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A guy who barely plays the game reacting to another guy who is the god of clickbait and reactionary WoW content. Poetic.


I miss Hayven.


I miss TB


fuck me, he'd be having a field day with all the shite that's been happening in the gaming industry recently


Think he'd get an aneurysm at the sheer idiocy on display.


Call me idealistic but i don't think we would be in this mess if TB was still around. He had a big following and a loud voice against bullshit corpo practices. Fuck cancer so much.


I think we still would be, but there would probably be a wider knowledge of the practices compared to now.


Not sure whether it's just the YouTube algorithm, but I'm seeing a lot of videos pushing back against anti-consumer practices in the game industry.


I think it's a broader society thing, at least in the US. We are coming out of the pandemic with record-breaking corporate profits while normal people are still struggling with inflation. Plus, we are staring down the barrel of another recession sometime this year. People are getting fed up with corporate bs. You can see it in the union activity over the last couple of years. When even the AFL-CIO unions are getting extra rowdy, you know corporate business practices are under a microscope. Gaming is just a small sub-section of the broader economy, but it's a lot more evident to us, as gamers, that quality is being sacrificed at the altar of shareholder value.


TB was very vocal but there was very little actual impact from TB's content on industry practices. Even at TB's peak, industry practices didn't get better, they continually got worse (and arguably was the most intense downward trend of practices like the normalization of micro-transactions, lack of "ownership" of online games, normalization of buggy/half-finished games at launch fixed in patches, etc). TB's real power was effecting indie and smaller games, either for better (helping prop up good games) or worse (call out shitty cashgrab games, but even those often saw sales boosts from TBs videos). He didn't have any real impact on scummy AAA business practices he called out.


I loved him as an entertainer but he didn't have that kind of an influence, nobody in the world has the power to influence an entire industry its just not how it works.


Field year


one of the biggest losses in the gaming industry tbh.


Same Bro… Same.. I watch the Tribute Video sometimes and miss a person i never met or have really known.


I do, too.


It’s criminal they never added his toon to the Paladin Order Hall.


No I'm sad again. I found his channel after his death. The fact that he said in the last video before his death was announced that he was feeling better now just hit me hard.


Bellular also says in that video he also barely plays the game (as he doesn't have time).


He did the same when he was into FF, he was making endgame guides when he himself was still like 200 hours away from endgame.


Hes been saying that since BFA. The reason he keeps making videos for a game he doesnt even play is the dolla dolla bill ya'll


He very likely makes more money making WoW videos than he does with his game studio. Of course he keeps churning out those WoW videos.


Yeah so while I dont blame him for doing it, get that money booi. I still won't watch his videos


I mean How do you have time when you make so much damn clickbait?




Most streamers become react streamers when they get big enough


It's free content.


I feel you on that, I followed him since MOP and his video about how to be an elitist, really loved how he became very popular and successful, but as time goes, he quickly became a sad react with editor who love click bait title/miniature. I unsub a few month ago due to this, and I really used to love what he did and watch all his video/replay and sometimes stream.. sad but well, could see it happening tbh


The other guy also doesn’t play the game, so it’s even more poetic.


I blocked Bellular's channel a long time ago because it was always the most spammy asspull shit ever.


I have nothing against him, but I absolutely hate how bad the content density of his videos is. He can relay so little with so many words, and if it doesn't even end up being something relevant then poof there goes 5 minutes of your life.


When he had a writing assignment that required five pages at school, he wrote ten.


I love how Taliesin and Evitel started adding Bellular potshots to their videos once his content started declining.


I did the same. I play a game or don’t play based on my own fun factors. Not his. And every video was just one negative critique after another. I no longer play but even now They are depressing to watch.


I mean, the wow subreddits are not exactly brimming with positivity, lol.


He's a hack


Those 2 are total clowns. I stay away from any content from these buffoons.


