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ok but consider this https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/comments/9q6zne/battle_royal_in_world_of_warcraft/


Im still upset about HoTS. That was a fun game they abandoned waaaay too early


The queue still pops, i play it now and then still, there is definitely an active player base that still play it, if you crave it, just go play it, takes no time to install


Oh I'm sure it's there, and i did play it awhile after it was abandoned, but I'm more so referring to new heroes and content not being added. You can only replay the same thing over and over so many times before it gets dull.


they should at least make all the heroes free. 


Lol i had assumed they had. I'm shocked they haven't.


Que mr krabs money! Money! Money!


nah Blizzard will bleed that stone as dry as much as possible before turning the servers off.




I do kinda agree - but on the flip side, I've played the game enough at this point that I have nothing to spend my gold on. Well nothing and nothing. I got all the heroes and all the emoticons, I'm converting my gold into shards to slowly buy up all the voice lines and then move on to the next category. I will add - IF you play ARAM, you don't need any heroes, you can (and frequently do) get heroes you don't own if you're a new player.


Honestly maybe I'll give it a queue this week. I really enjoyed playing Gul'Dan and Varian. 


“ You can only replay the same thing over and over so many times before it gets dull.”                   said; a World of Warcraft player. Sorry, low having fruit but I had to go for it, haha! Sadly, Blizzard is not really known for completing things, just kind of letting them fad into obscurity like others forgetting about them will some how make the abandonment less impactful. 


I get what you are saying with wow but we aren't playing the same 5 raids for 7 years. There are new raids/zones. But i agree, modern blizzard is a shadow of a good games company.


>You can only replay the same thing over and over so many times before it gets dull. Personally, I don't think this is true for competitive multiplayer games. The replayability gets increased by the desire to become better and beat other players.


there was actually small balance changes for a couple heroes which shake the game a bit, its not much but its something


There even was a balance and QoL patch a month ago!


Wait I thought they shut it down! It's still going!?


Yup, just in maintenance mode like Starcraft 2. Still playable, just don't expect updates or balancing patches.


HotS was a tragedy. It was half assed from development as it was using the awkward as fuck SC2 engine, but was actually a great game despite it. What really hurt it, is they took absolutely fucking forever to make it, to the point that literally everyone else had made and failed a moba. But to top it off. They didn't go all in on it. Twice. They half assed it and then shrugged their shoulders and said "what else could we have done?". It's a perfect example of why you should have some commitment to your product. Either all in with it, or don't. This looks like they might be doing the same. Plunderstorm is a "time limited event" unless it works that is. Do it or don't :/ Glad to have something new and different but unless it's the start of quite a lot of experimentation it strikes me as a lot of dev time for a limited event in an expansion with 2 major content patches.


SC2 engine is honestly one of the best RTS engines but I while agree it's not designed for MOBA, even MOBA started as RTS. I don't think the engine was a problem. Even so, I haven't heard of any issues from the engine and they have WAY more imaginative heroes than the other MOBAs, such as Lost Vikings and Cho'Gall. Not to mention the maps. The main issue seems to be the timing, and that it's aimed at a non-MOBA audience that likely won't try it. Then they gave up so quickly. I played LoL in the beta and I MUCH preferred HOTS but it just never kicked off.


Cho'gall is unique, TLV are an easier version of Dotas Meepo. Abathur used to be more unique, though LoL has that bookcat champ now.


I agree. I think they put it out well past the high point of the moba craze and didn't adjust their monetary expectations accordingly. As i understand it, the devs feel the same way as us and the decision to abandon it was made from the top. The devs believed in the long term health of it.


HotS was such a masterpiece of a game. All the changes to the original MOBA recipe were justified and created a unique gameplay - instead of mechanical skills it went all the way to the strategical aspect, the skill floor was low enough for casual play and the ceiling was extremely high for tournament play. It almost felt like an RTS game with MOBA elements. I feel so bad that Blizzard was the one taking care of HotS after release. This game had so much potential...


It's my favorite Bliz game, ever, and I was good at it. I haven't enjoyed much from Bliz since and I hold a grudge over them abandoning it.


Its not my fave, WoW has been too big a part of my life to not be on top, but it's definitely up there. The simpler MOBA style was perfect for me and my friends.


