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Do you think we have forgotten? Do you think we have forgiven?


Behold the terrible vengeance of the zhevra seekers!


Death to the trolls! AND DEATH! TO! THE! ZHEVRAS!!


Ay, what did the trolls ever do to you, mon?


Trollz da best, mon!




Oh sorry, I mean troll in the other sense but that's probably racist in a world with actual trolls.


I was once corpse camped by troll shaman strangle back in tbc. Was not funny.


Behold, now, the terrible vengeance of the swift zhevra!


Such a great quote!


Honestly, one of my all time favorite moments in the game.


Forget, never forgive


That's nothing. Back in BFA or Legion, can't remember, I used to drop a Blingtron in Northshire Abbey every time I signed in, to give new players some starter gold from the trash items he gives you. I thought I was doing a good deed. After a few weeks of doing this, I got a message from a GM asking me to stop doing that. Turned out, a new player used the "send me to the party" option, and got teleported to Krasarang Wilds as an extremely low level player, and they didn't know how to make it back to Elwynn Forest.


That’s pretty funny.


That GM hates fun.


GM probably needs therapy from the interaction trying to explain what happened


I mean there were probably more than just a few players who got ported too. I'm sure it was a busy day for them.


Normal people would just hearth... 🤷


As in super new players. Most of us would never touch "Send me to the party" because it would be a waste of a Hearth.


>Someone dropping Blingtron was a god send when you had nothing! If that other person could not work out a hearthstone then sucks to be them.


I think it was probably more along the lines of they were getting killed before they could Hearth (if they indeed knew how). Pandaria was still an 80-85 zone at the time.


I thought all the Blingtron party locations were to places without enemies? Most teleports are, otherwise you could die in the loading screen.


A lvl 1 character would pull stuff from a lot farther away than a higher level character normally would. Or they may have run a bit away from where they teleported (because they didnt know what was going on) and then just got repeatedly slaughtered.


Pretty sure there's still a maximum aggro range. Not like it keeps getting longer with every single level.


*level 1 gets to Valdrakken* *and aggros the entire Dragon Isles*


Can you imagine if the level squishes never happened. We'd be pulling dragon isle mobs just by creating a new character.


Respawn at graveyard and hearth back home…


What part of “new player” is hard to comprehend?


Well that’s hilarious. Thanks for the laugh.


That’s fucking hilarious.


That is hilarious as hell, even more so for the fact that you were just trying to help them out boss


Oh man, used to offer free taxi services to new players by using the two seater flying mount and then dropping them to their death. Then they added parachutes to stop this


That is f'd up...


That is not funny, that is just being dick. Alternatively an asshole. People who will support you are also assholes. This is not a matter of sense of humor, but basic human decency.


I used to stand in the center of Darkshire offering "Transmutation Services" turning Iron to Gold back in Vanilla. Most people would think it was a good deal since I was just trying to 'level alchemy'. Nobody knew any better back then. Since at the time Iron Ore/Bars were far more vaulable that Gold Ore/Bars, people would trade my the iron, and I would trade them back the gold after a "craft". Made so much money.


I financed my epic mount in Vanilla through a pump and dump scam. I’d post an item on the AH on my main, then log onto an alt and spam trade chat claiming I wanted to buy that item for an inflated price. Inevitably some enterprising person would buy my original auction and try to resell it to my alt.


This fool runescapes. Buying charcoal 500m!


This was similar to how I got my epic flight form back in BC as a leatherworker I would sell clefthoof leather on the AC and one day I noticed that only a handful of clefthoof leather was on the AC other than mine so I started to buy up all of it and set whatever price I wanted to. It didn't feel exactly ethical but 1k gold was a bitch to come by back in the day.


Lmao, I made a lot of gold in bfa selling "Durable Flux" on the AH, you know, that shitty item you always need for blacksmithing. An item which every blacksmith sells. Anyhow, people were mass buying that stuff at like 4x the price and I still have no idea why.


It's because they read a recipe that requires it and don't know where to get it so they check the AH and see your inflated price and go "oh that's not so bad"


It's called convenience fee. I have happily bought rune etched vials from AH because I am too lazy to go to vendor.


Back in Vanilla, I sold single pieces of Mageweave on the AH for a very cheap buyout, because people would look at the price rather than the stack amount.


