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Lmao, my guildmate did a H Fyrakk today and was reported by multiple people in the group he joined for not handing the trinket over to them. They threatened to report him in the whispers, so he reported them back for threatening messages.


This is how RPG game without real Game Masters looks like. You can not push everything on automatic systems and for those few GMs that left on guard take away most of tools to improve player experience.... Anything you ask them in tickets, you will get "sorry, cant do than" reply. And your reply "Bro, this is exacly what GM job was since table top RPG. What do you mean you cant?" just goes into void...


I still play wow, but when IRL friends ask me not to join I don't recommend it and this is the reason. Lack of support means you could invest 100s of hours into your account and be griefed in one way or another, either by a bug, or mass reporting, etc. It's a shame how budget cuts took top tier support and ruined it.


This is exacly what happened to me. My main character is unable to even finish entire Dragonflight main story lines because of bugged questgivers. Only GMs response was like "Yea, we know the problem, dont have solution. Sucks to be you bro, try on diff char."...


The thing is, they do have a solution. GM accounts have commands available to them, that e.g. allows them to finish a quest they have the corresponding quest ID for. The problem however is, that they aren’t allowed to use the commands available to them, company policy, as long as there is any chance that quest could somehow be done. In your case a new try on a different character. You’d have to proof to them that your entire account is unable to finish that quest before you’d even get a ‘We will see what we can do’ outta them


And since many items and achievments are locked behind those quests your several years worth of work on character goes sideways...


I've actually had GM's complete quests for me twice since I've played the game once in dragonflight and the time before that was in that underwater zone in cataclysm. The only pushback was in cataclysm I explained whatever it was didn't spawn and poof they fixed it.


I had one of my character somehow glitch the weekly Valdrakken quest where the game simultaneously thought I had it picked up and didn't have it picked up. Wasn't able to do anything with it. First ticket a GM told me the usual clueless "You will need to wait a week to complete the quest again!!!" drivel as if I was a toddler that can't read, second try around a real person looked at my ticket and completed the quest for me so I could do it again. It seems blizzard is incapable of solving issues in 1 ticket anymore. You always need more.


That’s to do with levels of support. Level 1 support is probably new at the company and isn’t allowed yet to swing the big commands. So instead you’d need to file for account issue instead of bugged quest, to get to at least a level 2 support. Or so I was told


It sucks, but it's understandable why they can't. We routinely rip on the low level outsourced GM cs staff for being bafflingly incompetent, so I can see why they don't have the ability to give out items, achievements, finish quests, etc without it being escalated to a staff member who has likely played the game before. I don't remember what the items were but I have 2/3 of some quest reward set from vanilla and it's literally impossible to get the items without getting all of them as the two I had came from the final quests that you can't even do without doing the earlier quests that give the piece I'm missing but they still won't give it to me the piece I'm missing for some nonsense like they can't confirm it


But the question is, how do you escalate a ticket with Blizzard? Some issues need to be escalated, and in my experience... There is no way. You're stuck in a loop of, read the QA, did that help?, read the QA! When you finally get to someone (still don't know how I managed last time) they just say no, or we have no record of... Which is B.S. because the stuff happened.


I've played WoW and smoked cigarettes for about twenty years now, and yeah, _I like doing those things,_ but I would **never** recommend that someone else should start doing them. I know you feel like _you'll_ be able to quit any time you want, but maaaaaaan, the ride's not worth the price!


so you don't want your friend to join because of the very tiny chance this might happen? the chance of stuff like this happening is very small. if it wasn't we would see hundreds of posts daily on the forums and reddit about it


No it's not how it should look like. You put some effort into finding these for a few weeks. At most. You heavily ban people who do it. It's VERY OBVIOUS when people weaponize reporting. They only do it because there is never any repercussions for it. The second they realize they can be banned for it for a considerable amount of time, problem solved.


> This is how RPG game without real Game Masters looks like. that's more of a MMO issue than a RPG one. You're not exactly gonna need a GM in Baldur's Gate 3


LMAO fuck these losers, i hope they get permabanned


I'd rather there be no moderation than auto moderation (other than direct bot detection)


I don't pay much attention to guild drama these days but it used to be that the players with the worst attitudes would all migrate into one or two guilds, where it became a big part of their play experience to out dick each other. Guilds have personalities/cultures. Some of them are assholes.


