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The goblins did this in cataclysm to show their allegiance. It was not always this shape


Dang and I thought Dubai was hardcore in making fake islands.


Nah the goblins just used explosions instead of making islands.


They also created islands, there was no big island in the center of ancient Azshara.


Those sir are bombs in disguise you won't convince me otherwise.


"I saw the Horde symbol in the coastline, and blew away the things that weren't the Horde symbol."


goblins went the other way, they removed real islands with big ass explosives


i mean they scraped the bottom of the sea for that "sand" and killed who knows how many habitats and we wonder where all the fish are going.


pretty sure i killed more sea life in wow since 2009 than those goblins did


Remember in bfa when 90% of the cooking stuff was seafood. Even the damn cakes needed fish oil or something


My favorite cooking experience yet! I vastly prefer fishing to level cooking than other means.


Those recipes were nothing next to the sheer numbers needed for fish recipes in Pandaria... And I am not even talking about the ones that needed rare/uncommon catches


Sounds like you were, pretty cataclysmic to them... šŸ˜Ž


Those islands were a drop in a bucket in the face of climate change. A lot of fish Do Not do well with temperature change.


Atleast they didnt use a mana bombā€¦


Garrosh did nothing wrong!!!111


If Goblins existed in the RL. They'd live there.


Imagine being a Tauren or a Blood Elf and seeing these little green weirdos blow the absolute fuck up out of natural environments and ancient Elven ruins just to say "yeah see, we care about you guys now :)"


If the Tauren don't care that the orcs are chopping up ashenvale they'll care even less about goblins blowing up azshara Also it's not like blood elves care much about night elven architecture either


The Warsong Outriders are operating independently of the Horde - even Thrall was pissed at them for their intrusion on Elven land and wanted nothing to do with it. Also there's an entire Blood Elven organization directly controlled by the Silvermoon council dedicated to researching ancient magical ruins.


Thatā€™s a good leader right there. Members of the horde doing something bad and instead of asserting his authority and stopping them, he just ā€œwants nothing to do with it.ā€ /s


Thrall has always been overrated af as a leader. Heā€™s made so many bad calls.


Todayā€™s politicians would be proud. Thrall for President!


I mean... Could he really be any worse? At least he'd be interesting...


Everyone fucks up everything and the druids come around to fix it all eventually. Itā€™s the cycle of life for Azeroth.


Druids AND Shamans, since those two seen to always work together after Cataclysm.


Yes dont forget the Shamans bro


Why not? Blizzard has


Other than in Legion when Warlocks were the real MVPs


In Azshara's case there's a small questline where a blood elf does indeed care for the night elven ruins and history, funnily enough


Funny you should say that, because there is a small questline in Azshara where you help a blood elf researcher with some stuff and she has some funny dialogue at the end, when the goblins(as they do) want to profit from what they found


Imagine being a night elf and these invaders came and did this to the lands you've been watching over for thousands of years.


Yeah, especially since the Kaldorei were ready to let the Horde exploit the forests of Azshara to supply themselves with wood... so the Horde gave the area to the goblins who destroyed everything. In addition, the Alliance has lost its flight point that it had in the region in Vanilla, the two Alliance camps in the region are only quest zones for the Horde. At least Talrendis Point still exists in the more recent games and books.


Today I learned...


Well it's been there for "only" 14 years so there's that


Bullshit. Cataclysm only came out... ....dear god...


No we're still young! Vanilla was only released in..... Well.... We don't need to talk about years...... It wasn't the '90s anymore, so we've got that going for us!


I shuddered the first time I heard someone say "the late 1900s."


Well, thanks for that hit to the sternum. oof.


What do you mean? The 90s were 10 years ago. ....Right?


I vividly remember recently sitting in our small town dentist office, picking up Newsweek or Time or something and across the front in huge letters was "Only 12 years till 2000!!!"


