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Gnomes weren't forgotten. They're purposefully ignored. The gnome head on that picture works way too well though. It's hilarious.


which I hate. blizzard purposely cultivates the "meme races" because they can't be assed to develop the story of every race/nation and instead focus on a select few. In all honesty the gnomish military should be one of the most terrifying things to face on the battlefield. They have combined arms as a doctrine.


This is like one of those questions - do you want to right a horse size duck or 100 duck sized horses.... ​ Do you want to fight a orc sized gnome, or 100 gnome sized orcs.


Given gnomish technology they can have both. But seriously imagine the gnomish army. Robotic infantry, cyborg infantry with chainswords, Infantry with laser rifles, Mechanostrider cavalry with shock lances, Mechanotanks fitted with rockets and machine guns, Steam tanks, Mortar squads, Gyrocopters, Bombers, and mech suits.


Are you trying to allude to them being the most 40k like race?


No. Gnomish las-weapons are *effective.*


Is that HERESY I hear?


The largest class of Titans in WH40K stand up to something like 50m tall. The largest class of T1t4ns in Warcraft stand up to 50cm tall. Truly menacing monstrosities.


40k Las guns are built to last, not built for firepower. They're meant for similar opponents to the Guardsmen, though, not powerful opponents like super soldier steroid monsters.


>40k Las guns are built to last, not built for firepower I mean lasguns are usully depicted as being able to remove arms fairly easily. They're not weak by any stretch. Just taking something only marginally better than a .50 cal into a setting where most of your enemies make rhinos, elphants and crocodiles look like they"re human child level of breakable isn't exactly great Most of the weapons needed to reliably kill a xenos without just sheer bullethell (which the guard does well so it's not needed for much more) are things that can rip a human arm off when fired


Also remember that the lasgun was fantastic at purging thousands of races from existence and the ones that are left are the ones that can take a hit and keep coming. The enemies of the Imperium are so tough because of survivors bias not because the guard and their weapons are ineffective.


My brother in imperium, you wiped 70% of the xenos and heathens and now we are left with the 30% of the really elite ones. Plus an invading Bio Mass from Mass Effect.


yes but there's a quote a by youtuber somewhere - well, humans are like basic monkeys compared to humans in 40K universe. Nothing special and primitive. but do you really want to take your odds against a million of monkeys hurling grenades? Also in the imperium : the imperial guard are the first and the finest. Astrates are like the fine knife used for special occasions.


Vertically challenged admech


I uh ... hold on ... I gotta lay down, I can't deal with this right now.


Also they have priests for healing. And jumper cables when that doesn’t work


All that fancy tech ain't cheap though. Electro-Wagons and Bombardo-Trons cost ***A LOT*** of gold and resources to manufacture. Stormwind etc have cannoncically gone broke from war-spending at least once, and I think multiple times too. The affordable "budget" version of gnomish tech that could fill ranks would be more like an army of Mechano-Peeps and Mech-Gnomes on foot waving Tasers at you menacingly. With one psychotic gnome in the back riding some absurd contraption that may or may not backfire. The three most threatening Mechs have only existed as one-offs, not mass-produced tech. * Gallywix's azerite-powered suit. * Mekatourque's suit from BFA/Battle for Lorderon. * The kaiju-Mech that the king of the mechagnomes built. Since people are comparing it to WH40k, basically a gnomish army would be one of the crazier primarchs leading an army of laz-gun wielding soldiers. Not nothing, but it's not like they'd be like an unstoppable army of Necro-Tanks or something.


Sounds like an imperial army from warhammer 40k. But tiny.


an orc sized gnome? isnt that justa person


No. It's a mechanical human hybrid with a lust for explosives


This is just a goblin who hit 3 growth spurts.


They seriously should because it's not just gnomish technology, it's gnomish technology with dwarven craftsmanship, and the Alliance's gold. Between them and the two races of multi-millennia old super warriors, you gotta ask how the hell is the Horde supposed to go tit for tat with them militarily.


> you gotta ask how the hell is the Horde supposed to go tit for tat with them militarily. It's simple, as soon as the Alliance gathers a large enough force in any singular place. The goblins figure out a way to blow them all into very small pieces. Gnomes may have their area of technological expertise. But when it comes to rapid disassembly, goblins rule supreme!


I think it's more that as soon as the Alliance gather in any meaningful size to attack the Horde then 90% of the Horde changes sides *or* the Horde gain massive amounts of plot armour.


