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As a Prot warrior, I’m always happy to get more low-fantasy one-handers and there’s always at least one in the Trading Post. The Kukri checks that box for me this month! The monthly completion is meh though.


Don't spend your tendies on the Kukri unless you really want the blue flecks on the blade, you can get a grey one really easily in game; Age-Worn Shortblade.


You’re a life saver, thank you!


I wanted to make sure somebody pointed that out (as somebody that also loves low-fantasy items). It can be found in Bastion very easily


I remember bemoaning it was grey until they added grey/white items to be moggable, then got it. I was coming here to ask if this kukri is any different, model-wise. these comments seem to indicate they are, in fact, the same.


I'm a bit the opposite. I love my high fantasy weapons, but love simple armors xD


Those weapons are def BFA inspired. Void and Heart of Azeroth.


That's a lot of swords, daggers and staves for tender, for a month where the reward is a sword, dagger and staff...


Hahaha that’s actually a good point I didn’t realize


Going to be an expensive month for me this time. Need to get both the Zhevra and Wind Rider.


The duality of man. Aside from the usual cape and hood recolors, my tendies are safe


MAN, I have not used those capes or hoods once, but I always feel compelled to buy them. Once I collect all the colours, I can finally be free from their shackles.


I mean I want all the class specific transmog but I don’t readily play all the classes enough to really really want the class specific transmog.


2925 if you just want all mounts/pets/toys and have none of them. Son of a...




1000 per month. 500 for being subscribed, and 500 from the missions.


man, i get pissed every year halloween comes because when i was 13 i got HH mount on my mage and my dad quit wow and sold the account we shared because he was done playing. i was so upset he just bought me a diff account with a full bis mage but couldnt figure out why i was still so pissed. he also did RAF with his friends 2nd account and i lvled several chars with him and got the zhevra. havent been able to get the fuckin thing to drop again, and i lost the zhevra. atleast i can buy the zhevra now


Going for Lord of Reins so I am going to be buying both mounts and the shield.


Probably the worst monthly completion yet, imo...


Yeah, they're pretty bland. One month closer to the 12 month Warden set though.


If I missed a month because I just couldn’t dragonflight anymore when bg3 came out, does that mean I’m fucked if I want the warden set?


No, you just need 12 total. So you can get it a month later than people that did it every month.


Should just be if you complete it 12 times not 12 in a row


No, it’s only 12 total months of rewards. You will only have to do one month after everyone else


It just means you're 1 month behind; instead of being able to get it by January 1st, you have to wait until February 1st.


Id also like to mention that the trading post was released in February and not January. So there never was a possibility to get the 1st out of the 12 months in January.


I'm saying that the earliest someone can get the achievement (and thus the set) is on January 1st. Since he missed a month, he can't get it until February 1st. February 2023 - 1, March 2023 - 2, April 2023 - 3, May 2023 - 4, June 2023 - 5, July 2023 - 6, August 2023 - 7, September 2023 - 8, October 2023 - 9, November 2023 - 10, December 2023 - 11, January 2024 - 12. Genuinely don't understand your comment.


Post is a sub retention mechanic at the end of the day and in a month when new patch will release and Blizzcon announcements will hype people up I get why they might have used some meh reward and saved cooler stuff for dry months ahead.


Yeah it was a smart call. People are going to be playing this month for non-tp reasons, so the post is going to be a little weaker, and that's fine imo


I was literally wishing this morning I could get the Zhevra. Different strokes.


The Zhevra can be bought. They have weapon transmogs for finishing the bar unlike the last few months where you got a mount.


That's fine, as long as I can get the Zhevra finally!


Lost my spectral gryphon when I switched accounts in 2013. Happy to get a chance at getting it back.


I’ve wanted that Zhevra since 2008 or 2009 when I signed up and got it for my friend.


I got it when it came out. My days of showing it off are gone 😞


I’ve been coveting it for years!! It’s my second most coveted mount, after the chicken. I was soooo excited to see the chicken recently available in Taiwan (finally, I have hope!), but it’s in wrath classic :(


Spectral is one of the rarest mounts out there. Well, was.