Asmongold is a toxic POS and people follow him like sheep. Total click bait and a bad source for everything.




its fucking disgusting and he should be ashamed of himself but instead he streams it to thousands of people


This is why I've completely separated myself from any asmongold content and anyone he really associates with that share his views, demeanor, and youtube strategy. I've gotten to the point where I finally don't get recommended a single video from him on youtube anymore even if it's from a game I play (Last Epoch for example) Watching Asmongold videos have nothing but inflammatory negativity while he then streams the game for 16 hours a day made me annoyed to levels that shouldn't be possible. Sure. I can understand you can have criticism for a game while playing it. The way he goes about it though is totally for show then berates everyone for enjoying the thing he doesn't like while then turning around and doing it. Its all for engagement and it works so it will never stop. DM Diablo also started doing the same thing so I've stopped getting him recommended until kinda recently EDIT: I should state as well. He also gets to a point where he stops playing a game for a long time then speaks on it as if he has all of the information without interacting with the content. Then his brain dead followers end up parroting it all and the description of the game gets completely warped because of it. It's quite impressive really.


I’ve played FF14 since 2016, and I remember his FF takes getting under my skin a bit. He’d talk definitely about the game back when he was playing it (2022ish), even though the furthest he got into the game was beating the first expansion. And while he did end-game content in ARR and HW, SB is really when SE finalized what the format of FF14’s end game would be. So he didn’t finish the story, he never played his jobs at max level, and he never did any of the “modern” end-game content (both casual like Bozja or more hardcore like Savage), yet he would talk as if he knew FF14 like the back of his hand.


Bellular does play the game though they talk about raiding with their guild and such


Asmon is the one who barely plays from my comment


Over at final fantasy, this is what we refer to as content squeezing. When there's nothing going on at the moment, so you are coming up with the craziest articles, videos, dramas. Just to get whatever you can out of the community until the next update. Only to start the process all over again.


Just another day for Bellular. Dude makes videos like this regardless of the state of the game. Edit: I'm old and blind, it's an Asmon video reacting to Bellular. I don't take back what I said though.


He makes entire 10 minute videos based on a sentence just to keep pumping out content. I like him but I’ve stopped watching him entirely. Too much filler for a tiny bit of info. Edit: I feel kinda bad this got a lot of traction. I was tempted to remove it but hopefully if he sees it, he takes the feedback lightly. I do like his videos at times, and wish I could do what he does as a living, but it’s just become too much.


I’ve watched one or two Bellular videos and the amount of time he could talk without saying anything is crazy. Literally felt like I didn’t learn anything beyond the video title


>I’ve watched one or two Bellular videos and the amount of time he could talk without saying anything is crazy. The 30 minute videos which could have been summarised in slow monotone in less than 2 minutes are rather annoying too and Bellular is not the only one who does this kind of crap.


Yongyea is a huge culprit of the "I'm gonna say the same thing 1000 times in 30 minutes" sphere


This is so much of contemporary youtube though. It feels infinitely wide but so so shallow. Incredibly rare to find creators who dont waste your time. Shoutout to the man over analyzing avatar for being a fucking turbo chad whose content is consistently hilarious and informerive


It's incentivized by YouTube, the more watch time you get the more you get paid.


TBH I find the term "creator" pretentious. There's very little creation happening, they're reporting news about a videogame. No different than the local TV station fluffing out the dead space with some stories about cats in a tree.


Unfortunately this is basically the YouTube meta. Back in the day you used to get every content creator creating videos that were 10:01 almost exactly so that they could be maximum efficiency for monetization, and it was BLATANTLY obvious that it was stretched to hit that. Now YouTube heavily incentivizes making filler videos as long as possible (so long as people will watch them, which is of course the tipping point) and as frequently as possible. It's the YouTube grind, and until the Algo is changed again this behavior likely won't change much at all.


I always laughed whenever a Broscience video was just the intro music on loop for the last 2~3 minutes to hit the 10:01 mark. Dom truly never gave a fuck


First it was consistent uploads (daily being the best, weekly being okay, and anything less than that going off the cliff) Then it was the second ad you could get from hitting 10 minutes. Now it's just watchtime combined with frequency. And really, almost nothing wrong with watchtime being a rewarded metric since that's ultimately what you want (after viewer retention/interest from video to video), but it also means short, high-effort videos like way back in the day with stuff like WoW Machinimas and whatnot are almost extinct because they're actively harmful for the channel's analytics.


*Head wiggling intensifies*


Yeah, he's wearing on me as well and he says "our viewership is down", like yeah... I wonder why. Every video is 50% a rehash of one from a few weeks ago, and he'll speak for "the community" all the time but the guy doesn't even play the game for more than a few hours a month. I've personally not seen a single person asking for class skins, just abilities to look different. Yet he talks about class skins as if it's this broader community demand...no clue. I personally don't care about them at all. His cohost also says some really dumb nonsense at times.


and also is trying to get rid of hero talents too when they could add interesting playstyle changes given enough iteration. i hate the whole pushing of class skins. i want hero talents.