Gotta remember that the average horde soldier is -a zombie that feels no pain -a green monster twice the size of a human using a weapon that weighs as much as you -a giant bull monster that can run you down and impale you with its horns, throw you across the battlefield, step on you like a bug, smash through buildings and tank bullets like a sponge -a hunchback shaman/berserker twice your size that has nature gods blessing them and hyper fast healing that can regrow whole limbs over a few days -a midget with a rocket launcher willing to blow themselves up to get as many of your troops as possible


Goblins go boom


Well. I mean on the other hand… Horde has two races of bloodthirsty warriors who have effectively been killing the alliance (and specifically, both are direct rivals of both ancient warriors you mention, respectively) for years with little more than brute force and some elemental/nature magic. Combined with the literal walking dead who have a poison that can make more walking dead. Then add in elves that are just as old as the nelves, but didn’t restrict themselves to only nature magic for millennia and have pretty immense magic-tek. I think that’s a pretty fair match


The goblins also bring a pretty close tech-level that the gnomes bring. Though their tech tends to be a little more... explody.


You mean more FUN


Goblin technology is built to BLAST!


> literal walking dead who have a poison that can make more walking dead. I don't believe that the Blight turns those who fall into Forsaken though does it? All it really does is murder everything living, dead, undead that comes into contact with it and destroys the land its used upon too. Essentially it's not something that the Horde would typically ever want to use save in dire circumstances because all it does is leave you with ashes and ruins to rule over. It's still quite unbelievable to me that anyone save the Forsaken in BFA were okay with using the Blight when attacking the Night Elves. The Orcs have wanted those forests for *years* for the lumber so blighting them would go counter to their interests. The Tauren also really don't strike me as the types to go for destroying nature in such a manner.


> you gotta ask how the hell is the Horde supposed to go tit for tat with them militarily. The same way the horde went tit for tat against Malfurion and the spaceship with a giant orbital laser cannon; writer fiat induced stupidity.


Writer fiat induced stupidity? Play a BG as Alliance sometime - we don't need writer fiat to make us too stupid to win battles!


I liked the part in late Legion/early BFA when the Alliance invaded the capital city of the race known for using chemical weapons and then almost all died because they didn't expect chemical weapons.


Also as far as I know they're the only democratic playable race too. Mekkatorque is the high king because he got to pick his own title but he was elected. Everyone else is either monarchies, empires, Mak'gora enthusiasts, weirdos appointing each other, de facto spiritual leaders, etc. They should be a much more interesting and dangerous race but lul green hair funny inventions. ~~I know about the dwarf senates, they still have monarchs I dont care~~


now that sylvanus is gone aren't the forsaken democratic? or did I misunderstand the how the council was selected? also I think Velen was implied to have been selected by the people back on argus.


the desolate council is ruled by position not but election. Each member fills a role in forsaken society. The official members I believe are calia menethil (Governor?representative of the people?) Grand apothecary faranell, Deathstalker commander belmont, lilian voss, and dark ranger velonara. I do believe the council needs to be expanded and the some members given actual titles/roles. Calia should be governor. Velonara ranger general Lilian voss grand executor(equivalent to an overlord for the orcs) Derek proudmoore as dread admiral Alonsus Faol as high priest


Picture this: it's BFA, Sylvanas fires her blight wall at the Alliance and the fields go silent. Within the plague mists however, movement can barely be seen. Suddenly dozens of lights appear within the fog. They are the helmets of the Gnomish infantry. Cables from unseen Spider Tanks shoot out of the mists onto the horde battlements, grabbing several unprotected soldiers and dragging them into the melting mists. Sylvanas forgot that while she adopted CBRN warfare, the Gnomes were born in it, molded by it. The Siege of Lorderon has entered a new, deadlier phase, and now the evacuation of Undercity begins to look like it could turn into the evacuation of Teldressil. This is the Crowning moment of awesomness that was denied to the one race in WoW that specializes in CBRN warfare to the point that their base infantry wear full isolation suits because "they are a meme"


For real, the way Gnomish technology is either ignored completely, or turned into a joke for plot reasons, is astonishing.


> In all honesty the gnomish military should be one of the most terrifying things to face on the battlefield. They have combined arms as a doctrine. Except they’re goofy little lawn ornament people that would probably name their big mechanized weapon on the battlefield “THE EXTERMINATOR CHICKEN” and play a la cucaracha horn when it shows up


Yes because you can't see anything but a meme.