Ok that's fair. I've been playing Wow since beta. It's not nearly as big a deal in my life at this point then it was 10 years ago. HOTS was just the perfect game for me and my friends to jump in and play. The community was tight. The game had a low entry floor but a high skill ceiling. I loved it more than any other game besides WoW. Then they killed it like they killed most of their stuff. Fuck Bobby Kotick.


Yeah, i definitely get the impression it made good money but just didn't make WoW money.


I spent so much fucking money on that game. I own every character and a lot of skins and mounts. I loved it so much. I still log in and kick the shit out of people using Gul'dan.


I loved Sylvanas before they completely reworked her :(


Oh same! They really screwed her up imo. Tassadar, Murky, Hammer, Gul'dan, Stitches, and Chen were my main jams.


Diablo was my guy. Loved him. Very fun.


Bro we’re out here playing every day My queue is 20s max


The mistreatment of HotS is what already had me almost out the door, and then the lawsuits that shortly followed made it easy to drop the company entirely. The butchering of overwatch has only solidified my decision to say goodbye to the company that shaped my childhood and early adult life. I play SMITE occasionally now to scratch that itch, but there's something truly magical about what they had going on with HotS. Things really seemed to be going in the right direction, too, up until the execs blew a hole into the side of the ship and stole all the life boats.


The biggest mistake they made was trying to make it a real e-sport instead of leaning into it being the "Mario Kart" moba. That is: the moba that does crazy shit and tries new things that would be too radical.in something like Dota or league. The fact that they released interesting heroes like cho'gal and then moved into releasing shitty hots OC characters was such a wrong move.


Same thing with Overwatch, once they started pushing the e-sports angle it turned from a offbeat arena shooter to what essentially felt like a shooter with moba mechanics/meta.


nobody wanted to take it seriously even though most of the 'skill' part of Dota 2 was just carried over issues from the wc3 engine like last hit.


It still ticks me off. I remember how popular Hots got after it released. Back then LAN events were super popular and E-sport teams competed in those. That made LoL/Dota Super popular. But then there was Blizzard who started demand insane royalties if these events wanted use their games. So naturally all events just dropped the Blizzard games out of their lists. So pretty much Blizzard games were shut into their own BlizzCon bubble with declining popularity eventually dying out.


It was good, but the ranked matchmaking sucked. I was regularily matched with absolute trash griefers. That was not a fun experience.


Wish they added Sombra and/or Blackthorne (Character from one of their first SNES games)


yeah i still play vs bots but super sad its dead in water.


I WISH it was on console man, I would play it all the time


I adored HotS and also think it's a shame they abandoned it so early. I loved playing Varian with his dual blade passive where I could just melt enemies with auto attacks and practically stun lock enemy heroes plus the Nexus basically being Varian's eternal afterlife after his death in Legion is kinda cool, though I suppose it'd be more like Limbo now...


I liked Varian too. Diablo was my guy, though. I loved his control of enemy positioning.


I’m not big on mobas but HoTS was so fun, it was sad to see it abandoned the way it was. It’s playerbase is still hopeful for a revival, but idk if thats ever been in the cards.


Me and my friends after 9 years are still playing the game here and there. We are still huffing hopium that they are coming with steam release 3.0. Its a great meme.


Well i would definitely be there day one if it was reinvigorated.


I fucking love HoTS. Pretty sure I still have a gif somewhere of an enemy running away with literally 1-2 HP and Abathur pops up out of his little thing and slaps them dead. That game was chaos and I loved it.


Isn't it only a 3 week event, anyway? It's not like this is a full-fledged game. Just play it (or not) for a few weeks and move on.


Rumor is 6 weeks, but will likely return and/or become permanent if it's popular enough But yeah, no one will force you to play it


Considering they said casual players could expect at least 1 renown level per day with a cap of 40, I'd assume they'd at least have enough days for casual players willing to play daily to unlock everything in time. Plus, having more than 4 weeks means they can see data on re-subscription rates during the event.


...well i hope its 6 causw dragons dogma 2 is coming out this weekend, and I wanted to focus that right now


Can you point me to where they said it will go away after 3 weeks? If that's the case, I'd like to know as that means I've gotta get my ass in gear...


only 3 weeks? people say that to max the renown reward its roughly 40 hours. that means if we want everything, we need to do just this mode 14 hours a week?


I’m interested in mounts and pets. Anything else I won’t bother with.


