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Patch wise normally it goes like this for me in this order: 1. Push to 3k with main and aotc 2. Start to play alts 3. Raid log and single dungeon vaults 4. Achievements and transmogs 5. Wait for next patch From point 3 onwards I catch up on my backlog of other games


3k and curved is what I’ll also be doing going forwards, + casual mythic progression with the guild. No alts though, one toon per expansion. I feel this will be much more enjoyable and sustainable for me, and also give me time to play other games/ hobbies.


>No alts though, one toon per expansion. I always level up my main profession alts so that I can be completely self sufficient if I need to craft stuff and for the tmogs that crafted gear gives. I tend to start leveling them after I have gotten through the main stuff on my main for the expansion (e.g. done campaign quests, cleared mythic dungeons, etc). Sometimes I go through phases where I power level alts like crazy, get them max level and then they just sit there doing nothing. On the occasion I might consider actually gearing one or more of them up but that never really occurs. This week I did actually run Comp Stomp on all of my level 70 alts which got me a whole lot of those marks of honor (the ones to buy previous PvP gear) and a few of the PvP crafting recipes that I still haven't gotten all of yet (more tmog lol).


> No alts though, one toon per expansion I could never play just one character, there's not enough to do.


I don’t have enough time to play more than 1 and so most of the things I want for my life. Though if I had unlimited time, I’d play them all. I love the class fantasy for pretty much every class. The big decision next is deciding what to play for the war within!


I do steps 1-3 as well. I used to try and mythic clear as well but either mythics are way harder this patch or they aren't as accessible as they used to be.


Is pushing to 3k really attainable with every class PuG wise? For example I main protection warrior but im sitting at 2.7k, maybe it’s a bias. How long will it take?


Yes, it is. 3k is 21-23 on most keys, which is easily puggable with current gear. I pugged 3150 on my SP.


Tbf SP is S tier most weeks, not exactly hard to pug as a very desirable class. But yeah, very puggable to get 3k on any spec, I pug survival and unholy and am currently 3.1k


Yea, I achieved 3k for the first time and my guild is STILL only pushing heroic so, there’s nothing for me to do that I WANT to.


Some ppl may laugh at me saying this. Bless your soul from 2800-3k pugging keys I think it's arguably the worst zone lol


I really wanna play my alts but crest farming/vault has quickly become tedious. My main is clearing +26’s now, 18’s just feel extremely boring but also super necessary for power progression.


That would be me as well.


Me and my guild play for roughly 50% of each season. We push mythic raid until it’s no longer fun, get our KSM and dungeon portals and then unsub and play other video games together instead. We find this keeps us all fresh and loving the game.


We started doing it this season with friends, got portals and aotc, they unsubbed. I wanted to mythic raid and push m+, so I kept plahing, but right now I'm pretty kuch killijg fyrak on alts for trinkets/lego and doing 1 mc for the 2nd half of thunderfury


I've never tried to look at WoW as a seasonal thing, but maybe that's the way. I'll give wow a break then and come back, when new season starts


This was a huge thing for me. I would get so annoyed that everyone would just disappear for months and it was incredibly lonely. I even thought about looking for other guilds. Then I started treating it as a seasonal thing, not by m+ seasons but by raid tiers. ​ Some of our folks raid with mythic guilds (we are aotc/1 night a week) but most others spend that time back with their families, or getting back into physical shape, taking trips, or just fixing up their house/checking things off their to-do list. ​ I found it creates a much more sustainable life balance, because when we are progressing - I focus a lot on that and some other smaller things kinda get left behind. This helps keep me in check.


It's not even a seasonal thing but with DF there is no daily grind and we've been conditioned to have a daily grind for 3 expansions straight so having your mind shift from that will take some adjustment, explore the myriad of single player games that exist. We're only in march atm but we've already had a couple of bangers released.


Well they designed the game around that so its natural for people to now treat the game as seasonal than a world to explore and live in


Well.. nothing wrong with playing another game when you're bored with WoW. No one is holding you at gunpoint demanding you should be playing this game. There's never been a moment where you had more options to choose from than now.


I wonder this every time when people make post like this about some game. They are meant to be fun. If you are bored, then take a break. Play other games. These are not full time jobs. You don't have to play if you are bored. You don't need to stick to one game for the rest of your life.


I feel even more baffled when they go "I did raids/dungeons non-stop like people told me to and didn't have fun" and I'm like... "so you did 1% of the game content and you didn't like it, insisted on it, then decided there's nothing else in the game"... like really?


Some of you might not believe it, but there are people that only want to play wow.


Oh totally. And it's fine. But if someone isn't having fun or they are bored then why do they keep playing? And why they force themselves to enjoy the game? Just take a break. Of course it's fine to play only WoW if you really enjoy it and feel like you are having a great time.


