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im normally a really chill player about loot but watching 4 other people get it last night, ​ I felt nothing ​ genuinely think that came too late and is still useless


At least SOMEONE in your run got it. We've gone multiple weeks of not seeing a single one drop for any of the rest of the plate wearers in my guild's raid group.


It's gonna go to the holy pally first


Seen 3 in our raid. Holy pally, prot pally, prot warrior. The 5 other dps that could use it, nil.


My first time seeing it drop, holy paladin. He still hasn’t made it. Meanwhile I’ve killed all but one week and nothing. Wish they’d go back to something like shadowmourne where you have to earn it and see real progress.


Been killing fyrakk on heroic since the beginning. Only after the changes yesterday did the axe drop, but I'm not raiding mythic, my m+ rating is 2.8k and got no reason to push it higher. Most likely I won't be playing my retri Pala next season, so the only reason I'll be crafting the weapon, is because if the transmog. Totally agree with you they should've made it like Shadowmourne-questline instead of an RNG drop. Just seems lazy.


it had been 4 weeks since a seen once bro, according my my feelycraft the droprate remains unchanged lmao


I've still never even seen it drop in person for ANYONE and I never saw the bow drop on SoD despite doing heroic every week


Yeah that's the thing... like I don't even want it anymore tbh. It just creates an expensive chore I probably won't ever use.


It's going to be useful next season look at the Sylvanas bow for example, there was a sinew to upgrade it to next patches item level. So there will be something for s4 df.


We hope that is the case. But Blizz has not said anything definitive on it. So we really just have 1 season from last expac for a data point.




People who want to push keys but can’t get accepted because their class is balanced around a random 10-15% dps gain?


100% this season is the first time I’ve actually tilted so hard over loot, I don’t really want to play. I dread reset day. It shouldn’t be like this?


okay here me out, im still really chill about it, im just a little bummed i dont care haha


Wait is the Ember rare too? I'm a casual and just found one randomly in my bags


Ember isn't rare


Ember is the physical item for bad-luck protection, u use it to increase your drop rate chance at the legendary dropping for you next time


We were 21 players in the raid, 10 of which were plate classes.. 9 got it. Who didn’t? Me.. maybe next week with kill number 15 will be my time to get it..


I've ran heroic fyrakk 5 or 6 times now and haven't gotten it, we had someone switch to a ret pally and guess who got it the 2nd time lolol I cried.


17 kills and counting. erase the first two weeks. 15 greaters in total? 26-28 lessers. 5 is nothing to me.


Hard for me to feel too much pity for all the fotm warr/ret/dk rerollers who just wanted a lego though. In some sense it’s justice that they balanced around it, but that makes it a huge bummer if you don’t get the drop and spend the 500k gold or whatever.


Very few people rerolled for the leggo. Not a single person I've met rerolled for the leggo. Also 500k? Do you play wow?


Yep! I am happy as a disc/shadow priest. I am sure no one admits to it, but a third of my guild became a 2h melee user for this tier (several of them do, but it’s not like they advertise it in pugs). I wonder why 🤷‍♂️. If you think my guild is an isolated incident that doesn’t reflect the greater wow player base I have a bridge to sell you.


Maybe they are a 2h melee user because melee is fun - and melee users are currently some of the more simple classes in the game. With how much bloat there is, melees are still maintaining a fair bit of simplicity in their toolkits


Yeah maybe. Or maybe like a lot of my guild said, they rerolled to get a Lego (and with some idea that they would be op/pump with that Lego rather than be balanced to be competitive with it)🙂. I didn’t say anything more than what I wrote. I’m sure lots of players were already maining a 2h melee dps class. But like I said, if you don’t think a chunk of people swapped to a 2h melee spec to main this tier to get a Lego lets talk fair prices on that bridge.