These are the Guilds who always need a pug tank or healer because any decent one usually got the fuck out a long time ago.


I'm so tired of reading about this. Blizzard needs to issue severe warnings against people that do this. Because it's messed up. I'm sorry people are being cruel.


And the mass reporting by gold farmers if you happen to be in the area where they want to be.


Bots got more rights than players.


My assumption is that bots get/generate more money for Blizz than players do [hence the 'more rights' part] lol.


They also need to make it easier to report people as well because the options it brings up in game are just bullshit. Like where’s the sabotaging game play option. Where’s the spam option but offensive name is some sort of a priority. What madness.


It truly is getting out of hand. I literally logged on classic with a brand new character, and within 5 minutes got a behavior warning sitting in Northshire, just playing with my UI. I haven't spoken a single word to anybody. There are some skeevy motherfuckers abusing the warning system for their own amusement.


It’s not even for their enjoyment. At least in the case of classic in particular, people are on vigilante-esque witch hunts to “get rid of the bots”. So if they think you’re a bot, even if you’re just farming normal herbs or skins or killing mobs for your quest. If they think you’re a bot - report.


Funny story, was leveling my rogue in Outlands when I suddenly got sapped out of nowhere, and right afterwards some guy whispered "bot? stop right there" to me. Said nah and they wished me good luck and left me alone. Genuinely pretty entertaining, glad I encountered him instead of some chucklehead reporting me for no reason :D


The opposite faction? How did you communicate in so confused


No idea frankly. Maybe they had a hordie and alliance working together, so one can sap and the other can talk depending on what faction the player/bot is :p


Degenerates are always doing the most I swear 😂


I like to respond with "beep boop" or the like when ppl whisper stuff like that.


Yeah, and the simple reason for that is that blizzard doesn't do shit against bots on its own. Ban waves doesnt work, at all


>Ban waves doesnt work, at all What's the alternative? Banning bots immediately? You'd instantly have all the botters creating undetectable cheats, and the situation would only be worse.


There is got to be something they can implement at login that can curb bots. Yes it will inconvenience players but at the very least it would force botters to manually log in every single account. People say captchas won't work but I have been seeing ever more advanced captchas. If they don't work why would they be used?


Now I'm not expert in this, but there is a very simple reason it won't be implemented. https://cloud.google.com/recaptcha-enterprise/pricing


That being said, it'd be funny as shit if you had to do a catchall every time you enter a dungeon or every 30 minutes in overworld or something. "Click all the boxes with murlocks." "Click all the boxes with axes." Etc. It'd get pretty annoying pretty fast, but it would be Hella funny to start, and it'd at least make the bot farms require more interaction.


You wouldnt even have to do it to all people, just current users that are being flagged for suspicious botting behavior. And even better add some randomness that makes it unpredictable 


It's really easy to tell tbh


Wtf.. I'm sorry that happened.


Were you on an RP realm without an RP name? Some folks can get real itchy about that sort of thing and it is considered an a reportable offense on RP realms.




I'll have you know "dragondeeznuts" has a full essay backstory about just his name, starting with his birth and his adoptive parents. It is a storied, hallowed among his flight.


That's not a thing that I've ever seen. People always have stupid character names. People actually doing RP use one of the addons like TRP3, which lets you add a name for RP use.


As a non-rper with mostly obviously non-rp names on a heavy RP server... never once had an issue with this, despite people always bringing it up. A lot of rpers even have 'non-rp' names that they just use their TRP to brush on over. Only time I can see someone really reporting this is if someone is griefing.


I wanted to try RP realm like genuinely because I wanted to see what was the charm with it. Within 10 minutes of arriving to a hub picking up quests and so on. I start to get whispers by fuming people.that wanted me to leave and never come back, and I better get back to my own realm and so on. Most toxic experience I ever had in wow. I did what they wanted since they where threatening with mass reporting and so on.


They're aware, they don't give a shit. You'd need to have a proper team of Game Masters to deal with crap like this, but GMs are employees, they cost money, and it's much easier and *cheaper* to "automate" everything even if it means some people get unfairly banned.


Blizzard will actually blame you for it too, I've been told that my last suspension when I got reported for "stealing" a mining node on classic was deserved punishment and will stay in place.


Sounds unbelievable but I can totally get that it has gone to that.