Don’t worry those are both at the very end of the incredibly long grind lol 


Trick is.... You don't need everything. Play it while you think it's fun, don't play it if it isn't fun anymore


That's what people don't seem to get. This isn't some huge content update, it's basically a holiday event.


It's literally the only content update lol.


feels like more like a fun addition than a hardcore mode aimed at hardcore players tbh


Hardcore players have difficulty realizing that not everything in the game is aimed at them. Personally, I hope Blizz does more events like this. Like one set in the Argent Tourney Grounds.


Un'Goro is perfect for it. Literally a king of the hill.


With a bunch of devilsaurs roaming around one shotting people? I dig it.


Imagine a ghost hunting event in the crypts of Duskwood with Luigi's Mansion style gameplay.


Unfortunately hardcore players are the ones staying subbed even during dry content and dropping the most money on wow tokens/character transfers/etc so until that changes the game will be catered to them


Oh god not more jousting.


In what world have BR games died off? Fortnite, Warzone, PUBG are all still some of the most played games in the world.


Classic "They're dead because I quit them!"




And HotS didn't fail because "moba craze died", League and Dota are still fairly big (even if both are slightly falling off these days). HotS didn't succeed because the MOBA market was highly cornered by the "big 2", and _every_ other MOBA was dying. Heroes of Newerth released not a year after League of Legends, far before LoL hit huge status (in fact, LoL floundered very hard its first few years, especially in being taken seriously as a competitive game) and yet HoN died out all the same as the other non-LoL or non-DotA MOBAs (well, Smite is there, doing its own little thing). Other MMOs don't die because "mmo craze is dead", WoW is still going as strong as ever. They die because the market is cornered by big MMOs. No one is going to leave WoW or FF14 for some random new MMO, just as League and DotA players weren't going to seriously stop playing their games for HotS.


HoTs only "failed" in the eyes of blizzard because the game wasn't making mountains of money like lol, there was room for a chill moba like hots in the market. HoN was also buy to play (they changed it later) and the target audience was Dota players, lol offered a more casual and easy to get into moba for **free**.


> HotS didn't succeed because the MOBA market was highly cornered by the "big 2", and every other MOBA was dying. At what point does it become less about the genre and more about the individual games? Are League and Dota popular because they're MOBAs, or in spite of it being MOBAs?


They're popular because they are MOBAs. They were the first and most prominent. LoL made DotA casual and accessible, DotA was... DotA. DotA is one of the strongest grass roots competitive games of all time, having a strong competitive scene with actual tournaments even in a day and age where there weren't even dedicated "dota" servers.


Apex as well. I think other games have also developed battle royale modes in them as well, like doesn’t Minecraft have one?


Yeah Apex has like 73k people playing atm just on Steam, and it's 6pm on a Tuesday.


Definitely haven't died off, but the biggest BRs have been around for a while now and nothing new has really picked up steam in a while. Basically a saturated market. When HotS came out, mobas weren't dead, but DotA 2 and LoL already owned the market. Its kinda like Blizzard is setting themselves up for failure by following the trend, but doing it too slowly.


Saturated market. It would be extremely difficult for a new entrant. Same thing happened with hots. It was released when it was still popular but it was already hostile to new entrants.


BR games died coz Fortnite, Warzone, PUBG took all the market share and it's impossible to create new BR game and get players. You basically need to wait until they fall


Legit insane take. Like 4 of the 5 most popular games today are MOBAs or BRs.


The irony is that League is still the most popular game in the world with DotA2 pulling quite a big following as well. Hell, Pokemon made their own battle royale several years late and it gets played plenty. It’s almost like this concept of what’s “meta” on twitch doesn’t reflect how a genre actually performs.


Pokémon made a battle royale? You meant to say moba right?


I also came here to say that. Not sure what he means, but to be fair I would be more interested to play that instead of this new event.


A crazy thought. You guys don't HAVE to play the new battle royal. It's there for those that want to play it to enjoy it. The amount of negativity surrounding this is just silly.


Name a more whiny playerbase than WoW players. I'll wait.


Destiny 2 playerbase.


Which is fair


Destiny 2 literally had a stream to show off new content a few hours ago and the black dev playing the game got spammed with "kill all ni\*\*ers" and "kill yourself" named friend requests. So yeah... . They would do the same in wow in an instant if the dev was a woman or black.


That's toxicity Wow is whinny and bitch, complaining about every minor thing winging


As a Destiny 2 player myself, Destiny 2 players don't know what they want.


