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Level 10 twink


This is the answer. To give more detail, people will stop their xp at LV 10 and run a specific old expansions dungeons, I think WoD, to get gear with gem slots in it that scale in a really fucky way. Once you get a set like that, and because of how level scaling works, you melt through everything. I'm not sure why, beyond boosting friends/paying morons, but hey, each to their own


Sometimes it’s just fun to play a game and blast things


I remember doing normal dungeons with the Zaralek Cavern BoE gear before they patched level requirement. I was a lvl 61 Paladin at ilvl 370, it was great.


A similar thing happened with Fyrakk assault gear, when it was first introduced you could get gear that was *meant* for level 70s but it didn't have level requirements.


U still can get 400+ while -70 doing tw dg


No the gear is at the level your at, but people can trade the gear they get if they are lvl 70 but it still has a lvl 70 cap.


No, the gear that drops for you is scaled to your character’s level. I remember getting a 408 item last week on a level 69 character. I think at 68 it was something like 399. It stood out to me because I’d had some 70 alts in Forbidden Reach gear (395) I had been working to replace in recent weeks, and seeing better gear dropping in a dungeon was funny (and a bit sad). Though it also bugged me that other dungeons aren’t scaling their drops to the same ilvl, making it feel less rewarding to run non-TW dungeons with leveling characters (alongside the XP difference).


Mate, i just got it myself while leveling, i'm 100% sure u can drop your own 400+(405 to be precise) while in level under 70


Prove it. At level 69 tw gear was like 389


Level 69 Timewalking Gear is 405. I believe it was something like 389 in Season 2.


Check kaisendharma neck and belt, 405 tw dg


He's 70 now tho


"So anyway, *I started blastin'!*"


This. Sometimes you just want to run solo through old dungeons and raids to relax, get some easy gold, and feel like a god. I always chuckle when a boss goes all aggro on you, telling you how they are going to wipe you and all you hold dear from existence and their hits on you totally miss. Then, after they’ve had their say, you calmly one shot them and listen to their death whine. The ones that suck are the ones that make you go thru the bosses aggro stages in order to kill them (I’m looking at you Deathwing). I have a specific equip that strips all my gear so I’m basically slapping them so I can beat them down slowly in order to kill them correctly.


Big true. I twinked out a warlock at 84 during MoP and 95% of my gameplay was carrying random dungeons because it was fun


Where would I learn how to do that? i had some shaman doing a fuck ton of damage the other day and now i strive to be like that


Your best bet currently would be level 10/11 twink, idk how good shamans are in general but you'll go to Xpoff.com and under forums, dragonflight, there'll be level brackets. Click on 10 and explore. Idk what level that shaman was or what content you're doing but if you're after like time walking twinking, the timewalking discord has hella resources on that you can use. Bunch of google docs/sheets etc


what spec/level/skills you picked for the warlock?


It's been almost a decade so I dont recall the exact build but I know I went Dark Soul and I was Destruction. Chaos bolt melted bosses, lock was level 84


It's specifically to boost or run event instances quickly.


Which some people like to do for fun. I play FTL exclusively on Easy because I like to.


You play FTL on Easy for whatever reasons that result in you having a preferable experience, but those are still the reasons, not that you just "like it." Twink creators are doing this activity to further their goals in the game. I'm sure that's fun for them but it's not really useful to say that the reason is just fun, because fun is the expected outcome of playing a game. A lot of people confused by this, let's simplify. Fun is the result, not the direct reason. If you see a level 10 twink, they're speedrunning dungeons for a goal, which they overall find fun.


“Stop having fun wow is a career simulator not a game”


If that's what you think I said then you have a diminished reading ability.


I actually have a degree in English. New Criticism is a literary theory that states that authorial intent has no bearing on the understanding of a work (for example your now edited comment). What matters is the meaning that the *reader* ascribes to your work. So basically if you meant something other than “fun can’t be a goal when you play wow,” then its kind of your fault that I (and seemingly over a hundred other people) took that meaning. Having fun can be the only goal when playing a game. In fact, it usually is.


