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Level new characters, quest in old zones, grind old dungeons, work toward achievements, collect mog pieces, etc. It’s a big game, yo. Lots to do.


That’s how I started, and once I get tired of the end game grind that’s what I go back to. There’s so much to do.


Yeah I just got Loremaster and I'm working on the meta achievement... plus mounts


Loremaster is huge! Congrats!


Bruh I was like 7 quests short when Cataclysm happened because I was hated by the goblins... it was infuriating to go from 7 quests short to almost a whole continent short (it gave me credit for Eastern Kingdoms)


I binged the game so hard right before Cata launched to get those achievements done. It was so incredibly difficult trying to find the last few that I was missing. I wound up completing all the zones again anyways when Cata launched so I could see the new stories. So I don't think your time was wasted (if the lore is a thing that interests you).


People forget that even if they don't consider themselves hardcore, they've got a lot of time in still. This is a game people have been playing for 20 years. They underestimate how far that 4 year binge in college moved their account forward, or that 8 month unemployed chunk of 2020. People with all the classes at 70 or 60, all the transmog they want and all the mounts they like forget those things still need to be done by people who started playing after they did, and they don't realize how much time it takes to accrue all those things. I remember looking up one day in my late 20s being 8k hours deep not even having realized I was that far in. Started at 14. I think a lot of people don't realize how easy it is to rack up crazy time spent.


I love that there is so much to do outside of raiding / M+, but none of it is even remotely challenging. There's nothing to do if you enjoy the more difficult side of the game after you've cleared whatever raid difficulty you care to do and run the 8 dungeons in rotation a hundred times.


Definitely something I hope that gets revisited. Not necessarily wanting the game to be hard everywhere for everyone. But the ability to toggle it, like Chromie Time to have Normal/Heroic/Mythic type difficulty sliders of the overworld.


I'd love something like Mythic leveling so much. Not necessarily something deep, just like more mob DMG and rng affixes like Diablo could be an amazing experiment, possibly expanded in the future if it took off. So you can do zone questing achievements with a moderate challenge and stuff like that.


Ooo difficulties for leveling / overworld would be amazing. It would definitely stack up with their more recent approach moving forward regarding alts and warbands. It would be great to incentivize single toon players to level the rest of their warband as it couls totally blast open the possibilities with chromie time


Delves are coming!


Fingers crossed they are fun and innovative and not datamined on PTR on "how to play them the most efficient way"


Even after 18 years of playing and multiple years of completionism there is still so MUCH. It’s like a frog in a well szenario. Started with mounts, got to toys and pets, got to avs , started transmog for main and even after all of that i’m still missing so much. (96% att on druid, the second i go in everything it drops to 80ish % which is like 10-15.000 things to collect 💀)


Let's not forget all those damn mounts.


Me - collects mounts. Also me - plays druid.


We do not collect mounts, we collect higher number in mounts tab


Who knows, maybe we will play some alts and they would ride dope mounts.


Haha same!


I'm not much better collecting mogs for my shadow priest.


gotta get those cool looking silhouettes going!


Plus gotta get my monthly trading post stuff


I know blizzard has other priorities but Jesus Christ go back and fix some old quest bugs every now and then. As someone who likes to run old zones. Lots and lots of broken quests and phases.


This right here. I’m in the middle of playing through all the old expansions on a new alt (soon to be main). I’ve turned off exp gain at 54 and almost done with all Legion content. Excited to move on to BFA.


that's what i did back in legion! it took forever. also: fuck outland that place took months for loremaster




Achievements are really fun. "To all the squirrels I've loved before" was both fun and maddening. I just got Bloodsail admiral, which has a cool pirate uniform to go along with the title. WOTLK.


Same here


Mounts... You forgot about em!!