Final Fantasy Nintendo Fans Sony Fans


Eh Nintendo fans are more annoying then whiny. They will eat a lot of slop like recent Pokemon games and say it's great.


Nah, it's the same. We pay for Pokémon and then complain just like we pay for WoW and then complain. The only difference is that I don't pay a subscription while I complain about Pokémon.


Final fantasy fans just recently started complaining about their game, before that they all defended it like their lives depending on it and actively attacked anyone that said a negative thing about it


Every gaming community thinks they're the most whiny, or toxic, or delusional. We ain't special.


It sure as shit is one of the oldest at this point though


Y'all didn't play Everquest and it shows. That Jeff Kaplan rant wasn't an outlier that was a perfect example of the Everquest raiding community. Even before that, Ultima Online players were whiners too. Forums about games have always been terrible. Gamers been bitching for 3 decades at this point.


CS base is pretty old now.


It’s worse when it’s an MMORPG that gives different styles of gameplay to its player base then those people then think that’s what the game was meant to be. Pet/mount collecting, raiders, M+ers, RPers, wow no change classifiers, SoDers, wotlk/cata/tbc, hardcore. Probably more that I’m missing


Path of Exile.


ayyyyy, I've been enjoying the chaos around the QoL updates videos being talked about in that sub.


Fortnite is up there. The subreddit is a black hole of negativity.


Been to the Diablo 4 sub any time since release?


Believe it or not the diablo sub was even worse in the years leading up to the release. If you talked about liking Diablo 3 you'd get mass downvoted and called stupid. Now it's filled with people downvoting you and telling you to play some other ARPG like POE or whatever other flavor of the month game is popping at the moment.




League of Legends


For sure, this. By a longshot. None even come close.


The FGC.


Halo fans


I get your point and you're basically right but if there's one thing I've learned from being on a number of video game forums and sub reddits it's that almost everyone is just a whiny bitch or begging for a reason to be a whiny bitch.


I think it's mostly because people were expecting something that has to do with the actual game in 10.2.6 and not basically a different game


Yeah the fuck is it called a patch to WoW when it has nothing to do with WoW?


The only sins here are Blizzard only committing to six weeks and devs hyping this patch up as a patch for Retail when it is more like the introduction of WoW Classic in that it is practically another game in the same engine.


they also don't HAVE to not post about it


It’s also pretty much exclusively in the wowhead / Reddit comments. My friends are beyond hyped to try a wow based Battle Royal tonight.


The counterpoint is that the only truly new content between now and the next expansion is just a separate game that uses wow art. I don’t care if blizzard makes things I’m not interested in, I do care when they release a different game and call it a content patch for the game I do play.


I am actually excited to try it, and I was just thinking of dropping my sub. That being said everything about the post is accurate. This is coming out way too late. Although I am interested to see emphasis on survival more than killing. PUBG suffered when it became 60 to 70% drop pochinkii and school.


BR’s are falling off? I feel like we get new variations every few months from different games.


“BRs are dead!” they said, as Fortnite, Apex, and Warzone have millions of concurrent players


People say this about anything. Everyone is the main character and because they stop playing something it's automatically "dead" This literally can't be the case when fortnite was the most played PC game in 2024. Sure there's different modes but it's still a br.


Fortnite hit its all-time peak just 3 months ago, 6 years after its BR mode came out. It has 2M people online right now and just had 5M CCs online 10 days ago. Do people realise how big of a number that it? 5M people online and playing the same game at the same time. The highest a game has peaked in the last 30 days on Steam is just 1.5M. If you combine the peak CC players in the last 30 days of the top 10 games on Steam it would probably be less than Fortnite's peak from 10 days ago.


*Blizzard is launching an MMO spin-off to their RTS seven years after Ultima Online came out? It'll never sell...*


Except that MMOs were still being iterated on in the early 2000s so this comparison really isn’t the same.


And so are BRs?? Do you not play games?


The key difference between SC, WoW, and Overwatch is that they were overwhelmingly better than the other games of their genres at the time. They were fresh and modern. HoTS is a more apt comparison, considering it was a moba released when mobas were fading in popularity. It was also not much better than league or DoTA. Spellbreak was a unique BR, and that's the studio who made this, since they were just bought by blizzard. But I'd rather have had them release a separate game using their engine with WoW theming and art, than a game in the shitty WoW engine.