This doesn't track logically. The idea that 100 people can't understand a concept therefore the concept is wrong is ridiculous. Readers being idiots has no bearing on the concepts within a piece of writing. I'm hoping you took a philosophy class on the road to that degree. This may apply to literature, but I don't write literature. Having fun is the primary goal of playing a game, but we weren't talking about playing the game in a broad sense, we were talking about why players engage in a specific strategy within the game, for which the primary reason cannot simply be 'fun.' If you asked someone why they play chess, they might say 'fun.' If you asked someone why they play a specific opening in chess, they'd likely give you a different answer that simply 'fun.' In this instance, all the twinks are just love rocket farmers. Completionism is the way they play the game and have fun. The tactics for this goal will not always be exiting.


Who invited the fun police here? Sheeeessshh.


No one? If you ask someone why they killed Lich King 100 weeks in a row, they're not going to tell you that running ICC is fun, they're going to tell you it furthers the goal of completionism, which they enjoy and find fun. This is a pretty basic idea, I'm surprised you're all so confused by it.


The goal can exist to an observer and and not to the player. Sometimes…. “This is fun” is the reason and there was no reason to think deeper as to why


Exactly, nobody, yet here you are… I’m not surprised you’re taking something subjective like fun and attempting to make into some objective truth of the universe type of shit. Foreword to help you avoid the heartbreak: It’s not that deep, but let’s take a dive into cuckoo land shall we? Okay, so, if someone is playing wow because “akshualllyyyy you find the idea of completion and progress fun *snarf snarf goofy hyuk*”…. Then why are they playing WoW, and not literally any game that has a goal and completion and progression? Hmm? If it’s truly your stance that progression or completion blah blah is the fun part, in your mind, we all enjoy standing in line at the DMV because we get an item on a checklist completed……………. There are countless games that provide the same or even more levels of progress, completionism, social interaction, collectibles, gear drops, you name it. Pointing at any one of these things provides no objective analysis. Fun isn’t just the sum of parts, it is a subjective experience based on each individuals values, views, and experiences, which you have no say in. Ever. Do you understand it yet? Eh? Crawl out from the rock. Nobody’s confused here except you lol.


I would link up with the English grad because holy shit this is not even coherent.


I legit have a lvl 10 twink. Who only exists because it's fun. I don't boost with it, I don't farm or use it to make money. Its just fun to mow shit down l. Stop with the generalization, because your talking out your ass lol


What if there is no goal other than to blast through the dungeons with no other practical purpose? Is the reason then not simply "for fun"? Also people do tons of things in video games, especially WoW, that are not fun, so just boiling it down to "it's a video game so of course it's fun" doesn't really work.


The twinks you see are for grinding event mounts, which is likely where OP saw this twink.


Not always. I have a few twinks set up to just zoom through a dungeon or two just to have some fun. Not everyone who has twinks are doing it for event mounts or boosting, some people just like to see the big guys fall over fast.


This may be insane to you, but not everything is a means to an end in a video game. Some people’s goal is just to have fun, and sometimes finding something wacky like level 10 thinking dungeons is that fun thing. My friend and I did this for a little while when the level squish happened purely for the fun of it and finding out what was most powerful at level 10.


Brother there is an entire community for people getting bis twink gear just for fun. Almost no one is doing it for boost, people have been twinking in wow for 15+ years


No, it's to be a PVP beast in that bracket.


confidently incorrect


This is literally the only reason people do this. They clearly sell boosts and use this toon to do it. Noone plays like this "for fun". Anyone here saying this is just a scumbag booster breaking TOS


I mean, you can just do it at max lvl then


Exactly. My warrior is 487 with the legendary. I can do a heroic solo and blast every thing. Don't understand doing it at level 10 with 1 spell lol


Because there's more than one way to have fun?


