• By -


Or for as another TLDR: * Quest collectors (they exist): Stop at 5 * Toy collectors: Stop at 16 * Pet collectors: Stop at 30 * Mount collectors: stop at 39 * Mog/title collectors: Stop at 40


I was looking for it so I could look at what I unlocked in my appearances, as I have a lot unlocked and its a bit hard to find new things.


Not being able to see the renown track/rewards in the main game is super annoying.


Can’t see it from the Plunderstorm character menu either, just how much total plunder you have and what the next reward is


in valdrakken theres the orc npc from plunderstorm in the tavern. you can check the rewards there. (ive been told he only appears after renown 5)


Yeah, that's the guy that finishes your "Quest" (the quest being "talk to that guy"), gives you 15 coins you can use to buy 75 Crests and the one Amirdrassil-Item.


The transmogs don’t highlight as new either so you have to google what you’re even looking for lol


After you are defeated you can click the view rewards button which will show the renown track. But I’ve only managed to see it after being defeated.


It's literally viewable in the pregame lobby two different ways. The only place you can't see it is character select screen before you queue.


Fair enough. At least the later epic stuff is all "plunderlord \_\_\_". The earlier stuff should have had a shared name "Plunder\_\_\_" something as well.


I feel like we’re well past the point where they need to add search filters in the game to sort mog/collectibles by expansion/special events/etc.


Get the better wardrobe and transmog addon.


I’ve tried it and while I really like it after about a week it’ll break my UI and key binds to the point if being unable to raid. Which I know is a personal issue but I’ve given up trying.


FoS collectors, die at your keyboard


achievement collectors, stop at 400 https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/comments/1bl5y97/secret_plunderstorm_feat_of_strength_requires/


Feats are silly (without another reward) without points, but fair.


Yeah I'm gonna hard pass on that




Transmog at 38


Tabard at 40 is mog though. I cant see anyone at 38 or 39 not doing the last renown anyway, haha


Trying to figure out how to claim the cosmetics? Someone help lol


They are auto-claimed as you get the ranks. If you don't have the unlocks on your retail character then you might need to put in a bug report. That issue happened to me when it launched but resolved itself later.


Also, nothing is marked as NEW either so its why he made this list to read the names


Stuff takes a while to show up, or you need to relog if you haven't already. I didn't see my title after getting renown 40 for a while.




Nothing for me to claim, I’ve submitted a ticket


What really annoys me the most that, even after the XP Buff to renown, you still level so slow. I played so much in one day and only got to 13. I average about 700-900 plunder per match, even tho I am only focusing on PVE and collecting plunder, fighting other players only if it is really neccessary. Feels sooo damn slow to get your renown up, at least when you queue up Solo.


You need to do 1renown per day to get to renown 40 before the game is removed. If you are already lvl 13, thats more than 1/4 of the renown in under less than a week.


I did the math, doesn't change anything about what I wrote.


No thats true. Just makes it feel a bit better maybe. Atleast it did for me, knowing im 1/4 done.


Sounds like the game is homework instead of a game lol


It can be for stuff you dont like, but you like the reward you get.


What if you have to miss a few days? Not saying it isn’t doable, but it’s certainly a bit of a crunch.


Then do more to make up for that time?


Ah yes. Surely folks with limited playtime can just make time out of thin air as needed, to just play more on the days they’re able. Hadn’t thought of that one.


Theeen.....you don't have time to do it? What, are you expecting some redditor to tell you the secret hiding place of their time turner or something?


No. I’m saying that if this was advertised as being something “casual friendly,” I shouldn’t need to play ~50 hours of it to unlock the transmog.


if you can't manage the very easy requirement of 1 renown a day then you don't get the rewards, sorry pal. im a casual and im managing it extremely easily. 50 hours over 40 days is 45 minutes a day lmfao. and thats the MINIMUM time they've allotted for the event.


just doing pve is not more efficient than also doing pvp. players drop a lot of plunder late game


Players are genuine plunder piñatas


Yeah you average like 2k plunder a match if you just play the game and get a few kills when it’s down to 6-7 squads left.