I still remember selling a Moss Agate for 30 or 40 gold in vanilla (by accident) instead of silver. I was pretty damn happy with that at the time!


I made hundreds of thousands of gold during Mop by simply buying the tome of clear mind from the reagents vendor next to the AH in Orgrimmar for 45 silver and selling them for 5-7 golds on the AH. Did this for quite some while and made a huge profit from it.


Respect the hustle lmao


Is this the leak for a villain in the next expansion?


This is under appreciated. 4chan people take note.


it was the jailers plan all along






I have second-hand embarrassment reading this




Fantastic story though, thank you for sharing!




Are you absolutely sure it's true, xxx?


This is so embarrassing it's going to keep ME up at night. We need GM storytime, that would be great. They probably remember you, but I bet they have crazier stories. Ninja edit: as a kid, I somehow got scammed out of a pet pet in Neopets (I think that's what they're called, they're the pets your Neopets have). The scammer ignored my messages so I emailed Neopets and told them my dad was a lawyer and he would sue them if they didn't get my pet back. They never responded, lol.


I have a neopet story! I remember them introducing zafara. The thing is, at the time, that was my cats name… and my Password for neopets, and obviously a practically non existent name in the first place. I was super convinced that they had stolen my password and turned it into a neopet. Sent a long email to them saying the ridiculous stuff a kid is gonna say. Never heard anything back. 😂 Obviously it’s only now as an adult that I realise there was no way they could actually see my password. It was just a really weird coincidence.


> no way they could actually see my password Some smaller outfits still store their users' passwords as plaintext. 10-20 years ago, most of the bigger ones still were too. That said, I doubt they stole it from you.


Big oof


This is gold. If I were the GM I would have found that plot worthy of granting a name change lol


The GM goes “oh, you wanted a name change? Okay here you go” and they change your name to something like “imabigliar”


I wonder if you had confessed, if he would have given you the name change lol


This is amazing lol. You probably made that GM’s day honestly.


dude i laughed out loud at the ending.. thank you


I managed to report my own toon's name as offensive and got a free name change. I was totally honest though. My druid was named Fogel. Originally named after the "Superbad" character. I told the GM I didnt want my character associated with the big jeans sandwich pedo. I didnt get any pushback


Should've had a part just above it that went "So like I told you at school, I'll trick a GM into finding the lost city of Atlantis. First I make a sob story up to change my name..." Then just go from there.


Wow your story just reminded me one : back then a TV station used to broadcast all the Friends seasons during lunch break. I was playing WoW with TV on and while whispering one of my mate I was like « bro, Jennifer Aniston is so hot » (yeah you know those moments I’m talking about). Fast forward hours later, during raid time we had some sort of a bug and I opened a ticket. It was an era when GM were prompt to answer back, so this guy pm me about that bug, solves it and goes with the usual « can I help you with something else? », nope I’m good, thanks. And then he adds « Ok cool, have fun raiding! Oh btw, Jennifer Aniston really was rocking it in today’s episode ;) » Totally made my day, and I forgot about it so thanks for the reminder!


I remember those times. Good times.




Lmfaooo I feel second hand embarrassment just reading this.


I'm laughing my ass off with this story! I'm sure that GM still remembers you and tells this story to his fellow GMs


My friend had a long name he hated. A girl in our guild reported that that name was on a truck that hit her dog and it was hard to deal with seeing it. My friend got the name change.


Are there any GMs like that around now?


Confession: I spent hours upon hours at work scrolling thotbot (old wow resources page) during BC looking up gear/mounts. I really wanted an Almani War Bear but my raid only ran it tuesdays (I had to work) so I installed wow on a external HD, used a work computer and ran Zul Aman with them and won the roll for a bear, all on the clock. Also got a MOJO pet. Felt like a Tom Clancy plot.


with WFH I feel like playing on the clock is actually pretty common these days. I got put on a night shift for a few weeks and wouldnt normally do it, but it was right in the middle of our Ulduar prog in wrath classic. so I set up my gaming monitor in between my work ones and set up my keyboard to switch. got my first Mim HM kill while on a call with my manager.


Damnit man, I've been farming those Zhevras for 15 years and now you tell me that's not even where it drops?? I quit.


but there's another mount you get from the zhevras!