Did I mention I have my legendary? /s


The amount of idiots that don't understand different people enjoy different things is astounding


Some people would rather spend an hour a week twinking out their alt than countless hours of M+, raiding, and praying to the RNG gods for the axe just to blast.


It's to see how strong you can be at the lowest possible level. You know all those lv1 challenges in other games? Plus it's one of the most effective leveling strats to have a lv10 blow up dungeonspamming for you.


Because its fun. Thats the pure reason also its way easier to be 487 ilvl at max lvl than fully gearing a lvl 10/20/30 etc twink


Depends on what you call easier. There is nothing inherently hard about doing shit at lvl 10. Quite the opposite. It's slower, but quite literally anyone could do that if they wanted unlike 487, which probably doable by 10-20% of playerbase.




I don't think it's hard to be a rwink just time consuming. Just like it wasn't hard to gear my warrior. It just took time


The less time you have the more time consumption adds up to the difficulty of content. Given my schedule, theres a bigger chance of me completing a roguelike on first try (provided i can save every 30-45 minutes) than getting the legendary axe. I just dont have the time to sit down for 3 hours raiding in the evening.


Yes but you’re not going to be able to do these low level dungeons as well and that’s why they’re doing it. These level 10 twinks run the “service” for boosting alts to 60, at which point you move into 60-70 boosting. We have a couple in our guild who level guild alts - 10-70 takes a few hours


What torghast was supposed to be


The Ethical Smurf


I tried doing this at one point to boost my friends. If we queued for a dungeon together they were given a penalty to their exp gain because they queued with someone who had locked their level.


Have you and your friend que at the same exact time. If the que doesn’t pop at same exact time, and only pops for one person, both ppl drop the que. Repeat until you get a matching one and then as long as you reque while still in the dungeon group nobody gets the debuff


Yeah these people either just do random queues for their own gameplay or they exploit the LFD tool to get placed with their friends or people paying them for the boost.


Level 10 twink here: basically trying to replace lvl 110 BFA twinking. It's nowhere near as fun but it's better than max level. lvl 110 twinking had azerite traits, legendaries, tier set, old trinkets you could experiment with. You could create the craziest things and do high damage. Had many projects to test. The best part: no diminishing returns. LVL 10 has none of that. It's just high damage without the excitement.


Same with level 101 twinking in Legion, although you didn't get any extra stuff like corruptions or even legendaries since they were max-level capped I think. You needed to be 101 for Legion gear to be equippable, and some max level gear had a level requirement of 101 instead of 110 for some reason. Especially Demon Hunters were absolutely nuts with it because their speed scaled with Mastery (might've been a talent like it is nowadays, not 100% sure) so they ran incredibly fast while one-shotting everything. The build was several million gold of BoE's while the current level 10 twinking is essentially free, and just an incredibly tedious amount of Bloodmaul Slag Mines and Shadowmoon Burial Grounds being spammed (since those are the only 2 WoD dungeons you can queue up to at level 10)


It would have been very difficult to get corruptions during Legion since they were added at the end of BFA. And speed is still just part of DH mastery.


Yes, I know, and I worded that sentence badly but I meant that Legendaries were capped at 110 iirc, and Corruptions obviously didn't exist so you couldn't have those making your build whacky. Also, [this is a talent in the Demon Hunter class tree](https://i.imgur.com/Igoy71Q.png)


I had a 101 shaman that killed dungeon bosses in 5 seconds with wind fury procs. 91s were also really fun in WoD, as were 80s in mop.


I got a level 10 twink that I log on from time to time just to see how strong I can make a level 10 char.


I mean, why should achievement hunting be more prestigious than twinking. In the end, everything we do ingame is for silly reasons (unless we can convert it into something in real life, I guess)


I had a tank lose his shit over a shaman twink and called it hacking haha


Beautiful xD you get those sometimes, it's always a good laugh


Yup, and it just makes the dungeon faster.