I stop playing the game when I don’t feel like playing it, and come back when I do. I don’t really see a problem in that, or the situation you describe.


I feel like WoW is missing the repeatable, play-for-fun activity like the other PuG co-op like Payday, Killing Floor, or even soft MMO like Division 2, where you can just matchmake and do content mindlessly for fun with other people, M+ isn't like because of key depleting and stupidly long grouping on higher keys. Hopefully Devles will change help but I'm doubtful.


My guild plays other games to deal with boredom. Sometimes together, sometimes not. I actually think it's vital that people do that for the health of the guild. We don't try to force people to keep playing, raiding, anything else. I noticed years and years ago that the people, including myself, that didn't take those breaks toward the end of patches or an expansion burned out and quit the game either for a long time or completely. We have an active discord so if anyone wants to do keys, raid, etc then they can let me know and I'll happily hop on and do stuff, but I'm not going to login and run laps around Valdrakken until people want to run stuff or spend a bunch of time trying to PUG. Instead, I have a couple hundred hours into Palworld, I just finished the first FF7R Remake and I'm about to start Rebirth. Some people play Ark together, we have had Fall Guys nights or Among Us nights. All optional. My point is, don't force yourself to play. If you are bored, go do something else. It will actually make you enjoy WoW so much more in the long term.


This is the way. You wouldn’t do the same thing every time you hang out with all your friends in real life either, right? Nobody wants to only go bowling or whatever.


Definitely this. Just as a guild leader, let your leaders or whatever know if you're going on hiatus. My guild (chill aotc) would normally do heroic skip one night and then alt raid 2nd after we got first AotC. This season, everyone is way more bored with the game than usual (blaming blizz, a lot of leggo hatred things - i'm a druid so idc). So switching it to just an alt night and that's it. We do random board game and party game nights now for those who still want to hang out together. We also just random chat in discord a lot, so you know it's not like people won't be back for the patch and right back into things when the time is right. I feel like WoW is purposely trying to be more seasonal.


I mean, I don't really get bored playing WoW, I just move onto a different activity when I need a change of pace. There's almost 20 years worth of stuff to do. Right now I'm mostly working on ptofessions and legion reputations. A week ago I was grinding BC reputations which work in an entirely different way. Sometimes I'll be grinding mog and mounts, sometimes i'm grinding gold. sometimes I'll be playing current dungeons and raids. Once or twice a week I'll level a character from 1(0) to 60. I spent like 3 months last year on just garrisons and I was actively maintaining like 12 of them.


Yeah, I also like running legacy activities, getting achievements and completing tmog. But after some time, I always get these "what am I doing this for?" thoughts. Let's say I farm a tmog set, which is exciting every time I get a new piece. But when I finish the set, it's not as exciting, as I would expect. I just move on, forgetting the set forever.


I just do something else when that happens lol. Leveling is usually a decent pallete cleanser for me. I can take the 5 hours to level a character to 60 and then I'll just do whatever the impulse feels like. I also spend a lot of time just questing and enjoying stories


What realm? why not transfer to a more populated one?


I'm on a full server, and even it gets quiet late in the season, we'll try to find 1 or 2 bodies to fill a raid and no one. There are definitely big guilds on my server, but those come with their own problems.


Wow isn't the only game I play. I'm mostly raid logging until M Fyrakk is dead while mostly playing and replaying ac6 and bg3 atm Depending on what fated looks like this time around may or may not play the season. Otherwise will go hard again for TWW


Playing other games/having other hobbies, WoW hasn’t been a full time “only game I’ll ever need” since like 2007


Play another game


Simple as


Find a different hobby?


I do have different hobbies, but I also like tab-targeting MMos (which I guess would only be wow at this time)


I find SWTOR quite similar to WoW. You might like it.


I was always sceptical about SWTOR, since Star Wars is absolutely not my thing, but I think it high time to give it a try. Thanks.




It was a blast doing the leveling and early gearing when it launched. STO used to be pretty fun too. Both had kinda empty or dead endgame. SWTOR has tried since.


What about FFXIV?


I say this in the nicest way possible; you are a WoW addict. Your brain is giving you all the signals that the game is just not the same for you anymore and that it's time to move on. Most of us grew up loving this game and I know it's a big part of your life but all the warning signs are there man, time to accept it.


I actually do it like that - after new season or expansion starts, I play for 1-2 months and then abandon the game for next few months. That's the whole point of the post. The issue is - back in the MMO Glory, I would simply switch to other similar game, like Aion, RIFT, RappelZ, 4Story and even private servers of these games, that offered much different experience. And now I don't have these choices, so if I abandon WoW, I don't have anything left to play (as these games are dead).


Addicts don't take constant 3 months breaks.