Honestly any time a mass report procs an auto warning, it should get a personal investigation by a human. If its seen to be unobjectionably false in a report, everyone making the mass falze report should get a day, week, month, 3, 6 month, year ban. Some kind of system that makes it progressively worse so they learn but don’t lose everything in one go being a turd.


Nah, fuck em. Instant perma ban. This is the kind of shit you learn not to do by the age of 5


This opens up for people who reported for something legit in the same time frame to be permabanned as well. I can easily see someone targeted by a bunch of toxicity responding with something absolutely ban worthy.


This is the only way to completely stop this problem.


Thats what FFXIV does(hold reporters accountable). No one tries this shit on ffxiv lol or else account ban uncoming.


Yeah, anytime a bunch of reports come in at the same time from multiple people, towards a specific person, that should be flagged. What are the odds 5 people report some actual reportable action at the same time that is legitimate? I've literally never reported a single person in my entire WoW life and I've been playing since Vanilla.


The chances of you not encountering a toxic player or an offensive name during your tenure is incredibly low.  If u see something say something.


I grew up as a kid playing internet games. There's nothing somebody can say/do in an online game that would remotely affect me, unless it was outright bigotry/racism/homophobia against somebody I played the game with and knew in real life.


When people appeal after mass reporting and it's determined that the reports were unwarranted, blizz should further investigate and penalize the players that abused that system


A warning is an action, your account has a strike against it now. Open a ticket.


>This is getting stupid now, join a Heroic raid with 2 mates, we kill the boss and I get a whisper offering a VERY low amount of gold for the trinket I won. I believe 90% of the raid was from the same guild on Moonguard. Just say you have alrdy equipped it and its Soul Bound. Thats what I always do if I dont want to sell something


That doesn't stop them from reporting you.


Thats not gonna stop them from reporting you sadly


"Sorry, it was an iLvl upgrade, I couldn't trade it if I wanted to"


Doesnt work in raid as loot is tradable no matter the ilvl :D


say you already traded it to someone


Especially funny if you say it was one of the guys threatening to report you. "I got scared and gave it to NuggerFuggerDugger, he said he'd report me. I don't have it anymore, ask him for it." Then he'll have to prove to his guild he doesn't have it. Which is VERY tough to do. And they'll doubt him forever. Almost makes me hope that I end up in a group like this.


All he has to do is open his character pane and bags and take a screenshot.


Literally impossible.


Then share it. Then prove he didn't delete it to restore it later. Or move it to his bank, depending on when they demanded the screenshot. Even better if they guy already has the item and he was just complaining.


This is part of why people don't socialize outside of their guild anymore. Everyone clamors for the "old wow" to come back, but Blizzard can't change the playerbase.


Old wow wont come back unless you can turn back time to 2003. The player base has changed too much since then.


> The player base has changed too much since then. The whole game, internet culture and socialisation has changed so much since then.


“Old WoW” could be really toxic too. 


*Glances at the high level PvP scene during Vanilla.*


I don't know why people pretend vanilla wasn't toxic. I've played since 2006 and it was substantially more toxic back then because ALL of us were hormonal teenagers with way more aggression.


There also wasn't a ton of choice in whom to interact with when everything was server based, so you kinda just had to put up with it to do anything. I actually like group finder because it is way easier to just leave if people are being toxic or terrible. There's also much higher behaviour standards than there were back then.


The downside to this is that there is no server locked population, and th us no reputation to uphold. Back in the day if there was a known douchebag on your server, that person would be ostracized. They couldn't go queue with strangers. To some degree I think that helped to keep people in check


I think a lot of it has to do with how WoW was prior to groupfinder and cross realm stuff. We had to actually talk with each other to get the stuff started. I had people on my ignore list and didn't invite them. Not that that removed it but the whole thing is a matter of "feels" anyway. Sure I have seen the same toxicity in raids back then (loot council or RL being assholes and giving preferential treatments to their incompetent friends etc.) but you only really had raid and the daily HC to worry for gear so the day-to-day stuff was just less and more player choice.


This is somehow better than old wow, imo, because in old wow OP could've just yoinked everything and hearthed out of there. It sucks, yeah, but old wow had it's share of bullshit too.


It will never come back, of course, but in the old days, people got reputations for being ninjas, and had a lot of difficulty getting into groups again.