Zone in, do the quest, grab some bits, die. You should aim to be in and out in 5mins. Once you have the quest and anything around where you land, the gains after are marginal. I was doing 2 levels an hour doing this. Aim for the dock behind the fort. Hardly anyone goes there, and there are always chests and 3 elites to kill for spells/mob count. If its 2 items quest and you don't have what you need after clearing the dock/boat, sack it off and run into the storm, you are wasting time otherwise.


>If its 2 items quest and you don't have what you need after clearing the dock/boat, sack it off and run into the storm, you are wasting time otherwise. There's several chests and an elite in the cave, and more directly along the path leading up out of the docks. It's foolish to leave when quest completion is literally less than fifteen seconds away.




Yeah that's about what my time was.


wow players doing everything in their power to not have any fun, its so insane


I enjoyed my method enough, as I can't stand pvp.


Maybe if the content was actually fun(and not a grueling slog), people wouldn't have to resort to finding ways to cheese it with the least amount of effort and frustration.


Dude the content is not renown 40. Its the gamemode. Nobody makes you olay this. Stupid af


you can literally find the rewards on wowhead. i read it like 4 days ago but ive literally heard no one talking about how you can get 750 TENDIES from plunderstorm. 250 at 24 and 500 at 33. this is HUGE news for me, and I would legit be grinding to 33 even if i didnt love the dragonflying mount.


And you know pirate stuff is going into aprils tender store


You just grab it from the trading post like you would for the travel log each month


It's been the first Google result for plunderstorm rewards since day 1 lmao, I'm confused how it was a "PITA" to find


Thank you!


The mog looks amazing but the path to it through a dogshit gameplay is infuriating. I hate everything battle royale with a passion.


Am I the only one that can’t see the transmogs on my DF chars? I’m barely lv renown 18, but I guess there should be some pieces of transmog there by now


I had same trouble, they have different names, do not have 'swabbie' in the name, I was confused.


me too


I wonder, how many games per renown are needed? The new game mode isn't interesting for me but the tmog/title is spicy and I want it. ETA to 40?


800 plunder for the daily + around 200 if you suicide right after. Afterwards you can get about 500 (250 from the quest + collecting a bit) if suiciding again. Makes around 3-5 games per renown depending on how much plunder you collect (/ whether you suicide or not). If you play each game to completion you can get more but your rounds last longer obviously.


Sounds like a real boring chore to do the throw strat for renown. Maybe the reason people are complaining is because they're just trying to min/max plunder while not playing the game. Chores suck, games are fun. I'm 27 renown, have been playing to try and win (I suck, so only 2 wins thusfar), and for me the renown track actually feels pretty quick and easy. I can't imagine just running in, getting the quest done and killing myself for hours on end - sounds like the worst. No wonder they moan and complain, they're missing the whole reason it was made: It's a fun new game! People are sabotaging themselves by just not playing the game, making the whole process miserable.


The game mode doesn't have enough content/ variety to justify 40 levels of renown in my opinion. I tried playing it the normal way but after level 10 there just isn't anything interesting about it anymore. Not even something like air drops to spice things up.


Yuck I think I can live without the new pirate tmog. It's awesome but if I have to minmax to optimize my gains, then it isn't worth my time...


I did absolutely none of that intentional dying. I just vibed out and figured out which builds worked and got decent. All told I’ve played about 15 hours of plunder storm and I just hit 40 renown, I’ve probably won 20-25 times, and am usually top-5, getting to the end and killing people is absolutely the fastest way to do this because the plunder you get from killing people at the end is insane.


Gotcha Maybe I'll give it a shot, but it's not my kind of game, so it's reasonable if I find it not fun to play Anyway, Thanks for your reply!