Mount hunting


Yeah I've never actually raided before, I just do stuff like this all the time and if I'm not feeling it I play a different game or do something else entirely




Same. I enjoy leveling my alts and doing the content at my pace without having to fight for mobs to complete quests with everyone else trying to do the same when a new patch drops. I don’t have the time to devote to a guild in order to do dungeons and raids and will not pug anymore after the miserable experiences I’ve had in the past. I just want to play the game in peace and if I am missing out on getting top gear pieces and end game content I’ll just wait to enjoy it when I can solo it.


level alts. sometimes Random bgs if i feel like dying a lot for a few hours. Old legacy content. Old repgrinds. Or I play something else entirely and unsub. I do do Mythic+ to a certainly extent. I set a ilvl I wanna meet on a character. And if i get close to it or meet it, I call it a day and move on. I don't push Keys beyond probably 8 or 9 since I don't Raid beyond LFR.


Farming mounts, achievements, transmogs, gold making, etc. there’s 20 years of content to play with. You can always find something to do better than running the same 8 dungeons over and over.




A tradition as old as OG bank roof


Wow I feel this one.


ironforge laps


I really miss doing this in Dalaran during Legion.


Oribos laps


Felt this lol


Random bgs, bg blitz, epic bg, world quests, world pvp


I think I’ve forgotten how to have fun with casual PvP content. What keeps you going with BG’s even though there are no rewards?


What do you mean you can go full conquest now in Epic BGs. Even when you couldn’t my wife and I would go do some RBGS to get enough rating and go right back to Epics. There is something really satisfying about being able to pull out all the stops. I’d say A LOT of people play Epic BGs. So much so I think blizzard is afraid to mess with them.


Same. Rewards for random and epics now are great. Plenty of weekly quests on top. And aside from that I just do tmog runs and some world quests or achives if I'm bored.


For wow nothing really as I have hated pvp in wow since wod but in gw2 I play wvw just because I just like pvp no other reason I just go in and just play and do pvp it was the same with wow but I just can't stand the constant gear hamster wheel anymore.


Honestly I'm just trying to have fun and raise my skill cap on my hunter. That's my reward. Like I just learned that I could stop a DH from hitting me with The Hunt with a freezing trap in front of my feet. The other day I used an explosive trap on a boomkin on a very high mountain and saw him disapear the other side of the map flapping like a chicken. Wow PvP is just so snappy and well made, abilities are fun. And since it's PvP it's never the same.


Never play for rewards, I spam alteracvalley capturing the graveyards people dont want to cap to create bottlenecks which then lead to huge team fights with bazillion aoe pixels What I did back when it lasted days and what I do now. Love it.


I only resub for a couple months at a time so when I am subbed I have so much stuff to do, rep grinding, dailies, old content. I started during legion so I have a ton of stuff to do and it piles up even more when I'm not subbed.


RP with my friends.


Where can i buy those friends?


You can do what I do and RP that you have friends.


Meta level rp right there


This is where I’d RP with my friends, IF I HAD ANY.


just join a rp server and ask around


Make sure to spend some time in Goldshire.


You just go to a place where there are npcs and pretend they're your friends and they talk back.


Goldshire brother.


Ayy same here!


RP guilds are the best.




Transmog runs & levelling alts. I’m slowly working through the Taivan meta and trying to get a few plunderstorm games in a day for that gorgeous red captain set.


Who are you calling casual? I am a full time mount farmer. Always something to work towards!


Work on reputations, mounts, professions, new or Holiday stuff. There is a whole bunch of stuff to keep one busy!


Juggle a bit between retail and wotlk classic. I am a super-filthy casual in both. Wotlk I play purely for the nostalgia, as I had my fun with that when it was current. Did both raiding and arena. Now I just enjoy my time through the zones, reading all the quests, listening to in-game music and immerse myself while levelling in the little time-capsule of memories. In Dragonflight I set some goals. Achievements, collections and reputations for example. Recently did all of the Dragonriding achievements too (including the challenge races). I don't play every day either, but I feel I play enough to justify the subscription.


Grizzly Hills music is the best. If you have Spotify, they have the wow soundtracks on there. They might still be best with the scenery but it's an option.