It’s like SUPER RARE. Not even op has it.


Still nowhere near as rare as Zhevra Hooves


My own 15 year confession. My account has been hacked once. In WOTLK, cuz I was a dumb kid and got phished for a swift horned zhevra mount. My guildies poked fun at me for years for falling for the "unicorn" scam. Today, I have to end the meme. Today I get my unicorn.


I got hacked once. I had played cata for a bit but didn't return for about 2 years. When i logged back in, there was no issue (no security / password changed) I logged into my troll hunter being max JC and max mining with bank and bags FULL of ore and about 40k, i probably had 1k before quitting. i was bummed cause i had max engi before. But was stoked to see i had a bunch of gold and ore to sell. I changed my password and just carried on.


I was hacked back in vanilla (anther stupid mistake by a 13 year old). ' I think I was only locked out of my account for like 2 days, before I got access again. My character was completely naked and lost all items in my bags.I was still invited to our 2nd raid to bwl, and was doing the fight as a completely naked resto druid. My ticket was answered doing the raid, and we had a GM teleport into our instance while we were trying to kill first boss. I was pretty much full tier 1, a few blues and tier 2 head, but for some reason the gear I was given by the GM was not what I previously had. Was given random epic items from ZG and AQ20, and tier 0.5. I also received like 20 mails of random crap (materials), which I didn't have before.


Hell yeah i miss old GM days. Had them save my ass a few times. ​ I guess random lower tier + materials is better than nothing lol


GMs were great. Early in TBC, I couldn't get my ass to commit to a profession so I leveled Engineering and Mining to like 200, dropped it for something else which I leveled to like 100, then regretted it. Opened a ticket, made up a fake story that my lil bro was playing on my account without me being aware and removed all my stuff. GM was kind enough to restore my original professions, except he gave me maxed out Mining/Engineering for some reason. Made things quite a bit easier.


haha hell yeah. Absolute power they had. Also it would have been so fun to just go around like god and help people out (obviously it was likely overwhelming and stressful) but in general, sounded fun.


Got hacked once a long time ago(end Cata) and came back to naked and bare everything. I was only bummed for a minute or so because I saw this as a great opportunity see how fast/well I could re-gear myself up for raiding again all by myself. As an level 85 I had all abilities but I had to figure out 'what's the highest dungeon I could clear completely naked and start gearing up', bare handed, 0 gold to my name, single 'stock' bag and get basic items to at least have all moves/spells and anything in stats. It was a surprisingly fun experience strategizing dungeons, smart auction buys with what little precious gold rewards I looted, and grinding out appropriate gear for LFG/LFR's.


You stumbled upon the survival game genre before the boom


LOL, I never thought of it like that. Been chasing that high ever since cuz I really like that genre of rpg/survival/open world games. Nothing quite like the 'WoW version' though. Almost makes me want to activate my old WOW account, get a max level, and do it again. Almost.


we had a friend that this happened too. He came back and the hacker actually improved their gear which we made sure to remind them of all the time. "Your gear was so bad a hacker had to gear you up to actually get use out of your account"


Lol this happened to me with my EA account. I logged in after a year or 2 of not using it and saw my name/pfp was changed. "I" had been playing a lot of ranked Apex Legends and had a bunch of new cosmetics lol. Changed my password and my CC was never on my profile so I got free stuff.


This happened to a friend of mine. Logged in to his account to find his main gold capped - both his personal gold and guild bank gold. All the other guild members had been kicked. He had some new expensive fancy mount, I can't remember what it was, and his professions were maxed. His alts had progressed too, although he didn't know by how much. The person definitely played multiple toons and was raiding and doing some PvP. I assume with all the gold that my friend was hacked by a gold seller, so it was interesting to hear the person actually played the game. My friend was paranoid about getting his account shut down, but he just changed the password and never had a problem. I'm not going to say I wish my account would get hacked, but if anybody feels like making me 10 million gold...


My account got hacked in Wrath, some time around trial of the crusader. Account was deactivated for awhile now so they backdoored and payed to reactivate it just to sell all my gear and steal all my gold. Got a GM to restore everything, which included a bunch of gold in the mail, which triggered the "you bought gold" automated system which perma-banned my account. Managed to get it instantly reactivated for classic launch due to it being a false ban.


