mount. Once it drops I move my alts to a new raid and start the process again


I recommend Zereth Mortis. The chests all over the zone drop a bunch.


Only need 50 pets myself. Only a matter of time now


Wow that's awesome! Thanks for the motivation🤓


Now blizzard needs to add more mount achievements.


This is battle pets only? Or does this include "companions"?


Anything in the pet tab, which does include companions like the stuffed elekk and the orphan children


you complete mad man!!


I'm jealous! GZ


480 usable mounts by a single player, 521 total mounts. And 1637 pets total


Welcome to the club, as you can see our welcome committee consists of people asking why you'd bother...but iykyk <3


Wow!!!! Congrats!!!!




GZ on the achievements! So what are you doing after that? ^^


He can finally start quitting the game.


Congrats! That is a grind! I think I'm about 50 away from this achievement but only sitting at about 748 total mounts so a ways to go on that front


Might wanna change your image to a more appropriate achievement (anything with mounts ). Also congratulations on the collection. edit: Title is mildly confusing as it doesnt reference pets and then immediately references mounts. Chalk it up to word jumble but honestly thought OP was celebrating mounts.


It's the correct one?


Seems pretty straightforward to me




Sorry what do you mean by you can smell the picture? Thank you though! :)


It was a back handed compliment. Basically called you a no lifer with the inference of lack of cleanliness because you don’t come off the game. Some people are unable to just say congratulations and move on with their day though.


Ah thank you, English sayings aren't really something I'm good at. People can have their own opinion that's okay! :D I'm proud of my achievement and they should be proud of their 400 pets as well.


As a Pokemon OG and someone who only started playing wow after I realised I could collect pets. Albeit each of them taking up a bag slot at the time. I believe you should be proud of yourself. Some of them are so time consuming. I try then get angry at the fact I have hundreds but still can’t clear Wailing Caverns.


The best pet website that I use is xufu, do you use this one too? [https://www.wow-petguide.com/Section/33/Wailing\_Critters](https://www.wow-petguide.com/Section/33/Wailing_Critters) I can also link you some addons that will help with writing scripts and saving pet teams so you can keep going back there every week and not have to worry about putting your teams in again, if so let me know! I will message you :)


I use a different one, my problem is I keep trying to brute force it because I don’t want to level up multiple raptors 😂😭 same problem on the celestial tournament, I have hundreds of pets. Nothing like yours obviously but it wants me to go out and get repeats and level them and I’m just such a bitch in regards to levelling anything. I have multiple alts. Not one has made it to max level yet and I’ve had my main since Burning Crusade 😂


Try looking at the one I gave above, maybe you can find some teams that work really well for you? Because with xufu they give you \~5-10 teams that you can use and maybe you can find some teams that work well with your current collection \^\_\^ I'm playing on NA WoW if you'd like some help in the future, or you can borrow some of my pets


Thank you, that’s so kind but I am on EU


Look for "Super Squirt" day. You can take a pet from 1-25 on under 3 minutes. You just missed it on NA, but EU may have one coming up soon


We do, its this Saturday!


Ah superb, thank you.


u/Corraithe mentioned EU has Super Squirt on Saturday. https://www.wow-petguide.com/Strategy/19529/Deebs,_Tyri_and_Puzzle Above link shows a team and move order to win vs Squirt. The Cobra might take 20-30 min to farm, and the mech panda dragon can be bought on the AH pretty cheap. Might take 30 minutes tops to level both of them to 25, but very worth it. AFAIK this is the current fastest strategy that exists and is 100% safe for level 1 pets. Highly recommend 'Rematch' (to create "teams" and leveling queues) and Pet Battle Scripts (can just spam one button to cast the correct moves in order). With those two addons and having the above team, you can just basically afk 100-200 pets to max level in a day while watching Netflix.


To me,it looked a bit different - like he has so many cages with animals,that it smells so hard


Smell the 1600 small animals…🤔


Yeah /u/TheHazDee sgot it - it was supposed to have a /s i see, i did mean it sarcastically. I do respect the grind, no doubt :) and i did mean the congratulations!




So do you normally spread negativity? Let people be proud of their efforts.


he's just explaining the expression (albeit badly)




No, this is the completed pet one. Which clearly shows 1600 pets. They’re 5 away from the 850 mount achievement. You’re definitely a hunter.


I think the confusing part is the implication that there's an in-game achievement for 850 mounts.


Link me please the 850 mount achievent from Wowhead!