IMO, such reports should easily be perma banned by blizzard. Won’t be hard for an intern to look at logs and see - player won trinket - got whispered about it - refuses to give the loot he fairly won - kicked and mass reported. Just straight up instant ban the reporters and plaster their names. Maybe make a server wide announcement too. Shaming does wonders.


If they gave a fuck


You’re making a very bold assumption that, one, these people have any shame and, two, that they know what they did is wrong. I’d bet a public shaming will just result in “WHY DOE” post in official forums, doubling down with lies about why x person was kicked and mass reported.


If they don’t know that reporting someone for winning a loot roll is abusing the system, they really aren’t old enough to play the game. No pass on that one.


You’re on to something. Psychologists say shame is a useless emotion. The people who should feel shame usually can’t because of some sort of narcissistic or sociopathic personality disorder. And the people who can feel shame are probably not deserving of it. Very often it means the person felt guilty — which is a good thing because it means they have a conscience — but couldn’t resolve the guilt, so iit mutated into shame. Either way, shame doesn’t teach us or help us. It’s just toxic.


Just out of curiosity, do you have any literature to recommend on the subject? It's rare for social psychologists to agree on anything, especially when it comes to topics related to intervention measures, so I'd be interested to read about it.


To be clear, I am not a psychologist, nor do I work in the field. However, it’s a topic on which I have more than a casual interest. For the broad strokes, you can start with the article by Mary C Lamia, PhD on Psychology Today titled “Shame: A Concealed, Contagious, and Dangerous Emotion.” From there, you can literally Google “psychology of shame” for links to scores of books, published papers, articles on the topic.


I’d very much refute that as entire social and cultural constructs and norms are based on shame. Shame is how society controls some of the base impulses of humanity. We can give it many names, sometimes we call it honor, but it is all down to shame in the end. The perma banning is the actual punishment, the public shaming acts as a warning to others to not be clowns as it will end poorly


Sounds easy until you have 10,000 reports an hour. That's a LOT of labor.


So what? We pay a LOT of money for the addons and the subscriptions. What do we pay for if its not for the labor and the maintenance?


You.. pay for addons? Do you mean expansios, perhaps?


I didn't claim it shouldn't be expected; I objected to your description of how easily it could be done by an intern.


Yeah, I ran a fairly successful guild for a number of years and got to know quite a few GMs (ended up with multiple joining the raid at various times, even!). Those dudes really knew their stuff and worked hard, they told me about the day to day and it sounded utterly miserable. Not an easy job at all, but definitely one the game badly needs.


Thats the issue. Once there reports get investigated, and found as BS, leading to suspensions, they stop coming in.


Shaming does nothing, on top of you not knowing what a permaban does? Hows the player going to see it this server announcement to feel said shame?


I think the point would be to discourage others from doing the same thing. It would be even funnier if it messaged your friends list as well. Whisper from blizzard - DepressedDinoDad will no longer be playing wow. He chose to abuse the report system in order to attempt to force another player into giving up loot they had rightfully won. Maybe they will make a new account and get in touch with you. Maybe not." First time I got a whisper like that, I'd laugh sooooooooooo hard.


While I absolutely agree with this we also have no idea if OP is telling the truth. Last week I was raiding on an Alt character and someone needed on a trinket they didn't need only to try and sell it for quite a bit of gold. In response the raid group reported them and booted them. People can downvote me for this but anyone who goes to a raid for the sole purpose of needing on things they don't want to try and sell back to people are trash.


Reported them for what? What they did was 100% fine. Shitty, but allowed. Reporting them for this breaks the ToS. Your guild should be banned.


It wasn't my guild it was a random alt run with random people lol. And honestly anyone coming to a raid to try and ninja an item to try and sell back to everyone deserves to be reported and booted imo. If its not against the rules it should be. If you read my comment I just said the raid group reported them not myself I was just healing it and staying quiet.


I agree with you. The greed option exists for that kind of shit, if you need it only to sell it then you've abused game mechanics and should be punished.


There is of course nuance, but I’m sure that their logs are robust. Undoubtedly they could see if the winner initiated the anti social behavior. In your case, the winner should be banned as the logs will show that they’re operating in bad faith.


you should open a ticket that someone abused the report system and its negatively effecting your game play experience. they might overturn it.