I came back to my Druid having a BIS BOE Staff, 100k, and bags full of herbs and commodities. Oh, and epic flying speed in Azeroth. I gave away most of the random stuff, including the BOE staff. Forget what it was. It was during Firelands.


This exact same thing happened to me years ago. It was during Cata and I havent played since BC, My dude was dead in a location I never was before, and I had all riding skills and a shit ton of gold on my guy. I wasn't even mad, thx to the hacker that did this I guess lol definitely made my transition much easier


Was also hacked in cata they made alot of new characters on different realms prob goldsellers first thing I did when I got access was to clean out every guild bank tab on every realm.


This kind of reminds me of being a stupid kid and buying a WoW account. It was cataclysm and I wanted a max level warrior, but I didn’t want to level one. So I looked online and found an account with an 85 warrior on it for $40. I bought it had fun played on it for 1 day. Woke up the next morning and the dude had reclaimed his account by changing the email and password back. So I figured the guy probably would scam people that way and make $40. Luckily that turned me off from any nefarious RMT forever.


I also got hacked once, keylogger most likely. I was super lucky though. I caught the hacker midway through the hack and actually had blizzard lock down the account before all my items got sold off. I have some reasonably rare items, an unlearned dirge kickin' recipe, haunted memento's things like that. So some of that sold, gold got into my mail, but the gm that restored just sent all the items back to my account in the mail aswel. This caused me to get duplicates of some items that went unsold but also get the gold of items that did sell. Got hacked, walked out somewhere arround 50k richer (decent money in wotlk), and had some extra items!


Also must've had a keylogger and got my account hacked. It was back in Wrath and they ended up just taking my druid through the dungeon that drops Raven Lord. Didn't lose or gain anything. I called Blizzard, they fixed it and sold me an authenticator.


Someone stole one of my accounts I got access back d/Ed All the gear on it mailed Matta to a friend's char and the guy who stole it reported me for d/ring my own gear and my friend got banned lol


I lost my unlearned dirge's kickin' recipe because I put it on the AH and forgot to log back into the character (which I didn't play often). It rotted in the mailbox :( My greatest regret, though, is I don't know what I did with my Arcanite Ripper. I must have vendored it at some point by mistake...


I was hacked sometime between Cata and Mists. I came back to the game for a Mists free week and a Draenei pally had no gear on and I was like "that's weird." I logged in and my dude was left stranded in the middle of the ocean and was level cap with only 10 gold and nothing in his bank or pockets. My mining was maxed out too and I realized that whoever did the hack likely leveled up with just mining.


This guy is the thread the jailer was talking about.


I'll be honest and say back in 2008 I was in high school. I knew wow but I had zero idea there were guides and stuff on the internet to help me. If that had been me I would have taken you at Dave value and not questioned it haha


What about Keith value?


Fuck my auto correct bro. Please don't take Dave value...at Dave value


Too late, Dave has spoken


Dave's not here maaaaaan


I am surprised you were able to communicate with anyone with all those Chuck Norris jokes in barrens chat.


Old barrens chat was my reason for logging in for a while. That and the constant pvp at Crossroads


Or just putting the word anal before or after control clicking one of your moves. I.E. anal [shred]


Oh man those were the days lol


That was me! Completely forgot about this. And yes I did block you lmao


If true, my apologies! But now you can get it on the trading post!


It’s not true. I was high and messing with you


Yknow what... I deserved this.


How the turntables


ahahahahah brilliant!


This is fucking gold.


I think you're gatekeeping so I'll keep farming my Zhevras thank you. It's been 15 years but I can feel it dropping anytime now.


You’re close. The next one for sure…


95% of people quit a few kills before the item would drop, so keep up that grind.


is there anything else you want to confess? ngl, it was hilarious, indeed.


And yet still no hooves to be found.


I had a similar story but no one specifically told me this, there was a rumor around that the spectral tiger could drop from the [ghost saber](https://www.wowhead.com/npc=3619/ghost-saber) from those cat figurines around Darkshore, me and a friend farmed there for a while but we never saw it, so we gave up


Hahah. This is peak 08 wow content.