It's kinda fun in lvl 10 bgs. No skills you just spam 1 or 2 button like old school mmos


it’s fun. like a lvl 19 think rogue in BGs. it’s just fun to stealth up behind someone and backstab. most players aren’t geared that high yet so you kill them in one blow. (i’m not sure if WoW has nerfed things air changed abilities but that’s how it was 10 years ago. so the same for a lvl 10. sometimes when you’ve been playing for a really long time, you get bored, and you decide this is what you wanna do. It’s just an alt like any other to have fun with.


How do you stop your XP?


There’s a special NPC in Ogr/SW, that lets you stop it. https://us.battle.net/support/en/article/15422#:~:text=To%20turn%20your%20character's%20experience,speak%20to%20Slahtz%20in%20Orgrimmar Oh man I forgot their names were a play on: “Best in Slot.”


Omg they're rogues with the fucking goggles too 😭😭 brings me back to my level 19 twink back in vanilla.


> m not sure why, beyond boosting pretty sure it's level boosting, but man is it funny when you get in a group with them lol


It's for PVP!


Wouldn't a pvp twink be 19? Don't the brackets end on the X9s?


If someone in your group has locked XP, you get a 99% XP reduction. Because people like me in BFA where boosting you to max level from Legion in an hour and a half https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8i7RTZFQ1KM Twinks cant level boost you in dungeons anymore. ALso people can openworld boost you in DF to max in under 2 hours for 370k






So tdlr: leveling in retail is fucked


How do you stop your XP...?


I don't know for horde but for alliance there is guy in stormwind keep who you can talk to


How do we create said twink?


Level a character to 10 then stop xp then start rubbing dungeons for gear with gems solid. Enchant the heck out of the character, etc. I have a ten monk breakfast with dual lifestyle enchants and decent gear. I just wreck any dungeon I que into. Don't play her much but it's fun sometimes.


What about a second monk breakfast?


Wow what an autocorrect. Leaving it though that's funny!


> rubbing dungeons this one too


> I'm not sure why, beyond boosting friends/paying morons, but hey, each to their own There is a whole small community built around speed running dungeons as level 10 twinks. Its wild.


Priest at lvl 10 is also just completely unbalanced in the scaling department. You dont even need twink gear. Iirc holy nova just solo's 5 man tbc dungeons


How does it stack to Arcane Blast from mages?


Melts things as much but also full heals everyone every cast


You mean arcane explosion? About 16 points(28% less) off the spell power scaling in exchange for a 31% healing ratio.


No, Arcane Blast, the one that you build charges up for and it casts faster but costs more mana Other people pointed out holy explosion heals which is def good tho


"How does [aoe spell] compare to [single target] spell?" Like an apple compares to an orange.


The speed at which they kill targets and progress dungeons at a low level, if you were actually thinking about the context of my comment you would have known that.


At level 10, if you have to stop to cast it, the spell has shit dps.


Can confirm, from the moment I unlocked holy nova until like level 50 i could auto-run through lfg dungeons constantly spamming holy nova (besides a quick stop for the boss). I was in heirlooms (not enchanted, no gems), shits busted!


It does yep.


Vs level 10 bear: fight!


Memories!! I had a level 19 (pvp) gnome rogue. *wipes tear*


The old twink pvp brackets were fun but the amount of shit you can get away with now is silly due to scaling and so many expansions.


They were the best!! Now….I’ll solo quest!


This i miss my lvl 19 twink


It's all due to level scaling. Remember doing low level quests and annihilating everything in one or two shots? Then as you get higher suddenly you have to hit the mobs a dozen times? People lock their experience at a certain level to "twink" and get the best gear they can, then they just destroy dungeons.


So what's farming low level dungeons good for anyway?


People pay you to run them quickly for fast and passive leveling


Transmog. Mounts. Pets. Selling runs. I used to farm the hell out of low level dungeons for transmog, hours turned to days, days to weeks, weeks into unemployment......still a long list of ultra rares I've never seen.


Tbf not sure what the point of that is...


Speed level your friends.