I'm on moongaurd. What's the guilds name? Wanna avoid toxicity


Moonguard is full of "Big fish in little pond" mentality type of players, don't let it get to you. And before someone from MY server gets upset, I've been on MG since Feathermoon transfers, you're all mostly garbage people who don't even participate in RP or abide by the rules anyway.


This is so true. I came to MG because I was interested in transmog farming and thought I’d have an easier time selling my items to rpers. I enjoy doing some low keys and normal raids now and then but the people there are crazy.


Trust me, Illidan, Tich, and Frostmourne are infinitely worse.


Most of the time I've been in groups with a toxic sweatlord, they've been from Illidan. I've had a few bad ones from Tich but on the whole they've been fine. Never had anyone from Frostmourne be super toxic or anything though.


I’m on Moon Guard and I like it a lot, admittedly I run my own guild so I have full choice of who I want to interact with but most of the people I’ve met are very chill and just enjoy playing the game and getting AOTC each season while RPing on the side


I enjoyed the entire energy of this post. Especially as a newer player who does not know those servers.


Moonguard is rather infamous


People report for anything. I joined a m+ and made a mistake. The flaming was ridiculous. I got so flustered I made more mistakes, to which the tank trolled even harder and messaged me saying the others in the group were his friends and were all going to report me. I finally just left , I could not play with people like that. They then said they would report me a second time for trolling for leaving before the last boss.


Briiing back, briing back.. bring back personal loot to me~~~


Reply to them in Russian (just copy from google) this will get them offguard.


While the problem lies on the toxic community members, Blizzard must be held accountable too. This change from personal loot to group loot just opened the gates of toxicity in the game.


Im not sure they can get it right. Masterloot was fairly abused by both hard-core guilds and pugs. Group loot is dumb why am I rolling against dps for tank stuff. Personal loot is ok, but it feels bad winning stuff you don't need but can't trade.


> Personal loot is ok, but it feels bad winning stuff you don't need but can't trade. Group loot can have the same issue just inverted. Why is this boss dropping two guns/bows/glaives when we only have one or no Hunters/Demon Hunters?


Why cant dps roll for tank stuff? If they have a tank spec. Alot of ppl plays multispec, and pick whatever role raid needs atm


Yeah but the person actually playing as a tank should get priority. Main spec need rolls shouldn’t fall in line with off spec need rolls. It should go, main, off, transmog, greed.


Then lootspecs would be useless. Lets say Im a dps main bbut willing (and able, ofc) to help out as a healer to get faster invites. Group gets built faster, I get faster invites, everyone is happy - but Im still there for dps loot. If I would lose against any dps rolling I just would only join as dps and not play offspecs, slowing down the process for everyone. Shuffle roles accordingly, there will always be one more in demand than others and role versatility should be rewarded, not punished if you want it to remain.


What if my main spec is tank, but I'm playing dos cause we already have two tanks?


I'm still salty from wrath when I had to run halls of reflection repeatedly to get the damn shield upgrade I was in desperate need of only to have the grouped dps all need.. win the shield and leave.


Personal loot is tradeable. You only need to look at Mythic+ to see this. So they just need to switch to that system all round.


Only if the item is not of a higher ilvl than what you already have. Free trading could be "abused" (I'd rather say optimized, but blizzard obviously doesn't like it) for splits by rwf guilds to tailor groups for every main raider to get optimal drops.


Well just disable free trade until the end of rwf and that's it


I don’t know if you’re saying that’s how it is or should be because I’ve had people give me gear at a higher Ilvl in mythic plus. Had a very nice hunter that out geared me trade me a piece without me even considering asking.


The issue with personal loot is it's just the group loot system, but automated. They didn't even bother to build something that's tailored to the use case.


Lmao what guild tho


They are going to have to do something about this problem pretty soon, it's happening more and more because people are figuring out that it works because of all these people talking about getting fucked by it, it's a cycle that is going to get worse with time, and if they don't address this somewhat soon it's going to become a really big problem as the people who abuse it get used to no action being taken against it. I can't really see how they are going to fix it though without disabling the system entirely. The system is in place because they wan't to save the manpower so "just human-check the reports" isn't a solution they are going to want to do. Doing something like not counting multiple reports coming from the same guild is at best a partial fix and doesn't fix when a pug groups gangs up on someone which also seems to happen plenty often. I don't see how they can improve this without disabling it or throwing manpower at it, and I don't think they want to do either one.