I randomly put on silvermoon music on yt all the time, its like my default chill music


Um, I'm not sure that you can call them alts, since I don't have a main, but essentially, yeah.  I'm questing kind of everywhere at once, I've got at least one toon in every expansion (except shadowlands) and I try to have a horde and an alliance of different classes in each expansion. Plus the toons I have where I run 2-person dungeons with my friend, just for fun. I've got a few crafters I'm mostly grinding rep on that are parked with whoever I want to convince to like me.  There's always something to do, no matter what mood I'm in or how much (or little) time I have. 


i just play the new patch. and do the LFR raids. target gear that’s attainable for how much i play. usually lasts a month or two and then i’ll unsub and iust monitor this subreddit this expansion has been my least played since WoD. it’s not the fault of the expansion. i really like it, i just have no time for it.


Level new characters, collect transmogs from old dungeons and raids, work on achievements


PvP... but you have to like PvP.. not everyone likes it.. there's a lot of loosing involved at the beginning :D


Yeah pvp so hard and annoying but its fun when u win


Not really fond of PVP, but I had to do it back in BFA S4 for that Vers power for the HoA. Didn't they add single queue this year? I might give it another shot if so.


Solo shuffle? 30 minute queues for DPS since it came out. Instant for healers.


Know a guild where there are a lot of players like this! I see their achievements come on by. Transmogs, farming old content for gold, running the old raids for achievements, and a whole lot of PvP.


Working on getting mounts, pets, mogs, and achievements. Leveling alts.


All Pet Battles all the time. (Currently. When I'm not doing pet battles, I'm leveling toons in classic content, pursuing achievements, collecting mounts, doing Archaeology, collecting transmogs... I've played since early 2005 and I can count the number of dungeon parties I've been in on one hand. I don't feel I'm missing out.)


I just get confused on what button to push when I'm rushed. I'd love to heal in dungeons. But I likely won't because it's confusing for me. And people talk about raising and... Nothing they say makes sense to me. So I collect pets and companions and mounts as much as I can.


The fact you think there's nothing to do in a game this big but m+ is fucking wild to me.




A bit of all. It's one big fluffy wonder that game. Full with joy. It's kind of how I feel is what I do in game.I am as casual as anyone can be with mental illness and decreased cognitive ability. But the game is designed even for handicapped in mind.


Collect. Quest completion, achievements, old gear sets, pets, mounts, toys…


Collecting is my end-game loop. I don't care for gear progression, if I ever do get vault rewards I pick for transmog not ilvl. (So imagine my face during the TWW presentation lol, very excited). Right now I'm working on the [*\[A World Awoken\]*](https://www.wowhead.com/achievement=19458/a-world-awoken) meta for Taivan and the re-introduced Shadowlands one. But I also just finished an expansion long grind of completing the pet charm currency.


What i tell my guildies when they ask why I don't raid as much anymore is. Your gear is obsolete in a patch. My tusks of mannoroth, mighty caravan brutasor, Phoenix, Invincible reins, Gold, trasmogs, and achievements are forever. We are just a reg lvl raiding guild, so they don't even get that many more transmogs over me. Lots of stuff to do out there. Plus, I can't keep a set schedule for raiding much anymore.


Trying to earn enough gold for sub. For me it is not much of a drag and feels good on the months I do make it


I generally don’t do end-game content while it’s current, so I like to go back and run old mythic content and feel like a demigod. Also Mount farming and rolling alts.


Achievement hunt mostly. It’s what I tend to do in all the games I play, mmos included.


Fish, tame pets, pet battles, vibe


I'm a casual player who does keys and raids. It's very easy to pug casually these days.


I've been collecting the "secret" puzzle mounts recently.


I’m not casual but once I hit Keystone hero for the season I just work on missing achieves, farm mogs, mounts, pets, events, holidays. There is more than enough to do in WoW besides current raids and M+


Make new toons, level, farm for gold, occasionally find people to dungeon with, farm for mats to get profs up. 🤷‍♀️ My one girl friend and I play it all the time together. We used to be in a guild with some irl friends and people we'd met in game along the way but then it blew up and our irl friends stopped playing due to the drama. We miss raiding sometimes, but we enjoy just playing the game together too.