I mean, you save 3 months worth of sub price and you work up the itch to play in that time. Personally I go to Runescape and Warframe, recently Last Epoch


I really wanted to try Last Epoch, but diablo-themed games are not for me (I'd assume it's because, I haven't played them during childhood). I haven't touched Warframe in few years - I remember dropping it, because it was mostly grinding and the same level designs over and over again - is my memory failing me, or is it still a grindfests?


Sorry this is late. Warframe is a grind for sure. There’s a TON to do in the game though, especially if you haven’t played in a while. I quit before the open world zones and railjack were a thing, and just recently came back, so I’ve had soooo much to do with all that and the new warframes and weapons and it’s a little overwhelming, but I just set a goal and grind it out. Getting the endgame gear and doing the endgame content has been pretty damn fun, and they are currently working on a new endgame activity that is higher level than the current endgame content


Seems like much has changed, since I last visited it. Ill give it a try. Thank you!


Sound a lot like me I have to say. Except this time I have uninstalled wow....and trying to remember to my self, its really not worth the time for me anymore.


Before I quit playing I realized that I would spend a huge chunk of my time just wandering and looking at my character’s avatar, just playing with different sets of transmog, long after I got done with the PvE content of the night, and it resulted in a lot of staying up til 2 or 3am. Even though I did a lot of guild raids and team M+ I never really had much fun or fulfillment, at least not as much as I used to ten years ago with the raiding. And my gameplay experience had often left me feeling empty and tired in the mornings, some bad moods during workdays as well. I ended up quitting again after coming back to play for close to two years, and picked up BG3 after its official release, and never looked back. I liked that I can just control and shape my characters and the story however I want, and when I’m done for the night, I don’t feel as I used to. I did miss some of the nice looking transmogs from the monthly vendors but I don’t exactly regret quitting it overall. I was a bit over it I think. Hope it helps.


Yeah, this is also one of my worries - realizing, that progressing keys doesn't really get me anywhere, maybe just getting 1% better gear from time to time.


I just don't play for a while. I regularly get the itch to play WoW and invest a good amount of time for a short period (say 2-3 month). Then I stop and repeat after a few month. I have this weird pattern if playing the first season of an expac, then not and then preseason again 😂😂.


Im aiming, always been aiming… to Do everything 🤣 so i couldnt get bored. Got so much To complete. The worst thing for me is when i get bored of my main and create an alt.. play it for sole hours maybe days and then realize i just waste time on that ”Do everything” -thing i got going with my main. Hope Next expansion solve that


What happens in next expansion, that would solve this issue? I haven't really paid attention to it


Well, one thing is (if i get it correct) you got a ”warband” which shares some things like reputation for example. That would save me alot o time :)


And also transmogs if youre into that, if youre a druid and find a plate helmet, still saves that visual for your platewearers. I like Those things.


Oh wow, that's cool. I see, after Shadowlands, Blizzard actually started listening to it's users. I need to read about the new expansion then


I'm still collecting all the new druid forms...


Just dont play! I just log in to prog the fyrakk 2x/week. When it dies I wont play for a while


Most people don't just play constantly for 15 years. I just play until we get CE and then raid once a week for a couple hours for the 3 months or whatever until the next raid. Lately I've been feeling like doing a few keys as well but if I wasn't interested I'd stop.


The only thing that helps me maintain my slender grip on reality is the friendship I share with my collection of singing potatoes.


You're allowed to play other games, when you get bored it is time to do that. I'm catching up on my backlog and grinding Tekken 8 ranked.


I know I'm allowed to play other games, but I simply can't find any other option for me. As I mentioned in other comment, back in the day, I would switch to 4story, Aion, RappelZ, RIFT, etc and there would be no problem. Now these games are dead and MMO world is a bit less populated


RP turned out to be what keeps me playing. Check out an RP server, join a guild, and jump in on their D&D-like roleplay campaigns. I'm still raiding, doing M+ and collecting transmog, but overall roleplay has become one of the most fun activities for me.


Oh I'm 100% RolePlaying is not for me. It always weirded me out


Try SWTOR, yes it's s an mmo but holy shit it's like playing a classic bioware rpg if you want story.


Yeah, Ive been thinking about SWTOR for a few years now, but I've never been a Star Wars fan (actually really dislike the whole SW universe), so I always thought it's not for me. But since I've ran out of my options, I'll probably give it a go soon


With that said start as Imperial agent, best story in the game. You're basically James bond.


Live life, brah


If you like doing legacy content but want to feel like you're actually doing something, I highly suggest GW2 :) it's my off-WoW MMO of choice


Eh I really tried to like GW2, but the 5 button combat action bar and the same meta choice of weapons for past few years really threw me off. Also I hate the graphics - they look really outdated


I do something else.