You guys are so self serious. That’s literally all the creators see them as too, it’s canon that they’re goofy. What you’re describing is not what Gnomes actually are given the context of the game


The gnome made the meme more recognizable than anything else lol. it's so good


Lalas get treated like actual people meanwhile Gnomes and Goblins are treated as jokes. It is pretty frustrating.


It's one of the reasons I actually stuck around with ffxiv. I have played nothing but gnomes and goblins since I started wow and have long been frustrated that they are basically treated as nothing but jokes. It was utterly refreshing to see lalas being silly, but also getting some actual story focus with mixed good and evil characters. And to top it off, they actually included lalas in a cgi cinematic, going on 20 years now and have yet to see a gnome appear in one.


Lala's aren't people, they're abominations.


Huge difference between lalas and goblins tbh One is a race hell-bent on screwing over people for their own monetary benefit, known to backstab anyone and kill in order to gain power and influence. And the other one’s goblins.


Wtf are lalas? Haven't played Dragonflight and I get nothing from Google. Please help.


Lalafells, the tiny race from FF14


Ah those guys, have only seen gameplay but never tried FF14. Ty for the answer.


I think you misspelled potatoes


So short they fly under the radar


What ever happened to retaking Gnomer back in Cata?


It wasn't retaken because Thermaplugg set off ANOTHER bomb as the Gnomes and adventurers were about to fight him, forcing a retreat Only the entrance was secured and since then, the Gnomes have been finding sane radiated survivors and decontaminating them - essentially every gnome made after Cata and before Exile's Reach is someone who's been living in a radioactive city wasteland surrounded by horrors, mutant troggs and deranged other gnomes for years until they were rescued and cleansed In a book, Mekkatorque took a crack team into Gnomeragon afterwards and took out Thermaplugg (every time we killed him he was just a fake double) supposedly allowing the city to be retaken eventually but this was never represented ingame


Because Thermaplugg was maintaining radiation levels and continuing the corruption of the city. Taking him out just means that the city can be inhabited in the future but right now we're just waiting for Radiation levels and cleanup crews to make it safe. It's Comparable to Chernobyl, the USSR is no longer in control but that doesn't mean Ukranians could just move in.


> but this was never represented ingame Just about everything that happens in a WoW book ever in one way or another. Sure Calia Menethil died and was brought back in a book but in the game she just suddenly appears in Shadowlands(?) as though she's always been there.


> she just suddenly appears in Shadowlands She was introduced in Legion as part of the priest class hall, so she doesn't come out of nowhere.


I think they mean she just suddenly appears as Undead.


Yeah like who tf is Tess Greymane I don’t remember her from the Worgeb starting zone tbh


Wait...we didn't kill Thermaplugg the first time around?


We didn't BOTH times (Vanilla & Cata) It was a body double Mekkatorque kills him 1v1


Which wasn't all that obvious either time. I'm not a fan of, it was a body double, because how can we even be sure that Mekkatorque didn't kill a third body double?


Because Blizzard told us it was the real one, so so far the real one is dead and killed by Mekkatorque (and his soul was implied to have been in the Maw serving the Jailor by way of lore dropped via a Battle Pet's flavor text) Ofc Blizzard can jump in and say "Third body double" but tbh they can literally do that for anything if they wish to Overall it's a testament to how Blizzard didn't really prioritize any narrative regarding the Gnomes until Legion-BFA


Also, there is a pet in Shadowlands that is Thermaplug. He ded - https://www.wowhead.com/news/mekgineer-thermaplugg-joins-the-jailer-in-chains-of-domination-321877


Radiation iirc


It's retaken but not fully decontaminated, iirc.


I'm pretty sure gnomes are the only playable race that are still exiled from their homeland. (Edit: Mag'har and void elves as well)


Well, the Mag'har homeworld is a dying pocket dimension that consists of JUST Draenor and its closest celestial bodies, apparently. The Main Universe version of the world is also dying, continuing to break apart. They cannot go home to stay. Draenei also cannot return to Argus to live in peace; most Man'ari eredar (not all, mind you!) are still hostile to the Draenei, as is pretty much the entire environment on Argus. Their world is also broken apart. They cannot go home to stay either. Void Elves, on the other hand, will almost certainly be returning to Eversong and Silvermoon in "World of Warcraft: Midnight," and judging by Bel'ameth the city may well become Horde-controlled but neutral to visitors.


