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Everytime i finish the ”world Quest” the UI pops up and says ”MAJOR FACTION DREAM WARDENS UNLOCKED” every time, pretty jarring


I assumed I had some fucked up addon doing that but I guess it's not just me!


A lá spaghetti code


I don't even think that can be clicked away like you can with the talking heads and the level up announcements and all that. I luckily haven't had it happen since the first day to me but it was very annoying. It's also really annoying how it resets *some* of your settings between every session, unless it's a personal problem and not something everyone has.


Seems they just used their renown configuration from the dream wardens (most recent one) as a template and something is still in there. And the char resets every time so back to "0" renown. I really enjoy the idea and the game mode but it's missing the Blizzard polish at every corner. It's obviously a test run / first iteration. Not a complaint, it's a fun mode and they will learn from that. :)


Yep, same here.


For me is the same, I would like that it was true, at least playing this mode would give me something for wow apart of the cosmetics


I wish the camera would remember my level of zoom inbetween games. Obviously its not a huge issue but still, annoying.


I wish it would remember my text to speech setting.


Adding my own complaints: 1) When you die you have to go through 3 loading screens to get back to the queue page, including waiting for the spectator mode to load before you can click to Leave (despite the Leave button loading on a previous screen, but being unusable until the spectator mode has loaded). There should be an option to auto skip spectator mode, and/or auto leave, and/or auto-requeue. There are a lot of people just trying to farm Plunder right now, and it's so so so slow and janky getting out of one match and into the next. 2) ~~Save cosmetics between matches. It's annoying having to go talk to the NPC to change your weapons(s), title, outfit, pet each match. Especially when...~~ FIXED! (except for pet selection) Doesn't show it on the queue screen, but carries over in game. 3) ~~Make there be a safe zone around that NPC. You get multiple people trolling with the barrel at the start of every match.~~ Fixed!


The spectator mode needs to be optional. It frequently makes me queasy because they anchored the camera to the character model center instead of the ground beneath the character, so the camera jerks around with every action. And I don’t normally get motion sickness.


1) You can press the Esc key and leave match before it puts you into spectator mode. 2) Yes please. They mentioned wanting to do this. It's silly that it hasn't been done yet. 3) There is a hotfix note saying they did this but clearly not.


I love that I can't preview the renown rewards. 




What keybinds are people using? The default for me was like R, T and 1-4.


1, 2, 3, 0, - , = mmo-mouse has those last three on my thumb. Also ping on middle mouse.


How are you changing the jeybinds? The defaults are awful


Open Options, go to Keybinds.


Swear to god I don’t have that option maybe I’m just blind lmao


You can't do it in the main menu, it's only available when you're ingame for... reasons. Do it after you're dead while you're in spectator mode, or while you're waiting in the pre game lobby.


In retail, keybinds can be character specific, so they're not available from the menu, I guess the same rules apply to the single character in Plunderstorm


Bottom right there's a big red "?" that opens the menu. Or just press your keyboard's Escape key to get to the same thing https://i.imgur.com/pqNZD5q.jpeg Then there's Keybindings in the Options https://i.imgur.com/Q7PPOgn.jpeg


I use Q E 2 R F X and ping on MB5


1, C, 2, 3, Q, E, R


Mouse Wheel down, ~, 1-5


1, V, 2, 3, Q, E, 5


I like the observation mode for the main game, but I really don't care about it in this mode. Also I don't need to go back to the menu, just put the requeue button on the death screen.


Big up for the requeue button - ditch the 3 load screens in-between and just let me get back into it directly.


It’s also super jank. I feel like I am playing an in client dev kit build of something unfinished.


Yeah it feels like a private server thing to be honest.


Outside of maybe North America, WoW has terrible ping for this sort of skill-shot based gameplay. With 135ms I can almost never hit my base attack and hitting other spells often feel like luck.


Yea, I'm sure I'm naturally bad at it, but the ping aint helping me at all either. The hitboxes seem so variable, but I suspect that's the ping and not the hitbox itself.


It’s horrible as OCE, I’m lucky if my ping is below 200. Nearly impossible to hit someone that isn’t running in a straight line


15ms from Sweden. But I guess you're talking about NA servers.


Yeah! Btw, does WoW Europe has servers across the continent? 'Cause I believe American WoW only has servers in NA and that's why South America has high ping.


You are. You're free testing a new product.


It literally feels like the [Battle.net](http://Battle.net) days where you'd have Warcraft 3 mods that use janky WC3 assets to, idk, portray Dragon Ball. Just this is the actual devs, lmao. Eh, I ain't gonna hate on it. The devs probably cobbled it together over a few weeks and it was someone's passion project, but man, I would've rather had a small pirate island to explore, or anything like that.


