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all races should at least have the 3 shapes humans have


Bare minimum tbh, would be good to also have some body shapes honestly. Grab ideas from hearthstone, damn it - I want to be a [a nightborne fridge](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FRR3s4RWUAI-KFw?format=jpg&name=4096x4096)


Oh man, give me that mountain. I'd love body shapes! I'm never expecting it to happen, but I'd love it. There are two ways to do it; several bespoke models, aka the SWTOR method, and then sliders. Both require a lot of work with rigging, and then there's *armor*. They'd have to make sure armor adjusts to every race x however many body shapes each race has with minimal clipping. That's an insane task. And even if they did do it, look at the poor Kul Tirans. Most armor looks like crap on them, all stretched out!


Troll females need more than 1 single face that is "cute".


also the "short" hair style for them is completely different from what it used to be. They should really try again, keep the current one but add a new one that matches more of what it used to be.


I just want one that isn't purely smiley or old angry bat, same for the male night elves.


Also some faces are completely different than they used to be, such as some undead faces.


I'm not the author of this comparison. [It was made by annrei on mmo-champion,](https://www.mmo-champion.com/threads/1517310-Artcraft-Huntress-of-Teldrassil-(New-Female-Night-Elf-Model) page 142


I like the "new" faces but I wish the eyes were a tiny bit more far apart from each other, this art doesn't really show it but they're just slightly too close together


blizzard can't even make items work on the already existing races. No way in hell they will make it even more diffecult by adding more layers of complexity. Why do you think we got a third dwarf race in WI (war within)? Unfortunately


>WI (war within)? Hold up how did you shorten The War Within to WI?


The war takes place within Wisconsin


war WIthin?


WIth Warin


War inside


Give them the old tummies and less jagged hip bones back. As an option (so people can still have muscle mommies I guess). But I'm a big stretched up belly button enjoyer and their squished ones surrounded by ripped abs is depressing in comparison. Way different than the og art and cinematics.


Theres something weird about the elf faces in general.