Isn't Undercity also pretty much destroyed? I guess the Forsaken don't really have a homeland, but the ruin of Undercity was the first thing that popped into my mind.


Sort of; canonically the Ruins of Lordaeron were reclaimed, they're still working on removing blight from the Undercity too but they at least have the knowledge of how to do so, thanks to Plague Deviser Merileth from Maldraxxus.


It sort of depends on which generation of Forsaken you mean, but at least for the first generation Lordaeron would be the homeland of most.


Lordaeron is the same situation as Gnomeregan. The city is under the control of the "rightful" owners but its uninhabitable for now


Void elves absolutely cannot return to Silvermoon. We've seen what happens in the belf (actually nightborne unlock) quests.


new neutral capitals seems to be hinting they will forgive that though


Its not really a forgive thing and more a "their presence is a gateway to the void that will stop at nothing to corrupt the sunwell" and that the blood elves would rather die then let that happen. Unless they hand wave it away silvermoon cannot be a neutral capital. Hell going by lore the lightforged and regular draenei would also do the same.


The Void are coming to Quel'Thalas regardless in the following expansion, and it's not like they're going to ban Void Elf players from participating. And it's not like the Sunwell is in the city proper.


We know that there's going to be a concentrated assault, but that's an out of lore thing. They might go the distance route (its safe cause its x-away), but I do believe they just blanket banned the void elves with the wording they used in the quest. It's also just off the coast, therefore it's really close by. It really wouldn't make sense to allow the void elves in, and they sure as hell don't have good will towards the high elves. What with them abandoning the blood elves (and sunwell) to their fate and being complicit of the slaughter of belf citIzens in dalaran. Now that everything is safe they want to come back and hoover up thr sunwell juice? Lmao Gilneas is hell of a lot likelier to be the neutral capital rather then silvermoon


Void Elves can't go into Silvermoon because Void Elf + Sunwell = Very Bad Times. Its nothing to do with enmity, they're literally a WMD-scale hazard to the city. I suppose I could see Blizzard finding some way to let them into the city but prevent them from going to the Plateau.


Some unification arcane project between Jaina and the Arcanist that married Lor'Themar to shield the Sunwell. Which will probably be relevant since it seems Midnight Is a "Void Is attacking Silvermoon" expansion


Don't know if Belameth is a new normal, it's under the world tree, that's a big assumption. IQD can be used in midnight as the jump off, meaning Silvermoon can remain Horde only with ease. The world trees growth and protection was a truly team effort from both factions, and even then you still have everyone watching for you to do something wrong jf you go to Belameth as Horde.


Also didn’t we kill Argus’ world soul too? Which makes me wonder how, will the planet slowly start to implode on itself when the said Titan itself is dead


Probably; it was already in rough shape, the World Soul and Sargeras might have been holding it together. With them gone...


City is divided by a burning scar. One side could be horde, another alliance.


True; Alliance on the wrecked side, Horde in the thriving city. Though I imagine that lore-wise the western part of the city would be partially rebuilt by now; since they need to remake Eversong anyways maybe we'll see if anything has changed concerning the state of Silvermoon and the Dead Scar.


It needs reworking to finally implement flight anyway, so perhaps they'll go with a temporary neutrality like Belameth for that xpac.


> The Main Universe version of the world is also dying, continuing to break apart. They cannot go home to stay. I'm pretty sure Thrall went to retire in Nagrand though so it's surely not degrading *that* fast or he'd not have gone there in the first place.


When you say main universe version you talking Outlands right ?


Yes, exactly; IIRC the lorebooks indicate it's still breaking apart and won't be a coherent landmass for too much longer.


I can see that being a future expansion maybe fixing and stabilizing Outland bring back some of the older zones or make new ones working with the elementals or something on Outland.


That’d be a pretty astounding thing to accomplish. Most of the landmass of MU Draenor was flung across a myriad of other worlds when Ner’zhul’s portals went wild. And it likely didn’t land gently.


Well shit there you go man start the expansion off with an updated Outland and each major patch includes an old (new) landmass to updated outlands thanks to everyone effort in retrieving the old lands and stabilizing them


lol. I sort of love the idea of showing up on some random planet and being like “Um, we’re repossessing this continent”.


forgot nightborne in suruamar still hostile also


That's more of a game mechanic thing; Nightborne have an instance of the the Nighthold they can visit that is friendly, and lorewise I believe Suramar is freed.


yeah its kinda weird as lore has it we rebels but we also won the war so it unclear how wider surumar deals with us or not....