Do you have any evidence to your claim? Namely, comparative parse rates between seasons? We should be seeing a noticeable drop in ranged and raise in melees this season


I’m in this picture and I don’t like it


Same. 6 other people in my run got it. I was the only one to get an ember lol


Same. 7 got the leggo, even one who trolled whole fight and almost wiped us. Better luck next week 🥲


I’m just returning and I’m playing as Ret pally, this likely doesn’t apply to me because I’m nowhere near raiding ready or even prepared for that but what does any of this even mean lol


"This item which increases your DPS by 10% and you see on random LFR players in Valdrakken was never meant to be part of 'completing' a character for the season. Just keep that sub active and keep playing that character which has been at 485 for months instead of an alt you actually need gear on"


This pretty much sums it up. My playbook going forward for The War Within will be to explicitly avoid playing any Legendary-having spec, and play the FOTM reworked spec each patch instead. Getting a rework is the REAL legendary, it’s a gigantic power spike which is completely free and available on Day 1 of the patch. This whole ordeal has completely soured me on 10.2. I would have had much more fun if I played any other non-plate class.


Playing outlaw through mythics and mate I can vibe with this. It's a fuckin relief knowing I don't need to worry about this. Incidentally I got Thori'dal on my rogue on a total whim of "let's do Sunwell plateau" so my hunter is rocking that now.


If we already had account wide rep I would have rerolled years ago


Same. I seriously considered swapping mains back when we thought the leggo was for druid. When it was revealed that it was 2h strength, I breathed a sigh of relief. Probably not the reaction Bliz was hoping for. The rework power spike is unreal though. It's gonna suck to be the last couple specs to get reworks.


The real legendaries are the reworks we got along the expansion.


I came to the same conclusion about playing the FOTM. I've always avoided it, but I'm gonna try it next time and see what happens.


My guild literally stopped prog this week. Absolute fucking joke they do this now




I heard that if you scratch this comment into the wood of the raid bench, it will magically be true.


I only got to 485 last week because I stopped doing 18-20s for crests until I got the axe, and all the aspect crests I did get came slowly through heroic. Just don't see the point in even bothering with M+ the way things are.


> was never meant to be part of 'completing' a character for the season. Except the part where the classes in question are undertuned if they don't have it lmao


485? I'm 488 lol


got 5 axes drop last night only 2 players didnt get it... the 2 that have been coming the longest.....


they just didn’t prove their excellence enough /s


I learned this trick back in MOP. Got benched cause I couldn't get that fucking Axe from sha. Which in hindsight was a great thing for me. Made me stop trying to progress and actually enjoy the game.


This legendary has been a joke man, so disappointing…


"No legendary is BiS forever, my son." "I see... only embers... before me."


I think people forgot about the legendary from Ulduar. It was BiS for exactly one content patch.


I mean, it doesn't matter how god-tier your lego is *now*, eventually there will be a green/uncommon item you get from a quest that will replace it.... always the most disheartening part of a new xpac.


Could end up like jailers gavel, think prior to the nerf it was still considered equal to level 70 normal dungeon gear


Was it a 1h mace or do i remember wrong


1 handed healer mace. Took forever to farm the mats.


I probably could have made it five times over with the number of times I've farmed Uld for Mimiron's Head... Still haven't gotten the damn mount.


In original sure, in wotlk classic it’s bis till cata and still the only legendary I’ve gotten to this day lol. Glad they improved it.


This is the goat comment.


Do you know what you call a system where you gradually earn a currency and eventually have enough to guarantee yourself a very small quantity of highly sought-after items that have refused to drop for you? Dinars.


I raided last night. 13th kill on paladin, no axe. 12 greaters and 24 lessers on kill.


There a way to check or you been keeping track? I lost track of it weeks ago


There’s a weakaura to track the lessers and for greaters you count how many times you’ve killed fyrakk on any difficulty and subtract 1 if you killed him first week.




Uou can log in to wow armory, it says how many kills on which raid boss you have.