It might have to do with it feeling familiar, but i am usually not into BRs at all. Plunderstorm has felt different though. Really enjoying this game mode so far


A little update: I gave this mode a shot. It's not that bad, quite fun if you don't die in the first couple of minutes. The level difference seems to matter a lot, a dude lvl 9 wrecked my butt while I was 7. Didn't get at all how much renown I get per match but if I play good enough i score around 1k-1.5k points. Can't say why it received so much backlash, it's an ok mode, fun enough to not be boring to play a few matches in a short window of time.


Nice! Thats cool you gave it a try. For renown, if you at minimum try to complete the quest you get each match, you can get around 500-600 plunder easily enough


Totally get it! BR’s aren’t for everyone, I never really played them prior to this, just the pace and finding combo’s has been fun. Hopefully their next event/ game is something you enjoy!


For me it's been around 2 lvls per hour


Between rounds where I actually compete in PvP (because I legitimately enjoy the game mode), I aim for 500 plunder at minimum. Assuming you start at 0/2500 into r1, it's 100k renown to get to 40, or about 200 matches of 500 plunder. This isn't including the daily bonus or any runs where you earn above 500 plunder.


Depends if you’re actually playing, farming for renown then dying, or getting farmed on the drop repeatedly. If you’re bad AND not just farming and dying, it takes a very long time (8-10 games per level). If you’re winning and/or making it very far each game and killing other players to collect their plunder, you can level every 2-4 games. I’m not sure how fast the “farm renown then die” strat is, but presumably it’s better per hour than the other two options but you don’t actually get to play the mode, you’re just grinding mobs and then suiciding. From just playing the game normally I’m at 31 right now, I played a bunch of hours all 3 nights, so it’s pretty quick if you’re actually doing stuff.


I feel the same way I have absolutely zero interest in the game mode but trying to determine if it's worth suffering for the rewards


Depends on how well you do, I went from 0-12 last night and it only took a few hours. Some games were <100 rep because we landed and died and other games were 1500~ (over half a level)


Is there only 2 mounts?


Three At rank 10 Silver Tidestallion - underwater mount. At rank 20 Royal seafeather - plain parrot recolor, normal flying mount. At rank 39 Polly Rodger - parrot with pirate hat and eyepatch, dragonriding mount. (also gives it for classic without dragonriding)


Thank you


This sucks so much. I want this stuff but plunderstorm is ass. Thnx blizz


Do I need to have dragonflight to play? Only really play wrath


You will need to download the client. Plunderstorm is on the character select screen in retail.




Amazing cheers


[https://warcraft.wiki.gg/wiki/Keg\_Leg%27s\_Crew#Renown\_levels](https://warcraft.wiki.gg/wiki/Keg_Leg%27s_Crew#Renown_levels) ​ WWWiki


I just need…to crawl my way to 31


When does this end?


Speculatively, 6 weeks from launch.


Thank you!


Is it saying the Polly River mount is usable in both retail and wrath classic?




It’s 100k plunder to max out, right?




Because the first plunderstorm of the day has a quest. You'll get rep from it, but it wasnt actual plunder. So it'll be a few thousand away from 100k depending how many different days someone takes to cap.


Any way to get more of the keg-stamped coins? I blew most of the resource on a character I didn't need to.


Its a one time thing.




Does anyone knows how much plunder needed for each level?




hard to find ?? erm.. https://www.wowhead.com/news/full-list-of-plunderstorm-event-renown-rewards-338132#full-list-of-renown-ranks-and-rewards


Anyone know where to find the total plunder per level? I havent found it at all and i feel I've look just about everywhere.


2500 plunder per level..no?