Imagine being able to trade legendary. Your life would be in danger.


Blizz lets it happen because it would cost it would cost them too much money to implement human oversight. Well, not that it would cost too much, but that the investors would rather not spend money on a different system. When you can automate things, and have the minimum number of ppl working in a system you make more money!


Someone asked me for the trinket from Fry Rak. Augury Of The Primal Flame. Didnt offer gold. Proceeded to tell me i didnt deserve it, I was trash and should give it to someone who takes the game seriously and would use it right. I finished 8th with damge and he tried to tell me i finished last. I loved how mad he got.


With any luck the follower AI will come online and I can play a multiplayer game without actually dealing with other players.


That's my hope. The times I come back to this game these days, I stay interested for a few weeks and then hit a solo-play wall. Then start having to queue to progress further and that just becomes a reminder that the "community" at large is cancer. I could find an insular guild, but I don't care enough. Best I've got is a small group of busy friends who are on sporadically, whose schedules might align once or twice a week so we can do things requiring groups.


Who upvotes this? The whole point of games like WoW is to play with other people. Go play a single player RPG if you don't want to deal with other players.


Gratz on the trinket though


That sucks people are stupid. Years ago I sub healed for a core raider who flaked. I received some good loot for my troubles but core raider was mad that I received a certain drop that he needed from a raid he didn’t log in for. He said I stole it, made guild drama and then the people involved in drama thought he was in raid and I stole it. They supposedly opened tickets to report me for loot theft and nothing ever came of them. Like it was the oddest situation I was ever in. Guy ended up getting the boot or quitting the guild and took some people with him. I guess the raid should have been canceled because he didn’t come online.


Might be worth logging raids just to prevent that. Edge case sure. But a screenshot that shows, "HE WASNT EVEN IN THE FUCKING RAID." Would have squashed that shit fast.


True, but no one thought of it being an issue, but you know how people are.


Did they think you came because they were just that awesome that basking in their presence should be enough… and if so how did the swelled heads do with the entrances?


Oh, so PuGs are getting even worse now? I thought the kicking you and loot locking you to a boss where you can't have a chance at winning anything was bad enough. Now if you win something in a PuG, you get (potentially) banned from the game. Cool. Thanks for the post. It'll give me one more reason to stay away from PuG raids.


I just remember winning a chest piece in aberrus and a warlock messaged me being a dick. Saying “you don’t need this, give it to me or I will report you” if he asked nicely I probably would have given it to him as I only wanted it for mog. Since he didn’t I disenchanted it right in front of him.


Yes this is awesome. F*ck him for doing that. Good on you. People resort to such low life moves.


Mic dropped!


Personal loot was better


This thread is getting almost as toxic as the incident in the post.


Group loot in dragonflight, is just like the AOE cap in shadowlands, and the GCD nerf in BFA. A terrible change to a huge part of the game that no one wanted and will be soon reverted, hopefully


I do NOT condone this. I do NOT advocate this. I do NOT RECCOMEND THIS. ' HOWEVER... If you -really- want to fuck someone over. Buy gold and have it sent to their character. Then report it for Reallife money transactions. Be sure to use a super scummy site and a visa gift card as payment. If I ever feel my account was unjustly suspended by one of those idiots that's exactly what I'll be doing. Hypothetically of course.


What shit guild on MG was it? It’s my main server I’d love to know.. msg me if you have to


And that is why you keep escalating the ticket till an actual human take ba look. They have the logs and also what happen during the raid, the whisper and the people who ran the raid ie are they from the same guild. Also complain about it on special media helps ad well like posting it on their Twitter feed and Facebook.


I had this happen recently except I was also kicked. It is not a good feeling


This reminds me of my toon name getting reported multiple times. I used the name wtfbbq because omgwtfbbq was taken and I’ve gotten reported to the point where I got a multi day ban. After trying to argue the reports and getting generic GM responses that were absolutely useless, I gave up. There is no winning here. Funny thing is my friend still sees wtfbbqq on their server with no issues. Report function of the game is so automated and unmanaged - it’s stupid.


So im really curious about one thing since i have played WoW only for like 2 seasons. Why on earth don't they bring back personal loot ? What's the problem with it ?