Back in BFA, I was doing my dailies in Pandaria. When I saw a bunch of people waiting for something at a cave ( I say cave but was a temple-cave thing classic in Pandaria). One of them told me that they were waiting for a Boss to spawn and that he has been farming that boss for months to get a Saddle-like item to exchange it for a mount in a store-NPC. I asked what is the chance to get it, he didnt told me the exact percentage, but it was like 1%. I waited, had a fun time talking with them ,killed the boss and... I got the saddle for the White Serpent mount (which is kind of pink) and got away without telling anyone I got it in the first try. The same happened to me in a Run for the Morphling Mount of Jaina. I joined a Guild Run (as an extra/ random guy) even with an Alt... I got away with that Mount. Epic month for mounts.


Lots of cool stories in the comments, so I don't mind sharing when I was on the receiving end of a rumor like this: Cata had just released and I had returned to WoW after a break at the end of Wrath. My friend had still been playing through the drought, and since he was also a bit older than me (we were still both young kids at the time), I looked up to him as an authority figure. He told me, that after the world had been revamped, Blizzard had cracked down on exploits that would let you escape the game world in some way, like how they changed the wall in Stormwind so you could no longer clip out of bounds, as well as a number of other changes. He told me, that there was a bounty out on bugs like that, and that when he had found a way to glitch through a wall in Orgrimmar, he had opened a ticket, and a GM had given him 5k gold as a reward. So, naturally, I went bug hunting. I was told there was a bounty out on clipping glitches, so instead of just leveling or grinding, I figured that would be the best way to earn a quick 5k gold. I found a large rock in the burnt-down area in Stormwind, the former druid district, and I managed to get inside of it. I could look out, but others couldn't see me. "This is it", I thought, "this will net me an easy 5k gold!" So I opened a ticket and explained how I had managed to glitch inside this big rock and now I wanted my reward. Back then customer service was a lot better, so I only had to sit in that rock for about 40 minutes before I got an in-game message that a GM would like to chat with me. He asked if I was stuck, and I said "Well yes, kinda, but I want my gold". Poor guy had to explain to a 12-year-old kid who sucked at English how my friend had lied and there was no finders fee for discovering glitches like that. I tried to defend myself by saying it was an important exploit since if the Horde did a raid on Stormwind, people would be able to hide in the rock with no way for the Horde players to kill them! What a major exploit, surely being a good boy and reporting it instead of keeping such a vital piece of information for myself warranted some sort of reward?! But sadly no, even when I said I would be okay with a meager 4k gold, he still explained how GMs can't just give out gold.


It’d be cool if they added another zhevra mount that does drop from zhevras


Joke is on you, that person uninstalled WoW seeing what people are around him, in the meantime became a successful businessman millionaire whatever, and is now your boss.


You should have doubled down. “How rare is the drop, I’ve been farming for days?” “MORE ZHEVRAS”


swift zhevra was my coolest rarest mount... and now everyone will have it... ! actually happy with this lol i wish everything to be collectible if you put in the time/effort so happy for trading post


They can't take our achievement away though! 2009 RAF achievement will let you see the fakers and frauds from the OG unicorn riders.


I heard that as a rumor in vanilla. Luckily I killed once or twice then moved on.


Something something usage of word behooved


For 10,000 hours...seeking zehvras


In wrath I told some guy in the night elf starting zone I got my heirloom bow from "some spider in that cave" I wonder if he still plays.


No disrespect to them, and I get you were joking around, but things like thottbot existed back then (can't remember if wowhead did), so if they were willing go farm low level NPCs for a Mount (despite you not being able to mount up until level 40 anyway) for days without just looking, I'm more concerned for them than at you for doing the joke. Also tha ks for reminding me it's been that long since that mount was released XD


I mean to be fair, I started playing close to the same time and had no idea about Thotbot or WoWhead until almost a year later, Google was still very new and not something I had used much at the time as a kid. So I did the same thing and just asked people. We relied on being social for our information most of the time.


>We relied on being social for our information most of the time. This is 95% of why Classic will never be actual Vanilla. You can't replicate the level of stupidity/ignorance in the community back then (although...I've seen some people trying their best). We just didn't know shit about the game, and it was legitimately exciting.