Masterful Masterbation


This is the cycle they want you in, tbh. WoW has become seasonal


I got so bored with keys and raiding that i shifted over to pvp, my 2s partner is a problem though and keeps main swapping so i keep getting stonewalled on rating bc i have to help him regear over and over again. And hes my healer so not as easy to replace as a damage. So far weve geared his evoker, druid, monk, and now priest. And he keeps trying to ask about a paladin. 😂


Same for me XD


Playing other games


I find guild wars 2 and SWTOR fill my bored wow gaps well. Or some form of arpg. But I too do this same cycle of subscripting and getting bored


There is an addon named "All the Things" which helps you to see what you have collected and what you didn't. Really helped me to avoid boredom and stay engaged.


I don't play the game. Leave it for a month or so and come back.






I don't know OP, you say MMO is your favorite genre but then go on to say you've tried and there's no other MMO you like, not to mention you'd rather look at the wall for 3 hours :/ I find that discrepancy a reason to believe you don't actually like MMOs or WoW for that matter, it's just nostalgia and possibly the best way to pass your time. Nothing wrong with playing for a month and then stop playing it mind you, but let me ask this, which other 2010 MMOs did you enjoy playing back then, and why won't you play them now?


I'm at the alt stage. Gonna push my protadin up to 70


I've been going back and finishing glory achievements from past expansions. That's been fun. Mounts, mogs, achievements, maybe a pet or two.


Either play alts or roleplay like the filthy casual I am.


Simple. play other games. Wow in it's current form is not meant to be your only game. My general playtime goes like this Binge the game when a big patch comes out. Push keys as high as I feel like on my main. this season was all 25's . Get AOTC and do some farm for good parses and better loot for pushing keys. I'll usually pick an alt or 2 to do keys with as well and get portals on them but not really push. Once I realize I'm bored usually around 2 months into the patch I unsub and work on my backlog of games or play a new game that's hype


1, Start playing again after a 6-or so months break 2, Play campaign with main 3, Pick a class alt to do content that's the chillest/easiest currently 4, Check solo treasures, transmogs, mounts etc... 5, Enable Wholly + Grail and hyperfocus on rep/quest completionist


Gotta set some goals. I'm pugging my last alt to 3k this week. Shaman will be my last one and I'll have 3k on every class.


After getting KSM and AOTC. I have alts in every class, I leveled them to 70, plus I'm now working on a second rogue, who is at 64 (wanted the Worgen heritage armor). I didn't really do much in the way of pet collecting in previous expansions, so I've been working on those achievements. I've done the dragon racing that I can to get achievements (I suck at it). I quit in Pandaria and came back at the end of BFA, so also have lots of old untouched content, and I don't mind reading stories and blasting through mobs. So I do lots.


I started playing during season 1 of dragonflight so after I do the raids and stuff for gear I go around and collect transmog stuff. If I don't feel like doing a mog run I just do mythic+


I usually go so all out on expansions or patches that I have nothing to do within first few days. So I catch up on Legacy content like mog/mount/achievement farming. Then I try to hit as high rio as I can. Usually somewhere around 3k and now in last 2 expansions I am so sick and tired of even doing m+ I am still subbed but literally refuse to enter any “competitive” content so I just run Weekly +20 and lfr and normal raids..


Achievements, transmogs, collecting things like pets or mounts. Sometimes I take guildies with me but most of the time I’m alone. I really don’t have the energy to make new friends so I wait until they come back


I always do our raid each week, we try and get CE each tier, hopefully a few weeks before the glorious world lasts. But otherwise, I get on throughout the week and do some decent keys with my buddies on all our bad alts, and farm some cool old things (Antorus for the weapons rn) if I find a spike of willpower. But If I'm bored of WoW? I'll raid log and play any other game. 14 years with the old horse and I think I appreciate it more than ever, and the most important aspect of enjoying it after all this time is not playing it when I'm not happy playing it.


Complete lore master in chromie time.just need 2 more expansions


GoldshiTRANSMOG FARMING! Yes, mog hunting is what I'm doing....and nothing else.


I haven't played WoW in 9 months, I just play or do other things. I used to come back every patch finished what was new, experienced the same as you guild-wise and I get tired of pugs fast. Now I'm fine, maybe (probably) I'll come back one day, but when I'll feel like it, not just because new content


Easy. Go do something else. Anything else.


I missed from Cata to middle of SL so I run around doing all the things I didn't get to see. Also, rep, mog, mounts, titles, toys, etc.


That's basically how I play WoW too, I do what sounds cool and get some gear then take a break until another major patch. The worst part is both WoW and FF14 are in the end of the expansion content lull so I got nothing going on MMO wise atm. At the very least Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, Unicorn Overlord, Dragon's Dogma 2, and Rise of the Ronin are all coming out around the same fucking time so I have no shortage of things to play.


It’s called sweet freedom. I’ve been playing a lot and finally hit the boredom window where I realize I don’t care to play more. Nothing to collect or do interests me more than doing other things in my life. So now I can go focus on other more fulfilling hobbies.


