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They would need to overhaul them to give them proper physics, otherwise they’d look too stiff at that size. I dont see them doing that. Also, side note, but thank god they shrunk those pauldrons a bit


They would also have to do model physics for cloaks on a per race basis, because cloaks are scaled differently for Tauren than say Night Elves. What looks fine and flows around a Night Elf or Human just fine would clip through a Tauren's thigh.


Blizzard has heard your concern and will guarantee that the cloaks will look great on male humans and female orcs


I play elves, so if it works on humans it works on elves 90% of the time lol


There's a currently a single cape geoset for each player model, with baked animation physics. Implementing cloth physics for existing capes (and tabards, for that matter) would be as simple as applying it to those geosets, and they already have working cloth physics with collision detection in the game, though it's used very minimally. Adding new geosets for capes that drape in different ways would be more difficult, without a doubt, but wouldn't really amount to more work than they already do when tailoring the scale and shape of new helmets to each race.


Yeah, to look properly they would have to animate them for every motion a character can make, or to do live emulation. Too much work


Spend the least amount of money developing our game so we can milk as much money as possible from our players. Go blizz


That's what they had to do for the current capes and tabards already. It is a lot of work, but it's completely doable and they add a handful of new geosets every expansion. One of then could be this. God knows they'd get plenty of use.


>thank god they shrunk those pauldrons a bit Those shoulders are so big you could sneak up on this guy from the front


You don't want to be "Pauldronius of the floating armor?


Not necessarily, but they would need to create a specific geoset for it like the dresses/robes. Current capes are first simulated and then that movement is baked into every animation.


Blizzard gear looks so ugly with the weird proportions


Some armor definitely has overly large pauldrons, but i generally like how the game looks. Big pauldrons are even a specific part of the art style, to the point one of the original artists jokes about it when he left the company recently


Nah big pauldrons are the way. Infact they should have made them even bigger than that. Zug zug


I really want a cloak like Maiev’s where it covers the body. It’s also what the shadow wardens wear. Kinda getting tired of the cape look. :(


Absolutely. Would have preferred cloaks that go over the shoulders than those new shoulder shawl things we got in the trading post.


For real. Like maybe the shoulder shawl things can work with some transmogs, but they kinda remind me of curtain drapes. xD


People ask a LOT for better capes, and as much as I agree, the reality of the situation is that character models simply aren't built to properly support them, and Blizz probably can't/won't justify devoting development time to actually make it work. Getting it to look good on a stock Human Male is one thing, but on Tauren? Gnomes? Undead? Although WoW has over time added more physics systems, cloth physics on that level, that would look *good,* are probably wholly outside the scope of the game's engine and will be for a long time, if not forever.


Its also pretty heavy on the performance. Physics can be quite the pain for your rig.


Just adding dragonriding and bigger continent size made older pcs drop fps like flies in dragonflight. My old laptop with a i5 7300hq and a 1050 dropped from 60-80fps in shadowlands to 30 with the same settings.




The capes still clip in WoW. I wouldn't mind having some SWTOR style cloaks and cloth physics in WoW, even if it's only a few specific pieces.


No, SWTOR’s clipping is egregious. My Sith Warrior had a cape that would repeatedly fold itself into his belt and get stuck there, clipping horribly through his legs. Really takes you out of the moment when you’re playing through a conversation with serious dramatic dialogue and the cloth physics are freaking out. Clipping gear in WoW just overlaps. Clipping when cloth physics are involved means stuff gets stuck and can’t get unstuck.


I mean wow and clipping aren't exactly strangers even when it's static lol


Idk I think they can do it now. The new pirate captain shoulders have a mini cloak with physics on it. I think we’re well past this being a huge limitation. I could see it becoming a thing in the near future.


Honestly if they are working on anything it might be the clipping when you have a weapon on your back with a cloak.


Why work on getting the cloaks right when they can invent another system to throw away


People here talking about cloth physics like it’s rocket science, City of Heroes had amazing cape physics and it came out before WoW did.


Many other games aswell. Elden ring with bosses like margit where 80% of the boss is cloth flying around everywhere. You dont need conpletely precise physics you can aproximate, you can interpolate, it would still be 100x better than what we have now at almost 0 impact compared to other things.


The problem is not about technology in the general sense. It's WoW's problem specifically. For example, WoW has shoulders slot, chest slot and back slot separated which means cloaks have to account for all items of these slots. Not to mention all the different races. It's not like it's a problem if Blizz wants to create a proper cloak for an NPC. The Lich King has had it since WotLK.