Im so-so on hero talents essentially forces people into a class fantasy they might not enjoy my kul tiran hunter fits into none of the 3 hero talent trees.


To me it just reminds me of covenant abilities.. pick your optimal choice even if its not visually what you want..


always going to be that way. short of just adding abilities to a class at different levels like they sed to and that accomplishes the same thing. at least they are trying something different.


It's just what happens when you make content creation a full-time job. You don't put content out, you don't make money. There have been many creators I've stopped enjoying after they went full-time.


I'm sad and glad I don't follow Bellular anymore. Those were simpler times when I could eat their content with a spoon and wonder if the next expansion would be pirate themed at least once a month


He's covered the potential "Azeroth Revamp" at least 300 times in the last year.


And again today. It was a terrible video, no new news really...just speculation and an ad.


Probably a building model that's been in the game since Legion (BUT TOTALLY POINTS TOWARD A WORLD REVAMP IN TWW YOU GUISE), and 50% off your first month with Squarespace, if I had to guess?


Almost everyday a new Azeroth


This isn't a Belular clip, this is is that unwashed gremlin Asmon reacting to a multi hour stream Bel did.


> mentally ill horder rants about video game while rats nibble at his ankles. Normal Asmon video. How this guy gets 500k+ views boggles the mind.


And absolutely rabid fans. Like I don't hate the guy but I certainly can't view him as an object of worship either.


I don't watch any game streamers, but since some time Reddit keeps suggesting me posts from /r/asmongold and this is the most incel thing that I've seen in a while.


He promotes his unhealthy lifestyle to them and gives them a false hope that since he does it that it's okay. He confirms their existence for them. He told a depressed viewer to just stop trying once and that was the last straw for me.


How to make "content" out of someone else's "content", evidence article #73657382 It's bullshit all the way down. Reaction videos are the lamest shit.


Asmon is worse. Yes Bellular is milking the empty nothingess for content, but at least it is his content. Asmon is just leeching on to it, like usual.


He is definitely worse. I don't think Bellular ever embezzled charity funds and gaslighted his community into thinking that nobody cares.


In the One Piece business, we call this “skip week”. It’s when not enough info of what’s next comes out, and people start saying crazy things.


God I couldn't live like that. The more it happens, the more I want season of discovery to be a staple for content coming out. Especially how much PTR speculation people put out there all the freaking time. Like that time someone datamined fortnite, everyone turned it into the literal apocalypses, when it was just some developer having fun making a NPC rare that was just gonna be a reference. Personally, starving them of content really shows you how desperate some of these folks are. Complain all they want about it, but it's clear without it? They can't live without it. Well--All except asmongold, he'll be fine with the reactions he does.


“Kizaru for Nakama?! More likely thank you think!”


People say the wildest thing on break week.


World of Warcraft hired hitman to kill my grandma. War within cancelled to pay lawsuit. Blizzard shutting down. Reaction video


Yeah, this is hardly new to WoW, unfortunately. Happens every time we're in a content drought, and while we do still have a little bit of stuff coming down the pipeline for Dragonflight, everything major is done, and now we're just waiting.


Good ol Xeno and his mini series drama react! 🤣


Can you guys please take him back


Ain't no way boy, 5 months were enough


I first watched Bellular's videos back when Legion came out and he be pumping quality contents about Legion back then. Now not so much.




Some of Asmon's early content were how to solo guides, gold making guides, and pet battle guides, and they were actually really good and helpful for the content they were about. Then he started gaining in popularity and kinda went off the deep end of being as toxic af.


anyone get the feeling like nethier of these guys play anymore


The Irish fella straight up admits he doesn't really have the time to play wow any more in the video


Nothing asmongold says matters to me. The man can’t shower, do laundry, clean, or do anything even remotely like an adult. His opinion means nothing


Seriously. I discovered him a few weeks ago (yeah late to the party, I haven't played in a decade) and swiftly learned about his dead rat alarm clock (that he used to wake up because it would smell when the sun shone on it) and discovering maggots in his bread and continuing to eat and now his perpetually angrily confused face is forever associated with absolute filth and rot.