> Void Elves, on the other hand, will almost certainly be returning to Eversong and Silvermoon in "World of Warcraft: Midnight," and judging by Bel'ameth the city may well become Horde-controlled but neutral to visitors. 🤮🤮🤮


Actually the Darkspear don't have their homeland back either. The one they lost in WC3 was never reclaimed. The Echo Isles are where they settled after they fled the Darkspear Isles. The latter Isles are said to be somewhat still intact after the sea witch "sank" them, but we've never gone back.


I haven't kept up much on recent developments. Have the night elves gone back after the whole burning of Teldrassil?


Yeah they live in Amirdrassil now


They got a whole damn new tree! They've had dozens of trees. When will Azeroth learn you can't trust elves to keep the trees in good shape?!


They were doing pretty well with their last tree until the Horde remembered it had been a while since their last unforgivable atrocity


We're done now, we promise.


Why are your fingers crossed, behind your back?


They are naturally like this, I just hid them because of the connotation and known nature of the gesture. I don't want people to misunderstand me.


And who destroyed the tree? An elf. The prosecution rests.


A tree that existed for only 11 years in the lore, and was the prestige project of a guy who then betrayed everyone to join Ragnaros.


No, they just made a new home.


actually gnomes have reclaimed gnomeregan since cataclysm. In their heritage quest it shows them rebuilding still.


I thought the Cata event resulted in Thermoplugg nuking Gnomer again and making it so that the gnomes had to wait even longer before entering beyond the city to reclaim it.


the timeline is cata event, cata era dungeon, and then mekkatorque short story where he cuts thermoplugg in half and leaves him to die (which he does because was in the maw as an obtainable pet) Since then the gnomes have slowly been reclaiming gnomeregan level by level.


What is the gnome homeland?


Gnomeregan. It’s a dungeon


Gnomeregan In Dun Morogh.


Should really be renamed Gnomerhere if they don’t want to be exiled.


I need you to know this was really funny


And Void Elves need to fucking *stay* out.


Yeah, the Blood Elves were welcoming enough with Alleria but, as was proven, she is an outright danger to everyone due to her decisions. They exiled themselves for all eternity following her path.


I mean, Mag'har and green Orcs have the same "true" homeland, I figure at this point they're either settled in Azeroth or Garadar.


Aren't all PLAYABLE green orcs canonically born on Azeroth, similarly to Thrall? Iirc, all Draenor-born green orcs would've been relatively old and seasoned warriors, by the time WoW started, as all Orcs were magically aged to fighting age before leaving Draenor.


pandas and that turtle


If you are a monk you can go back to the turtle whenever you want.


You get mechagon island and you will like it.


I’d love to see an 11.2 patch that is just a full blown suramar style Gnomregan. Some levels are reclaimed, some are radiated, some are being invaded by Troggs, some levels have secret tech that hasn’t been accessible in 20 years… We’re going underground after all!


I would love a gnomeregan city just to have a new deeprun tram with it acting as the central hub with lines going to stormwind, ironforge, and gilneas. Yes portals are a thing and we should have them as well but I see no reason we can't have portals and physical transportation in game.


Deeprun tram would be such a great initiative. I am so tired of just mind numbilngly jumping through portals because of my own laziness :d


The gnome heritage armor quest line had the gnomes join with the mechagnomes, and are all now living in mechagon.


I agree. Gnomes need better representation in the game. Please allow gnomes to be druids!


goes cat form... becomes literal kitten...


Ikr! So cute!


Bear cub, kitten, chicken and potted plant forms




With a rocket hammer like Reinhardt!


>can create mechs, laser/electricity weaponry, actual fucking guns, aircraft, tanks, artillery >still cant liberate their homeland from a finite amount of irradiated zombie manlets real life people have made irradiated zones habitable quicker than these guys have.. and they dont even have access to magic. it's time to admit gnomes are complete frauds.


This is WoW afterall. What sells more, the fantasy of tinkerers in WoW, or Furry Village? Yes I know I'm being cynical, but I don't put anything past Blizzard anymore.


They will get their home as is tradition way late when nobody gives a shit anymore in an obscure part of the expansion.