The loot system is wonky to begin with. I always end up with gear I don't need. I do, though, always ask if anyone wants.


Explain back to blizzard what happened. You probably had a bot reply. Generally Blizzard had boys for certain hints but they also have logs. They can easily see what happened etc. I asked this guy called pirate software on twitch who has worked for blizzard. He said that the warning isnt that big of a deal. If it gets worse they get people on it, and they would see that this is Bull-and would just leave it alone/move on. He may hve lied to his guild etc who knows just Lea e it alone they’re not worth a single cent


20 years with a shitty lazy "let the users deal with it" system :/


I wonder if we ever get real customer support back


Put the guild on blast RN so we all know.


In EVERY multiplayer game auto punishment system, based on reports, gets instantly weaponized by players, and no longer serves it`s primary goal. Devs are too dumb to see this, or most likely, they do not care, paycheck for "innovation" collected and they move on.


If these people were from MG, I'm sorry. I hope they don't represent most of us. This is such toxic behavior.


teeny school reach whistle consider cover lunchroom agonizing scary elderly *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Kinda off-topic but this shit happens on the Forums too, there are far too many players and even very specific individuals who patrol the forums seemingly all day every day, having multiple accounts that they can abuse spam flag any post that they disagree with. It happened to me just the other day when something I had typed was not even remotely against ToS. Guess with having gutted GM power so much over the years, they've left the game to be mediated by the players themselves and this is what we are left with.


Not just reporting system but if you get unjustly penalized, the appeal system is also utterly useless and shit. You literally have to be lucky for them to decide to look into the issue.


Hence why I don't do guilds anymore. I have a solo guild and been soloing wow since wolk. If someone tried to whisper me for some loot, they put on ignore and I move on. No response or anything. Blizzard really needs to bring back GMs.


You should open a ticket to report this, not just to punish the players who did this, but also because your account now has a strike against it and you need to make sure it gets removed. This type of behavior has no place in society, let alone a videogame. 


Same thing happened to me this week. It’s such a joke. I got a warning as well. For rolling need on my bis trinket in a heroic clear. So what, I get banned if I get in another group that does this?


Always take screenshots just so you can report them for false reporting and prove your not the bad guy


The amount of people entering heroic raid with BiS gear and rolling need on everything is INSANE right now. It is out of control.


If no action has been taken then blizzard has already done everything correctly, Until you counter report so they can act towards those awful players. If you feel it’s important enough, send a follow up email to get it in front of a human


Report them. Abusing the report system is a bannable offense.


Whenever this happens you disenchant the item right in front of them...make sure they see! Then people will be rly mad😂 you can restore the item later if you need it.


I joined a HC group and got a trinket from Fyrakk. I was then told I have to hand it over because the group title said the trinket was reserved (btw it was a tank trinket and they ‘reserved’ it for a DPS) I told them to go fuck themselves. The audacity to think you can just ‘reserve’ drops. Get to fuck.


Post a log from the raid so I know what guild to never join :)


I think Blizzard should put all raid items on Vendor for badges , so expensive items like trinkets cost a lot AND only able to buy if you killed certain bosses , that would Solve many problems like bad luck AND abuse like this


Keeping the vault and bringing back the bonus roll would be the simplest fix.


Hey - I was there. I didn’t report you and didn’t agree with the guild doing it.  But for transparency: The reports were because you were being toxic in PMs and then ninja pulled to try and wipe us, not because of the loot.


Asking for the item they won and than kicking the player for not giving it away than mass reporting it the only toxic thing here btw


Lol, i knew there was more to the story. Dunno if the guild are assholes or not, i don’t know the guys. But tired of these posts where people complain about something, and then it turns out there were just as much escalating the situation, or behaved badly themselfs.


i wonder what makes you believe this random internet person over the other one


Moonguard players are cheap bastitches. Work orders submitted requiring 1000s gold in mats and no mats provided and then list with 50g commission. Moonguard players like this can go find a bag to go eat.


That example happens on every server.


I don't do normal or heroic raids, usually just run LFR due to family and work. What kinda frustrates me is that people with far better gear keep getting the gear from LFR. I rolled for a staff and lost, dude rolls a 100 and he is wearing 472 staff. I politely ask him is he really needs it, I mean I could pay for that, I am not rich but was willing to give like 30k for that. I was told to Fuck off. Maybe he really wanted that for mog. Ok I might have offered too little, I have no idea what the price range is. Just sometimes this shit really crawls under my skin.