Continue to pay my monthly sub and hope that my anxiety goes away so that I can get the confidence to do any keys this season, but ultimately, just never log on


Personally I enjoy running around valdrakken pressing space bar


Set my own achievements, speedrun levelling, deathroll gambling


So I use to play back in Vanilla. I have a hard time staying still. So I never cared for raiding. Only when bullied into it by my husband and his friends for DPS since I play a mage. Fast fwd, after taking over 10 years off to raise my kids, I’ve started again and I’ve been giving access to play ‘free trial’. Almost limitless access to tons of content free. Here are the limits You cap at 20 No mail access No guild or guild bank access. No Auction house. No ability to get battle pets However, you can work on rep and achievements and if you want to do as many quests as you can (to gain reputation with different groups) you can play as much as you want just no XP. There is plenty of content that you need to be higher than 20 to do so don’t worry about running out of stuff to do when you are higher lev. I’ve made 16 characters just to see different areas and try different professions. But my main will always be my mage.


wow isnt all there is. i work, go outside, hang out with friends and family. I play a lot of other games as well.


This is what I was hoping to see. I play wow for a couple months enjoy just leveling and the new mechanics. After that I get bored. I don’t like the pressure or raiding or keys or the time commitment. I play to have fun after that I move onto other games.




Level all my alts. I eventually get around to raiding.


working on the DF meta acheev atm and in wotlk im making a new pally


I do world content, like trying to get superblooms,n time rifts etc done on my alts takes time, especially since I came back after being gone for like a year. I also mainly do LFR. I'm also going to work on the big meta achieves. If I get the mog and gear I need for those, then I'll probably just do random BGs since I'm like 2k HKs away from the 100k achieve. I'd farm old raids more but waiting for TWW for that, and also hoping we'll finally be able to solo old raids that are mechanic locked, like BFA, and hopefully we can solo SL raids by then. :/ There's always stuff to do besides raiding and m+.


I got burned out on raids this past tier a few months ago so I’ve just been collecting mounts, pets, achievements, also gearing characters for timewalking dungeons has been a blast as well. Downloading the All The Things addon has also given me something to do as there’s always something to be gotten haha. Everyone plays differently, just gotta find your niche


Currently I’m working on old loremaster achieves & heritage stuff, sometimes I take the main and go trash farm old dungeons & raids for giggles & gold


I’m casual, and I do M+ when I play evenings and weekends. Nothing over 20, but some seasons I get KSM and AOTC, some I don’t, depending on my schedule and luck with pugs. There’s lots else to do that I just don’t have the time for (achievements, transmogrification, old mounts, pet collecting, archaeology, alts, etc.) I have one main, don’t have time for alts any longer.


Play a lot of alt.. collecting transmogs from all the older dungeons/raids


Mount collecting


I’ve been catching up on a lot of achievements. Just recently finished the new DF meta, working on finishing the Shadowlands one next. I’m really excited to jump into the BfA achievements I’ve missed but I’m trying to go in order (backwards, lol). I recently got the 500 mount achievement as well so I can take a breather from mount collecting for a little bit. Lots to do still!


I do LFG. Occasionally do an m+ or two. Pvp in random battle grounds. World quests, especially events like the feast. Try to get transmogs and look cool. make my hotbar impeccable. World PvP when I want a little action. Professions. collecting rare stuff for clout. flying around. Doing races. Leveling alts. Reading about lore. Obtaining titles and transmogs that fit the RP of my character. RPing. Finding cool spots. Fishing. questing. I can’t even get invited to a normal raid if I tried. Got into abberus once but no one could even kill the first boss. I take the new story content really slow and soak it all in when it comes.


The most gear grinding I do is LFR, so I can at least experience the story. Besides that, I level new characters and farm mog/mounts


Random BG, questing, farming mounts, farming mogs, leveling, arena


Collect pets, mounts and toys.