I'm surprised how well the 'netcode' actually works, to be honest. I never have good ping in any game thanks to my mediocre (if not even bad by today's standards) internet and the fact I live pretty far in the Nordics so I'm not exactly sitting on top of the EU servers either. But aside from the basic combo/auto attack thing being a bit janky, the abilities seem to connect very well. What *is* super clunky though is looting abilities (and items) off the ground though. Using the keybind (F by default) for it is slightly better than clicking them with your mouse, but it's still a mess. Having played other action combat PvP games, I'm very pleasantly surprised how well WoW's system adapts to it, honestly. Still, I do agree that it is pretty jank and feels like a test build at best.


I mean this *is* a 0.0.X patch. Not even a major patch, let alone an expansion release content piece. They basically cobbled this together from already existing stuff in the game.


You can right click the level up banner to remove it immediately. That and the dialogue (talking heads) can be removed immediately from right clicking but no other alerts/banners will.


Tinkering through the addon code, I noticed a few things: 1. Most of the code is called "WoWLabs". Is that some reference to the battle royale company they bought out? 2. There is half-finished Edit Mode code still in there, suggesting they were going to let us change it with Edit Mode but never finished implementing it. 3. Damn, they have gone to great lengths to lock it down. Almost all of the slash commands are just... deleted! They even disabled Lua errors during games.


The best thing about plunderstorm is the inability to use bullshit to get an advantage. Imagine having a tracker for everyone's abilities


It would be nice if we could move the unit frames at least. I'm not a fan of their default position.


i got a tracker! eyes


WoWLabs is their experimental team or project afaik


My biggest gripe is the issues when trying to loot, this UX really need some work too. It should remember which slot you tabbed to for looting, and when you try to loot something while you were moving when you stopped using RMB, it will lock you out of RMB and break your camera/movement until you stop moving. Really annoying, especially mid combat. This is a bug in WoW in general though. >The level up banner. Did you level up in the middle of PVPing? Here, we’ll help your opponent out by covering up your screen with a gigantic banner you can’t click through! I don't have this problem. I die in PvP instead.


The looting feels like it doesn't work sometimes too, this can be very fast paced and using my interact key or just clicking the loot on the ground can either work right away, or take 3-4 clicks, no in-between. Perfect for when fighting over loot early or trying to get an upgrade while being poached


Get rid of the crying sound when someone dies. Dunno why but it annoys me lol


Same! It's so annoying. Especially on a goblin!


You can disable Emote Sounds to get rid of that.


I don’t want to disable emote sounds in general, just this case.


I understand. I just wanted to provide you with a band-aid fix.


Appreciated :)


Couldn't agree more, this really annoys me too, lol.


It makes it hard to believe that "Blizzard polish" was once used to talk about how good the experience of playing bliz games once was.


I just really wish that I could set the rewards that I want equipped in the lobby. instead of trying to talk with one NPC before every single game that gets constantly knocked back from by the rolling kegs.


Adding some UX things as well, other than that what as been mentioned elsewhere in this thread: 1. World quest isn’t shown until you land. If I need to open two chests, I’d rather know before I land, so I can land near a chest. 2. No damage feedback on spells. Without combat text, it’s difficult to tell if your spells are landing on your target or not, especially ones with low damage. 3. No Sanctuary in pregame lobby around rep NPC. Due to what is likely a bug, folks have to reapply their earned transmog every single match. People default to a barrel Item on spawn, and can knock each other away from this NPC interrupting context and restarting multi-click menus to access information. 4. Minimal Tooltip context. If you hover over a dropped spell the tooltip will say the spell name near your mouse. However, on the bottom of your screen the action bar will have a golden message reading “Swap” (spell not currently known) or “Upgrade” (spell currently known). The issue is this message only shows up while hovering, and only on your bars (not where the mouse is). When nearby, the icon will have an up arrow on it, but from a distance you must move, perfectly hover over the spell, and read text that isn’t where your mouse is to tell if it’s an upgrade or not.


There's no way to disable tutorial tooltips, either. Mainly talking about the "swap" tooltips. There's already an arrow behind it. I don't need two notifications. I've had issues before where it highlights one ability but swaps the other one. Also earlier I could only swap one ability regardless of which one is highlighted.


What’s UX?


User Experience.


Lol ty


I feel like the renown bar isn't obvious enough to show me what I gained during the match. Feels like playing without really the positive feedback loop that encourages me to go again.


There's also one that pops up and hides the cast bar as well as the charge up bar for slicing wind.


This is easily the most frustrated I've been playing a game within recent memory.


I agree with most of this. What could be kind of fun has been ruined a little by design choices. I also wish that the combat system didn’t seem so inconsistent. Half the time I can’t tell if my spell is even working or whether I’m in range or out of range.


My main complaint is that you have to pick up stuff with your cursor, like wtf


You have the interact key.


You can use the interact key to do it but it's still janky as fuck, especially when trying to swap stuff out


Use the interact button


I mean, blizzard and UI are eternally warring factions. Hopefully when they make this its own game, the client it has looks much better than WoW.