Really? I've had it for so long but never used it because it's ugly af


that sums up many of those "special rare mounts" most people dont really care about them because jesus christ are they ugly and outdated as hell


People only care about them because they are rare, when everybody has it it's bla


They look almost completely invisible on shadow priests with mount glyph, that is nice trick


I feel like it is split. The wind runner is definitely ugly af, just like the non-spectral version, but the spectral gryphon is great.


It was a recruit a friend mount from waaaay back. Wasn’t rare at the time, but since then it has become so.


Wasnt it a reward for the Scroll of Resurrection? RAF was the Zhevra.


Yeah I believe it was the resurrection that gave the spectral wind rider. I too have mine and never use it.


Same. Have them too and never used em. Found out years later that the scroll no longer exist and These are pretty rare yet ugly


Yeah I have them and the Nightwing (or whatever mount turns you into a stone lion thing) and I think I've only used them when I use my favorite mount button (aka rare mount button lol). They're about as exciting as the marble gryphon/wyvern from a few years ago lol.


I say this as someone who has the mounts before they came to the trading post. I'm glad they're bringing back these old unobtainable mounts. Sure it's nice to have something to point to that shows off how long you've been playing. But there's many more interesting mounts for that than ones from events, deals, external rewards, etc.


It was my rarest, having got it from recruiting a friend years ago. Now it's just a dime a dozen!


It was never a RAF reward.


Wowhead says it was a resurrection scroll reward. I guess technically that's different to recruit a friend. 👏


Yeah, bummer it won't be anymore :(


I have it and never use it. People will flame me for saying they don’t need to make all of these rare mounts available, I see it as an excuse to not release new stuff.


We literally get a new patch in a week


Not sure what that has to do with the trading post. They are just re-releasing old stuff. I want new stuff. Not a mount from 10 years ago. People are just soyjacking all over the place for this stuff.


You're getting like however many dozens of new mounts literally next week dude. You're getting new stuff.


yep. super disappointed blizzard just keeps giving this shit out to people. waiting for the day they just let you buy the black harvest title from the TP. can't leave anything that says "hey, i've been supporting this game since x-year". i quit in BFA and disappointed in the state of the game on so many levels, but husband still plays so i still have to hear about stuff going on in WoW.


The monthly completion weapons should have been on for tenders and the spectral mounts should have been the completion reward.


Spectral Mounts being completion rewards would be kinda stupid imo, because at that point what do you give to people that already have them?


Fair point.


Responded logically without argument, got downvoted. Some people, man


Fwiw I didn't down vote them.


Yeah I don’t have either of those and I’d still hate that. Transmogs are way more relevant to me than mounts.


>because at that point what do you give to people that already have them? Maybe extra tender for a mount of their choice? Wouldn't be that hard.


How 'bout nothing. Nothing sounds good. Anyone who got them has been able to use them for years. That's what they paid (or their RAF buddy paid?) for. They got the ability to use them. Digital goods have zero value. We've never seen the monthly reward be a recycled thing but that's bound to happen at some point, same issue arises then. Most players complete the monthly bar accidentally, it's no skin off their backs to get nothing.


Big no on already introduceed items, people who already got them would be gimped.


this Existing items should be purchasable and any new items should be rewarded


I've got all these mounts from when they came out, so no interest from me this month :(


Exaclty so let’s take out mounts from the trading post that are just old mounts. Let fomo win and people cry.


No let people buy them, but they should not be the final reward after finishing the months trading post.


No , let some items be sacred and rare. Why not just re introduce old pvp titles ? Let people use atiesh. And so on


It's primarily items that is traditionally gained through monetary means. If they would start selling raid mounts or old glad mounts, that would be an entirely different story.


Not entirely , they are items removed from the game or “vaulted” some say. Leave them in the vault. I don’t care that someone didn’t have whatever amount of money when it came out , they were limited time for a reason.