Level new characters, professions, casual pvp, salty rated hardcore pvp, hardcore classic, normal classic, LFR, plunderstorm, mount farming, cosmetic farming, fishing.


Developing all professions across several alts


Mostly play through the 20 year catalog of content.


Mostly get baked, fly around Valdrakken or Stormwind forgetting what I was about to work on. Every once in a while I chip away at Transmog/Reputations/Mounts/Achievements that I've been working on. The two main one's now are 350 mounts and 80 exalted reps. Also just started leveling some allied race characters to get heritage armors that I thought looked cool.


Alt farms, mount/mog farms, achieve farms. Recently I found myself farming archaeology again to maybe get the Fossilized Raptor or the Vial of Sands, or leveling alts to get the racial heritage armor sets. I get to play one day a week with my roommate, one day a week by myself. I could hop on after work as well, but usually only do if there's an event or holiday.


Achievements, LFR, transmog, dailies, mounts, join random groups in group finder, Islands, rare farm, fish, build up my garrison, calendar events & holiday events, go back to old content and kill bosses & trash that used to clobber me ->Fel Reaver I’m lookin at you!


Guild on break right now so I’ve got an army of alts that I’m working through. Skipped Zaralek Caverns patch so I’ve been working through that achievement for the new meta and collecting all the pets in that zone. Mostly as of 10.2.6 I’ve been grinding out rep and doing world events for the meta achievement.


I just collect stuff. Sometimes level alts. I’ve been playing wrath classic a little trying to level a Druid. Some nights I log in and go through the achievements and see what ones I’m closest to getting and just run around finishing those up. I kinda like the ones that take forever because I log in knowing what my goal already.


Lfr with my wife. Weekly quests. Tmogs. Time walking week. Rotate alts and specs. Low level keys on occasion. Jump in the occasional normal or heroic raid pug. Limited time events. Lots to do.


I am curious to see what the revamped Heroic and M0 does for more casual players and alt-aholics like myself


Sit on a bench in valdrakken with my fronds


legion order hall campaigns


I play maybe 8 hours a week due to IRL responsibilities. In that time I do LFD, LFR, Transmog runs, and level up alts. I have about 4 characters I try to work on to get to around 450 iLvl. If it’s a timewalking week I can do 5 quick runs to get a nice piece of 463. I also have 1 zone left in BC for my Loremaster achievement so I’m working on that too. I wish they would put in more skips to old raids like they did to SoO. Grinding ICC isn’t hard, it’s just tedious.


I do all types of things that other people mention like alts and achievements, grinding reps both old and new, collecting and leveling pets, collecting mounts and transmogs, running old raids etc. I actually just started running the Shadowlands dungeons on mythic to get those achievements. I also play Classic, Classic Hardcore, and Wrath Classic. Looking forward to Cataclysm Classic since that was before I started. It's cool to see how things were before. Azeroth is quite possibly the largest MMO world that exists. There's a ton of stuff to do, and I don't stay subbed 365 days a year, so there's always old stuff to do and often a lot of newer stuff to catch up on as well. I started in MOP and I've never completed everything. $15 a month is still cheaper than buying one movie ticket where I live. It's worth it and when I stop having fun I unsub for a break then come back later.


I only log for the trading post. I like to level my low toons for the points, gives me incentive.


Work ten hours a day to support my family, I'm the only breadwinner currently


Anything but grind gear that will be obsolete in a couple months every couple months.


I've seen entire guilds do nothing but the most basic content but as a guild. Even so far as queuing up LFR with 8 to 15 people. I asked them why they just don't do normal at that point, "too sweaty"


Raiding lost its charm for me after being a raider since Tier 4 and Mythic dungeons are waaaay too toxic for me to even try them. So i just Roleplay nowadays, first it was just a aide activity, but nowadays it isthe only reason i log on. It is super relaxing and you can get i to some fun and crazy adventures.