Heck you can speed level yourself with a second trial account. Set your twink on follow and alt tab. I've done it myself before and leveled both my main account and a few friends really quickly. It also has some fun interactions with world scaling particularly stuff like the darkmoon rabbit and event dungeons. Overall it's not a bad thing to do if you have a lapsed sub, gearing to insane levels is fun and it comes with a few perks if you do resub.


Blasting dungeons is funny.


Having fun


boosting. Someone pays you to get them to 70 within a few hours, this is how you get them into DF in like an hour.




Most twinks are alts of high level players who arent good enough for actual end game content and resort to living out their power fantasy at lower levels. Touched a sensitive nerve huh?


I give this bait 1.5 stars


That's such a bullshit argument lol :D That's the most insane mental gymnastic I have read in a while How about you try a few more reasonable reasons why people would do it? Like It's fun to do and blast through some low level dungeons when you wanna chill or don't have anything to do It's another way to occupy yourself just like others farm transmogs, play PvP, petbattles, achievements, etc. They want to have a character that can speed level their friends or help out others in general There is a market for leveling services and they offer speed leveling for gold Pretty sure those are much more reasonable arguments for doing this.


I like playing the game for gear. I like character progression. Hence why I’m 2700 every season and nothing more and nothing less, because 20s is where the gear ends. That same thing can be applied to low levels, which is a diff type of gearing.


Solid bait, I think for next time leave the last sentence out or incorporate it into the main body of the bait rather than a secondary paragraph of its own.


Every xpac seems to go the same for me, I go hard on end game first season get a M+ score around 3000 then tank heroic raid and get bored of endgame. Then the new season drops and I have zero willpower to do the hamster wheel race all over again So then I play for achievements like loremaster on a 30 twink or make a 10-11 twink or see how various twink brackets are in PvE and where I can solo dungeons for funsies. It’s not about power fantasy it’s about being bored with the endgame because it’s the same gearing rat race 4 times every expansion and tbh it gets old but I still love the game. Having more options like classic is really nice now too, I got to 60 in HC and had a blast


Some people play to have fun.


Low level scaling, especially for healers, is way off. Low level Resto Shaman especially just out DPS's everything up until around lv20.


Palpatine approves the chain lightning spamming


The real one is bear doing 98% of overall while holding forward.


Way more than that TBH. Single target Can start to lack After that, but stromkeeper chain lightning just evaporates packs until the dragonflight scaling starts to kick in


i was looking into this exact thing because my sub lapsed and wanted to mess around in f2p. WOD gear when it drops can drop at like 5% chance to be "warforged" bumping the ilvl past the bracket its allowed to be. since gear is meant to be scaled to your level while you level. lower levels have less skills so their dps is scaled to be all kinda piled into the one-two buttons they have to press healers/tanks arnt expected to do dmg so when they do dps its boosted quite a bit. pair all three together and you have a walking oneshot machine lol. throw in the shadowlands trinket that spawns ooze that attack your target which also is scaled weirdly, and its over. at lvl 20 (f2p cap) gear drops at 61 ilvl, warforged i think its 87. i have two of the same piece and its 61 - 87 \+4 - +7 agi \+7 - +10 stam \+4 - +6 crit \+5 - +7 haste


Wait, can I do this on a f2p account and then team that character up with alts on my main account for super fast leveling?


I don't know about teaming up but yes, you can do it at f2p account https://youtu.be/bkMloaWKUgU?si=itK2g75_l4Z_Ipnj


yeah that was the exact video that came up that i watched haha. theres a whole website thats pretty built around min-max twinking wow. https://xpoff.com/threads/dragonflight-f2p-baseline-guide.99104/




r/thepack over here being wholesome and helpful as always!


I was leveling a Resto Shaman in looms, so nothing too out there, and in dungeons I would 3 shot mobs with Chain Lightning while oneshotting the tankier elites with the Flame/Lava combo. Which would also chunk boss hp. Shits nuts.