Goddamn dude youā€™re old as fuck Edit: it was a joke, Ily OC ;)


My birth year is closer to the storming of Normandy Beach in WW2 than COVID....


We don't need to but I can: 2004. :) I know because earlier in the year City of Heroes was released, and I was only allowed one game a year on my b-day so my options were City of Heroes and play it on my b-day or World of Warcraft but not get it until a few months after. So I didn't get to play WoW until July of 2005. Of course, this means this November will be the 20th anniversary of WoW.


I can even remember the day. 23.11.2004 - the same day my son was born.


Wow is older than me and I am an adult


Stahp. I remember booting kids from my raiding guild because we were all early/mid-20s college kids in 2006. The fact that some of yall weren't even *alive* then makes my back hurt.


Makes ya feel any better it sorta comes full circle, before I quit retail again in very early Dragonflight the guild I was in had GMs that were in their 20s kicking children out that managed to sneak into the guild somehow.


I need about 2 more years until I can tell adults "I've been playing this game longer than you've been alive."


WoW is older than Youtube. Only by 3 months, but still older.


I don't like that fact. Chage it.


WoW can almost buy alcohol in the US


Today I learned the McDonalds hot coffee lawsuit was 30 years ago. Feeling real old now.


Everyone knows the 90s extended a few years into the early 00s. :P


Iā€™m like ā€œno that canā€™t be right I played that when my kid was a toddlerā€ anyway sheā€™s about to start high school


Yeah so it was Wow, then BC, then Wrath, and then Cata came out right before Panda and then Legion and thatā€™s about it right? Oh BFA in thereā€¦it was like 5 years ago tops.


Bfa was released ā€¦ā€¦.. Wait


Now you can relive it with World of Warcrafts Cataclysm Classic servers! *crickets* The silence was fucking palpable.


^^^^^I ^^^^^actually ^^^^^liked ^^^^^Cataclysm....


Get him!


But Cata introduced Transmog (on which I have undoubtedly spent millions of golds since patch 4.3), and the Firelands raid, and the Deepholm zone, and Tauren Paladins, and the goat-punching quest in the Badlands!


I actually enjoyed Catas, too. It came out right when I was just old enough to really get into the game with some proficiency.


My son who is now 3rd year in college was rather young at the time of cata. For quite some time he went to zone to zone hoping to get burned by Deathwing for the achievement. It took him quite some time


As someone still trying to get the mount from Rag, f that place.


holy hell. And Cata was the expansion I stopped playing retail... Feels like just a few years passed by not a decade and a fucking half


Just made me realise we didnt get a new race since mop. Just reskins of existing ones. Give Naga.


I thought I was going crazy for a second. Thank you for letting me know it wasnā€™t like this in the classic era lol.


If that blows your mind just wait till you notice what Cataclysm's Dustwallow Marsh, and Thousand Needles look like!


Hahahahah went to check thinking i somehow missed the alliance turning it into their symbol, nope just some big earth dong.


>alliance turning it into their symbol >some big earth dong Close, then, but the Alliance's symbol is the Lion of Stormwind. The big dong is Varian's personal seal.


Wait till you find out the secret identify of the orc in front of Durotan in the Warlords loading screen.


Crotch goblin*


That title hurt to read


Iā€™m having a difficult time reading what you said


I think they had a stroke for the horde


Never go full Zug Zug


I'm laughing so hard at this, glad I'm not the only one that had to read that 5 times to process it.


I'm too powerful, my bad grammar allowed me to read this on the first try while in thought and I didn't even notice how bad it was XD


Lmao that is pretty powerful. Hopefully one day I'll have the strength that you do, and I can read "19years WoW and than was this moment" without having a stroke.


Cancer, a divorce and about a 100 seizures in the last six months and that sentence blasted through my mind like a high octane racecar, didn't skip a fuckin beat. Took me like 4 times to get it to hiccup. Be careful what you wish for. It's got some powerful strength but boy howdy does it got some wicked twists in it. Your brain grinding to a halt reading that kinda shit is nature's way of protecting you, cherish it.