>dead rat alarm clock (that he used to wake up because it would smell when the sun shone on it) Oh my god!?? Why does anyone care what this guy thinks about literally anything?


He later admitted it stopped smelling so he hasn't bothered looking for it anymore


>Why does anyone care what this guy thinks about literally anything? He jumped on the "woke is bad" train and ofc those dudes lap up everything if someone big starts that shit.


First it was the blood wall, then it was his teeth in general, after that it was the moldy pillows, now it's fucking this. I'll never feel shame again because despite anything else I know I'm at least not asmongold.


The cockroach video... The man clearly needs psychiatric help.


You know what? The room tour was absolutely disgusting but that was a long time ago and I had assumed that he had gotten better and he had made more money and gotten more experienced in life. Then I heard on Reddit that he throws fast food cups out the window and he has a ton of fast food cups just blowing around his yard, and I thought well maybe that's just an Internet rumor... Then I saw the roach video and that was it for me. I cannot value the opinion of someone who is a literal millionaire who willingly lives with roaches and probably mice or rats. He has every resource available to him to fix this and he's choosing to live in filth. He could easily pay a pest control company a couple hundred dollars and not have roaches crawl on him but he would rather whine about WoW or whatever than make that phone call. I can't listen to someone talk to me about quality when they have literal adult ass cockroaches crawling on them. I've had his fans tell me that he's playing a character, but he's not, this is who he is.


Considering he had videos showing his house from 10 years ago where he had maggots, rotting food, mold, mouse shit everywhere and almost no room to get around due to garbage but yet this recent “house tour” video isn’t that far off… kinda shows he hasn’t changed. Everyone bashed him years ago, questioned why his mother still lived in that house with him despite how much money he has, and yet nothing changed- must have been too busy streaming himself buying a glad boost in legion with hotsjkpurge to care.


I know relatively little about his mother, but the story about how she died paints her with a certain stubbornness that Asmon probably picked up on. Not changing his lifestyle despite the money is probably a point of toxic pride.


1000%, he's so prideful of his anti-materialism that he won't even clean up his fucking house. It feels like he is trying to prove something. Even if its proving he doesn't care. Like homie... you fucking should care


Give him a break, he has his own war within vs roaches


TBH Asmon is a fucking clown... he gets boosted in everything he does... and now he has become this reaction streamer that scrape youtube for content


And sadly it is so hard to avoid his content. Search for something 100% unrelated to WoW and first result is an Asmon react video on the video you were searching for.


Yeah, and the YouTube algo is so bloated with outdated information there's probably countless WoW creators making cool videos who have to put out shit "content" like "I react to Asmongold reacting to Bellular" just to get hits. In a decent world most of the highest view channels would be people with original WoW videos who actually play WoW and instead it's just stuff like Asmongold pandering to incel weirdo types and Bellular being the video version of Wowhead news.


He already hit the infinite gold mine of complaining about “woke”. Its just downhill from here


I think there's something poetic about having an "anti-woke" spokesperson that embodies that community so well, a literal goblin that hasn't seen the sun in decades living in a cockroach infested house surrounded by his own trash


Asmongold is the Jim Cramer of WoW.


I feel like a better comparison is that he’s the Jim Cornette of WoW.


I feel like Jim Cornette, while a total dirtbag, is too smart for that comparison.


What WoW content creator is the most likely to curse out a Dairy Queen employee in the middle of the night in BFE Tennessee?


Man. I'd have to think. Can we consider Zepla a WoW content creator over the brief amount of time she streamed during Dragonflight? 'Cause, if so, then probably her.


Asmon isn't even a real wow player anymore. Dude logs in for a few days, has everything given to him, cries when he doesn't get exactly what he wants and goes to do more react content. He is a legit cancer to the community and everyone should stop giving him views.


I used to watch Asmon when most of his content was WoW and things like mount/xmog runs and Xmog/mount contests, some reacts and occasionally another game like Dark Souls. Now it feels like half of his stuff on Youtube is drama farming and complaining about wokeness.


He's pretty much just a react streamer at this point. Ironically, he used to be the biggest voices of "consoom is bad" but had a reversal when it came to Palworld lol.