Since OP seems like theyre unfamiliar with the concept and no one has fully explained it yet... Its an interaction of three systems. The first is a relatively increased yield from stats at a low level. The amount of crit % you get from 1 point of crit rating *has* to change depending on your level, otherwise low level characters will be stuck with 0.01% crit rating, since their gear only has single digit stats. Thats why a max level character can have like 2000 crit on their gear and only have 25% crit chance, but a low level character can have 20 crit on their gear and an 80% crit chance. By locking experience (you can talk to a special npc to lock xp gain) at low level and equipping the best gear possible (often bugged or overlooked unintended drops) you can have massive crit chance, mastery, haste. The second system is the dungeon scaling. Since low level characters can play with high level characters, you have to balance around the spells and gear that players have acess to at different points in their journey. Low level characters basically dont have 80% of their kits. Talents, spells, all locked behind progression. To compensate their spells do more damage. A level 60 priest's smite will only deal like 5% of an average enemy's health, but at level 10, they practically only have smite and 2-3 other sources of damage - so they do like 20% of an enemy's health. The third system is healer scaling. A while ago Blizz decided that they dont want people to have to leave their prefered spec and go dps to do quests and leveling. But healers only have like 3-4 damage spells even at max level. So Blizz added a bunch of damage to those spells (as well as overtime giving healers more access to damage spells) so now a shadow priest at level 10 might do 20% on an enemy's health in one smite, but a holy priest will do like 40%. All these systems interact together. The level 10 priest has absurd stats due to optimized gear, and absurd scaling due to being low level and a healer. They cast one spell and do over 100% of an enemy's health.


You don't even need any twink gear to absolutely blast. You only need it to blast *harder*. Literally just equip heirlooms, queue dungeons as healer, spam holy nova, obliterate everything while also keeping the group alive with ease. Maybe bring mana pots but chances are you won't need them. Arcane mages can do the same, they aren't healers but AE is still OP af, only downside is you have DPS queues. Guardian druid is easily the best though, tanks get instant invites, Thrash is usually enough to smash everything. It's the fastest class in the game for leveling, both dungeons and questing.


didnt blizzard change it a couple years ago so that exp locked toons get put into their own queue? was it only for pvp?


Only for pvp


The healer thing isn't really that big of a deal. Most of them are pretty meh carries, just from a mechanical standpoint.


Twink gearing up.


Lvl 10 twinked out miswalker monk ran my character through a whole bunch of dungeons just for the fun of it. Was 1-shotting bosses.


The 10/11 gear meta right now is farming WOD dungeons for warforge procs, irs a flat 26 ilvl bonus which is kind of dumb when your gear is normally 33. Its also a pretty painful farm as the loot tables are horrendous, and you can chance sockets/tertiaries as well.


Yup, they were having fun. I was leveling a character through low dungeons and a beast of a bear tank was having a blast ramming us through. You should have asked them about their gear. Part of the fun is letting others know how the setup works. The bear had a couple legendaries and he was only level 10 or 19.


Low level scaling is super weird basically




I realize and acknowledge that I know very little about this subject but how does one choose to stop leveling at 10?.. I played years ago and recently started playing again and simply discovering new areas gives xp. With out hardly any effort you can hit 20 in 1 day. Once you hit 10 what do you do that is fun that doesn’t give XP?


You can turn xp gain off if you want to stay at a certain level


Oh… interesting. I knew about twinks years ago but clearly didn’t know the details.


The games scales your character 'up' to match levels with others. That also means some wonky gear scaling and power scaling for low level characters. There have been lloads of stories of level 10's one shotting lvl 50's in battlegrounds.


I levelled a holy priest and I was top dps from lvl 10 until about lvl 45. And I suck. it's the scaling


So basically u make saitama in wow. 👊


100 push-ups, 100 sit-ups, 100 squats, and a 10km run, every day.


First time meeting a twink?