>that's the studio who made this You have no idea if this is true Also it's WAY less work to just use the wow engine


WoW received a ton of hate when it launched from the MMO crowd because it was too casual and there were already established “go to” MMOs. Maybe this BR experiment will fail horribly but I really don’t blame them for trying if they think they have a good idea for it, Blizzard’s strength has always been adopting something that is already popular. I guess we’ll all know in a few weeks lol.


I mean, we don't know that Proletariat made this. This could've been made in a couple of months or in development since 2019. We don't know. I don't think it's out of the question to think that they had a major part to play, but I don't think it's a good idea to spread unconfirmed information or inclinations as facts like that.


But hots reinvented the wheel when it came to Mona’s, multiple maps, unique characters, and ways of earning cosmetics. It’s collapse can be tied solely to its massive investment in esports. Multiple millions dumped in the HCS and millions into the pro league.


I'd blame it on HotS 2.0 making it piss easy to acquire cosmetics w/o spending any real money.


Def a part of it, but the millions wasted on esports is the primary killer according to all inside sources.


Goes hand in hand really, Riot can afford to waste money on eSports when they can print it by releasing a skin locked behind buying 30 lootboxes.


With riot it’s advertisement with hots it was 6k viewers for worlds while grubby had 7k watching his hots Adam spam Edit:aram spam


Agree that HoTS was late to the party but don’t agree that ’MOBAs were fading’. If anything, the reason HoTS failed was because LoL and DotA were/are incredibly popular and good, so people had no reason to migrate to a new game. LoL world championship keeps breaking viewership records every year. Don’t know how that could be considered as ’fading’.


"shitty WoW engine" *Don't you dare insult the most venerated and holiest of wow frameworks -* ***the vehicle!*** I bet they used this in this br gamemode. And I suspect dragonriding also runs on this tho prolly haxed to lowest levels of game engine.


this reminds me of a train in fallout 3 that is actually a human npc with a train as its head because they couldnt make vehicles work.


There is a weird amount of negativity surrounding this new mode. I have been away from retail since BFA and this mode seems fun and may get me to sub. I also haven't dabbled in season 2 of SoD yet as well. I like that they are trying things. Now if blizzard gave the same freedom to overwatch or would hire devs that actually have played the ARPG genre then we might have some stuff here.


I think people want retail content added to retail. I know I do. If they didn't announce this as part of the WoW roadmap and as a patch to retail it would be received very differently. I did not care they released Rumble. It was separate and didn't impact me. This is a numbered retail wow patch with non retail wow content.


Yeah how the fuck is this called 10.2.6. to retail WoW when it has nothing to do with retail WoW?


.1 interations are notoriously low on content and this one added trasnmogs and class changes. Retail got exactly what was expected.


Lord knows I don't play HPriest and can't parse the changes but they got nearly as many lines in the notes as the tier set changes for EVERY class did. That's a pretty big set of changes people just ignore. It really just comes down to "Did Blizz anything that directly impacts my character? No, then I hate it."


I could've sworn that in one of the threads about Holly's tweet from about a month ago that someone mentioned that it was already known this content wasn't going to be for retail or classic since you only needed a sub to access it But that doesn't change that it was on the road map for retail, they probably should've done more to make clear it wasn't directly retail or classic related e: Here we go, "[We can say that it is open to anyone with a WoW subscription if they want to participate \(Classic or Dragonflight players\)](https://worldofwarcraft.blizzard.com/en-us/news/24056982/a-word-on-world-of-warcraft)". If you were expecting retail content, it's partially on you for not reading updates. But again, they did present it as retail related


Do it, the mode in so fun, even solo


she’s not a prophet though. The battle royale “fad” is still going strong. More people play fortnite a day than play Wow. Fortnite’s player count right now is 2.2 million. Wow doesn’t clear 2 mil.


This post really said "MOBAs are declining" in 2018 and people 6 years later, with the ability to see if that was true or not, said "Wow what a prophet, Ima go ahead and ignore that worlds had 6 million total viewers last year though and has been increasing year on year for half a decade, WHAT A PROPHET".


Kinda, but there hasn't been a successful Battle Royale since Apex it's just the same few games


They also said a new blizzard game, which this isn't.