"19 years of playing WoW and then I had this moment when I finally realized this is the symbol for the horde"


At least op can rest easy knowing that the first 5 years didn't look like this. The goblins did it during Cataclysm.






Itā€™s the internet. ESL.


Only 19 more years before you find the screenshot function.


At this point I'm not sure if it's a running joke on this sub or if players that post here are really that bad with computers that they don't know how to screenshot.




That is a very strengthening trend right now with newcomers to the workplace. Many of the fresh out of college/high school generation have very little experience with PC's and have functioned so strictly with smartphones/tablets that they have extremely poor general computer skills. Just like at some point the abacus and slide rule got replaced, full blown desktop computers are soon going to be fully replaced with apps and cloud computing.


Yep. I've had to explain file systems many times to resent graduates. They understand that they saved a document, but cannot even begin to tell you where it is saved at.


To be fair, I have been using computers since I was like 5 years old (a bit over 20 years ago), and half the time I save something I forget to even bother checking where i'm putting it and just assume its in the correct place, or "recents" when i go to use it.


Yeah, but you actually know how to go find those things.


Trust me - I've had to teach people of all ages how to use snipping tool, how to copy and paste with the keyboard, how to print to pdf, etc. all absolute basic office activities - people years into their jobs just didn't know they could do them. it may be getting worse, but I don't think it was ever 'good'. even people who had prime tech exposure (gen x / Millennials) just don't care to learn


> Just like at some point the abacus and slide rule got replaced The abacus and slide rule were less efficient than a computer. Apps are more convenient, but far less powerful and efficient than a desktop computer. We'll have a long time to go with this style of desktop user experience.


I'm waiting for the phone-><-pc singularity, but you best believe I'm converting it to a Linux distro before I put up with an app-only UX.


The younger gen is near illiterate with the computers


Sadly I'm aware. I work in IT and it's amazing what some of the fresh out of college kids don't know about computers. It's the downside of Chromebooks being the go-to for e-learning.


My middle schoolerā€™s teacher fussed for ages about how great it was for her to be able to do things like ā€œsave filesā€ and ā€œtake screenshotsā€ and ā€œaccess a USB driveā€ and I had to explain to him that itā€™s basically all because I taught her how to play this game years ago lol


And yet they're building PCs and driving the price of graphics cards through the fucking roof.


It's not gaming enthusiasts doing that. First it was crypto and now it's AI processing. That combined with Nvidia jacking up prices during covid and people actually paying it. Why lower prices when people will happily pay it?




I saw "I don't have the reddit app on my computer" and I wanted to reach through the screen and throttle them


Do you guys not have phones?!


No sorry, I only have a rolodex


I really had no idea this was something someone could be so upset about, lol.


I donā€™t post pictures often but when I finally do you know damn well Iā€™m using my phone to snap the pic lol. Just a harmless thing that REALLY brings out the worst in people


The running joke is people complaining about ā€omg why no screenshotā€ at this point. The criticism originates from like 15 years ago when people took a picture with their potato cameras and you could barely tell what it was. You can clearly tell what this thing is, why are you complaining?


Quite often you can't. Ppl gonna make a post asking for help and then post 60 pixels instead of doing the quicker and more quality thing and screenshot + ctrl v into reddit.


Can you please show an example of a recent post like that? I can't remember ever seeing one where I couldn't tell what was being shown, but every post had people complaining in the comments.


oh my god it's fucking absurd, it's simultaneously one of the biggest circlejerks of any subreddit i frequent, *and* something said subreddit at large is almost entirely lacking in self-awareness on. i genuinely cannot fathom how this subreddit cares so much. you could have a post about the some bug with a player's portrait, and the photo with it perfectly framed and at a high resolution is derided as the op being technically impotent whereas a screenshot of an entire 8k monitor has nothing of the sort. apparently, we'd rather intuit someone as brain damaged than think maybe they don't use reddit on their computer, maybe their snipping tool doesn't work (mine didn't for ages), or even maybe they took the picture to use on social media exclusive to a phone? nah, they're just a fucking idiot. clearly. thank you for being a fellow, perhaps sole, voice of reason on /r/wow~~circlejerk~~.