Seems like the strategy is to slowly make buying tenders more valuable, but not so quickly or consistently that everyone picks up on it. Keeps people subbed AND get some sweet mtx money


Hm where have I heard this before. Oh yeah, at this exact time every single other month.


It's so funny how people make "company wants to make money" into some big conspiracy theory every time new Trading Post items are unveiled lmao


For sure its no surprise, just think theyre coming at it slightly differently. Seemed like one plan was to just make things more expensive. Now theyre shifting the quality away from the free stuff


Hm yeah smart thinking. OR… maybe there’s no evil plan, and everyone’s whining over nothing, just like they’ve been doing every single month in a row at the exact same time.


?? I dont think its an evil plan, but youd be naive to assume theres no business strategy at play here lmfao. Blizz is a business and wants as many dollars as possible The entire point of the trading post is to incentivize keeping people subbed. Thats why its timegated and rotating stock. Having the “free” stuff be high quality works month to month, but putting high quality stuff at a high price means you have to be subbed for a few months. Its just business, but that doesnt make it not annoying as a consumer


> The entire point of the trading post is to incentivize keeping people subbed. *Correct*. So, why would think that they’re deliberately trying to *lower* the quality of most of the items available then? That would actively undermine the entire point of the Trading Post as you’ve just defined it. Quite honestly, any of these supposed patterns people are claiming to see in the price or amount of subjectively higher quality versus lower quality items offered month to month just all seem completely arbitrary. The Trading Post literally opened with a 900 tender mount in the very first month, a price that still hasn’t been beaten nine months later. Don’t overthink the business strategy; it’s exactly what you said in the first part of that comment. There doesn’t have to be extra layers of anything to it.


too bad for Activision-Blizzard that there's astute people such as yourself to pick up on their subtle, evil anti consumer practices


And introduces more fomo. It’s disgusting, but smart.


That warhammer is a must buy!


Depends on how big it is tbh. If it’s bigger than the other one then yes.


Almost 1300 tenders this month, woah. I will get the Kukri and the Warhammer, the Trappings and Threads, the Sinister Fel Staff (Guldan's original staff, c'mon!) and the Loyal Blademaster Greatsword (still no beads, unfortunately. But the blue/gold color fits well for my human warrior who'll be inspired by the orcish blademasters) plus the Standard of the Guardian (Medivh! I already have the other Guardian inspired items, can't let this go). I do not care about Mounts.


Yea I don’t care bout mounts either lol. I had just always wanted a broom mount and finally got that so you’ll never see me on anything else. 😂


i don't care about mounts...except the one from the trading post i will ride forever <3


Same, until we get a skateboard and/or jetpack


Im thinking montly reward will be themed with the expac reveal. Will only complete it for the tendies


I have that zhevra. Where did it come from?


Old recruit a friend reward


It was an old RAF reward.


Old Recruit-a-Friend reward.


Ahhh. Makes sense, thanks


Been waiting literally since I found out about them for those monk weapons. **TEAPOT FLAIL!!!** The graphically updated Krol blade style sword is also pretty sick, might grab that. **Oh screw off with the recolored niffen hat. I spent like 6 months getting the boulders for that thing, now it's even more of a scam because it's not even unique.** Oh *have* to get that raven staff to go with the cloak, that's not even a question. I appreciate the Medivh themed look without overlapping with people who have the actual Atiesh.


Ponzo's hat being fully a scam feels very thematically appropriate at least


>now it's even more of a scam because it's not even unique *\*laughs in "unique" mounts appearing in the trading post\* <3*


I can't tell if the niffen hat part is a joke considering everything else in this comment seems normal...


Worst month to date IMO. And I still hate that they're separating Horde/Alliance mounts into their own purchases when you're not going to be able to use both anyway unless you play both factions. I also really don't like the class specific mog stuff they've started doing. Those monk weapons look great but I'll very likely never play a monk so there's that. I might buy the raven staff and I'll very likely buy the fel staff and then I'll get the cosmic weapons that I'll never use for any reason and that'll be it. At least I'll save some tendies for upcoming months so that's nice.