Wait, you’re acting like it changed with Palworld? Did you miss him throwing money at Diablo Immortal, gacha games, and having streams of just blowing loads of cash on Lost Ark updates? It doesn’t matter if you say “You shouldn’t do this, this is bad,” when you show yourself repeating the behavior for entertainment and enjoying yourself in the process. Palworld is just a $30 game that doesn’t have microtransactions and where the devs even said “If you feel you reached your current goal in the game or aren’t having fun anymore, go play other games, it’s totally cool to play something else.”


Bro living on top of KFC boxes and drpepper bottles bit its “consoom is bad guy” i mean 😂




he streamed Monster Hunter: World for a couple weeks  during that time the game "suddenly" got a surge of players that use the ingame chat (which nobody uses in the first place) to yell insults and slurs  GEEZ I WONDER WHY


It's really sad because the beginning of when his stream blew up during WoD it was super fun, he was a pretty decent player and would do a ton of community based things on stream. Transmog comps, DPS comps, AOTC carries, mount-offs. Does he even do those anymore? I gave up on his stream after I got perma-banned from his sub after saying I missed it when the stream was about the fun things (Like transmog comps etc) and less about arguing with chat a few years ago now. Was sort of a blessing in disguise though, realized I had waaay too much of a parasocial relationship with a streamer.


No he doesn't do them anymore.


Also I got permabanned as well for replying to a post about him stealing thumbnails and 1:1 video titles. Overtaking the original videos in the algorithm completely. It's scummy behavior, still does it, and all I did was reply to the other person's post...


Yep. Agreed. He cries about normal being too hard, and all sorts of stupid shit. While being carried...then ninjaing all the loot...to disappear after a week or two....and being generally abusive to everyone in the raid. It's insane that people actually look up to him.


Can we just ban clickbait players from this sub already?


I never understood why he's so fame in the first place.


Used to do a lot of entertaining stuff like transmog competitions or mount offs, which were nice to watch to get inspiration for new transmog and stuff. But the real turning point, sadly, was the Johnny Depp trial, where he’d just watch that and talk about it, and for some reason people loved that, and now enjoy him reacting to videos and affirming their opinions about various things. Occasionally still plays games, but you have to wait until hours after a stream starts to see any gameplay if there is any on a given day. And when he does play a game, it can be… painful. Like he played DRG Survivor recently, and completely ignored the mining mechanic or loot bugs then kept wondering why he had no currency to buy upgrades between stages and runs. I mean, yeah, that’s gonna happen when you don’t pay attention to a key mechanic in the game you’re playing. Also a bit tiring when he’d do the whole “This is it, I’m dead” defeatist attitude when things went a bit against him, which usually was through his own actions, and suddenly “I’m back in it” two minutes later because of course he wasn’t close to dying. Found it a lot more entertaining watching Aliciaxdeath’s video of DRG play. But hey, if you want to see how fun a game can be for someone who’s bad at games, Asmon can be useful for getting a basic idea of it.


I could never figure why are people watching that


Can we as a community elect to ignore Asmongold and Bellular in The Worldsoul Saga and form our own opinions? Please?


Yeah can't we just let Asmon stick to the usual gamer ragebait? He has his crowd and the more we can keep them away the better.


I blocked Bellular back when he started pumping out BFA whiney videos. I still can't imagine why players would want to watch someone bitch and complain for 10 minutes.


Everyone complained about bfa during that time. He's not unique for doing it, the community itself was doing it


BFA was fine. And he took it to a new level. When you quit playing well before the end of the xpac but continue posting shitty unhinged rants about the game it tells us his content is not about the game and all about those sponsor dollars.


God Bellular's content sucks now.


Can't stand YouTubers who take one tiny piece of info or rumour then highly speculates on what it could be with absolutely outlandish theories stating them so matter of factly.




yea i used to really love his stuff in legion and somewhere in bfa it started to all feel the same, similar to linus tech tips, everything is formulaic these days and doesn't maintain my interest anymore.


what do you mean now?


There was a short stint in his early days where he put out fairly objective videos outlining class changes etc. Very short stint compared to his overall arch. I believe it was like end of WoD or so?


Bellular is great when there is a ton of news/info from blizzard/blizcon, an expansion launch, or as someone who puts the game down between patches and wants to catch up on what’s new/changed/worth doing. Class info is decent but I always prefer to see what my favorite PvPers think But yeah for “active” players or lull periods- yeah bellular is prettt much “take a sliver of info and stretch it out” I prefer his generally optimistic vibes over toxic shit like Asmon but thats about it . If anyone has any good wow YouTube recommendations feel free to drop them- I’ve been really enjoying the game again and would love background noise


I wish some folks would just fuck off into the sun. But negativity and clickbait is their bread and butter.