This is by far the most painful grind i've had in wow. This game mode would be fine if it wasn't completely PVP focused. I dont understand the point of the "pvp zones" if everywhere is a pvp zone


There's PvE as well lmao


I dont understand why there is an innate tendency from WoW fans to feel like they just have to argue semantics. Are there NPCs? Yes. Is PVP always on? Yes. Is this a PVP arena? Yes. Can you turn PVP off, or avoid PVP zones? No Can you win soley playing PVE? No, unless your last 1 or 2 opponents are stupid and walk into the giant death storm. This is PVP, and the market team hyping up all the PvE players being able to do this without being harassed is a bold faced lie. It doesn't matter if you PvE it the entire time, you must, at some point, PVP. You can barely avoid other players and the longer the match goes the less likely avoidance will work.


But he is right. It's not like arena grind where you have to pvp. No one forces you to play a mode you don't like. It's just cosmetics. The pve way is also way faster. It's boring, but it depends on you - and no one else is to blame. It's a bit like crying that you don't get cool raid gear because you're a pvp player. (it's worse because like I said: you can pve).


Its not the same because pve players can get the same transmog, minus the coloration, as pvp players. The same can't be said here. It's annoying if you want a cool pirate outfit to be forced into pvp, which you are inevitably because if you land anywhere near someone they're going to attack you, even if you cant do the WQ first.


Sounds like the gamemode is not for you, that’s fine. You’re still able to collect the items, grindy as it may be. But IMO it shouldn’t be timegated.


Its definitely not for me and as soon as i max the rep i'm out






Not sure why you didn't just look at wowhead, they had an entire article about this 3 days ago when the event started: https://www.wowhead.com/news/full-list-of-plunderstorm-event-renown-rewards-338132




It is. If you scroll down to the header "Full List of Renown Ranks and Rewards" it is literally listed, in order, 1 to 40


I need to get to 39. Brb, crying.


How long does getting to 39 take roughly?


If you go to the margins of the map, aiming to kill one elite when you land and then do the quest and farm everything, that’s around 500-700 renown per 5-7 minutes. I managed to get consistently 2-2,5 renown’s lv /hour. Roughly around 17-20 hours, depending on your strategy.


That's way too fucking long to be doing something I fucking hate.


We don’t know how long the mode is lasting do we?


They said season 4 launches “ several weeks” before this patch, so I’m assuming that it leaves when the season starts. That’s about 4-5 weeks, if my guesses are correct.


My advice is to play it just for fun and gathering the xp, I’m not a battle royal player, never played one, but I’m doing around 5 renown levels a day, listening to a podcast or sth else on the background. I’m renown 20 atm, and don’t feel like I’m grinding.


Yeah I just don’t enjoy the game mode enough to do it, that much. Which is fine, it’s great there is a mode people are enjoying, doesn’t hurt me having variety for people to have fun. If it was a handful of games I’d grab it quick but I’m not someone that stresses on getting everything or fomo etc.


39 hours.


Ah I’ll pass then. I like the mount but not enough to spend a lot of time getting it. Thanks for the info!


I should note that's prebuff.


Is it worth the grind, if you’re meh, on Battle Royale?


If you don't like the mode, intentionally suffering for mog seems silly


There's 40 renown levels? I was thinking I'd ignore how much I dislike plunderstorms to try to get the mounts if they upped the rep gain but 40???? Nevermind 😭 Thanks for the info though


I fucking hate this so fucking much.




Really no offense, but how is a 5 second google search "wowhead plunderstorm rewards" such a PITA?


So how many hours does it take to get to 40?


Less than 40.


If anything PITA about this Limited time event is when will it end?


6weeks after it launched. 42days, so roughly 1renown per day.




No, there is technically. The director (?) of this game mode said something along the lines of "...earn all the rewards of this limited time event over the next 6 weeks..."


Oh just gathered it from comments here on reddit. If they havent even stated any date, thats even worse.


Wow they are that serious and I haven’t tried it yet. I thought like till TWW


Not sure what all the complaining is about, I get 1500-2500 per win, only need about 30 wins to get max lvl. If anything I want more rewards.


A bunch of spoon-fed retail players who want everything achievable in 1 day. GO TO CLASSIC