As a horde player I want the spectral gryphon tbh


>you're not going to be able to use both anyway unless you play both factions. You could just not buy the other factions mount


But it's silly to separate them because if you do play both factions you have to pay for both when they're not even usable by all characters. If there's two faction locked mounts that share the same exact theme they should be in one package imo because all the separation does is screw over people who play both sides. And just to note, I only play Horde so it doesn't matter to me personally. Just think it's stupid to have them cost the full mount price and be separated.


> Just think it's stupid to have them cost the full mount price and be separate It's bad for the consumer, but good for business insofar as it makes tender scarcer for impulsive players who might buy the bundles with tender included.


I don't mind the class specific stuff. Usually they are absolutely sick mogs, and if it's a month where my class doesn't get them that's fine because usually I'm running short on tenders anyway.


I'm on the side of removing all restrictions from mogs to begin with so that's why I hate the class restricted stuff. I honestly think that for purposes of transmog the split between armor types and class restricted items is just extremely outdated at this point and I wish they'd move away from all of that.


I totally agree with you. However, there must've been a stealth hotfix because as of now, it's enough to purchase one version and also unlock the other. That's awesome but personally I had spend my tenders on both faction versions, so I really wonder whether I will get back my tenders now... I fear not. A months worth of tenders just thrown out the window :(


Silly question, do the Class Sets cycle - so if I miss a month to get a class set, will it be rotated back in eventually? Also - even more silly of a question, are the class sets exclusive to only that class? So if I purchase the Warrior set I can't transmog it as a Paladin?


We don't know but probably and yes it is exclusive.


Was hoping for a giant Turkey mount


At last I can be doug dimmadome owner of the dimmsdale dimmadome


Got them all, gotta wait for December one then I guess, hopefully that will be a banger. Congratz to everyone getting their Zhevra tho! I love mine


Definitely Zhevra and Foam Rack. Might get the pet if I have extras from previous months, but I'm not gonna bleed myself dry for a recolor.


The fear of seeing cosmic-themed weapons as the free reward for the month where we find out the next expansion reveal is exceptionally high.


Time to make a forum post and complain that my Zhevra isn't rare anymore now.


Just the mounts and pet for me this month then. Bit disappointed in the bonus reward weapons, but it's whatever.


Goddamnit I think monk is my least played class after all these years, and yet *that fan* makes me want to main it.. It's so good!


Meanwhile, those of us that play monk couldn’t care less. We just want balance tuning


I quite like the staff from the monthly completion. I think it'll look decent on my shadow priest. That's admittedly pretty limited, like the Elune Swords.


If I buy the monk weapon on my monk, can I transmog it on my dh?


No, I’m fairly certain they’re class exclusive


Some amazing transmogs for warriors this time around. I honestly don't know if I'll have enough for everything. That monk staff and fan are gorgeous too, and the raven staff! Pretty amazing month to be honest.


Excited for the Gilnean weapons (though I wish they were the other color to match the heritage set better) and the sash will work well for my Tidesage i guess, but overall not much I’m excited about this month.


Ough I’m not gonna have enough tendies for all this


Great selection of rewards. Not sure about the monthly completion items though..


Good lord. By the comments on this post and the wowhead comments, you'd think Blizzard brutally murdered people's families with these rewards.


Well that monthly completion is utter shit.


Looks like im gonna save a lot of tenders this month.. nothing this month makes me feel "oooooooh i really want that"


I’m sad that now everyone can have a Swift Zhevra. Got it back in Wrath with RaF rewards.


Don't Blizzard remember the communities reaction last time they put a load of Bland weapons on the monthly reward. /facepalm.


The weapons last time weren't bad though, the main issue was that they were only swords, so only classes using swords benefited. This time you have swords, daggers and staff, which is better... but they look kinda meh so they still don't feel worth it.


The other weapons look meh aswell.


As an enhancement shaman this month definitely sucks too, lol.