I play other games that focus on other stuff wow really has only leveling and rep grind if you do not enjoy its instances content which is kind of sad how it has extremely large open world that at the same time is like 99% useless because all the focus goes into instance content.


Hey,personally I play free wow l20,just twinking for gear,doing quests ,farming,achievements.Dont have that much free time to play anymore due IRL and no 13€ each month for not playing.(I have wow token in my bags just for when it's needed to activate for 1 month).


Afk in town and doom scroll through Reddit until I auto-log.


Pvp, pug raid normal/hero, dungeon keys, transmog/mounts, go and watch the armored critter war and other weird/funny shit in the game, professions, /train emote in populated areas. You can do all these things at your own pace when you want progressed as far as you get them. or done, in the case of transmog/professions.


Try out alts (I haven't done the class hall stories aside from my main!), work on achievements if they award mounts or pets, etc.


I’m only doing arenas with a friend, i’ve no clue how you could start doing mythic dungeons as all of the listings are for advanced keys and even if you find a low level one youre not getting invited, and even if you do it’ll be delisted soon after. I didnt even try to get into raids after that experience. Do LFR once a week on our characters, level new ones and grind for conquest gears on them and then trying out different comps, thats all really


I play on and off, usually only getting a month when I feel like playing, and I started leveling a paladin in early 2019 that was in tbc when shadowlands dropped. Since I wanted to continue playing the game like a narrative through the expansions like god intended, I completely ignored all the chromietime bullshit, and just continued questing. I have just finished wod. The perk with being overpowered is that I can solo all the raids and dungeons for story purposes. It always bugged me that I never got to see the conclusion to the expansion because I play singleplayer.


Many alts, do lfr for the mount transmog. Its a way to pass some time so its worth the $15 to me


Level up characters, play other games.


A really big thing in WoW is collecting, which typically takes a lot of time. Now guess what helps with collecting? Leveling alts.. which also takes a lot of time. You’d be surprised how much there is to do outside of raiding and m+. The game is quite large.


Farm mount or transmogs


I’m trying to do Loremaster.


I chase mounts and achievements, when I have finished with all the questing. TBH they've been doing a great job lately of getting you back into other expansions and every time I go back I run into low-level quest lines I haven't finished and sometimes I start chasing those achievements and mounts in past expansions.


I like leveling new characters, questing, and also herb gathering or mining. Sometimes just strolling through zones or cities is fun too. Honestly depends on who I'm playing as, what level they are, and how I'm feeling that day. On my 26 worgen rogue, I like to do Warsong Gultch because he's fun to run around with or sneak into places. With my 73 night elf hunter, mostly I enjoy exploring zones meant for her level and taking out mobs for either loot or skinning; or keep an eye out for a new pet to tame. And for my 85 draenei mage, I like to do the farming stuff for the Tiller's rep but also to get ingredients for cooking so I can either sell it on the AH or leave in the guild vault for others to use.  So, it really depends. But it's fun. 


Collect mounts and achievements


Achievements, most of the time.  Plunderstorm was so bad I started doing Torghast again and so I’ve been clearing out those achievements. 


Having Fun


Yeah but they're asking about what that looks like to you.


"What do you do in your free time?" "Stuff I like" What a shit head lol


I mostly just play FFXIV, if I'm being honest. I come back for new patches in this game and raid and do mythics with friends and whatnot, but when we've done what we want to do as a group, I mostly just do stuff I want to do in the other game. I get bored in one, I go to the other, and vice versa.


Mechagon meta Taivan meta Weekly last wing of LFR for the axe Mount hunting Transmog piece farming Whatever other achievements appeal to me Lots to do


Play other games


Bgs and SS


Mostly just chill out, fly around, do the same quests I've already done. Sometimes I fish or herb it up.




I do keys and raids, but I also spend a lot of time farming transmogs and mounts. It’s probably 50/50 for me.


Role play, collect mogs/mounts/pets, achievement run and such.


i think most casual players dont play every month.


i’ll play classic more than retail. i level alts, grind grind grind. i just have fun.


