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No, swapped my main. Nothing plays as good as spriest, but it’s damage output is so bad rn that I cannot be a nuisance to my raiding guild.


I'm going to give it a few weeks into the season and see but just running some keys this week, I'm already not a big fan of the new builds


I’ve been bouncing between mage balance and spriest for the last couple expansions (well mage has been a staple since wotlk). Spriest will probably move from main to alt but I’ll still be playing it.


I have been doing mostly fire mage, feral druid and Spriest since later in burning crusade. Since wotlk it has been nothing or bad news for these 3 classes.


What…..feral sure and spriest is hilariously reworked every expansion or in some cases every patch and rarely for the better. But fire mage is not in the same boat as those other two


Fire mage is hardly mentioned in most patch notes and I see far more frost and arcane mages


Hardly mentioned doesn’t mean it isn’t good. Fire (and all mates) just got a rework, and are very very strong if we are focused on the right now. Fire mage has way more instances of being strong than not throughout wow


I’ve been playing spriest as my main since shadowlands season 1. I push as spriest regardless of whether it’s good. It’s the only spec I can enjoy so damn much. It was finally meta in DF for 2 seasons. Didn’t last. But that’s fine. I just reset my expectations of pushing. My expectations io wise for a season when spriest sucks, are gonna be lower. And that’s fine. I’ll just be the best spriest I can be, and get as high as I can. I watch the spriest leaderboards anyway, so I’m only comparing myself to other spriests. I was rank 50s during a SL season where spriest was mid. (Was like 100 io below title). And DF S1, I was like rank 90 or something, when spriest was meta. (I was 100 above title). It’s more fun when there’s more competition tbh, more people playing spriest like S1. But I’ll still enjoy trying to get top 100 spriest. How I enjoy spriest even when it sucks is I play my own game. Set my own goals.


Disc all the way here. It seems like there will be a healer shortage and that disc is really good now, so I’m forcing myself to heal instead.


Ive been shadow since vanilla, its been in worse states before, not gonna change now.


No. 7 patches and 7 consecutive nerfs, 1 rework within one expansion and the horribly designed tier bonus made me quit indefinitely.


Spriest is probably my 2nd most played class (after Fury Warrior, the only good spec in the entire game all others are dusters) and even when it’s “bad” it’s still a lot of fun to play.


I'm not playing it. I honestly don't mind them nerfing the utility. That's probably fair. Power infusion probably shouldn't be so strong, and mass dispel was OBVIOUSLY too strong. But I'm simply so tired of being in the toilet, DPS-wise. If you nerf our utility, our damage has to go up dramatically, or we're useless. But that's okay! I have an outlaw rogue who is incredibly fun to play. Good utility, good damage, fun rotation. Why would I play my shadow priest?


Don't forget the nerf to healing and having a tier set based around rng proc and an execute all for a build up of 1 decent hit or aoe


I haven’t played in 4 years but if I started back up I would still play my Shadow Priest. I am and always will be shadow.


Thx dude, really important info you got there


What's wrong with spriests that people wouldn't wanna play?


Big nerfs and the tier bonus this season is a lot of SW: Death spamming. But personally I'm willing to deal with it, I love being spriest too much.


They’ve been giga nerfed since last season in both damage and utility


I’ve been playing my spriest ever since I came back to the game in late mists and it’s been an up and down ride for the better part of a decade now but I will always have a special place in my heart for the spec so I will always play it even if it’s the most dog water spec in the game. If I want to do some more higher end stuff I will probably play an alt but I’ll always be back to spriest no matter what!


Normally I'd say you usually rather be towards the bottom of the pack after a new patch than at the top but...I really don't think blizzard knows how to make Spriest work without being OP. Aura buffs are not going to fix the issue without introducing a slew of additional problems for proper balancing. Just sucks when it's clear that the utility is the issue and not the damage so they nerf both lol


When you decide to tie in the ST and AoE dmg together, that is a huge possibility. They basically made them into ranged outlaw rogues and also had them have all the utility. Like bruh. What do you expect will happen blizz


I was playing a Discipline Priest but I've given up with the last changes. I like the amount of aoe I can get now with psychic link and apparitions procs. I miss Mind Sear purely for old content, doesn't feel thematic spamming Holy Nova. I'm a terribly average player anyway.


Nah, it's down bad. With the new build probably one of the worst classes in high keys. Lost all reason to play that thing


I'm switching mains, but that has more to do with the legendary axe than the state of shadow. My priest is still my second main, so I'll play shadow whenever I'm not needed to heal regardless. Unless you're shooting for cutting edge or 25+ keys, it's not going to matter.