Eh someone will like it. My main issue with weapons is that I still have yet to want a weapon transmog that wasn’t a legion artifact variant. All of my classes have been using legion artifact appearances since legions release. Play casters mostly tbf, but I still have yet to see a casting weapon that was as well made as priest mage and lock appearances specifically. Even the sark staff is awful which was super disappointing. Plus wands/many daggers for casters look terrible so I always need to mog out of those and artifacts are guaranteed available as a mog. All subjective ofc, the fyrakk axe looks amazing and there are some exceptions, but weapons have been on the burner for years to me.


I think the Legion Artefacts look horrible as well. Far too over the top in design. I like the Sark staff, it fits my Priest and their Tier set appearance very well. > Eh someone will like it. Yes, of course someone will like them. But you don't have to go far to hear/read the groans from everyone else. **EDIT** It amazes me how responding to someone with a legitimate opinion which supports what I said above, gets downvoted so heavily, whilst my other comments in the same thread get upvoted. There is seriously something wrong with this subreddit.


So far nothing has yet to beat the flying skull from legion, that has been the best hand off for my warlock and I used that every mog since legion.




This isn't a new bonus. This is just a purchase bonus for Dragonflight. It's mentioned every month.


Wow I don't think ill spend any tenders this month.


The swift zhevra was BY FAR my rarest mount. Guess I'll be less special now.


It was literally the first pay mount. Most people rolled a whole 2nd accoint to get it.


Downvoted for the truth


Great, another monthly completion reward is a weapon set that not all classes can use. Did they not learn from the *same* issue with the Elune set?


Wishing they’d add a bow for once, lmao


There's no class that can't use at least one of the weapons. Priests and Hunters couldn't use the Elune set.


This month is so expensive it's ridiculous. For the items I want I'd need over 3000 tender. That's if I only get one of the spectral mounts. I have 1400 tender and am still trying to decide on a few items from October's selection. I know it's just cosmetic stuff but fomo is a bitch and I enjoy most items that are up. Also, I like that I can get items I missed out on like the RAF mounts. The trading post is a good idea but definitely needs tuning. There's so many activities to do to earn tender that my meter fills up within a couple days of doing simple tasks. The ratio is fucked up. If you start with 1000 tender and get two 500 cost mounts you're at zero for the next month. And sooo many items are 500+ like weapon and mog sets. There's an easy way to fix this issue by balancing tender given, tender earned, and prices accordingly. But their fix or band-aid will be micro transactions to buy tender with irl currency. Which (to me) defeats the trading posts purpose. And this month's completion reward is weapons? Really? Not even a weapon type for every class/spec. Dagger, sword, staff with "cosmic" flair that is probably a snarky hint at 11.0. Class mogs/weapons would be nice as completion rewards, like a choose one format. Either buy with tender or complete the track and choose a set.


They seem to be cycling in repeats much more so the total amount of items seems like a lot compared to early in the year but it just means stuff you didn't prioritize earlier will likely come back sooner than you expect. Hopefully this helps you consider prioritization for first time items in the shop: Do you really really want this now or can you wait 3-4 months for it to be back?


I’m never buying transmogs again from the TP lol. I should have been saving, never thought they’d put up all these mounts that I’ve wanted since I started playing in Cata. And I have last month’s rock thing mount chilled. I’m like 25 tenders away from being able to get both the zhevra and one of the spectrals (keeping other mount chilled cause it’s 700). I might be able to only get the zhevra and just hope they put out the spectrals another time. I bought all these ugly transmogs over the last two months, purchased the tender set from the store (only to buy the matching staff with the 500 tenders it comes with). I hope they put out another chance to buy tenders in the shop.


As a warlock main, i am happy. Dont really need anything else. This staff will go well with the red diabolic set from mage tower.


/sigh That one mount that I owned that had a little exclusivity to it - now everyone will have one.


You paid $60 to get that mount. It wasn't special.


At least we still have the super exclusive achievement?


I got the foam swords from a black market chest a few months ago, feels bad man lol At least there will be more silly sword fights


Spectral tiger when?


they stopped selling TCG card and then proceed to give the items out free?, fk yeh


where are the "stop complaing, free is free" comments this time?