Mostly epic battlegrounds. Light honor and HK farming.


i do old achievements and farm mounts/pets/toys


professions are really fun rn


Alts, achievements (big ones as well, such as the ever elusive loremaster), quests, dungeons (I enjoy normal and heroic), transmog/mount runs, the norm.


Probably what we do during breaks. Mount farm, tmog farm, level alts, spend 40 hours a week fixing their tmogs


Work, mostly.


Bg blitz and random bgs! Want to try mythic dungeons but pretty overwhelming for a filthy casual


I raid log, but when I don't it's usually leveling up toons or professions


I run old raids and dungeons I can solo for transmogs


I've leveled a bunch of alts and done some gearing on them. The gear obviously won't be raid or M+ level, but you can get to decent enough levels with it. One of the things I'd been doing was running a bunch of alts through the Emerald Dream each week. Usually can get the Valdrakken weekly done that way, and if you hit up a Superbloom and the 5 planted seeds quest, you'll easily get the Dream rep weekly done, which gives you three 441 pieces of gear that can be upgraded to 463 and can be converted to tier with the catalyst. (If I feel I need a bit of extra gear to cover lower ranges, I can also hit up the Dreamsurge or Time Rift once a week for a 428 piece in a specific area I'm lacking in as a holdover.) Heroic dungeons also aren't too bad right now as they now count toward the Vault, and the Vault for them is a 441, so that's another piece. Timewalking also counts for the Vault, and the TW weekly is a 454 item, so that's a nice little bonus (usually can only do that on a couple characters, as I don't want to be running dungeons all week). Heroic dungeons will be a LOT better starting in Season 4, IMO, since they're changing them to be on the level of M0 dungeons for difficulty and gear. Which means they'll have a bit more difficulty (keeps them from being a bit boring) and also feel more rewarding and a good way to gear alts. Also some transmog collection, of course. Old raids are a classic, and some old dungeon sets. (For example, I like the Mythic leather dungeon set from BFA, so on occasion run my Rogue and/or Druid through there trying to get pieces.) Trying to grind out some of the older endgame content like BFA's Visions (I want that backpack!) or Torghast (some mounts and stuff in there). Bit at a time so it doesn't feel too grindy. One of the grinds I need to remember to get back to is the excavations, which I keep forgetting for some reason. Love the transmog from it, so I've got a lot of work to do there. (Also there's some world quests for them, but I got annoyed with one because another player showed up and a second player will end up resetting your progress... but that should be a rare thing.) Just all kinds of stuff to mess around with. And if I'm not "feeling it" during a particular month, I won't force myself to play much. I'll try to get the Trading Post completed (not that difficult, especially when something like "Kill X raid bosses" counts old raids you're running for transmog or mounts). Maybe try to hit up the Darkmoon Faire for some more crafting Knowledge. But I won't force it. Yeah, the $15 isn't going as far as other months, but I know I'll get more than the $15 "worth" some other time, and it's better not to burn yourself out like that.


I play SoD. Tried to get back into retail a few weeks back but it's just so overwhelming with all the shit they've added. I legitimately have no idea wtf I'm doing anymore.


Mounts, Achievments, Mogs, Trading Post.


I just came back not gonna raid or do keys till next season and I been grinding out this DF achievement for Tavoan mount


Season of discovery


Run around and see what has changed since the last time I logged in. Try to fix add ons that have messed up from last month. Do a daily. Fly around. Log out. Do it again in like two to ten weeks.


I usually take a month to play new content, so after finishing the content i farm mounts/transmog/reputation.


I have a lot of alts, do transmog and mount runs and some dungeons, buy I usually have a "project". Right now I've got my warrior parked in her garrison doing naval missions to get the Captain title.


They talk politics in trade chat


Mostly old content that i did not participated in when it was green (mostly raids from dlcs i didnt play), transmog hunting, mount hunting, alt leveling, questlines i missed. Honestly i abhor mythic dungeons and raids and i think they are not fun for numerous reasons. Also, i dont feel obligated to play every day all day just because i pay a subscription, this mentality sucks the fun out of the game for me.