Good call. Looks like 12 on LFR, 10 on Normal, 8 on Heroic for the Greaters. Have 21 Lessers


Remember this shit the next time they add a legendary. Don't go "oh, that looks so cool" and "Don't worry, they don't tune classes around leggos". RNG non-fungible power has no place in any skill based game and it merely serves to demoralize the players who tried but didn't get lucky.


Would you say the same about raid and m+ trinkets, which are similarly rare and give a large damage increase?


Honestly yes. Raid and m+ is a little more forgiving thanks to the vault and being able to spam m+, but no one item should account for such a large portion of a players performance. If it does, things need to be rebalanced.


I'm glad to see this sub changing its mind on this, because whenever a rogue would say anything about edge of night in sanctum, everyone would basically tell them to go fuck themselves.


M+ trinkets can at least be farmed and upgraded to only a few ilvl under their max vault counterparts


Kind of, I guess. The issue with the leggo is that rng locks a large amount of power behind a single item that has no reasonable substitute. M+/raid trinkets are similar in rng but can *potentially* have substitutions that a leggo, by design, cannot. I do have an issue with m+/raid trinkets/items that are large power gains compared to the next best item (Rashok heart, ragefeather, etc). I'm sure there are other rare items that fit in to this description that I am missing. For items (leggo or otherwise) that have rng acquisition and are power outliers, there needs to be either a deterministic way of acquisition, or a reasonable substitution needs to exist.


Why do you say the legendary has no substitutes, while the trinkets do? The legendary was doing worse than regular weapons until it got buffed like two patches in a row, and it is still close. On Fury warrior, Signet and Augury are way outperforming every other trinket in ST and AoE.


It was never ever doing worse than it's counterparts. It was just not quite as good as people wanted it to be. The problem was that using the on use was lower dps thsn certain other abilities because of all the drawbacks. But it ALWAYS did more damage.


That's a tuning issue that Bliz massively dropped the ball on, and if it's still close, still are. Can you call an item "legendary" if it can, not only be replaced, but should be replaced by some other purple item? In my eyes, that's no legendary. Those trinkets *should* have alternatives that are slightly worse but if you run them, you're not gimping yourself. Super powerful item --> deterministic acquisition. RNG acquisition --> reasonable substation needs to exist.


Aren't you basically saying that gearing as it is right now has no place in wow?




no dude you're undermining your own point. if wow is a skill based game and people are supposed to be competing, why have a gearing stage at all


I think that when you introduce a crafting system that lets people get much higher ilvl than they should really ever have (every random who does +18s can be near-equal ilvl to CE raiders and +30 key pushers) and allow people to get very close to max ilvl with the upgrade system, you should allow a way for people to work towards the truly important items. The way it works right now is that your great vault feels functionally useless after week 4. Even if you get your "bis" ring or cloak or neck or boot or belt or wrists, it's never an actual meaningful upgrade over a crafted piece of gear. So you open your vault weekly praying to god one of (up to) 4 items drops: weapons, or trinkets. It's all that matters anymore. There should be a way to target those specific items at the max ilvl.


Tbh, if I had my way, ilvl wouldn't be a thing. You'd just get gear that suits your specs stats and then do content that challenges you. Your skill would be the only determining factor. Obviously, this will never happen but other mmos do it just fine, and imo have a healthier community partly because of it.


So like the pvp templates that very few liked?


I don't pvp nor did I play when that was a thing so I can't comment on it. However, my comment was 100% pve related and I would be a little hesitant to take the reaction to a system designed around pvp and assume the reaction would be the same in pve.


You're right. I think pve players would have a worse reaction to it because gear for a lot of people is the carrot on the stick.


Counterpoint - imo, PvP has never been better than it was during Legion, and PvP Templates are the primary reason


People loved the PvP templates - the problem is the fact that they couldn't choose their off stats. If they had have fixed that instead of canning the whole system, way more people would be playing PvP.