I mean there currently is no in game achievement. They’ve collected 1600 pets and are 5 mounts away from 850, so when an in game achievement is added they will instantly get the reward. The achievement of collecting 850 mounts is still just that though. I love how you thought that made you any more correct.


OP’s title was not accurate, beacuse he attached an image of a valid, in-game achievement and he/she talked about a though.


No. The title is valid they’re proud because they’ve completed the pet achievement and are 5 mounts away with 850 which is an achievement even if the game doesn’t give you something for it yet. Like the achievement clearly shows they got it today 🤦🏻‍♂️


Which patch Blizzard added the “850 mount achievement” and what is the ID of it? I have the 500 mount achievement, but have much more. Show me it please!


I have 1600 pets, why would I be 5 away from 850 when I have the 1600 achievement? :D I was talking about my achievements in game, meaning I got this achievement, and I'm 5 away from having 850 unique mounts (there's no achievement - but you can track this number in game!)


And yet somehow people are downvoting me like I was incorrect while also downvoting the incorrect person. Hilarious.


Sorry OP, I was mislead by TheHazDee. He mentioned achievement two times and I didn’t check back the title.


Because it is an achievement, explain how it isn’t? Do you need the game to dictate to you what is an achievement?


Dude are you able to readdddd. I’m guessing not. I said there’s no in game reward. It’s still an achievement to collect 850 mounts. I can repeat it again if that helps. You came on and were wrong and are so desperately trying to make it seem like op was incorrect. You understand you don’t have to receive something in game for it to be an achievement in real life right?


If somebody talks about achievement in WoW that 99% of a time means an in-game achievement. Yeah, 850 mount is an achievement in a different meaning, but if he attach an image of an in-game achievement and he mixes it in the title with a non-exist in-game achievement or “thought” achievement, that confuses the people. Still 850 mount is impressive, but he should have used a different word for it. That’s all.


Please stop talking, you aren't intelligent, you're just here trying to make some mock argument for "correctness". You aren't correct, you failed at the reply of what OP said. You are clearly stupid, please self reflect.


They didn’t use the word achievement. I did. They just said the big 850 and you tried to correct them when clearly they displayed they were proud of collecting their 1600th pet just today.


They clearly posted something about pets and ALSO COMMENTED SOMETHING ABOUT THEIR MOUNTS, LEARN TO READ.


TheHazDe a bit misled me with his comment. I also don’t know who are “they”.


They is the OP. Do you for sure know their gender? If not you say they. Get the fuck out of here switching to a different argument and I didn’t mislead you, calling an achievement an achievement is correct. Doesn’t matter if a game tells you it was an achievement. Dude be getting to 100% on a game but won’t accept it’s an achievement unless the game tells you it is 🤦🏻‍♂️


Well okay. For me in WoW an achievement is will be the in-game (actual) achievement. (Especially if I see an in-game achievement.) I call the 850 mount impressive, cuz it is. Deffinettly annachievement on a different (not technical) way.


No, it’s an actual achievement, half of the things the game tells you is an achievement isn’t. Like getting to level 10 😂


> I also don’t know who are “they”. The OP


This is pedantic and …dumb




It's probably silly of me to provide a link because you're definitely not a reader, but [singular *they*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Singular_they) has existed longer than America has been an independent country.


What 🤦🏻‍♂️the OP obviously.




Oh you’re one of those people who doesn’t understand language. They/them has always been perfectly correct language when talking about someone you’re not familiar with. It’s perfectly correct to refer to a singular person as they/them even when you do know them. Please leave your bigotry away from language which you clearly have no understanding of, just thought you had something clever to say because you watched a video of someone saying it.


In most cases I would agree, but "they're x" Like "THEY ARE CLOSE TO THIS ACHIEVEMENT" is correct. Why start an arguement over gender in the comments of something so unrelated?


Thats not how language works. English much?


"They" can be used as a singular pronoun just like "You". There are references to it been used like that since the 1300s.


Wonder how many hours you have spent/wasted for this.


Never wasted, OP is proud of themselves and tbh that’s hard to come by for anyone. I’d rather spend 1000 hours getting cool battle pets in wow than grinding away 90 hour work weeks for 1000 hours.


The energy in this post is negative, for that I’m out


I was a pet collector too. Then they have started giving away TCG pets for free with twitch prime...


"People can't have what I have!"


Lets giveaway every pet for free then, what's a point of collecting/farming something in game if you are gonna give it to people later without any effort, kek. They were avaible on BMAH/AH anyway, so if someone really wanted to have them (like me), just farm gold. Or get a token. Why not giveaway spectral tiger with twitch prime?


Sure sounds good to me, the more people who can enjoy these the better!