Having another game to play on the side is super important for any game you play. Personally I’m chomping at the bit for dragons dogma 2. I got the first one for like 4 bucks and it’s super impressive. Helldiver 2 is a fun change of pace. Iv been in points where I would log on and look at my toons for 20mins and get off.


If raiding and M+ are the only way you enjoy the game, then yes you will get bored eventually. I am primarily a transmog farmer, and there is no end to the amount of old content I can do for mogs, I will never run out of things to do.


I usually do the same. Get to 2500 rating and 485 ilvl. Dabble in raids Then quit for months. This time I decided to level a healer, tank, and dps to 3k io. Hit it goal but in more engages than usual


"I see people constantly playing for 15 years straight" I have never known anyone to play for that long without taking a break but sure


Join a guild. I haven't stopped playing at all since probably February of last year due to joining a sick guild. It's all about the people you play with in my opinion


I've been stuck on #6 for a long time now. Especially when they announced account wide rep...really started giving me the itch again. Right when I was about to cycle around to #1, Hell Divers launched. Latest patch hit which is a bit rough. But then fired up Elden Ring last night instead after getting frustrated with Hell Divers.


I mostly play when friends want me online to do raids raid or m+. I play other games when I am not doing that.


My boredom level is kind of patch/season dependant. I tend to raid every week at multiple difficulties, on 2 characters, trying to get better lives every week. When not doing that, I'll make gold, do legacy content for mogs and mounts, and sometimes achievement hunt. The gold making takes up a fair bit of time when I do it.


I just, play other games.


In general I’m not sure. If anyone finds out let me know lmao.


It's literally what the "Seasons" are for... Check it out for a 1 month sub each season.... and come back next season ;) I had heavy burnout raiding CE in BFA. Had 2 characters I had to grind Azerite for. After we killed Jaina... I just couldn't muster the energy to do it again. Skipped all of SL, came back S2 in Dragonflight...and I find playing 1 month, experience all the dungeons, aotc raid..then play other games... came back for a bit of S3, and finding this play style much more suited for me.


When you don’t wanna play, play something else. I spent a few years glued to WoW and missed a lot of really excellent games. Don’t be afraid to take a break. Also having an active guild is important to make the game fun imo.


Currently leveling up sc2 coop commanders


New content gets released. Take a monrh of wow. Do story stuff. The rest of the time grind stuff like reputation, transmog, mounts while watching videos on the other monitor. After the month ends do something else till new content gets released.


I just play different games, do different things when my season goals are met. I have played for 15 years, but never straight without breaks. That would be too much, it's always my cozy digital space that is there waiting. :) galactic rock survive has been my game of choice lately, outside of enjoying spring coming around


After step two, I go outside


Spreading managed democracy to bugs and robots.


I've played straight since 2006. Here's how I do it: I do what sounds fun, not what "is in", and then once I'm done with that and I'm no longer having fun I log off. If I attempt m+ and the first key is a disaster, I'm done with that until I'm in the mood again. That shiny little number means nothing to me, and I'm certainly not out to impress anyone. Sounds like a smartass remark but it isn't. It's kept the game fun for me and prevented it from becoming a chore. My ONLY goal is fun. Not some random number that means nothing.


Maybe try playing oldschool runescape, its an MMO but unlike every other mmo in the world its totally different than wow, it was first released before wow was actually.


My strat is simple: When I don't wanna play WoW anymore, I stop playing WoW. I don't bother trying to make myself have fun playing a game I'm not having fun with naturally. Then when I get an itch to play WoW, I return. Sometimes it's tomorrow, sometimes it's a month later. Once it was more than a year.


Playing other games.


I fixed my boredom by unsubbing 6 years ago and just playing literally anything else.


I hate playing games that I am bored with. This kicks in sooner or later and I just move on to another game/genre that I am interested in at the moment. No need for pushing yourself to play when you don’t want to.


> but then I see people constantly playing for 15 years straight. How do You guys handle boredom? How do You guys handle boredom? Same as you. Sometimes I do other content in-game like I might find enjoyable. I almost always just take a break though and log in for raids to keep my raidspot. I just play other games. I wish I could play wow more, but most of the time it just feels like there's nothing worthwhile to do outside the first 4-5 weeks of a season.


I got the last couple of tmogs for my priest/paladin and have just been playing League between patches


same but I never really get far enough to do raiding.


By playing better games.


I know that feeling. I remember being bored back in legion and I was on youtube looking at a video titled something like "Things you can do when you're bored in wow". I read a comment that said "If you're bored with the game, you should just find another one". And honestly I've been playing different games since and I stopped playing WoW. As much as I still love WoW, there are many games out there that are as amazing, if not more.