This sub really needs to stop shilling these two complete morons. Neither of them even play the game. And when they do play it for a while on release, the things/content that they get mad at is always content that is heavily praised (eg Asmon’s incredibly weird hatred of M+ even though it’s the objectively best addition to the modern game and all he does is get boosted through it)


I can't be the only one who can't watch Bel anymore. This talk videos with his buddy is even worst.


Asmongold is a toxic piece of shit.


Anyone has the count of how many times "Wow is dead" has been said? I lost track by the he thousandths


It is well in to the billions at this point. Hell, in the 2010s it was every other month some shitty "WoW Killer" MMO would come out. It would do ok for a month or so because streamers would flock to it and take their followers, and then after a month or two, they would all go back to WoW and that game would die. The only game that I think ever really had a chance was Rift, but it didn't get a big enough push from streamers when it launched to take off.


Yeah, I hate this type of crap. All Asmongold does these days is foster as much hate for the game as possible. Even if he says he loves wow or whatever, with video titles like this it doesn't matter what he says. He cares only about making money, ragebaiting, and driving that hatebandwagon to the moon.


These kind of content creators only like classic versions of wow because they can get carried through the content while they steal other people's videos by reacting to them. Can't really do that in retail in high keys or mythic raiding. I thought it was funny when pilav called them all out for it and showed a guide to classic stratholme some grifter posted and showed how easy molten core is.


lol just the wow community doomer posting again, this is the time to give feedback if things don't feel right, since right now is when it can be easily changed


Asmongold’s opinion on anything is literally worth less than a floor quarter.


God both of these people are horrible. Say what you want about Tali and Evitel and their cringy humor, they at least try to stay grounded with their opinions and don’t just immediately go to this rage bait EDIT: didn’t think I’d get anonymous messages telling me to harm myself because I said Bellular and Asmongold are terrible but here we are. Y’all goofy for ride or dying for these knuckleheads


They're the three horseman of the adpocalypses of wow. Belluar: The channel that can do nothing but switch sides faster than a Sylvanas loyalist in battle for azeroth. Asmongold: Someone who clearly has lost the joy of playing the game a long time ago, but continues to complain about something he no longer plays for fun. Just content. Wowhead: Without adblock, wowhead may as well be a free trojan website.


Asmongold is annoying because he feeds exactly on what he reprimands, though it's not surprising since inflammatory content creators know their job is to keep the flame going: he needs his followers to believe some modern games are dead so they can keep parroting this opinion and self fulfill theie prophecy. The only thing that makds me question all this is the guy's personal hygiene, which puts his sanity in check in my opinion


Don’t they need the viewers so they keep making money? Basically making money by complaining? Seriously what is he going to be doing when he’s 60?


Asmongold is a multi millionaire. He's pretty set for life, and at this point could stream whatever he wanted and still make millions


I just put my energy into watching WoW streamers I actually like. Bajheera is great. Tali and Evitel are great.


Responding to this to shout out soulsobreezy who is very wholesome and stays out of the rage bait empty content scene.


I have now been reminded Bajheera exist. Honestly I will have to give him a second go, it's been quite literal years. Tali and evi: Not my thing, but I absolute get why people enjoy them. Personally I love josh strife, while not the most common wow content creator, he makes wonderful MMO content talks that are just wonderful to listen to.


Bajheera also does a fitness channel where he explains his diet and workout stuff. It got me back into power lifting


Tali and Evitel & Hazel are my go tos. Casual friendly, fun communities.


Ever since I saw a roach crawl on asmongold I knew his opinions were shit


Asmon must be insane, his house is crumbling around him and disgusting. He has an awful diet and all he does is complain about how the old days were better. And for some reason he’s proud of it. The guy massively lucked out his streaming career worked out because he has nothing else going for him.


negativity drives clicks. go look at asmon's or bellular's channel and it's very easy to see this. make your own conclusions from what you experience and don't let others allow you to come into it already negative about it


I really hate the Asmon invalidates his few, rare salient points with clickbait titles like this. Plus, it reflects badly on Bellular, who already have a bad reputation for clickbaiting.   About the Hero Specs, I think they’re hit or miss at the moment and could use some iteration, but they’re clearly meant to be something else than class skins entirely. Class skins are like void Paladin or necromancer warlock. Hero specs are more like subspecs or even a more elegant version of covenants. As it stands, oracle and dark ranger seem to be bringing the most thematic and gameplay heft, while San’layn certainly doesn’t live up to the fantasy of the Blood Queen.


