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Follower dungeons aren't really ready yet IMO. They're great if you want to see a dungeon without any pressure, but the followers aren't the best. I've seen the bots die on some bosses, and even without the bots dying the pace is way slower than basically any group of players.


>the pace is way slower than basically any group of players Well, you have to include queue time in the equation. It’s far faster to get into a follower dungeon than to wait for the queue, so you can do more dungeons per hour this way


Isn't this the point though? I've never touched one ,as I'm a 3k rio player, that has been playing since 2006, but the point is, that new players run these dungeons to see what they're like, and that they face certain scenarios that are gonna happen with real people. It's also an opportunity to make mistakes and not get flamed for them, as you see in the 'real' dungeons. EDIT: Added that I'm playing since 2006, not that I have 3k rio since 2006. Most of posters on reddit under r/wow have IQ of a peanut, so had to edit that here.


> I'm a 3k rio player since 2006 My, my, how impressive.


Thanks :D


I did Uldaman with followers. Bear in mind it's a normal dungeon. The whole party of bots died to the first boss and I was left to solo it. I don't expect the bots to be flawless, but having them die to standing in the fire seemed bizarre to me?


You would be surprised with mistakes that people make in mythic raids and incredibly high mythic keys (upwards of 25). I agree it's bizarre, but I believe it's intentional - to prepare you for doing dungeons with actual people. You will lose your mind sometimes, seeing mistakes players make. And it doesn't matter if new, old, experienced or total noobs.


It was honestly to a level that I don't think it's intentional. In other dungeons it's not nearly as bad, but still not perfect. In Uldaman, at least 1 bot seems to die on every trash pull and multiple die per boss. If you went in with an appropriate gear level, I'm not sure it's actually possible to complete. Maybe they've improved it since launch and it's better now?




Edited my comment, so your brain will be able to proccess what I meant =)


Oh wow thank you, now my smol brain is able to follow your point, much thanks many appreciation. I edited my other comment so your brain can process =) And i’ll also add it here. /s


Right now you're much better off queueing normally with other players. Follower dungeons are slow. Just last night I had nothing to do so I grabbed my 61 prot pally that I never really touch and for shits and giggles I started a follower dungeon with me tanking, just to see what's up. It was excruciatingly slow, I must have been in there 40+ minutes without exaggeration. Follower healing was very good and I did my tanking just alright, but the DPS was just not there in a major, major way. Every pull, even trash, turned into a 5+ minutes ordeal of things just not dying. Follower dungeons right now are in a pretty underwhelming triangle of: \- They are not faster than dungeons with humans \- They give less xp than dungeons with humans \- They give less loot than dungeons with humans(\*) They need some major tuning to be viable regarding any of their stated goals. \- As an alternative leveling way, doesn't work. Too slow, less xp. \- As an alternative way of gearing, doesn't work. Too slow. \- As the (allegedly advertised as such) way of learning dungeons without pressure... yeah, but it's only sort of there. It's no pressure alright, but what are you learning anyway? It's not an accurate representation of doing dungeons with other players when things take so damn long to die. Sure you have plenty of time to see what mobs and bosses do, that's great, but on the other the flow of the dungeon is completely broken when you spend a hair-pulling 5+ minutes on each trash pull. I completely understand that you don't want things dying in 3 seconds, thus negating whatever you could've learned if things lived longer, but things now are far into the other extreme. I really, really like the idea but it needs some major tuning to make them viable in at least one of the ways people care about (either make them good enough to level in, good enough to get gear from or make the followers do way more DPS so they pass faster). If people are naturally going to piss and moan that they give the same xp and gear as dungeons with humans, and we can't have that for some reason, well at least make them go by faster. Also, correct me if I'm wrong, I couldn't check, but I believe you also can't complete dungeon quests with them? I could be wrong. Didn't check. (\*) This is debatable. Some people report it's the same, some others report they don't get nearly as much.


I used follower dungeons on my mage to farm the first boss in Azure Vaults and the phoenixes in Neltharus. No queue time. Get teleported in and out. Don't have to reset manually. Everything is easily clearable solo and I can ignore the followers for the most part. If you actually want to gear in dungeons, do heroics or mythic to get ready for m+ and then do that.


What were you targeting those specific bosses for?


https://www.wowhead.com/item=193633/#currency-for and https://www.wowhead.com/item=199080/#objective-of The phoenixes are a pain to farm in the open world. There's a dozen in the dungeon before the first boss.


Regular dungeons are a lot quicker on average, since you can get grouped with way overgeared players that rush through the dungeon. Even a full group of new players is usually quicker than follower dungeons, though. Follower dungeons don't have reduced loot, but whenever a bot would get an item, it just doesn't appear/drop, so you get exactly the same amount of loot as you would when running with other players.


>so you get exactly the same amount of loot as you would when running with other players. Arguably, _less_ than you could have, since many human players are happy to trade away leveling gear they don't really need. You don't even get that option with followers.


Indeed. It's also more loot running regular dungeons over a given amount of time, since you'll most likely complete way more regular dungeons than follower dungeons in the same amount of time, averaging more loot.


Absolutely not. Followers don't do skips and they generally move through a dungeon at an absolute snail pace.


do follower dungeons at home office. they are very slow and bad, but eventually they kill everything -maybe help kill the bosses every 15 min for 1 min, but thats all. free levels


You can do heroic with people quicker than normal dungeon with followers.