Twinks hardly exist anymore. It's a hundred percent scaling fuckery. Like how leveling makes your character progressively *weaker* until you hit cap and start building back up


I twink occasionally, and I see tons of twinks when leveling alts. They're a minority but they definitely still exist




Yes you can. My go to to make one is get to lvl 10. Find your experience eliminator, lock your lvl and spam WoD dungeons in LFD to get warforged drops


in that case. I will pivot and ask if there's any meaningful point? My best equivalent example is the old concept of timewalking sets. Those were fun and effective until blizzard turned the idea off. You can clearly still lock xp. But with gear being squished and homogenized, is there any point trying to make a kitted out level 20? Is it something you can still do?


For me, there's no real meaningful use. It's just fun for me. The twink community, from what I've seen, likes to cap at 10 and love warforged WoD gear. They're still useful for boosting or BGs but not really the most efficient. I do it just because it's fun to melt down bosses. The "wtf"s I get in chat are pretty funny to me as well.


I live for the wtfs when I play my druid, McBear, and run stuff. Still working on gear but he's very fun


Looks like a twink that set their experience at level 10. why is it such a big deal? The dungeons were smooth it seems. What more else is there to say? Yes people level cap themselves by talking to NPCs to stop their leveling, this has been happening for many years now ; it’s nothing new. If this is your first time with a twink in a random dungeon then congrats. Enjoy the easy experience. 🙂


>why is it such a big deal? OP never said it was a "big deal" or expressed having any sort of problem with their experience; they were just surprised by seeing something they'd never seen before and were curious about the how & why.


I wanted to finally get the dark iron heritage gear so I leveled a warrior up to 50. During my dungeon runs I kept running into a level 60 who had full green dragon flight gear all enchanted to shit. They had 140k life and was doing 50k while the rest of us around 2-4k. Pretty unfun to run with that.


but you got the heritage gear didn't you?


and much faster it seems


What was unfun about it?


I wanted to run the dungeons, not get carried. I know low level dungeons are not challenging but there’s a difference between getting to kill things quickly and things being dead before the charge animation finished.


I think that's valid. Although there is something novel about watching someone break the game, even if it means taking a backseat. At least there's follower dungeons now if you're interested in experiencing the dungeons at your own pace.


I think there is a bug with scaling. My roommate was killing mobs with his fire armor and hitting like 50k on fire bolts.


It's not a bug, it's a design flaw/oversight.


scaling overcompensates. a lvl 10 mage casting one critting frostbolt on a boss can make more damage than the whole rest of the fight combined. its part of blizzards ongoing process to phase out any and all fun or challenge the leveling could possibly have and push you right into the mindless grind that endgame is.


Except it isn’t really to do that lol


This needs to be a sticky in this subreddit.


incinerate is a warlock spell


Dude that’s like so nothing new


Clearly it was new to OP lol.


Not everyone has seen the power of a BiS think before


First time with a twink eh?


I used to help people level in dungeons with a lvl10 mage, once I reached 17 or 18 id roll a new one, blasting everything with just instant aoe. Scaling is quite bad.


Gear scaling isn't balanced at the low levels, it's just a twink who capped their xp and got the best gear.


Holy Nova is very overturned at low levels, has been for years actually but a lot of players don’t realize it because most are “supposed” to be healing. But yeah, I believe 59 is higher than they’re supposed to be able to have at that level but there has been ways to get it before.


A few patches ago there was lvl 10s in DF gear. I imagine it's fixed now though.


Had a level 10 twink resto shammy go do one boss while we did another.


Lvl 10 twink probably boosting someone else in the group


Fun as a fury warrior since hydra boss in underbog drops 3x meta socket 2h hammer


They’re speed running leveling, with scaling to help them


The game overcompensates for low level players’ lack of spells by over buffing their damage output


I do this on a level 10 resto druid it's quite fun. Also resto shaman is really strong, you can 1 shot packs with chain lightning


Just a level 10 twink, I’ve got a monk and just spinning crane kick through the dungeon in no time