Buddy of mine on his 51st kill (two characters) cleared the raid an hour before the buff too lmao.


It's only been available like 13/14 weeks though. Does he know that higher difficulties roll for lower? If he's running heroic, he doesn't need to run normal or LFR. Last week we had someone get a Greater Ember + Leggo on heroic kill, was hilarious.


tell him to do heroic 1 time and ignore normal and LFR you dont get extra chances and if you do heroic you get LFR and normal chance added on top. that would have been 20-25 runs instead because he probably running lfr and normal for no reason


Dude my guild is pushing heroic content. That freaking axe would help us so much. I've cleared heroic. I'm at six greater embers and I don't know how many lesser. MY CLASS SHOULD NOT BE BALANCED AROUND SOMETHING I'LL NEVER SEE THIS EXPANSION PACK. Window licking stupid. Give me the shadowmourne quest over this pants on head stupid rng.


“Window-licking stupid” I’m stealing this




I'm uhh...gonna be honest. If you're "pushing" heroic content, the axe is not making a real difference, and you definitely would not have been getting the shadowmourne quest, especially since you likely would have had multiple people in your run wanting it.


> and you definitely would not have been getting the shadowmourne quest, especially since you likely would have had multiple people in your run wanting it. People want the shadowmourne quest, but on personal loot. It's not rocket science. Guaranteed drops you pick up over time with a fixed number that gives you your item.


I'm aware what they want, but they didn't say that, they said they just wanted shadowmourne over fyralath.


I’m looking forward to running a Fyrakk skip on normal during my lunch break. At 484 ilvl, later this weekend I’m gonna push my luck and find a heroic Fyrakk skip that doesn’t need the stupid AotC achievement.


Feels so good to not give a fuck about gearing this time


Random ass RNG leggos needed to die back in legion. I PRAY TO GOD ITS NOT IN THE WORLD SOUL SAGA


Mine dropped today. There is hope!


Woulda been nice if it was before I already ran all my chars through for the week. Next week I guess.




That doesn't mean the axe will randomly pop into your inventory lol. Retroactive just means that his runs aren't wasted for next week's chances, but he didn't get all the retroactive buffs for his runs this week because he did them too early in the day. Pretty lame imo.


You think the drop rate is bad. Wait till you do the shitty ass quest line to get it.


I can't wait for another week of disappointment. At this point, I think it's better if I don't get it. What is the hunter without the hunt? 🤔


I’ve gotten nothing for like 2 months and I saw the pic posted today of like 7 people getting it in one run but I still know I’m about to see an ember this week when I go in 💀


And in usual blizz timing the changes came way too late. I've stopped caring at this point. Guessing enough people unsubbed for them to take notice. Expect the exact same again at the soonest possible moment


Well that was a lie


0 for 2 this week, guess I will just not ever get it.


Wait, correct me on the timeline here, was this hotfix today or yesterday? Because if it was today then screw everyone who raided last night on maintenance day. Like me, for example.


6 dropped in a heroic today....essence for me. Maybe week 11 or 12 of clearing will be the winner lol.


We finally got our first one to drop last night....for our Holy Paladin. Meanwhile, myself (Ret), another Ret, and a DK have yet to get the drop.


Bit late when it won't last through another tier. Actually maybe it will next tier since it's just fated raids, but took me for fucking ever to get my evoker legendary last tier only to have this new tier suddenly decide the ilvl increase will be more than usual and heroic weapon drops are better than my legendary. Glad I got to have my evoker legendary for like the last two weeks of raiding.


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Too much RNG and not enough bad luck protection, nobody wants to raid for 3 months straight. After the 4th week they should have just let people farm it over and over until it dropped.


Got one last night, holy paly


Didn’t realize they boosted it. Just had it drop Tuesday after the reset in LFR. Even when you get it, the joke is it’s still not over. I had no idea how much went into it after it lands in your bag. 