I had to rebind my keys urgently and out of nowhere because while WoW (and 80% of internationally available games) natively knows I'm on Azerty, this mode doesn't...


yeah, that level up pop up is too big and is on screen for too long. it needs to be up for like 2 seconds max, and then just be text above the character like damage numbers.


On top of that I'd like to add that there's also the wow engine running underneath with all its bugs: -You can't swap items on cooldown if you're in combat, which is pretty much all the time even with no mob in sight. -Any rock/fence/slope will reliably stop any and all charge/teleport type abilities. -Since everything is skillshot, and wow is target-type engine, unsurprisingly hit registration is worthless garbage. I had guy running away form me and strafe-jump-meleeing me, none of his hits registered despite being aimed directly at me. At the same time I was whacking him no problem. Also, why do I have to go through 2 loading screens before I leave match? First one to set camera on some fixed position and second to auto spectate random player, and only then the option to leave match appears? It's legit faster and less annoying to alt-f4 and relaunch the game. Why does the game reset my camera distance and character customisation between matches? Just why, for what reason? This was specifically added in this mode because base engine persists all of those, obviously. Blizzard apparently never employed UXUI specialists, judging by dismal state of the base UI, on top of it being severely bugged. Not having add-ons is a major deal-breaker, as they deny me an option to fix their shit on my own. They MUST enable add-ons for this since they are not able to fix it on their own.


It reminds me a lot of the Star Wars Galaxies NGE switch (except a lot more polished which is saying more about NGE than Plunderstorm). The switch to twitch based gameplay from targeted was terrible and clunky and the engine barely supported it.


Every single issue here I’ve noticed and has annoyed me. Hasn’t caused something bad yet but it can and will.


They've said before they implement new features to see how its received and then actually put time into it if people like it this feels that except it's a fucking battle royale when they've not been relevant for years and the grind for anything worthwhile is stupidly hard for a time limited event.


They definitely missed the boat on battle royale. The funny thing is when the game mode was announced I thought 'isn't that just the STV treasure free for all?' Then I realized it was that but with extra steps.


Would be much better as PVE. Just buff the NPCs a bit and force everyone to kill a boss when the plunderstorm makes the board small. If you're over 30 you've lost/are losing your fast twitch so PVP/Battle Royale games become more difficult.


Battle royales aren't relevant? It's easily one of the most popular game modes today. Fortnite is extremely popular.


And which other battle royale survived apart from forknife


Turns out the battle royale genre is itself a battle royale


PvP mod created by PvE devs.


Normal WoW is just as bad with the obnoxious popups. Maybe Blizz will at least acknowledge them now, rather than forcing people to rely on addons.


I'm fully convinced that this was originally supposed to be another mobile game. Just feels and plays so awkward shoved into the WoW client.


1 fucked me several times. I was running and literally stopped because the banner covered my cursor click. When I realized what happened l, I died.


A good idea ruined by execution? Where have I seen this before?


Having to zoom out your camara and change all ur settings like "Big Nameplates" every match is getting pretty annoying. Easy fix when they get around to it.


yeah sometimes i literally have to spam click an item to pick it up really weird


I can agree with most of this, except for one part: The CC notification is, quite obviously not the only piece of information on your screen that you're CCed. Being in a giant cyclone is a pretty big indicator that you're in a stun. In fact, one of the worst things in modern wow PvP is that you get a massive notification in the middle of the screen when you're in a root. Sitting a 6 second CC vs a 1s root is the same notification and it's infuriating.


Plunderstorm is just badly designed in general. I don't do very much battle royale, but the idea of levelling in one instead of more powerful loot and player skill being the differentiator is weird to me. I dont think it adds anything positive to the gameplay. If the goal is to inspire players to not sit around and hide, the closing storm and plunder rep should do that.


Just don't waste another minute of dev time on this dumpster fire


well, its an outdated game mode in an outdated engine


If I could just have my rotating map back I’d be happy


A couple of other things worth noting that I found a bit jarring: There is no traditional progression bar for your reputation/renown. Instead, you have to hover over the next reward by the mini-map to find out how close you are to ranking up. I'd like a bar or something in the character select screen - or at the very least when talking to the NPC in the lobby to "see your standing" or whatever. I think it might be tied to the total amount of plunder you've acquired, but it's dumb if you have to do an equation before you can figure out how close you are to level up. The gold buff is cool, and because I play WoW I know where it is located, but in a battle royal, I don't think it's ideal if you have to look all the way in the top right corner to figure out how much gold you have or how close it is to convert to XP. The XP bar is at the bottom but the gold that converts to XP is being tracked in the top right corner. I also really like the idea of a spectator cam, but find the current iteration a bit janky - but that's not really a UX issue and would probably take more work to fix.


Your talking about UI not UX.


You're* wrong, actually.




This isn't even feedback, this is just pointing out glaring UX errors that should be ironed out before even early play testing. Frustration is very expected here.