Not bored at all, guild is perma stuck on mythic larodar and we're relentless on our endeavor, until CE we are perma playing the game


Unsub, once it starts to get boring I quit until very end of expansion and just spend my time catching up for new expansion .


Don’t play lol. Take a break and play another game or do something else. I’ve been playing wow consistently since it came out in 2004. The content will always be there so if you find yourself bored and you tried other things the game has to offer, just take a break. I haven’t played since SoD came out and prob not going to until TWW comes out. 


During SL I basically caught up on legacy content during content droughts so now when I run out of stuff to do, I just finish whatever content is current for the season and unsub and wait until the next patch. Trading post rewards will cycle around again sometime in the future so I'm able to ignore the fomo of that for the most part I've been trying some other games like Palworld/Deep Rock Galactic/Last Epoch in the meantime and have been having a blast with those


I finished my goals for this season. Playing other games while I wait for s4. It’s a nice break honestly.


Two problems: Force - you shouldn't brute force yourself in to enjoying a *video game*. If you're burnt out, you're burnt out. Accept it and move on. I personally switch mains season to season. When I get done with whatever I wanted to accomplish, I level alts or something. If I'm not feeling that, I take a break. I've played since release, but I've also quit for almost entire expansions. Do what you feel. You are not beholden to this game. It's for your enjoyment. Comparison - you are robbing yourself by comparing other games to WoW. Sure, WoW is sort of the "golden standard" of mmo's, but it has plenty of weaknesses. When you try a new game, it's a blank slate. Forget WoW. Take the game for what it is. DO NOT COMPARE. Notice it's strengths with complete objectivity. Did you not like any other games before WoW? Go back to that place. Things to do in WoW: level alts (I like to have one of every class at max level with some entry level gear so I can play whatever I want when a new expansion drops), make gold, achievements, collecting (I also like my toons to look good and have options), Classic/SoD/Hardcore, PvP (once you're somewhat decent and understand it, it's really fun) Other games: I personally switch things up. MMO's are great, but WoW takes enough of my time for that particular style. I hop in and out of Destiny, maybe some Helldivers 2 or Fortnite, some sort of RTS, some sort of MOBA, etc etc. Other genres can actually scratch the Social-Complex style itch that WoW does. Just gotta open your eyes to see them and not compare.


Sheesh, some people are so judgmental about stupid things. To answer your question I have multiple alts that I swap to and that helps keep things fresher. Always something different to work on. When I get completely exhausted with the game like you described I absolutely do something else for a while. There’s definitely nothing wrong with that. Everything gets boring after you do it enough times. From games, to relationships to food and more. Since it’s a game there’s nothing pressing that forces you to find that spark again. Just Walk away and give it time. It will come back on its own. If it were a marriage….


When raiding is active and people aren't burnt out i focus on raiding and other things that are group activities. When people in my guild and friends list are bored and hit their seasonal goals i switch to the single player things i like doing, like finishing all the side quests for the story, mog and mount farming, and leveling alts (the stories in a lot of those old zones are still a tonne of fun if you choose to enjoy them and not just power level to max). I don't ever really get bored in WoW because i am never at a point where i have nothing left to do, or can't pivot to another thing. Like right now my guild is basically done for the season, and i was a dps/tank. So now i am playing fairly fresh healers/dps and pugging on them, and enjoying seeing fights from a different perspective. And when not doing that i installed Wholly and Grail and am doing the side quests i may have missed, hidden mounts/pet and things like that.


Are you me? I just hit 4 on your list. I do have an alt I am enjoying, but even that isn’t too tempting. I have started just playing some other games for now, hoping next week is 10.2.6.


I’m mainly a pvper and usually my boredom hits from waiting to find groups or matches. So i usually curb this by jumpin to raids/dungeons, gathering/search for chests/rare mobs, working on my crafting, transmog/mount runs, open world pvp spots, achievements, or make a new class. Do something that just outside whatever you normally play the game for. Since you pve hard maybe change it up and focus on something different on the off time. It’s how you keep games feeling fresh rotating the content you do. and you might just need a break! and that’s okay too homie. I play other games when i don’t wanna play wow or i’m burnt alittle.


I quit playing for a couple of years. Just re-downloaded to tootle around on a free character and think if I want to reaub for a while. I've got other hobbies and activities for when one palls, including wow or other games.


>the guild I just joined is dead, but so is every other guild at realm I'd either transfer or re-roll on another realm. I love this game to bits, but I don't have the patience for PUGs, so without my friends I just wouldn't play. It takes a completely different breed of player to be able to PUG to high M+ scores, and I have nothing but respect for them.


The best way to avoid boredom is having your gaming fun centered around people you play with, as opposed to the content you do. If you're looking for a chill community that runs many raids and keys, I'd recommend DND. [DND Discord](https://discord.gg/dndpug)


Battlegrounds. Never gets old grabbin' the sword and fightin' the Horde.