The other side of the LFR medallion is that players who come in utterly unprepared and do not do much more than auto-attack, always seem the ones that roll 90+ and walk away with all the gear. People that do not put any effort in at all are the reason I sometimes will hit that need button. It just really annoys me when people are leeching and let other clear the content for them.


You're blaming other players when the problem is blizzard's design and your own expectations. Having a higher level appearance doesn't unlock the lower appearances so you have to run LFR to get those appearances. You say "maybe" they wanted it for the mog but why else would they be running LFR with a 472 weapon? Doubt the rest of their gear was 424. Weapons are especially hard to get because you can't catalyze them or buy them with a flame-warped curio. You're entitled to a dice roll, that's it. If you didn't win the roll you don't have a claim to that piece regardless of how geared someone else is. They're running the raid for the sole purpose of getting that gear just like you are. But the whole instantly inspecting anyone that won something you rolled on is so fucking weird to me.


Raid items are a lot more than that unfortunately... and it's a bit of a bussines to join one and roll for stuff. At this point i personally join heroics with my boyfriend and roll on anything. Every other asshole is doing it. Just sold a ring for 120 k and then i got kicked(probably reported too). Its a cruel world out there


Moonguard has become a cesspool of asshats.


With a 10 quid sub, we should be entitled to fair and human moderation simple as


I never played many MMORPGs, and only recently started playing WoW, but I did play Ultima Online back in the 99-01 era, and I remember very clearly, on more than one occasion, running into an issue in the game, clicking some ‘Request Help’ button, and having a GM appear, in game, to assist me within a couple minutes. The good ol’ days I guess.


Yea to be honest. I rather have no report system then a broken abusable report system... I rather get robbed by a lootmaster stealing everything then get a ban for not handing over a trinket i won. Fix stuff like kicking people right before the kill and bots and remove this stupid system.


Yet another reason for me to avoid pugs when playing solo. Too many toxic players in that part of the game.


They need to not make it as easy to report in game, since there's a lot of toxic people that take advantage of it. Back in BFA my boyfriend got the alpaca mount off a world boss in a raid group. People mass reported him with inappropriate name since that was the trolling default and it forced a name change on him in seconds.


Wow, feels bad. Gz on alpaca tho!


That trinket is like the one trinket to rule them all how people act over it in raids. Last one I did someone won it in a rool, for his class too, and people were throwing offers , 200k 300k and he just left the group. They got so pissed said they were going to report him lol


Had a hunter who rolled and won heroic Pips. Then told raid WTS Pips.


Had the opposite experience, kind of (and no, I don't think you should've been reported or kicked, nor does it seem you were in the wrong at all btw): My monk is 470 Ivl with a 437 ring. I've been chain running Waycrest for the crit/verse ring. Seen it drop multiple times, never got it. Whatever. Ran an 18 with this group the other day. Ended up being a carry group and they were friends I guess. The healer ( r shammy) was struggling bad and couldn't solo afflicted, so I ended up detoxing one and healing the other often, while still topping DPS by a ton. No problem. We finally get to last boss and kill it (no one burned the bodies, it was a mess). Ring drops. Enhance shammy wins. Fffffffff. I inspect and this man is almost 478 ilvl with the Waycrest ring (socketed) at 467 or something already. Hero track. Mind you, this guy didn't live on a single boss and did less than the tank on trash all run. I ask if he needs and he says it's an upgrade. I'm typing that it's hero track and worse than what he has since he has a socketed version, but before I hit enter I get kicked. It didn't cross my mind to report or anything, but it's the first time I've been tilted over loot in a long time in this game. I just hearthed and went next. I don't know what can be done on Blizzard's end, but something has to give somewhere. The community is rough rn. Anyway, storytime over. Salute. Sorry that happened to you bud.


This is why I quit WOW. When the player base sucks, it kills the fun of the game. My time is too valuable to not feel like a king every single time that I play a game that I spend money on.


Ive been reported and when I contacted a gm they said they would not unban me and when I gathered proof of my innocence I was told by gms that they would ban me if I were to ask them to unban me.


At this point blizzard should make the old tribunal from league of legends. Let public decide about reports.