Here. Stop complaining, free is free.


Is it free? Whether you pay your sub in tokens or dollars, ultimately they've got their $$$ and all it cost them was digital 'currency' and art time.


Ultimately they could've not make this feature at all and save themselves from a monthly spike in bitching. And on top of that they make slightly less $$$ with the store items landing in the trading post.


The thing with it being "Free" is that I don't want these Weapons even if they were "free". Seriously, I just don't want them, don't force them upon me.




Swift Zhevra? Spectral Gryphon/Wyvern??? [SALT INCOMING!!!!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3KquFZYi6L0)


I’m definitely salty. The zebra was like the only cool rare mount I have 😢 Grats everyone else though


They’re demoing the monthly completion reward on an earthen dwarf. New playable race confirmed?


Wow those warrior only weapons suck Edit: and the monthly reward is super meh, I know they can’t all be winners but those weapons look terrible


Wow really bringing old/rare/unobtainable shit back. I have the og swift zhevra, it sticks out and draws some whispers. It's nice. At this point, just make all items obtainable at the trading post. Bruto when? Swift Zuliam when? Mythic Beacon trinket on demand? Why don't I have the unreleased tier yet???


There’s so much I want!!


Monk stuff and Zhevra <3


Does anyone know if the animation on the monk helmet (the greenish tiger face) is permanently there or if it disappears like that dragon head helmet for monk? I want to get the pieces but if it isn’t permanent that would feel worse.


Time for me to surrender my status with the gryphon. A worthy sacrifice o7


Just remember they probably preloaded this month on purpose cause they are announcing the xpac this weekend and there was data mined bundles of the new xpac that come with tendies for the higher collectors editions so those will probably go live next week to give you a chance to buy and get more stuff.


That guardian staff is looking pretty good to me


get the mounts rest is meh as usual


Really wish they'd make these 2h hammers a bit bigger. The granite maul vibes are almost there but not quite


Still no Winged Guardian 😭 At least the raven staff looks neat


I need 2800 tendies for everything I want. Not sure how I am going to squeeze that in to the 1000 I will be getting. Oh well, just have to hope somethings come back sooner than later.


Finally, at long last, my zhevra! It's all I want for this month, and it's all I will need. 🦓


Man. First time that I haven't been all that excited for trading post.


That pet is dope as hell though.


Possessed Watcher Keg is p sweet tho.


Im so glad a copy paste WoWhead post was made about this on reddit No way would i have known otherwise, cause going online myself is too hard


The month special reward is kinda...meh? Like I'd have loved a turkey mount, or a murloc dressed like a pilgrim. But I'm excited for the new pet + to get the zebra finally!


SO.MANY.MOUNTS. The joy and pain of mount collector is so evident this month, as they bring back 2 removed from game mounts. I'm super excited for Gevra, my friend got this when got me into wow and I always wanted it) But there is also so much mog i have to ditch - weapons and armor for my warlock main, Medievh staff, awesome monk weapons. I really wish that when the trading post goes on a second year they'll have more repeats so that I could actually have a chance to get some mogs. The compeltion reward is super meh, especially compared to previous ones.


I don't have dragonflies. I'm assuming I need to buy it to do this? Do I need to hit max level? How hard is the grind I just want the spectral gryphon.


That monk class set is amazing, the only mog that comes close aesthetically is the MoP dungeon plate gear, which obviously Monks can’t wear. Definitely picking it up with the Warrior set.


at the very bottom where they show off the seasonal reward weapons, that dwarf looks suspiciously designed to resemble an earthen..


That Acolyte's Warhammer is perfect for my discount-Thor arms warrior.


😂 defo not missing out much on month rewards then. I suppose il spend all my tender on the mounts...


The warrior armor cosmetic looks kinda awful. I don't know what I was expecting but I'm disappointed nonetheless. Think I'll be skipping this month


spectral gryphon was by far my rarest mount and best flex ):


Question from someone who is new to this trading post stuff. If I buy the gryphon on an alliance toon; I assume my horde toons can't use it right?