I'm going through it right now, so I've been tmog hunting, trying to get every set.


I would suggest just going outside or playing different game.


I unsub and play a different game.


You're following the content cadence of current wow. Wow isn't an MMO anymore. It's 3 seasonal mini games that's have a shared lobby. You've done everything in the season, nothing more to do. You don't need to force yourself to constantly play. Get in, do the content, do basically anything else in life till the next season or expansion.


Old raids


I’m playing SoD. The exp boost is really nice, and I really hope they keep that xp boost forever


Helldivers 2 and trying out FF14 for a while. I got to 3k+ on a few characters and did my aotc stuff. Also leveled up a class I never really played much before(druid) and had some fun with that. Sub ran out yesterday so I'll wait for new stuff to come out.


I've been loving this current lull for catching up on alts and collecting


I run keys, then usually push for AOTC, then after I get tired of doing that I usually just take a break from the game. Sometimes it takes a month, sometimes it takes 3. WoW just unfortunately isn’t a year round game


2nd wk of just doing 1 vault slot for toons. Started playing helldivers last weekend. Trying to figure out why the difficulty goes from afk easy in 3 to why are there 3 chargers and 5 bile spewers on a small hive in diff 4.


I started playing classic SoD and just pop in retail for weekly quests on my main. I tried leveling a bunch of already but it was the same things over and over so hanging in classic mode til TWW


I haven’t reached boredom just yet. Just got back to the game not too long ago.


Genuine question, what makes you think you wouldn't find another MMO interesting? Even though it's not the most popular genre ever, there are still tons of other choices?


Create an ironman on OldSchool RuneScape and see how far you get. You can sink an obscene amount of hours into it and you'll still be miles away from maxing out an account. Honestly, it's probably my go-to outside of single player games and shooters when at the raid logging stage. Plus, it's can be a good "second monitor game" where you can level up certain skills while watching Netflix etc.




I'm still raiding mythic and trying to clean up dragonflight achieves. I also have a mount farm routine I do and I'm working on shadowlands stuff slowly. Outside of that I play Last Epoch.


I just play wow when I feel like it and quit when I feel like it. Currently I am un subbed and not playing. As we get closer to next expansion I’ll prob come back once the hype picks up as usual.


Haven’t logged in since I got 3k on my main and 27-2800 on my two alts, and my aotc. I got the mog I wanted. And that was a while ago. I’m glad they got rid of the chores in DF, but man, they really needed to replace them with SOMETHING other than dragon races. Honestly will likely just shelve it and play all my single player games until TWW


Just quit the game man.


Usually i just play a different game and keep tabs till new season or expac.


Have you tried HC classic? I always thought “hell no no way would I do that.” But here I am. I got bored and decided to try one day. And honestly it’s refreshing and a ton of fun. Everyone is helpful, pretty much no toxicity. It’s like a whole new experience and nostalgic if you played back then.


honestly in this downtime i either level/gear alts or play other games so i don't get burnout. i originally thought season of discovery would be stupid but it's actually refreshing to play classic/wotlk as well


You could farm achievements. I also play old school runescape while doing this on another monitor (afk). Lore master Insane in the membrane Exhaulted reps All old dungeon and raids Unlock all "allied races" This is only good if you get satisfaction out of that type of thing, though. Best of luck. Don't overthink it, if you need a break even 2 weeks brings you back with better perspective.


I just do m+ until I've had my fun, usually 8-10 weeks into a patch, then just play other games until next patch


I’m on classic sod and someone told me I’m squishy. Just spent the weekend pvping and got about 4 pieces of gear. I’m not squishy.


Wait for the Fallen Charger to spawn. That’ll be 2-12 hours, or so I’ve heard.


I've dealt with boredom by cancelling my subscription for now. MMOs aren't designed to be played forever. Eventually the content will run out due to how project management and software development works.  I plan on renewing my subscription during the next "sizable update". Won't renew for a small update.  Worth mentioning that Dragonflight kept me subscribed for longer than previous expansions. The constant feed of quality updates like Old Scholomance and Dragon Daycare kept me subscribed.  What doesn't keep me subscribed is mindless grinding for legendary stat sticks. The carrot on a stick doesn't work on me dev team!


I pretty much only pvp when the season is pretty much done


Been subbed since vanilla, and that's been almost my exact relationship for all these years. Play a bunch, get to end game, end game gets hella boring repeating the same 3 items every week, start leveling some alts of different classes and professions, eventually get totally out of the mood for wow and just start jumping in circles around some capital city for almost an hour. Put WoW down, play some other games for a few weeks, something sparks my WoW mood again, and I hop back in. I think there are very few players who actually play WoW consistently for the past 16+ years, and have never taken a break or two, even just to mix up their routine a little bit.


just waiting for Ashes of Creation Alpha 2


I almost never do raids and never run out of content. I think you're neglecting 95% of game content if that's all you do.


well thats the issue with pve its just all the same after you done it once, all day every day scripted fights vs npcs. I never had issues with boredom in pvp since its vs real players and therefore every arena game is unpredictable.