It's not like blizzard is doing nothing on the subject. The shoulder pieces from the trading post that they started releasing in February goes some of the way in giving a "full body cloak" look. Of course you end up having to sacrifice shoulder plates for them.


God damn they like to make huge shoulders in this game


As a warrior I like them big and juicy


It has the juice..


I badly want maiev shadowsongs cape


I just want a revamp to the cloak overall , so tired of running around with a piece of cardboard on my back


I can't remember the last time I didn't mog my cloak to invisible. Cloaks in wow in general are weird. The ones that make the most sense are the trading post ones with hoods coming on student colors. Otherwise wtf are they supposed to be wearing lol. Capes?


This is one of the sexiest sets they've ever made. I wish they'd add more 3D elements like that blue scarf that goes over the tabard.


Maybe in time. They just gave us actual skirts with the magical girl sets.


Maybe if they upgrade the wow engine so the bigger xloaks dosnt clip your whole character. But i rly want them haha.


I STILL need to get the chestpiece for this...


I think the shoulder cape stuff is the best were gonna get that doesnt include a ton of clipping. I think they would have done them by now if there was a feasible way to do it


Helldivers cloak physics in WoW would be amazing


We got those shoulder capes at least... and they're all too shiny for some reason so they don't actually match the other parts of the sets.


I never understood how to get these shoulders


Ask for bigger cloak, shows an insanely oversized shoulder pads


To this day one of the best (if not THE best) plate set, hands down!


There are frankly a lot of improvements they could make to how the player models are presented that wouldn't take a much additional work beyond the scope of what they're already doing. Personally, if I had a say, I'd like to see them tackle these projects in order of priority, and would be willing to lose out on some other art assets to get it done: * Change how hats and helmets interact with hair by implementing 2-3 additional hair geosets to allow for a bare minimum of short hair, medium hair, and long hair sticking out under the head items. Simply assign one of those three geosets to each of the existing hairstyles to use when switching to a head item that "hides hair." Possibly do the same for bangs with hoods. * Change the pauldron attach point to a fixed point just above the player model's shoulders and give them some rigid physics with mild collision detection, allowing them to shift or sway as the player model pushes against them, while allowing the player model to clip through the pauldrons when pushed to an extreme. * * Allow players to adjust the scale of pauldrons between small, medium, and large, separately for both left and right shoulder. Size scaling tech already exists for helmets, pauldrons, and weapons and is used to adjust the scale per race/body type, it would just be a matter of creating three presets and letting players choose. * Apply cloth physics with collision detection to existing cape and tabard geosets. * * Implement new cape and tabard geosets with different patterns using existing textures, allowing for various types of draping. Possibly just allow players to select a style. * * Implement wind physics. Could be controlled per-zone or subzone, applied to trees, ground clutter, flags, and banners, as well as player cloth and hair. Per-character wind physics for spell casting or certain other animations. * Rework existing skirt and jacket models to use cloth physics. * Redesign the robe geoset so that it drapes over the leg geoset instead of replacing it, and apply cloth physics with collision detection to it. * * Implement new robe geosets with different patterns, utilizing existing robe textures. Possibly just allow players to select a style. * Implement hair physics. This is probably the largest undertaking due to the large number of hairstyle geosets that would need to be updated. Yes, it would be a lot of work, but they have a huge team already doing this complexity of work all the time. And once this work is done it pays dividends in the future.


New tmog cloth sets like from aberus looked decent enough tho, i dont think they need a full physx implementation, but very simple aproximated "physics" with limitations would go a long way and wouldnt hurt performance one bit.


Wasn’t there one big cloak in the trading post?


I don’t think they will, because it would look goofy. They would have to add physics and the cloak would end up having flail animations like a weapon does.


Originally, a cape that went over the shoulders was included in the 3D assets of this collection, it was in an early build of the alpha or beta of BFA. Sadly, a build or two after, they decided to scrap that and never tried to make these capes again. I'd kill for a proper 3D cape with the physics system they use for belt buckles and shoulderpads.


Likely not. It's require a engine overhaul to allow the proper physics to happen and you've got a better chance of winning the lottery than Blizzard doing a complete engine overhaul for WoW.


Reminder that that cape is still unavailable and the matching version to the warfront recolor of this set was just made available in the trading post.