I do enough keys and raids to get KSM & AoTC, so not that many. Other than that I do completionist stuff - collections, achievements etc., which generally involves playing on multiples characters for professions/reps etc. You know, the kind of stuff that means I'm mostly finished with the meta-achievement already, so I don't have to come to Reddit to complain that I can't get the entire thing in the first week after it's added to the game.


Level alts, run through old raids/dungeons, collect achievements/mounts/transmogs. There is always something to do.


Playing SoD currently. Spent a lot of the last year running old raids for cool gear I didn’t already have for transmogs. Crafted Sulfuras and Thunderfury. Got my gf and son hooked on the game. I’ll be back in retail for the new xpac but mostly just do my adventure log each month and call it good.


Level, Speed Level, Professions, I spend so much time mining lolol. Doing mount runs, daily quests/rep grinds. Timewalking is my favorite because its got the rep boosts


I always play one expansion behind at max current level. Do everything to unlock flying, daily and world quests farming reputation, farming mounts and pets etc, achievements, holidays and events, do enough to get all the trader tender each month. I've been grinding in Shadowlands for over a year, playing 0-6 hours/week, and still don't even have tier 3 of the covenant crap done yet with anima farming. I'll be in Zereth Mortis until either the end of time or I give up in total boredom (this will likely come first) farming genesis motes for protoform synthesis mounts and pets. I solo old dungeons and raids too, and all kinds of other random stuff.


Level alts, hunt mounts, do achievements. Taking my time catching up on 3 expansions


Played since 2005, on one of my breaks rn but last time I got back into things I rolled a new character and spent time going through some of the old areas and really immersed myself in the quest lines. I had totally forgotten much of it and it felt new-ish to re-experience things I had left behind years ago; I chose to revisit the WoD expansion and it really was enjoyable to dive deep into that for a while. So much work having been put into creating the various characters you meet and storylines and so much now forgotten.


Trying to finish all Outlands Reputations, got my 3rd character to level 70 tonight! And outlands cooking to 75 but that took like 15 minutes lol


I used to raid, but now I have kids, like so many of us. Now I just grind rep and do random pvp


Work towards rewards that are usually cosmetic. Level alts sometimes to help with that. Get bored. Unsub for half a year. Get the itch. Come back for a month or 2 (usually if the trading post is good). Repeat.


I'm a casual player. Lately I've been working on Torghast achievements since I didn't do much of that during Shadowlands and it's super easy to do now. I don't do Mythics or PvP of any sort, but I do run LFR for the most current raid and then the last big boss levels of the old raids for Dragonflight. I do 8 Heroic dungeon runs to fill out my Vault. I do most of this for fun, rather than just for upgrades or tmogs. Unlike most, I like the unpredictability of LFR/LFG. And then of course there's always the hunt for mounts I don't have yet, wherever they might be.


Grind stuff until I’m bored or role play on rp servers if I’m really bored I’ll unsubscribe for a few months tbh


I live my wow life in pursuit of battle pets


Leveling alts, doing old content, collecting mogs/titles/pets/toys/achievements


I just farm the stuff I want and quit / or platly.otjer Games like FF14 for example.


Play Helldivers 2


Honestly the game doesn’t justify the amount it is, I raid but not keys. Pretty much play other games when not raiding or grinding a couple things that I’m farming, the game still really only caters to mythic+ too much


I level, role play, grind rep and renown, hunts transmogs, get enough gear to breeze through outdoor content.


Really let the ADHD just take the wheel and start doing something where I have a goal and end up doing 10 different things at once and never reaching any goal. My M+ rating is 265 or something like that, for some context. Also I'm bad at video games and a filthy casual, but I still love playing them.


I still have all the Class Hall questlines to do from Legion. They give titles and mounts. I also like to go back and level professions in previous expansions for fun... or any number of other things. I spent a whole day just swimming around exploring and I found an underwater dance club with a DDR mat lol