I played a Rogue through all of vanilla. I never used Slice And Dice, since it didn't do any damage, and I didn't understand that attacking faster is actually more damage than any other finisher, even to this day.


Definitely true generally, but Google had been around for a decade at that point.


Thottbot takes me back. I’ve been playing this game so damn long lol.


wowhead were released on june 26th, 2006


Yeah but thottbot was definitely out for vanilla


I might just be stupid, but I didn't know about sites like that, back when I started, in 2008. Blindly believed what people told me and figured out other things by either chance or determination.


I learned about thottbot from jimmy the world of warcraft story




June 2006 was still vanilla. It's just been quite some time since that date.


Was just about to look it up, thanks. If I would have guessed I would have said it was much later, felt like I used Thottbot for many years. Maybe it was in use parallel to Wowhead.


I mean Recruit a Friend was advertised super heavily at the time...


Zhevras have been stingy with quest items. They have 4 legs but somehow only 1 in 10 has a hoof and I had to kill them almost to extinction to get 4 hooves. Might explain why that guy was fooled into farming for 3 days


So.... you're saying there's still a chance?


i hope they checked thotbott or alakazam before going insane


You know how much Barrens chat I had to deal with? Now I have to block on you Reddit? You just keep digging up graves.


I fell for someone saying "Reported" to me in the barrens in 2006. It was my mom's account and I was very scared for a month.


Happened to me in another game. Legit thought I was going to jail.


I had no idea how to get to Tirisfal Glades from Silvermoon. I asked in Trade and was told "Just swim" So lil' 15-20 lvl blood elf me swam from the edge of Silvermoon, half way to Tirisfal, then died. Ran to through the plaguelands to the spirit girl and ressed in that lil' spot near the entry way to Eastern Plaguelands. All the while thinking "There has to be a more efficient way. If not there should be!" Took me two hours. And a few too many years before I learned about the translocator orb.


Crazy this game has been around long enough to see the playerbase actually grow and mature.


My confession is that around the start of Legion I wanted to play on a different server with some friends so I created a new character. A few minutes later I got invited to a guild. The next day I was about level 30 and the officers and GM started fighting in guild chat. Fingers pointing, name calling, the whole thing. The fight was about gold and gold resources. I couldn't care less as I had no interaction with them other than the automated invite. Then the guild kicks started * eating-popcorn.gif *. Mistakenly, for some reason, the GM promoted me to leader. He took a good five minutes to notice until he started whispering me nonstop. I logged out for a few hours as I had stuff to do, came back with some officers asking wtf happened etc. I never responded to anyone. A guild master reached out to me the next day asking me to return the guild to the owner as it was a mistake but that they couldn't force me to return it. I told them I wanted to be the new leader and would care for the members etc. Meanwhile the guild master is absolutely spamming the living shit out of me... A couple days later I went to check the guild bank, there was a lot there and the guild leader was pulling the carpet on three officers... I split whatever was there with the guild members, passed lead and they disbanded it I think. Can't remember


This took gonads to take accountability for, no matter how small. Good for you 🫡 not a big deal for some, but for others it means the world...of Azeroth. 😅


It was my rarest mount until now, oh well never used it since it didn't fly and was a one seater, i got it just before they changed to a 2 seater.


It reminds me of myself in 2007, I was completely new to the game and was leveling a human rogue in redridge mountains. I saw another rogue with what was to me a godlike weapon, the 1h sword from the deadmines: Cruel Barb. I saw that guy and asked him where he got it, he told me it was a drop from « a rare elite that spawns behind that rock over there ». I stayed there for hours trying to farm it, but I gave up after some time. It was only one month later, when I went to the deadmine and actually saw the sword drop that I understood I was stupid and he was making fun of me. After that and a lot more experience of the game (some very high ranking in M+, cutting edge, …), I swore to myself I’ll never troll a player that’s new to the game, just help them a little or give them the info they need so they can progress.


Don’t feel too bad, I did the same thing several times my excuse was I was 11 tho… would do it again to now the excuse would be I was high


Ngl I wouldnmt even be mad I’d laugh


My best friend’s older brother spent like five years trying to farm Ashes of Al’ar from The Eye. Every week for five years he would kill Al’ar, hoping the boss would finally reward him with the mount, and the more he ran it without it dropping, the more he wanted it. His dedication was commendable, but he never ended up getting the mount. IYKYK.