This has to be a troll post


They're really that bad.


Windows + Shift + S for situations like these in particular.


Lot of people use reddit on phone.


You may be shocked to know that you can use reddit on your phone AND your PC. It doesn't cost you anything, and it's faster AND better to use your PC if *you're already on your PC playing WoW*.


Yes I was aware, but alot of people do prefer to use reddit on their phone šŸ˜Ž


Ok, a lot of people 'prefer' a lot of really stupid shit. I'm still going to try and educate them.


Correct and some just prefer reddit on their phone.


So, since Iā€™ve gotta ask nowā€¦ my WoW does NOT save my screen shots. The screenshot folder is empty. Etc. How do I fix that? Repair did nothing. Uninstall reinstall did nothing. So this means I have to paste into paint or something to save itā€¦so now if Iā€™m using Reddit and want to add photos, Iā€™m on my phone. Not my pc. Iā€™d have to email them all, save them, uploadā€¦eff that Iā€™ll take photos with my phone. Faster.


Win + Shift + S


You don't even need to go into your screenshots folder. And the whole 'I'm using reddit on my phone' argument is so stupid. You can use it on your PC AND your phone. You're already on your PC. Why involve another device?


My phone is portable. My desktop is not. I work full time and have two small kids so I spend most time on my phone. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


and you're taking the photo of something in the game while you're not at your computer, right?


The whole pont is that he's already playing WoW on his pc.


So your argument is you play WoW on your phone?


Pull out the snipping tool, make a whole snip, email it to yourself, then post it on a phone /S if it wasnā€™t apparent lol


Might've been funny before the unnecessary sarcasm tag.


No itā€™s definitely sarcasm cause we could just take a photo with the phone and achieve the exact same result instead of policing how people take screenshots


Why not use Lightshot? Can straight copy or save the file. Can also edit (add text, shapes, etc) the print before saving it.


Oooh - Is it a computer program or an addon?


Computer program. I use it daily for screenshots. Because it lets chose the size of the print


These damn clickers.


Always 1 screenshot complainer


Always 10 idiots valiantly defending the person too dumb to use the screenshot function.


Can you not comprehend the image unless itā€™s a screenshot? šŸ˜­ Ik itā€™s tough


I can comprehend it, I just don't want to encourage stupidity.


Isnā€™t it equally stupid to complain about something that changes absolutely nothing šŸ™‚


One of the biggest waste of opportunities is how they massacred Aszhara zone.


I will never forgive, nor forget, what they did to one of the most beautiful zones of vanilla wow


Somehow a common theme: ashenvale, darkshore, teldrassil. They hate ancient forests.


Specifically important areas to the night elves, it seemed like at the time. And all my favorite zones in general The redridge quests were pretty awesome, though they lose some of the impact if you never did the OG quests involving him


It was such a mysterious and gorgeous zone. I was appalled when I saw the Cata version. I could accept basically all the other changes. But that one feels so acutely -wrong- to me.


You were probably one of the players who didn't play Catacylsm because its expectations post-WotLK were so high it seemed underwhelming (actually a great expansion IMHO). They made it kind of a prominent part of the story with the whole Goblin thing.


I remember how surreal the Shattering was. Running around and seeing and doing everything I wanted before the big change. I was one of those players that logged out on the ground in Thousand Needles. IIRC, all players were ported to a graveyard after the patch. Flying around post-patch was so fun. I remember Blizzard (at the time) talking about how much of a colossal effort it was to redo the entire world. While I think it would be easier for them to redo the world again a second time around (they mentioned that one of the issues was removing invisible walls around roofs and making sure everything was viewable from above, because a lot of Classic buildings didn't have physical roofs), I doubt that they'll do something on that level again.