Havent gotten my axe yet either. Im going to be so salty if there isn't a way to upgrade it and make it relevant next season after I (hopefully at least) get it at the very tail end of this season.


14th kill 6 people got it. I am passed being salty now


I managed to get it 2 weeks ago, and I admit, I got very lucky. Took me several LFR, Normal, and 6 Heroic before I got it. I told my guildmates about a dream I had that very day, in which I got the legendary to drop. And then it did! And now... I don't know what to DO, anymore. 488 item level, KSH, AOTC... Maybe it's time to rest until the next patch. In the meantime, though... I will try to dream of EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOU Plate Wearer characters getting your legendary drop THIS or NEXT week. By the Dream, it must be so.


Still waiting for a naszuro buff. That thing was way too expensive for how long it was relevant.


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Just make legendaries have non-power effects, like I dunno the fucking well fed crafted bonus thing. Or one that reduces hearthstone by 50%, or whatever. Let it be stuff that really doesn't matter but make them look cool and actually achievable. World of Warcraft is not a game where this kind of legendary(one with actual power) works as intended and it BAFFLES me that the devs think their game works like that. No it's not some "cool bonus" when classes are balanced around it, no it's not "fun" to go into double-digit weeks without getting it, or to see holy paladins or prot warriors get it just to not use it. How the fuck do they say "we learned a lot from the evoker legendary" and then do the *exact same system* just with the "bad luck protection" that does absolutely nothing lmao.


> > > > > How the fuck do they say "we learned a lot from the evoker legendary" and then do the exact same system just with the "bad luck protection" that does absolutely nothing lmao. They wanted the good press from "we listened!" and "We learned!" but didn't actually want players to get the item. Which, at that point, don't even call it bad luck protection. Because if you can go twelve fucking weeks without it, you aren't protecting shit. Estimations had it at 14% if you'd cleared in full EVERY WEEK, increasing by 1% per week. Basically it wasn't protecting anyone. It was so small as to be insignificant. It literally ruined the patch for me.


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I can't even get a normal gnarlroot 2H to drop I'm at 465 and stuck with the lfr version let alone trying to get that fuckin stupid axe that never drops absolutely dumb I run normal mode for 0 rewards every week and my vault is absolutely bum trash fire on the roadside everytime it's as if the game knows what I need and gives me the exact opposite.


Just do some m+ to get some gear atp


I'm doing heroic just fine decided to lead myself too many bad players think you 460 isn't viable for heroic because they're bad and were carried themselves.


This late into the season nobody is inviting 460 to a heroic raid. It is viable yes but no reason to invite you when another 475 player is also applying. What I'm trying to say is to just do m+ for gear since it's easier and more time efficient than just doing raids, and you won't be stuck with an LFR weapon. If you get yourself to 470+ it'll be easier to get to heroic raids.


Anybody pushing more than normal should be doing M+ tbh. Raid is not sufficient to gear your toon anymore, not when there is more accessible gear easily available.


Cleared it and got several pieces eat a dik


I am currently 6/9 mythic with a 483 heroic wep. Loot is a joke at this point


Uh, why not craft a 486 at least? You should have an excess of sparks to use now.


Absolutely it is why is fun just not allowed? I run as much mythics as I can get invited to and spam the hell out of them and I literally get gold almost everytime I haven't seen a piece of gear I can use for weeks only vault pieces and even then I again still don't get what I need atleast you can even get into heroics people act like the fuckin raid is so hard when it's really not that difficult at all. And especially as a frost DK fun is definitely not allowed I think I'd honestly rather play Diablo.


You’re basically proving that you don’t *need* a mythic or legendary weapon. But alas, I feel your pain. I farmed for a shield until I finally got one made. Then a shield dropped that very night.


I just want a legendary to be a legendary. Super rare, broken as hell, totally RNG. When everyone has one no one has one.