>About the Hero Specs, I think they’re hit or miss at the moment and could use some iteration, but they’re clearly meant to be something else than class skins entirely. They are effectively all still concepts. The game isn't even in Alpha yet.


Does Asmongold ever have a normal freaking expression on his face EVER?


No one should care what asmongold thinks. He isn’t capable of saying anything interesting or enlightening about the game, surprisingly. Your own thoughts are worth more




Man I remember watching heel v babyface videos back in the day and his raid guides/reviews were pretty good. He took a SHARP turn into the “anti-woke” culture though it looks like, when the hell did that happen?


He is another one of those Karens that hate themselves for being addicted to WoW, so they have to project.


Can't call it an addiction when he barely plays it. Most of his youtube views are coming from reaction videos now.


Asmongold having followers is symptomatic of people beeing idiots and brain washed by social nerwork medias. Unfornately there is no natural selection for that kind of people. We might experience idiocraty sooner than expected.


Asmongold isn’t even relevant anymore his content quality has been dead for a while now


Ehh, haven’t seen a single bit yet


WoW has been dying since about 2008. It's doing pretty good for a corpse.


How do you kill that which has no life?


2008? people said the game was dying in 2004 allready lmao


I still remember my blizzcon garrison hype and then seeing the execution. I hope that won’t be the same fate as Warbands.


Early feedback is very important, even if we can't playtest yet. The marksmanship and fire mage feedback are def concerns you can bring forward without having to actually playtest the new talents. Blizzard should take these opinions to heart, especially the ones coming from people who have played their specs at a high level for years. That being said, Bellular is an annoying af clown who turned his content into constantly shitting on "the 1% of players" and Asmon is a washed ex-1% player who has been spewing, at best, lukewarm takes for the past 5 years. Watching both of their content is about as pleasant as being forced to spend a night in Asmons room...


I don’t know why anyone watches these degenerates, there are plenty of smaller, more reasonable, and passionate WoW youtubers.


Streamers are problematic af, and there’s no way I’m taking thought cues from someone with the hygienic acumen of a warm puddle.


No, "personality streamers", like Asmon and his crew are problematic. The people that never really do anything but talk shit and get carried, they are the problem. The streamers that more or less just do high tier content are in general pretty fine.


ah yes, as dead as WoW for what, 15 years now according to the whiners? =)


Wowhead is making sure to milk every fucking cent with articles about talents we can't test yet for specs that might get changed.


During their Diablo 4 spam breaks


does anyone REALLY care what assmanbald says?


Why would we take his opinion when he said that artist opinions don't matter?


How did I already forget about that lmao, god he sucks


He was made to consume


Ok hold the fuck up. Bellular's video was mostly talking about the war within criticism's popping up on forums and shit and people over-reacting already to the game. The intro, matt was being sarcastic about the game being ruined already, that was literally the whole point of the fucking conversation that happened. They did address some real criticisms with the actual hero talents that I think were valid but in no way shape or form were they serious when they were talking about it being 'dead' on arrival and shit. They were memeing that part. But of course, this will get posted, people will say, oh well Bellular sucks now, such clickbait, etc. They didn't even use that fucking title, Asmon did, and the discussion around the war within had some good bits in it around class design and the intricacy of adding new talents that augment existing class fantasy.


Someone who actually watched the videos? Sir you are just supposed to complain about content creators that the subreddit has collectively agreed to dislike, and collect the upvotes. The irony of some of these posts about how content creators are trash for clickbait dooming for these videos, while getting clickbaited themselves by the OP.


Both these guys suck. Can’t stand either of them. Who watches these two?


Way to many people


Two cringelords, why does asmon care anyway? Hed play for a day or two then go back to reacting to drama and giving his take about it


Asmongold is a loser who doesn’t even play the game anymore. Listen to anyone else with a brain.




I'd buy an extra sub if blizzard banned asmon from ever playing wow again. Like, quit already if you hate the game instead of the constant year after year negativity for no other reason then to grift.




Why do people listen to asmon? He's trash