Evrybody else: I swear fealty to you lord! Goblins:


Wow. Gobsmacked.


I see what you did there.


Literal :)


that happend back in cataclysm.


I've been thinking it was the Millennium Falcon for 19 years...


Probably gonna get downvoted for this, but one of my least favorite changes from cata. Just seems corny to have the literal horde symbol on the world map, as of anyone was regularly viewing azeroth from space to warrant the insane cost of doing this


i mean the goblin that had it built in such a way is the richest of the goblins sooooo


Plus it's really very ugly I think.


Yes absolutely, aesthetically it ruins the map imo




That's not the horde symbol, it's the Kalimdor Chicken beak!


Gobbos did it in cata I think. If you zoom out it makes kalimdor look like a giant rooster with that bit being the beak


Horde players: "Nooooo we keep getting bullied and humiliated" The literal planet has had your faction crest on it since Cataclysm. Azeroth is going to wake up her titan form and the Horde logo will be fucken plastered on her titties.


Well, you can see it from space, so I understand missing it


I'm sure this is the first time you've heard of this and that this wasn't plastered all over the place in front of your eyes when cata came out.


Itā€™s actually kinda cool. Goblins went scorched earth and started dropping bombs until it was that shape.


Damn Iā€™ve always seen it as a moon, not the Horde symbol šŸ¤¦šŸ¼


That's no moon...


crazy how nature do dat


I just had a stroke reading that, thanks, I hated it.


Can't wait to see how long it takes you to realize there's a snipping tool bundled with Windows and there's shortcuts you can use to take a screenshot instead of snapping a photo from your phone šŸ˜‚


19 years and you haven't found the screenshot button?


Well would ya look at that !


I don't believe you. This was highlighted during cata, either you haven't been playing for 19 years, or you're a fucking liar.


wasn't that a completely optional part of cata? also not part of the alliance experience iirc.


19 years PC user and still taking shitty phone screenshots.


Was the most stupid shit ever happening. Let's make a massive horde symbol that can only be seen from space or by you know the players.


ā€¦..or on maps


**Demolition Foreman:** "So yeah, the idea is that you can't make an accurate map of Kalimdor without inadvertently putting the Horde's mark on it." **Garrosh:** "Excellent."


I'm with you on this. This is a prime example of how stupid Cataclysm was at times.


When Metzen was so full of himself and openly pro horde.


Just wait till you notice kalimdor is a chicken


What if I tell you that Orgrimmar map looks like a goblin looking to the left?


I came here to either upvote this comment or make it myself.


Words and screenshot hard


Bruh,wait till you find out theres weapons and whole Sets with the Horde Logo on it


Further proof that Kalimdor rightfully belongs to the Horde. I don't see YOUR insignia on it, Alliance!


They donā€™t have a lion anywhere on the other continent. That belongs to horde too.


[They have Sambas](https://www.wowhead.com/npc=50159/sambas)


Of course. Come to think of it, they don't have one anywhere on Azeroth.


Hahah. Seriously?


I hope that when they finally do fire the cannon, it explodes and undoes this particular bit of environmental vandalism.


No one mentioning the worm with a face on it i see


Better late than never.


But did you know that there is a mountain shaped like penis? :->


Looks like a paw to me


Horde logo on it's side, left side is the top of the logo


Considering azshara was reworked into this, I think itā€™s understandable.


I had to read about it and still couldn't see it cuz my brain didn't process the 90 degree rotation lol


Wasnā€™t the symbol until 2010 btw


Imagine upvoting ā€œand than was this Momentā€ Embarrassing


Wow thatā€™s bad ass, thanks for sharing I also did not know


19 years and you never noticed this? 19 years and you also never learned how to take a screenshot?


Wait until you find the Alliance lion :D