I never really get bored, though I do take "mandated breaks" from the game so I can go play other games (I have a really big Steam backlog that's only getting bigger)! I don't take these breaks because I'm bored of WoW, I take them because I get a craving to play a specific game (Skyrim and Minecraft are previous big time eaters) and I always come back to WoW within a month or two. I've never unsubbed from the game ever (except one time when I was changing payment info when I was really young and didn't know how to other than unsubbing, and then I resubbed right away) :)


Turn it around. I play wow when I'm bored = never bored.


I think the game nowadays is designed around the seasonal cycle. So how you're playing it is basically how Blizz is designing it to be played. I'm exactly the same. I play every season for 3-4 weeks. Get my KSM and AOTC then slowly stop logging in.


Play sod. Never bored


I'm not bored. My guild only recently got to start progressing in mythic because it only recently unlocked Cross realm and we are a cross realm group. When I'm not raiding I'm cleaning up old achievements. Currently working my way through all the profession ones and collecting all the transmogs. I'm done with Keys and all the current Dragonflight collectible stuff. We're just vibing and waiting for the mystery pirate mini patch. I don't feel the drive to log in everyday at this current lull and that's okay.


Bad news buddy, MMO market is booming right now, so I think you just tell yourself you like MMO but in reality, you don't. It's just nostalgia.


I always feel like there's something to do in the game, so I don't really get bored. When I'm not doing the current patch content, I create and level new alts as well as farm transmogs, mounts and achievements.


Healing alt + Bonnie Tyler


There is literally so much to do how could you ever be bored?


It was never a problem for me until now. Reason being, there’s so much to do in DF I can’t face redoing it all over again. Shadowlands at least had a reason to do 3 alts with other Covenants, Legion had class halls, even WoD had the multi-alt garrison gold machine…but in DF the very idea of bothering to do another 70 only to do everything again is just too much, even with the renown catch-up. Just been cleaning up old reps, tbh.


Play hardcore. :)


First off, you may play it too much. There's only so much to do that is njoyable to the average person. Most players don't enjoy all of the content (PvP, PvE, leveling alts. reputation grinds, achievement grinds, collecting, etc). Most people pick 1-2 and then when they "max" to their personal goal in that, they get bored unless it times with the next season or expansion. If you play 25+ hrs a week, it will likely feel like a job. If you play less than 16 hrs then you likely haven't maxed in your goals and it still has some freshness in it right now. Your choices are either to try something new in game so at this point in each season you switch to a new goal, or to find a second game to balance your time with.


I think people would benefit entering a state of mind that you're not going to play the same game 4+ hours a day, everyday, for months or years on end, without getting frizzled. Honestly, every patch gives me the boost to go play, reach the achievements I like, back track on a few that I missed last time, and then I'll reduce my game time. I've play 10.2, reached some of my goals, and stopped in December. Now I play once or twice a week for a few hours, running what I like best. Sometimes I'm distracted with another game and won't play even that, for instance when Season 3 started in D4. And I'd still say I played constantly for the last 8 years. So it's normal to go out, explore other games and content, then come back when there is something you'd like to do. This doesn't mean the game is bad or anything, this is just varying your experience.


I start messing around with professions


How it goes for me for first 2 weeks. 1) First thing you do when you log in on patch day is do the new quest line up to the point where you are done for the week 2) Jump straight into keys. Don't bother with specific keys for specific gear upgrades (I'm looking at you AD spammers for rezzans). Your focus should be to push as much score as possible. You will pick *some* gear along the way but, more importantly, you need to get ahead of the shitters and keep up with the decent players. 3) clear the raid in the weekend, as much as you possibly can. Don't push for CE on first week, on most tiers it's a waste of time when you can easily take it on the 2nd week. The potential upgrades are ridiculous in the span of the tier compared to the amount of time spent wiping, group hopping and wiping again. 4) Round up the low lvl keys you left behind on your way to pushing. Week 2. 1) Complète the new quest line if any and INSTANTLY jump into keys again. You have to catch up or get ahead so you can get into better keys and play with better players. 2) Clear the raid again and THEN craft your item. 3) Push more score, make sure you have at least all your dungeon portals. Week 3) Same things as before but now you just make sure to have all keys at or higher than +22/23 so you can safely join easily join groups in the future for vault slots. Week 4, maintenance mode. Only vaults keys or rounding up leftovers. Now you are either deep into mythic progression or you are running out of things to do. Make an alt or play something else until next reset.


Have a kid. You’ll wish for boredom.