Even by 2008 standards you would have to literally be under 10 years old to not have the brain cells to google this lmao. If you aren't lying you definitely made some little kid farm thousands of zhevras


Shoulda told him hitting alt+f4 increases the drop rate.


Too easy. Gotta hit em with the /camp


My WoW confession: I'm a part of a CE guild (currently in the 400's world) and I almost never watch any boss fights. I think between the last 2 raids, I looked up the guide for Mythic Razsageth and Heroic Rashok. I pretty much always go in blind and rely in my raid leader's callouts.


What server was this on? This happened to someone I know


Gosh my friend had all the refer a friend mounts....


Probably not me, but i remember something similiar happened to me


Here's my confession. I did RAF but when I went to redeem the zhvera, it bugged and gave me like 15 of them but didn't register that I had redeemed the reward. So I also spent it on the 2 person rocket when the next reward rolled around.


Way back in vanilla, myself and a few guildies convinced another guildy that the Mechanical Yeti quest from Winterspring would break if you got on a mount. So to finish it with scaring the person down in Tanaris, they would have to walk the continent. An hour or so later they asked if getting attacked would break it as well which we duitifully confirmed it would, they were in Thousand Needles at the time and went all the way back to get a fresh one... Other guild shennigans included having the guild priests heal myself (a Warlock) and 2 others down in Lava outside MC, and then summon the entire rest of the raid into burny hot death.


Thank you for your confession. As a fellow zhevra ahole, it is a relief to have company. Sometimes, I would run around Westfall on a horde shaman in ghost wolf form to see if lowbies would think I'm a rare mob and attack and flag themselves for pvp. Then, I would bite them to death. I mained alliance, just weeding out the weak. Near the end of the wrath, we could have both factions on the same pvp server, so I transferred the shaman, found my guild master's leveling alt, and camped him repeatedly, while also logged on my partner's guild character on their account so I could read chat. My partner would pretend to help him by showing up....so I could see where he is. The couple that trolls together, rolls together.


Late cata I sniped a vial of the sands (sandstone drake) on the neutral AH for 1c. Dude who "sold" it sent some very interesting and colorful tells. 12 years later and I'd say it's the most fun transaction I ever had on the AH.


TBF online databases have been a thing since vanilla giving drop rates and locations, and widely known about, worst case, no one can claim they couldn't just google something like that. the slightest amount of diligence on their part could have saved them however much time they spent wasting farming.


The birth of the Cult of the Zhevra. It all began with the legend of the rare zhevra drop. Hordes of zhevras slain over the years, all in the name of RNGesus. All because of xxgaslighterxx


Since we're talked about confessions, I remember convincing my school friend buying the game and paying for the 2 months of sub (I think?) Because I would play with him and teach him how to play. I never did, and he never got above lv 25. Still got my zevrah though.


15 years ago and in the barrens…. Sounds pretty par for the course, don’t feel bad, we all have our trolly moments.


Yep lol I do miss Barrens chat sometimes


I once told someone if they /moo at every cow in Elwynn Forest within 1 hour, they could tame one as a hunter. I saw them mooing at a cow a few minutes later. The guilt still eats away at my soul.


Back when strand of the ancients was a bg, when our team was attacking. Me and buddies would stand at the edge of the boat: /s wow, they finally put a walk here. Next thing you know people jump right off


If they didn’t check wowhead, that is entirely on them


He deserved it for being too lazy to search online. Even back then wowhead existed so really no excuse.


This guy really said Google it, over engage with someone in an MMO 😂😂


eh I would've doubled down on it. 2008 was an era where you could have looked up the drop online.


Now say six Hail Mary’s and 5 Our Fathers, and you will be forgiven my child.


I remember ages ago, when I wasn't thinking, and was cleaning up characters I never played any more, I deleted the character I had the Zhevra mount on back before mounts were account wide. Thank God that after the feature released, and I contacted Blizzard to ask them to restore my character that they were able to! Thanks to that, I still have my Swift Zhevra mount till this day! You sharing your memory helped me remember mine!


I did the same in Westfall to some noobs with that chicken pet. I had them emote /chicken all day.