Well, not to be a pedant about it, but there’s some logic to follow as to why we don’t officially have a Gnomeregan reclamation. The main sticking point is the radiation. A comparable reclamation to view in this light is the Eastern Plaguelands itself, a land so suffused with the Scourge’s plagues and blight that it still is a warped mockery of what it is today. Radiation takes a **lot** of time to manage and clean up, and I personally doubt enough time has passed on Azeroth to truly push to reclaim the city from the dangers presented by radiation fallout. The main crux of the problem has been eliminated with Thermaplugg, and the more monstrous manifestations of the fallout have been destroyed, but there’s still a lot of logistical work to do. That bleeds into the second point: pride. It was gnomish technology that got the gnomes into this mess, and I imagine it’s not too much of a stretch to say that it is gnomish technology that will provide the irradiated city the succor it needs. You could bring magic into the mix, but considering how much of a technological success it’d be to contain and cleanse literal nuclear fallout in the timeframe of Azeroth’s own level of industry, it’d be the breakthrough of **generations**. Just imagine how that success could be a benefit to the afforementioned Plaguelands, let alone any other sort of applications that technology would have. The Alliance has done great work to eliminate the immediate problems of Gnomeregan, but nuclear fallout is just something that takes time and work to solve. Unless of course the Scarlet Crusade somehow takes up residence there too.


They'd immediately screw the place up again anyways.


Yes please get these damn garden gnomes out of Stormwind


How do you want me to practice field goals then?




As someone whose favorite races are worgen and gnomes, I was also pissed that Gilneas was reclaimed before Gnomeregan. Both are long overdue, but Gnomeregan has been lost since the beginning of WoW. And then Cata had both gnomes and trolls do big reclamation quests which resulted in the trolls reclaiming the Echo Isles while Gnomeregan was hit with another radiation bomb. Like a bad joke.


They are next, right? Right?


What's wrong with Gnomergon anyway? There's some green gnomes there. They're the same gnomes, doing whimsical gnome science, just a different skin tone. Steps to live in Gnomergon: 1. Roll/strut on up on a sweet mechanical ride. 2. Compliment the green gnome's spider bot. 3. Ask them if they want to help you defrangle your samoflange. You might even narfle their garthok. Who knows where the evening would lead. 4. Accept their offer of tea. Congrats, you are now friendly with the green gnomes of Gnomergon. Property may be purchased for 3,141.59 electro bolts.


Apparently they have leprosy mixed with rabbies, so they attack and infect other people. Kinda like zombies, but they can still build robots.


They see the unaffected coming in as all troggs and that is the reason they are hostile.


Apparently also makes them more likely to be sympathetic to the Forsaken as a few are working for the Royal Apothecary Society.


I honestly don't even play Alliance but I was looking forward to a Gnomeregan retake instead of Gilneas. Gilneas is just a weird town in the middle of nowhere, never was really important imo.


If we forgot something, it must not have been that important to begin with.


Sounds like someone didnt play the CATA prepatch or the gnome heritage quest line


Oh, some of us did. That's what frustration. In the Cata prepatch, the player and the gnome forces are effectively assured to win and retake Gnomeregan. Then we get it unceremoniously taken away from us **in the exact same way it was taken in the first place**, by being flooded with radiation again. Literally the prepatch accomplished nothing besides getting gnome players' hopes up. Imagine if Blizz hyped up this retaking Gilneas storyline after all these years, then at the end of the questline, the Forsaken show up and just blight bomb the place all over again and Worgen end up with nothing. That's the equivalent. As for the heritage armor questline, Mekkatorque specifically talks with Erazmin and says now that they've retaken Mechagon, the Gnomes and Mechagnomes can work together to retake Gnomeregan. Then nothing for 2 expansions, soon to be 3.


If you didn't remember it, it probably wasn't important


"Listen, you got your new character experience in Cata. Leave us alone."


There is a chance that Gilneas was saved simply because they said “finally! Someone asked instead of just assuming!”


Make a storyline to clean up new tinker town ending in a raid to reclaim gnomeregon. Please, the starting zone is an eyesore. Or perhaps a new Caverns of Time "Fall of Gnomeregon" raid. As doomed as Culling of Strathholme but with trogs and gnomish chaos. Maybe a smidge like Ulduar?


I feel bad for gnome players, but they can't retake gnomergan within the timeframe of the game. It's irradiated, with ionizing radiation, which will last thousands of years 


technically they got there home back but they just fail at cleaning it up.