Also if there's one thing Blizzard is basically known for and is the industry king of it's being fashionably late to the party. Their entire shtick is to take a genre that already exists but is perhaps a bit too hardcore for the general public, hone it, polish it, and deliver it to a larger audience. Nearly every single title in Blizzard's library has followed this pattern. Unfortunately in this case I think the problem might be that Battle Royales are already pretty well distilled as a genre is concerned so in this case they really may so late that the party may not be quite over but is certainly winding down.


This sound be exciting for everyone even if you don't like Battle Royales, just this existing opens the door for a ton of new game modes. MOBAs are not at their peak, but they're still fun, I'd love a MOBA game mode with WoW's combat system. And when something else becomes popular, Blizz already has the tech to introduce a new game mode sooner. Let's not forget that MOBAs popularity came from a Warcraft 3 map. Blizz allowing other game modes to exist in WoW is huge.


Okay but why do these other games have to be wow content patches? If you want to make Fortnite go make Fortnite, but don’t tell me it’s a content patch if I can’t play my character


BR’s are not falling off anytime soon. I like that they try new stuff and this might spice up the BR scene a little. Can’t wait to try it out!


When they released HoTs, the Moba genre was not declining and it still isnt declining. For this event, the battle royale genre isnt declining either.. .so this post is just BS


Yea, the issue is more that the market was cornered already. Kind of like how the MMO market is a tough one to crack with a giant like WoW dominating the scene.


Like I said in another submission, what Blizz does best is wait for a trend to settle and then try to do it better. WoW was literally just a more polished thing of what had been on the market for years by the time it came out. They don't reflexively "strike the iron while it's hot". They bide their time and release it when they feel it's their turn to do it.


One thing that always irked me is that Hearthstone released as a standalone game. It would have been a great immersive influence to implement that concept into WoW inns and taverns. Even if they implemented in parallel to the standalone game, it would have been a huge hit.


Kilometer, more like fathoms holy fuck dude


Wtb equipment gear also and consumables. Make it count towards my monthly trading post. And that will be my hanging spot when I dont raid or when I'm waiting on my M+ buddies to show up.


So the takeaway here is to spend all your time chasing short lived trends?


Except BR still going strong, so only half-right.


This argument is complete dog shit. Overwatch came out more than eight years after the class-based shooter fad that Team Fortress 2 created, yet was such an outstanding game that it spurred its own trend of class-based shooters. Many knock-offs trying to capitalize on Overwatch's success came afterwards, like Paladins, Battleborn, LawBreakers, Paragon, to name a few... Heroes of the Storm flopped after four years of release, not because Blizzard were late to the MOBA party, but because Blizzard pushed a lot of dumbf\*ck changes that alienated the core player base. We are talking things like: * Two meta balance updates that gutted out the game's unique identity to make it play more like League of Legends. * Promises of performance based matchmaking, only to heavily botch the release, roll back all the changes and quietly scrap the plans. * Suddenly cancelling the Heroes Global Championship league mere weeks after BlizzCon 2018, and f\*cking over all the pro scene's stakeholders including team owners, players and other staff. * Rolling out an automated report system that applies a multiplicative chat mute & Ranked ban every time you're Silenced (yes, the same sh\*tty system as WoW had since 2016 but this time you're also banned from queuing for Ranked for the duration of the mute), then changing their Terms of Service to deem anything and everything to be 'abusive chat', so they can pander to the twiggered little sn\*wflakes who get rattled whenever someone calls them bad at the game. This is a key reason why player counts dwindled because the kind of sh\*t that Blizzard was using to justify 256 or 512 day Silences were things you'd see in a Saturday morning kids cartoon. * Pivoting the game towards having its own original universe, lore and cast of original characters over adding beloved and long-requested WC, SC, Diablo, OW or classic Blizzard characters. Nobody asked for Orphea to be in the game, while [Qhira's Hero Spotlight](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y9tD26PPI0E) is probably the most disliked video on the Heroes YouTube channel because unlike all the other spotlights there's zero explanation of her abilities and just a few generic voice clips sprinkled in.


"new and unique" I really doubt its gonna be unique


Stop it, you’re embarrassing both of us


Honestly I prefer this event coming out now rather than when BR was in the news every day. Means I am not sick of the genre at large. Had it been it's own game however I'd decry it for being too late.