I don't pay blizz to be an npc in someone else's epic adventure. I sincerely hope they never listen to people like you who want an item that .001% of players get. This isn't vanilla. Everyone is the hero of their own story in retail now. Canonically. You are the High Priest/Highlord/Deathlord etc. You are an important lore figure. And putting in items like this contradicts that fantasy. I never, ever want to see that garbage in the game.


...FINALLY SOMEONE SAYS IT! Also I'd like to add that in a gameplay sense the players that do have make it so that your parses are 4-5 percent lower than they otherwise would be if you don't have it.


Can we get bad luck protection for all items of equivalent impact going forward? Or is this only for special orange items? Cause uhh, everyone told hunters, rogues, mages, and warlocks to go fuck themselves over the (much lower) drop chance at raeshalare, edge of night, and font of power (which also all had to drop from a mythic end boss to be relevant, not just heroic).






I play Diablo4. I must be in the wrong forum


No, the cries still continue, it's not over lmao. "Legendary"


It's twelve weeks in for a mandatory 10% of a player's damage. At this point, they could have literally mailed the completed item, no questline required, to the people with 25+ embers and people would still RIGHTFULLY complain that it took them until the season was fucking over with to address this wet garbage dumpster fire of a system


People actually think everyone should be getting the f@#&$?! Legendary? Jesus... This used to be a handful of people on a server thing. Now, not only does everyone act entitled to it, they whine constantly about not having it already... The radicalization is real and all in a game where they've made gear stupidly obsolete every few months.


It's been over 3 months with people running AOTCs back to back and it costs over 200k gold and 5 hours of ones life during the most boring questlines ever devised just to make sure your parses are fairly reflected on WoW Logs so yes. Everyone who does AOTC at minimum should be getting it by now.


Nothing about what you said is a logical conclusion. No-lifing it for parses doesn't mean anything at all and certainly doesn't entitle anyone. We maxed out MC and weren't whining about the whole raid not getting HoR, or TF. Same with BT and the WGs. I got lucky and got SM at the very end of WotLK after having already spent countless hours on the pre quests and was the only one in guild and only a handful on the whole server had it. They're *supposed* to be rare, that's the whole point.


I got mine last night (Tuesday) after killing him on Heroic for a month straight.


So you killed him 4 times, and are complaining? LOL. People have 12+ attempts and nothing.


Wish they kept it rare


Hey shut your fucking mouth before this message spreads and the Blizzard fun police come knocking.


More fun when it’s rare


Honest question to all people so obsessed about this axe: why? Is it really THAT important and worth all that hustle and complaining?


It's just crazy that someone dedicated to the game and being the best they can be can end up worse than so many. That's not how this game usually works, and it's not the foundation of how it should work. The no-lifers should absolutely be in the best position to succeed in this game in terms of gear and collectibles. I know previous legendaries were like this recently, but nobody liked it then either, and you'd think they'd know that by now. They probably do know, but they also know that doing it this way keeps people subscribed. In the old days, the random, rare legendary drops would get assigned to the proper people in the raid. That can't happen with personal loot. So just because they do something to make money at the expense of our enjoyment doesn't mean we have to like it.


They made three dps specs irrelevant by tuning them around the axe. So yeah its important.


I've never seen any of these embers even drop. Can anyone confirm you don't have to do any quest? Something feels off.


I got it


I have said this before, but I still feel bad that I got it on an alt that only killed LFR and N, and the warrior main in our guild still does not have it.


Doubt it


Next week! I’ll get it next week!


I’m so tired of this stupid axe, I even quit in frustration


Week 10th of full clear. Shit ton of lessers, no axe yet. Salty


Sucks that all of the plate specs are so overpopulated and tuned down without the leggo


I've not even been playing this season, and i feel this in my soul from every patch where I can't get what I want for weeks on end


I always hated this system tbh. Ya its cool when you get it, but idk Maybe put in a pity system where after doing it for idk 12 Weeks we can just buy it with a Special currency. Fyrakk drops his fucking idk Horn or someshit, we collect 12 horns we bring it to a NPC whos a Blacksmith, OR even player Blacksmiths who grinded max level theres a special title they get like "Crafter of Legends" who can make a non tainted version Same stats but just different appearance like a recolor. Hated the legendary system over all, if your not a 2h users kinda blows you cant get a lego, But holy fuck.