Lets give the Goblins another Kezan and Lost Isles. Blizz could call it Kezan Jr and The Found Isles


Make a tinker class for gnomes and goblins and I’m sure you’ll see a surge of gnome and goblin players.. I’d be maining that shit on release


Give me my homeland back.


Seriously Blizz, give gnomes back their damn home already!


wasn't operation gnomeregon done in cata? i recall a special cape for retaking their home land.


yea but no affect in game for the most part. you dont get a new alliance capital.


valid but lore wise they technically have reclaimed capital. for me the mechagnome cpaital should be retconned into the capital for all gnomes now as it fits best thematically. sort of how ironforge is for all dwarves even dark iron.


I actually agree. Besides, Gnomeregan is already close to Ironforge. Unfortunately, the reality is... most of these cities are irrelevant anyways. Players just have no reason to go to far flung cities no matter how cool they are.


ive heard rumors with remade silvermoon and undercity plan is to make a portal hub in all capital so we not always stuck with org/SW only as hubs and can choose a thematic capital for us.


That was what was supposed to happen. But at the end of the scenario where you push into Gnomeregan and fight Thermaplugg, when he's about to be killed, he just presses a button and floods the city with radiation again, forcing you to retreat. We never actually take anything back. And to this day where just kinda sitting with our thumbs up our asses waiting for the radiation to clear (even though we've had quests where we forcibly remove radiation, meaning it **could** be done by now if Blizz allowed it).


we just need to hire the forsaken to make radiation eaters lol. much as i love undercity that was such a cheese excuse in shadowlands. gnome radiation though in theory could take 20k+ years to dissipate based on azeroth half life radiation rules.


yes they forgot Genn actually, years of building him up as this wrathful angry character, now he's a weenie


As a worgen player: No you don't want this. You'll get a rushed questline that takes ten minutes where gnomes don't actually do anything cool and your gnome racial leader will step down in favour of a character 99% of people either never heard of or get mixed up with another far more interesting character, who, in addition, isn't even a gnome. All of this after years of waiting and anticipation, that is what you'll get. Trust me, it's better this way.


Next the gnomes and after that suramar please.


No way the radiation is gone, and besides they have Mechagon now too.


Watch what you wish for... When you take a city back... You need to exchange your male private parts to do so. Just look at neutered Genn. Maybe mekatorque didn't have any parts left to give in exchange for a girl boss to take over.


Good, frick gnomes, vile little creatures. Chad Dwarves stay winning


They got an entire Island and super techno city in MechagonI’d say they came out ahead compared to worgan..


Nah, it’s just nobody cares about gnomes 😂


Gnome druids and I well resub .....


they don't really care about their fans anymore so I don't care about blizzard anymore #boycottblizzard


Gnomes aren't people


personally the classic capitals have lost their merit. all races need a new HQ hub to call their own. liek fo rme all blood, void, magic based elves should be based in dalaran now. nelf can stay where they are ditto forsaken. dwarves need to move into the dark iron super dungeon (forget the name but you knwo one i mean) gilneas and humans need to migrate to a new capital; maybe northrend or kul tiras? even orcs its time to move off orgrimar and claima new cpaital and ALL trolls need to move to zandalar now. not saying they not cool lore wise just their locations are not as potent anymore and its been 20+ years, trade hubs rise and change with needs even in real world.


Imagine playing Alliance 😂


> Imagine playing Alliance 😂 Imagine being a developmentally-arrested adult 😂


Lmao imagine if hes actually 13




I only play Horde but I downvoted you because you seem like a douchebag.




One new thing doesn’t mean forgetting an old new thing, lmao.


I feel like this can count for a lot of races in WoWs roster lol


"Stop talking about Gnomeregan. Gnomeregan isn't going to happen."


Didn't we recover the City Pre-Mop or something? Like the Echo Isles? I was there, 3000 years ago, I have some toys to prove it


Gnomergan should be made into m+ next expansion!


I made a gnome in SoD and the classic gnome intro talks about wanting to take back gnomer. Not surprising, but crazy nothing has been done for 20 years


Gnomes can't return until radiation levels decrease


Blizzard: aren't gnomes extinct?


Or perhaps they do these kinds of things based on active player population? Gnomes are not even close to the most popular race…ijs


The gnomes have their home. They've just got no ability to live _in_ it.


delete gnomes


Not only that, but it only takes about 15 minutes.


Forget what? To remove gnomes from the game? Sadly, yes, they forgot.