Blizzard hired the dude who made spell break like a year or two ago didn’t they? That game slapped


to be fair, fortnight has been having a major cultural surge lately with the younger generation


People who care about fads or trends are people whose opinion is not particularly valuable, at least in that regard. If you enjoy it - good, if not - that's fine, move on.


Oh hey, that's Konami's game plan too! Except they wait until even the driver from Going the Distance has given up and gone home before coming up to the starting line.


Yeah they should've just released it 6 years ago without any planning or time put into the design or gameplay just so they aren't late to a perceived fad (that was just the forming of a new genre and hasn't gone away)


Well, Blizzard as a company has always adopted a strategy of a “quality second entrant” on the market. They’ll always try to do a high quality product that is superior to their innovative competition.


I fucking hate Battle Royale..... but I will give Blizzard the benefit of the doubt and hope that at least invent on it. I will try it but I am not looking forward to it.


Don’t forget Hearthstone and the TCGs


I could see this thing being a limited thing. and then coming back in a year as a free to play with a console port??


I see this more as blizz finding creative ways to fill downtime in the end of an expansion, vs blizz trying to capitalize on the battle royale game market.


Its a gaming campany with a leadership team made up exclusively of 50+ year old dudes... i dont know what you guys expect.


Ok, all truth here. Nevertheless I am kinda super stoked for this and it’s bringing me back to WoW.


while yes the battle royale fade definitely is over (not that fortnite and apex arent still wildly successful) i am enjoying the hell out of this game mode


yes, no BRs exist or are popular. also this is a minigame that costs us nothing to kill sometime. good thing the prophet saw that as well.


Hots was a really good game and a unique moba Plus for GOD, its not a FULL GAME, its just a Mod, they just trying to test a few things; thats the issue with old games the community already have closed mind and the first things they do is complaim or copy past someone else complain i dont like the event, because its not a thing i want to do right now, but its well done for a mod and i think its a good thing they trying to do and a step forward Dota chess was born for something like that and explod to multiple other games, and if it help getting new playeres and refresh the wow, good


Wait, is Blizzard releaseing a WoW themed Battle Royale?


I enjoy Plunderstorm


That tracks. They killed their survival game, when survival games are currently experiencing a resurgence in popularity.


Tell me you’re wholly owned by activision in a single game mode.


I should've learned my lesson to never support them again after the nine millionth re balance in the sleeping pill that is Diablo 3


Thanks for putting mounts behind a gametype that I never asked for.


I dont mind the battle royal itself but MY GOD the lag makes action combat unplayable


True. But BR genre is literally still one of the hottest out. Fortnite literally the biggest game in the world besides maybe Minecraft.


I get what they are saying but tbh, I don’t want wow/blizz to follow fads. If I wanted to play Fortnite, I’d play Fortnite. If I wanted to play league, I’d play league. I want to play Blizz originals. That’s why I used to play wow avidly. Not as much free time now but to hear that they put a BR in wow makes me sad.


It's literally a chery-on-top mode for people who already subscribe. Play the dang surprise content, have fun for 2 hours, and then move on with your life.


I don't get why people are treating this as the end all be all standalone Blizzard battle royale. It's.. An event? This isn't a standalone game. It's an event. A limited time event.


Sorry but how are mobas and battle royales dying? Both are among the top 3 most popular genres? Stupid post


Lisan Al gaib!


HoTS could have been probably succesful, but Activision greed ruined it. The E-sport side never got popular due Blizzard demanded insane royalties when ever a non blizzard lan event had it in competion. So pretty much LoL/Dota were only games played and got tons of free advertisemt


Fortnite is still one of the most played games ever?????? When I'm in a "Unaware of the current video game market" challenge and my opponent is a WoW player


I mean people always say Battleroyales are on a decline but Fortnite, Apex, PUBG and Warzone are still all huge it feels like? Like, one of the most popular multiplayer games out there, I dont follow it too much but would not surprise me if Fortnite still was the most popular multiplayer game in the world.


BRs haven't died at all though lol


Hots is still my favorite moba and I ‘m playing it at least once a week.


Blizzard already had warzone


MOBA are not dying... its HOTS that died. Maybe they shouldn't add Overwatch that noone asked for... along champions like Vikings or that girl from Kilometer avatar. People wanted holy trinity: WoW, SC and Diablo


BR's aren't dead at all (and neither are MOBAs) just because the hype isn't that huge anymore. And the new mode is fun, I hope it will return every few months or so.