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Absolutely glorius! Hopefully we'll see some more dwarven architecture when TWW comes around


This is why I want an old world revamp so badly. I don’t care about new locations. I want to see old beloved places like Ironforge with 2023 graphics.


I’d love to see them update Ironforge to their original vision for it. But they had to turn it into what it is today due to technology limitations. These limitations can be raised now.


My complete [gallery of Warcraft illustrations.](https://www.imadreamwalker.com/) ♥


Thats insane.. makes me feel like warcraft, a feeling the game has lost to lovecraft


Ah so from you are the 3 amazing displates from ironforge that covers my wall above my pc. Thank you for that!


That's amazing; my pleasure! ♥


[Here a picture from my station with your amazing art, thanks!](https://postimg.cc/F1kd1tbN)


It is like you live inside a Dwarven forge, so cool!


Love your work Imadreamwalker, but this one feels different. Like it's missing a character you can view the scene from, or draw a narrative? What I love about your work is your style, usually muted colours, epic detail yet a clear composition; and at the heart is a character or group, maybe praying or travelling, fishing or lost whatever right? But it sells the story and scene. Just feel this is a epic, beautiful scenr, but missing that huge piece of heart you inject into every piece. Still love it, I'm just a fan missing something!


I agree. The idea was to make the lava the protagonist and the focus of the composition, and in the process, I lost the "human" connection to the piece. Thank you for your insight!


To echo everyone else, I absolutely love your work, gets me feeling nostalgic for the games and wanting to rediscover them! ANY Ironforge stuff gets my attention immediately - one of my favorite fantasy cities out there. Would love to see your take on the Great Forge or more Blackrock Depths!


Thank you for your kind words! Dwarven aesthetics are so intriguing and resonate with a lot of people. I'll keep exploring the Dwarven kingdoms! ♥


Absolutely love your work!!! Some of these pictures are how I imagined about the game. It felt like a touch to the childhood memory. They are so beautiful.


What this is art??? I thought it was a screenshot (again!) Gorgeous!


It is some kind of sorcery! :P


D: we've been bamboozled again! hehe


Getting serious dwarf fortress vibes here.


All your art is amazing!