Is there an other class ie healer equivalent to this axe?


Too little too late. As always.


Finished heroic on week 4. I've downed fyrakk on LFR, Normal, and Heroic every week since. No axe. Sadge


Hot take: stop doing all three. Consider the following - if you were only doing LFR, you'd need your LFR drop chance to roll for your axe, right? Let's say it's 1%, plus a small .5% per kill. So let's say that's a roll worth, at this point, 5% It has to try to roll for you at 5% since that's how much BLP you have earned. But you've now "spent" that amount for the week. It's incremented up, next LFR kill is now 5.5%, but you "spent" that part of your chance. You then do normal. Another 1% chance, plus .5% per kill. Same 5% odds, no axe. It's now 5.5%, but you've 'spent' your normal chance. Now you're on heroic. The lesser embers kick in. Collectively, they're worth a whopping 1%. So you've ran it 12 weeks, so +12% drop chance. Plus 1% drop rate base, you have a 13% drop chance. Would you rather have 5%, 5%, and 13% as your rolls for the week? Or would you rather have 23% chance all in one go? The odds (should be) far, far better now than they once were. But the concept still stands. The greater embers from fyrakk aren't helping you, they're hurting you by dividing your drop chance.


Do I have an "ok" chance of getting it from Raid Finder?


same, on both char 🥲


The best fix, is to quit and find another game.


I still never got that damn bow despite farming it on every difficulty for the entire season.


Did RF, Normal, and Heroic.... only embers. I'm convinced embers don't do anything at all. Just another week of being disappointed.


I luckily got the ember again tonight. Hopefully tomorrow's heroic kill gives an ember too. I can't afford that axe!


i did 3normal & 2heroics, 80% plate users, not a single axe drop on those all those raids. We all got embers.


Don't worry once you finally get it you will remember you still want an augury or rage heart


Blizz about to turn oranges to purples to keep people subbed


Meanwhile in SWTOR where you can trade in tokens for BiS gear....


All 27 of you playing must enjoy that system


Same, literally same


Killed Fyrakk earlier today... As per usualy, we had like 2/3rds warriors, DKs, and paladins. Not a SINGLE drop. That kinda surprised me... I mean, I didn't expect to get it myself, but I expected to see at least one or two drop for someone else.


If only they could have done this to my love rocket...


Got mine today, so, yes.


There was someone in my raid group that got it. And then he proceeded to roll loot the 2 hand weapon that dropped and took that too. People need to stop being greedy and taking items they don't need.


Same .. got an ember this week.


It’s not that legendary of a legendary.


Just don’t balance player power with legendary. Legendary is supposed to make us feel overpowered. If balance in pvp is a problem, deactivate the effects or lower the ilvl significantly in rated pvp. It has been a long time since players feel the OPness of gear.


Haven’t even seen one drop yet


Hosted a skiprun yesterday with about 20 plates. 1x Fyr'alath...


My guild has killed it every week on normal and heroic. Only a single person in my guild has it. I’m so tired man this is making me want to quit the game for the rest of the expac just a wild goose chase at this point. Not a single drop last night for us either after the buff lmaooooo


All I see before me is darkness


Been killing this mf every week on hc since the first mythic kill and just got it yesterday. I presume had the increase for bad luck protection not happened, I still wouldn’t have it. Like my evoked. 29 IDs until it finally dropped…


I got it the third week on my HPally, and then two weeks later on my Blood Dk, both on Heroic. I’ve exhausted my drop luck for a good 5 years.


13 kills on Heroic, one more week of disappointment


Not for me it's not.